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The Great Gathering | The Je'daii Order

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn wasn't entirely certain what it was that drew his attention back to his Master while her hand touched down upon the breastplate, yet there was some sort of feeling or impulse that led him to study her for those brief moments while the color in her eyes faded and she seemed to distance herself entirely from their immediate surroundings. It was an interesting sensation, feeling as though he were watching something significant and perhaps even important though still remaining completely oblivious to whatever it was that she was doing or seeing, all that he knew was that whatever it was, she was using the Force somehow.

"...I believe it means for you to make use of these things".

At her response, Caedyn soon smiled to himself and trusting in his Master's confirmation, he turned to glance back to these new treasures that he had acquired. [member="Asha Hex"] was immensely gifted given her age and he had a lot to live up to if he were ever to become a faithful student to her. The suggestion therefore that he ought to attune himself with the Crystal that he had found seemed a most needed cause to which he turned back and nodded to her firmly, his acknowledgement soon followed by his finding a comfortable enough seating upon the rock-bed where he might cross his legs and place the lavender stone before him, intent on meditating over the stone right then and there.

Whether or not it was Asha's expectation for him to do so in the depths of the cave that they had stumbled upon such things, Caedyn wished not to wait, especially when the find was so fresh and if there was anything to be had for the place his Crystal had sat for what could have been years for all he knew, he hoped that it might aid him in his connection to both the stone as well as the Force.

Eyes closing, he fell into a solitary silence. His hands resting atop his legs, his shoulders loose and relaxed, chest rising and falling slowly with every well placed breath, his mind becoming calm and clearing away all afterthoughts nor doubts of his surroundings as he had practiced and trained to do. He was still new to a life lived within the powerful flow of the Force, over time it would slowly creep up on him, the Crystal itself almost glowing in response to his trance...
Her gaze drifted to [member="Arekk"] around the time that the medical team arrived, just as [member="Kid Starburn"] stepped out from the shadows to show his concern for the man, and she gave him a very small smile, hoping it would make him feel a little better due to the circumstances he had found himself in, reassuring him so to speak.

"You can go with him back to Azar City, if you like, Querido, I won't be here much longer but I do need to tend to my Padawan before I leave."

Thankfully King was in good hands, the team had been quick to arrive and were prepping him to leave. With that in mind she suppressed her own anxiety toward the situation and turned to Kid, "I was late to arrive myself, don't worry. Shall we begin, Padawan?"

Beginning to walk away from the crowd of individuals she led him through a small network of tunnels and caves before finally pausing once there was no more distractions.

"Close your eyes, and breathe... Focus through the Force, Padawan, listen and feel for the crystals which lay within the cave, focus on the one which calls out to you. It may be difficult to feel at first, but we are in no rush."


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Asha Hex"], [member="Mariya Fleischer"], [member="Tracyn"], [member="Jyn Lorr"], [member="Sahna Te"], [member="Ignis Imura"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"], [member="Kid Starburn"], [member="Josef King"]

"I'm going to get a crystal from this cave, now that I'm here. I'll catch up with the old man after, darling."

With that being said, Ar'ekk brushed past Jyn but not before touching her shoulder and disappearing into the shadows of the crystal cave. His whereabouts remained unknown to the rest, preferring to go solo on this scavenging adventure. He hadn't entered a crystal cave for over a decade ever since he collected the Dantari crystal for his first lightsaber.

One of the crystaline formations nearby caught his attention, its colorful blue color beamed brightly peaked his interest. Taking out a small chisel to carve out a piece of it, Ar'ekk retrieved the so much needed rock that would finally go into a future lightsaber of his. Closing his eyes as he held it in his hand, the man called out for the Force and reached beyond.

"The Force is strong with the one who uses this crystal. Trust the Force and it shall guide you."

What seemed to be like hours were just mere seconds, eyes opening widely as his senses became even wider to feel out the rest of the cave.


His work here was done, bothering Jyn and Kid was a no-go because they were holding a very important lesson that couldn't be interrupted in any means. The Knight waltzed off from the cave in slow, careful steps until he got into one of the medical shuttles that were waiting for him to get out of the crystal cave. Hopefully the old man was okay, he wanted to make sure of that.

