Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance T2 Dominion of Xagobah & Athos IV

Location: Xagobah
Objective: Aggressive Negotiations | Warlord Kar Va
Allies: @Michael Sardun [member="Chaal Narsadal"]

While the Jedi Master was tempoarily detained by [member="Chaal Narsadal"], Omega Pyre Prex Aeron Kreelan was at the forward encampment where Alliance and other contracted parties were working together to see how to take down the Warlord Kar Va and his small empire of thugs. They had to plan this accordingly, and having everyone on deck was going to help them succeed.

A few members from the New Jedi Order as well as several Bounty hunters wanting to capture Warlord Kar Va and his motley crew of slavers. Money would be paid out to those who were able to bring them in - alive- so that they could face a fair trial and imprisonment.

Kal Blonde

You gonna bark all day little doggie? Or are you g
Objective: Change over of the Guard:
Xagobah Orbit
Alliance Carrier | Hanger Bay
Post: |V

"Sir yes sir!" Kal called, replying to the newcomer, "Our ground forces received all toiletries and medical supplies on time, and on schedule." then paused, "Speaking of tpiletries, apologies sirs, and ma'ams, but I should be going." he said, before briskly marching to the nearest toilet. Already, as soon as he exited the small gathering, he could feel his turd puncturing his muscle. Oh lordy! This was a big one!

Once round the corner, Kal sprinted to the nearest thunderbox, and squeezed out the largest deuce in living memory. When the pilot returned from washing his hands, he could feel his cavity was prolapsed by the girth of his bowel movement. When he came out, he once again ran, toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe, all the way to the hangar bay. Once there, he began, in earnest to find a place to sit. "Bugger!" he muttered.

[member="Choli Vyn"]|[member="Asmus Janes"]| [member="Owen Holst"]
Post: 3/25
Location: Athos IV
Objective: Rebuild the Shattered Lands
Allies: Galactic Alliance [member="Saffron"]
Enemies: Unknown

"Anything about the contaminant profiles? How good is the match?" she asked the environmental chemist.

"It's almost perfect: the only contaminant found in the fuel and not in the air is, as you suspected: with a high flash point"

"Any estimates as to how much does reconstruction cost?" she asked the civil engineer.

"Estimated cost of decontamination and reconstruction: over 3 billion"

"3 billion? How are we to find financial backers to rebuild such an industrial area? How much is Mara TibX Fuels willing to spend?"

Perhaps... perhaps Cathul undertook this mission on Athos IV so as to redeem her in Alliance eyes, knowing that her status in the Alliance hangs entirely on how she handles IGR as a business. The financial circles of the Alliance never quite swallowed the loss of a major corporation to Mandalorian hands despite Cathul keeping her promise of keeping the headquarters on Malastare. For this mission, she brought in a team with an environmental chemist, as well as a civil engineer, from the Azure government labs, with expertise in large-scale public works. But she opens a channel to [member="Saffron"], because vital information pertaining to the reconstruction of the Shattered Lands must be shared with all parties to its reconstruction. Cathul was not a stranger to large-scale public works: the big expenditures during her entire tenure as governor of Azure were all about public works. Now she feels that Azure could sustain only a few million in population at best, but that doesn't change the fact that she spent years doing public works in addition to spamming Force-healing.

"Greetings, Saffron. For rebuilding the Shattered Lands, IGR Brokerage estimates the cost of complete reconstruction to an inhabitable state to over 3 billion credits. We found that the contaminant profile of the fuel and that of the air match almost perfectly"
Post 3
So there was going to be an afterparty where all the Rogues celebrated their new leader, and Owen was far from ready for it. Owen had given a salute, held a sloppy hand by his forehead before it slumped down to grab onto his cane again. The room was starting to spin and he took a deep breath to get himself re-centered again. He leaned heavy on it for support. Keeping up with the others wasn’t that big of an ordeal, but he was certainly not in his prime shape.

