Scar-Faced Hag
Cora's smile widened into a toothy grin. The eldest of nine siblings, she absolutely adored children.
"I suppose it did." She chuckled quietly, an edge of awkwardness to her voice as she spoke. Her earlier exuberance at wishing them many children during their wedding reception was a bit embarrassing to look back on, but the couple had been gracious regarding her childish enthusiasm.
"It would be hard to keep you out." She mused softly, with good humor. "I can imagine that having her family here means a great deal to her as well. Amani has touched every life in this room - in one way or another."
Like Valery and Kahlil, Amani Serys and Alicio Organa were a power couple in their own right. Cora couldn't help but look up to them both equally - Amani for her strength of character and wisdom, and Alicio for his leadership and steady moral compass when it came to the world of politics. Which reminded her…
"Thank you for allowing Dominick von Ascania to shadow you, Alicio. I hope that he wasn't too much trouble?"
Master Noble presented Amani with a band of precious gold, a rare metal that denoted her achievement as a Jedi Master. Cora could only look on in awe, eyes sparkling almost as brightly as the golden ingot.
"I suppose it did." She chuckled quietly, an edge of awkwardness to her voice as she spoke. Her earlier exuberance at wishing them many children during their wedding reception was a bit embarrassing to look back on, but the couple had been gracious regarding her childish enthusiasm.
"It would be hard to keep you out." She mused softly, with good humor. "I can imagine that having her family here means a great deal to her as well. Amani has touched every life in this room - in one way or another."
Like Valery and Kahlil, Amani Serys and Alicio Organa were a power couple in their own right. Cora couldn't help but look up to them both equally - Amani for her strength of character and wisdom, and Alicio for his leadership and steady moral compass when it came to the world of politics. Which reminded her…
"Thank you for allowing Dominick von Ascania to shadow you, Alicio. I hope that he wasn't too much trouble?"
Master Noble presented Amani with a band of precious gold, a rare metal that denoted her achievement as a Jedi Master. Cora could only look on in awe, eyes sparkling almost as brightly as the golden ingot.