Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Great Reclamation [ Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Mygeeto ]

Objective: II - Eliminate Anti-Air assets
Location: The sky, bro.
Allies: [member="Xander Carrick"], The Mandalorian Empire
Foes: Dar'manda
Post: [01/20]

"We're really doing this, aren't we?"

Marcus joyously nodded. "Well, not technically we. You can't really die from this. I can. I don't think I'll die."

"I can die too. Don't discriminate. Just because I was made in a lab on a computer console doesn't mean organic things can't happen to me too."

"I was made in a lab too."

The gunship was thousands of meters in the air, well above the range of those heavy anti-air artillery platforms housed down below. It was a small-ish task force, about platoon sized, that was tasked with dropping right in on these bad boys and taking them to punch-town. They were all equipped with the necessary supplies and gear that was designed to withstand this sort of deployment, though it wouldn't be a cakewalk. It was one of the more intense ones that Marcus had been a part of, but there was literally no possible avenue of approach aside from dropping straight in on them.

The plan was, since they were small enough and coated with some sensor baffling spray, that the lighter and faster tracking flak cannons wouldn't be able to lock in on them. Too small to hit, couldn't lock onto them either, and hopefully their augmented jump packs and grav boots would slow their descent enough to where they could land safely - preferably with most bones unbroken. It was crazy, and he made a point of only taking volunteers.

"Alright vode, prepare to jump!"

He double checked to ensure that his rifle was securely fastened to his pack, that his helmet was on, and recited a quick little prayer to whatever Gods were out there. Miranda ran a few diagnostic checks on his combat readouts and HUD, and even did so for the entire platoon's comlink network. There was no room for error.

Eight more seconds until the drop.

"Green light! Drop!"

And with that, nearly forty Mando'ade barreled out of the triad of gunships and into the sky, feet first into hell.
Objective: III
Allies: Mandalorian Empire ( [member="Runi Verin"] , [member="Maya Carrick"] )
Enemies: N/A
Equipment: In bio


Runi took a band of mechanics to work on the war forge that would become a pivotal asset in the battle happening and the wars to come. She said that she'd leave the engineers for him, but Gael had other plans.
Before he could enact them, one Maya Carrick approached him to inquire on the status of a medical station. She was quite looking forward to establishing one, and Gael could see why. Wars were usually bloody, Mandalorian wars even moreso.

"Brunii, have you guys put up a hard structure for the medical staff.", he ordered. "Caveat, have a few of your boys set up a couple tents for a general purpose area. The medical staff can use it until that hard structure is up."

Turning to the pink-skinned woman, he continued. "You heard all that, I don't need to repeat it. Tents will be up soon, you can set something temporary up there. Once we have something solid set up, you lot can move in there. Unless you get settled in the tent of course, you don't have to move." Hopefully it wouldn't be long. With the manpower and field expertise they carried, it shouldn't take too long. He hoped the stresses of the battlefield wouldn't catch up to them though. With a slight grimace as he thought of what to do next, he called Brunnii over from working on the building.

Leaning into his ear, he spoke quietly but loud enough to hear past all the fighting not far away. "Once you boys wrap it up, go find Runi for additional tasking. Don't take no for an answer.", he said with a smile as he pulled away. Though capable of varying degrees of cruelty, he took no pleasure in exacting punishment. Gael wasn't one to be a hardass, but respect was something to be commanded.
Besides, extra work builds character, and little Ru showed great promise.
Objective:II-Prove thee self to [member="Xander Carrick"] (buir)
Location: On battle field
Allies: @Ronin Wengo, The Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: Dar'manda
Post 5/20

Her eyes was keen on all the happening. Why hadn't she just listen to both of her parents when it came to the battle that was unfolding in front of her today. Her strenght was in the form of techolgy she knew her way around computers. Knowing that team could really used her back at the staging point with handing codes and others communications priorities relax center. No she had to choose the heat of the battle in the thick of it all. Why had she been so foolish on her part. Maybe part of her wanted to prove that she was just as strong as her brother where. Then was there maybe some pride that she wanted pride as to doing a job that wasn't a easy task.

No matter why she had pick this path she had no way of turning back. As she once again was given orders to make her way back in the thick of battle, as it seem that she couldn't help but part of her mother had given her to waste, that was to get those wound around her still alive back of the line. Either way as she brought her own weapons up firing over and over, watching her own weapon hit the target. Not half bad for this being her first real battle. This had been a family affair, it seem that her father also, maybe or why would he ask if [member="Ronin Wendigo"] would be coming with her down to battle. There had to be more upon this, had her father after being a way for most of her own childhood, care so much about who she was with. Wondering now if she had really made the right choice. Feeling one of the fire from the enemy narrowly miss her head. Feeling herself going with the punches if one could call when the ground shook the way it did.

