Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The gateway [Hutt Cartel Dominion of Gos Hutta]

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
Location: Space Station
Objective: D
Allies: Hutt Cartel
Enemies: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Daniel Tresk"]

As Vex waited his thoughts were interrupted by a lowly bounty hunter. He returned the call, but not over the comm. He used his slicing ability to link comms to him and spoke not out of anger or even frustration, but as one speaks business to another. "I do not know who you are which means you are of no importance. For poking your nose into affairs that do not concern you and flaunting your arrogance thinking you could be ether of or equals you may now finish your business and get off my station. You have 20 minutes, just like her."

Vex then ended the connection and began slicing into the security main frame, something he had planned to do anyways. He found the command panel for the security droids which was a large amount. He then tapped into the security feed and tracking system and began a search for where the original call came from. Once the target was located, the security feed would provide a location and picture and the security droids would hunt down the bounty hunter. A station of this size had endless droids. This command would take the full 20 minutes to go into effect and would remain processing unless Vex ended it. He decided to ice the cake and put a few of his own Trojans he had gained from his position in the Cartel that if another slicer that was untrained properly would miss at least one and it would attack their own personal system.

He returned to the matter at hand where he greeted his target with a smile. "You assume that you being on time that I would let them go? I merely said 'I' would not kill them. The rest that follows comes from the choices you make. Now, you can make this a lot easier on yourself and me if you just surrender now. We both know that even though you are a lightsider, you are not selfless enough to surrender and save these innocent lives, but I must warn you. I am like no other you have met before from the Cartel. I may not be as strong as you, as fast as you, or even as smart as you, but what I am is someone who follows through with things and has no care for human life so think on this before you speak."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Orbiting space station
Objective: D (Gather intel and escape)
Posts: 4

She took a brief opportunity to look at the hostages. Eight in total, four of each gender. That was no accident. It was carefully planned out. As was the covered cage within which one could guess would be some type of animal. Most likely a vicious one too.

As soon as Hakora started speaking, Kay turned her attention back to him. He seemed to indicate that whatever she chooses could make him decide to start killing the hostages through some sort of indirect means. And in doing so he would try to direct the blame on her and make her feel guilty about it. This was all a game about control and power.

She did a bit of a double-take as he spoke of her being a lightsider. How did he know? Was it just a guess? As far as she was aware, the only one close to the Cartel that knew was Jaster and he promised not to tell anyone. Having such a fact well known was enough to get her removed from the Senate. But what to do now?

To what could be Hakora's surprise, Kay let go of her blaster and slowly pulled her hand out of her satchel. It was time to see how true to his word he was. Her body tensed a little as she raised up her hands, unsure of what could happen next. "I don't know how you knew that I was here, but you don't know me as well as you might think. I would rather do this the easy way instead of the hard way. Spare their lives as you said you would....Please." It was unfair that her weaknesses were easy to figure out, but in due time, she could learn his.

[member="Hakora Vex"]
Location: Space Station, Heading To Cantina.
Objective: C.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Opposing Spice Dealers.
NPC: 10 Guards + Crew On The Kossak.
Posts: 3/20

Luckily for Cadan, he had reserved the go-ahead to dock. He chose to ignore the raving lunatic on the other end of the comm, although maybe he could use some spice to calm him down? Cadan pushed the thought aside, he was sure that he would find someone to sell to in the cantina.

As he moved about the station, another voice was shouting throughout the station, something about hostages and a Kay person.

Soon Cadan arrived at the cantina, and sat down at the bar. "Whiskey." The pirates said as he placed a cigar in his mouth, his eyes scanning the room for anyone who look as though they needed some spice.

[member="Daniel Tresk"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Objective A
Location: Landing on Gos Hutta
Post 3/20


As the shuttle descended upon the planet a small crowd had gathered on the near by square. Sempra took a deep breath and prepared to exit the shuttle. his usual entourage of servant-slaves linger in close proximity.

Sempra turned his head to his body guard [member="Ashalah Ky"]

"We are treading upon hutt sacred ground miss Ky. that means that assassins are everywhere. My enemies are many and members of other Kajidic are becoming increasingly nervous about my rise in power. Keep your eyes open but also keep in mind that I am here to make an appearance of strength, not of cowardice." the hutt issued to his trustee. He knew she could do the job as body guard, but she was inexperienced on true hutt ground. so were most of his cartel and it was a weakness that he always had to count on as his influence grew closer and closer to the core planets of Hutt space.

