Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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~The Gunfighter of Andelm IV Part 1~


His emotions flared, stardust felt it through the force and knew she needed to back off a bit, letting a breath out she glanced away to listen before she sat back up. Didnt seem like this man was well...bad at all? She really wondered what he did to be exiled....fights were common but never ended like that...

my apologies if I pressed any buttons wasnt my intentions, you just don' be made dar'manda is the will of a mand'alor....

With that she went quiet again in thought and looked up to him
"If I said we disagreed over a woman would you believe me?"

*He raised an eyebrow and the corners of his lips curled up in yet another humorless smirk. He pulled his hands back from the table and shook his head slightly standing and making his way over to the dorm on the port side of the ship. He pulled off his shirt as he walked inside and she could see stab scars, whip scars, and scorch scares from healed blaster blasts struck against skin and armor littering his back. He disappeared around the corner just as his pants were starting to slip from his hips and his voice called from the dorm. Yet another sign of trust he was leaving his weapons behind.*

"It is your right to ask... you are Mando'ade. And you are obviously higher in rank. I challenged his will, my clan stood with me. They were given warriors deaths... I was not."

I've heard of more stupid reasons

She smirked, then relaxed to a more serious look as she inspected each and every scar on his back, seemed like he really went through some hell frowning she looked to him as hes spoke and bowed her head

if we are talking about ra vizsla....he was a tyrant who threw even my people out proud people who used the force in the name of mandalore...theres a new mand'alor now one who's allowed many back...I am not you but maybe after you fix this ship...which I'll help do so call it a vod helping vod out
*The gunfighter rested against the chest containing what few cloths he still wore. While he was still out of sight in the Dorm he guarded his expressions. He tossed off his dirty trousers and found a fresh pair and pulled them on, grabbing a new shirt he began walking out, holding it lightly in his hand giving her a view of the scars on his bare chest as he walked back out into the galley.*

"My family is dead... I have nothing to go back to."

*His words were simple, empty, but without any real emotion. Just the sure fire truth in his words. He looked about the galley as he finally moved to put his shirt back on.*

"I do appreciate the help with the repairs however... my engines took a hit, and my computer is fried. I have two days to get her going..."

mmmm, say that you do, but still alive are you not?

She said and sat up looking him right in the eye

I lost my family when I was merely 12...killed on nar shadda while we were on a business trip....I was saved by a passing doctor he patched me up let me live with him...but I had to stomp around and grow from it...I believe you can do the same but...your not me, and I dont know what makes you tick

She finished and took a deep breath ad she chuckled and stood stretching

I've some engineers that can help however this thing wont be fly able in 2 days I give it a week tops..miso let those over grown lizards come, I'll remind them that their small fry compared to a dragon
*The Gunfighter lifted his eyes towards the woman, a look of half amusement and half irritation on his face. His family was more than just his mother and father - wife and child. His clan was his family. It was the Mandalorian way, there was only one way that a Mandalorian could regain that sense of belonging... prying it back from the cold dead fingers of the one that took it from them. His teeth grinded together for a half moment before he closed his lips around them and shook his head slightly. She knew just as well... which means that she was promising something else worthy of fighting for. An offer like that would mean only one thing - but he was not ready for that.*

"I've got a few days... because i need to do another job... not because of some threat by a leathered faced piece of pond scum like Rhak-ta."

*He spat the word out - referencing the Nikto that had issued the two day time limit an hour or so before. He smirked at her bravado and half believed if she was as competent as she was confident that she could take on half of the local warlord's forces if not more single handed - like a true Mandalorian was capable of.*

"I'm half tempted to stick around just to watch that happen..."

*He smirked looking her over once again, this time with a more appreciative eye.*

She was cracking him open, smiling she relented and sat back glancing him over once before smirking as she chuckled and used the force to lift a westar and looked it over carefully

well if you do, I'll show you a great defense with just three people as I doubt this back water planet has some good weapons like we do

Catching his eye she offered a quick wink before setting her blaster down
The Gunslinger considered her words for a moment, then his eyes shifted to the weapon that had lifted off the table. The hairs on the back of his head stood up as he felt the Force flow around the room - he was always able to feel such things, it had saved his life a time or two back during the war but he never understood it, and never worked to try. The Use of the Force was always forbidden during his time within the Mandalorian Empire. Apparently things had changed. Being an Epicanthix he had always felt a natural connection to the force, and his body and more specifically his mind had always been in tune with its natural ebb and flow as it moved around him - unbeknown to him that is what had always given him his naturally quick reflexes and strength. His eyes narrowed on the weapon and nodded in approval - he hadn't seen a Westar-35 in some time.


He echoed her word choice pointing to himself then to her before looking around the room as if to accent his point that no one else was here.