Her own war leader was telling them to push full wards hard now. Even as she felt those all around slipping in the force or crying out in the force from being battle wounded. The raw emotions was very strong with this one almost over welling. This how her mother felt all the time, knowing if she didn't find a way to block it out she would end up like one of these ones crying out. As she felt a hand upon her shoulder for her to move out they had those big guns to take out. Wondering where on the battle field was her father hoping that he was watching and finding himself pride of her.
There is little in this world which may be accomplished through the use of voilence, it is but a shambling guile to do damage to that which is of no harm to you. For what is it to prove when you easily kill thy combatant? Do you feel strong? Is this what the man seeks? For to feel strong indicates personal inadaquacny, and this shows what one really seaks is not honor but to kill and to kill to feel well. Then when the feeling is gone once more he shall kill again. This is an endless addiction that shall only be sated by the killer's own demise.

The Gen'Dai called the Prosecutor rambled these thoughts within his mind as walked through the war-torn zone oblivious. Ages ago this land was different, he remembered. It was good, and happy, if not joyful as well. There were children singing rather than screams of their ancestors upon death. When did we become animals?

The hulking man came into the small shop where [member="Miss Blonde"] and [member="Seanna Vel"] were working. He took a seat near the back of the room to ponder these quandaries, oblivious to their deal making.

Objective: Do me bby
Allies: Well.. probably no one after those musings.

Objective: I
Location: 1st bridge to Jygat
Allies: Mandalorian Empire; [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Oron Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Zef Halo"],
Enemies: Dar'manda Forces
Post: 4/20

The deed was done. The man slumped as the hum of the lightsaber was on for a few seconds, and was turned off. I could feel the sadness welling up into this man. I could feel his life leave his body. The essence of who he was. His face. I would remember his face. it was burned into my mind. Stuck there. I just couldn't do it anymore. Lifting myself off of the ground, time seemed to slow. Explosions, yelling, screaming, crying. I stood there emotionless. Clearing my mind of all thoughts.

I became like water. Letting myself become molded by the form in which I took. Should it be a cup, I was the cup. Should it be a bottle, I was the bottle. The water of myself, my spirit came crashing down on me. I could feel the force well up inside of me. I could feel the force gather itself. Strengthening me, empowering me. This was no longer about proving my worth. This was about me. I needed to end this fighting. Now. Between all of the Mandalorians, and Dar'manda. Only, the Dar'Manda would not be finding me as their ally.

Looking around, I had found a lightsaber on the ground. Beaten, cracked, but usable. I looked between the pieces of metal, finding that residing inside was a power that I had. The power of anger, hate, and revenge. Standing there in my duraplast armor, Neo-crusader era, the armor's paint chipped and warn. The cloak tattered and beaten. I held both of the lightsabers to my side. The two ignited together as one. The gold lightsaber blade in my right came up to salute the now dead soldier as he lay. letting the golden blade come back down to my side, I looked to my left hand. In the cracked lightsaber, was a crystal. Blood red, and filled with anger.

The blade showing its crimson glow. I was not a Jedi. I was a fighter of those who defied all. I was a Warrior of the men who no longer stood. My father has stood for the White light of truth. Tails of him being a Silver, or White Wolf have reached my perfect ears over the many years I have lived. I am different. I was not of the light. Taking a step forward over the legs of my fallen foe, I moved on. Turning the lightsabers off for a moment, I began to walk faster. My pace speeding up.

From a walk, to a jog, to a run, and into a dead sprint for the line that the Manda'lor had made out of his beasts. However, no matter how much his shields would do, they would not stop me from progressing. My sprint became faster and faster. The armor no longer weighed me down. I felt as though I could run a thousand leagues before even sweating. I felt the Force in its pure and raw essence flow through my veins as I lept into the air. My bound was much higher than any man could ever dream of jumping. My body was high enough to make even the men below me to seem smaller than before. I soared through the air, flipping to right myself, and landing down smack in front of a line of men who were firing their blasters upon the wall.

The blades of death ignited as I spun around. Cleaving two heads off, and at the end of my circle, stabbing two more through their chest. The Crimson and Gold blades slid out of their prey as I backed one step up to get a stance. Holding my blades up, the red was flipped into a Sith Shien form. the yellow blade was held to my side as I stood there in my bloodied armor. My visor reflecting the red light making me look all the more sinister.