"Remember, it is an honor to serve as my personal bodyguard and this appearance will also make you stand out to those who understands these things."

The door opened up and the sun beamed through the doorway. Sempra slithered forth and was met by a cheering crowd. He raised his hand and waved regally to them. Then he left the shuttle bay and with [member="Ursa the Hutt"] slightly behind him he made his way toward the square where the party and unveiling was to take place.

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
Location: Outside Escapee Slave Base
Objective: Take the base
Allies: Hutt Cartel, [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Enemies: The Escaped Slaves
NPC: 20 Trandoshan Slavers, 1 Huttsmen
Posts: 3/20

Sareen eagerly awaited his Trandoshan hunters to arrive. Using his helmet's HUD, Sareen searched the skies until he found the ship they would be traveling in, a Huttsmen. He hoped they would have kept a low enough profile to not attract any authorities. He waited as it hovered over two blocks down, right were he told them to, and a few Trandoshans jumped out. If he were lucky enough the slaves would not have seen that.

The seven Trandoshans that had jumped out ran up to Sareen fully armed and armored, just like Sareen. They waited for his orders, usually the signal to attack. And they would only have to wait a few more minutes.

Daniel Tresk

A Most Lamentable Tragedy
Location: Bar
Objective: C
Posts: 5/?

Daniel scoffed as heard the mans overdramatic threats. "20 minutes huh? Well, I'll be countin' ya' overdramatic lunatic. Go save the galaxy another day Skywalker! Now, go back to your karkin' business, and stay outta mine." He authoritatively told Hakora. He turned back to his business partner, only to be hear the voice that had interrupted him earlier. The bounty hunter opened his mouth, prepared to hurl a stream of extremely vile insults and curses at the Duros man, only to calm himself down, and focus on the deal at hand. "Now, let's get back to business. What will you be gettin' outta this again?"

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Hakora Vex"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Objection: A (and guard Sempra)
Allies: Hutt Cartel
Enemies: Enemies to the Cartel

Ashalah was definitely dressed for the occasion. She had traded out her usual attire for her new stealth suit, the []DesertSilence[/url]. It gave her more of an official feel and look than her typical dress. She had also downgraded on the amount of weapons she had, at least to the common eye. Being loaded with weapons would only show that she was too prepared for an attack. It showed that the Cartel was scared of whoever was here. Weapons spread fear. To make the people of this planet like her master, she had to help them trust him.

So she only had a blaster pistol on her right hip and one hidden in her boot. She felt lighter without her sniper across her back, but she had a feeling she wouldn't need it today. Besides, personal body guards didn't usually carry snipers. "I understand, sir." She gave [member="Sempra the Hutt"] a firm salute, held it for a few seconds before sharply dropping it to her side. The doors of the ship open and she followed Sempra out, staying close to him, but keeping a respectful distance away. Behind her was [member="Ursa the Hutt"].
Location: Space Station
Objective: C
Assosiates: [member="Daniel Tresk"]
Unknowns: [member="Hakora Vex"]

Jaster was seemingly concerned on how this man was responding to a loud speaker and somehow, the other man was responding. Truely the raving of a man who was out for blood or payback. Seriously [member="Lady Kay"], can't you go a day without getting in trouble?

"The UTC will be able to cuts its funds in half by using your station as a supply and distribution hub. Our ships will be able to carry less fuel and more cargo as it distributes it's what we- I mean the Hitt Empire would require."

He really needed to get to Kay before she made a dumb mistake like taking the man bluff, then again, Kay would give her life for hostages if it meant their safety. God Kark It......

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
Location: Space Station
Objective: D
Allies: Hutt Cartel
Enemies: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Daniel Tresk"]

Slowly the assassin stood from his chair and a smile began to form across his face, "Well this is a surpise, not one I didn't plan for, but alas a surprise. You must be wondering who I am and how I know who you are. It is simple really once you consider who I am. I am simply Vex and when Sembra needs a Force user killed, I am the one he calls so clearly you can use the Force. Then it comes to the name, a bounty has been placed on you, but the Hutts actually have very little bounties. So taking the Force into account it was quite simple deducing your name. If you were a darksider I doubt you would be hiding and thus you must be a Jedi or something like that."