"Got another one of you hidden underneath that armor? That would be quite the trick, I do admit."

haha I was suggesting me and my guard but if you wanna rough up some trouble makers let's just make it me and you tangling with then

She said with a smirk upon her face as she sat forward, she had a fire in her eyes as if the simple mention of a fight was something she wanted

in the mean time we will get you fixed up and repairs underway
The Gunslinger smiled a bit at her fervor and her willingness for a fight - he used to be the same way. But these days he took no pleasure in battle, there was no glory to be won because he had nothing to fight for - no family, no honor. He leaned forward as well, his eyes meeting hers and studied her for a short amount of time then lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug.

"I doubt they will be back for a few more days, we have the time. The engines are the biggest priority."

Standing from the table slipping the LL-30's back into their holsters without so much of a flourish he nudged his head towards the engine room.

"Engine Room is this way... Its a little cramped, i wouldn't hold it against you if you stripped some of that armor off. I hope you're not shy."

He gave another of his humorless laughs and moved back into the engine room grabbing a bag of tools from a nearby hatch in the corridor leading back into the triangular shaped room, the engine cowling black and scorched from the fire that had almost crippled the ship.

if their as scared of you as I think then thats a perfect window of time. Let's go see how bad so I can call my engineers to get over here

Pulling her westars to her hands she slipped them in her holsters, her sabers came next all but leaving her sword as it was the best suited for a tight spot. Following him she chuckled

you know that's a big sign of trust yeah? To remove your armor, but I suppose I dont have a reason to not

She teased as she stepped back and removed the top half of her armor, showing off a impressive build as she stretched her arms and smiled as she entered and looked around

yikes....friend I think you need a whole new engine or least some hella major repairs to get this one working
He looked about the engine room at the more obvious signs of damage. The backfire from the overtrust to keep him from crashing had caused an overflow of power that had short circuited the entire electrical system for the engine. The physical damage however was negligible - most of the turbolaser blasts had missed the internal engine room - instead impacting the engines from behind - but Stardust's words were not wrong, they had a problem.

"I assumed if you were going to kill me you would have done so already..."

He began stripping off the engine cowling to better get a look at the damage the energy back up had caused. The regulators were shot, and the hyperdrive motivator looked to be in working order but the sub-light drive had also been shot. It would take more than what he had on board to fix this. Turning back he looked at Stardust for the first time with her armor off and blinked slightly staring at her...


well dont have a reason to kill ya, way I see it even more so now, we are kindred spirits been through and yet here we are still kicking

She entered and looked around. What a mess, stepping back she put a hand to her ear

yeah, everything ok. Just need a repair team over here with some tools and parts so we can make some repairs...also have my guard watching the ship the locals dont seem friendly

With that she entered again and stood, six and a half feet tall and smirked at him

what, never seen a tall warrior twilek?
He blinked realizing he had been staring and shook his head slightly negating her point. Though come to think of it he hadn't seen many Twi'leks as tall as her - that wasn't exactly what had caught his eye. He moved closer to her slipping by in the rather tight space locking eyes with her still looking down...

"You're not that tall..."

That same humorless smile was on his lips as he moved by barely brushing his chest against hers before turning to another control panel and removing the access panel before pulling a datapad from his pack of tools and jacking it into the system to run a diagnostic on the entire system.

"This should give us a comprehensive break down of everything wrong - though it may take some time. And trust me... these locals will have more on their mind than worrying about my ship. That other job i spoke of, care to lend a hand?"

The gunslinger rested his palms on his blaster belt turning back to face the Twi'lek warrior.

She huffed and smirked as he passed by, turning to flow him as she put a hand to here ear to listen and then looked to him and he spoke

got plenty of it. Tell me about this job them wojldnt mind a little fun on this business trip

She said and crossed her arms with a smirk, if he was human hes a tall human however she did feel the force flowing through him a bit more then a human would...she would ask later about his species
Darman noticed her sizing him up and chuckled softly before leaving the datapad to run its diagnostic before leading the Twi'lek monarch back into the galley of the craft and activating the holo projector bringing up a holo of the planet with various makings in red identifying specific points - the Spaceport - the capital city it lay on the outskirts of - various bases and supply depots. The Map was hand made which means the Exiled Mandalorian had scouted these locations himself and not pulled them from the holonet's cortex.

"Most trade in arms, munitions, equipment, food, tech... makes its way through one of the major crime bosses on the planet. The biggest of which - or rather the richest, resides here in the Capital. Its his men you saw earlier."

He bucked his head towards the landing ramp indicating the Trandoshan's and their Nikto ringleader from earlier.

