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Invasion The Last Battle | EE Invasion of Bryn'adûl held Danuta



In fact, it can be said that the Eternal Empire has been prepared for this for years. The actions of the Empress Ingrid L'lerim have essentially brought this together over the past six years. Ever since Bryn'adûl attacked Firrerre. She risked the war during the Third Civil War when the Eternal Empire supported the Sith Empire; for keeping the Sith Empire alive and using them as bastions to protect the galaxy. Countless times, she tried to persuade the GA and NIO leaders to jointly destroy the genocidal alien species. No one listened to her.

That is, not many, over the years, even during voluntary captivity, she gained more and more allies. Through allies, explorers, and spies, they have amassed countless pieces of information about the enemy over the years, with whom even encounters have taken place in Netherworld in the meantime. Since not many in the Galaxy sought the help of the Eternal Empire against Bryn'adûl, or were apparently not considered too great a threat, the Eternal Empire acted alone.

Long, several months of reconnaissance and research work was the next. This lasted for many months, as did the systematic construction of the trap. They managed to place false clues on the planet about the Bryn'adûl's missing leader, about the Titan, which also caused the enemy leaders, the Ish'makra, to come to the planet in person. However, the Eternal Empire did not reckon with one thing, Bryn'adûl found real ones on the planet in addition to the false clues.

As it was a carefully built trap over the months, the Eternal Empire on the planet was already waiting for the enemy with several troops, ready for groups to infiltrate the territory of Superconstruct and sabotage it, destroying it. The other, a large army, was hunting for the "trapped" Bryn'adûl members at the clues. As soon as the enemy fleet arrived, the Eternal Imperial Fleet arrived as well from the neighbouring system with a short hyperspace travel.

The last battle has begun.



Objective I.: Shadowgames (Superconstruct)
There is a Superconstruct on every planet in Bryn'adûl, which is essentially a military, research and terraforming base. The Eternal Empire has set a goal no less than trying to destroy and sabotage the building from within. Only smaller infiltration groups are sent here, the army performs at most an external diversionary operation to make it easier for infiltrators' work, so a large number of opponents must surely be expected in this place. So the Eternal Imperial forces and their allies need to face an overpowering army, the enemy will be outnumbered.
Note: the superconstruct is gigantic in size, so you will probably have to work in a ready-made war zone.

Objective II.: Beasts in the trap
A trap built over the months, real and false clues that can show the Bryn'adûl where their long-lost Chieftain is hiding. A trap for the army of the Eternal Empire was already waiting for Bryn'adûl in this place, but a continuous reinforcement could come after the arrival of the fleet. The area is a large part with mountains, cave systems, valleys, gorges and infected swamps. It is a difficult terrain, perhaps for both sides, but a perfect place for the trap and for the enemy to find hidden and less hidden clues and signs, and the Eternal Empire hunts them down under the Ragnarok Protocol, which means no quarter.

Objective III.: Shot them down from the sky
The Ragnarok Protocol was in force in space as well, it was perhaps easier to do it here, the imperials and their allies had to play less hide and seek with the enemy force than on the surface. The task is to try to make a blockade around the planet, to prevent Bryn'adûl from sending more troops to the surface, while supporting and covering the Eternal Imperial forces and their allies to reach the surface. In addition to all this, the best scenario would be to destroy the entire enemy fleet.

Objective IV.: Boarding Party
While war is taking place in space and on the planet, many are also trying to land on the ships of Bryn'adûl and try to sabotage or destroy them from within to help the Eternal Empire and its allies. The task is probably not exactly the easiest, since the ships of Bryn'adûl are far from the usual ships. Because of this, sabotage and destruction can also be a much more difficult task than for average ships. Not to mention that more enemy warriors and shamans are waiting for infiltrators on board every ship.

Objective V.: BYOO
If someone has an idea for an objective / plot that doesn’t fit among the other objectives, feel free to place your idea here, whatever it is, even a completely unique plot.



