Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hand That Mocked Them (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Tash-Taral)

[member="Phylis Alince"]

"Killing beasties, getting paid for it, staying away from the war." Elpsis said and shrugged nonchalantly. Well, that actually hurt because her shoulders protested. Anyhow, our two ladies managed to navigate their way through the massive settlement, crashed star destroyer, whatever it was, and eventually ended up at what passed for a spaceport. A wind swept towards them, throwing up sand and dust in the process.

Elpsis' freighter had seen better days. Well, she repaired it as much as she was capable of, but it was far from the height of comfort or luxury. But it was her ship and that was what mattered. It was then that Elpsis spoke up again. For a change her tone was less bratty. "You know Coryth Elaris?"
[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
Phylis blinked, taken aback by the change in conversation. She nodded though.
“I do, I count her as a very good friend. I guess you know her as well?”

She didn’t know or assume the family relationship. Plenty of people had red hair, and Elpsis wasn’t even that short!
[member="Phylis Alince"]

Truth be told, Elpsis was not entirely sure why she had abruptly changed the topic and brought this up. Yet now she had. For a moment or two she was silent. The wind swept up sand and she was grateful for her bandana and cap shielding her eyes. Sand crunched under her boots as she limped towards her battered but still serviceable freighter.

Finally she spoke up. Time to drop a nice bombshell just for the hell of it. "Oh, nice to hear. She's my mother." For the record, Elpsis was quite happy about being...a lot taller than Coryth. Apparently you could troll the tiny redhead about her height.
[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
Phylis blinked, brow furrowed. She couldn’t detect any deception, and if you looked closely you might see a certain resemblance. Still, it spoke to another side of Coryth, a story Phylis did not know. She found herself wondering what the circumstances were.
“Oh, well, hmm. I see….” What did one say here? “Does she know?” She realised that was probably the stupidest thing anyone had ever said. “I mean…have you met her as an adult?”
[member="Phylis Alince"]
(Pete, I think you're at 9 posts)

Elpsis let out a sigh before responding. "Yes. Met her for the first time in my life couple months ago. Beat up some thugs attacking me, we was awkward and I learned that someone called Siobhan killed the monster who's my Daddy." What were the odds that Phylis also happened to know this Siobhan woman as well? Small galaxy indeed!

"Force, I need a smoke," she exclaimed, searching in her jacket pocket for her cigarette package. Having pyromancy was very convenient because it meant that she did not need a lighter to, well, light up! This writer is clearly in the mood to make lame puns today. For the record, smoking is bad and unhealthy. Well, the same applies to death charging monsters and stuff.
[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
10/20 Probably?

“Ah yes, Siobhan. I know her well. Hmm. Well, I’m glad you met her, even if things are a bit awkward. It’s been a pleasure meeting you. I think you can make it the rest of the way, hmm?”

She eyed the battered cigarette packet. “You know, those are bad for your health,” she said warningly.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 4 of 20
Location: Tash-Taral, 50 clicks south of the Great Valley
Objective: Discover the Tomb of Liber Mordu

Twisting in mid-air, the young Jedi worked to orient himself toward the ground as he fell from the precipice. In the darkness now enveloping him, he could see only shadow. Stretching out with one hand, the boy felt for the base of this chasm through the Force. A telekinetic push radiated from his palm, not at all dissimilar to the Force Shield technique that Alan Na'varro had instructed on Ossus. Sending the intangible projection down to the ground, the small Anzat slowed and controlled his decent so that he hovered for a moment just a meter above the floor of the broken temple.

Through the connection with the Force, he could make out water rippling across the floor. The precipitation and ground water having seeped through the stone to create a shallow river underground. As he let go his telekinetic shield, the child's boot's splashed down so that he now stood in water up to his knees. Even assisted with sight through the Force, the permutations of the Dark Side shrouded this place. Force Sight ineffective, the boy plucked the lightsaber from it's place at his side. The dark water reflected the ghoulish pallor of green light, as the Anzati child's blade served to cut through the obfuscating shadows of the deep and dark.

