Sempra the Hutt
A very hutty hutt!
Gos Hutta
The gateway to Bootana Hutta
This was where the sly eyes of the Hutt cartel was turning next.
To hold dominance over Gos Hutta was the same as being trusted to keep the ancient hutt traditions safe from foreign powers.
If the new Hutt cartel could assure and prove to the hutt ruling council that they were true defenders of this region the council would alow their warships to assume a leading role in its protection. And with that came influence and power over the core worlds of hutt space.
This was not only the gateway to the gardens of hutts, this was the gateway and staging point to reach into the homeworld of the hutts.
This was perhaps the most crucial point of interest the cartel had undertaken since its creation.
Allies and enemies are all welcome - all posts count toward the inevitable dominion.If there is PvP - be polite and make OOC contact with each other to avoid drama please.
100 posts per writer - multiple characters are encouraged but remember to count all posts written by you in the post count.
Objective A - A walk in the park
the surface of these planets contain luxuary gardens as well as mighty fortresses. It is imperative for the hutts to be seen and simply show off on the surface. Attend the palace garden of the Usilic family where the supreme Mogul has financed the construction of grand golden statue of the historical hero Kossak the hutt, made in pure gold. Hutts are natural guests of this event and other species may attend as bodyguards, spies for the kajidics or slave servants tending to the need of the guests. Political/social RP.
Objective B - patrol duty (dog fight)
Gos Hutta holds multiple space stations to secure the hutt warships with fuel and provide defense in case the region is attacked, something that is unlikely. Not even the Vong forces managed to breach the security of the hutt gardens. But the area is often visited by looters and thives trying to get inside the gardens to spirit away some of the ancient treasures of the hutts. Patrol the borders hunt them, capture them, destroy them... give them a hard time escaping the region.
Objective C - station rumble
The cartel has found that a space station close in orbit has an uncharted spice market. And their cantina is very generous with drinks.
Head in there and party! And while you are at it, find a customer or two...
Objective D - The jedaii presence
Created for [member="Hakora Vex"] (ask for invite)
There is a rumor about a jedi agent infiltrator on the station. Smoke him out and capture or kill it without witnesses.
Objective E - find the treasure
The region is filled with ancient treasure and artifacts. Ancient hutt ruins and shipwrecks from past wars are there for the taking. Either to steal away or to bring to the hutts for a heft reward.
Objective F - The thing!
Yeah... do your own thing!