The hanger was around the corner and…

Kal Blonde rushed away.

Owen raised his brow, not really having listened to what the new guy said.

“What was wrong with hi-” The man rounded the corner towards the ‘lavatories.’ A quiet “Ohh…” parted the Lieutenant’s lips. “I see, he needed to… Well, why didn’t he just say so?”

He chuckled. “So, have I missed anything while out cold?”

“Turns out, I have a particular weakness to baseball bats hitting my head. Who would have thunk it, right?”

[member="Choli Vyn"] // [member="Asmus Janes"] // [member="Kal Blonde"] // [member="Vance Caydence"]​

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Location: Xagobah
Objective: Aggressive Negotiations
Allies: [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Chaal Narsadal"]

In a different life, a different time, Sardun would have looked down upon Chaal.

He had been arrogant, filled with hubris and the subtle thoughts of superiority- they can't help it, the Jedi would have mused to himself, and I can't expect them to be better. But that was a long time ago and Michael was a different man now. His hubris had been burned out of him and a life in the gutter had changed his views on the downtrodden and the rascals.

"An extra pair of blasters is always appreciated, Hunter Narsadal." Sardun responded, inclining his head in greeting. It was a little surprising how much Chaal seemed to care - the Jedi could clearly sense the fury and indignation.

A different Sardun would have judged him for his anger, but this one understood the fury intimately.

"No apology necessary," Michael looked around for a moment. Every single scene showed him the death and destruction sowed by the Warlord they were hunting. "But we are to take him alive; a fair trial followed by imprisonment."

Their eyes met.

"We cannot become that which we fight, do you understand?"

Past the Rodian and the slumped forms of Xamsters, Sardun briefly noticed blonde hair radiating through the smoke and fire. The Prex herself, then.

"Come, I was about to meet with the Omega Pyre contact here."
Location: Xagobah, Mazariyan
Objective: Humanitarian Aid
Allies: N/A

"We have set up the camp as requested, miss Sarova."

"Excellent. Have we run into any issues yet?"

"Not as... such." The Alliance scientist seemed to be worried though. She could sense it vaguely through the air- it was salt and burning, it was anxiety in its most potent form. Sarova looked up from the holographic map, swiping away the remnants into one of the folders; storing it for another time.

"What's on your mind... Sterich, was it?"

"Yes, ma'am." Sterich nodded dutifully, before resting his hands on his hips and then he began to pace. Up and down, left and right before the table itself. "We knew going into this that the Mazariyan was alive; all the ancient data told the same tale and what we got from the Xamsters living nearby only confirms this."

The woman nodded, but didn't interrupt him.

"The Alliance did not stipulate a specific course of action here, ma'am. We are to learn as much as possible- that was the only objective placed before us." Again Cerita nodded- it was one of the few reasons she decided to cooperate with the Alliance on this particular mission, a certain level of flexibility was necessary when dealing with scientific pursuits.

"But now that I am looking at it... I am hearing some of our colleagues discussing possible methods to neutralize the Mazariyan."

"And... you don't agree with this course of action?" Ceri brought up, while studying the Twi'lek; difficult with his filter mask on, but doable by paying attention to the empathetic link.

"No!" Sterich almost shouted, before sheepishly scratching at the edge of his mask. It seemed to be irritating his skin just a touch. "No," He repeated.

"We should study it, learn from it and if possible contain it, so it won't be a threat to the Xamsters anymore."

"It's carnivorous, though, it hunts the Xamsters that come close."

Now there seemed to be something of purring pleasure radiating away from the Twi'lek. Almost as if he had been waiting for exactly this counter-point, before springing his own idea on her. She shouldn't have been surprised, Sterich had always seemed to be the more.... emotionally intelligent one of the scientists assigned to her.