She smiled with pride when he opted to take her advice, more so that he chose not to put it off and instead began to attune himself with the crystal then and there.

Rather than speak further instructions she opted instead to join him on the ground, and while he focused upon the crystal itself she looked instead to the armour which had accompanied it. Asha knew the woman it belonged to, funnily enough she was actually the High Queen of Aurum, though she had recently returned to Midvinter where her husband ruled leaving the State to be run by proxy. She attended meetings and diplomatic events via holocall, and allowed the well appointed ministers to deal with the day to day governance of the world.

Thankfully it was small enough that this approach actually worked, and the general populace was none the wiser.

The armour had been placed there prior to the reformation of the Je'daii, prior even to the fall of the original enclave here, back when Kära first came to Aurum to sow the seeds of her future reign. Reminders of her former life, which she wanted to forget.


Caedyn was free to have it, the Umbaran wasn't going to come looking for them.

Padawan the word was foreign to him but because of the context ,quickly he realized its meaning "Apprentice". He was still so new to all this and was glad to have someone guide him through it. Giving her a smile and nod in return ,

Quick footsteps could be heard from a opposite passage way ,a group of the planets medical staff had secured the passed out man. While he was watching this happen , He had saw one of the senior members leave to further explore the caves alone.

Finally walking with Jyn she had led him to a literal crossroads, he was presented with different pathways stretching throughout the cave. Beginning to do as she said, Pacing his breathing and trying to calm himself closing his eyes and trying to feel for every detail that was inside the cave.

His young curiosity had gotten the better of him

"So... friend of yours" he said snickering but lightheartedly trying to get a bit of cheeriness into the air , to distract from the sudden misfortune that had been present around them

Waiting to see her reaction from the sly joke, he had felt something for a moment but could not contain his concentration and what he had sensed suddenly turned into a weak flicker

He almost had it
It seemed as though his mind was a little too preoccupied to truly focus on the Gathering. In order to get the ball rolling, and for him to find his crystal, she simply turned to him once they had paused and smiled while offering a loose shrug.

"A friend of sorts," she said, before turning her gaze across to the crossroad of tunnels which now lay before them. So many opens, and while many of the crystals were calling out to Jyn they were not here for her. She had her lightsaber. "We're dating, not that it matters... Come on, now. Focus on the task at hand, Padawan, I didn't bring any food or drinks and it's way past my dinner time."

A slight smirk, clearly she was joking about the latter part - where food was concerned, though this Order did seem particularly fond of their snacks - and this time she too closed her eyes and began to softly breathe through her nose, focusing through the Force, hoping to lead by example.

Hopefully he would give it a try, too.

"There's no right or wrong answer on which way to go, trust in the Force and your instincts..."

[member="Kid Starburn"]
She moves like she don't care
The waters felt cold. Salty even. Not exactly the most inviting thing in the world, but she did not care. This was her chance to catch up with Captain Marcus Grey. So she swam, paddling quickly towards the captain who was in just treading water in front of her. Just a few strokes and she would reach him. She surfaced, smiling at Marcus who grinned back. As he leaned forward, she broke into a giggle and reached her hand out towards him. As her hand rested on his shoulder, she closed her eyes and waited.

She waited for a good minute and felt nothing.

Unable to wait any longer, she opened her eyes and found herself greeted by two twin babies in her arms again. One of them was crying.

"What the-"

The sound of fire rang out near her position. She cloaked, slipping away under the cover of the debris and ran. The sound of the baby cries were enough to betray her invisibility, with bolts flying at her general direction. Luckily, her shields were effective against blaster fire. She took a beating and hopped onto a nearby speeder, placing the babies at the empty seat and drove off.

"I'll get you both to safety," she muttered to herself, starting the engine and sped off. As the vehicle sped off, a mist overtook the area. She gritted her teeth, driving into the unknown. The sounds of blaster fire seemed to have died, though she had no idea where she was going. She carried on, taking a careful glance at the babies on her right who had continued crying. Both of them now. She could smell the unmistakable scent of urine. Uh oh.

