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The Great Hunt - A Prelude to the Crusade.

Outer Rim Territories // Sith-Imperial Administrative Oversector II // Carrion Sector // Sojourn, the Hunter’s Moon.
Orbital Skyhook, "Corinthia." [x]


Throughout the ages, the moon of Sojourn endured much; yet despite the odds remained true to its namesake. It was once rendered inhospitable by the machinations of one ambitious Sith seeking to lay claim to his Master’s title, before slipping into antiquity. There it remained until a great restoration effort stretched across the stars. When it reached this supposedly insignificant satellite world, those that helmed the project sought to blend its wretched past together with a brighter future. To that end, they created a perfect environment for thousands of imported species to thrive on; making the moon once again worthy of its historic appellation.

However, a dark poison began to take root within the satellite’s heart. A Sith - lost to the ways of the ancient and long-dead past - made her home atop the moon’s surface. She began to pluck a legion of misguided souls to her wayward cause, which went unnoticed for many years; well at least to her knowledge. The Sith - who reforged themselves atop the crucible of war and stayed true to their beliefs - kept watching from the shadows. They knew everything but felt her presence was nothing more than an annoyance that’d soon vanish, like a muted whisper caught in a howling gale.

That was until she sought to play a game that she was never truly ready for. She failed, utterly, and her followers were offered up to their vengeful kin; wholly severing what ties remained to her fragile house of cards. There were no survivors in the ensuing slaughter. Every soul that was ensnared by her false promises of power found themselves gunned down by the might of the Golden Company, or forcibly strapped to a massive gilded ring pointed towards the rising sun. Those that found themselves bound to the Sun Disks, would find their agonizing end came slowly; as the radiant heat of the system’s star was concentrated, and transferred to their victims through arcane means. They died screaming, as their flesh cracked and blistered, and became food for the creatures that inhabited the moon.

With their wayward kind dealt with, the Sun Guard sought to christen their newest acquisition with a Great Hunt. They would welcome those who held amiable ties to the Sith Empire to their satellite world and relish the exhilarating rush that this bloodsport offered. Naturally, the Golden Company would pay handsomely for any unwanted trophies pilfered from the moon’s surface. There was also a newly established skyhook placed above Sojourn, that would house a gathering of sorts - that would permit new converts to commit themselves to the cause, or revel in the expected festivities from their gracious hosts.

As the lights flickered to life, and the station became hospitable, this far-flung outpost was bequeathed to the Golden Company’s rising star; Khonsu Amon.

The Thychani Commander was quick to make himself home with this installation, and saw that it’s stores were filled with the finest selection of refreshments taken from conquered worlds across the galaxy. Many rare vintages found their way into his collection, and it was his hope that they’d catch the eye of several Noble’s with deep pockets; willing to pay any price to taste of a piece of history. In addition to these pilfered beverages, the Thyrsian ensured that nothing hunted on the surface of his Moon went to waste. The skinned-carcasses of the dead beasts were brought to the skyhook and reforged anew so that the Hunter would devour the essence of their butchered prey.

As word began spilling through the bespeckled void, Khonsu found himself waiting in the station’s great hall, armoured from head to toe, with a flute of Spiced Wine clutched betwixt his gilded talons. Soon, the true festivities would begin and perhaps amidst the revelry - both on the surface and within the gilded halls of the skyhook - that a swathe of new faces would find themselves enlisting in the cause.
Outer Rim Territories
Sith-Imperial Administrative Oversector II
Carrion Sector
Sojourn, Hunter's Moon
Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"
Khyros dove into a roll beneath his HRD opponent in the small auxiliary training gym as the droid launched a kick. The kick that would have struck the solar plexus in the Solar Legionnaire instead passed through open air as Khyros rose from his roll onto his feet in a ready position. Gauntleted fists rammed into the back and side of the droid in quick succession as the HRD opponent turned toward him. After his third punch, Khyros had to give ground as the pseudo-skin covered droid went on the offensive. Khyros brought his hands up, protecting his head, keeping his elbows in to keep from getting punched in the side. He turned his body to take the blows as softly as possible to endure the onslaught.

One step back, then a second.

The droid started to crowd Khyros, and he struck out in a shoving kick to the droids midsection. He followed it up with a flashing crescent kick to the droids head. The droid blocked, but didn't see the leg sweep coming from the follow through quick enough. The droid hid the ground hard, and Khyros leaped atop it, punching it in the head with armored forearm strikes. The droids skin glowed a soft red to indicate that it had lost before Khyros rolled off and got to his feet. He moved over to the side of the mat and grabbed his towel.

"Send vid and a detailed analysis of the sparring to my folder on the station net." He ordered the droid before moving out of the gym. His aim was to get to the transport bay where he had temporary quarters set up on a troopship. Soon the hunt would begin, and he wanted to be fresh for it.
[member="khonsu amon"]​
Sojourn, Hunter's Moon
Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"

Designation - Illyria Syresh
Status - Feigned Confidence | Self Doubting
Armor - Auxila Combat Suit
Weapons - Helius BR | Xiphos Vibroblade
"I'm nobody anymore. The Mandalorians took that from me, my identity, my belonging. I need to find my place, a new place to call home. Among all...all of this karking crap. Then, at least...I will know if I deserved to live."
Illyria Syresh
She sat alone. All alone, with a golden helmet clasped tightly in her hands, her fingers clasped around the edges. The woman's turquoise thumbs lied across the interior of the helmet, the smooth and uncalloused skin of her fingers pressing against the padded leather of the helmet, drawing along its creases and grazing the rough leather padding. Illyria Syresh was her name, she had been of royal blood, she had been royalty she had once held dreams of grandeur and charity for a people who would eventually become hers to lead, not to rule. Her father always spoke of such things, it was the expectation for her to lead the people. She had been the oldest, after all, the wisest, she had gone to all of the lessons, whether they be martial arts, diplomatic, manners...anything. Even now the voice of her father helped to spark joy in her gloomy and downtrodden soul. She could always feel his fingers tracing across her cheekbones, his large hands holding her face and pulling her into a fatherly embrace.

