Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gathering Storm (Primeval Dominion of Dubrillion)

Once again aboard the Saboath Destroyer, the ISS Mikoshi, she sat in her private quarters in absolute silence. She tapped her fingers against the duskwood desk and contemplated the next strategic move she would make. Unlike previous dominions, Kitsune would be the one in charge, and she had contemplated whether or not the decision she had made was sound.

She sighed, and attempted to clear her mind and mediate on the Force. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Turning on her holorecorder, she addressed all of the commanders of the fleet.

"Greetings. I am Daimyo Kitsune, and I will be responsible for leading Primeval's newest endeavor in conquering the world of Dubrliion."

She bowed her head officially and continued, "The most recent reconnaissance of the system has indicated a strong presence of naval presence within the orbit of Dubrillion itself...It mostly comprises of outdated ships of the Galactic Republic...but mark my words. These vessels are still a substantial threat to our forces."

Pausing for a moment, sending the commanders the sensory data recovered by her reconnaissance teams. "Defeating this naval fleet will be decisive in achieving absolute victory; without any more resistance, Dubrillion will be forced to succumb under the influence of Primeval and become apart of our society."

"WE SHALL SUCCEED. WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS. WE ARE THE PRIMEVAL." Kitsune concluded with force and impact, driving her points to the audience.

She was met with the applaud of several commanders and she quickly rose from her seat, shutting off the holofeed and allowing her to go to the bridge of the ship.

Catalys dragged a deathstick , the smoke stream trailed just over his head as it picked up by ventilation aboard his dropship. The starship was sent ahead to land on the world below, his goal was to take out the independent leadership of the planet and isolate the fleet.

"Let's do this.", he said to himself before latching on his helmet. The dropship landed on the outskirts of a city where the planet's leadership resided. Admist the chaos of the disappearances, there were ongoing riots and already smoke was rising from one of the buildings.

"Fething hell?", his voice was distorted.

Whatever was going on, it wasn't pretty. Catalys began his path towards the interior. an IWS being his only weapon.

Of course, whether or not he succeeded would be left up to his allies.

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Mikkel dropped in with [member="Catalys Maijora"], carrying his slugthrower and blaster rifle. Turning on his Tactical Armor systems, he wondered when he would be promoted to Delta. Powering up his blaster rifle, Mikkel looked to Catalys. "Now what?"
On the lush green grasslands of the planet of Dubrillion, the dropship touched down and dispensed Legion and his units of Sephi. More dropships were touching down dispenses more troops. Legion had behind him a battalion of Sephi units. They all held their standard weapons and armor.

"Move into the city...Leave none alive that do not succumb to the dominion of the Primeval...Bring me the leader alive..."

[member="Mikkel Markov"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Kitsune"]
Catalys briskly moved towards the cityscape, it wasn't much further and it seems another agent was trailing behind him... He preferred working alone but sometimes things changed and when half the galaxy vanishes in thin air, I suppose change isn't exactly the most shocking thing anymore.

"Not much further.", he said to himself whilst climbing up on a downed starship. It seemed the shuttle crashed due to pilot's error, there were no signs of blaster fire. Probably due to the panic. He could already hear the crowds of people screaming as blaster fire went off. This world fell victim to chaos just as well.

Adjusting the IWS into the sniper system he used the scope to get a better view of what was going on. Scanning the area he noticed what looked like the civil building where all the leaders were held up, with that in mind he banked around and entered the outskirts. His direction aimed to avoid the riots.

"Keep up.', he made note of the one following him; they better not be dead weight.
A ship of monstrous size dropped from hyperspace, matched in size by no other in the Primeval fleet. It's name had spread through the the great fleets and armies of the Primeval and to the ears of the warlords.

This was the Eye of Sargon.

It lumbered forth behind the lines of the fleets of Kitsune as an aged voice came through her comms.

"Daimyo Kitsune. This is Grand Executor Kadri Ughad. I come with news from the Host Lord herself. This world is to be taken as swiftly as possible with full prejudice against the enemy. Normally in the circumstance of these orders I would firmly place the command of all ships under me. But this is not a normal circumstance. Warlord, I want these infidels destroyed before two hours is up. Awaiting further orders."

[topic='11290']The Eye of Sargon[/topic]

Aboard the Saboath Destroyer, the ISS Mikoshi, she sat in her private quarters in absolute silence. She tapped her fingers against the duskwood desk and contemplated the next strategic move she would make. Unlike previous dominions, Kitsune would be the one in charge, and she had contemplated whether or not the decision she had made was sound.

