Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC The Hoax Blokes

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  • Group Name: The Hoax Blokes
  • Classification: Club/Gang
  • Headquarters: A single CR90 Corvette
  • Loyalties: Each Other and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
  • Group Sigil: N/A
  • Description: The Hoax Blokes are a close group of several dozen bounty hunters from all sorts of backgrounds. All of which have and easy time working together as compadres and for mutual interests.
  • Hierarchy: The group has a very lenient hierarchy with members all being pretty equal, however, more senior members are treated with greater respect typically and who's words tend to have more weight in group discussions and such.
  • Membership: First off, one has to be a bounty hunters, being a registered one also helps. Also, it would be very helpful if someone had a recommendation from one of the members.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: The Bounty Hunters Creed
  • Curios: N/A
  • Goals: Get money and help one another out
Cyran Vaas - One of the founding members.

The Hoax Blokes were officially founded on Bespin after Cyran along with a group of several other bounty hunters joined forces to take on a particularly difficult hunt, each of them making quite a bit of money. Afterwards they all discussed the idea of working together more often seeing how well the worked together. Figuring that they could all make a lot more money that way then if they worked as solo acts.

Thus the Hoax Blokes were founded in a seedy cantina on one of the several floating cities. After gaining some members and decent pool of credits they all had to think on how they were continue going about their work, as well as transportation. To answer some of these questions they bought themselves an old, standard CR90 Corvette, that way the whole group could travel together in a rather nice mode of transpiration.
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