"I... may have found a solution to that, ma'am." He pulled out a data chip from his pocket and extended it towards her.
Location: Athos IV
Objective: The Shattered Lands

Team Besh came to a stop by the sandy beach that led to the toxic sea. This was a small team of a dozen PharmaTech and MaraTibx employees. They had with them different droid probes for the testing and collection of samples. A few were made to be dropped into the sea itself to scan for local wildlife. Others would be utilized to gather core samples of the ground and to check for any microscopic lifeforrms.

Their past experiences in extreme and toxic environments had proven that there may very well be life in such conditions. What mattered was determining just what were the lifeforms, how they managed to survive, and what would be the cause and effect of restoring and removing the toxins from the environment to these lifeforms? It has been proven that life will always find a way; and some extreme environments still could very well be biodome of life.
Objective: Change over of the Guard:
Xagobah Orbit
Alliance Carrier | Hanger Bay
[member="Vance Caydence"] [member="Kal Blonde"] [member="Owen Holst"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

| 9 |

"Well when you gotta go, you gotta go," the brunette said as she did her best to keep her chuckles to herself. Honestly, they'd all been in the same situation one time or another. That was the trouble of being caught in a chain of saluting when one had to go to the head. Everyone at one time had almost chit their pants because of some delay or a four hour ceremony where they had to stand at parade rest through the whole thing.

"Don't worry Owen, you'll still get all the girls." Choli would say encouragingly. Up ahead the double doors that would lead to the hanger and the rest of the crew standing in file. Upon opening the doors, Choli gave a slight wince. All eyes came looking at them, including [member="Vance Caydence"]. Seems like he was one of the few that actually got there on time.

"Hell." Choli said, giving an apologetic look. "Come on!" she called the rest of the Rogues tagging behind her to move forward. [member="Kal Blonde"] wouldn't need to go far to catch up with them.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: Xagobah
Objective: Aggressive Negotiations
Allies:[member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Chaal Narsadal"], [member="Michael Sardun"]

Speaking of not becoming what you hunt,

A painful shriek would reach them, a scream of a man dying in enough pain to raise over the cacophony of the battlefield. They could hear heavy footsteps then, something large or heavy approaching closer and closer to their position, unseen from somewhere behind the barricades of rubble and the fog of war. The closer the footsteps got, the louder did the screams of pain, along with the thundering sound of something smashing, shattering.


One of the warlord's soldiers flew over a small hill of a turned over vehicle and some rubble from the assault on the warlord's position, he landed near the Jedi and the bounty hunter, unconscious, his armored plate was broken with a bloody rectangular hole at its center, as if someone punched their way clean through the armor suit.

Finally the source of the disturbance would become visible to them, as around the corner a tall, armored figure would appear, vast collection of armament hanging off either strapped to him or attached through magnetic hardpoints. He was wearing an old, old suit of Protectorate Power Armor, the old markings of the Protectorate still visible on them, although most plates were tarnished or discolored from burns, still with each of his steps clinked lightly a collection of medals and commendations pinned on his chestplate. The armored machine was dragging a lifeless body of a thug with him, his hand still clenched tightly around the soldier's neck, another thug was following the droid, screaming out a desperate warcry as he spewed multiple blaster bolts into the droid.

Sardun was the first person the droid saw and he released the thug he was dragging along, picking up his pace as he moved closer towards Michael, the warlord's soldier following him, still firing into the droid's plates but the machine ignored him,

"You there!"

HK spoke through the serenade of PEW-PEW-PEW from the bolts fired at him,

"Yes, you madame!"

He addressed Michael, PEW-PEW-PEW,

"Can you direct me-"


"To your superior, I wish to-"


"Join your army-"

PEW-PEW, finally the droid snapped, using his inhumane speed both from his mechanical body and the rotors within his power armor he spun on his feet and pounced on the soldier, immediately knocking the man to the ground with a cracking sound of either the thug's armor plates or bones under the weight of the armored droid. The salvo of the blaster bolts finally stopped as the blaster was knocked from his hands.