Behind him, something -- some kind of creature -- moved. It's passage felt through some tangible presence in the Force even while its physical form remained elusive and evasive. Turning, the boy waved the lightsaber in a slow arc to try and illuminate the way behind him. Darkness there, and nothing more.

Peering upward, the boy listened for the sound of buzzing which had preceded the pelko swarm... but that seemed to be fading above him.

Holding the lightsaber so that it's emerald light illuminated the wall nearest him, the child-knight scanned for signs of reliefs or other carvings. As he peered forward, the Massassi icons seemed to hint toward some kind of ritual or worship chamber.

The question was, in which direction?

Peering ahead, and then glancing behind, the boy was presented with an enigma with no clear answer. And only darkness awaiting him. Raising the lightsaber so that the glowing blade was angled overhead, the child started forward to see what awaited him ahead.
[member="Phylis Alince"]

In response to Phylis' lecture Elpsis just shrugged, removed a cigarette from her battered package and lit up. "So's lots of stuff I do. Like smuggling, killing beasties for credits," she said, apparently completely missing the point that just maybe it might be a good idea to find a different job. Or get a higher education. Apparently she was set on being a trouble magnet, just like her mother in her younger days!

So she took a deep drag from her cigarette, savouring the feeling. "Anyway, yeah, nice meeting you. Have fun doing...whatever you're here for," she slowly exhaled the smoke she was holding in her lungs and then turned away, though before she departed she spoke up once again. "Say hi to her from me if you see her." Then she was gone. Meanwhile, a hammer-wielding 'demigoddess' and a telekinetic psycho-soldier, both of them were probably just a tad crazy, were busy slaughtering beasties...and by now it was time for a boss enemy to show up. After all, every good adventure needs one!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Whilst an interlude of Jedi and Jedi daughter chattering went on, Eyrecae was doing what she did best; hit things with a hammer!

In true cinematic style, whatever was controlling the monsters were sending them at them in small groups, allowing Eyrecae to give each personal attention in turn.
"It's a good day for someone else to die!" Eyrecae shouted. That probably sounded better in her head. Still, her enemies wouldn't be laughing for long as she laid about herself with hammer, fist and bolt pistol.
"Six more, Sio, you keeping up?" she called. This was a pretty good XP farm.
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"]

There was a loud crunch and a blood-curdling scream when a Hssiss gots its skull smashed by a pillar Siobhan had levitated and chucked with extreme speed. The pillar broke and with it the darkside dragon's skull and the beast was dead. In true cinematic fashion waves upon waves of beasts had charged them in small groups, but they had all fallen. The details need not concern us. Presumably Eyreae and Siobhan had been slaughtering the way across Tash-Taral whilst Jedi and Jedi/Sith daughter had their little moment.

Behind them? Sand dunes littered with cadavres of various beasts and broken monuments. Ahead of them? Pretty much the same. "Just dandy," Siobhan replied before firing a bolter to blow up a zombie who was charging her. The boltgun roared and the undead creature was blown to bits. Then there was was all far too quiet for her liking. The undead who had been charging them just moments ago suddenly turned tail and ran away, which made Siobhan frown.

"They don't normally do that. Eyrecae, brace yourself...something's coming...something big." She sensed it, and then she saw it, a line streaking across the sand towards the valley they were in. Something massive and dangerous was coming, and then suddenly it burst out from the sand. Massive clouds of sand and dust were thrown up as the being emerged, broken statues were tossed through the air. The enormous wurm towered over both warriors. Its maw alone was larger than both of them put together.


Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 5 of 20
Location: Tash-Taral, 50 clicks south of the Great Valley
Objective: Discover the Tomb of Liber Mordu


As warm and inviting as this place was, maybe he ought to abandon archaeology and embrace materialism.

