Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hand That Mocked Them (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Tash-Taral)

“What is this place?” She muttered, mostly to herself. She knew she was alone, but sometimes just speaking helped, y’know? It made her feel not alone. It was funny, when Kaia was on a planet, surrounded by other sentient beings, she felt more alone than when she was on a ship all by herself. Space was forgiving in the way that she knew exactly how to behave, it didn’t have the silence some worlds had. The engine was always making noise, there was always something to tinker with on her vessel. A planet? There were sounds, but there were places where it was so quiet… like this cavern.

She knew that the Force was alive, in a dead sort of ‘remember the past’ kind of way.

“Why am I here?” Really Kaia, you probably shouldn’t be speaking out loud on a world that had ghosts around. Who knew what you’d find? Gengar! Was the world leading her here? Or was it something else? Could it be her mother? Like… the remains of her mother’s spirit? Why would she be on this world? A hand went to her hip and grabbed her blaster.

She knew that was a sound. And it couldn’t be good. Why was she being brought this way? What was the purpose? Her father always taught her to trust the Force, trust her instinct, and that meant she was going down this way. And she would find what she was looking for in this… catacomb, thing.

Could she go back to space soon?


Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 1 of 20
Location: Tash-Taral, 50 clicks south of the Great Valley
Objective: Discover the Tomb of Liber Mordu
Allies: A blaster, a paperweight, and a handful of Republic credits (what do you mean, 'cash only?')
Enemies: Plenty

The locals called it Mor Geia.

It was similar to the pronunciation of the Old Sith Maligeia. As for what that meant, well... that was one part history, and one part fiction.

Maligeia was something of a myth. A quasi-historical figure whose significance or actual existence had been debated for more than twelve hundred years. Most historians and archaeologists dismissed the legends as so much folklore, with the prevailing opinion being published in Astronautical Geographic in 128 ABY by Lok Odai of the Imperial Academy on Bastion. In it, Odai postulated that the mythological figure of Maligeia was, in fact, the creation of a Croke. An illusion, woven by a creature to perpetuate the myth of a Sith Sorcerer by taking advantage of the enigma surrounding the Sorcerers of Tund.

Sor-Jan had never been one for popular opinion.

Odai's work ignored the appearance of Maligeia on Korriban. Or, rather, Korriban's environmental effects on a Croke. The salt content of the soil and average temperatures on Korriban were too inhospitable for a Croke. Korriban, like the legend of Maligeia, was too easily dismissed as folklore and myth by most archaeologists, whether out of fear of voyaging there or else the persistence of disbelief. People who read history slept easier at night if they thought that the tombs of the Sith were just fairy tales to thrill or frighten younglings.

No, in Sor-Jan's opinion, Maligeia was the pseudonym of a Kissai 'miracle worker' who may, or may not, have been associated with the equally mythological Sorcerers of Tund. His real name had most likely been Liber Mordu, and he had vanished into fringe space after being evicted from Korriban by political fallout. In short, Mordu -- or Maligeia -- had supported the wrong side in some divide that had occurred well over four thousand years ago. Tash-Taral was a logical location for him to have fled to. Not so far from Korriban as to make it an unreasonable journey, and inhospitable enough that few would have followed.

Of course, some empirical or forensic evidence to support that opinion would be nice.

Then, maybe, he could get published in Astronautical Geographic.

...who was he kidding? He taught history at the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, not the University of Onderon. He'd be lucky if the Holo Sun or Interstellar Enquirer gave him the time of day. Especially if he were to have to explain just how he'd come to be on Tash-Taral.

You see, it all started with a Dug.

Selzen Natan was a salvager, who'd somehow found himself through the thick debris disc at the edge of the system to this world, where he hocked scrap metal for whatever the locals could offer. Ore, generally. Slaves weren't unheard of. But an earthquake in Mor Geia had exposed a chasm or a cavern, filled with ruins of some kind. The nomadic tribesmen who had been passing through this area of Tash-Taral had traded relics from out of that chasm. Natan had taken the trinkets in payment, and left to hock those at Mondderr on Etti IV, which was where the Anzati archaeologist had encountered one of the relics at an open market there.