"poodoo," she cursed and stopped the vehicle by the roadside. Mariya had never changed diapers before. In fact, where on earth would she find diapers?

"You look like you need help," a voice rang out. She looked up, glancing at the unmistakable tall figure with red fiery hair and silver cybernetic eyes. Mariya blinked.

"Saede? Where the hell are you guys? Where have all of you gone? Do you know that I have looking for all of you all these years? I missed you all!" The blonde got out of the vehicle and walked over to Saede Taggart. Yes, there she was. The brawler. The Pirate Queen. The original owner of The Galactic Underworld. She ran up and hugged her friend, her big sister. "You guys are all the family I had! Don't you know that?"

A rush of emotions flooded the blonde. Happiness, sadness, anger, relief and regret. She fought back the wetness in her eyes, but decided to let them flow.

The red hair merely smiled and shook her head. "We may be gone, but we will always be a part of you," she said, pointing to the crying babies in her vehicle. "Instead of chasing the ghosts of your past, why not pursue the present? Go and look for your sister. She is your true family afterall."

"What do you mean, gone? What do you mean my sister?" There was no way Saede was gone. She was too tough for that.

"Good bye, Mariya. Stay strong, we will be watching you."

"Wait! Don't go!" the blonde cried, feeling Saede fading away from her touch. The pirate queen had vanished completely, leaving her with the babies who had stopped crying. She turned her head back to the vehicle, seeing a familiar figure was helping to change the wet diapers with new ones. Mariya squirmed her eyes at the figure, who cut a similar height with long flowing golden locks.

"Hello sister," the other blonde turned her head towards the mercenary and giggled.

Mariya opened her eyes, finding herself lying on the floor with her rifle resting on her. Somehow she had fallen asleep. Where was she? She got up from the floor, remembering that she had been told to meditate by Mr Force Ghost. True enough, Kyle Katarn was there, floating in the air. Apparently [member="Cecilia Wissen"] had fallen down into a hole while she was lost in her consciousness.

"Cecilia, are you alive? I can help you get out."

She walked over to the hole where her friend had fallen, relieved to see the young woman unharmed. Mariya unravelled the grappling hook from her utility belt and tossed it down, letting Cecilia hold onto the rope. Then she began pulling.
Could you blame him he's a curious kid . *Snickers at last joke* He liked this teacher student relationship.He started out with no one to learn from , no one to set an example or to explain how his power worked. But here he is learning from this person who was generous enough to help guide him through it and he would not fail her.

And with that in mind , He gave it a try.

Focusing,closing his eyes and breathing through his nose just as she did. He felt for the crystal , his emotions swaying him in its direction twist and turns until. it was there , he saw a tall jagged rock pillar surrounded by a lake stretching further within the cave and on top of it all a shard had lit up.

"Yeah I trusted it and the force is telling me its coming from that away" he said poking fun at the mystical power that surrounds the galaxy. *points at the middle tunnel*

Rhaeon began walking over to the middle path, knowing where to be.Before travelling further he looked back"Hey you wanna come , who knows it may be fun"

His reason for asking was to learn a bit about her past, If he was to study under her he may as well learn who she is. He was an apprentice and she was his master.

[member="Jyn Lorr"]
"Very good, Padawan," came her response when her student finally seemed to figure out which path he was to take, "Worry not, I plan on remaining at your side throughout this process - at least until such a time as you no longer want me to."

Opening her own eyes she allowed the amalgamation of life found within the caves to wash over her once more, no longer blocking out the majority of it. So many crystals vying for attention, none of which would be answered by Jyn herself this day though perhaps some time soon she would venture back into the depths herself in search of one or two.

Allowing him to lead the way down the central path, Jyn hung back ever so slightly. She did not wish to guide him in any way shape or form, this was his journey, his trial so to speak, and what lay ahead was for him to discover. Some found hardship, memories of their past or fears for their future, when taking part in the Gathering. Others found what they were looking for rather effortlessly. The Force worked in mysterious ways, and would throw bumps in their roads at irregular intervals. What might happen to one is not destined to happen to another...