"Unless you deal directly to the distributors, which is frowned up and usually heavily taxed... by the crime lords - you deal with their merchant traders. All crooks themselves, and before the goods actually reach the people - the best of it all is taken for them and the families and businesses that support them. The rest is heavily taxed and only the most well off families can buy even the necessities."

The gunslinger paused for a moment allowing the information to sink in as he bowed his head towards the holonet and keyed in a series of commands that tightened the projector to one of the outposts.

"Most of the law enforcement on the planet is done by the crime lords enforcers - but there is a small struggling band of peacekeepers that work in the shadows to protect the people. Its the closest thing this planet has to organized law enforcement on this planet. A few of them pulled me out of the mud put a gun back in my hand when I first got here. I owe them."

His eyes grew quite serious for a moment when he looked back at Stardust. There was a moment of silence, and then continued pointing towards on of the dots the projector had zoomed in on.

"This is one of the weapon's depots the its the smallest of the lot because they don't keep much there but blasters and a few rifles, maybe an mounted auto-cannon or two. Defenses. Two mounted cannons - no more than 20 men... no more than thugs, but no doubt well armed. So... what think you?"

Stardust offered a wink then followed him to the galley and looked at the holoprojector as she looked along all the routes. Not surprised say the least he was still a mandalorian no matter what and either that came some pretty good skills listening she rubbed her chin looking the maps over, then turned to look at him

I'm in, I also want a copy if these routes if possible I think maybe taking down a crime network is in my future...wouldnt be the first time I've done so

She said and chuckled. This would be something she would have her guards stay behind to watch the ship for, a plan formed in her head of just how she could topple this little crime empire these folks had going and pit some people in order that was for the people and not for profit

what happens after we hit this though?
The Gunslinger smirked slightly - she had gotten to the heart of the issue quite faster than he had assumed. Her foresight marked her as a natural leader, someone always concerned with the consequences of her actions. He nodded bringing up a closer image of the weapons depot - A tactical outline of the approach he was going to take when he had planned on working this job himself. The map marked several positions where decoy charges would be set - a marked position of both auto canons that his ship would destroy from orbit, indicated with cross hairs - and the route he would take to work his way through the guards. At the bottom flashed in yellow 68.32% - the computers diagnostic assumption of his success. He ignored all of these markings however and motioned instead to yellow and orange markings on the map.

"The Yellow marks are security vids... the Orange are auto-blaster ports."

He touched another button - one designed to play through the simulation following the course he had preset. The clock on the op sped forward to the middle of the night - several more markings appeared which moved about the holo projection - patrol movements, while the most of them where in close quarters with each other - probably sleeping. One by one markings begin to flash red and then disappear as the scenario played out. He knew this scenario would end in success for him because it was one of the ones he had saved before the ship's computer had been lost to him following the crash - the projector was currently running off a portable backup generator. Several minutes later - 4 minutes and 32 seconds later to be precise - the scenario ended, with only one Yellow marking remaining some space away from a blue dot that signified the Gunslinger's position.

"None of the Security Vids will see me until this point... When the Depot officer fails to check in the Boss will investigate and find that security recording. He'll assume I got sloppy and missed one. The backlash for the op will fall on me. And me alone."

He pressed a button and the projector reset to its starting point with all the markings back in place. With the computer down he wouldn't be able to run a simulation on the odds for two of them, but he was willing to pull this job on 68.32% odds, Stardust's presence would only boost those odds. He looked over to her with a curious expression in his eyes, wondering what she would think of the plan.

She stared at the holo, it was well put together obviously, however if she was to get involved the plan needed to have her patched into it. Standing tall she looked to him

solid plan, where do I fit into it? My style is suited for a direct assault and total destruction of troops and assets. If I may suggest once you knock this area out I can make a direct assault there and enter the camp...even better not only can i destroy some of their weapons i could recover some so your friends can have some better weapons to fight with

She motioned to the left side of the camp on the holo, already formulating her strategy
The gunslinger froze the projector midway through the guard rotation - when there was the most guards in one place focusing on something other than their job. He didn't expect these to be trained professionals, but he did expect them to be well armed, perhaps armored, and as blood thirsty as a caged reek. He pointed towards the two clusters of men on the perimeter.

"As far as I can tell this is the only time throughout the night that 10 or more men are in such an open location. After this point here their movements are difficult to predict even for my computer. Also after this point we become prey for the two auto cannons. I was going to use my ship's cannons and an orbital sniper rifle to deal with them - but if you think you can clear one of these groups, and disable one cannon... I'll clear and disable the other side then until the end I can provide tactical support and covering fire with my rifle from the second tower."

He pointed towards the tower - the one furthermost away from where the rest of the guards will be coming from.

"That is unless you believe you're a better shot than me?"

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