Almania system, in orbit of Almania.
The doors slid closed and the lift returned down the chute to the next level, to whatever crew man or woman had called for it. Compressed air leaked over the polished gray durasteel before dispersing to the sides, leaving the reflection of a dark, hooded individual on it's walkway. Overlooking the bridge, Darth Vazela began the cross the erected bridge that connected the life and observational deck, walking over the bridges crew who worked underneath, in the operations area. Sat in a seat on a plinth raised above the other stations, a man turned in his seat to follow the progress of the Sith Lord. Malus Bligh, commander of the Obscurity, rose to his feet to climb the ladder hanging over the block of durasteel that kept the walk way up. When he climbed onto the path, he turned into the observational deck to follow Vazela.
Tucking his hands into his sleeves, Vazela stopped at the transparisteel screen that overlooked his devastated home world. A ruin, Almania was nothing more than a forest and two crumbled, ruined cities. Over the decades, inhabitants had once more moved to it, for a life of solitude or new adventure. Whatever the case, Almania wasn't useful anymore. Just another world, broken by the Gulag Virus beyond repair, on the fringes of space. A floating rock, just like it's moons.
"My Lord?" Malus came to a stop behind the hooded Sith Lord, clasping his hands behind his back. Without turning, Vazela contemplated what his second hand man wanted and came up with an answer straight away. He wanted answers as to why they had traveled to Almania and a new direction. He knew that Malus was aware that another ship had come and gone from Almania in the day that they had been in orbit of the world. He knew that his master had told him to allow the ship entry to the system, and to allow the shuttle or the ship itself to land, knowing it was a meeting between himself and an unknown assailant. Turning, Vazela nodded his head and replied, "Yes?"
"The ship left several hours ago. Course, my Lord?"
"Yes," said Vazela, turning back to the transparisteel screen, voice barely above a whisper. "Set course for Bastion. Be ready for battle."
"Yes... my Lord."
Malus turned away and headed back to his command seat on the bridge, to issue the orders of Vazela's new direction. The Sith Lord turned away from the Sith Commander to gaze upon Almania for a final time. He hadn't meant to have been so evasive with his answers. But there was a lot on his mind. The plan was coming together. Now it was a matter of...
"Recruitment," he whispered, as Almania disappeared from view. The Obscurity turned towards the dark expanse behind it, moved into position and jumped. Darkness turned to purple light, as the ship disappeared into hyperspace. "Perhaps Bastion will be more revealing than Metalorn?"