[member="Kid Starburn"]
"Thanks,.. just trying my best" ,Rhaeon responded sheepishly, while strolling down the center path.Her words of encouragement had helped him to focus his mind on the crystals environment .She trailed behind him giving him the lead , he respected that she gave him a sense of competence even though this was his first mystical occasion . Though while on his quest he did not forget why he had asked for her to accompany him .

"So master Jyn ... if you don't mind me asking where are you from " he hesitantly asked unsure of if the Je'daii master had a harsh upbringing .mostly asking the question to break the silence of the ominous cave.

While continuing in search of his crystals whereabouts . He started, Hearing a slight voice of a woman , finally he familiarized himself with the voice . Looking to jyn to see if she could also hear .But strange enough It was just him. all things aside he knew it was his mothers ."You left me my son....Why? you would have made a great leader like your father my little ......... one hahaha I'm truly starting to like these encounters of ours my misguided apprentice .You are quite skilled at hiding your emotions but evident enough your thoughts dwell on your mother even when you travel for the component to your weapon,you would much rather be home protecting her....Wouldn't you?

Gritting his teeth to hold back a curse , he tensed up struggling to try and balance out his mission and the dark lords distractions.He started to slow down his walking pace trying to silence everything and concentrate. The force was tugging at him on where to go but his mind was dazed by the sudden corruption.

Leave here learn from me I will strengthen you

[member="Jyn Lorr"]
"I'm from Talus, the same place you and I first met. Though I don't remember it very much except from what I've seen of it as an adult, I was raised on Serenno, and later Dromund Kaas."

And she had spent a brief stint on Coruscant, but she didn't want to think about those months right now. Instead she continued to press on following the path he had carved through the cave network. It was good to see students such as he beginning to grow into their potential, even if it was just one step at a time.

"What about yourself? Where did you visit prior to Talus?"

All at once she began to detect an uneasiness surrounding the boy. His emotions were open for her to soak in, and a familiarity mixed with confusion and grief washed over him. The battle had begun it seemed.

"Don't lose your head, Padawan; whatever it is you are facing right now you are not alone. Breathe... Focus on what is really here."

[member="Kid Starburn"]
"To be honest master I'm fine , this presence i'm sensing is the only thing keeping me back ...I'll push through"
He said confident in his words though aware of the true calamity that crept into his thoughts and actions. All caused by the strong link from the holocron he found . If he was going to get stronger in the force he would find a way to sever the link and end the corruption. But listening to his teachers words he first had to "Breathe... Focus on what is really here." To focus on the hear and now was the added goal for the journey, to try and maintain a train of thought while searching for the crystal , without also succumbing to the spirits torment.

But to do so he first had to get out of his own head for awhile making conversation would surely help.

"Nowhere really I stayed on my Homeworld Cersia mostly , I've never even left the planet before, until now I mean...I left in search of someone to teach me of the force and it just so happened we met so ...thanks for the words of encouragement up untill now it helps me with this whole mystical process ."

His thoughts of home were nostalgic but he had to move from where he started ,that is where the spirit was aiming for, his feelings toward his home and family. But first sounds he heard cut off his thoughts ..."drip"..."drip" ,coming from a split segment of the cave from the right. He had remembered the vision of where the crystal was surrounded by ,a small stream. He was close.

Knowing this had made him visibly excited a smirk had painted across his face, but the thoughts of what happens after slowly drifted it back to a normal dull expression.
"So.. before this gathering comes to a close I gotta know how did you complete your trials did they come easy for you or was it difficult, just asking for no apparent reason."
Hiding his nervousness with comic relief was his specialty.

[member="Jyn Lorr"]
"Presence?" she inquired, more curious than anything though she knew better than to pry and would leave the matter where it was if he chose not to divulge the details. Everyone's experiences with these trials were different, where some would face visions in caves such as this others ran through them effortlessly. Yet they often stumbled on other trials. Everybody was different, after all, their experiences shaped them, some were better when it came to the more practical aspects such as duels or Force application, while others had stronger minds.