Now, Sor-Jan hadn't been looking for Sith relics at all. He'd been researching the history of an Imperial science officer named Deena Shan, in order to try and debunk the myth that she'd been a spy for the Galactic Empire within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. But, in the process of retracing her earliest steps on her homeworld, he'd come across a funerary pot that not only referenced Maligeia, but appeared to be genuine.

And by appeared to be genuine, he meant that it radiated with an aura of the Dark Side of the Force.

If Salzen the salvager of cheap metal could pull that off...

Suffice to say, the prevailing academic journals were less than likely to want to take the small Jedi seriously for the evidence that had brought him this far. Well, you see, this ceramic pot felt cold and so... I knew Tash-Taral had to be the answer!

Yeah, that kind of explanation was going to land him in the custody of men in white coats with good drugs.

Descending down into the chasm, exposed by the recent tectonic shift, the tow-headed archaeologist dropped into what seemed legitimately the ruins of an ancient temple. The reliefs carved into the weathered stone, shattered and broken by evidence of sand burrowers passing through over time, suggested an architecture and style that very nearly matched or complemented ancient Sith or Massassi. The uneven ground, tilted columns, and exposed strata of the surrounding rock suggested that this temple had been swallowed by a similar earthquake -- perhaps centuries or even thousands of years before. The crevices in the earth above provided light on the dwellings of an ancient commune that had not been exposed for time longer than even most Anzat lived.

The small Jedi's boots struck down upon the broken slabs of stone, as he jumped from the sheer face of rock that he'd rappelled down. Straightening up, the Corellian child adjusted the sling belt that he wore. The butt of an HSB blaster pressed reassuringly against the palm of his hand as his arm dropped by his side. Staring through the haze of sunlight, the boy brought his left hand up to shield his eyes as he started to venture further into the ruins.

Even if he didn't find Maligeia here, he was definitely going to find something.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Jakan Port
[member="Seydon of Arda"]
Post 7/20

"You sound like my grandpa." If she and Seydon had one thing in common, it was Ember Rekali, who'd taught them both the art of the hidden blade on Contruum, albeit at different times. What I'd give now to have remembered my pivot blades. What made you think this was a walk in the park? "The Clan Rekali clan motto might as well be 'work harder than the other guy.' Comes of hanging around too many entitled witches and half-asleep Mandalorians, I guess." The Rekalis identified with both, and included both, a side effect of her grandfather's long and strange history. Only at a Rekali base could you find Dathomiri speaking mando'a and bucketheads grunting their way through stripped-down Paecean spells.

The charbroiled Sithspawn flopped into the alley, crumbling around the edges. She dug her boot into its belly and watched flesh crack like desert hardpan. "They really regenerate fast enough that you have to burn them this hard?" No lame jokes about well-done meat. The scent wasn't remotely appetizing, and she disliked being predictable. "And is that just for this kind, or for all Sithspawn?"

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 2 of 20
Location: Tash-Taral, 50 clicks south of the Great Valley
Objective: Discover the Tomb of Liber Mordu
Allies: Hokey religions and a good blaster at his side.
Enemies: Gravity.

The stone masonry was becoming brittle with age.

Stooped before a cracked, arched pillar, the small Anzat had a small datapad and a scanner out as he took some measurements. Graverobbers had clearly been through this section already. Not too surprising, given that it had been nomads who had discovered the exposed ruins and then sold some of its relics to passing traders. The bare rock still managed to tell some tales of history. The way in which the stone had been cut, and the bonding material used to join the different sections, were all indicative of Sith or Massassi architecture. Based on the carbon dating analysis he was looking at, Sor-Jan would have ballparked the construction of this wing of the temple sometime around the Krath Holy War and the Jedi Conclave on Deneba -- approximately 3,975 years before the Great ReSynchronization.

Under the modern galactic calendar that ought to be about 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, or 4,844 years before the current year. So, five thousand years ago... give or take a hundred.

The Krath. Now, there was something that the small archaeologist hadn't considered. Originating from the Empress Teta System, and gaining momentum while fueling both the Naddist Uprising and Great Sith War, those Krath Crusaders who had survived the ultimate conflict had spread to the Outer Rim and fringe space -- most notably Korriban and the surrounding systems. Could Maligeia have been a Krath magician instead of a Sorcerer of Tund? Or could he have fled Korriban after being replaced by one of the Krath miracle workers? Collaborator or rival? Or merely a coincidence of history?

