Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Imperial Seeker - Bastion

"All that student stuff better have sharpened your learning skills, because you're going to learn a bit if you want to keep up with me." Kelsie kept up that blinding grin, but paused to take a long sip of her caf, draining her cup of the warm brown liquid. Next, she slammed the cup down on the table and hopped to her feet. "C'mon, there's a galaxy to see!"

Her thoughts turned to what they'd do next. Was the emperor on the planet? That might prove problematic... then again, she wouldn't mind going a few rounds with the guy, it'd probably be pretty fun. But her own safety -- and now Kahlil's -- came first in this sort of situation. So she reached into her breast pocket and drew a sort of amulet that looked like a skin nodule of some sort of beast. She handed it to Kahlil. "Put this on, and hide it under your shirt. It'll... help, a little."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"Learning's been the only thing I'm good at." There was a wide dumb smile on the Sith's face. He too got up from his seat, finishing off his latte creme extreme before following after her. He blinked in surprise as she tossed him the amulet however. He knew exactly what the talisman was. ".. Ha. You can use the Force." He laughed as he tucked the relic under his shirt, hooking the cord around his neck.

"So, uh. How do you plan to get off world now that your ship is busted?" He rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed. He had destroyed a large part of her ship after all.
"That's not how they work. You didn't wonder why you couldn't sense me?" She chuckled. She'd show him all about the Force... what it was really about. And teach him a few things about staying aware of his surroundings...

Kelsie began to walk out of the cafe, expecting Kahlil to follow along. "Oh, my ship should be fine... you took out one of the rooms, but my ship is well compartmentalized. You can head there now, I have something to do before I go." She pulled out a small device from her coat pocket, a ship's key, then handed it to him. The young woman stopped for a moment, looking into Kahlil's eyes to make sure he understood what she was trusting him with. It was a bit of a leap, but she had a good feeling for once.

As soon as he took it, she spun and disappeared into the streets of Bastion, heading in the general direction of the library.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"I honestly figured you didn't have a connection. There's a lot I assumed about you that was wrong. A lot I'm glad I was wrong about." Kahlil rubbed the back of his head again, offering [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] a small smile. He really didn't expect this to go the way it did, but he was happy it had. He blinked at the key, taking it from her with a simple nod. He understood the look.

It was one he had given only once before.

"Be safe, yeah?" The Sith mumbled it under his breath as the woman walked away, low enough that she couldn't hear. He wanted her to be safe, but he couldn't bring himself to announce it out loud just yet. After that he made his way to the ship, sitting down on the ramp as he patiently waited for her to return.
The young woman skipped off, slipping through the pedestrians of Sartinaynian City. As she moved her attire began to morph. She let down her hair, put away her cap and sunglasses, and put in a new pair of contacts, changing her eyes to a sparkling blue colour. Eventually she sat down at the very same bench she'd been sitting at earlier. And so her mission began once more.

If Kahlil was paying close enough attention he might spot a pair of small, pitch-black spider-like creatures scuttling across a wall or road... only to disappear as it moved rapidly towards the library.

The two slicer droids went back in the same way they'd gone the first time. Slipped all the way down to the main archives, tapped in... and once more the search began.


Results found on: Kahlil Zambrano

She didn't waste time talking to anyone this time.

Download all? Yes


Download complete.

Delete all? Yes
This time she carried back her little droids.

The young woman arrived at the landing ramp forty minutes after she'd left Kahlil at the cafe. She was grateful, and only partly surprised, that he was still here. "Didn't decide to ditch me? I'm sure you could run the defense fleet easy." She grinned, patting him on the shoulder as she passed him on the way up the landing ramp. "C'mon, let's go," she said, leading him towards the cockpit.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
Kahlil raised a brow as the spider droids made their way out. ".. Ah. That's what you're up to." It didn't take long for him to understand what exactly [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] was doing. Or, at least, what he hoped she was doing. A humble smile formed as he lowered his head in a silent thanks. Because of her, he might actually be free. He waited on the ramp, staring at his sword for some time.

The Sithspawn was silent, simply awaiting it's masters order.

"Go. Be free yourself." He whispered before shattering the blade. Within, the gem of the Shard he had contorted freed itself. It floated there for a moment, then floated away. Kahlil smiled faintly. At least another was free. Alone he'd just stare at the ground, thinking to himself as he waited the rest of the forty minutes it took for Kelsie to come back. When she did, he couldn't help but grin.

"Hey, I can't fly a ship so I'm kinda stuck." He shrugged as he stood, following her. "What'd you do anyway?"
"Another thing for you to learn, then," she said with a smile. Kelsie went straight to the cockpit, in part ignoring his question because she didn't feel like it, and because she wanted to get going quickly. "Kahlil, go seal the doors on both sides of the room y- that got destroyed. Just hit the button beside the door once it's closed, under the grey cover." She sat down in the pilot's seat, beginning to flick switches and press buttons. Probably meant nothing to Kahlil, but she was powering the ship up and raising the landing ramp.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
Kahlil nodded dumbly, another blush taking over his features. He was still embarrassed about so carelessly destroying her ship. Grant it, he thought she was a spy. He quickly ran through the ship, hitting the buttons she mentioned and blinking as the heavy doors locked closed. [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] wasn't kidding. Once finished with that he ran back to the cockpit, taking one of the seats close by as he watched on curiously.

"There's a lot of moving parts to this, isn't there?"
"Yep, lots of moving parts. I'll show you what they do... later." A few more moments of messing with the controls before she grabbed what seemed to be some sort of steering wheel and put the pedal to the metal. And soon enough they shot out of the hangar, the partly-damaged YT-1300 flying off to new adventures.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]


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