Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Genocide of Eriadu

Starkiller Base

The Supreme Leader was stood in the simpleness of his throne room come command centre, his face twisted in a sneer towards the several different holoprojections that were displayed before him.
He was displeased.
Aram Kalast; Supreme Commander was stood off centre from the Supreme Leader assuring he was not in the frame of the holoprojection but capable of witnessing everything that was happening.
“Why?” Sieger Ren stated simply towards the lead hologram, a portly gentleman with thick dark hair and a dirty complexion.
“The Galactic Alliance is the new power in the sector.” Even with his apparent power position the man sounded scared. Aram didn’t blame him. Sieger wasn’t the most forgiving individual. “They promised us protection and independence within their system. It was a perfect opportunity for trade.”
“So you just threw away our own dealings in order to bed with these riff-rafs.” There were rumours of Sieger’s ability with the Force, most thrown out as fear-mongering but Aram had to admit, the room felt colder and darker with each passing second.
“They offered protection. Their fleet—“ A Rodian spoke up but was cut off by a look from the Supreme Leader.
“Their fleet? They sent warships to Eriadu, they would have taken your government by force and had you believing freedom was your given right while they seeped your coffers and laid down their own control.”
“They were refuge ships, sent to establish communication and training. They would have never sent warships without the permission of the—“ Again the Rodian began her words, words that faded with a choke as her long fingers grasped at her throat.
“They were warships and they were pushed back from the system by us as per the alliance we share. An alliance that you, the heads of Eriadu are so keen to see demolished by this new found idiocy that lies within the trust you gift to these…Rebels!” Sieger was angry, the Rodian had collapsed from view and the two remaining looked on in fear at the face of the Supreme Leader.
“I always believed in you Supreme Leader.” The third stated, his voice calmer than the others had been. “This vote for the Alliance was folly from the moment it was put on the table, I worded caution but—“
“Yet you failed to come to me with this matter.”
“Well I had to see how it—“
“You all leave me no choice. You have sowed your seeds.” Sieger Ren turned away from the console and cut the communication.
“Kalast; we have all the arrangements been made?” The Supreme Leader said as he swept passed his most senior military officer. “We gave them all they ever wished and more, I think it is time we removed our pledges from Eriadu and her people.”
Aram fell into line alongside Sieger’s formidable step.
“We knew they wouldn’t understand us, from the very beginning.” Aram remembered when they had first arrived on Eriadu and for what purpose. “I believe we have everything we need. We have moved the mineral reserves and redirected the credit supplies. We should be ready on schedule.”
“Very good. Everything is going as planned then.” Sieger smiled. “Just as I have foreseen.”

Eriadu City

It was a normal day in Eriadu City, the clouds were heavy across an otherwise bright and still day. The transports had taken the labourers off to the mining camps in the north quadrant and the daily working class had began their usual selling of wares from across the sector.

Bevel Jural, was like the rest of the city still thick in the conversation of the recent attack by the Galactic Alliance on the First Order who policed Eriadu. It was a confusing situation at best. The governors all swore that the Alliance were peaceful and coming to begin trade and protect them from the encroaching core ward threats. However wasn’t that what they had said about the still very present First Order who were starting to expand across the sector?

The bothan passed a small woman who was whispering madly to another pair of older ladies, his ears picking up the topic as he went. He heard something about the First Order moving transporters northwards towards their little domain as well as the fact that the attack hadn’t been everything that they had been told about.
Bevel had his own opinions of course, the official story was that the Galactic Alliance had entered the system intent of planetary domination and the First Order had resisted pushing back hard against a larger war fleet and beat them back in a battle that many civilians had watched from their windows in the nights sky.
Unofficially however the rumour was that the ships destroyed by their caretakers were merchant ships, several transporters and a cruiser escort. Not exactly the war fleet that had been purposed.

A large group had amassed near the governors hall, drawing Bevel’s attention. Upon the steps two of the three Governors were stood with worried looks as a squadron of First Order stormtroopers stood around a holo-projector that had just spat to life emitting a larger than real version of the Supreme Leader.