...Curiouser and curiouser.

Folding up the compact scanner, the child returned the device to the pouch on his belt before doing the same with the palmpad he used for field notes. One thing was certain, the boy thought to himself as he started back down the broken passage of the ancient ruins, he was walking now where no man had trod for well over a thousand years. It was the strangest part to being an archaeologist. As a historian, Sor-Jan was accustomed to reading history, to teaching history, or even to researching history. But, walking through places such as this, there was a feeling of being part of history. Of walking through history. As if history were something tangible and he could reach out and touch it, simply by placing his hand against the stone of a pillar or standing in the presence of ancient ruins.

The young Corellian hadn't gone very far before the path ahead dropped sharply. Whatever had caused this temple to be swallowed by the earth, or exposed back to the light of day, had created no small gaps in the ground. The view down was unobstructed, revealing a structure beneath the floors on which the boy now walked. Through the darkness, the boy spied what he thought might be movement -- only he couldn't quite get a good enough look as to have been certain.

Or, was the floor covered with water?

Ground water most likely. Rain and surface precipitation filtered through the rock by gravity, collecting at the lowest point. Bringing a hand up to his face, the boy rubbed his chin in a subconscious gesture. Blue eyes peered across the jagged scar, glancing across at where the ruins ahead continued, as though torn between the debate of whether to continue exploring above? or below?

He had the benefit of daylight above, for at least as long as that lasted. And, no matter how enticing the possibility of uncovering the truth of Maligeia, diving head first into a temple of the Sith was never a good idea. Raising his eyes, the boy found himself staring up at a shattered column. Perhaps the remains of some amphitheater or upper balcony that had sat atop the temple. The broken column jutted out just enough to where he could get a grapple line around it, except of course that it was already a broken column.

Load bearing structure it wasn't. At least, not anymore.

Which brought the boy back to square one. No easy way forward. No easy way down. And more reason to keep going the one direction than the other. Plus, he weighed less than thirty kilos...

That seemed to answer that. Rising back to his feet, the child's hands dug into a pouch on his belt, pulling out a length of fine wire with a small hook attached at one end. Craning his head back, the youngling knight gazed up at the fallen pillar overhead while measuring out the length of the wire with pulls of his hand. Dropping the hook down from his throwing arm, the small Jedi began twirling the extended grapple in an anticlockwise rotation, before letting it loose with an underhand toss. The hook sailed under and over the pillar on the upswing, the wire catching against the underside of the now horizontal ruin and causing the hook to snap back. As the hook encircled the pillar, the young archaeologist pulled back on the wire, the grapple looping back on itself as it snapped it's own wire as it caught snugly against the stone.

Tugging at the wire some more, the boy tested the security of the line. Then, wrapping his hands tightly around the line, jumped from the ledge as he swung out across the open chasm toward the other side.

Now this was some real Obi-Wan Kenobi chit.

...except, weren't you supposed to save the princess, romance the stone, or do your best primate impression while swinging through the air like this?

He'd just passed a little more than halfway when he suddenly felt himself drop a meter in the air. The crack which resonated just a half second later echoed like thunder through the temple below, as the pillar began to split along the middle.

This was definitely his stop.

Making a desperate leap from off the line, stretching out with the Force and the memories of all his youngling days practicing the Art of Motion, the young Jedi let go the grappling line and found himself grasping for air as he lunged for the pathway ahead.

He was going to make it. He was going to make it. He was...

...nope. Not going to make it.

He smacked into the broken cliff face just two feet shy of making the landing, his arms clapping down onto the stone floor as the underground mountain punched the boy in the chest. An explosive sigh was ripped from the boy, as the air was forced out of his lungs. Fingers digging for a hold, and boots scrapping for a footing, the child became red in the face as he quickly found himself out of breath, and not even a leg to stand on.

There was probably a metaphor in there somewhere about the boy's life as a Jedi Archaeologist.

A second peal of thunder echoed, as the pillar snapped into two -- then three -- different pieces and collapsed down into the ruins. Sor-Jan felt the rush of air as the heavy stone rained down behind him, bouncing off the sides of the chasm before arriving at the base of the lower section in what felt like an earthquake. The vibrations caused the boy to slip back, struggling to maintain a grip as he teetered close to the brink of falling from the ledge. Digging in with his fingers, the small Anzat found what felt like a niche in the rock with his boot. Settling his weight on that, the boy drew in a breath and focused on the Force as he brought his shoulders up and started to push himself up.