With the kind of cold, dark, you-are-about-to-die ambience of this former Sith temple, he could set up an epic haunted house. Or maybe turn this into Tash-Taral's premier attraction. Pelko bugs. Hssiss. Sand Burrowers. What wasn't there for kids to like? They could call it... Massassi Park!

It had a certain ring to it.

...the only problem was, just what kind of insurance premium would they be talking to cover battle hydras as a main attraction? Not to mention, the Jedi Order would probably frown on the whole Order of Sith Lords things as an exhibition. Even though that would kinda be sorta astral... DARK FORCE: Secrets of the Krath. Only at Massassi Park, this Taungsday!

Splashing about knee-deep through water, the tow-headed Anzat plowed his way through the interior of the broken temple. Daylight trickled in through breaks in the stone, but the propensity of shadows kept the emerald lightsaber alight in the boy's hand. His imagination roamed, whimsical and wild, as the child strolled through the stone hewn passages that had not seen footsteps such as these in more than a thousand generations. What must Tash-Taral have been like back then? Not just in the Outer Rim, but fringe space. Wild Space almost. A world on a map which read 'here there be monsters'.

Did they worship here in exile?

And where had they gotten the labor to construct the temple?

As if to reinforce the question, the young Jedi found himself stepping inside of a great chamber. The ceiling overhead appeared to have once been open to the night sky, with a series of steps that may have created a kind of lecture hall for the round platform that it faced on three sides. Coming down the steps, the boy peered at the section that was open. A walkway or path led back into... a reliquary? Surely he couldn't be that lucky.

The moment that his foot hit the bottom step, he felt the ground move beneath him.

As he exhaled, a sudden cold snap caused his breath the crystallize in front of his face. Bringing the lightsaber nearer his body, the Anzat child allowed instinct and training to take hold, as he found himself naturally falling into the opening stance of Center of Being.

Along the floor, mounds of earth began to push upward. Out of which came hands... limbs... heads -- the flesh rotting off the bones which were animated by some ancient and evil sorcery.

Well, at least now he had an idea just where they'd gotten their labor from...
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]As a lull in the conversation happened Khaleel closed his eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]See, few people could really [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]understand [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]the Force and how it worked - Khal wasn’t one of the ones who did, but he did learn a few tricks here and there. Tricks that made him help his job, make it that much easier to accomplish it in the ways that were necessary.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He could [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]feel[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] the air currents shifting and he could [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]feel[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] the running man running for his life, away from them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Suddenly an unseen force of kinetic energy would wrap itself around McTwitch. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It started pulling him back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Khal opened his eyes again and gave Kaia a little smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Then we got something in common, little one.” a scratch of the chin, as the screams came closer, hoarser too as the throat became that much less able to produce the screeching sound. “So what are you doing here exactly?”[/SIZE]
Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple
Allies: Khaleelsi [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Kaia was talk a little about the Force. Sure, it wasn’t like it was her father, he was… gone most of her childhood. And when he came back? He tried to be helpful, but he kept talking to Kaia like she was either A) a little child or B) a wingman. And that bothered her. But the thing? He didn’t teach her, nor her brother, the finer points of their family’s handicap and boost in the Force. She knew that there wasn’t going to be much she could do in the Force, Aunt Lily taught her that, but when she go to the right skill? It’d be HER skill.

She was watching the older man and then he was being quiet. That was fine. Unlike some people, Kaia was pretty good at being quiet. She lived on a space ship, that meant a lot of internal focus, and reading, and, well, gaming. Kaia really was a big holo-game player. Flight sims, Farmville, Monster Trainer. Stuff she could live as a Levantine.

This guy, though, it seemed his power was in chasing down… she was hoping bad guys, she assumed a bad guy, and using telekinesis. That was really cool.

Something in common? Maybe he was a good guy? A Jedi even? She met a few at the academy, and some in the Sanctum space, but she had been traveling a lot.