He then began to walk around the hostages, "Their lives are saved, for now." He pulled a few devices from his pockets and planted some charges around the hostages, "If you do not comply, they die. If anyone tries to rescue you, they die, if anyone tries to rescue the hostages before you are off the station, they die. Quite simple really. As for you, I have a gift for you." A few small doors opened in the walls revealing the tiny cages with lizards in them, "Ysalamir, are you familiar with them? They have this tasty ability to repel the Force and I am giving you one instead of cuffs." Vex walked over to a cage and pulled one out as his ability, what little he had, in the Force left him, he didn't need it. He brought it to her giving it to her to hold. "Shall we? Also, leave your purse unless you'd like to see the insides of a hostage."

One the other end and another floor was a meeting, a business meeting that was with a smart mouth bounty hunter. The time struck 20 minutes and just like Vex had said, the station began to go crazy. Not only would this be a way to shut up the smart mouth hunter, but also it would provide him an escape. The room they sat in began to fill with the sounds of metal on metal. The doors slid open and 20 B2 Battle Droids filled into the room with more to come opening fire on the room. If Vex was going to fill the role that Sembra wanted him to fill, he not only needed to bring down any resistance and make people fear the Cartel, but also fear him and one dead Bounty Hunter meant nothing to him.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Orbiting space station
Objective: D (Escape from [member="Hakora Vex"] )
Posts: 5

Kay lowered her hands as he began walking around the hostages, planting explosive devices around them. She listened to him and frowned as he relayed his threats of destruction. Although while they were all together, any explosion in the room would not only kill the hostages, but possibly kill them too.

And then he brought out a Ysalamiri. The absence of the Force that the creature brought with it caused her to feel a bit out of touch with everything, and lighter, yet heavy at the same time. It was the same feeling as she gets when she's had very little sleep.

But it was when Hakora had asked her to leave her satchel behind that she spoke up. "If you set off one of those devices, we will be hurt too. And I'm sorry, but I cannot leave my satchel behind. I will give you my blaster from it, but it has what I need, such as food, water and spare clothes. Besides, if you had read my bounty then you would know that my belongings are worth a price too. So leaving them behind would not be wise. Don't you agree,....Vex?"

This was not a good situation, but to act in good faith, she held out her left arm for the Ysalamiri to climb onto. At least she still had freedom of movement. And to hear that Sempra was behind all of this...well, that shouldn't be too surprising. Yet once she got off this station, her avenues to escape would be sure to increase.
Objective A
Location City square
Post 4/20


The crowd was lined up around the square where the statue was erected. It was still covered in a white huge sheet, set up so that with a simple yank at one of the ropes it would all fall down revealing the golden hutt beneath.

In front of it was an elevated stage, prepared for hutts to move on. that meant it was a huge construction. the crowd assembled was made up by hutts and other servants representing hutt houses of various size. Gos Hutta was close to Nal hutta, the home of the hutt council and even though Sempra was still not a player there his name had started to spread among hutts. Enough to draw an interest for this occasion at least.

Sempra slithered through the square in a slow procession keeping his retinue and close associates around him as he did. As they reached the scene the group fanned out and Sempra took the center of the stage continuing his regal wave. He took enough time to distinguish who had bothered to show up. there were several hutt Kajidics represented here which pleased him.
While mostly Besadii, he noticed the presence of both Qunaalac, Gorensla, Kajidier, Vosadii and naturally a few of the Desilijic. The Bareesh kajidic was of course present present, with their never resting protective instincts of all that was hutt interest.

Sempra looked around and found [member="Ashalah Ky"] - she had indeed understood the mission and he gave her a nod of approval. Then he took the hand of [member="Ursa the Hutt"] and kissed it.

"Excuse me beautful," he began. "It is time to make an appearance." Sempra smiled wryly and turned to approach the speaking booth.