Oh, little Illy. What am I going to do with you? You keep on getting into trouble, you can't just run away like that. What if something had happened to you, little one? Who would have found you, who would have kept you safe? I know you think I'll live forever, Illy, but...the time, the time will come for when you must lead our people. And I want you to promise me that you will always remember this. Can you do that, Illy, can you do me this promise?

Yes, of course, pappa, the girl had said.

Always remember. A King...a Queen in your case, is nobody without their people. When the time comes for you to lead, always put your people first. If you will help them, they will help you. And remember...I will always be able to help you, even if I may not be there...

Even now the joy of hearing her father's voice brought a tear to the woman's half-lidded golden eyes. He had always been there for her, he had always helped her and given her advice, even when she had rolled her eyes at him. She did get annoyed at him of course, as all children at their parents. But that he wasn' anymore, she missed him all the more and she wished that she had never been annoyed at him. She hadn't even been able to get a picture of him and her from her room when the Mandalorians had attacked. Her father has jostled her awake and rushed her out, flanked by guards. And she had never seen her father again. In some hopeful and naive way, Illyria hoped that he was alive. She was still naive and an 'idiot' to all of this, all of this 'common life' as one of the servants had talked about to her.

Here she was, in this common life. She had no direction. No purpose. All she wanted to do was get her home back, and find her father...
Arash Garshasp
Location: Sojourn, Hunter's Moon- Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"


"Oh? I'm not late?"

Arash smiled, his unabashed nature fueled him to move with speed one would consider "too fast" but alas the young Sun Guard Initiate only wished to prove to himself as quickly as possible. His lance hung on his back, with his shield covering and his vibrosword swayed slightly on his waist. Arash himself patted his only range weapon a VW-03 “Apollo” pistol, rather the only range weapon he willingly allowed to carry on person. He had never bothered to practice much on the practice range, always finding it prudent to simply just refine his own close quarter combat mastery instead. I'm sure that'll be enough for today.

His fiery red eyes moved across the hallway as he walked, and Arash felt nearly trapped waiting inside the Corinthia. Even his swoop speeder bike had been hauled down to the surface of the moon, already ahead of him in the hunt. There it awaited him to ride, to prove himself worth of wielding the lance and his own namesake. Garshasp, the great warrior.

Arash never felt himself beneath the shadow of any name, not from his father or from his older siblings, he was out in the light of the sun. The young Thyrsian cast his own shadow behind him, even if it was small and nowhere near the size of others, Arash smiled and headed forward.

That's how you get out of shadows, keep moving past'em. His fingers itched to hold his lance, but he spared himself by simply resting the same hand on the hilt of his vibrosword. His other hand dragged across his red hair and held tightly, wishing to grip something or perhaps his body was pushing Arash to get to the hunt already.

Arash, with a bit more self restraint, reigned in his impulses and calmed his own mind to not race so far ahead. He understood the dangers of reckless abandonment, and even with years of hammering the word 'focus', the concept of mediation and inner peace always alluded him. His parents weren't of any help in that matter, they had only told him to look inside to find his inner peace, but Arash only found his own fierce nature.

Perhaps I should look outside and around. Arash sighed, releasing a bit of his tension and wondered through the great hall. Already many hunters were present and soon, he would join and enjoy the rush of finally using his lance while on his swoop speeder.

[member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Khyros Tani"] | [member="Illyria Syresh"]

Surya Almasi

Surya Almasi, Flamedancer
Equipment: Auxilia Combat Suit, Xiphos Vibrosword, Apollo Solar Ionization Pistol

Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter's Moon, Sojourn
Tags: [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Khyros Tani"] | [member="Illyria Syresh"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"]

Humming to herself, one Surya Almasi wandered within the great hall of Corinthia, her keen eyes flickering over both finely dressed guests and the more practical armour and accoutrement of her kin. The air was filled with the low hum of hushed whispers as people mingled amongst themselves, exchanging pleasantries and news with crafted smiles. But more importantly? Most of them were speaking in the silvered tongue of the influential.

It was enough for her to stay at the edge of the grand chamber, for she was cautious of beings with credits to burn and their eclectic morals. And mayhaps the flamedancer would have been satisfied to observe the ongoing revelry from the sides, if not for hint of carmine that crossed her vision. With her spirit lifted by the sight of her much cherished friend, Surya stalked after her prey, moving slowly past the crowd as she remained out of his line of vision until she drew close.

The young woman placed both of her hands on the shoulders of her prey, leaning forward so she could peek over his shoulders and steal a glance at his features. It was clear from the way Arash was armed that he was preparing himself to leave for the moon’s surface. Surya pouted inwardly, for it would mean that she would be left to her lonesome for the next several hours.

At least let me fix your braid before you go.
Arash Garshasp
Location: Sojourn, Hunter's Moon- Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"


“Eh?” Arash nearly doubled over as for a moment wanted to fling the figure behind him. Fortunately for both he and figure, enough self control stopped him short of committing an atrocity that would bring doom. Death would have been a sweeter alternative than the anger that would have come from Surya should she found herself on the ground next to Arash's feet.

“My hair?” Arash fumbled his words, unsure of how to respond in any capicity, but truth be told he could never handle his words when with Surya. Which perhaps said more on him than on her, which regardless he still presently had the same issue. She wants a doll to play with because she's bored, which was a mutual feeling shared with Arash, boredom. But at least I can control my boredom, by the sun Surya.

“Neh, you already braided it when we were back on the ship,” He countered, though omitting the fact of that they were on the ship a week ago together. With a sigh he gently pressed both of his hands over Surya’s own hands that were on his shoulders.