“People of Eriadu.” He began, a hood covering his features. “I come to you today with dire news.”
Bevel approached the group and stopped to watch the transmission. “In the recent weeks a new enemy made itself known to us. The Galactic Alliance as it has been called. These terrorists and warmongers showed us that they cannot be reasoned with or confronted by talks of peace when they attacked our world with every intent of destroying all you have known.
“My navy and army drove them away, let them see that Eriadu is not theirs for the taking while we protect it. An arrangement that the Governors and I have long understood and respected for you, the people’s safety.
“Yet I find whispers and rumours throughout all I hear. I see traces of rebellion and deceit in all I see. I have offered you all complete freedom, freedom to do with what you wished. All I asked was for unity between the people of Eriadu, that was all.
“I have been disappointed.”
The crowd broke into hushed murmurs.
“You have all let the seeds of doubt and anarchy seep into your lives. This has created a difficult situation for me. I love this world and its loyalty was rewarded, but for letting in this Alliance I feel the disloyalty must be punished.”
The image faded to many confused conversations among the gathered crowd.
Then the Stormtrooper started firing…

Connor Harrison

Kyle let the front line of troopers fire first; they would take down those who opposed the First Order and betrayal would not be tolerated. Nobody would learn from this if lessons weren't laid down, and the E11 was the tool to do it.

As the crowd broke into a screaming mass, peeling away to flee where they could, the white soldiers of the Order moved forward, like a hand snaking out to surround and push them back. Kyle was atop the stairs behind the projector, and he held his E11 across his chest, looking out behind the black visor besides the others.

This wasn't a battle; no lines of flanking to lay down. This was what the Stormtroopers did best; enforce law and order and justice to planets and people who thought they could flit between the side of good and bad. The First Order wouldn't settle for that. The screams rose and the bodies fell, but Kyle simply remembered one thing.

This was duty.

[member="Aram Kalast"]

Sibar Laval

Sibar was at of the edge of the city with the 11th incinerator squad. He smiled as the transmission from the Supreme Leader ended. "Alright men! The Supreme Leader has give us our orders! Today we do what the incinerator squads was meant to do, and what's that men?" PUNISHMENT SIR!

Sibar smiled and nodded "Now, let's shown these rebels that! Sibar said rebels in a cold and harsh tone, the two things he hated in this world were jedi and rebels. Of course this hatred formed from the stories of the fall of the Empire the First Order told him as a young trainee. Sibar signaled his squad to move into the city, then the chaos truly began. Buildings were torched, bodies burned. This was what the incinerators were meant to do.

Commander Starchaser of the starship…. Well, lots of them. Right now? Ship Commander of the Tyrene arriving in orbit around Eriadu. One of the new worlds that had moved to show support for the Alliance. There were murmurs of others on the world, some First Order, and a dark side lead Imperial movement. And that just couldn’t sit. Following the news that Eriadu was presenting interest in the Alliance, a task force was approved to help ensure the safety of the world, and unite it to follow the Alliance.

For this, the Tyrene was part of the vanguard force, arriving the local system to provide the logistical information needed to Sullust. While Nemo Ven, the Supreme Commander of the Alliance Defense Force was on the way with more ships, the Tyrene and a few support vessels had arrived.

Fighters were launched, and so were landing vessels. Coren Starchaser was on one of the latter. For this, with people dying in the streets? A Commander’s touch was needed on the ground. And that meant he was going to get his hands dirty, and not get any more tally marks on his X-Wing. Turning to the people in the shuttle, he nodded. “The job is simple. We give this First Order something else to worry about, move civilians away from the zones, and put an end to the troopers firing on the non-combatants."

Reports had come in to the Alliance that help was needed now. Checking his armor, and his light repeater, the commander was ready to get into the thick of things. Jedi would show up, sure, but he was concerned with the GADF and putting a stop to the senseless slaughter. These were not true Imperials. Coren had worked with true Imperials, had been a member of such groups. Inspired by Thrawn, and the line of Fel, fair, just, and looking to expand, those were Imperials. This First Order? While they called themselves Stormtroopers, while they flew TIE models, they were a lie.

And they must be dealt with. Coren was part of a galactic clean up crew, and he was working for the Alliance as there was no true Imperials any longer, just teams that needed to be cleansed for the freedom of the masses.

The ship hit atmosphere with a jolt and he grabbed the support beam in front of him.
"You have your orders, men. Break off into groups of 2 squads and sweep the streets. Go door to door and do your job. Captain Blake out."