[member="Shettai The Hutt"]
[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
Location: Gos Hutta, Southern Ghetto
Objective: F. (Gain favor with Sempra the Hutt through manipulation of the homeless.)
Allies: The Hutt Cartel & [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Enemies: Innocent Pack of Hobos
Posts: 1/20

Thresher, which is what Astoach is, is a predator, not sinking claw and fang into flesh for taste of blood but to destroy the carcass, to swipe away at sinew and bone until the pile of carrion rot inside-out. Astoach was restless, desperately seeking to cull his grim musings of despair when the epiphany came to him on this gilded chariot of brilliant, flashing thought. He was on the run, through his successful ventures of butchery and massacres, staining his mark widespread across the Galaxy on his introductory rampage, he had garnered far more attention than initially conceptualized. He had enemies now, people who knew who he was, what he wanted, and wanted him stopped. They had the money for mercenaries, bounty hunters, and there was a firmly planted bullseye stitched to his forehead, caught right between the eyes to those with even the most poor vision, for the mask, his marking, referred to solely as his Polyp, was never removed, and it identified him far more than any mark, any scar, or any feature ever could. He was on the run from his enemies, alone and without any form of finance, and to top it off, his stubborn form of self-identification only made life harder for himself.

But not now, now Astoach had a plan, a plan as he always enjoyed, a plan stained with blood and glamorous glitz of gore and attention. The Hutts were making their move on this little cesspool of Gos Hutta, a filthy planet in his eyes, brimming with greed and vanity, but they made their move upon it all the same. Their mogul would undoubtedly make a presence here, a very noticeable one at that, and for his presence, he would undoubtedly sow some unwanted, hostile intention. Not that it mattered if the action was there or not, all he had to do was inhale the scent of distilled distaste for these soon-to-be overlords and he, with the sharp edge of his blade, would simply have to reap the harvest so benevolently planted by these Hutt crime lords. He sat upon a derelict ledge, some open balcony through some abandoned apartments, overlooking a decrepit ghetto of the lower city. Filthy trash wrung the streets, soaking up stagnant water gathered above clogged drains and grating. It stunk of the lowlife, haggling homeless and tramps nesting in its alleyways like rodents and feasting from the trash as such. All he needed to do was incite some upset emotions, to turn their disgust towards this Cartel and proceed to silence their outspoken distaste. He would present them as threats, not a lie per se, but a thinly veiled manipulation of truth.

He drew his blade, a durasteel knife, his sole keepsake following the disastrous past months. It had long yet to rust, for the blood gathered along its razor edge was often licked clean by his expectant tongue. Astoach hunted Force Users, only occasionally drifting from this path to massacre the occasional politician for a firm change of pace (a change of pace that resulted in the dire situation he found himself in, mind you). Now he had a solid plan to bleed back into his foundation, to restore the cornerstones of his faith at this very moment! All he needed were some hobos, preferably humans, whose self-righteousness would likely eclipse the greed of the Hutt, and would be more likely incited into rabid anger if he could play his cards right. He dragged the length of his dagger against the plastoid column supporting the collapsed roof resting overhead, its skeletal ribcage of metal pipe lining resting in a broken heap across the balcony floor, protruding in debris like a bomb zone crater. Sparks rained down into the street below, gathering in a soft glowing pool, ever so quick to die out, as the strident shriek of metal on metal rained out across the silent, downtrodden district. Then there was the pack, like a gang of starved hyenas, drawn out by the noise with wide-eyes and deathstick-sunken faces. They would be prey, victimized to his exalted craft of assimilation, sucking their lost souls into his self, into his heaven, and given new meaning through his works.

And as trophies, of course.
Location: space station
Objective C
Enemies: tbc
Post 5/20

The cantina was a pretty neat one. there were betting machines and paazak tables spread out. Even though this was hutt turf, ka-Aver had only seen a few of them on the station. They probably prefer solid ground beneath their f... eh.. bellies he figured.

Well the bosses were planet-side making deals on their own. Ka-Aver had no idea what the hutts were up to but he did know that [member="Cadan Tazi"] wanted to move in here with his spice trade.It had been done before - a subtle take over he called it. To some they were not so subtle but who cared about the fine print anyway.

"Twoez shotz of gamorean whizky. On the double mr.." the weequay ordered from the bark keep.

He looked around and noticed [member="Cadan Tazi"] near the bar as well. Where was [member="Thraxis"] he pondered for a while. He usually showed up at the opportunity to visit bars...

