Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The hunt for Cor

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
Seeing the new threat appear from the shadows, Sal suddenly got very nervous, but showed no signs of it. With the amount of people surrounding [member="Cor Latch"] , including Sal's men and the boy near him, it was obvious something was up. He then started to pay attention to the new member, [member="Ballen-Ist"] , the one person in the area who Sal didn't know. "It's just some bounty hunters acting like they have allegiance." Sal spoke to the man, not even glancing his way, his eyes still fixed on the group.

[member="Tross Sergo"]
[member="Carden Lorps"]
"Oh please shut up, will you." Carden said to Sal then he noticed a familiar face, it was Ballen heh who kew he would be here. Carden then pulled his blaster pistol out of his holster. Then put it up agaist Cor's back. "Now Mr... lets just all go back to where we came. Keely, Mr. Sergo, and I will bring Cor to our employer, while you go back to your rock of a home." Carden said as calm as he could. "Im sure this bounty is no use to you dead? I don't care if he dies we get paid either way."

[member="Sal Valentino"]


[member="Tross Sergo"]

He smiled under his mask, if his wire was working correctly Zakary would be listen. He quickly knelt down and looked inside his was not on. He quickly stood up and looked around nervously. "Answer me, how do you know my farking name" he said nervously. "I can take you to Saz" He did not need to die right now.
[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Sal Valentino"]
"You take him there I will shoot you here on the spot." Carden said to Sergo and Carden ment it he was tired of all their aditudes he wished he could waste them all on the spot. "We stay here untill they leave."

[member="Tross Sergo"]

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
Another sinister smile spread across Sal's normally bland face, as it did he spread his arms and looked up, to the upper levels of Coruscant. "Look around Carden, I own this city!" He shouted into the air. This was a very true statement, The Valentino Crime Family was spread widely across the galaxy, but particularly the home planet of Sal, Coruscant. "Don't be a hero Carden, I'm offering you a lot of money, and besides we both know how many bounties you have on you already," sal spoke in a threatening tone.

Finally the notorious Mob Boss decided it was time to push Carden to a point of weakness, "And it would be a shame for your fathers equipment to be destroyed by some random bounty hunter." Sal had done his research on most bounty hunters who hung around Coruscant, and therefore knew a thing or two about everyone in the group.

[member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Tross Sergo"]
"WHO ARE YOU?" He shouted before pointing his weapon at Cor's head. "Why do you care about Saz? You see, I can't let anyone touch my boss because when my boss goes missing so does my paycheck, understand?" He then increased his grip on the blaster.
[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Sal Valentino"]

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
Sal only replied with two very significant words, the words would hopefully mean something to the man. "Sal Valentino" he said with pride, the smile still apparent on his face, all his life he'd tried to make his families name mean something and now, it did. Hopefully the bounty hunter would know who he was or believe him at least, because it really annoyed Sal when he had to introduce himself everytime he met someone.

[member="Tross Sergo"]
Carden a hero no,Sal may own the citys underworld but he don't have the rights to own anyone here. Carden was shocked to hear that he would have his father's stuff destroyed, that was a real sting to Carden. He dropped his blaster on the ground, let go of Cor and stepped back. "Hell" was the only word he could get out of his mouth and it could barely be heard. He went back against a wall and sat down, he had to think. He was only nineteen he had to get a grip and think.

[member="Sal Valentino"]

[member="Tross Sergo"]



[member="Cor Latch"]
"Are, you can't be Valentino. No, y-y-you are not Sal Valentino" He said. "Since you want this drunk so badly I want you to tell your men to drop the blasters". He kept the blaster pointed at Cor, smiling. "How do you know my name?"
[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Sal Valentino"]

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
Another person who doesn't believe that Sal Valentino is Sal Valentino.... Not surprising really, he didn't show his face often. But now Sal would have to convince the man who he was.

But first Sal looked at his men, all blasters drawn and gestured his hand downwards, signalling for them to lower their blasters, they complied. There was now no threat to the bounty hunters, apart from themselves and the boy who was standing near to Sal.

Turning to face Tross Sergo, Sal began to speak "How can I convince you about who I am? I could tell you anything, including your injuries, and how you go thrown into the wild by your mother." Much like he did to Carden, it was time to break Tross, "Left for dead by your own mother, even for me that's pretty harsh, think how alone and unwanted you must've been..."

His smile now tuned into a sadistic grin.

[member="Tross Sergo"]
[member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Cor Latch"]
Carden looked up from where he was sitting, still a little dazed. He noticed Sal had lost his body guards. Then he decided to say something to Sal. "Sal, if you could tell me anything, do you know who killed my father?" Carden asked hoping that he would have a answer or a clue to wo killed his father, he wouldn't be surprised if one of his men on is order did it. Oh how Carden hated the look on his face, he wished he could kill him rigt here, but all his men and Carden wasn't good at hand to hand combat anyway.
[member="Sal Valentino"]
"Don't talk about my mother, the accident....just..." he slowly dropped his blaster and removed his mask. Burn marks and cybernetic enhancments covered his face. He wiped a tear as it came down his face. He looked at Sal with a look of anger in his eye. "SHUT YOUR FARKING MOUTH, I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER!" He said as more and more tears ran down his face. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?" He slowly looked down after shouting then finally stopped himself from crying. He looked up at Sal, he was not liking the grin. "Ok, if you are really Sal what caused this accident?"
[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Sal Valentino"]
Carden laughed silently there was no way he could answer that questions Sal Valentino I have never heard of him, mabye my father owed him money so he might of hired a rouge Jedi or somthing. As for Sergo's mother Carden wondered what happened to him when he took off his mask his face was burnt.