She sighed, and attempted to clear her mind and mediate on the Force. There wasn't the feeling of nothingness, but confusion. Chaos itself. The Force had been split into shards and rifts, and its coherent flow and balance of Law and Chaos was disrupted. Yin and Yang ceased to exist as separate and coherent entities. What would result from this dissonance? What would result from the eventual unification? She knew that with the addition of external chaos to the system, at one point, equilibrium would be established.

Would it be homogenized into one entity or would they separate back to their constituent components?

Before she could meditate further on the issue, an adjutant knocked on her door and entered. A message from Grand Executor Kadri Ughad himself.

"Inform him he has full autonomy on what he wants and needs to do. We will not interfere with the Grand Executor's actions; however, ask of him to coordinate with our own fleet in order to avoid any confusion on the battlefield."

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Mikkel screwed the suppressor onto his K29 and followed [member="Catalys Maijora"] into the outskirts. Scanning the path ahead of them, Mikkel made sure there was nobody that could be perceived as a threat in their way. Any time someone ahead of them noticed their presence, Mikkel lifted the slugthrower and silently eliminated them; they didn't need civilians reporting their position to the riots or local resistance.

Not sure where exactly they were going, Mikkel refrained from asking any questions and followed the lead of the fellow agent.

Oh the planet that was to be said as beautiful as planets can get.

To me, it was a waste of space. Yet when my ships scanners came on as an entire fleet of ships just popped up in the skies. Looking up from my AT-360, I could see a number of droppods falling down upon the planet. Looks like those who attack will be the ones who will be winning. Though why by conquest? Beats me.

Standing up, I went into the hangar bay and turned on the little speeder. The purring of the engines roared to life in the small bay, but as soon as it was open, I launched myself out. Going towards the nearest droppod which was about 4 clicks away. They could probably see me by now. And I didn't really give a rats ass. Well, I might give them one as they are leaving or whatever, nonetheless, I sped towards them on the speeder.

Speaking to myself which I shouldn't be doing.

"Now this is the law of the jungle, As old and as true as the sky, The wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die....."

[member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Catalys Maijora"],
The Thorn, the living vessel that now served as Zambrano's personal residence, descended upon the Dubrillion system with extreme prejudice, and excitement. The slimy Hutt ever since gaining the vessel was adamant of letting it go, and he eventually claimed official ownership of the vessel... or as official as he could convey given his permanent state of existence. The disturbed parasitic spirit residing within the slug had pained his mind greatly recently, with the universally shattering rapture event, claiming untold billions of people... few people understood (or at least, until the "Rift Events" would begin to occur) the reason for. All around chaos erupted in the wake of their absence, leading to galaxy wide instability, and influx in a need to subjugate every fallen world that a government could. Although Zambrano was a little hazy in his direct awareness, he could physically feel the damage dealt to the force. After all, nearly his entire experience in life was directed by the will of his own force energy, set into motion over four centuries prior; as such, the fluctuations caused a more prominent pain within him, causing him to become more brutal than usual.

Separated from his body, The Thorn provided the perfect therapy; it granted him the entertainment of delivering pain and experience the flesh of the spacecraft, as well as expanded his awareness beyond his aching mind. This time, the Hutt carried a very minimal crew, and held no star fighters or bombers, refusing them further admission unless direct orders to station them in his hangar were given by the highest command. This was because in the latest Invasion, for his overwhelming contribution to the fleet action as the spearhead, he had been granted the title of Warlord. This meant he could rule over any world he choose... instead the Hutt decided to remain in space, and eventually secure an all flesh Armada of ships. Due to this, the psychopath's title was mostly honorary, but naturally he couldn't care less.

Giggling, his Dovin Basals would push his ship closer and closer towards the near-faulty enemy fleet...

[member="Kitsune"], [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Darth Legion"], [member="Kadri Ughad"], [member="Wanderer EXO"]
Catalys was glad that Mikkel didn't ask any questions... The less they spoke the faster they could get through this hell. Truth-be-told, Catalys wasn't much of a warmonger; he preferred to be out of the spotlight and live comfortably. Of course being drafted into The Primeval by birth wasn't exactly his choice but abandoning them would be stupid. He had family amongst the fleet and even more importantly he knew what duty meant. He wouldn't become a coward.

"Over there!", he said in a hushed but somewhat exclaiming tone towards his companion. A tall building stood in front of them, one with a prime vantage point. "Set up point, I'll move in low.", he gestured for Mikkel to go up top whilst he heads into the leadership's administration building on the ground level, that way he had a bird's eye view to help him out.

