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The Genocide of Eriadu

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
[member="Aston Jacobs"]

"Could be better, thanks for the assist," Ruby replied as she gets forced back by the volume of fire behind another statue near Ashton's position. The statue was of some fallen war hero and is slowly coming apart under the fusillade of bolts from the storm troopers. That isn't the best of omens, the Jensaari thinks as she peers around the side of the statue.

"We've got a better shot at overwhelming them if we stick together now that the one flank is gone, lets go after the squad on the left together, they won't be able to force us both back. Whenever you're ready, give the word and I'll pin them down while we move."

She prepares for his signal to let loose on the center squad, a barrage of neutral black lightning to knock back the front row, hopefully tangling up the rear or making them fall into cover so they could advance.

Sibar Laval

Sibar laughed as he saw the buildings burn "MORE MORE! I NEED MORE FIRE!" The launcher of the AT-FA aimed at civilians running out of the radius, it fired a plasma grenade, igniting the escapees. The AT-FA soon met blaster fire with a X-Wing from afar, causing damage to the frame of the machine. "Great, this might not be able to withstand mich more fire from those X-Wings. He had to keep going, he had to teach Eriadu what happens when you mess with the First Order. If nessacary he would call for support but until then he had to keep moving. "Alright men! We need to move to the center of the city, they think their government will protect them. Well, let's prove them wrong." The AT-FA marched forward with the rest of the 11th incinerator squad not far behind. We will teach Eriadu it's lesson, no matter what it takes.
Upon reaching the southern sector of the city with [member="Milo Ren"] and [member="stardust"] in tow, Greifen's dark form swung off the speeder bike as it ground to a halt. The enemy was right before them, already being engaged by the 11th and 13th Stormtrooper Divisions. Unlike the popular information that was floating around, the populace of Eriadu were not all unarmed civilians. There was armed opposition, and they were fighting back, vehemently opposing the First Order's rule of Eriadu.

For now.

Taking his lightsaber in hand, Greifen moved to the front lines. He nodded to Milo, a silent gesture that meant they both knew what to do. In a second, the red beams of his lightsaber were emitted, humming ominously in the air. "Stormtroopers, cover me," He said to the men at his side, and then gripped his saber tighter.

"For high treason, the Supreme Leader has declared your lives forfeit," Greifen said lowly, more to himself than anyone else. "I will now see your souls into the abyss. God Emperor Palpatine, strengthen me with your darkness."

Greifen Ren roared and charged forth.

The Stormtroopers behind him provided covering fire as the Knight of Ren deflected incoming blaster bolts with his lightsaber, charging headlong into the ranks of Eriadu partisans. His rage fueled him, and as his blade cut through its first neck, Greifen felt truly alive. He would kill one, then another, then another, his lightsaber guided by focused anger. He began to lose himself in the killing fields, his spirit stepping backward as the Force's natural impulses took over, moving his lightsaber to deflect a shot back into an enemy's heart. He wanted to keep killing all day. He wanted any Jedi nearby to feel his hate, to feel the death that was beginning to mount around him. He wanted to be found, surrounded by corpses of dead partisans, so that he might have a worthy challenge.

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
"Well, here goes nothing. Cover me, Stardust."

Milo dismounted his speeder at the sight of the battle in front of him. Rebels were firing at Stormtroopers, no doubt aided by Alliance forces. With a concentrated yell to pump him up, the Ren jumped, flipping over the lines of Stormtroopers and into the crowds of dissidents, lightsaber already activated.

His landing caused many a dissident to stumble back, confused. Milo used this to his advantage, slashing about at the stunned men. Heads rolled and appendages fell. The attempt to fire at the Knight was drowned with screams of terror as Ren got to work. A burst of Force Lightning enveloped one man, electrocuting him and sending the smell of charred meat around the area. Blaster bolts were deflected back to their original sources. Milo wasn't thinking any more. His training and his rage had kicked in, turning him into a machine. The rebels were suffering serious casualties at his hand, and some even threw their arms down and ran off, howling and wide-eyed in terror.

"Is this the best you have?!"

Milo yelled this out to the Eriaduian citizens, amplified through the speakers in his mask. They were looking less like rebellious scum and more like children who wet their pants then.

Milo Ren was beginning to enjoy this.