Arash arched his head back, rolling his head to face Surya and with his eyes now focused on her own eyes he smiled. “The hunt’s gonna begin soon, can’t be late as say ‘Oh don’t worry! Surya is almost done braiding my hair!’ So Big Sis how about we ride next to each other during the hunt?” He needed to find a compromise for both of them. Else neither would be happy if they couldn’t get something that they each wanted, well maybe Surya wouldn’t mind seeing him flustered and angry.

Which Arash could never understand of how she enjoyed seeing him flustered and pouting like a newborn that hadn't received their sweets. Perhaps a little goading. "Also, who knows, if I go alone, something might force me to cut my hair. . . be shame if someone doesn't watch my back and allows that to happen." Arash spoke, his tone semi-serious at the amusing thought of ever allowing anything near his head.

[member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Khyros Tani"] | [member="Illyria Syresh"] | [member="Surya Almasi"]
Solar Caligati Priesse Brinari
Post 1
Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter’s Moon, Sojourn
Equipment: VSA-01 “Auxilia” - Combat Suit, TTH/TPV-001 “Xiphos” - Pattern Plasmatic Vibrosword, VDS-01 “Aegis”- Pattern Military Mobility Shield, Dissuader KD-30 Slugthrower Pistol, Field Medkit, 2 Concussion Grenades

With her head moving on what seemed to be a perpetual swivel, Priesse Brinari walked into the transport bay with slow and uneasy steps as she internally pondered her reasons for deciding to join the hunt. She was a freshly trained and unblooded caligati who had yet to see real combat save for a few low-intensity shootouts back in the sprawling slums of Filth. Fortunately, Priesse had been smart enough to keep her head down and her belly on the floor during those periodic episodes of violence. However, she had seen more than her fair share of bullet-riddled and plasma-burnt corpses during her time in the streets. She had seen many young thieves and drug smugglers die because of a failure to evade pursuing parties or a deal which had simply gone sour. A grotesque combination of luck, street wisdom, and self-preservation had seen Priesse through for nearly ten years of working as a drug runner in the slums. Priesse was hyper-aware of her own mortality, and yet she had decided to join a mercenary company which had an infamously high casualty rate immediately after escaping from the dangerous streets of Filth.

Having grown up in an environment filled with violence and bloodshed, Priesse knew that she was wholly unaccustomed to the concept of a peaceful existence. She frequently woke up in the middle of the night due to night terrors and sleep paralysis. She meticulously cleaned the loaded blaster which she kept by her bedside every night before falling asleep, for fear of being awakened by a hostile intruder of some kind. In addition, she had a tendency to jump at sudden noises, no matter how soft or insignificant. In essence, Priesse was anxious and apprehensive wherever she went, and she had not yet figured out how to overcome the traumas of her past so that she could finally feel at ease, for once.

Lost in her thoughts, Priesse very nearly walked directly into the side of a ship. Fortunately, the young woman realized that she had somewhat unconsciously arrived at her designated transport which was intended to take her down to the surface of the moon. With a deep sigh of relief, Priesse stepped inside of the dropship and took a seat in the passenger area. While waiting, the young caligati took off her helmet and shook out a braided mane of smoky white and cyan hair. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a attractive young couple fiddling with each other’s hair near the transport. Priesse stared at them with an odd fixation in her gaze as she idly stroked her own hair in a dreamy manner. She could not help but to unconsciously mirror their actions, which manifested in Priesse adjusting her own braids as an errant smile came over her delicate features. In staring at the young couple, Priesse was less reminded of her own loneliness and more regarding what love had felt like when she had first experienced it with a boy back on her home planet. The entire affair had only lasted for two weeks and had ended with betrayal. However, Priesse only wanted to remember what it had felt like to feel her heart swell in her chest everytime she had thought of him. Her love had been so intense that she had almost divulged to him the secret assets which she had been saving up to buy a ticket off-world. By some stroke of painful, yet extremely opportune luck, the boy had betrayed her trust before she could do so.

In spite of the heartbroken ending to her old romance, Priesse wanted sorely to fall in love again. Even so, the young caligati could only hope that she had not yet lost the capacity to do so...

Surya Almasi

Surya Almasi, Flamedancer
Equipment: Auxilia Combat Suit, Xiphos Vibrosword, Apollo Solar Ionization Pistol

Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter's Moon, Sojourn
Tags: [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Khyros Tani"] | [member="Illyria Syresh"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"]

The sound that escaped from Arash only brought about a deep sense of satisfaction within her. It never ceased to please her whenever she managed to sneak and surprise her sibling figure. And if he ever managed to sense her mischief before she was able to? Well, Surya would only be proud of him. And then try even harder to veil herself from his perception the next time.

She blinked as Arash mentioned that she had already braided it, her brows furrowing in thought as her mind immediately wandered back to past several hours ago. But before she could protest, she found her attention diverted when she felt his warm hand over her own. And then, her family of choice continued to speak, skillfully leading her onwards.

While Surya realised what the other was attempting, she narrowed her eyes. For today was supposed to be a day of celebration, and while she liked to join in a good hunt like most of her kin, she had wanted to just spend today unwinding and partaking in delicious food and drinks. But seeing the spark of excitement and eagerness in his fiery eyes, the young woman found her resolve weakening.

Allowing a soft sigh to escape her, the brunette nodded in acquiescence. “Very well, I’ll relent this one time,” Surya stated, her tone knowing. She was really too soft when it came to Arash. “But don’t think you’ll be able to get away with the same excuse the next.

Politics, in many ways, was a game of shadowy cloaks and poisoned daggers. The ways of the Soldier would be utterly foreign to those who played on this diplomatic battlefield; gone were the teeming masses of flesh and iron. Their war, which was just as equally lethal, was fought instead by those cunning enough to remain several steps ahead of their enemy; whomsoever they would be. It was a vastly different theatre of engagement, which made Khonsu thankful that he adorned himself in battle armour, as his discomfort would’ve shown. The man wasn’t comfortable with battling another with his words, rather than with blades and blasters. There was little to no enjoyment to gain from such an inglorious victory.