[member="Sal Valentino"]

[member="Tross Sergo"]

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
Inflicting mental pain on people was one of Sal's many specialties, and one of the most effective methods, as you could see from the state the two bounty hunters were in.

Deciding that Sal would answer Carden's question first, Sal looked towards the young confident hunter, "Well you see Carden, I may know most of what's happening down here, but there's some stuff that's impossible to find out, in this case, your fathers death." Sal didn't want to upset the bounty hunter too much, for in the future, he could be a viable ally, "But I can assure you, if anyone on Coruscant knows who did it, my men will find them, catch them, and I will transfer the information to you, granted you let me take Cor over here.". Sal thought that is credits couldn't get him Cor, information might.

Sal then directed his attention to the more emotionally, and physically scarred [member="Tross Sergo"] , who was now shouting at Sal. "Ok, if you are really Sal what caused this accident?" The bounty hunter would say, probably hoping it wasn't Sal he was talking to. "A pod racing incident." He replied, in a short snappy sentence, he didn't give anymore information due to the fact that his sources were limited from any planet not in the Coruscant area. In short, he didn't know anymore information about the event.

[member="Tross Sergo"]
[member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Cor Latch"]
"You know, I am willing to re think our little job here 60,000 credits each no word said to anyone, nobody gets hurt well mabye expect Cor here." Carden said with a laugh then got up from the wall and picked up his blaster. "Is it a deal Sal, because if it isn't then we could just take Mr. Latch to our employer and go our merry ways." Carden said taking off his helmet, he stuck his hand out for a handshake.

[member="Sal Valentino"]
The nervousness that [member="Sal Valentino"] felt due to Ballen-Ist's presence was something that interested the young Sith, his eyes moving to glance at the man that he nearly stood beside. Surely he did not feel comfortable around the Sith, however he did his best to not show it. Having listened to the conversation that had been going on for some time now, the boy could not help but be satisfied with the man's work, it having done wonders. It was one thing to break someone physically, but mentally? Force-users were known to defile other's minds, however Sal Valentino merely did so with words, they having a rather large impact on the two hunters that had been working to capture Cor. Instead now they stood as emotional wrecks, begging the man for information from their pasts. The grin that had been present on Ballen-Ist's face widened in satisfaction as he watched the scene unravel, his interest being focused mostly on the crime lord.

Remaining still and silent, the red skinned teenager would continue to listen and observe the situation, feeling rather impressed.
[member="Tross Sergo"]
[member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Cor Latch"]
"Sal Valentino"

Two words she really didn't want to hear. Anybody with a foot in the Coruscant underworld knew who Sal Valentino was. They also knew that he was not a man to be crossed if there was an alternative.

Setting her jaw, Keely tightened her grip on her blasters. She was no coward, not by a long shot, but it was not cowardice to run from a massive predator. She watched as this man talked to her 'comrades', bringing one to the ground, and the other to tears with no more than powerfully chosen words. This truly changed the game she was playing. There were things you just did not do.

Carden extended a hand to shake, having gotten back to his feet. His offer was sixty thousand each, to turn their backs on their pride. However, when one finds themselves standing between two giants, it was best to take what you could and get out of the way.

"You'll take care of Saz?" It was a brazen question she directed Valentino's way, but she figured that there was no other conceivable reason for someone to make someone like Cor their personal project. Not someone like him anyway.

[member="Sal Valentino"] [member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Tross Sergo"] [member="Ballen-Ist"] [member="Cor Latch"]
He stared at Sal, "Why are you upset with Saz?" He then lowered his mask onto his head and picked up his blaster. He slid the blaster in his holster and looked around nervously. "Perhaps If you don't tell me I could just head back and tell Saz your plans" He said, hoping to get more information
[member="Sal Valentino"]

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
The young lady who hadn't said anything in a while, [member="Keely"], spoke up, talking directly to Sal, "You'll take care of Saz?".

Turning his attention to the woman, Sal started to reply staring directly into her eyes "Granted I get enough information from Cor." That's when another idea popped into Sal's head, a way to get much more information and maybe even favour Sal in the long run with his upcoming war with Zakary Saz.

"I could give you the 60k each," now Sal looked around the group, not paying attention on anybody in particular "Or you could come with me, tell me all you know about Zakary Saz, and received guaranteed protection until this is all over?" This seemed like a fair trade, even if they did have to spend time under the eyes of one of the most notoriously evil mob bosses on Coruscant.

[member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Tross Sergo"]
[member="Cor Latch"]

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
"Well, that's a different story entirely, a more... Private story" Sal thought that this bounty hunter, [member="Tross Sergo"] must've had strong connections with Zakary, and since he hadn't agreed to any of the propositions, he was probably the biggest threat. Realising the bounty hunter was right, Sal realised he would have to reveal one of the reasons of the conflict between him and Zakary. "However I will tell you this, Zak's growing empire could cause problems for me in the future. It is always easier to extinguish an ember before it becomes an inferno."

[member="Tross Sergo"]

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