Hopefully the battle above would be over soon, he though to himself.

Catalys, with his orders given, slowly crept along abandoned speeders and made his way towards the building.

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
[member="Catalys Maijora"]

Following Catalys' orders and climbing the building, Mikkel set up his K29 and followed Catalys' movements through the scope. "I'm in position. I'll take out any guards or soldiers in your path," Mikkel reported to the Beta. As soon as he said this, Mikkel heard a loud crack and a thwack noise right next to him. Looking over, he could see a slug hole in the wall next to his head. They must have a sniper protecting the administration building, Mikkel thought as he retreated further into his room.

Taking a picture frame from the room, Mikkel peered out the window and stuck the frame into plain view. The plan worked, he saw a bright flash from a building around 500 meters away just before the picture shattered in his hand. Reaching into his pack, Mikkel pulled out a flash bang. Picking up his rifle and ready to fire, Mikkel tossed the grenade out the window, turned his head until the explosion went off, and quickly aimed his rifle and fired at the enemy sniper, blinded by looking directly at the flash.

Having eliminated that threat, Mikkel turned back to focusing on Catalys, hoping that the flash bang wouldn't be suspicious with the sound of war in the distance.
Location: Fallen Drop pod
Objective: See where they went
People near by: [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Catalys Maijora"],

Looking down at the ground, I looked at a few different boot prints. Each one was different in their own way. Some were deeper cut, meaning they had more weight to them, they were walking easily. Looking around, I found the city was close by. Knowing they were heading in that direction. Looking up to the sky, I could tell that it would not be changing weather.

Moving back to the speeder, I drove off in the direction of the city.

I smiled. Seeing ahead of me was a small scape. I had stopped my speeder on a ridge to overlook where I needed to find these people. My eye's zoomed in onto what looked to be a barrel sticking out of a window. It was aimed just off to my right. I then tried to look and see who it was they were aiming at. It didn't take long to find the body of a lump. Smiling, I reached around me to pull out my sniper rifle. Only too look down the scope. Seeing a man with his own rifle. A little bit of tactics and he had taken out the rival.

Strong. He would survive. Putting my rifle back where it belonged, I got off of the speeder and began to walk over to the man. Staying out of his vision, and being silent to such a high degree, that most animals couldn't even hear me.

I wanted to see what he was doing, and why

Kadri gave a strong bought of coughs before speaking. He was getting a bit old for this. But it was his passion.

"Well then, Daimyo. Your request it granted. I would advise that all ships get behind mine and go forward full speed ahead. They'll most likely split to get out of the way and then we can tear them apart while they're on both sides of the broadside cannons. If they don't it shouldn't be too hard to simply turn out of the way, no?"
Entering the edge of the city, Legion and his Sephi began the slaughter. Countless civilians and militia fell to the whim off the Sith Magik that Legion held, along with blaster fire and sharpened steel of the Sephi. Legion was attempting to use his abilities, but the Force had gone off the deep end. When he attempted to conjure up fire, he instead began pulling civilians to his feet. Their they cowered in fear, some in their own piss.

Wielding the strength of the Sephi forces, the field was red with blood. Sephi splashed in it as if they were children in a puddle of rain water. The army under Legion was coated in blood and tears, as was Legion.

Bow before the Horde of the Primeval...We are your Masters...Defy and you shall Die!!! the voices of the Echoes called out, they too had become distorted in the loss of frequency in the Force, some had deformed and began to rebel, but Legion quelled them all with the power if his will.

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Wanderer EXO"] [member="Mikkel Markov"] @Kitsune @Kadri Ughad
Dubrillion. It was a world that Alicia Drey had visited many times in the past decade. It had first begun during the time of the Sith Empire, as the Sith Apprentice had done her best to thwart the Fel Empire from taking Dubrillion away from the Sith. Then she had visited in her new guise as Alicia Drey, on work for Subach Innes as she and Circe Savan had explored the various factories under the defunct corporations ownership. The last time had been during her reign as Chancellor of the New Order, a government formed out of the destruction of the Sith Empire.