Yet, there the Sun Guard was, with the fluted chalice in hand. He found himself engaged in a bloodless conflict with some Sith-Imperial noble; arguing about some trivial details that inflamed his humours. The Thyrsian wanted to reach out and snap the man’s neck for his inability to understand that his request would be impossible. But, such an eventuality would do nothing more than cause a rift between their client and the organization; possibly resulting in expulsion from Sojourn, and their space thereafter. While the chances were slim of that uncertain future coming to fruition, it wasn’t something that the Sun Guard wished to risk.

So, instead of slaying the man where he stood, Khonsu merely finished his drink in a single motion and moved on. The man who was suddenly ignored found himself in a state of sputtering shock; only to recover moments later and hurl a ceaseless stream of insults after his fleeing opponent. The Thyrsian’s lips curled into a serpentine smile as he heard his newly forged detractor slowly fade away into the distance. Those dwindling words were replaced soon after by several of his subordinates shouting at the Nobleborn, demanding that he vacate the premises or be removed by force. It chafed his humours that he wasn’t able to silence the man himself, with envenomed words and vitriol. This outcome, however, was for the best as there was little reason to have diplomatic relations flare between the fledgling warrior nation and the Sith Empire. Despite the grand scheme of things, there was a part of him that wished he would’ve crushed his jaw betwixt his mighty, gilded talons. Where the Nobleborn wretch would be forever silenced by his deeds, and a message would be sent to all that bore witness to his mangled face; that the Thyrsians are not to be trifled with.

Freed from the tedium of spiteful diplomacy, Khonsu sought the comfort of camaraderie before he announced the beginning of the Great Hunt. Anything or anyone would do - so long as they were capable of removing the cloying taste of disgust from his soured tongue. His darkened eyes scoured the cavernous hall, spotting several individuals of note amongst the crowd that held the possibilities of stoking the bonds of fellowship - even desirable conversation.

There was a horned woman near the entrance of the chamber, who was adorned in the altered armour of the Sun Guard. The Thyrsian hadn’t seen her before, but as the technology of the Golden Company was a jealously guarded secret - there was little doubt in his mind that this woman was one of their number. She wouldn’t have been able to wear the armour otherwise, and it would’ve been outright suicidal to come into the heart of his stronghold wearing the armour of a fallen sister. From what he could see, the horned woman sat with her helmet between her armoured legs; gently caressing the subtle curves. He knew that look all too well and was guilty of portraying it time and again when it seemed like he lost his way. The others that he spotted beforehand seemingly faded from sight, leaving him with only one way forward. This woman needed the company of kin, or at least the closest approximation thereof, to pull her back from the darkened abyss.

It wasn’t what he expected, nor was it something he wished to do before the Hunt began, but it’s what needed to be done. With nothing more than a sigh of muted frustration, the Thychani Commander strode towards this horned stranger; grabbing two bottles of Arkanian sweet milk from one of the indentured servant’s silvered platters along the way. The man’s gilded warplate purred with the sound of activating fibre-bundles as he wove through the crowd, leaving the silent approach by the wayside. That was acceptable, Khonsu thought to himself. There was little need for him, or his gilded kind, to hide in a space station under their control - let alone at a party of their own making. So, the man didn’t bother trying to conceal his presence as he closed the gap.

Instead, the Thyrsian announced his intentions when he came within a few steps.

“Drink with me, Sister,” Khonsu said, offering one of the two bottles of strong Arkanian mead. “It seems like you could use a shoulder before the Hunt.”

| [member="Illyria Syresh"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"] | [member="Surya Almasi"] |​


Torian Pierce found himself on the primary flight deck of the Corinthia, surrounded by dozens of starships and mercenaries - both from the Golden Company and from different outfits across the galaxy. The latter seemed to have taken the Sun Guard’s invitation seriously, either because they wished to showcase their skills or prove that the Golden One’s were nothing more than an overhyped group of nobodies. When that came to light, the former Stormtrooper couldn’t contain his laughter for longer than a thunderous beat of his ursine heart. There was even a part of him that wanted to track down those individuals and give them a piece of his mind. However, as the Thychani Commander decreed before this Hunt began, there would be no killing their guests while they were on his station. The man would have to wait until they reached the planet below in order to give them a piece of his mind. In Torian’s case, that usually meant smashing his hardened skull into theirs; repeatedly.

Whilst he waited for the word to be given, the former Stormtrooper leaned up against the side of a Thyrsian dropship with his arms crossed before his barreled chest. He wore the gilded armour engraved with dozens of tribal markings; each either denoting his newfound faith or memorable kills in the line of duty. Hell, the man even festooned his armour with the silver-plated trophies taken from several enemy commanders; including a human skull that held a place of honour amongst his panoply. It was the skull of an Imperial Officer from the First Order; the very man who ordered his men to be left to die, prior to his enslavement. They caught up with him in the aftermath of the Commenori Liberation efforts, as he sought to flee back to friendly space. Instead of being embraced by his fellow Imperials, however, Torian put three rounds into his stomach and watched as the man’s own body ate him alive from the inside.

He smiled dumbly at that moment and felt his lips peel back further into a rictus grin as he spotted Legionnaire Tani make his way towards a nearby troopship. A majority of the other Sun Guard were on the upper levels of the station, either preparing for the Hunt - or relishing their spoils in the Great Hall. Seeing a fellow Gilded Warrior down in the Hangar bay was a welcome sight.

So, the Centurion called after the man - hoping to get his attention - before slowly making his way towards Khyros’ destination.

