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Approved Location The Great Jedi Library

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She Left Behind A Legacy
The New Great Jedi Library during The Second Great Hyperspace War


  • Structure Name: The Great Jedi Library
  • Classification: Jedi Library Complex
  • Location: Ossus
  • Affiliation: The Jedi Praxeum
  • Accessibility: The Great Library is several days walking distance from Knossa and Ossus City. Remote access to the library was granted to the branch library in the city of Knossa, where scholars used holobooks directly from the Library's unrestricted digitized archives. Researchers there could also remotely control droids within the Great Library facility to interact with nondigitized tomes and scrolls. Accessibility was given to those who possess the necessary requirements for entry, with Jedi having free access to the Library (Knights and Masters have greater levels of access respectively) and non-Jedi scholars requiring prior clearance (either through significant rank or direct invitation).
  • Description: The Great Sith Library was built several kilometers away from the site of the original Jedi Library that was destroyed by the First Order during their assault on the planet. Unlike the previous structure, which was a tiered pyramid made out of granite and limestone, the new Sith Library was made out of a Duralium-Lanthanide alloy coated with a thick layer of polished obsidian that gave each pyramid a glossy black sheen. These features were kept, and updated with the refitting of the new campus back into it's Jedi purpose.

    The main public area of the Great Library's collections was known as the Hall of Knowledge, open to the public and encompassing chambers on multiple levels and functions. Containing ancient star charts and Jedi texts, philosophical text, galactic histories for thousands of worlds, the Hall of Knowledge is a sprawling, exhaustive, and titular physical structure with eight, two tiered asiles of information. There were eight ancillary study halls that divided each aisle, among the each hall were several archives, classrooms, study and reading rooms, information desks and kiosk. There was a series of holocron vaults on the east side. On the second level held an armory, another a hangar bay, a storehouse, and finally a medical bay.

    The apex of the central pyramid was reserved for the head librarian of the Great Sith Library who held the ceremonial title of Ossus Keeper. Beneath the Library existed a labyrinth of catacombs and dungeons situated around a large sacrificial chamber, which wasused in the ritual sacrifice of Jedi; it was cleansed and now serves as the Vault of Justice. Most of the of the catacombs have been blocked off, with several passages still remaining that gave entry to a select few items that were housed in submerged satellite structures at nearby Imhar Canyon; artifacts needing to be kept in water or in moist environments etc.

  • The Hall of the Knowledge: The primary library complex was comprised of multiple reading rooms, study lounges, offices, laboratories, archives, and galleries which were only accessible to members of the Jedi Order and non-Force Sensitive scholars and bureaucrats. The Hall contained a wide array of knowledge from simple Galactic star and planet logs to ancient Sith, Imperial, and Jedi texts on hundreds of thousands of datacards. Philosophical treatises, galactic history, and lore were housed here in a variety of formats.
  • The Chamber of Antiquities: Hidden deep below the main halls, the Chamber of Antiquities was a storehouse of important Jedi and Sith Lore kept separated from the more mundane knowledge located in the Hall of the Knowledge. Holocrons, sacred tomes, and tapestries dating back thousands and thousands of years were stockpiled in the various wings of the Chamber. Near the main entrance to the level was the working office of the Keeper of Antiquities. A circular chamber with a domed roof, the center of the room was filled by a giant stone chair; the back of which reached the ceiling like a pillar.
  • The Armory: Located in one of the ancillary pyramids jutting out from the central structure, the armory contains the Library's entire defensive arsenal as well as an adjacent barracks for the Library's defenders. Beneath these two wings is a large production facility that utilizes a series of lifts that haul up raw materials from a mine buried deep below the Library that is then deposited into molecular furnaces and reorganized into armor, weapons, and droids.
  • The Hangar: Reserved for both high-level dignitaries as well as defensive strikecraft, the hangar allows those individuals with enough clearance to access the upper levels of the Library quicker than those entering on foot. The hangar is equipped with rapid-closing turadium shutters in the event on an emergency and several automated turrets that can be deployed to dissuade intruders.
  • The Storehouse: The primary reservoir of supplies at the Library, everything from medical supplies to food to raw resources such as flimsiplast is secured here. The doors are code-sealed and only select individuals permanently stationed at the Library are knowledgeable about the access code, which changes periodically to prevent theft.
  • The Medical Bay: The one-stop shop for medical necessities in the Library.
  • The Catacombs: Ancient Jedi ruins beneath the Library complex, the catacombs are primarily used as an auxiliary storage facility for less important items. However, it does provide access to the Vault of Justice built deep below the Library. Purposefully labyrinthine, it is near impossible to navigate without proper guidance.
  • The Vault of Justice: Previously built after the Sith's occupation of Ossus, this chamber was solely used for the act of murdering Jedi in a Dark Side ritual to further stain the land black with hate and death. Once it was cleansed, it's centerpiece and other items were stripped and it was converted into The vault of Justice. Located deep within the labyrinth of rooms and halls, the Vault was used to hold ancient artifacts.
  • The Garden's of T'alla: A replica of the garden's were built into the foundation of the complex. With it's own level, it was a place of reflection and peace. Consisting of flowered gazebos, rock gardens, fountains, and pillars, the Jedi built greenhouses in the Gardens where they studied plants and experimented with plants. Constructing vast hedge mazes and exotic flower beds, the rock garden would eventually inspire the Muntuur Stones of Coruscant

  • Rating: Medium
    • A fair number of Jedi etc seem to always reside within the Library at any given time, and are always willing to lend their strength to the defense of the Library if it ever comes under attack.


Following the First Order's destruction of the ancient Great Library during their battle against the Silver Jedi, the Sith Empire moved in to fill the vacuum left behind by the Jedi's rout. Though they could no longer rebuild the Library where it once stood, they nonetheless strove to rebuild its likeness in another location away from the insidious forests that
Chamber of Antiquities during the Imperial Era
were cultivated by Coniferous. The new Library was designed more like a Sith Temple than its predecessor, with more angular sloping walls and darkish, more brooding-like architecture.

Beneath the Library lay the old ruins of a Jedi Academy constructed following the Yuuzhan Vong War, and these ruins were buried beneath the new structure and connected via secret chambers beneath the main floor. At the heart of these catacombs was a ritualistic sacrificial chamber commissioned by the Sith Emperor himself to sacrifice Jedi to enrich the surrounding environment with the Dark Side of the Force. During the Second Great Hyperspace War, the Brotherhood of the Maw unleashed the New Sith Order in a surprised attack on the hidden Jakku Jedi Enclave. During the massacre, the Sith slaughtered most of the Jedi present there. After confronting Darth Solipsis, Jedi Master Romi Jade joined an expedition to Ossus. Having decided to relocate there, she took advantage of the vaccum left behind by the Sith Empire and started refitting the Great Sith Library to be the foundation for a rebuilt Jedi Library as the Jedi sought to resettle Ossus. Now the Library serves as part Jedi Temple and part repository of knowledge under the administration of the Jedi Order.
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