"I am trying-"

The droid reached down to the soldier's head, gripping his helmet tightly,

"-to talk."

He scolded the slaver and proceeded to twist off his helmet with the man's head still attached, which resulted in a very sickly sound of bones breaking and the muscles and skin being ripped. Before too long the machine succeeded in his task, and he was kneeling on the headless body of the thug, looking back to Michael, the blood staining the machine's armor in crimson red, still holding tightly the helmet with the man's head in his hands.

"So where do I sign up?"

HK chirped, looking Chaal he tossed the helmet with the bloodied head and portion of the spine to the Rodian bounty hunter,

"There you go, sweetie, do not spend it all in one place."

This was the story of how HK got involved with the Galactic Alliance
Post: 4/25
Location: Athos IV
Objective: Rebuild the Shattered Lands
Allies: Galactic Alliance [member="Saffron"]
Enemies: Unknown

"Commence the fuel recovery: the presence of contaminants in the fuel seem not to affect its properties as fuel that much"

IGR is a relative unknown in the galaxy as far as land reclamation is concerned; soon the Alliance will have a new company for land reclamation, or so Cathul hoped. Even though IGR is still Alliance in nature, Cathul could find it inappropriate to have a homestead on Malastare just to appease Alliance authorities or the Malastarian public. If she had to guess, she acts as a light-sider would; that's the one thing that made Cathul suffer less backlash in Alliance-land than if she was a dark-sider. Even so she is still not welcome on Malastare for some reason. For now, Cathul is concentrating in breaking up the contaminants' molecular bonds around that puddle of contaminants using the Force. Since she seemed to know way more about chemistry, condensed matter and physics than the average Jedi or Sith, she has a better grasp of how to detoxify poisons, as is the case here; she would probably have been a condensed matter or AMO theorist were it not of her desire to help people. While the equipment for recovering the spilled fuel is being activated, another member of the team is mapping out the pools of fuel so as to estimate the number of Hedeek containers required for containment.

"Your Grace, we need about 350 containers to capture all the fuel in this area. I therefore request permission to buy those empty containers"

"Permission granted"

Post 2/20
Location: Xagobah
Objective: Aggressive Negotiations
Allies: Michael Sardun , Aeron Kreelan , HK-36

Chaal had always been told by his mother about the Jedi and that they were to be respected. Chaal may not have understood the force or agreed with the Jedi's every belief, but they were still to be respected. "Of course Master Jedi, as long as he's neutralized." He nodded as he followed Sardun to the soldiers before the droid joined them. When he was handed the head, Chaal quickly tossed the head to the side and gave the droid a serious look. "Can you not call me sweetie?" He said a bit annoyed but kept his cool, not wanting to embarrass himself on his first job.
[Member="Choli Vyn"]
Objective: Change over of the Guard:
Xagobah Orbit
Alliance Carrier | Hanger Bay
[member="Vance Caydence"] [member="Kal Blonde"] [member="Owen Holst"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

Illunto Bo was the sullustan CAG of the ship. Asmus was glad there weren't too many people around for this. He'd walked between two lines of crew members. Mostly pilots, but a handful of senior officers and deck crew as well. Bo had a habit of talking. A lot.

As Asmus cane to stand before the sullustan, Bi have him a wide smile.

"[Look at that! Turns out your nose was straight after all,]" he said in this native tongue, just loud enough for those closest to hear.

"Indeed. [member="Allyson Locke"] had me convinced it was broken four times over and would never be right again"

"[We couldn't have had that now could we?]" Bo whispered. He looked around to see who was present. ”[Thank you all for coming today. Whilst we're all going to miss having Russo behind a stick it's time to reorganise the squadron and bring in new leadership. When I first met Janes...]"