I could see to the side Oron, one of the powerful members of the Verd family fighting others in the fray. My body shook from pure adrenaline as I rushed forward. Avoiding blaster bolts, and even getting hit, but not having a care in the world as the kinetic impacts from the bolts didn't slow me down. I drew upon the force to strengthen me. And with it, I began to cleave my way through the troops standing between myself, and victory. A yell came over me. My voice much deeper than I had expected. Nonetheless, carrying the truth of how I felt.


Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
OBJECTIVE: 1; Break the Horde
LOCATION: Streets of Jygat
ALLIES: Mandalorians
ENEMIES: Dar'Manda
"Oi, ya Gorram shabuire, who wants to get a piece of a real frackin' Mando'ad?"

Let it never be said that Kadala Skirata was either subtle or kind. The woman could easily be described as a bloodthirsty warrior, someone who would go to great lengths just for a good fight. A lust for combat could always be found thundering inside of her chest. Some would go as far to say that war and honor were the only things she truly cared about- and perhaps sometimes they were right. In the moment it certainly seemed so, for she charged into the fray with something akin to reckless abandon, seemingly without a bit of caution. It had been too long since her last skirmish, too long since her last round in the arena. Her bones ached for action.

She did not intend to let them down.

As a warrior responded to her challenge she was given a chance to do exactly what she had come to Mygeeto to do. Blasterfire came rushing her way, the first few landing hard hits on her already scuffed-up armor. But she didn't simply take the hits and risk receiving too much damage to her durasteel beskar'gam. A quick movement activated her Dinu'ul shield, which was soon maneuvered in front of her, blocking the bolts with ease. While her left arm controlled its location, her right hand shifted to aim her Rhyno gun. It was a decent slugthrower, originally used for hunting, then later distributed to countless Mandalorians.

In the hands of a true Mando'ad, it was a deadly weapon. Kadala was more than capable of using it to a high level of effectiveness, having both experience with the gun and a good ability to aim. A few shots were all she needed. One impacted the aru'e in the chest, denting his armor, while the other two slammed into his helmet one after the other. The force generated by the hits cracked his visor and disorientated him. By themselves, the blows were not enough to actually kill the man, simply enough to stun him. It was what the young warrior did next that truly sealed the deal for this fight. She gathered up the force in her body, channeling it through herself, letting it push her forward.

With one strong leap she reached her foe, her shield deactivating in order to let her left fist reach the dar'manda's solar plexus. Her foe's armor crumpled beneath the strike, pierced by her knuckle blade, nearly gutting him. But that wasn't enough for Kadala. Until the man's death was assured, she wouldn't move on to another warrior. At that point it was a simple matter to force him onto his knees. From there she simply placed one hand on his shoulder, the other on his head. One twist later, and the dar'manda horde was down one man.

"Who's next?"
IV - 7/20

Patience. It was certainly a virtue. Between the droids inability to think beyond it's archaic programing, the annoying crack, crack, crack that echoed up from the crevice and the freezing cold, Darth Ayra could have been forgiven if she was feeling hers crack. However, the Dark Lord of the Sith waited patiently beside the droid whilst it monitored the probe below, whilst her teeth chattered from the freezing temperatures inside the cave she stood in.

Keeping her arms folded into either sleeve- more for warmth than anything else- she longed for the probe to hurry up in it's efforts to excavate the crystals that she needed. The Adegan crystals were the product in which Darth Ayra longed to have join her back at the Home. Despite the coldness of space, at least within the Skyhook, she wouldn't be as cold or uncomfortable as she was in that moment.
Location: Jygat
Objective: A bit of 1 and 4
Allies: Mandos, [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Oron Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"]
Enemies: Dar'manda
Post count: [1/20]

Nothing could stop the tank of Iegoris as the Mandalorian advanced through the enemy lines at a steady, constant pace with his comrades. Most of it was due to the layers of defenses that were integrated within his armor, and the other part was thanks to his personal melee weapon which was considered his primary weapon in most cases. His power mace. With one powerful swing of it he destroyed the ranks of his enemies and was able to strike fear in their hearts as they witnessed the destruction and carnage that he created. The only possible thing that could stop him in his tracks were an orbital bombardment, ground artillery, a tank, or some proficient Force User. However, none of those threats were presented which was very unfortunate for the filth of opposition that was before them.

The dar'manda before him would soon have a taste of the consequences of joining the corrupted degenerates of the Death Watch or other Mandalorian splinter cells that objected the views of a true Mandalorian.

