Sahna continued to run onward. While her running was fairly fast, the twist and turns limited her movement. I kept up easily as running every day was just a part of my life. Keeping my body in shape for martial arts, and the Matukai training was difficult as hell. My stamina was on superhuman levels. So keeping up with the small frame of Sahna bouncing up ahead of me was easy. I could hear her calling out to someone. Saying that she was coming. I had to wonder who it was, and would likely as her later when she wasn't so interested and invested in this person. Even more so, I knew that this cave system was causing some mental problems to her, and I didn't want to interrupt that. She needed to learn, and grow from this. Even if it hurt to do so.
I felt bad. Hurting myself as she continued on. Knowing that this pained her so. I had been so focused upon myself, so ingrained into my own head and training her, that I didn't think what could be holding her back was her past. I didn't think to make her face her demons earlier. I just ran after her for now.
Hearing a yelp of pain after a rather loud thud, there was a small drop that would have been difficult to see. Dropping down, I thudded hard into the ground. Impacting enough to bend my knees and my rear almost touch the ground. But I was not injured in any form. Using Matukai training, I was able to harden my skin, muscles and body to resist impacts. However, Sahna had not done the same because she was so flustered. She was nursing her leg and was almost hissing at it in pain. With her open mouth, I could barely see the sharp teeth she had. Having already seen them before, I was not scared, nor afraid, or thought any differently.
Kneeling down next to her, I removed her hand. Feeling up her leg to see if there were any injuries.
"Sahna, I know that whoever is there means a lot to you. However, you need to be careful when reaching your objective. Take your time, and make sure that when you work on getting there, that you don't do so too fast, that you injure yourself or others."
It looked like she would be learning quickly, and multiple lessons from this as I was giving her the bad news.
"No broken bones, but you did sprain your ankle. Stay still, this will hurt."
Holding her ankle on my lap, I kept her foot level and square with the rest of her leg. Slowly, I began to focus the force upon it. The muscles, ligaments, joints, and even the swelling that would take place would be going through the stages rapidly. The healing process took a few moments, but would speed up the healing process, while at the same time, causing pain from the rapid changes to her body. I wouldn't be surprised if she yelped or hissed at me a second time.
Once it was done, I let her leg down slowly.
"Take it slow. Put only a little pressure on it if you can. And please, walk to where you need to go. I don't want to see you hurt again."
Trying to hide my emotions of pain, nervousness, and even fear for her, I scooted myself to be towards her hips instead of at her feet. Speaking directly at her the entire time.
[member="Sahna Te"],
I felt bad. Hurting myself as she continued on. Knowing that this pained her so. I had been so focused upon myself, so ingrained into my own head and training her, that I didn't think what could be holding her back was her past. I didn't think to make her face her demons earlier. I just ran after her for now.
Hearing a yelp of pain after a rather loud thud, there was a small drop that would have been difficult to see. Dropping down, I thudded hard into the ground. Impacting enough to bend my knees and my rear almost touch the ground. But I was not injured in any form. Using Matukai training, I was able to harden my skin, muscles and body to resist impacts. However, Sahna had not done the same because she was so flustered. She was nursing her leg and was almost hissing at it in pain. With her open mouth, I could barely see the sharp teeth she had. Having already seen them before, I was not scared, nor afraid, or thought any differently.
Kneeling down next to her, I removed her hand. Feeling up her leg to see if there were any injuries.
"Sahna, I know that whoever is there means a lot to you. However, you need to be careful when reaching your objective. Take your time, and make sure that when you work on getting there, that you don't do so too fast, that you injure yourself or others."
It looked like she would be learning quickly, and multiple lessons from this as I was giving her the bad news.
"No broken bones, but you did sprain your ankle. Stay still, this will hurt."
Holding her ankle on my lap, I kept her foot level and square with the rest of her leg. Slowly, I began to focus the force upon it. The muscles, ligaments, joints, and even the swelling that would take place would be going through the stages rapidly. The healing process took a few moments, but would speed up the healing process, while at the same time, causing pain from the rapid changes to her body. I wouldn't be surprised if she yelped or hissed at me a second time.
Once it was done, I let her leg down slowly.
"Take it slow. Put only a little pressure on it if you can. And please, walk to where you need to go. I don't want to see you hurt again."
Trying to hide my emotions of pain, nervousness, and even fear for her, I scooted myself to be towards her hips instead of at her feet. Speaking directly at her the entire time.
[member="Sahna Te"],