Ah hell. He has a whole speech planned. And embarrassing stories. I can see it in his eyes. Asmus thought.
Objective: Change of the Guard
Tags: [member="Asmus Janes"]

Allyson yawned and regretted not grabbing her datapad. Stuff like this was always boring and she couldn't believe they had locked things down forcing her to show up. She had just gotten in a few new decals fo her X-Wing, mostly because she was told she couldn’t put them on there. She was going to stick them everywhere and then laugh as she was fined for it. The defiant Corellian looked towards the ceiling as she tried to count down the days for some of the after market incom parts to come in. If she as going to fly a hunk of junk, she was going to make it a nice hunk of junk.

Everything was starting and speeches were going to happen, it was then her name was mentioned and she remarked quickly. “It still curves to the left, but it's still adorable.” [member="Asmus Janes"] just had that effect on her even with Kaili being the person that Allyson would pick over everyone. Inhaling deeply, she sighed and crossed Janes off the ‘Possibly do again’ list. Oh well, he was now going to be her boss in the scheme of things.

In the back of her mind she wondered what Kaili was doing and Allyson mentally cursed herself for not bringing her com device with her.

Kal Blonde

You gonna bark all day little doggie? Or are you g
Objective: Change over of the Guard:
Xagobah Orbit
Alliance Carrier | Hanger Bay
Post: V

The pilot tagged behind, watching the plump, cushy rears of Rogue Squadron swaggering forward to the hangar by. This was what he looking forward to. Not perving on the Galactic Alliances finest, though that was a plus. No, just the fact he had, at least in his mind, impressed them with his diligence to duty. Particularly when he'd been facing an emergency with his sewerage. When the group entered the hangar, Kal toddled behind, noting that the whole hangar was filling. Oh God, where could he stand? Where was he going to stand?

He looked for his squadron,they'd be in formation. He found them, and a brief moment of relief came over before he found her! Kal looked on his squadron in a mix horror and unstoppable rage as he realized they were full. Karking Jerord Guuld, the bloody pissant of a squad leader had brought his latest fling as a "plus one". This was infuriating, as Kal, to stand with his squad, would be in the middle, jutting out. And there was no way he was going to have that happen. "Stupid karkin' bastards. Hope they all get karked by razor rancor pricks." Kal muttered darkly to himself. Luckily, he already had a contingency in mind. Using his mighty midget feet to run up to Rogue Squadron but still stayed a good distance behind. From there, he hoped he'd be able to blend into the group as a straggler, hoping that their crippled friend wouldn't make it. With bendy nose out of the way, they' have a spare space for Kal. Sure they'd be awkward questions, but it was better than nothing.


Disney's Princess
Dancing River Lights
Athos IV

The objective was to create an NJO presence.

Here. Nearer the Shattered Lands. Nearer where the sky danced and twinkled. Just a stones throw from the crystal and ore deposits that marked this land plentiful. Here. Near the river bend. Under the dancing river lights.

Construction was going swimmingly, by the way. Spacecraft of every kind brought the raw materials into the large maw that was the new NJO hanger bay. Situated just above the water's edge and dug deep into the mountain side. This new and thriving hanger was the perfect overlook up and out onto the river's edge. A mouth above the water. A home along the bend.

Karen Roberts stood inside the large mountainous bay. Waving her hand about to organize the easy mess that was the delivery schedule. Jedi Master Tam Ba'tin had seen to her work duties and given her the assignment. It was an easy enough job for an Independent Member of the Galactic Alliance. All Karen had to do was make sure they had a place for everything. Keep track of the supplies and raw materials. Shuffle things around if they needed to make room. That sort of thing.

"No no. Over there Kellar. That pallet is outgoing. Not incoming. Place it down next to the other ones, yes."

"Roger that."

The large lift vehicle shuffled past Karen and placed it's heavy load down nearer the other outgoing pallets. The driving was doing his best not to get in the way. Since most of the new construction was still taking place deeper in the mountain? There was plenty of crates, and people, and loose supplies around to be weary of. Best not to step on any toes.

"Roberts!?" A woman's voice called from the bay tower's door.

"Yo!" Karen motioned in reply.