“Would it sound too weird if I say ‘following the Force’? Looking… it just kind of said I should come here.” She shrugged. She was hoping for a lightsaber crystal. “And then I got chased by the lizard.” She shuddered. No thanks.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Suddenly the twitchy man crashed through the hallway, his yelling cut short as a concentrated kinetic burst knocked him unconscious and left it at that. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Never was one for the Force beckons stuff.” Khal would say with a shrug, before walking over the dude and turning him around, working him up with a pair of terentatek shackles that would leave him immobilized and unable to flee for a second time. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Scruffy head popped up again, blowing off some of the strings of hair and the Underlord shrugged.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“But to each their own, kid.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Khaleel was here for a specific reason, the Force hadn’t called for him, except if the Force could be quantified by the ring of sweet, sweet credits. There was a new trade in town and it was called the selling of artifacts, force-based, Jedi/Sith and other things.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Business was booming and Khal wasn’t about to let that go.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]His contacts had established a few interested parties here, mostly low-level smugglers and tomb raiders that usually had to settle for the lowest prices in town, because they didn’t have the cred or the connections to ask for more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Which is where Khal came in to get his own profit margins while magnifying theirs… as long as they weren’t as stupid as McTwitchy here.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Ya need help getting outta here? I still got a few errands to run and I can lead ya back to the star port.”[/SIZE]

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 6 of 20
Location: Tash-Taral, 50 clicks south of the Great Valley
Objective: Discover the Tomb of Liber Mordu

There was a new attraction here at Massassi Park.

Sith Undead.

The young Anzat had a feeling that the insurance adjustors would not approve.

From out of the horizontal stance, the child-knight paced in a slow circle. The emerald beacon of light dipped slightly, before the boy casually spun the weapon in his hand. It was one-part Ataru, two-parts Soresu. The Niman style apparent as the boy blended defensive orbits into sweeps designed to keep the sudden crowd of moving bodies at arm's length. Skill and experience were more than apparent as the child's lightsaber weaved it's lethal dance macabre in the air. He had been it's pupil for more than thirty years. With this blade, he had faced the cortosis-armored soliders of the Yinchorri, the mindless army of the Separatists, and the clone troopers of the 'Great Republic'. As it passed from hand to hand, the pommel as comfortable as it was familiar to him, the boy was more than confident in his ability to wield the lightsaber.

Feth that. What part of Corellian did people not understand?

Passed behind his back, the boy held the beloved Paperweight in his off-hand. The reversed Shien grip angled so to provide him some light as his right hand snagged the pistol grip of the blaster holstered to his leg. The blaster spun on the trigger guard as he pulled it free of its leather sheath in a smooth draw, the grip of the small HSB blaster comfortably smacking into the middle of his palm as he brought it up so that the barrel was pointed into the face of the nearest of the walking dead.

One shot. Two shots. Three shots. Red shots.

As three of the corpses animated by some magic of the Dark Force fell back to the earth, the boy was pressed back by the coming of the swarm. Circling back, the boy slowly inched into an open archway which seemed to pass from the audience chamber into the reliquary. A ghastly sound echoed from out of one of the dead, as the creatures began to extend their hands out toward the boy.

A sudden static charge in the air, causing the hair on the back of his neck to suddenly stand up, was his only warning before a burst of Sith lightning lanced out toward him.

Zombies. With Sith lightning.

...why did being the good guy mean that you pretty much had to suck it when it came to this kind of Force crap?

Dropping his pistol hand, the young Jedi snapped his lightsaber up so that the lightning was channeled into the blade. The child flinched as sparks snapped back from around the edges of Paperweight's blade. A second wave of lightning lanced out from the mob, followed by a third. The boy found his boots scraping against the sand and stone as he felt himself being pushed back.

Finally, the boy went flying backward. Force lightning ripping the lightsaber from his grip as he felt a blade of pure cold run through him as the energy hit him. Skidding back along the ground, the tow-headed child was tossed clear through the entry into the shadows of the reliquary. His hair was standing on end as he struggled to prop himself back up.