Edward was on top of a building in Eriadu City, clad in his painted armor that bore his rank. Next to him were the four lieutenants that commanded his platoons. They were carefully observing their men on the ground, relaying orders and information from a tactical viewpoint. Blake was silent then, watching the carnage and the fleeing people as the Stormtroopers mercilessly hunted them down.

Man, he was getting some serious flashbacks here.

Resistance, at the moment, was almost nonexistent. It was a rout, a slaughter, plain and simple. He was lost in the moment, but not this one. He flashed back to about 20 years ago, where his forces, acting on their own will, razed that city. The smell of families cooking was thick in the air...

"...Captain? Are you..."

Lieutenant Brent, a young officer who was under Blake, was tapping his shoulder now, a look of slight concern on his face. Eddie started, startled I slightly by the physical contact, but then calmed himself.

"I'm fine, Lieutenant. Continue observing your men. I have to use the gentlemen's room."

Blake walked off to the stairway leading downstairs. In the cover of the door, where no one could see him, the former Republic commando threw up, spilling his breakfast on the floor of the roof.

It was all a joke.

The Comedian straightened up and caught his breath. Below him, the cacophony of screams and blaster fire continued...
Julius had heard the call go out, and though not one to normally take to singular crusades. But there was a need here that was keen and urgent, and so he had flown in as fast as he could. The world of Eriadu had come to them for help with an open hand, and the rumors of it being threatened from the inside by malcontents were troubling. Taking it up was a cause worthy of furthering, and so he had came to the planet and now sat in a drop-ship as it rocketed down towards the surface. Though he was with a strike-team, he had no formal role with them, no command really, and was mostly along for the ride down to the surface of the planet.

His goal, personally, was to find the Capitol building and attempt to secure any leaders of the free people of this planet, if they existed. He had no illusions about what it would likely take to get there. Briefly, he had worn the colors of an Imperial Knight with the Imperial Remnant. Those folks, while still an Empire, were of a more benevolent bent than what this First Order seemed to be. They had law, order, and regulations even on those in power and position. These mutts he heard whispers of in Eriadu seemed to be the type who used a velvet glove to hide an Iron Fist.

As the ship shuddered from atmospheric entry, Julius stood, hanging onto a guide railing running down the middle of the ship towards the exit ramp, which was currently folded and sealed. Full array coated him for this mission, he vanguard armor gleaming from his time working it with a lapping cloth and powder, free of scorch marks. Pressed and clean, the warden cloak hung over that, hood up to throw his face into shadows of the cerulean hood, his bolt pistol secured on a simple gun-belt right next to the simple and slim tube of his personal lightsaber. Several men looked to him with that mixture of awe and uncertainty.. He knew the look well, from his time leading in the Republic. They were scared, and such was the memory and role of the Jedi that even as atypically dressed as he was, they looked to him for guidance.

This time, he would give it. They needed courage.

"We are going into the unknown, men. We may be merely shepherds of a transition, there to assuage fear and as a stern reminder to any recidivist that there are those among the people who will stand against them, to deter them from folly. You stand united with your brothers to bring in an oppressed people to the fold of our Alliance. Do not let fear enter your hearts, for others will look to you today with that same fear in their bellies. More so than your marksmanship, remember your humanity. We are all connected, and for their sake we suffer and risk, so that one day no one will need to."

With the speech concluded, Julius walked to the ships ramp as the clash of it landing echoed throughout the body of the bird. He turned his head only for a moment as the ramp clattered down, and his face was neither hard resolution or calm serenity, it was the face of one who was ready, and resigned, to the task at hand. Eriadu would be liberated.

"Remember your duty. And may the Force be with you, always."

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Aram Kalast"]

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
Milo Ren was seated in a mediative position, letting the Force flow through him, in him, to become it. The Knight was in a chamber, shrouded in complete darkness, except for a dim light cast on an item of great interest and reverence to the Ren.

An old Stormtrooper helmet, from the era of the Galactic Empire.


The damaged piece of armor was a relic of the days when the Empire, mighty and powerful, was spread across the galaxy, their power and rule absolute.

I will strive to bring the glory of the Empire back. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.

He let anger flow through him now. Anger was his strength, that hidden rage concealed so well behind a painted smile or an emotionless mask. Milo remembered the sandy dunes of Tatooine, the cruelty of the slavers, the dying Massus held in his hands...