[member="Greifen Ren"] [member="stardust"]
Yes sir it shall be done"

Star got off and watched as he jumped over the line of trooper, doing the same she landed in front of them both sabers out and ready, so her job was to kill civies huh?. Not much a civie when your attacking

She watched [member="Milo Ren"] started attaxking and awed before a blaster bolt passing her snapped her out, she growled and blocked a few shot before dashing in and hitting her first kill, her saber cut the man in half while his comrades stared in horror....right before she turned and lit him ablaze along with whoever was facing her, just a blaze of hell fire as if a dragon had entered the battle and released it flame

And this is what I get paid to do? Heheheh one hundred"she counted two hundred three hundred four, you guys are gonna make me rich ahahah
[member="Greifen Ren"]
[member="Ruby Rose"]

"Sounds like a plan." Aston said as she was next to him. She initiated her part of the attack which managed to take those out at the front, thus forcing the rest backwards a bit. The Jedi padawan lept into action as his hand shot outward sending more flying back by means of a force push while he moved his lightsaber gracefully in front of him deflecting the bolts that were coming his way. Soon as he got in close enough distance he sped upwards using the force and began to dispatch more in close combat, his lightsaber cutting through as well as any could.

"It's working, we are forcing them back." Aston said moving his blade in a fluid motion from left to right, over and upward defending and attacking as often as he could.
The room had been witness to their crimes.
Crimes that had been against the First Order and the Supreme Leader himself, these traitors and liers were all found guilty and the penalty for such could only have been death.
Belis had seen to the sentencing personally as he had been instructed to. He had wielded his lightsaber like the executioners axe and brought an end to the traitorous lives of the Eriadu Governors one after the other.
They had protested.
Screamed even.
It all meant nothing, each of them lay dead on the floor of the capitol building chamber now. Eraidu was headless and all those who had shown open support for the Galactic Alliance were dead, never again capable of speaking against masters who had treated them so fairly in the past.

The Knight of Ren, one of the first of the order embraced the chilling sensation of the Force around him, inside the once Jedi cried out in pain, wanting to end it but the darkness shut it down quickly, there was no room for weakness, no room for second guesses.
He opened a channel with the Supreme Commander.
“Kalast.” Belis said through his helmet, his voice deep and distorted. “It is done.”
Closing the channel with the Knight Aram began to move up the ramp of his own transport, around them the alarms of destruction wailed and the Supreme Commander knew that they had done all they could to show an example of these people.
Or nearly all they could.
“Lieutenant.” The female officer stepped forward and saluted Aram as he entered the shuttle. “Send Order Twelve through to the remaining fleet and prepare my ship for my arrival.”
“It shall be done Sir.” She replied and marched off across the deck floor as Aram disappeared within the shuttle and felt the floor disappear beneath him.
“Today they will understand.” He muttered to himself as he thought of the Galactic Alliance forces that had apparently landed on the planet. “We will not release territory intact.”

Across every First Order communicator orders began to sound.
“All forces extract. I repeat all forces extract. Base Delta imminent. I repeat Base Delta imminent.” The order would repeat itself on a loop as Stormtroopers calmly began to move to dedicated extraction zones. Arrested civilians were put onto the last of the major carriers and armoured divisions were placed in transit.
The skys darkened as Retribution Star Destroyers began to lower themselves atop of the city, closer to the combat to lessen the extraction time.

Then they began to fire.

Eriadu city would indeed burn. Seven Star Destroyers in all would continue the bombardment, seven Star Destroyers would see the end of those who claimed to be freedom fighters. Seven Star Destroyers would not stop until Eriadu was glass.
The screams of the city would carry across the air for centuries to come, the Genocide of Eriadu was at its peak.

Aram smiled within his shuttle.
“Today they will most definitely understand.”

Tag: [member="Coren Starchaser"] (Because you'll want to know.) :p

Sibar Laval

Sibar sighed "LETS MOVE MEN! Base Delta is imminent!" One of the incinerators spoke up "Why are we retreating Sergeant? We still haven't finished." Sibar smiled under his helmet "We aren't retreating, we are simply advancing in another direction NOW MOVE!" The AT-FA began to march out of the city with the rest of the 11th incinerator squad, their job was complete.
Coren was not happy. Meant he had to switch tactics. Moving behind a dumpster for cover, he reached into the Force, what he was going to need to do is stall these people and get moving. He grinned as he saw an option. “Tiburon Alpha, provide cover fire. Bravo and Charlie, continue on mission. We will catch up.” He looked around the dumpster and fired with his light repeater, letting it swing back to his hip as he pulled out his lightsaber. He could use it for cover, if it came to it.