"Ba'tin wants to see you over in Hallway Four. She says to bring your folder too."

"Okay! Got it!"

Karen turned and motioned to the driver. He nodded his understanding and began to unpack the other pallets on his own. She'd be back in a second.

"Grim. Take over for me, yeah. Ba'tin wants me over on four. ...And uh. Just make sure those new pallets make it out on the six o'clock train yeah."

"Yep. You got it. Six o'clock shipment it is. Thanks Karen."


Business as usual.

As Karen grabbed her clipboard from the loading dock she couldn't help but scoff at how tired she felt. Athos IV had very, very high gravity. Bleh. It made everything she did all the more tiring. Heck. Just walking over to hallway four, a ten minute jaunt, seemed to take forever.

"What a horrible planet. Bah. Screw walking. ...No. Next time. I'm bringing a skateboard. Feth."

She shuffled out of the busy hanger bay and deeper into the mountain fortress. She had a Jedi Master to catch.


Post: 5/25
Location: Athos IV
Objective: Rebuild the Shattered Lands
Allies: [member="Saffron"]
Enemies: Unknown

While Cathul's underling ordered containers for liquid confinement, en route from Malastare, Cathul began to use what chemical knowledge she had of the processes of poison detoxification. They have to be adapted for each poison - her style of Force-usage was highly systematic, much more so than for other Force-users she has known in her lifetime. But Cathul always seems to suffer from having more knowledge than power to act on it, at least when going beyond the medical or the following five spells: Force-refraction, pyro/cryokinesis, Force-horror and Electric Judgment. Speaking of Electric Judgment, she fires a round of chain-targeted Electric Judgment at a pack of animal pests, knowing that the first target will be more affected than each target that follows it, since the target's body will absorb some charge but not all of it. That called for solving for Maxwell's equartions (as well as ther corollaries, Gauss, Ampere, Biot-Savart, and, to make matters worse, in matter) for each target in the chain when casting Electric Judgment on a chain of targets.

"You just zapped scavenger animals using chain lightning! I thought I would never see that from you!" the civil engineer told Cathul.

"This is the sort of thing I would expect from World of Build-a-bear Knights, not from an actual space witch!" the environmental chemist later added.

"You know about my background as a Witch by now. My power is insufficient to decontaminate the entire region, I'm afraid, but I'll do what I can"

"The last owner was a space wizard but it's as if he wasn't: he never used space magic the way you do"
Post: 1/??
Location: Xagobah
Objective: Test out a new strain of Sithspawn (per the added objective to attack my lab on Xagobah)
Allies: None
Enemies: GA people investigating

"Well?" she asked, her voice modulated and her face hidden behind her mask. The main scientist that had been working with her to keep the transformation and breeding processes stable looked back at her nervously, some fidgeting. What they had done to those Sluissi taken from Sluis Van... the man could say it was only one thing and that was evil. They had twisted and played with the innocent beings, all under the watchful and warping powers of this Sith and her master.

"The first batch are complete," he answered finally. "We sent the process along to the coordinates you designated... along with most of the other captives and subjects... but what we did to them..."

"Was necessary, my good doctor," she replied, looking over at the robed figure that was present via hologram. The being's face was obscured from those in the lab, but it spoke with great authority.

"The Alliance are deploying assets to the system, I believe it would be a fine time to test our newest creations on them," the robed figured stated. "Eldaah, be sure to gather data and scrub the lab down. It will be useless to our future plans with the world under the control of the Alliance."

"Of course, my Master," Eldaah replied, the image fading out. She grinned behind her mask, looking forward to the opportunity to test out their latest monsters on the Alliance. They had uncovered the operation on Sluis Van and shut it down, so she fully expected a response force to be coming to this location. "Release the first batch out into the area and evacuate back to our fallback location."