His hands closed, clenched into a tight pair of fists. Anger was what kept him alive then, that painful trek through the desert, the way he had slaughtered those salvagers going through his father's ship a clear show of the power of the Dark Side of the Force.

Growling to himself, Milo felt the temperature of the room grow colder as he tapped more and more into the Force, using his fear, pain, and anger to propel him further and further. He was growing now, getting closer to that power so easily displayed by others...

His meditation was interrupted when the door to the chamber was burst open and a panicky soldier, a recruit, most likely, ran in the chamber, slightly startling the Ren, who stood up quickly and turned to face the intruder.

"S-sir! Galactic Alliance forces have been spotted entering th-the atmosphere. Th-they are-arghhhhh..."

Milo had reached out with his right hand in a gripping gesture, choking the young man. The messenger boy clawed at his throat in vain, trying to release the invisible hand crushing his windpipe. Ren spoke then, voice low and furious, the rage from his meditation still flowing through him.

"You disturbed my meditation, boy."

He released his grip a tad, allowing the frightened recruit to speak again, albeit in a crushed whimper.

"I'm s-so-sorry, sir! I w-was following orderssss-"

His protests were cut off as Ren closed his fist. The boy's whimpering and squirming ceased as his windpipe collapsed and his spine was cracked, cutting all transmission to the brain and killing him instantly. Before his corpse could fall to the floor, Milo yelled and pushed forward with his right hand, sending the body tumbling out of the room. The infuriated Knight stepped forward, out of the room, and looked briefly at the dead recruit on the floor.

"They need to teach you recruits how to knock."

Ren then walked off, flipping his hood over his head, heading off to see what needed to be done...
"Brother..." A dark voice called from the shadows towards [member="Milo Ren"].

It was Greifen Ren, a black-clad figure that stepped forth from the dark hallway's abyss, black cowl masking the contours of his sinister expression. His hands were tented in front of him as he stood before his fellow Knight of Ren.

"A disturbance has come to Eriadu, as I'm sure you know," He spoke to his fellow acolyte, and turned to stalk down the hallway in the same direction as his compatriot. He appeared displeased, although the invasion of Eriadu was only part of the reason why a sour taste lingered in Greifen Ren's mouth.

"Our lord has ordered squads of Stormtroopers to exact revenge upon the populace," Greifen said. Looking down, he clenched his teeth.

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
Milo nodded in agreement with his brother's emotion, slightly surprised at the order that was given to the Stormtroopers. It was an interesting order, for sure. But now, as he walked alongside Greifen, the Knight cast those thoughts aside at the more important matter.

Eriadu was under attack.

"What have we been ordered to do, brother?"

Milo was still seething from his meditation. It was good. He would channel the rage in the upcoming conflict. But for now he patiently listened to his fellow Knight as they moved towards the exit of the dark hallway.

[member="Greifen Ren"]

Roth Tillian

Apprentice, no, Knight Tillian after the whole Star Destroyer stunt settled himself in the Force again, letting it slip through his body and guide his starship. It felt like it was guiding his body, however, as he stretched himself out to encompass the whole of his starfighter, so he himself danced through the atmosphere with the vanguard of the fleet, under Commander [member="Coren Starchaser"]. A wave of darkness hit him and he doubled over in his seat, just barely keeping the ship under control. Something terrible was happening down there, that was certain. He needed to get down there and try to put a stop to it.

The ship rocked as it hit the atmosphere and Roth crooned to it like a lover until it flew steady again. Now the time was to clear out a landing zone for himself and for the shuttles.
"Wild Knights, we have a potential LZ at these coordinates," He said, marking them through the computer, "Let's get down there ahead, clear them out, and secure the beach-head for the main shuttles."

"Roger that, Knight Leader," The reply came back, "Right behind you."

Roth gave a nod, releasing the wings on the X-Wing and accelerating into attack position. The rest followed along right behind him, guns primed and ready. The target, a big square in the city. Blaster fire popped up on some of the sensors and Roth looked out the cockpit. Yep, there they were. Stormtroopers, armor shining in the sunlight, firing on panicked crowds of civilians.

"Give those civilians some cover fire," He said, banking hard to adjust course. "Ultra precise targeting here and then we take the square. CAS units can take it afterwards."