Unlike moving to the merchant bank that his cousin, Isley, and his forces were focusing on, the Verd had eyes for another major point of interest that was also a threat to recognize. "RAAAAAAAWR," the Mandalorian yelled out a war cry as he charged like an angry reek at the number of hostiles that didn't yield before him. The last thing these soulless Mandalorians wanted to do was face the size and force of Iegoris. Their firing would stop when the Mandalorian slammed his mace on the ground, thus taking the very life of the squad that opposed him and his men. The other hostiles around him that concentrated fire on him would be slain by the brothers and sisters that took advantage of this distraction.



Well-Known Member
Objective:II-Prove self to Xander Carrick and Master Maya with Freyia at the same time follow thru with me Jedi duties.
Location: On battle field
Allies: @Ronin Wendigo, The Mandalorian Empire. [member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]
Enemies: Dar'manda
Post 1/20

It was then that in the midst of the chaos of myriad of being moving about with the mix of sound battle peppered intermittently with screams or grunts of the fight ahead. Ever so growing louder with each step he took moving forward as he ducks ever so often behind some cover. So that he could have time reassess the situation or the uneven layout of the land that was Mygetto.

And as he did so take a fresh clip and reload the blaster at hand. Which for the most part was a far strangely unusual for Jedi wield? Bu then again Ronin was never much of a conventional Jedi nor fighter. Make do and adapting to the situation as they came along. Which for the most part seem have been in part what brought him here in the first place. As with his healing and training seem to come along at a fairly decent pace. He figured to be the time he got out there and put much he'd learn so far good use.

It was then that when he'd heard of talks about mission Master Maya was going he no sooner volunteers. Hope if anything makes amends for things he'd done and felt guilty about. And same time upon hearing Freyia was going well he could just stand on sidelines. So he jumps in and two clicks of a gundarks tail he found himself here. In the midst of the battle attaches somewhat to the detail of healers. Providing be an adept enough scout as they dove deep into the thick of battle retrieving the wounded. At same time occasionally tasked to provide cover fire for the med team. It was, for the most part, a tough and dangerous position he found himself in. Have to draw their fire to him and help clear path.

But then despite the danger, he no less pressed on. Though unable to resist, time to time checks up on Freyia six whenever he could. .....That in friendly banter lighten the all too grim mood as their group. Having just returned from a retrieval run pass close to where she was, And thru the force sent her a brief message.

" So how's things hang on your end so far.?"
Objective: Capture plans for a capital ship
Allies: Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: Dar'maanda.

From millennial ago, to this very moment, Mandalorians continued to have the best technology; even know, the United Clans of Mandalore had the best naval designs in the galaxy. The Anzati wondered to himself how the United Clans of Mandalore would react to [member="Isley Verd"], and the Mandalorian Empire. Would they themselves be labelled dar'maanda? Would they be outcasts? Only time would tell.

Dralos went to the hangar, and he so two soldiers that came with him. The young Anzati bowed before both of them, and had them come with him. He then so the pilot, and nodded toward the man in respect.

"Activating engines; sending a signal to the bridge that we are ready for takeoff." the pilot stated.

The hangar bays then began to open, Dralos seeing the pilot pushing auxiliary power to the engines in order to get to Mygeeto at a faster time. Time could not be wasted on this mission because it was an important one.

As soon as the shuttle was off the hangar bays, it went in a straight vector toward the orbit of Mygeeto, going specifically toward the location of the base.

The mission had begun.


Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Objective: III
Location: The Abandoned Refinery
Allies: Mandalorian Empire; The Kindred Mechanics
Post: 4/20

As if it had been waiting to embrace an old friend, a shadowed darkness greeted her in the refinery. The sounds of combat behind her were muted in here. The deafening clamour reduced to something more akin to a distant storm, the occasional thump of heavy ordinance being brought to bear stepping in for thunder. It was almost like stepping into a different world entirely. Her own personal domain. A fair assessment, at least for the next few hours.

“Carstain, Varad, Tenau. Get us some light.” A gloved hand signalled three of her fellow mechanics to branch out down the left side corridor. From what little they could glean from the stolen architectural blueprints of this place, that should lead to the main generators. In theory, anyway. The natives of Mygeeto, the Lurmen, were hardly famed for their record keeping skills. “Watch your backs an’ for osiksake stay on comms. Somethin’ about this place jus’ don’t smell right. I can’t see those dar’manda lettin’ a fortification like this sit empty without good reason.”

It sounded a touch paranoid on the surface of things, perhaps. But in light of the run of luck Runi had been experiencing while navigating apparently abandoned locales such as this, a little caution was warranted if not outright demanded. If it wasn’t Starweirds, it was virus-packed zombies.