The other scientists started to move, many of them pleased with the results, but the head scientist stayed put. He wanted to say something, to try and stop this madness... An alarm started to blare as the containment units were opened, releasing the specimens into the facility itself and the surrounding landscape. The corrupted and twisted Sluissi would prove a challenge for any that came.

OOC: These are the strengths and weaknesses I have on the species sub I have in a Word doc. All I ask is that, when encountered, everything isn't immediately known by those who do encounter them

[SIZE=9pt]+ Armored plates can take several blaster bolts or slugthrower rounds or blows from a melee weapon, including a few glancing blows from a lightsaber[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Front arm appendages are incredibly sharp and slice through some medium armors and allow the creature to climb vertical surfaces[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can fire the spines (35cm long) on its back at enemies or prey at high speeds[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can move very quickly over unobstructed terrain[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Spines are also coated in a Sith poison designed to infect a target with the dark side[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Constantly at the ready to fight due to their altered endocrine and adrenal systems[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]+ Gaps exist in the armor plating on the creature, and if an attack gets through the gap, the creature’s skin won’t save it all[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ To fire its spines, the creature needs to bend its head down, giving a possible target some warning the attack is coming[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ While it can move fast over unobstructed terrain, terrain that is rocky or otherwise uneven will force the creature to move much slower[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Arm appendages, while strong and reinforced by Sith alchemy performed on the Sluissi, are only made of bone. A lightsaber can carve right through them and they can break against a strong enough metal or armor[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ If exposed to extreme cold such as on Hoth or carbonite weapons, the creature will become extremely lethargic, its bone appendages and armor plates will become brittle and shatter at the slightest touch[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Tire out in prolonged engagements[/SIZE]

Post 4​

“As if.” Owen chuckled back at Choli’s words of encouragement. “I am not sure you’ve noticed, but I look more like a Korriban mummy than a man right now.”

The man was deeply amused by his own remark but found little time to laugh at it. The doors to the hangar swept open and Owen found himself squinting to block the lights out. His head throbbed for a second, the palm of his hands grew sweaty as if he had a fever. Apologetic looks went out to those around him and somehow he felt them all return right back at him. He got into position and looked towards the stage, or at least it seemed like a stage. Things were hazy.

A good kind of hazy, but hazy.

The meds must have started to kick in. Relief was coming in a few moments to be sure. A playful look spanned the room as Owen held back his grin. He shifted his feet and with a gentle lean on his cane he could easily make the symptoms of his wound seem just a little bit worse than it was.

Let it never be said that Owen Holst wasn’t a sucker for attention.

[member="Allyson Locke"] // [member="Kal Blonde"] // [member="Choli Vyn"] // [member="Asmus Janes"] // [member="Vance Caydence"]​
Location: Xagobah Orbit
Objective: Change Over of the Guard
Allies: [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Owen Holst"] [member="Vance Caydence"] [member="Kal Blonde"] [member="Allyson Locke"]

Bridge, Unyielding-class Command Cruiser Rebel's Hope
High Orbit, Xagobah, Mayagil Sector, Outer Rim

Just a few weeks into his first command in the Galactic Alliance, and Captain Zark Pulsar had already lost Rogue Leader.

The cruiser's bridge was a flurry of activity this time of day, the Xagobah system's lone sun basking technicians and junior officers at their stations in an azure glow. Although they had dropped from hyperspace several hours ago to rendezvous with the larger peacekeeping and humanitarian flotilla orbiting the Xamster homeworld, the Hope's logistical responsibilities as well as the day to day demands of running a starship had kept the Captain delayed at his post far longer than he had expected. Zark supposed he shouldn't place too much blame on Commander Russo for his added woes. From her record, she had acquitted herself above and beyond as Rogue Squadron's commanding officer, and if the rumors were true and Incom had offered him that type of salary, all the Jedi oaths in the verse couldn't have kept him in the Navy. Signing a watch log and returning it to the ensign who's briefing he had been half paying attention to, he checked his chronometer and cursed.