The fighters swung about, engines screaming through the air until they were in line with the squads of stormtroopers. Roth squeezed the trigger, sending a quick burst of lasers down into the white clusters before screaming past them, flying low, and then up over the buildings towards the square.
Three squadrons of First Order starfighters spewed from the underbelly of the Imperial metal beast that orbited the planet of Eriadu. Daska had never set foot on the trade planet while the First Order had given the citizens peace and order; always assigned top side to her capital ship. Shame… The Bastionian had heard it was like home to a degree.

The Eriadu government seemed to think the grass was greener on the other side… Well they now would find out the hard way it wasn't. Daska accelerated away from the Star Destroyer in her assigned TIE/FO fighter. Sensors showed a X-wing squadron was inbound planet side with several Galactic Alliance shuttles headed to a particular area near the capital. Delta Squadron moved to intercept; Goldilock's trio taking lead this run.

Dropping down from high on the X-wings that were going to ground to apparently clear a LZ for the Alliance shuttles, DS-10's lasers blitzed into life as she gave a rallying cry, spraying space ahead of her with the TIE's rapid-fire drizzle; a X-wing getting an "Ice Princess" greeting, hoping her gunner was doing the same from his rear seat.

[member="Roth Tillian"] - other GA pilots; [member="Carter Flaa"] - other FO pilots
Carter had been resting in his bunk waiting for the alarm to sound which would see a flurry of pilots running to their fighters to engage the enemy. He'd always been a patriot, and never questioned the fact the government of Eriadu was in the wrong for inviting the Gallactic Alliance to take them on. The act itself was treason, and they deserved what they got. The alarm sounded, and Flaa ran to his fighter. This was his first combat flight with the trio he was in, and good chance to impress the lead pilot, the CO, and XO. Flaa wanted to stay working and flying for a long time.

"We're going in hot," he said to his gunner as they both strapped into the TIE/FO like they'd been doing it since birth. "We make sure the lead gets a clear line of sight, then we start blowing these republicans out of the stars."

The gunner simply grunted as the hatch closed, and soon they were descending from beneath the Star Destroyer with the other two ships in their trio. Everyone began to sound off, and when it came time Carter he chimed in, "Delta 11 standing by." No sooner had he finished than Delta 10 laid out a greeting of laser fire. Flaa smiled. There was no questioning what they were here to do, and no hiding it either. They would remain in formation as much as they could, but the time spent in the sims had allowed them to come up with some fun things to do if they had to separate.

A gutsy, yet very foolish, Alliance pilot decided to come at him straight on. The X-wing was right in his targeting grid, and with a quick press of the trigger button, green streaks raced to meet the enemy fighter head on. The fighter stood no chance as it erupted into flame and blew into pieces. Carter simply flew through the mess, without any interuption to the formation.

< "That's one for me," > he said over the comm as they raced to meet the bulk of the fighters and cut off the landing party.

[member="Daska Tess"] | [member="Roth Tillian"]
The Alliance was arriving in force here, and Coren himself was taking the point to land on the world. The Aing-Tii student felt the shuttle touch down. The powers of the void were filling him, and he was starting to feel the deaths flooding this world. That needed to change. The Commander started to lead his team from the shuttle and made his way through the landing zone. As a Commander, the kind with the capital C, he was able to take the jobs he wanted, the tasks he craved.

And right now? It was putting the First Order to an end on this world. Tyrene and the Wild Knights were coming into orbit and it was only a matter of time until others arrived to assist. Chasing the enemies away would be step one, then establishing the command here, holding a garrison to start rooting out the First Order would be step two.

“Base Officer. What’s the sitrep?” Coren said, over the sound of shuttles landing.

It was a quick explanation, Stormtroopers in the streets, TIEs in atmosphere. “Have the Wild Knights work to gain control. I’ll take the Tiburons and whoever comes to join and try to find the leaders of this attack. Clear them out.” He had his orange bladed lightsaber as well. Should it come down to that, he could only hope it wouldn’t.

Making his way back to the shuttle, he collected the Tiburons and made his way out to the streets.

Come here, little trooper.

[member="Roth Tillian"]
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
@Samuel Rekali
[member="Anastasia Rade"]
[member="Aethan Tannan"]
[member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
[member="Jaren Solain"]

Roth Tillian

[member="Carter Flaa"] [member="Daska Tess"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]

He sensed danger through the Force and he twisted the joystick, sending the fighter rolling to the side as the lasers arced past. Then the alarms went off in the cockpit and he kept rolling to get a better picture. Three squadrons of TIEs came screaming down from above.