Now Starchaser was that skilled with the Force, but what he did have were some pretty heavy hitting powers. He just needed the power source. Igniting the orange blade, he stood up, drawing fire to him as a lightning rod would, deflecting several bolts, he fell into the Force and wrapped it around himself, feeling a bolt here and there, two, then three, hit his aura, pulling in the energy, he saw the two cargo haulers and grabbed them in the Force, only to bend then and move then from A to B, in front of the soldiers, trapping them in the alley.

“Good, Alphas, lets catch up.” He extinguished the blade and pulled out the light repeater again, and switched into first person mode. He looked over to Rekha to speak but that was when the skies started to open up.

“Cover!” He ordered, grabbed Rekha and all but dragging her into a building.

“Alliance, Starchaser. Get yourselves to cover, the First Order isn’t fraking around.” He looked over to the Comms Officer who was sending out a mayday to the Alliance, or hell, any fleet in range.

[member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
[member="Ruby Rose"]
[member="Hegemonic Automaton"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
Location: Groundside
Equipment: Lightsaber | Carbine | Vibroknife | VT Jedi Vanguard Armor

"Sir, if I may?"

"Go ahead."

"That was just about the stupidest thing you could have done. You may have the Force, but we do not, and you led us in there blind. I was instructed to help you, but I will not do so by getting my team killed."

The words, the tone, all of it just made Audren angry. Did Morlev think he could just order the Jedi around? Or did he think that the Sephi would allow civilians to be slaughtered so the fireteam could be safe? Neither of those were going to fly, and if the man didn't like it then he could go back to his Lieutenant for reassignment. It wasn't like the Padawan had asked for him to come along. When he spoke, his voice was pure ice.

"Excuse me?"

"You said you'd watch our backs if we watched yours. Then you run in there without telling us what we're up against. We can't see through walls, sir. For all we knew, we were facing up against a tank, or a Sith!"

Audren was about to get into it, had even taken a breath to do so, but that last bit caught his attention. These guys wouldn't last a second against a Sith; heck, even he didn't know if he could last so long. That made him take a figurative step back and look at it from their perspective. When he did so, his anger drained and he felt somewhat sheepish. Difficult as it was to admit, he was in the wrong and Morlev the right. That meant an apology. Hopefully it didn't get stuck in his throat like they tended to. His tone now was much more sheepish.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I couldn't wait, but I should have told you what we were facing. I'll make you a deal: you tell me when an order is stupid and I'll do my best to learn from you. I haven't led a team before, not in battle."

Morlev nodded slowly, radiating surprise through the Force.

"We should turn left here, sir."

"You have a target in mind?"

"Pahlee, sir. Did you not hear the comm call for you?"

"There wasn't one on this channel."

Only her helmet moved, but he could sense the girl's impatience. It was a sense of 'why were we the ones saddled with him', and it was directed at Morlev.

"Authenticated call from Starchaser, directing you and someone called Sedaire to the capitol. The Tiburons were delayed."

"Left it is then."

As they turned the corner, shots rang out. Belatedly, the Padawan realized he'd not been paying any attention to his Force senses, instead focusing on the argument he'd been having with Morlev. Stupid. Even while he was recovering, there came the distinctive snap-hiss of a lightsaber igniting and blaster bolts started to fly. He raised his own carbine to his shoulder and shot at the stormtroopers, following the example of the professional soldiers. He knew he winged one of the troopers, but otherwise it was over too quickly for him to get many details. When he looked at the Jedi that had arrived, he recognized Julius Sedaire, the other Jedi Coren had called for.

"Fireteam Cyclone, meet Jedi Knight Julius Sedaire. Knight Sedaire, Fireteam Cyclone. We're heading to the capitol by Commander Starchaser. Thanks for interceding here. Coming with?"

Of course, if he hadn't the Padawan and fireteam would probably be dead, as would the civilians the stormies were moving. He was well aware of that, and he was sure the fireteam was as well, but neither commented.

The Padawan's first hint that something was wrong - something else, as it were - was the shadow that fell over them. It wasn't temporary, a fast-moving cloud, it stayed there. He looked up, only to see one of the First Order's Star Destroyers descending above them. He got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, one that ended up being justified as just seconds later the first of the turbolaser bolts smashed into the city. Sub-orbital bombardment. NOT GOOD.