The footing gave way. The boy split his chin open as he came down face-first to smack against the ledge as he slid further back. Blood and sand trickled down his neck and inside of the front of his shirt as he dangled over the sheer face of rock.

Well, this was no better.

He should really leave this in the field chit to the Sentinels and Guardians. In fact, hadn't that been the whole idea behind his turning down the Jedi Sentinels in the first place?
Go find yourself on a world, Kaia. Go find yourself in the galaxy, Kaia. Take your Odyssey and see where it brings you.

That was what she was getting, from everyone, well, not her father, he was too busy being frozen and then fighting the eldritch terrors that plagued the Fringe Federation borders and the Unknown Regions. Even her mother was off doing that, well, no, that wasn’t true. Something happened to her when Akala showed up. And the girl needed her mother. She had heard tales from her brother, whom she was very close with, despite the latter remaining with the home ship, and the Wing.

But even Aunt Lily was telling her to do this. Did they not want her on the ship? She loved her ship, she loved her Wing, she was supposed to be there, in the stars doing her thing, not traveling through some ghost rock of sand looking for trinkets. Or… whatever she was looking for. Kaia didn’t know. She still was trying to figure that out.

She heard the noise again. Something deep in the cave. Was that a lizard? Great. Kaia’s skin was now crawling. Bugs were one thing, they were useful, lizards were just… creepy and they had that scaly skin and the tongues. She knew that she would end up combating Trandos if she was going to become this Warden of the Sky that Mara thought she could be, but if they were slavers? It was easy. Her father always said, don’t deal with slavers. They’re taking away freedom from others and don’t deserve the sympathy.


Why did that name just come to her? Was that why she was here? Was there a way to turn back? No. Kaia, you were trying to be a Jedi, you had to face fear.


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Outskirts of Jakan Port
[member="Seydon of Arda"]

Oren's boots skidded on gritty alusteel as he switchbacked his way down the slope of the SSD Intimidator. Moving downhill at speed was bad for the knees, and the slanted command ship, even when half-buried, offered a good half mile of incline. Deftly, he moved between the sand-drifts that accumulated in the wrecked turrets. Once upon a time, a ship like this could put sectors to shame. Even today, from what he heard, no such vessel existed. It was like climbing the bones of a forgotten god -- forgotten, but no less real. And where a god would bring forth revelations, the hulk of the Intimidator brought forth occasional things from the lowest levels, or deeper. Even after a lifetime on Tash-Taral, Oren remained unsure if the Intimidator's torn-open bilge connected with ancient catacombs a couple of miles down. Going down there was a good way to die.

Whatever had come up, though, had pretty certainly met its match. Even through the desert robes, the Vahla nomad's nose wrinkled at the smell of charbroiled Sithspawn. A plume of smoke was rising from the edge of Jakan Port, and the Force was heavy with the touch of a Darksider much stronger than him.

'Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!' Admittedly this line is probably terribly overused, but it seems fitting for the planet. Tash-Taral was a world of mystery, danger and ruins. Here man could see most plainly that in the end, all was vanity. Behold the titan of war that was the half-buried Super Star Destroyer, a true leviathan that had undoubtedly once been a terror and set worlds ablaze.

Now it lay there partially buried in the sand while a strong wind blew around it. Its mighty guns would never fire again, its engines would never propel it into space and through the stars. The legions it had once carried had scattered and vanished ages ago. Now its glory was as faded as that of the ancient ruins and tombs that littered the planet. Tash-Taral was like a gaping maw that attracted adventurers and cults and swallowed them up. Massive monuments and obelics rose up into the sky, long decayed and forgotten. Vahla, Sith, Sorcerers of explore this place would be paradise for any archeologist. Maybe [member="Phylis Alince"] should pay a visit some time.

One wondered what the natives thought about this. Or whether they felt any desire to be 'opened up' and persuaded to 'embrace progress'. It was doubtful that many believed they needed such dubious salvation. It was equally doubtful that Elpsis was particularly interested in any of these deep thoughts as she took a deep drink from her flask. Sand crunched beneath her boots as she left the market behind her. One of the native traders had been very insistent on her buying a talisman, so she had. Lucky charms were always good! Levantines were paying for killed Sithspawn and she could use the creds.