"Objetive changed, Wild Knights," He said, stretching out with the Force once more, seeking the minds of the enemy pilots closest to him. "Clear out these fighters."

"It's three to one, Knight Leader," Came the reply," and they already got Ven."

"Affirmative, Knight Five." Roth replied, adjusting his shields to absorb the fire from above and behind. "Not sensing any Force users up there, so trust in the Force and let it guide your actions." He rolled again as another TIE came screaming down through the formation. Roth took a deep breath and gave himself to the flow of the Force. The TIE arced forward and he saw where it was going. Setting the sights there, he squeezed the trigger, sending a few lasers arcing into its hull. It exploded.

Then it was time for Roth to be Roth. He cut the engines, shoving the stick down, sending the craft tumbling nose forward until it swung back up, pointing towards the enemy squadrons and he squeezed the trigger after diverting all power to front deflector shields. Then he punched the engines again, skyrocketing forward again to cut under the squadrons, as the rest of the squadron spread out to follow.

He crafted a mental picture of a corvette dropping out of the sky, guns blazing and pushed it towards the minds of the TIE pilots, aiming to throw them off from what was going on and distract them.
Location: Groundside
Equipment: Lightsaber | Carbine | Vibroknife | VT Jedi Vanguard Armor

Eriadu was a planet in pain. The planet's leaders had voted to join the Galactic Alliance, much to the discontent of First Order leadership. Personally, Audren couldn't see how the two couldn't work together, but it had been the decision of the First Order to treat the vote as a slight. Even on descent to the planet, the Sephi could feel the turmoil below. He'd been in war zones before, but this had an entirely different feel through the Force. From the reports, he knew that this wasn't so much a fight as a slaughter.

Stormtroopers had opened fire on civilians.

The civilians hadn't been threatening or even involved, simply present. The stormtroopers hadn't used stun bolts but were firing to kill. The very definition of slaughter. All over a vote by the leadership that the First Order had seen as disloyal. Put simply, the Galactic Alliance couldn't coexist with a government that condoned, ordered that kind of atrocity.

The situation made things difficult. The roiling in the Force and Audren's own emotions in response to the news made it very difficult for the Padawan to center himself. Emotional connections were difficult for him, he realized that fact, but an emotional reaction didn't rely on connections, it simply was. Rigid control wasn't the answer, he knew that much. The pressure would build and he'd end up snapping. Another method didn't seem possible however, not until he heard one of the sergeants on the drop ship giving a soldier a piece of advice. Focus on the mission. The Jedi could do that. Ignore the roiling Force, ignore his own emotional reactions to events, and simply focus on what he had to do.

Stop the First Order's assault.

The Padawan had once again borrowed one of the Alliance's suits of VT Vanguard armor. It was lighter than the alternate Vanguard or QQ-15L-3 armors he'd have brought with him and provided more protection to boot. Some of the features useful to the other two were missing from this one, but neither did it have the extraneous pieces either. It would do nicely. He carried the traditional Jedi weapon - well, maybe not a Jedi's weapon, but even so - as well as a blaster carbine. The carbine itself was short on range but made up for it in other ways. And of course, the ever-present vibroknife.

When the ramps hit the ground, Audren was one of the first out. Scattered stormtrooper parts littered the plaza, never a full body present. Starfighters had made strafing runs before the drop ships had arrived, and laser cannons didn't so much penetrate armor as disintegrate it, and the flesh underneath. His carbine was held at the ready regardless. His use of the Force allowed him to sense a rough area where the stormtroopers were continuing their work, and he headed there post-haste. He didn't wait to see if anyone followed, he wasn't leading any soldiers so what they did was up to their sergeants. Nor had he attached himself to any of the squads, so he didn't have to wait for their orders. It could be the death of him: going off into a war zone alone with every intention of engaging the enemy wasn't the greatest of plans when it came to longevity, but he accepted that fact. Maybe he'd link up with others later.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Eriadu City