“Gainne,” She turned to face another of the mechanics, a redundant move given her helmet’s HUD provided her with a near 360-degree field of vision. Disorientating at hell at first, she was slowly getting to grips with it. “Take someone with you an’ check out the overseer’s office. See if there’s some actually viable floor plans for this place. I don’ like walkin’ around blind.”

Gianne, a portly Gotal who had joined the Empire at Echoy’la, had at least a dozen or so years on Runi in terms of experience. She was more than qualified to lead this little expedition all on her own, and indeed might have expected to before Runi stepped up to the plate back at the landing zone. The kiffar wouldn’t have faulted a little pushback given the circumstances, but the Gotal acquiesced to her order without complaint, dragging another mechanic along with her. A nice little confidence boost. She wasn’t completely karkin’ it up then.

“The rest of you fan out. I want a detailed inventory. Machinery. Tools. The number of kriffin’ kleex hidin’ under the break room conservator. If you see it, you tag it, tayli'bac? Now get movin’. Usen’ye.”
Objective: V - Defeat the Empire!
Allies: The Dar'manda Horde
Enemies: The Mandalorian Empire

Deep within the heart of Jygat, nestled safely in a bank-turned-bunker, the Warlord watched. Numerous screens played in tandem with one another: live feeds from a number of his loyal subordinates. Seemingly out of nowhere, this day had come: an assault by the freshly risen Mandalorian Empire. If the Warlord was being honest with himself, a large part of him thought that this day would never arrive. He thought his desertion would go unchallenged: that taking Mygeeto would last forever. Never before had he been so wrong.

"Fall back."

With fists clenched in frustration, the Dar'manda addressed his forces over the comm. Two words escaped him, uttered in Mando'a. The bridge was practically lost. With every passing moment, the new "Mand'alor" pushed closer and closer to the capital city. To make matters worse, one of their artillery pieces had been struck down by an act of the gods; with the other being assaulted by the Imperial host. Numbers weren't on their side. Time wasn't on their side. All that they could do is regroup.

"Ready my Basilisk, we'll make our stand here. Artillery, keep firing until the last man. Everyone else who's alive, fall back to the Bank!"

And with that command uttered, the Mandalorian Empire would find their way forward all the more easy. Too easy. Sniper fire ceased. Long-range assaults came to a conclusion. Those battling to hold the bridge began to fall back...and a slight hush came over the battleground. It was a literal calm before the storm.

[ 4/20 ]
Allies: Himself
Enemies: All Mandalorian pigs for now.
Equipment: His own Body and mind. ( See Species sub and Bio for max info)

Bloodied and beaten Javik layed in a large cage. They were feeding him little only to keep him weak and alive. How they managed to capture a 9'8ft tall De'Nochsax was a very long story. All that mattered was that Javik lost that battle and was not on Mygeeto in the middle of a war zone. He had no clue who was fighting and didn't really care. The Mandalorians were retreating calling their forces back to the bank. Leaving Javik as a loose end to tie up.

The De'Nochsax snared weakly as several men entered his large cage. If he was going to put up a fight he would need more strength and something told him that these Beskar armored men were not gonna give him anything other than a bullet. There men armed with heavy slugthowers snickering.

" You put up one hell of a fight beast but im afraid you are just too much of a liability. You are not worth the hastle of moving, you have eaten a karking ton of our food all for what? To keep you alive? To experiment and keep you as a pet?" The False Mando grinned as he got too close to comfort placing the Slug thrower at Javiks Temple. Patting the Giant reptiles head as if he were putting down a trusty companion, which was far from the truth of their relationship.

" Was planning to make this quick but I am confident we got time to torture you one last time."

The Slug thrower shifted firing at one Javiks six arms. Releasing a roaring groan the reptile jerked from the shot. His sensory hairs raised up and his nose opened wide. He was physically blind but he could see through sound, movement and smell. Their was enough of all those to act apon. The men in the background laughed watching their Dar'manda buddy get some pleasure from the shot, their expressions changed to horrified as the De'Nochsax Suddenly impaling the man with his sharp claws pinning him to the ground. Screams of horror erupted and shots fired against the beast forcing Javik to take cover with his own body. The bullets ricocheted off his chitin armored like scales and cracked some of them. Some bullets got through causing glowing blue blood to ooze out.He needed sustenance to regenerate tissue and the only meat nearby were his enemies.

With haste the Large Reptile devoured the armored after ripping him apart. By this time the other armed men were long gone but Javik could still hear them move and breath heavily as they traveled.