Then there was that businessman [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] as well as the new rising star [member="Daniel Tresk"]. Did he not own another space station or something? Ka-Aver shook his head, it was hard to keep track of everyone.

Instead he grabbed and downed his shot While wiping his mouth he kept an eye on the Duros to see what moves he had in store for the place.
Location:Space Station
Objective: Get drunk
Enemies: Alcohol Poisoning
Posts: 1/20

Thraxis felt a disturbance in the alcohol levels. Someone was at a bar. No, a cantina. Though as to who it was, that is what disturbed him, a presence he had felt recently. Of course, he only knew this because he had been looking at some security cameras for a while.

Soon, Thraxis was in a rush, he had no intention of letting his friend drink at a cantina alone, nor allow him to drink on his lonesome, "Imma comin' [member="Ka-Aver"]!" Thraxis yelled as he began to race down the hallways to the cantina, sweat starting to form on his brow by the time he was half-way their. It took him a few minutes to get from the ship to the cantina, a feat that was either amazing, or simply pathetic.

As he entered the bar he slid open the doors, sweat long since drenching his face, his hair both drenched and disheveled from his sprinting, he looked around the bar, looking for Ka-Avers presence in the alcohol. It took him a few seconds, to see where he was, and with the realization of his location, Thraxis eyes widened, his breath beginning to slow down from the adrenaline rush. Thraxis pulled himself along, though his breath had slowed down, he was till panting more than a half-starved rancor. As he approached he looked to him, a grin starting to grow as he got closer, "I, wasnt going to let you have all the alcohol without me." Thraxis grinned, though had to keep stopping to take breaths.
Location: space station
Objective C
Enemies: tbc
Post 6/20

Without realising it Ka-Aver grasped the second shot he had on stand by and slid it across the bar toward fast approaching [member="Thraxis"]
Time was of the essence and they had to move quickly to get this operation... operational.

As if the world moved in slow motion the weequay dodged a tray moving passed him and with long flowing motions he grabbed the edge of the bar and lifted himself up with his left hand supporting his weight. Mean while his right hand spirited away a bottle of beer from the bartender. The bottle was intended for someone else, but Ka-Avers grim face had the bartender decide to keave it be, this time.

Shortly afterwards the weequay's feet hit the floor again as he released his left hands grip.

He turned and faced [member="Thraxis"] - bottle raised and ready.

"Good of youz to drop by matey!" he toasted and put the flask to his lips, drinking greedily.


Morality Policeman :)
Location: [To be discovered]
Objective: A
Allies: [Unknown]
Enemies: All da Hutty Hutts

Reemerging hacktivist Zomi was back after her time in hiding from the Red Ravens criminal syndicate. Now that those gangbangers were gone, she felt like it was a safe point to return to the whole 'grayhat' slicer biz. And, boy, did she have someone to show up now! The Hutt Cartel was on the rise after nearly a decade of dormancy, and they were the perfect target for the nearly-sociopathic computer wizard. She had a job to do--free of charge! It was just fun with herself and her datapads.

She was in between jobs right now, and while Nozomi was no stranger to that, she needed something productive to occupy herself with. Little personal gadget projects were fun and all, but she needed to keep her name out there among the big boys. Because, seriously, she was one of the big boys! Wait 'til the Hutts get a load of this! Some of the leaders (notably, the near-infamous [member="Sempra the Hutt"]) were trying to woo the local government into accepting their dirty reign as juntas of the southeast. Nozomi was going to make that job a little more difficult for them.

With four datapads interconnected to share the workload she was about to distribute to them, the lonely slicer tapped out her coded commands and prepared to initiate her little greeting for the Hutt emissaries. Oh, they were going to regret visiting Gos Hutta...

Objective A
Location: City square
Post 7/20


Sempra moved up to the speecher booth and smiled at the crowd. He gleamed with pride as he turned his hand toward the statue.

"Honorable citizens of Gos Hutta, welcomed guests, I am very pleased to have been invited to invest to further this worlds beauty. I stand here today as the sword and shield of the hutt worlds - but today I am humbled. The great Kossak once ruled the galaxy unquestioned, and defended our homeworlds from the foul alien empires. The legacy of his heroic rule inspires us and remind us of what can be achieved when the hutt reasources are combined.
Gos Hutta is the gateway to many of our throne worlds. And to this day it has never fallen to any outsiders influence, even the mighty Vong was kept at bay here, a trait unheard of through the galaxy. "
Sempra declared with a steady voice.