The door made several dull clunks as RN-715 knocked his knuckles against it.
Digital displays inside his helmet indicated that the home belonged to one Griel Larsard, a known advocate for the Galactic Alliance and according to the most recent reports sentenced and executed on the field by stormtrooper officer TK-117. Still they had to check, sweep and secure had been the order and these individual houses were the next part of RN-715’s patrol.
“No answer sir.” RN-715 stated towards his sergeant who was stood surveying the street.
“Blast it.” The response was simple and to the point.
“Yes sir.” Blasters were lowered at the door and several pin point shots fried the internal systems causing it to slide open and reveal the home within.
Shocked screams came from the twelve or so people huddled within as the Stormtroopers secured the entrance and made themselves at home.
“Seperate the men.” The order allowed RN-715 to grab the shoulder of a man and roughly pull him aside to be with two others leaving three women and a child on the other side of the room. “You have all been found guilty of treason.”
“We haven’t done anything wrong.” One man tried to stand as he spoke but RN-715 kicked the back of his knee and brought him to the floor.
“You have all been found guilty of treason and by the authority of the Supreme Leader I will deliver sentencing as per my mandate of the First Order.” The sergeant nodded and RN-715 raised his blaster along with the two other stormtroopers flanking him and in one solid motion they shot the three males within the room.
“RN-715, TJ-468 escort the remaining to the stadium and have them processed.”
“Yes sir.” RN-715 stepped forward and forced one of the women up. “Move.”

Juras Stadium

“Processing.” RN-715 stated as they entered the checkpoint attached to the stadium which had in a few short hours become a large open planned prison in order to hold all those citizens who had been arrested rather than shot. Here they were separated into groups, loaded onto transports and then moved up into awaiting Star Destroyers in orbit before departing the system.
“Take them to lot four-seven-eight, LK-890 will do the processing.” The captain in charge of the stadium stated to RN-715 before he pushed the prisoners in the direction they needed to go.

The area was full of Eriaduians, most having been pulled out of their homes with no real warning other than a group of stormtroopers knocking at their door. Dark looks would follow any white clad First Order soldier, but they all held the knowledge that no stand could be made against them. To stand against was to ask for instant and brutal execution at the hands of their captors.

“LK-890, more for processing.” RN-715 pushed the prisoners forward to the small group of stormtroopers who looked up at the new arrivals.
“Which district?”
“Southern Blue. Holed up in hiding.” RN-715 replied.
“Okay we’ll take them off your hands.” LK-890 stated as the small group were escorted off towards a transport that was already prepping for departure. “Southern Blue has been declared off limits. You’ll want to check with command for your next objective.”
“Roger that.” RN-715 turned and left as a flight of TIE-Fighters roared over head.
As the comm in his ear piqued and buzzed, Julius strode forward cloak flaring almost cinematically in the wind. Movements of his hand brought his bolt-pistol to one hand, and he left his lightsaber at his hip as he checked the load on the gun and nodded, proceeding down the street. The capitaol building was a ways away, and there was no need yet to light the beacons and announce exactly what he was. There was enough chaos that the panic alone would help hide him until the First Order realize he was walking the opposite way as most were. And if it came to that, he would deal with them as best as he could.

"Commander Starchaser, Knight Sedaire. I am en route to the capitol building to secure any high-priority persons and government officials. As well as detaining or deposing any the First Order who may be trying to run things. Assistance would be welcome. IFF beacon active."

With that, Julius left the channel to others needing to speak on a broader band and turned, avoiding a patrol of troopers marching down one street. Several times he would re-route like this. There was no need to actively engage men who honestly thought they were doing what was right. Not until he needed to, really. They may be cruel, sadistic, and very possibly evil. But that was no deterrent, many of these disillusioned souls would likely realize what they had done once they cut the head off the snake. And if they did not? Then he would burn them out of the Galaxy root and stem when the time came. Mercy only went so far in war.

[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Sophia sighed as she shifted her weight. The young woman was antsy to get down to the surface and help as many civilians as she possibly could. It was hard for the young woman to fathom that such evil still took place in this galaxy. Burning down villages was one thing but now they were taking out a whole planet which was another. She didn't condone either but this one at least she was getting a chance to stop.

The ride planetside seemed to last forever or at least in her mind it did. When the doors opened she was ready to rock and roll. Getting up she headed out into the chaos.

This wasn't Sophia's first rodeo but even when she went out into battle before it had never been like this. Stormtroopers shooting everyone in sight and than citizens running every which way screaming. Her first task was getting these people somewhere safe.