Should've gone to Nar Shaddaa, she thought to herself. Word was the planet was infested with Sithspawn. Spacer tales spoke of enormous, bestial abominations. In the distance away from her lay burnt Sithspawn and she crinkled her nose slightly. Ah, well, she had already been to hell once, beat up Daddy and came back. Besides, she was the daughter of [member="Coryth Elaris"]. Ergo she was expected to be a trouble magnet! She checked her bolter, made sure ammunition was secure on her belt, as she departed from the market, more or less tactfully fending off locals who wanted to load her with this or that charm.

Why did it have to be a lizard?

She had no idea what it was. It was a real shame, because this was how padawans died, going after things that were in their way but not being able to identify them. It would sure be nice if she had a Pokedex datapad that could identify everything she might come across. Some future Frontierswoman, huh? She didn’t even have her sniper rifle. That would be something she could use her, a sniper rifle.

Take down the lizard before she even got close. But the real issue here? She just didn’t know what she was looking for. What was beyond the lizard? Could it be a lightsaber crystal?

That would be nice. She was going to need a weapon for herself, and not one that she used from her father. Maybe one day she’d take her family holocron and make a viridian synth crystal. She wasn’t going to offend the born-and-raised Corellisi by carrying around a bloodsteel and orange bladed lightsaber. She wanted on that reflected her, and she knew she was a Starchaser. Her father was not nearly as bad as she thought, he was doing things his own thing.

But was he evil? She wouldn’t know. Should probably talk to Spark Finn, one of the Underground’s slicers. But Kaia never really met her. Just heard that her father was flying around with her. Not that it was a bad thing. Not as bad as the Hssiss that was ahead of her. She was going to have to deal with that, wasn’t she?

Please, no?

Outskirts of the Port

Tobiah tried not to look annoyed as he wandered through the edge of the Port town. Sweat was rolling down his back, collecting at his brow. One would think -- having spent some of his childhood on a desert planet he'd be used to the heat.Cold space travel must have cured him of his tolerance long ago.....If only he could slip back into the Rose.

Yet he was on an assignment for his cousin. Buy a junkyard. Apparently Cecaelia Industrial needed one for their operations. Toby didn't stick around to ask many details. Here he was, saddled with an insane amount of credits and the task to buy this mythical for sale junkyard. And if one wasn't for sale?

Then buy some land. As if that would be any easier. For some reason, his little cousin had a fondness for making his mark on little backwaters.

Taxes must be cheaper.
The Admiralty
Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“End whai wouldwe wanna do dat, biggie guy?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The other lad started giggling, saliva running down his lip and eyes rolling in a way that suggested he wasn’t entirely too healthy and loved that fact. There were two of them, one was the spit-dude and the other was currently training a jagged knife at Khal’s throat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But this wasn’t Khaleel’s first rodeo, not even the second or the third. If there was one thing the Underlord knew it was the art of negotiation or the idea of knowing when talking wouldn’t get you any further into the metaphorical house.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Well, Steven.” [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]it wasn’t actually the name of Scruff Knifeinson, but Khal had realized that this particular breed of raider prided itself on its unsophisticated nature. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Which meant that it was really easy to piss ‘em off.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]One second passed where Steven’s eyes narrowed themselves very dangerously, muscles tensing up and relaxing to jab Khal in the throat, the following moment he was laying on the ground and screaming.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Elbow broken, twisted clockwise just far enough.[/SIZE]

Okay lizard. You're not all ... that big. Why couldn't the Levantines just use her in space? Why did the Odyssey state she needed to explore worlds and learn her place? She didn't even have a lightsaber! No, home-ship wouldn't let her take it with her. All she had were her clothes, and her CEC freighter. She supposed it was normally enough... but, well, a lightsaber! They're lightsaber!

Maybe she needed to get past the Hssiss and she could get a crystal? It was what she was hoping for. Get on with this being a Jedi thing. Learn the Force, save the galaxy, fight the Sith and keep space lanes clear. She took a shot at the Hssiss with her Merr-Sonn Blaster (Power number something, yeah?) And the bolt bounced off the Hssiss.