E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard Osam's ship.
Objective IV.: Boarding Party
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Osam Osam
Tags: ???
[ Primo Victoria ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

How long has Ingrid been waiting for this? It would be hard to say. It may have started at Ankhypt, but when Bryn'adûl first attacked them, it was really sure. Adrian was still alive; as if it had been a life earlier. Some of the troops were already on the planet like the Ragnarök regiment, including the Crimson Empress near the planet, disguised. The other ships arrived later after the message was sent that the guest of honour had arrived. The woman felt deja vu. At PL, they started the fights with a similar tactical pull, winning there. She hoped they would succeed here too.

For many years, all her actions led to this place, this attack. To this end, she also voluntarily undertook captivity for nearly a year, while collecting allies in the same way. She also fought Bryn'adûl in the Netherworld and Realspace. And now she was here. Although she didn’t get much help, she faced the Galaxy and was here. Today they win or lose, but this will be the last fight with them. One of the sides will be destroyed. She could not let these monsters destroy the Galaxy. Although, because of the indifference of the other factions, she often felt they would deserve it.

A poison of indifference; however, as a soldier, the woman could not allow further civilians to perish. It may have been her job to destroy the Force, but as a military leader she could not ignore the protection of civilians either. It would have been everyone's duty. As soon as the fleets arrived, the woman sensed something through the Force; a familiar presence. The man was fortunate to have escaped at both Ankhypt and Sanctuary from her. But now he was here again, and this time the woman couldn't let him go.

Luckily, a boarding party was planned anyway, so there was no obstacle for her to board the enemy ship as well. Just another way. Using her ability, Ingrid went through a rift to the Netherworld and then from there to the deck of the ship where she felt Osam Osam . From the Allied Forces the Eternal Empress was the first on board one of the enemy ships. Because telepathic communication had worked in the past, she sent a message to the man.

~ Warlord, we still have unfinished business with each other! I'm already here aboard your ship, come and find me. Just follow the bodies, I will not hide! ~ her voice was emotionless and cold, as usual, and she moved forward at the same time as her words.


Location: Near to the Superconstruct
Objective I.: Shadowgames
Armies: Half of the Ragnarök Regiment (3 batallion)
Tag(s): Open
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The 267th "Ragnarök" Ultranaut regiment had arrived on the planet earlier, they were settled pretty slowly over the months, starting with the undead part. Typically, they were the ones who placed the false clues, carried out the reconnaissance. And based on the last command, the positions were taken. They followed the events through the common battle net, knowing that Allied forces had arrived.

During the night, the units took up the position they needed. The dimensions of the superconstruct were gigantic like a big city. The enemy was vastly outnumbered, but because of the size of the place, it seemed easy to support those who went inside. The main part of the unit chose a hilly location, a hill that was well defensible and from which the superconstruct was also well attackable with various vehicles.

At dawn, when the first rays of the sun appeared on the horizon, the signal arrived. The 276th and the units here began the invasion.


Location: Edge of the trap area
Objective II.: Beasts in the trap
Armies: Half of the Ragnarök Regiment (3 batallion)
Tag(s): Open
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The 267th "Ragnarök" Ultranaut regiment had arrived on the planet earlier, they were settled pretty slowly over the months, starting with the undead part. Typically, they were the ones who placed the false clues, carried out the reconnaissance. And based on the last command, the positions were taken. They followed the events through the common battle net, knowing that Allied forces had arrived.

The trap was already ready in this area, all it took was for the enemy to walk into the trap, after which the forces of the Eternal Empire and the allies would lock up and kill everyone in the area. It may have been easier to bomb the area from space, but this way it is even possible to collect biological samples for later research and tasks. Everyone took a covert position, taking advantage of the field/area conditions.

The message indicating the beginning of the invasion also arrived here. They had no things to do but to wait for the enemy to march into the trap.


Location: Aboard of the Crimson Empress
Objective III.: Shot them down from the sky
NPC/Fleet: Fleet Admiral Cal Osborn | ENS Crimson Empress
Tag(s): Open
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Cal Osborn stood on the bridge of the ENS Crimson Empress, handing out orders to the nearby fleet and to the ships under his jurisdiction. With only a sigh, he noticed that Ingrid had disappeared from near him. He wasn't worried about her, he knew the woman could defend herself; perhaps he was the one who knew the woman best, next to Tubrok. But now was not the time to deal with it. Of course, for safety’s sake, he opened a channel in the direction of the woman with the help of MANIAC.