<< " Ignorant lesser beings and your petty savage ways. You have yet to see my full wrath!" >> He yelled projecting his thoughts aloud speaking from his mind as he continued to chew. Leaving his cage Javik bared his teeth and sprinted on all fours out of his hell hole. The Dar'manda who attempted to stop him and even flee were slaughtered. They all looked the same to Javik which would become a very large problem for the Mandalorian Empire. Would they attempt to end Javik or try to convince him that they were different?

[member="Voice of the Crusade"]

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[SIZE=9pt]Objective:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]III[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Location:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]The Abandoned Refinery[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]Mandalorian Empire; The Kindred Mechanics[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Enemies:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]…[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Post:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]5/20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Broken glass crunched quietly beneath their heels, providing a welcome break to the uneasy silence that had settled in over the company as they pushed further into the factory. A pregnant sense of tension weighing upon their shoulders, one fostered by the increasingly bleak and grim surroundings. The equipment and machinery they had passed thus far, while powered down, had appeared to be largely intact. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In fact, beyond some minor cosmetic damage and dire need for maintenance, there was nothing to say why the place couldn’t be returned to fully operational within the next few days. Of course, there was nothing to say why it had been abandoned originally, either.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I don’t like this, Verin.” [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]One of her fellow mechanics – Vasko, she thought his name was – spoke up, lending voice to the current train of thought that had been traversing through the young Kiffar’s mind for the last ten minutes or so. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]“It doesn’t make sense. Why would they just up and leave a place like this? Most of this kit seems almost like new. I doubt they hardly touched it before they closed the doors.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Sealed.” [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Runi corrected, almost absently, her eyes scanning the shadowy depths that surrounded them at every twist and turn. Her gut twisting right along with it. They were missing something here. Something important. Something that had kept the Lurmens away and stopped both the Clans and, later, the Dar’manda from rolling in to set up shop.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] “They didn’t close the doors, they sealed them. From the outside. Like they were…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her fingers had only begun to curl around the butt of her pistol before the first scream rang out. While hardly blood curdling, it served the same purpose as fear quickly ensnared the hearts and minds of the less experienced members of the kindred. It barely no time at all the comm channels were alive and incomprehensible, practically bursting at the seams as they all tried to identify the source of the scream at once.[/SIZE]

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
OBJECTIVE: 1; Break the Horde
LOCATION: Streets of Jygat
ALLIES: Mandalorians
ENEMIES: Dar'Manda
One man down, several hundred to go. If it was up to her, Kadala would take out all of the remaining dar'manda forces herself. Alas, or perhaps luckily, there would be no need for that. Dozens of other true Mandos like herself were already neck-deep in the fray. No single warrior would need to break half an army by themselves (though some of them certainly looked like they could, should they ever feel the want to do so). Many of them would, however, need to take down far more than would be expected of the average soldier. That wouldn't be too difficult, though. They were Mandalorians. The biggest challenge in front of them was the fact that those they fought were once like them- once part of a warrior culture. But they had abandoned their ways, and were not to be pitied.

Not that Kadala had pitied anyone in years. Over a decade ago, on a desolate world, an arena had stolen all innocence from her. All belief in anything that existed outside of war. She had yet to gain any of it back.

"Oi, ya hut'uune are all so frakkin' laandur! I could kick all your shebs without breaking a Gorram sweat!" She wasn't really egoistical enough to believe that- but the urge to taunt her foes was one she was rarely capable of resisting. Some would call that a weakness, seeing as it could both distract her and increase the likelihood of her getting attacked. If you asked her though, the 'fun' of it was more than worth the risk. Plus, as shown by the faltering of her current opponent, sometimes her words could distract those they were aimed at. "C'mon, ya sorry schutta! My ba'buir could hit harder- and she's been dead for years!"

With that said she did her best to charge her body with the force, adding an extra oomph as she rammed her shoulder into her enemy. The blow sent them both crashing into the wall of a nearby building. Even through the man's body, Kadala could feel the duraplast crack, breaking beneath their bodies. A satisfying scream let her know that her foe's ribs had broken as well. She cut the sound off early, however, by landing a harsh blow to the wounded soldier's throat. In another life, she might have paused to say a blessing for his soul. But in this one she only considered it- instead moving on to the next unfortunate soul, wondering how her kill count for the day would compare to that of her ori'vode.
Objective: I
Location: 2nd Wave of Mandalorian Empire Forces
Allies: Mandalorian Empire; [member="Isley Verd"]; [member="Oron Verd"]; [member="Keira Ticon"]; [member="Zef Halo"]
Enemies: Dar’manda Forces
Posts: 1/20

The battle had already connected below with sprays of blood, screams and the ending of many lives. Yet for the Mandalorian Empire it was only the first step of many towards their great reclamation, a task that had already gathered so much support throughout the sector that many had laid low their own personal goals in order to join the march against the Dar’manda.