No, like, off its skin. And it looked angry. Especially with it roaring and coming at Kaia.

Yeah, she really didn't want to be here.

Back door? Down a hall was the closest she had. She turned and through a telekinetic slap at the Hssiss, well it was more a bit of a cryokinetic hit, slowed the thing down just enough.

And then she was in a room with someone, [member="Khaleel Malvern"] , breaking another person's arm... or something. She didn't pay strict attention as she tucked behind the stone wall. "Get down!"

Yeah, it was a lizard. But as far as Hssiss went? Moderately tiny.


Kaia wanted her starship.

The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Depending on the timing of Kaia’s arrival she might have seen one out of many things.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But this was what had roughly happened in the span of a microsecond, see for a very long time Khal had been focused on [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]guiding[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] the bullet and with it he had avoided most of the problems most fellas had when they were full anger and righteous indignancy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Force hadn’t seduced him nearly as much as those people.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Dark Side hadn’t grabbed hold of him, and perhaps it was a good thing it had taken him so long to break through those barriers. Older and wiser he saw the dangers that the Darkside brought with it, ultimate power but no restraint, it was a dangerous path to walk. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Force wrapped itself around the man’s joint and he twisted it cruelly counter-clockwise, bone snapped immediately and the knife fell to the ground. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It would have looked as if the elbow just decided to snap in a circle all by itself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Already Khal had been gathering strength to finish off the bastard when suddenly a girl ran into the room with a… oh feth. The Force wrapped itself around the howling raider, lifting him up in the air and Khaleel [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]pushed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The raider would suddenly fly off into the air and crash into that damned lizard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Not today, lizzo.[/SIZE]
Location: Temple
Allies: [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Enemies: Probably a laughably small lizard.

For all Kaia was a bit immature and wet behind the ears, she did know how the galaxy worked. What she didn't expect was a bullet bending crime lord (she couldn't read people that well, but her father would've clued into it) who was throwing people. She didn't think she saw him touch the other being, but he did go flying to the lizard.

It was going to eat her, so what was it going to do to the new prey? Munch, a little. And Kaia closed her eyes for a second, feeling pain in the Force. The girl was a Starchaser and as much as she was a terrible empath, much more of an alter based Forcer, she could see feel the pain. Taking a second to clear her head, she looked up.

Gun. Gun! She needed her blaster... Mara would yell, blasters weren't smart for a Warden, but here? Kaia grabbed the gun, looking up.

"Who are you?"

Right, talk first, otherwise you're just like your father.

And apparently, ignore the lizard. Who knew, maybe you were safer with Lizzie.


Tash-Taral was an El Dorado if you were an adventurer with an appetite for tomb raiding and dangerous beasts, a hunter who wanted to gain a thrill from hunting down the aforementioned dangerous beasts or haul their carcasses over to AEI so that you could get paid and they could make shiny leather things out of them. Speaking of leather things, Elpsis thought she could use some shiny terentatek leather boots. Hopefully she would not encounter a terentatek because in all likelihood she would end up getting eaten! By now she was leaving the market and the port behind her.

A harsh wind had sprung up and was throwing up sand. A ragged red bandana covered Elpsis' face and she pulled her cap low over her eyes. It did not take long for the smell of blood to invade her nostrils, then there was the sound of pained, agonised screams. Loud gunfire was heard from a back alley, a man shouted, though she could not understand the words since they were spoken in the tongue of the natives. then there was a blood-curdling scream that sounded like someone was getting ripped apart. Good thing she had her boomstick.

She checked her boltgun once again and gripped it tight as she moved ahead. What she found when she peeked across the alley was a quite disgusting sight. Even by her standards, which probably said a lot. Several bodies lay upon the hard, sand-covered ground. Above them stood vaguely human looking savages with mottled, half-rotted skin and yellow eyes, teeth that looked like fangs. Through the Force she felt their hunger, so strong that it was primal. Then...the recently dead began to rise and her mental barriers reeled as through her empathy she felt an onslaught of primal hunger radiating from them. Some of the dead were missing limbs or looked at risk of having their innards spill out, yet they rose. Ah, great, zombies. Did it really have to be zombies? Ah, right, ancient tomb world. Figures. A battered, ancient Super Star Destroyer stuck in the desert probably sort of counted as a tomb.