Sophia was a pilot, former Republic Navy to be exact. She wasn't used to being on the ground but she felt in a situation such as this that she needed to be down here.

Many of the troops were headed out to fight the First watch or order or whatever they called themselves. Sophia instead decided to manage the people. She had always been quite good at the people managing.

The main control room of Starkiller Base was practically empty, several officers remained overseeing some of the more vital functions of the purge taking place but most had already been moved off world to take command of the fresh fleet of Star Destroyers awaiting their hyperspace coordinates.
Aram remained for now. He had a shuttle prepared, pilots already in their seats and ready to depart much like the Supreme Leader had before. He wasn’t ready yet though, news had already hit his channels of the Galactic Alliance having made landfall with small strike teams in an attempt to stop the trials the people of Eriadu were being placed within.
“Scan the main city, establish any outer military personnel.” Aram ordered the room as holographic displays began to show several scenes from within the city proper.
“We have movement in the southern quadrant. Several radio signals relaying from close to the capitol chambers as well sir.” An officer stated from his position at the console. “Shall I dispatch a unit?”
Aram was silent for a minute as he watched the screens. Supreme Leader Sieger Ren would have loved what was happening if he could have watched, exact judgement for a sin only recently commited. The Galaxy would not make the same mistake twice, all would know to cross the First Order was to invite death.
“Dispatch 13th and 11th regiments.” Aram finally said looking at the area, “Search and destroy orders.”
“Yes sir.” The officer opened a channel. “13th and 11th are to move to sector four-two-seven. Search and Destroy, possible terrorist sightings.”
“Send in the AT-FAs.” Aram flicked some of the buttons himself enabling coordinates to be sent to the walker divisions that were waiting in reserve. “It is time they saw the First Order for what we can do, burn the city to the ground.”
“Orders being relayed sir.”
“Assure Trooper [member="Sibar Laval"] is informed of the walkers, he has a vested interest and is fully qualified for their operation.”
“It will be done sir.”
“Excellent.” Aram smiled at the display, soon it would be time.
“Send in TIE flights as well, strafe runs among the civilian heavy zones. Friendly fire is excused.”
“Of course sir.”
Aram looked at his display. “Open a channel with [member="Belis Ren"].”


Bevel Jural had managed to find refuge behind an overturned merchant stand, the heavy wood frame had saved his life so far and had given him the perfect vantage to watch as the First Order departed the square in order to move away and clear the streets leading to it.
Yet the Bothan had found when he had made a move to escape his muscles did not want to cooperate, the bodies on the floor around him, the smell of burnt flesh and the lifeless eyes of his friends; it was all too much for the Bothan.

He had moved back into hiding, worried that the stormtroopers would come this way again, but so far they hadn’t set foot back in the square again.
It was time to get some bravery back, he had to move, he had to run.
A roar came across the air like a scram.
TIE Fighters.
Bevel tried to hide, but the explosions came nearer and nearer.

As the smoke cleared Bevel was led across the ground having been the newest victim of the First Order’s campaign of hatred. Just another statistic in a war that threatened to consume the galaxy.

Sibar Laval

Sibar smiled at the torched area around him, the com he got only made his pyromania worse. AT-FA inbound! Sibar felt the thump of the large vechicle behind him. Sibar turned around to the magnifiecent machine before him in full glory. "Look at this beauty boys! Sadly command can only send one per incinerator squad but one could still torch down a city. Let's see what this baby can do!"
Sibar began to climb up the side of the mech until one of his squadmates spoke up. "Sergeant, I didn't know you could pilot one of these." Sibar chuckled as he entered the cockpit Yes Jax, I can pilot this. I come from a long line of pilots, my father was a pilot, my cousin was a pilot, my uncle was pilot, it's in my blood." As he sat down, he grabbed the the joystick infront of him. Sibar took a deep breath and moved the joystick forward, casuing the AT-FA to move in response. "Alright, let's raze the city to the ground!" Sibar slammed the button on to the right of the joystick, activating the flamecannons. Sibar smiled as he heard the sound of the fire crackling in the four flamecannons.

Without warning, fire launched our of the cannons. Everything in a 32 meter radius was absolutely devastated, the ground wasn't even recognizable anymore. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! More! Burn everything! We're going to burn this place to the ground! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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