“Brother Tani!” Torian bellowed through broken teeth, doing his best to ensure his voice carried about the boisterous din of the flight deck. “A moment, if you have it!”

| [member="Khyros Tani"] |​

Silas Furian

Silas Furian, Stellar Centurion
Equipment: Xiphos Vibrosword

Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter's Moon, Sojourn


War was life for the Sun Guard. Flesh their meat and blood their wine. On days where they did not see combat, they recounted it, learned from it, and found new ways to do it better. That set them apart from other brands of Mercenary, who placed lesser emphasis on personal perfection. That was why they wore Gold, that was why they praised the suns, and that was why they stood out and shone brighter than the stars.

He sat in silent reflection on their last battle, when he watched Eshan burn at his Brother's side. [member="Khonsu Amon"] had cried for fallen Thyrsian slaves, and he had put both Mandalorians and Echani alike to the flame for their sins. Together, they buried the innocent dead. Now even the finest of feasts tasted bland with those memories still fresh. It had been their decision to honor the lives of the dead, to fight on and prevent such atrocities from ever happening again- yet for a Son of Thyrsus, it was difficult to put such images behind him.

Silas sipped sourly at his drink and stared at the rim of the glass. Even the lithe dancing girls who adorned the center of the room in shimmering clothes could not draw his attention from his thoughts. He made several quick gestures to a slave at his flank, and the boy hurriedly dismissed the dancers with rapid waves of his hand. "Master Furian," the boy murmured uncertainly, "Thychani Commander Amon has requested your presence."

That made Silas' mood improve just a bit. Where Khonsu was involved, it meant work. It meant that they would continue forward, and that the sun would rise again. He absently wondered what the man needed him for, or if it was a matter that required the attention of the entire Golden Company. Either way, he was quick to brush aside his glass and hurry through the halls toward where he would find others.

He arrived out of breath, not that it mattered.
Arash Garshasp
Location: Sojourn, Hunter's Moon- Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"


Arash secretly mused that this goading would work again in the future, in fact he could already imagine some poor soul getting a Surya fiery punch if any dared to even joke about cutting off his braided hair. Memories of the uncertain child Surya flashed in Arash’s mind, how polar opposite the younger and older Surya were was like comparing night and day. I wouldn’t change her at all, well perhaps on some certain days. Arash inwardly chuckled as he held on to Surya’s hands, he tightened his grip slightly and he stretched his neck up as to let him place a quick peck on her upper cheeks.

“Wonderful!” Arash cheered, he hadn’t fathomed that the two of them would hunt together so soon, but was glad all the same for the opportunity. He would never admit it to himself, but he also wanted to keep a close eye on her, ever since the day Surya had finally returned to them. Arash often fiddled with fate and chose on more occasion to put certain safeties within his own hands.

Arash released one of Surya’s hand and held up the other high up and spun next to her until he landed right by her side before finally releasing her other hand. “I really do want to see your flames in action again Surya, it’s been pretty dull with me, myself and I recently.” Arash spoke, his tone grew ever so more excitedly. The terrible troublesome duo his father would call them, and for the most part Arash proudly wore that title on his sleeve.

With careful steps, his eyes gazed around the area, attempting to spot his father as he wasn't quite sure if the old man had decided to come hunting with them. No way to miss him either. Arash placed a finger on his lip, he needed to ponder and while simply going out to hunt with Surya and himself wasn't an entirely bad idea. It would be wonders if we brought along a third.

Oh there's someone. Arash gestured for Surya to follow as he moved closer to a rather short woman, quite a bit than even Surya from his own eye test. "Lo!" Arash spoke to the shorter being with a smile and bright red eyes, "-Name's Arash and over here's my big sis'Surya." He introduced himself and Surya quickly, "-And curious if you're joining the hunt with anyone or looking to find a group." He asked, both of his hands were clasped behind his back as he leaned forward to talk.

[member="Surya Almasi"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"]
Outer Rim Territories
Sith-Imperial Administrative Oversector II
Carrion Sector
Sojourn, Hunter's Moon
Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"
The volume around Khyros escalated as he stepped form the corridor into the flight deck. There were numerous free companies, as well as units that nominally worked detached from the Golden Companies centralized command, arrayed throughout the flight deck. The troopship that Khyros had quarters aboard was technically 'parked in' by the ships around it. However, the companies assigned here were still able to be deployed at a moments notice, through the use of troopships in orbit. The response was minutely slower, but the leadership thought it was worth it for the Great Hunt.

Khonsu Amon said:
“Brother Tani!” Torian bellowed through broken teeth, doing his best to ensure his voice carried about the boisterous din of the flight deck. “A moment, if you have it!”

Khyros turned and offered Torian a small smile and a nod as he slowed his walk towards the troopship. He wasn't too keen on joining the carousing or politicking that took place before the Hunt began. He was here to perform in the hunt and show his prowess. This was for himself, and his standing within the Golden Company, and not for anyone or anything else.

Thus, he did not mind being diverted, especially by a fellow Golden Companion.

"Brother Pierce." Khyros offered another nod as Torian fell into step. "How may I assist you?"
[member="khonsu amon"]​
Solar Caligati Priesse Brinari
Post 2
Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter’s Moon, Sojourn
Equipment: VSA-01 “Auxilia” - Combat Suit, TTH/TPV-001 “Xiphos” - Pattern Plasmatic Vibrosword, VDS-01 “Aegis”- Pattern Military Mobility Shield, Dissuader KD-30 Slugthrower Pistol, Field Medkit, 2 Concussion Grenades
[member="Surya Almasi"] [member="Arash Garshasp"]

At that moment, Priesse sorely wished that she had kept on her helmet as a veritable ocean of crimson blush flushed her features like a long-starved vampire quenching their thirst on a bloody meal. At that moment, she realized just how inexperienced she was when it came to things like love and romance. She couldn’t even tell a brother-sister duo apart from a romantic couple! To say the least, her error embarrassed her to the core, although none seemed to have picked up on her mistake other than herself. Fortunately, Priesse managed to shift her embarrassment into an expression which resembled a smile. Then, she stood up from her seat and extended her left hand out in greeting.