Audren and Pahlee called it out at the same time, him because of what he saw and her because of Coren's orders. Buildings were scan cover, especially from a Star Destroyer's turbolasers, but they had to take what they could get. Cyclone herded the civilians who'd stayed nearby into the nearest building, they in turn showed the way to the basement. Or, as it turned out, the old tunnels beneath the city. That was good, it meant they didn't have to stay cooped up in one place while the building possibly collapsed on top of them. As it turned out, there were walkways and subways both, but the subways had been mostly shut down decades ago.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"]

OOC: Sorry, forgot about this one.
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha stopped her eyes on Coren she watched what he pulled off one of those force things. She arched a brow watching him she had to admit that well it did come in handy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She started to smile when he looked her way, but overhead was getting ready to change things again. Before she could look down, Coren had grabbed her and pulled into a building. “I’m all for being alone Coren” She quipped trying to keep the tension down.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Tension had the ability to deter thinking, and for her a little levity kept her sharp. Rekha peeked out again, “They really aren’t fething around” She didn’t have time to count but there was more than 5 star destroyers in the skies for this one city.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“We need better cover, it won’t take long for them to level the city and put us under it” Rekha needed her ability to think ahead. They had to get the team out. But against this kind of fire power. Luck was not the only thing they would need.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Coren Starchaser"][/SIZE]
[member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
[member="Ruby Rose"]
[member="Hegemonic Automaton"]

Gerion didn't like to get pulled out of meetings by tactical droids, but given the circumstances, he was willing to let it slide.

"The first reports were received four standard hours ago." TD-518 began, closing the door to Gerion's office behind him. This was not something that could be discussed where an intern might hear it. "The situation was controlled until star destroyers were deployed into low atmosphere to begin orbital bombardment of the city."

Before he got pulled out of the meeting room, Gerion had received a text message. Eriadu City was being massacred by Stormtroopers. This only concerned him so much as Hegemonic Automaton had been in the process of constructing a distribution center in the city. The facility was still under construction but its standard security platoon had been sent ahead of schedule. It was a fluke that should have been corrected, but Gerion didn't trust Imperials to keep private property safe. Evidently, when the government switched allegiances to the Galactic Alliance, he couldn't trust them either.

Partially constructed or not, distribution centers were equipped to deal with these kinds of events. Shield generators. Turrets. Security droids. Protocol dictated that they were to function as shelters of any kind in events of extreme civil duress. Eriadian citizens, as well as the construction workers present, would be taken in and sheltered from the stormtroopers. The droids would cooperate with law enforcement. From the report he received during the meeting, that was exactly what was happening. Everything had been going as fine as it could be.

While a distribution enter could weather a small scale assault... Orbital bombardments were another matter.

"And when did we receive the last report?"

"Approximately thirty-seven minutes ago. The orbital bombardment of the commercial district had just commenced."



The Umbaran exhaled through his nose, tapping his fingers irritably on the desk. Employees were dead. Assets destroyed. An expensive facility demolished. Not to mention a perfectly good PR opportunity was now wasted- if there weren't any survivors in the distribution center it was irrelevant how valiantly they had been defended. Dead was dead. An orbital bombardment... Gerion could curse the First Order as much as he wanted, but professionally he could appreciate how thorough they were.

"The Galactic Alliance fleet? What of their navy?"

TD-518 was silent for a moment. "The Galactic Alliance possesses no navy to field."

It was Gerion's turn to be silent, this time with the added display of his jaw clenching and a vein protruding out of his forehead. No... Navy? This was an inter-galactic government. They could dress it up as an Alliance or a Coalition or whatever word they shelled out, but the fact of the matter was their influence over a number of systems was established. Yet they had no space-worthy fighting force capable of defending one of the most important economic centers in their sector? Why was it that every government that could reasonably be construed as good was handicapped? The Republic was crumbling. The Silver Sanctum was impotent. And now the Galactic Alliance had no navy to speak of!

What this told Gerion was that the people who destroyed his property were going to get away with it. In fact, it was more than likely they were going to keep getting away with it.

"Bollocks. I won't stand for this," said Gerion, who was sitting down. "Send the fleet."

The logistics of deploying fleets were expensive. It would cost a fortune, but it was a fortune Gerion had. It wasn't like he did this regularly.

"It is unlikely the fleet will arrive in time to save the city."

"Then we'll leave it in orbit as incentive for the Galactic Alliance to jump-start their shipbuilding. Now, off with you."

The tactical droid bowed to the command of his superior and excused himself. Within the hour, Hegemonic Automaton's private navy would depart from orbit to plot a course to Eriadu.

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