He watched and read the holographic data that MANIAC projected onto the bridge. The man stood with his stiff back, his hands clasped behind his back. The Crimson Empress dropped its camouflage and raised its shields when the other ships arrived and arranged in rows. Until then, no one knew they were here.

<< Start the operation! >> exceptionally he used a Galactic common language because there were those in the fleet who did not belong to the Eternal Empire, thus Cal gave the order that ships could launch troops to the planet or cover and support them. It was crucial to bring down as many armies as possible to the planet and to be able to bypass the defenses there and accomplish the goals set.

He also received the data continuously from MEIPOC and MANIAC, projecting some of them onto the biochip in his mind and his retina, the rest holographically and on monitors. He immediately set about analyzing them. As soon as the units and ships set off, the war began.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Near to the Superconstruct
Objective I.: Shadowgames
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Darth Mori
Tags: ???
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

After the Bryn'adûl attacked her home and her people in the Netherworld, it was clear that Eina would join as well. Last but not least, she also had responsibilities in the Eternal Empire after being recognized after Panatha as the Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris. Of this, the Eternal Empire meant less, as it is not certain that one of the descendants of the Eternal Empress will be the next ruler. Rather, it is only symbolic, while Terraris really remains in the hands of the L'lerim bloodline.

With the title of princess, the military position she received was a high ranking senior officer position. But positions come with responsibilities. Last but not least, she now had to officially represent the Eternal Empire in the Ashlan Crusade. But today her mother's people were here to help, in Eternal Imperial colours. It was for this reason that she did not choose her winged appearance, but the black armoured, masked. Today she had to sneak in here and perform a secret mission; it was more expedient.

Eina arrived from the Netherworld earlier and spent the night with the 267th Regiment. Fortunately, she was well received, partly because she was the Empress's daughter and partly because she was a Valkyrja. Eina wasn't particularly happy that the souls were being kept away from the Netherworld in this way, meaning they'd rather hinder them from getting there. But because they volunteered, she couldn’t do much about it.

Already at dawn, before sunrise, she set off for the superconstruct and entered into the building as soon as he received permission. She was already deep in the building invisibly, imperceptibly, and in immaterial form, that is, in her own natural form. It was time to find the weakest points that could be sabotaged…



Objective: Board the Flagship
Location: En route to the objective
Equipment Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine, Boarding Pod
Tags: Open

There was certainly a part of him that wanted to just walk away from everything, yet another had reminded him that if the Bryn were not stopped his own home planet could be next and his mother could be killed if they weren’t stopped right in their tracks. Besides Tovald was sick of hearing nothing but carnage over the Holonet. Now he’s going to help bring the fight to the Bryn, since the first meeting regarding the genocidal maniacs, the Ubese had gained better insight into them and how they operate.

He cringed at his then very out of touch question asking what they were. Why in the stars did he think that was a good question? He was really, really out of touch.

He embarrassed himself.

Yet he couldn’t help but worry and worrying is normal. He wouldn’t be as old as he is if he didn’t have a bit of caution. Piloting the Boarding craft wasn’t so hard, and he had been briefed on which one is the Flagship and Tovald stayed on course towards the Flagship.

His main goal is to destroy things and cause significant disruption and bring down a few Bryn while he was at it.

Why let the Bryn get in the way of productive vandalism? Besides, he did do quite a bit of damage in the Nether Factory. Those claw constructs fell when their foundation bolts were absent. That wasn’t his favourite place, and he will never want to go there again.

No amount of Therapy will ever remove the images of writhing, twitchy needle tipped tentacles that had embedded themselves into his subconsciousness.

There is a good place to get on board in the southern rear of the ship. That’s as good a place as any to start. So, once he had docked and disembarked from the pod and used his HUD to scan the vicinity for any hostiles. Better not get caught on the back foot. Like a cat, he moved quietly through the area only stopping to damage things that are not that important. The big destructive vandalism will come much later. Even small things add up.

With his Disruptor Rifle ready and held out in front of him, he headed to the corridors where he would certainly run into enemy combatants. Too late to turn back now, and he found himself not wanting to leave and is very much willing to see this to the end. He is many things, a coward is not one of them.