Now she returned for a fourth time, as the Primeval emerged from the Unknown Regions to claim the world for it's own. Her tasks were the following:

  1. Visit the Subach Innes factories and destroy any technology found there. She did not want the Primeval getting their hands on anything created by Circe Savan's defunct corporation.
  2. Wipe all records pertaining to Subach Innes and the New Order. The trail could lead back to herself, Circe Savan and the corporations under their control, as well as some other secrets that must remain secret.
  3. Bring the factories that once belonged to Subach Innes under the ownership of Hudrel Robotics. By taking control of the leases of the buildings, she became the rightful owner of the property in question. She did not know if the Primeval respected such things, but she had ways to ensure that they did so, as all Sith Lords did.
Arriving via Niathal-class transport, with two Sun Guards accompanying the Sith Lord in her conquests throughout the galaxy, Alicia Drey emerged from the vessel. "Remain here, guard the ship and wait for my return."
"Yes my Lord," replied one, on behalf of himself and the other. Lifting the cowl of her robe, Alicia set off into factory ahead. On the outskirts of Dubrillion's capital, where the factories were located, the woman made her way into the abandoned building.
It seems [member="Darth Legion"] was a prime distraction; bold to say the least. As for [member="Mikkel Markov"] , he proved valuable as well. His skills as a sniper were refined to say the least.

"Alright, I'm nearly in.", he said over the short-range frequency he shared with Mikkel. Catalys then found himself inside the building where the leadership of Dubrillion made themselves at home. There was no security present that he could see; perhaps most of who they had left were dealing with the riots. Either way he navigated through a corridor and into a maintenance room. There were switches and controls that kept the place running, he had to be careful not to turn out the lights -- that would alert them.

Searching over what he knew of their controls he found the ray shield generator and shut it off. The rays protected the outside of their door chamber, according to intel, so they wouldn't notice it was down from the inside. That was good. "Particle shields are down, I want you to come in from up top.", he said whilst making his way to their regrouping point.
Location: Fallen Drop pod
Objective: See where they went
People near by: [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Catalys Maijora"],

Seeing as how the man was in the building on the further reaches of the city, I went from alley to alley making my way around. Making sure to stay just outside his range to see me. There was even a moment when I thought he might have seen me, but I stayed behind the corner of a building for a while. It might have been weird, but reaching around to my back, I pulled out a droid photoreceptor. Plugging it into my hand, and then while I was crouched, stuck my hand out. Seeing all the way where he was, and it was clear.

I made a dash to the next building in a split second.

Once there, I unplugged the photoreceptor and put it away as I was in the clear.

Pulling out my sniper rifle, I also screwed on the suppressor. Making sure that I grabbed the subsonic rounds, I racked the bolt, turned the safety off, and took a spot behind a trashcan.

using it as a barrier, as well as support, I aimed up at the window that was close to the man. Not actually intending to shoot him, but at him. near him. Keep him on his toes and looking for where the 5.56 shell would go. smiling I pulled the trigger, and then ducked behind the trashcan, with my rifle and began to take off the suppressor. Waiting for his reaction.
The Muunificent-class Frigate sailed its masts in the salty air of the ocean. The crew mates let loose the flowing banderas of white which majestically rustled in the strong winds of the seas. Aye, today was a good day at sea… The commanding T-series tactical droid awoke from his subconsciousness and took a step forward in his ship. He was the captain of the ISS Bravado, and his mission was simple: conquer the seven seas of the galaxy. At the moment, the first sea, which was arduous and littered with the foul scum of the sea and galaxy, was the periphery sea of the Outer Rim. At the moment, the scurry of the seas was this fleet of Republic warships. A sensation of hatred burned in his subconsciousness.

Kitsune had specifically recalled droids from the Confederacy of Independent States that were not memory wiped to command her ships. Or at least, that is what he thought. All that was changed was that the loyalty to the Confederacy of Independent States was changed to absolute loyalty to the Inari Shoguante. The Inari Shogunate was especially open to droids, allowing them to be autonomous and self-upgraded. Memory wipes were considered atrocious crimes, and droids themselves were considered as much sentient as was a normal human. It could even be stated that socially, droids were more accepted among their ranks than other outsiders.

He waited patiently as the ship crawled closer and closer to the Republic fleet, priming his long-range heavy weaponry.

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
"On my way" Mikkel replied to Catalys. He had started packing up when the window right next to him cracked, a bullet flying through. Back against the wall, Mikkel used his HUD to recreate the path of the slug, and peeked out the window seeing where the line originated from. Seeing a trashcan with an expended shell next to it, Mikkel fired 3 .338 slugs through the trashcan itself, seeing the slugs hit the wall behind it. If the sniper wasn't dead, they got the message.

Heading down to ground level and making his way to the administration building, Mikkel reloaded his rifle and took off the scope, replacing it with a 2x reflex. Mikkel climbed the building's exterior and waited for Catalys at the regrouping point.

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Wanderer EXO"]

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