Jyn followed him as he continued through the caves, pausing when he halted in one of the rooms with several paths. She could hear the slow rush of water coming from the path which veered down deeper, whereas one of the others had a rush of wind, almost as though it led back to the surface. Her student chose the former, and she ventured alongside him down the path.

"I had no Journey to follow when I took my trials; I reformed the Je'daii, brought the Great Journey back into use, but that does not mean my path to this point was without hardship. I struggled significantly, for the longest time I despised the Force, I had no trust in it, but my battles have led me back to its side and now I trust it wholeheartedly. But what you face will be like nothing anyone else has, or ever will."

[member="Kid Starburn"]
Rhaeon had finally made it

He lead himself to his destination and stood outside of the passageway . Hearing only the sounds of the waves crashing lightly against rock he entered walking through and eyeing the room . He Looked above him to see the spiked ceiling of the cave and below a path of land laid outstretched from where he was standing, surrounded by a still pool of water. In the center of it all stood the towering pillar, there was nothing out of the ordinary to it ,until out from the corner of his eye he saw it . A shard had sat at the top ,the force was right.

Before reaching his goal he knew he had words to say to his master looking back to acknowledge her ,he started
"You've faced your share of difficulties and chose to persevere through it all , I admire that, , It doesn't get easier i know , Its worth trying to pull through then just sit their and take the punches, I'm not sure why the force works the way it does but if its leading me down this path, I'll gladly follow it.

And with that he rushed over to the pillar for a running start he jumped , catching a rock to begin his ascent. The higher he got the more thrilled he was to hear the crystals call. Thoughts of what the finished product of his lightsaber would swirl in his head. He looked down to see that the floor was growing farther away .When reaching for the next rock , he felt a chill as if it was seeping into his bones , this was enough to distract his concentration and he now found himself hanging by one arm.

"Come on starburn you've got this" he whispered words to uplift him.

Straining to regain leverage ,he still continued on, growing close enough to grab a hold of the ledge.
Pulling himself up and rolling over he swiftly got to his feet . standing on the solid ground he looked over the ledge to his master below .Gazing over to the crystal , he started to walk over to the light, an emerald glow had shone in his eyes . Reaching for it slowly he was quickly cutoff .
"You chose not to tell her about me strange, its almost as if you believe you can resist my power on your own. No matter , I am only here to offer aid ,.. but you make it quite difficult .I seem to not be leaving anytime soon , you might be wise to welcome my strength the galaxy is in chaos and darkness will come hang over you. The force has a task for you i can feel it. But what you face will be like nothing anyone else has, or ever will. HAHHAHAH!!!"

Though the spirits words led him to judge himself .It was mistaken he didn't want to rule the galaxy , he would defend it . He was inexperienced , yes but he had the courage and will to fight for what's right. Scaling back down to meet back with his teacher he felt different as if he could take on anything "So when do we start training" he finally realized what he was .. A Je'daii

[member="Jyn Lorr"]
Nothing more was said from Jyn as their journey tapered to a close.

Rhaeon responded to her yet before she could say a word he had set off at a sprint toward one of the jutting pillars of naturally formed rock which lay dotted around the cavern they had just entered. Stalagmites and stalactites shot up and down, formed of hardened calcium they gave the whole place both an odd texture and an echo like no other. She could hear his feet slapping on the cold stone floor, before he leaped up and began to climb.

It seemed as though the Force wished to test him in more than one way this day, by placing the crystal atop the pillar it tested his ingenuity... And had already tested his spirit, it seemed. If she understood what had happened just minutes prior.

She waited, pensive, until his white hair could be seen on the edge of the pillar once more. A shimmer caught the slight light in the cave, the crystal grasped within his hands, and she felt both apprehension and pride flowing from him.

Soon she would have to talk to him about whatever was plaguing him. For now she would let him have his victory unabashed.

He was at her side again in no time, and together they ventured back through the cave network in search of the exit. His question brought just a grin from the woman who did not yet respond. After all, his training had begun the moment they left Talus.


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