Tag: Gal'Zhoren Gal'Zhoren
Location: One of the gorges on the surface (entering)

Finally it was Viermen's time to fight in proper battle for the Eternal Empire! It was too long for him. The bureacracy that came with his station bored him tremendously, though it was a sacrifice for the power he was able to wield over his world of Lotho-Minor. The two missions of searching for the Shadow Empire engaged him slightly, but the hidden people's method of war was spineless and he took hardly any pleasure from murdering members of it. He considered it mercy to those underlings for having to work for the cowardous Shadow Empire. However this time was different. This time he was in true battle, against opponents not affraid to fight with strength. He respected the strength of the Bryn'adul, yet he saw they were becoming weak after the loss of their chieftain. A slow decline that made Viermen compelled to test those of them that are still around. He wondered how worthy any of them would be if any were worthy at all.

As his position as Baron of Lotho-Minor, as well as his position in the Wardens, he was granted command of a small detachment of Ultranauts to hunt the Bryn'adul on the surface. A simple group of ten Ultranauts to be prescise; standard equipment. Then there was one man on comms reporting their position to the fleet above in case reinforcemtns were needed. It seemed more as Imperial protocol. Viermen knew that there was no need for reinforcements. He made himself a weapon and he alone would double the strength of the hunting party from the Ultranauts alone.

The surface was a wasteland as a result of the Bryn'adul's presence on this world. In truth, Viermen loved it. It was another world that would bring about strength through pain and enduring suffering. The things that lived here were supposed to be worthy, or they would have died from the planet itself. In the engagement zone, there were many gorges and canyons that were like claw-marks on the landscape. It was in one of these Viermen, and his hunting squad, was found in. The place seemd like the perfect area these beings would hide in. The comms operator reported their location about to enter the gorge, while Viermen was at the front Ultranauts were to the back with a few at his sides.

The gorge was surprisingly silent. To Viermen, that meant he was in the right place. His six feet clanged on the stone and thudded in the patches of dirt. He readied his arm cannon, and the slight "whiiirr" sound of it charging up let him know he was ready. He did not speak. There was no need to. Instead he kept his eyes peeled for movement, or anything that was not part of the landscape. He expected his soldiers were doing the same, but he had his doubts how well they were keeping guard.

"Let the trials begin.", Viermen thought to himself.
Objective: Shadowgames
Location: Superconstruct:
Equipment: Beskar'gam; Terentatek Body Glove; Longtooth; 'Kath Hound' Shotgun; 'Charging Rhyno' Slugthrower; Assorted Grenades
Opponents: Ladybug Ladybug

There was still so much about the Bryn'adul that the Mandalorian didn't understand. Their society, their technology and there was more than that. The Superconstruct held its own secrets that Naimes didn't know as of yet, they had been denied to him though he was an accepted ally of the Bryn. In allying with the Bryn he had become a traitor to the galaxy though Naimes had his reasons. He hadn't wanted to exterminate all life nor did he now but the Bryn presented him with an opportunity that he refused to squander. He was using them the same as they, in turn used him. As a Mandalorian he could teach them about the tactics and cultures of the other races, give them insight into technologies that they might not otherwise understand and in return he would be allowed to test himself in the only way that mattered to the Mandalorian, in combat.

When the assault began Naimes was in the barracks of the Superconstruct, in a section reserved for those known as the Tenebrim 'the Traitors of the Galaxy' alongside others who had abandoned the civilized races. Many of those known as Tenebrim were so swallowed up in their own bitterness and resentment that all they wanted to do was set the galaxy on fire but not Naimes. While others howled and screamed Naimes was composed, calm his expression a mixture of anticipation and relief before his features disappeared behind the mask of his Buy'ce.

As he proceeded into the corridors of the Superconstruct the Mandalorian accessed the comms of the Bryn network via the comms package integrated into his helm. He used it to triangulate areas where engagements had been noted by other Bryn'adul forces.

