Caedyn wasn't entirely certain what it was that drew his attention back to his Master while her hand touched down upon the breastplate, yet there was some sort of feeling or impulse that led him to study her for those brief moments while the color in her eyes faded and she seemed to distance herself entirely from their immediate surroundings. It was an interesting sensation, feeling as though he were watching something significant and perhaps even important though still remaining completely oblivious to whatever it was that she was doing or seeing, all that he knew was that whatever it was, she was using the Force somehow.
"...I believe it means for you to make use of these things".
At her response, Caedyn soon smiled to himself and trusting in his Master's confirmation, he turned to glance back to these new treasures that he had acquired. [member="Asha Hex"] was immensely gifted given her age and he had a lot to live up to if he were ever to become a faithful student to her. The suggestion therefore that he ought to attune himself with the Crystal that he had found seemed a most needed cause to which he turned back and nodded to her firmly, his acknowledgement soon followed by his finding a comfortable enough seating upon the rock-bed where he might cross his legs and place the lavender stone before him, intent on meditating over the stone right then and there.
Whether or not it was Asha's expectation for him to do so in the depths of the cave that they had stumbled upon such things, Caedyn wished not to wait, especially when the find was so fresh and if there was anything to be had for the place his Crystal had sat for what could have been years for all he knew, he hoped that it might aid him in his connection to both the stone as well as the Force.
Eyes closing, he fell into a solitary silence. His hands resting atop his legs, his shoulders loose and relaxed, chest rising and falling slowly with every well placed breath, his mind becoming calm and clearing away all afterthoughts nor doubts of his surroundings as he had practiced and trained to do. He was still new to a life lived within the powerful flow of the Force, over time it would slowly creep up on him, the Crystal itself almost glowing in response to his trance...
"...I believe it means for you to make use of these things".
At her response, Caedyn soon smiled to himself and trusting in his Master's confirmation, he turned to glance back to these new treasures that he had acquired. [member="Asha Hex"] was immensely gifted given her age and he had a lot to live up to if he were ever to become a faithful student to her. The suggestion therefore that he ought to attune himself with the Crystal that he had found seemed a most needed cause to which he turned back and nodded to her firmly, his acknowledgement soon followed by his finding a comfortable enough seating upon the rock-bed where he might cross his legs and place the lavender stone before him, intent on meditating over the stone right then and there.
Whether or not it was Asha's expectation for him to do so in the depths of the cave that they had stumbled upon such things, Caedyn wished not to wait, especially when the find was so fresh and if there was anything to be had for the place his Crystal had sat for what could have been years for all he knew, he hoped that it might aid him in his connection to both the stone as well as the Force.
Eyes closing, he fell into a solitary silence. His hands resting atop his legs, his shoulders loose and relaxed, chest rising and falling slowly with every well placed breath, his mind becoming calm and clearing away all afterthoughts nor doubts of his surroundings as he had practiced and trained to do. He was still new to a life lived within the powerful flow of the Force, over time it would slowly creep up on him, the Crystal itself almost glowing in response to his trance...