There was a mass of undead moving through the entry. The child's eyes scanned for his lightsaber, but it seemed lost within the shadows. Turning his attention back to the arch, the boy's hand tensed around the grip of the blaster -- as though to reassure himself that it was still there.

Three shots fired in quick succession blew out the keystone supporting the arch. Stone cracked as tension and gravity ripped apart supports which had stood against thousands of years, crumbling down on top of the undead as the doorway collapsed down on itself.

Static cracked loudly from the residual charge clinging to his clothing, as the boy stood to peer around the reliquary into which he had just been cast. He had a vague idea as to how he'd gotten into this mess. But he certainly wasn't leaving the same way that he came now.

That was when he saw the breath crystallize in front of his face. A presence, one steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, passed behind him. Spinning around, the boy leveled the blaster at his hip...

...and found himself suddenly pulled forward, as if gripped in some unseen hand of god. His feet dangled in mid-air, as the child drifted across the room.

The Force is with you, young Xantha.

The shadows around the room seemed to shift, coalescing into an illusionary form -- one which had considerable physical presence. The distinctive red-skin of the Massassi reflected the thin trickle of light which managed to reach this far down through the stone. A clawed hand ghosted up, as though to take hold of the boy's chin and inspect just what he had caught.

Just what is a soul hunter doing among the Jedi?
Location: Hidden Temple
Allies: Khaleelsi [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Kaia was a bit out of sorts here. The girl was a Frontiers Corp hopeful, she was a pilot, an explorer and a helper of people. But this world? It was all manner of dusty and sandy and had big lizards. “I dunno, I guess I kind of am? But I was told to go away from the home ship for a bit. Dad--- my father says that I’m supposed to learn a few things about the galaxy, where I fit in it, and if I’m supposed to be aboard the ship, or if I’m supposed to find my own path.”

She missed the ship, but was that the same as being a part of it? She wasn’t sure.

She looked at the man and tipped her head again. “I was wondering.. did you see anything in here? I’m looking for… I dunno, something. I was hoping it was in here. Any like… artefacts?” God, she was such a terrible explorer. But really, level 2 explorer Jedi… thing, what did you expect, right?

She didn’t quite take levels in Fringer, just scout and Counselor, yeah, she, like the rest of her family would be somewhere along the sentinel tree, but more focused towards that counselor bit. Still, maybe he could help?
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Whatcha looking for?” was the question Khal would ask next.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He wasn’t looking at her as competition, might be a naive stance to make as a Crime Lord, but some part of him told him that this girl was alright. She wasn’t some kind of plot of the raiders to stab him in the back later, which immediately made him more at ease.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Gotta go with your gut-feeling.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]In the meanwhile his other men were already scurrying all across the world, drinking in the bars, establishing enclaves in the deserts and other ways to increase their influence over this particular sector of the world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The people weren’t all that happy with outside interference, so they kept that to a minimum. Instead focusing on recruiting from the population itself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Locals that would be lured in with credits and power.[/SIZE]
Location: Hidden Temple
Allies: Khaleelsi [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

What was she looking for? She wasn’t sure. “I dunno. I was just kind of here..” She really hoped it was a lightsaber crystal. She wanted ot build one, but she wanted it to be all hers. Not something using a Starchaser synth crystal, or the orange crystals from Corellia. If she was from any world that was not the Dawn Treader it was Csilla. Maybe she could get an ice crystal!

She shrugged again, really Kaia was a bit nervous. When she was in a ship? She was confident, flying was her thing, but here? Not quite so much.

“And I dunno, maybe it was a lightsaber part? That was what I was hoping for. I don’t know of anything that would call me to a world like this if it wasn’t useful.” She shrugged. Unless it was the Millenium Falcon, that ghost ship of Corellian tales. Saving the galaxy, and flying around with her Legendary Captain Solo and the Jedi Skywalker.

How cool would that be?

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 7 of 20
Location: Tash-Taral, 50 clicks south of the Great Valley
Objective: Discover the Tomb of Liber Mordu

This isn't real.