“The troops are prepared.” An armoured beast of a thing said nearby the plain armour of the Mandalorian Knight who stood as passive as ever at the front of the horde behind him. “We only await the signal.”

“Very well Ver’alor. Belis said through the modulation of his helmet, the deepening effect only boosting the look of his appearance as a darkened warrior of the Mandalorian Empire. In truth his helmet was the same that had concealed his face throughout his time within the Knights of Ren, only now the black had been peeled away, replaced by bare metal and utilitarian flair. The black stained eyes of the helmet turned to the comm-unit that was built into the wrist unit of his attire; a small blue Mandalorian appearing upon the holographic display.
“The first bridge is clear. Proceed with the assault.” Was all that was said, Belis nodding at the figure before turning once more to the Ver’alor.
“As commanded, proceed with the assault.”

The surge felt like a heated wave of anger, despair and determination. It was electrifying for the knight within their ranks, all this power and more was at his disposal. It felt…

Objective: I
Location: 1st bridge to Jygat
Allies: Mandalorian Empire; [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Oron Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Zef Halo"],
Enemies: Dar'manda Forces
Post: 5/20

I ran up to a group of men. Firing their blaster rifles upon me, And even then, half of them were droping their guns to draw upon their lightsaber or beskad. Meaning less bolts flying at me to dodge with my adept prowess with Danger sense. My body raged with fury and might. The force took over my body. Using it as a vessel of strength, and fear. In an instant, my body had vanished from sight. Using Force cloak to hide me for a second, the men knew not where I had gone. While in all of my strength, I was above them. Jumping into the air with the force, I allowed myself to once more be seen.

As I came to fall between them. My dual lightsabers slashed down upon a man. Cleaving through his lighter armor, and cutting into his chest. I retracted my blades of plasma, and spun around with both in unison to strike twice upon the man behind me. He hadn't noticed I was there yet, and was surprised to find the heat cuting him in half. My face in a snaril without my helmet on. The wild blue hair having accents of white and red from the ashes and blood of battle. I yelled out with the force.

Screaming a war cry unlike I have ever uttered. Gathering the force upon myself, I turned off the two lightsabers to slam my hands together. The force amplifying tie blast. Sending a wave in every direction around me. The rest of the men were sent flying into the air. I stood there with my hands still together. Panting, and feeling almost as though I were sore. I had to keep fighting. There were still people around me. The three with the Beskad charged me. All at once they came. Using two lightsabers to block them, I used one hand to push a man back with my saber, and then used the same hand to unleash a force push on the third. Letting me deal with only one as I used the saber to slam into his beskad.

My wrists flipped, and I sent the blade to flip over his weapon, and cleave at his neck. Cleaning him up, I turned to the man who was thrown back from the saber attack, Both sabers were stabbed into his stomach and with all the strength I could muster lifted him up off of the ground. The emitters flat against his stomach. I let the body fall as I sidestepped the last man. The blade still caught me.

Slashing at my cheek, I could feel the hot blood start to run down my face. I snarled like a feral beast. Taking my lightsabers, I brought them down upon him. Being blocked made me angry, and with a flick of my wrist, my hilt came to hit his hand upon the weapon. Sending it up into the air, and away from him. To which I created an X with my lightsaber blades just at his neck.

A growl came from my throat. Rough, corace, and filled with hate.

"Don't piss me off."

The sabers cut like scissors at his neck. Cleaning him of his head.

I stood there. Panting. Using all of my left over energy just to stand as men of the Dar'manda were running past me. Saying to retreat. I stood there. Sabers in my hands. Staring at each and every one of them as they ran in fear, or from an order, I wanted to kill them all. I turned to look at my comrades. Seeing some of them stare at me, and then from the left, I could hear a voice that sounded all too familiar.

Allies: Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: Dar'Maanda

As the shuttle began to descend toward the base, a volley of fire from defensive batteries targeted the vector that the shuttle was coming from. It seemed that starfighters had arrived-something that Dralos was not even aware off.

"Blast it! I swear to Kad Ha I will have the pilot's head. " Dralos liked efficiency, and the captain hadn't demonstrated it. Someone was about to get recommended for a demotion.