“Big sister? Annnnd brother? Oh! Umm...that’s wonderful!” Priesse rattled out in a surprised tone as she licked the surface of her lips. “I’m Priesse, just recently joined the Auxilia.” The white-haired woman replied. “And I’d love to join your team if you’d have me! This’ll be my first time doing something like this and I’m afraid that I may not be as useful as I’d like, but hopefully we’ll have fun and win something anyways!” She added as wide grin manifested across her doll-like features.
Sojourn, Hunter's Moon
Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"

Designation - Illyria Syresh
Status - Feigned Confidence | Self Doubting
Armor - Auxila Combat Suit
Weapons - Helius BR | Xiphos Vibroblade
Interacting With - [member="Khonsu Amon"]

"I'm nobody anymore. The Mandalorians took that from me, my identity, my belonging. I need to find my place, a new place to call home. Among all...all of this karking crap. Then, at least...I will know if I deserved to live."
Illyria Syresh

Illyria's fingers swept over the gentle curves and bumps of the helmet, dragging her fingertips along the little hidden crevices and lines which helped to make up the helmet. It was a beautiful thing, really, it was. She found it hard to believe that such a sturdy piece of equipment meant for battle could look so smooth and beautiful, from it's un-ridged surface to it's unique golden shade...there were even custom alterations made to the helmet by some armorer's, allowing for the protection of her horns. As for how she would get such a thing on and off of her head with her horns she hadn't a clue. Her horns, they were a nuisance truly. She had always been different and had always felt different because she was different, physically most of all. Her blue skin and two sets of large horns which laid atop of her head made her stand out as though she were an abnormality of some sort. The thought would have stired more emotions within the young woman about herself, but she restrained such things behind the thought of her father who always had come to reassure her whenever she felt weak and alien among everyone else.

The sound of heavy metal footsteps approaching her caused the woman to set her helmet off to her left on a metal crate of some sort. Tentatively she brought her neck upwards and bent it at an angle, fixing her golden-eyed gaze on the man who towered above her. All she could see was the dark-skinned visage of the man's chin and lower face, at least some of it that is. His eyes and the rest of his face were hidden behind a veil of a golden metal helmet of some sort. Illyria was taken aback when this unknown man had approached her, not knowing who he was or his intent or if he was even meaning to walk over to her. And then he spoke, he spoke to her...not anyone else around, but her. Something which made the golden eyes of the Zabrak Mutant widen in surprise and shock.

He...he's talking to me? Wow, and here I was thinking nobody wanted me here. Seems...that I was proved wrong. Wait...what is...that? What are those things that he is holding?

“Drink with me, Sister. It seems like you could use a shoulder before the Hunt.”

The woman's right hand reached out hesitantly towards one of the bottles that the man offered to her. She didn't know what it was and she didn't know what was inside. Though, she had a sneaking feeling that it was alcohol. Something which she had never had before-hand. She gestured to the seat to her right, offering it to the man who was standing.

"Hey, there's no need to stand, please sit. If I may ask, who are you? And uhm, I know this is a strange question, but what is this drink? I'm guessing...alcohol of some sort, but I've never had any beforehand so I don't know exactly how it er, tastes, and look like...but I am willing to give it a try..."

Illyria spoke the last part shyly with an embarrassed glaze and blush to her cheeks, suddenly aware at how awkward the situation was because she had never had anything like alcohol before. But, she was willing to try it. Her naivety could be the downfall of her eventually, though she immediately trusted and clung to whoever this man was...he had openly approached her and acted in a friendly manner towards her so she saw no reason as to not trust him.

| [member="Priesse Brinari"] | [member="Surya Almasi"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Khyros Tani"] | [member="Silas Furian"] |

Surya Almasi

Surya Almasi, Flamedancer
Equipment: Auxilia Combat Suit, Xiphos Vibrosword, Apollo Solar Ionization Pistol

Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter's Moon, Sojourn
Tags: [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"]


That’s so unfair, Arash!” she protested the brush of lips against her cheek, though the joyous grin that curved her lips betrayed her pleasure. “And to think all I wanted to do today was to feast, drink, and dance.

Despite her cheerful complaints, Surya has never minded allowing her brother of choice to take lead. As he moved gracefully, his lithe body doing a twirl so that he ended standing beside her, her smile only grew wider. “And that is because you have enough energy in one of you to fuel three of me,” she teased right back. But then again, once she found the inspiration to act, she was equally just as bad.

Anticipating that he was after a third member of their little hunting group, Surya followed behind her sibling with amusement written clearly across her features. The force of nature named Arash had the tendency to catch and draw people into his pace, and the poor young woman he accosted probably had no idea what she was in for.

But when she extended her hand, it was Surya’s turn to blink. Was her dominant hand her left? Deciding to keep her idle curiousity to the confines of her mind, the brunette stepped forward with her own smile, taking the hand in greeting. “A new sister then,” she stated warmly, shaking it firmly before her let it go.

And it’ll be fiiiiiine~ We all start out being new at this and slowly refine our techniques as we go along.” Surya leaned forward slightly, her hint of mischief entering the gleam of her eyes as she spoke in a loud whisper. “Even if we both fall behind, Arash here has enough enthusiasm and determination to fell a beast by himself.

Silas Furian

He settled into the room near the back, reclining against the wall to wait for whatever came next. It was a few steps above boredom in his chambers, since the mundanity of life had caught up with him and dragged him into a slump. Talks of the Hunt always brought his spirits up, and he hoped this time would be no different.

Silas wore darker armor than most of the Golden Company- more black with accents, and in some places, plates. He was notoriously grim in comparison to his Battle-Brothers, where they were jovial and upbeat when in good company, he was content to watch from afar as they enjoyed life. One of them had to be serious all the time. He had chosen that life for himself.