Ghosts didn't just form out of nothing. It was an illusion. This isn't real. The thought became a mantra going through the young Jedi's mind, as he found himself staring at a Massassi who seemed very much alive. The boy felt the man's hand touch his chin, sensed the heat from off his body. Texture, sight, sound... all the evidence was there. It was tangible.

Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.

When a four or five thousand year old dead guy was picking you up by the neck... it was kinda hard to not think this was happening.

Resisting against the hand gripping his chin, the small Anzat struggled against the invisible force holding him in the air. "I'm not a soul hunter," the boy fired back hotly. The invocation of one of the many colorful names for his species immediately sparked a flash of anger within the boy.

He wanted to believe that he wasn't the villain.

He needed to believe.

Aren't you? the Massassi vision echoed mockingly. Letting go of the boy's chin, the hooked fingers and wicked claws instead traced a path up one side of his face.

It comes.

The voice intoned coldly. The boy gave a sudden gasp as he felt the pouches concealed upon his face open. Beckoned by the ghostly fingers, the thin, juvenile probosis trailed out into the open air. The deadly, piercing tubules undulated and writhing in the pale light of the tomb.

The 'fangs' of the snot vampire.

Each day, a little older. Each night, so much closer to the dark.

The seemingly real apparition spoke mockingly. The words neatly picking away at the very real doubts and anxieties of the young Anzat. Staring at the tendrils extended out from his cheeks, the youth could only watch in his own horror at how the probosis seemed to stretch out toward the Massassi -- as though beckoned by some primal instinct to want to sink into someone.

It comes. Do you fear it?

The boy's eyes flicked up to meet the amber gaze of the Sith priest.

Yes. I sense much fear in you.

Scowling, the small youth drew in a breath as he stretched out. Even through the thick shroud of the Dark Side, he could still sense the Force. Fighting against the intangible bindings holding him, the child brought his arms down. Palms facing one another, he concentrated on a spot there, cleansing the air in the space between his hands of the taint made manifest through the dark aura. It created a spot of Light, which he then allowed to spread outward.

As the Dark aura was repulsed, the boy felt himself released. His boots struck the ground with a muted thud, as the child managed to catch his balance so not to go down on a knee. Bringing a hand up, he subconsciously shielded his face from view as he worked to catch his breath -- and coil the probosis back into the pouches of his face, banished from sight. His free hand, he extended out toward the floor. The grip of the HSB blaster he'd dropped smacked back into his hand a moment later.

Twirling that on the trigger guard, the boy dropped the blaster back into the holster on his leg as he looked up defiantly at the shadowly figure still recoiling back from the boy's use of Force Light. "Team Jedi, bish!" the boy quipped mockingly, with a gesture down toward the floor.

The red-skinned Kissai merely looked down at the boy for a moment.

So be it, Jedi.

As the man dissipated back into shadow, the boy had the impression that what he was really saying was... something wicked this way comes.

Or maybe it was the fact that the shadows were snaking around the room.

...or were those actual snakes?

As he watched, a wave of darkness seemed to become a myriad of serpentile shadows -- which crossed the room and melted into a blossoming form of tangible darkness. One which coiled in on itself and then stared over at the boy with the glowing yellow eyes of the Ancient Sith.

Oh look. Giant Sith snake. Only at... Massassi Park!

Days like this, he wondered why he hadn't become a Jedi Librarian.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Tash-Taral, Hidden Temple[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Aight, crystal I presume?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He would say, walking over to a bag that was leaning against one of the walls. It was one of the bags that the raiders had brought him, to show the quality of their goods in an attempt to get his permanent patronage when they were busy on this world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But apparently they hadn’t been really interested in that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Oh well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Most folk only cared about lightsaber crystals these days, which was fine. Khal rummaged around a little bit, before finally retrieving a slightly dusty crystal from the bag, blowing some of the dust away it was kinda pretty.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Underlord would get her attention and then throw it at her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“All yours, lassy.”[/SIZE]

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