Good thing she had her boomstick. Elpsis wasted no time and sprang into action. Bolter was held in one hand and lowered, whilst in the open palm of her free hand she focused as she drew upon her power. A ball of fire manifested, then, when the zombies charged towards her with feral growls, she sent a scalding blast of fire sweeping towards them. Fire was the element she had the most affinity for, which probably matched her personality and temper very well.

It was odd. For a long time Elpsis had been reluctant to use the Force, seeing it as a curse due to her heritage. Events had changed a degree, though she was still very wary and suspicious of any organised Force Order. For now it served her well enough as a couple zombies were engulfed by the blazing heat and ignited, the smell of burning flesh filling the air. Gripping her boltgun with both hands she squeezed the trigger. BAANG The gun had been loaded with buckshot, an ammunition type she liked at close quarters, especially since it required little aiming.

Two zombies that managed to get closer were blasted. One got its head blown off directly, another continued charging her even after she shot off one of its arm. Using her bolter as a club she bashed it over the head so hard it cracked. Then she was suddenly grabbed from behind and before she could react had been smashed into a wall. Ouch. The bolter fell out of her grasp and she was knocked into the wall again, then tumbled. The zombie creature came at her and slashed with its claws at her face. Her cap had fallen off, so had her bandana. The beast pounced upon her but she managed to grab ahold of its arm and abruptly it screeched in anger when it felt its arm being fried, then she threw the beast off. Her boot rammed into its shin, then she cleaved it in half with her lightsabre. With a slight groan Elpsis jumped to her feet, dusting herself off a bit.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Hiss Hiss ain’t no joke.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]That’s one of those truths that most folk could tell ya early on in life, razor-sharp claws and poison coming outta its backside meant that ya had to be very careful, it’s reflexes were top-notch too. Which meant that Khal wasn’t even surprised when it simply snatched the thrown raider outta the air and started cutting him up badly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Ain’t the best way to go, tell ya that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Khal woulda felt bad, if not for the fact that the raider’s own sharpened teeth had told him he had been dealing with a cannibal, shet like that just gotta be put down in his honest opinion.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Kid, stay outta the way[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px].” the Underlord would just say in response, as he set his jaw. The other twitchy dude was running away by now, screaming something about gods and demons. Khal didn’t believe in Gods, what he did believe in was killing things that annoyed him too much.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He punched in the direction of the lizard and the schutta got uppercutted by an invisible force that made him fly off into the wall. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Like that.[/SIZE]
The Khaleelsi [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Kind of.

What was going on? Kaia could feel the pain from the man that was running away, but this... man in front of her, he was... different. She hadn't felt anything like this before. That was interesting... The galaxy did have a lot of people in it, huh? The little Starchaser quirked up her eyebrow at him when she was called a 'kid'.

Sure, she was, but the brat in Kaia, the one that Jared couldn't stand because she was so convincing when she put her mind to it. Driven, was how Aunt Lily described her. "I'm not a kid, an' that wasn't very nice." Her voice, her accent was definitely something of more of a well spoken pirate? Lived her life on a starship, but damned if she was to forget it was an Imperial starship.

Did she mean the throwing of the man, or calling her kid? Yes. Yes she did.

Then he did something she didn't expect, and ... shadow-hit the Hssiss? That was... the Force. But... no lightsaber.

"What are you? Are you with the Sanctum?" That would be the best case scenario.

The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“S-slightly…” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]If there was one thing that could be said about Khaleel Malvern, it was that he ain’t a big fan of a [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]reasonable[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] response. One of those things ya learn on the streets, ya know? When someone attacks you, you don’t just have to stop that one fight.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]You stop every future fight.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It meant being disproportionate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It meant ending things for now and the future, for this time and all the times that would come.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Hiss Hiss had slumped to the ground slightly, but the Dark side was strong within it and it would have surged back to its clawed feet real soon again, stomping back to trying to slaughter all of them. Khal wouldn’t let that happen though. This was one of those things that Khaleel had always been afraid of, the sudden ease of [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]destroying[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] things when they popped up to contest him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]His arms lashed out, each in the opposite direction. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Force wrapped itself around two distinct parts of the Hiss Hiss body and then [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]jerked[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] in opposite directions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]One moment there was a lizard, the other one half of the Sithspawn flew of in one direction and the other to the other side. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Khal grunted and wiped off his forehead, transpiration from exertion. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Underlord turned around and the shadows fell away from his eyes, he saw the girl for what she was right now. Just a child, nothing that was threatening him or his. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Not something to [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]end.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“On my own, miss.” he would reply then. “Only thing I answer to is my ship and my family.”[/SIZE]
Location: Temple
Allies: Khaleelsi [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Enemies: Lizard, and maybe stranger danger from [member="Khaleel Malvern"], who knows