One projectile from a flak gun hit overwhelmed the shuttle's shields, and the shuttle began to crush.

"Evasive maneuvers." the pilot stated.
The pilot did all he could, but the shuttle crashed, landing pretty close to the base. Fortunately however, the dar'maanda were to distracted with the Mandalorian Empire to do anything.

Dralos used his powerful grasp of telekinesis, and force pushed the door that lead to the exit hatch, carrying the pilot with him.

He then went somewhere where the pilot could be able to lean on his back.

Sir, I will not be able to make it."

"Don't give up on your life." Dralos stated, the Anzati powerhouse expanding his sensory range(which was amplified by his Anzati sensory organs) to see if there were any enemies close by. It seemed that luck was on Dralos' side, since he did not find any enemies.

Dralos gave the pilot a distress beacon after it was activated.

"Help will arrive. There is a Mandalorian unit that is nearby." Dralos stated.

He then used a small fraction of his force reserves to heal some of the pilot's more bad injuries

The Mandalorian then left, praying that help would arrive soon enough for the pilot. Dralos didn't want to leave the pilot, but this was an important mission, a mission that would help the Mandalorian Empire's emerging navy, as well as serve as something that could protect it's borders.

Location: Bridge, Jygat
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Oron Verd"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Kadala Skirata"], [member="Iegoris Verd"], [member="Belis Verd"], Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: Dar'manda

At this point Keira had lost track of how many had fallen by her hand, but she knew it wasn't enough so long as there were still adversaries to cut down. A maelstrom of destruction seemed to reside within every one of the Crusaders, the only outlet it being projected onto those that thought it a wise idea to face them. It felt good to be able to exert herself on the battlefield unchecked, with no one caring just how she applied her deadly talents other than the enemy, though their thoughts meant little and less to her altogether. The only thing she really cared about when it came to those dar'manda was that they stayed down, permanently. Nothing else really mattered.

Even when the aggressors began to fall back she didn't entirely register that fact at first, her focus still on the one she had engaged beforehand. There was a distinct snapping sound as the ribs of the warrior caved in seconds before their vertebrae was severed cleanly. Unceremoniously she let the limp corpse fall to the ground, and only then did she seem to realize that the tides had changed far too quickly. None of them were of a mind to give in so easily, and the fact that the dar'manda would so much as consider a surrender didn't sit well with her. This was a coordinated retreat, and she knew well enough that whatever they would meet with at the rallying point wouldn't bode well for any of them.

Only when silence seemed to reign with more of an iron fist than the chaos of battle did she finally grow still, systematically disengaging her weaponry for the moment, preparing to continue to their next objective. "Didn't reports say something about their stronghold being a bank?" If this was the final stand, their enemy had picked an ideal place to do it. After a few moments she dared to move, taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly, not purging the adrenaline from her system but rather forcing herself to think rationally until pitched battle was once again a reality. Activating the comms, she spoke to those nearby, "So, who wants to go break their line?"

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
OBJECTIVE: 1; Break the Horde
LOCATION: Streets of Jygat
ALLIES: Mandalorians {[member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Belis Verd"] | @Anyone at objective 1}

ENEMIES: Dar'Manda
When Kadala pulled herself away from the crumpled dar'manda, she noted an ache in her right shoulder. The muscles were a tad tense, a bit locked up, undoubtedly caused by the bodyslam she preformed earlier. It was about time her reckless abandon came back to bite her in her shebs. Even though the injury wasn't serious enough to drag her down too much, it was definitely going to hurt in the morning. And, if she didn't take care in how she used her shoulder (of course she wasn't going to take care, this is Kadala we're talking about here), the likelihood of it being injured further would be great. Completely aware but unbothered by this, the woman turned her attention back to the enemies around her. Or at least the places where the enemies were supposed to be.

There was an odd lack of people to punch.

That concerned her, to a degree. If they weren't still active on the streets, chances were that they were making a calculated retreat to their base of operations, a former bank further into the city. From what the young Skirata had heard, it was a highly defensible position. Launching an assault on it wasn't something that she could do on her own. It was time to get in contact with the rest of her vode- something she probably should have done a while back. Keeping in touch with one's teammates was incredibly important on the battlefield. But Kadala was known for rarely using her comm unit, so used to working solo that she forgot she even had a team.

"Oya, verda," she started to say, using her comm to transmit to nearby allies, "I think it's time we hit those shabuire where it hurts. I should be approaching the target from the south. ETA currently unavailable- I'd have to get to higher ground to be sure." With that said she starting moving, silently hoping she'd encounter at least some resistance along the way.

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