Or perhaps, he had chosen it for their sakes.

In his time with these men, Silas had learned as much about himself than any other man present. Some of them coped with the madness by drowning it. Others laughed and sought happy memories of the fallen to compensate for the loss of them. Still fewer, there were those who had lost themselves to the hate, anguish, and hopelessness that this profession saddled them with. Those men, those hallowed few, stood at the front as the Bulwark. Berserkers of the Sun cared more for their brothers, in a twisted way, because they did not wish for them to share the same horrific fate. Silas admired their courage for that.

It was that sort of tenacity that dwarfed his own, and that tempered his own weaknesses with humility.

When he caught the eye of [member="Khonsu Amon"] briefly, he made a few subtle gestures in greeting. You always did enjoy the pretty ones.
Arash Garshasp
Location: Sojourn, Hunter's Moon- Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"

"Wonderful!" Arash spoke, the cheerfulness resonated clearly with his smile as he leaned back up right and gracefully accept her hand once Surya finished her greeting and introduction. His eyes bounced between the shorter women and his smile only grew as he laughed at the implications set before him, Arash enjoyed being challenged and well if he would need to carry this hunting party around. Well, not the worst fate set before me I guess.

Quickly the young lancer shifted himself to stand next to Priesse and gestured outwards with his free hand, "-The fun awaits us everywhere, things to hunt and people to enjoy our lives with of course." He explained briefly, his eyes went back to Surya and nodded in her direction, "-As long as you don't set me or yourself, on fire we'll be just fine." Arash added a qualification to their anticipation of 'fun', while he had limited combat situations with Surya, the idea of a having someone assist with fire that could be moved like water, well Arash would make certain he carried an extra burn spray.

Just in case, but Surya is amazing, so nothing to worry about.

Arash moved himself a tad forward, allowing himself a bit more room as he inspected Priesse a bit more, while he hardly fixated on looks alone the young Thyrsian wondered what had brought Priesse into the Golden Company. Truth be told, people have a hard time believing I am my Father's son. Arash nodded at the determination he felt and saw from her eyes and voice, if not this hunt would grant him a better idea of her abilities.

"Priesse," Arash slowly tested the name, careful with the annunciation as he was taught during his younger years, "-Do you know how to ride a swoop bike?" He asked, his lips twisted into a devilish smile, as his eyes also glanced over to Surya. After all, what we're hunting won't be slow.

[member="Surya Almasi"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"]
Solar Caligati Priesse Brinari
Post 3
Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter’s Moon, Sojourn
Equipment: VSA-01 “Auxilia” - Combat Suit (Helmet Removed), TTH/TPV-001 “Xiphos” - Pattern Plasmatic Vibrosword, VDS-01 “Aegis”- Pattern Military Mobility Shield, Dissuader KD-30 Slugthrower Pistol, Field Medkit, 2 Concussion Grenades

“Pry or Pre is fine.” Priesse spoke as Arash gingerly tested out the pronunciation of her name. “Either way works.” She added sweetly.

Once again, memories of Filth came flooding back into her thoughts. In her last year with the gang, she had earned enough rank and influence to procure a swoop bike for use during her jobs. The small bikes were perfect for weaving through alleyways, getting in and out of hard-to-reach places, and for quick getaways. A swoop bike had helped her escape from the police many, many times. On Filth, ownership of a swoop bike implied that the rider was a veteran of the streets and a high-powered gangster. Those criminals who couldn’t afford a swoop bike either made do on foot or with cheap speeder bikes which could only hover above a few meters off of the ground.

Her swoop bike had been one of the many material assets that she had sold for credits so that she could pay for a ticket off-world. At the time, she had thought that she would never have to ride one again. The association in her mind between gangs and swoop bikes had been too closely interlinked for her to ever think that anyone else could possibly find a use for such speedy and maneuverable craft. However, seeing the gold-plated swoop bikes employed by the Golden Company had triggered her curiosity. She had never thought that an organization with the professionalism of the Golden Company would even consider using such criminal craft. However, her training as a soldier made her quickly realize the practicality of using them. For one, they were fast and small, which made them useful for scouting and reconnaissance duties. They were also good for hit-and-run attacks, in much the same way they were used for swoop-by shootings on Filth.

“I ummm…” Priesse paused. She didn’t want to be thought of as a criminal because she knew how to ride a swoop bike. However, it would be dishonest of her to say that she had no idea how to ride one. “I’ve ridden one it a few times, but I’m not very good at it..” She spoke slowly, as a crimson tide of blush came over her face when the lie left her bee-stung lips.

Surya Almasi

Surya Almasi, Flamedancer
Equipment: Auxilia Combat Suit, Xiphos Vibrosword, Apollo Solar Ionization Pistol

Location: Orbital Skyhook Corinthia, Hunter's Moon, Sojourn
Interacting with: [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"]

Her heart swelled with her adoration for her little brother when he only laughed in answer. The gleam in his eyes that told her of his resolve and determination for today’s hunt. And just like how she challenged him, Surya also lived to surpass the expectations that Arash had of her. And when he looked at her with quiet confidence in his gaze, and spoke teasing words to spur her on, it made her want to become better. More.

No promises. And as long as you don’t suddenly appear in front of me and scare me with those daredevil tricks of yours,” Surya added her own caveat with a wrinkle of her nose at the younger male. While she was guided by the Force, the sad crux of the matter was that the flamedancer was never the best when it came to any type of vessels, much less attempting to attack while trying to manoeuvre one. Arash, however, loved the thrill of it. The faster a vessel could race, and the more reckless acts he could pull, the more he loved it.

As their new sister admitted her lack of experience with a blush blossoming on her cheeks, Surya gave her a vivid grin, stepped up to her other side so that both Arash and herself were bracketing the younger woman. “Don’t worry about it, Pry,” she consoled the other. “You can’t be as bad as I am. The only reason why I don’t crash is because I cheat.” The flamedancer waved her fingers lightly before the shorter woman as a hint of her abilities to wield the Force.