Right, he was fighting the lizard. Meant she didn’t have to. Slightly though, was that part of being busy or part of being the Levantine Sanctum? She didn’t want to question it now, he was looking really busy. See, when she was in a fighter, things made sense, when she was not? Well, when was she supposed to talk, when were people able to do things. She wasn’t really sure. The youngest Starchaser just kept watch on the man.

For her, conflict was technological, it was point and shoot, and make sure you could fly faster and better and harder than the ones coming after you. She could do that. She was good at that. She was a great pilot, not as good as her father, but really? In the hierarchy of the mind she was in, definitely the top three, probably behind Coren who was also light years ahead of Jared.

Starchasers flew, and they were damned good at it.

As for the rest of it? Her powers and particular gifts were still working on appearing. What was she going to cling to in the Force, to answer her problems? She knew she made the air cold around the lizard, the one that was currently being ripped in two. Well, that was one way to beat baby Godzilla.

She swore it was bigger when it was alive.

And whole.

Piloting and shooting down enemies was so much cleaner than this. But the man before her, she could tell he was a bit more the rough and tumble type than maybe even her father…

Green, wet behind the ears, still in the tutorial phase, that’s what Kaia was. She’d not admit it, but Khal was right. “Ship and family. I understand that.” She nodded. How to not sound like Tali’Zorah when she explained it? Oh, right, she couldn’t.

[Outskirts of Jakan Port]

“A few do,” He toed his boot through a clump of yellowed, scorched phalanges and metacarpal bones, all elongated and ending in smoothly sharpened keratin claws. Save for portions of its musculoskeletal system, all tissues were reduced to flaking ash and fire-charred cinders. “Some of my predecessors managed in distilling the archetypical phenotypes you encounter in monsters. Vampiric, ogroid, necromantic, spectres. Generally, they identify by a series of characteristics. But when every second Dark Sider is trying their hand at fumbling through alchemy, there's a lot variation. Some vampire-types heal faster than you can cut them down. Others - “

An upwind breeze had turned, billowing back down across the Intimidator's shattered bulwarks. Seydon caught scent, taste, and sound, with footfall vibrations pinching the hair and skin up the back of his calves. There was a cologne of dried blade oils, with something acidic and too sugary biting on his tongue and lips. He turned, spotting a man swathed in dune garb almost soundlessly loping towards them off the SSD's sloped hulling. There was a gaunt face with high, sallow cheeks retreated inside a frayed cowl, atop a barrel torso strapped in cloth. Seydon watched him travail over a rooftop formed from a section of upturned bulkhead, dropping to an easy stroll towards them.

“ - Others sometimes try drinking their weight in blood, just to stay alive,” Seydon finished quietly.

@Oren Beorn
Location: Space at Tash-Taral
Allies: [member="Cerita Sarova"]

“WHAT!?” Kiber responded with a loud shout, playing up his faux-deafness as a way to avoid the fact that he had just been called a big baby. Which, frankly was a little true, but still! That wasn't the point!

What was the point?

He never could remember. Probably all the blows to the face, it was a surprise that his head wasn't completely concave by this point, of course, the spice didn't help either but hey, let's not blame Lady Glitter.

After being prompted to gather his equipment he stood there, waggling those expressive eyebrows at the woman as was pretty standard so far in their relationship. Making the most grand sweeping gestures he possibly could, Dorn patted down his pockets to check for his cigarettes, his lighter and that was it, equipment checked. Given his grand adventures of stowing away and squatting there wasn't a lot of equipment to his name.

“Done and done, Certz,” he noted before placing both hands upon his hips in a standard display of Kiber Dorn sass, “Also, me? Alchemised? What part of this perfection needs alchemy? That's an affront to nature, y'know.”

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