"It is therefore fitting that this statue is named after our greatest ruler, Kossak the hutt!"

And with those words Sempra pulled the rope causing the veil to drop. Underneath it a great golden statue was exposed to the sun. Its sheer size causing a murmur through the crowd many also pondered wether or not it was solid gold as Sempra claimed or not.

"I give you the Kossak memorial!" Sempra bellowed and was met by applause. "Now, we shall feast!" he finished and ponted his hand toward [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] and his open air restaurant at the corner of the square.

[member="Ursa the Hutt"] [member="Ashalah Ky"] [member="Tsukikaneko Nozomi"]
Objective A
Location City square
Post 2/20


Ursa slithered proudly behind Sempra as they made their way around the city square, nodding regally to the crowds as they passed. She had to put on a good show for poopsy, didn't she? As she processed all she could think about was a beautiful jeweled crown upon her head as she sat next to Sempra, mighty emperor of a vast Hutt empire and she the empress. It sent shivers down her spine.

She was less pleased when he left her to speak, but she was no less enthralled by his eloquent words. When he had finally finished speaking to the crowds she was the first to begin applauding his masterful speechcraft. He was a god among Hutts.

"Oooh Mighty Lord Sempra, how eloquent, how noble, how serene," she hissed as she slithered up beside him, "the sword and shield, I nearly melted, my Lord." Ursa was truly enthralled to the mighty Hutt Lord and it was evident by the way she clung to him as they made their way to the feast.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Location : Some open field, approaching a shipwreck behind a small hill.
Objective : E! Treasure!
Allies : The Hutt Cartel
Enemies : Those who oppose the grand hutt cartel.
Post : 1/20


Curiosity was normally what would get this specific Jawa in trouble, so everytime he took something, or salvaged it, he didnt get into the details of it, he just took.
So, when he came upon this ship wreck behind the hill, he entered the ship and looked around. He didnt see much, but when he saw the Hutt 'pad' that had made the Hutts more comfortable when they needed them to be more comfortable, he knew something had to be here. And right on top of it, he found a chain, could it have been an artifact? It was much like Sempra's, but what did both of those chains mean? Was it some sort of identification among the Hutt?
The most interesting thing the Jawa had found here was that there was no skeleton... Do hutts not have skeletons? Or could the Hutt have escaped?
Either way, Ioka had found something, and it was time for him to return to Sempra the Hutt for his approval.
Objective: A
Location: Wouldn't you like to know?
Allies: [member="Isaias Kehoe"]
Enemies:[member="Tsukikaneko Nozomi"]

While the Hutts were busy preening in the palace gardens and choking on their own pomposity, there was a very notorious slicer lounging in an unmarked bar only a few miles away. The Gos Hutta bar was one of those places known only to those that peeled back the deepest, darkest layers of the Holonet. People like Cryax Bane. The transparent blue touch screens of his ARCs floated around his face as blue-skinned fingers typed and swiped. The glowing red eyes of the Chiss cut through the screens like two twin beacons. Using his new handle, re-b00t, the slicer was coursing through the veins of the Holonet, like a disease, obsessively looking for someone...someone who had stolen alot of fething credits from him once upon a time. And anyone who knew Cryax Bane, knew that the ruthless Chiss slicer held the most stubborn of grudges.

With Cryax was a mercenary, hired to help him with the second part of the mission, the wet work. Switch came highly recommended by associates close to the Coruscant Rotary Club, the crime syndicate that ran the Coruscant Underworld with the help of Bane and his cohorts. He had the street cred and quite frankly, the kid was easy on the eyes. It didn't take long for the Chiss to deliberate over his choice.

One Sith spies on Coruscant had come to him with some Holochatter. Apparently, his old friend Nomi was hitting Gos Hutta in some way or another. Whether it be a small slice attack or all out cyberwarfare, Force only knew. Either way, it was high time for a little reunion with the young upstart, as well as payback for the credits she stole. Cryax wasn't expecting the slicer to cough up the dough. He would be perfectly satisfied with settling the debt with her blood.

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