I’m a truly terrible rider. And I can’t even be a passenger, because I become nauseous when I’m not the one steering it,” she finished her complaint in a cheerful tone. “And since we are all more or less decided, shall we make our way towards the hangar bay? I’m guessing that the hunt will be starting soon, so if we are there early, we’ll probably be able to get an early start.
As he strode across the flight deck towards his gilded comrade, the Centurion found himself rifling through dozens of possible conversation pieces; lest he stood before his subordinate with nothing to say. From all the options that presented themselves within the bounds of his damaged mind, Torian settled on discussing the upcoming hunt. He wanted to know what creatures on the moon below he wished to test himself against. The Golden Company, and by extension the Sith Empire, did an excellent job procuring hundreds of different predatory species from across the stars and imported them onto Sojourn’s recovering surface.

While this would be ultimately unsustainable, as the creatures would carve out their respective territories and slaughter any that dared enter, Torian knew that more and more beasts would be carelessly dumped for the Sun Guard’s pleasure.

When they spoke, offering each other a brotherly greeting - the Centurion found himself marginally taken aback by how casually it seemed. Normally, when a superior officer asked for a moment of their subordinate’s time, they usually whirled about and snapped to attention. However, this was the Golden Company, and the mercenary outfit had far fewer restrictions than the Stormtrooper Corps of the First Order. While they were still disciplined in their own right, a majority of Sun Guard’s desired the comforts of brotherhood, rather than the formality of authority and rank.

It was still something he was getting used too.

“I,” he began. “I was curious to see if you had a creature in mind. Something down on the surface that you’ve been keen on hunting.”

“As I would like to join you, rather than accompany the various dregs that populate our hangar bay. It seems they’re more likely to die on the planet’s surface, and I want someone worthy to stand at my side.”

| [member="Khyros Tani"] |

Of all the things that Khonsu reviled the most, it was the Echani that found themselves at the top of his remarkably short list. It was the Echani that tore him from his faceless mother’s bosom and thrust him into a life brimming with eternal conflict. It was those white-haired curs that forcibly occupied his homeworld; choking its sand-encrusted surface for every scrap of value it was worth. There was nothing that could oust those moon-worshipping heathens from their place of reviled honour, and it was doubtful there’d be anything in the myriad branching paths of the future that ever could. His hatred of the Echani was everlasting and had never been extinguished; despite coming close on several occasions. One such event transpired during the Golden Company’s formative years when they began to realize that they needed more than just Thyrsians to populate the ranks of the Sun Guard.

After the Daughters of Eshan forcibly exiled the Scions of Thyrsus from their homeworld, the former Special Forces Operatives - and newly christened Sun Guards - were thrown into a gruelling, fighting withdrawal from the Six Sisters. When their numbers began to thin, the Supreme Sun Guardian was forced to gather recruits from outside their desertborn bloodline to ensure their survival. Thus, did warrior’s like Silas Furian find themselves inducted into the ranks of the Golden Company; becoming the first Sun Guard’s in known history to be sired on worlds other than Thyrsus. It took some time for the Thyrsians to adjust to this new direction, and Khonsu once counted himself amongst the ever-dwindling number of stringent conservatives. Nevertheless, it was through the heroic deeds of men and women like the aptly named ‘Setting Sun,’ that began to make the others believe they were just as worthy to wear the sigil of the twinned crimson suns.

So, when the Thychani Commander caught sight of the Old Hand skulking around the outskirts of the gathering, Khonsu couldn’t help but smile. He summoned the man here to revel in the spoils garnered from years of warfare and to discuss the uncertain possibilities of the future with a familiar face. However, through no fault of his own, their meeting was postponed until the Great Hunt began. Upon seeing Silas’ hands move of their accord, speaking to him in the silent speech of Thyrsian Warriors; that warm smile faded ever so slightly. The pleasures of the flesh and the intricacies of women off the battlefield were an utterly foreign concept to the Desertborn; who spent the entirety of his life embroiled in conflict. Thus, a part of him was confused as to why his comrade would mention such a thing.

He simply saw one of his own, a Sun Guard, sitting alone with tears in her eyes. It was something that Khonsu couldn’t allow, especially when his ambitions drove him towards the coveted rank of Supreme Sun Guardian. When the woman spoke, beckoning him to take a seat and asking for an introduction, the Thyrsian shot a glance towards the Setting Sun; motioning for him to grab a drink and join their present company.

The more the merrier, after all.

With his smile slowly returning, the Thychani Commander let her take one of the bottles of Arkanian Mead before taking a seat down on a polished plasteel crate. It was a simple twist-cap, and with the humming power suit's that cloaked both warriors, such a seal was easily broken with nothing more than a twist of the wrist. When the bottle was opened and the alcohol within was left to breathe, Khonsu mulled over his answer to her questions. One seemed simple enough to answer, as the scent of booze was unmistakable -- no matter the world it originated from. The other was slightly more difficult to phrase without totally ruining that stated offer of confidence; as who knows how she’d react when it was revealed that he was ranked within the Officer Caste?

“I am Khonsu Amon,” he began, as he took a swig of the bottle’s contents and committed himself to the truth. “Thychani Commander and Master of the Corinthia.”

“As for this?” Khonsu said, pointing at the floor with the bottom of the bottle. “This will burn when it goes down but will leave your tongue with a pleasant aftertaste - something along the lines of honeyed milk. I find it’s best to start with something strong, so it’ll stoke the fire in your belly, before moving onto...” The Thyrsian’s eyes darted towards a pair of Sith-Imperial nobles with flutes of carnelian wine clutched betwixt their fingers, before returning to the gilded orbs of his newfound companion. “The more refined beverages.”

| [member="Silas Furian"] | [member="Illyria Syresh"] |

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