"Commander!" he called, drawing the attention of the sneering duros watching over the bridge crew with hawklike intensity, "I am expected below for the ceremony."

"Ah yes, of course, my apologies," Commander Stazi finally replied after he had walked over to stand beside his captain, in a tone that suggested he wasn't really sorry at all, "I was supposed to remind you."

"Now now, Mazik. We can't expect you to handle everything," Zark said, knowing full well how much the executive officer despised him taking such a familiar tone at their post, "Otherwise the crew might get the impression that you're the one in command. You have the con until my return."


Reasonably certain that Stazi wouldn't lead a mutiny in the next hour or so, Captain Pulsar shifted his attention from worrying about his command staff to other problems as he headed for the turbolift. Today was the day Lieutenant Asmus Janes would officially take on the mantle of Commander of Rogue Squadron. Expected to preside over the promotion ceremony, Zark nonetheless expected the Hope's CAG to handle most of the personal touches. Not only did he not yet know his pilots very well, he and Lieutenant Janes hadn't exactly gotten off to an ideal start. The first time they had met, it had been just after he had escalated a bar fight on Arrgaw, the same fight Asmus had been injured in. During his well intentioned but rather archaically brusque attempts to provide medical attention, the Captain had received a rude gesture involving the soon to be Rogue Leader's middle finger. Janes hadn't known who Zark was and the circumstances had been extreme, but nonetheless he hoped that today marked a fresh start.

If only so the continuous hazing would finally stop.

Flight Deck

Small as she was, the Rebel's Hope could only house and field two squadrons of starfighters at a time. The starboard hangar belonged to the Rogues, the port squadron rotated on a semi-regular basis. But when the birds weren't being worked on or prepped for flight and were squared away, the hangar could fit considerably more than twenty four people. Several other squadrons from the fleet had been invited to witness the change over, for it was always a happy occasion when a squadron command needed replacing because the former pilot had retired rather than been killed.

Seeing a few familiar faces amongst a sea of strangers, Captain Pulsar made his way straight from the turbolift towards the CAG, a Sullustan legacy by the name of Illunto Bo. Zark had brought in many of his own people to serve on the Hope when he had first taken command, but he had had also been careful to give the Rogues a wide berth when it came to those who worked with them directly, and had left the CAG posting be. If the Rogues worked well with him, that was good enough for the Captain. Unfortunately that meant he didn't know the Sullustan well yet either, and as he approached Illunto and realized he was in the middle of a speech about the Lieutenant's exploits, he held off on making his presence loudly known.

There would be time for his official words on the matter soon enough, for now he would let them enjoy the moment of camaraderie.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Location: Xagobah
Objective: Aggressive Negotiations
Allies: [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Chaal Narsadal"] | [member="HK-36"]

His hand instinctively went to the hammer hanging from his belt, once the shouts of gunfire reached him.

Yet, it seemed that HK-36 had everything under control, using his frame to draw the bullets to himself. It was strange to him regardless, why wouldn't he have neutralized the raider a few miles back? It wasn't his place to question the ways of the Omega Pyre mercenaries, though, and as far as Sardun knew 36 was one of the Omega Pyre.

The memories of the Iron Lord reached far as far as Sardun was concerned.

"You are welco-" Then the droid blurred in motion, using his strength and speed, to execute the raider and... cutting his head off. The Jedi's face showed little in the way of emotions, impassively he observed as said helmeted head was thrown to the bounty hunter at his side, before being discarded entirely.

"That was not necessary, friend." Sardun finally responded, before looking past him towards the form of Aeron and her mercenaries, it seemed they were fortifying the base camp. "Even the common raider has a right to due process."

"Another pair of hands, made of iron or flesh, are quite welcome though. Follow, please."

After which the Jedi Master resumed his track to the Prex. From one, his group had grown to two and now three, only a portion of him was amused- the bigger part was more worried about the responsibilities.

"Prex Kreelan," He called out. "We are ready to move out."

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