The Beskar'gam Naimes wore set him apart from many of the other peers accompanying him, many of the Tenebrim were not so competatively armed or armored. On this particular occasion Naimes had outfitted his Beskar'gam with a Jetpack for added mobility, underneath a Terentatek Body Glove fit snugly against his form providing him added protection against the tricks of Jedi and Sith alike. Longtooth was affixed to his back, running adjacent to the Jetpack, the hilt of the sword coming up over his right shoulder. A 'Charging Rhyno' was holstered over his left hip. An assortment of grenades (ForceBreaker, Cryoban, Ion) were attached to a utility belt of his person. In his hands, stowed horizontally across his midsection was a 'Kath Hound' Shotgun which was ideal for close quarters engagements.

Proceeding forward Naimes, accessing schematics via the interface on his HUD drew a path towards the Military and Research Hubs of the Construct. To him these seemed the likeliest areas to be attacked. As he moved his commands resounded over the comms of other Tenebrim as he transmitted directions to them..."Hold the central corridors and funnel the enemy into kill zones. Engage Jedi in mass or fallback to to lure them into disadvantageous positions. Alert me to their presence." Most of the Tenebrim would follow Naimes instructions, if not because he was a Mandalorian also because he had fought and defeated several Force Users whereas many of them could not make that claim.



Objective: Shoot Them Down from the Sky
Location: Elements of the Reclaimation Fleet, 20th Heavy Assault Line - Commodore Aximand Sicarus commanding
Equipment: Callides-class Heavy Carrier, Commodore Uniform, Nelvaanian Longsword (Sheathed), Sidearm (Reference character sheet)

(1) Callides-class Heavy Carrier
  • ENS Retribution- Commodore Sicarus (Secondary Flagship - 4km)
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
(2) Adjudicator II-class Star Destroyers (3.4km)
  • ENS Nova
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Errant
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
(4) Demeton-class Heavy Cruisers (4km)
  • ENS Revenant
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Huntress
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Oberon
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Balisov
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
(2) Eternal Empire Breaching Cruisers (1km)
  • ENS Calidan
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Q’dara
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
(4) Ashkelon-class Escort Frigates (1.6km)
  • ENS Crucible
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Magnate
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Palisade
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Shield of Salvation
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
(5) Retribution-class Heavy Missile Corvettes (1km)
  • ENS Manticore
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Vulture
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Malice
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Fangorn
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%
  • ENS Rogal
    • Shields 100%, Armor 100%, Power 100%, Subsystems 100%

Upon the Crimson Empress's signal, the assault fleet under the command of Commodore Aximand Sicarus entered warp from a nearby rally point in a neighboring system. The timing of the jump would be precise, as just as the Empress's ship emerged from cloaking, the 20th Heavy Assault Line emerged from lightspeed. Aximand stood at the observation deck of the Retribution, his gaze upon the planet ahead of them. From the orders he received from Admiral Osborn, they were to immediately launch their landers and dropships to supplement the ground forces already primed to ambush the Bryn'adul incursion. "Make it so." Aximand said, glancing over at his second-in-command who stood roughly twenty paces behind him near the tactical stations. Commander Praxxis nodded his head and relayed the orders to the internal communications station. Within moments, flight crews rushed to their landing craft - troops briskly filing into the compartments as they prepped for takeoff. Roughly a third of the fleet's fighter crews also swiftly strapped into their fighters (Nearly 150 Lance Fighters, and 46 Hornet Star Bombers), soon spilling out from the hanger bays of the Imperial fleet and mixing with the landing craft as they bee-lined to the planet surface.

Aximand turned and headed toward the tactical center near the middle of the bridge as he bellowed further: "Order the fleet to make way to the planet immediately. All Demeton-class cruisers are to screen our approach on the starboard flank. I want all long range weapons primed and ready to fire as we advance. All Askelon-class frigates are to form a picket posture between the cruisers at a 45 degree-angle amidships to port & aft of the cruisers. I want flak cannons live and ready in case the Bryn'adul decide to try and overwhelm us with their fightercraft. All other vessels are to form a spear-head formation with us as we approach the planet with the Crimson Empress." A synchronous 'Aye Sir!' could be heard as the fleet-bound communications officers relayed the Commodore's orders, which complied with the battleplan discussed between himself and the admiral. It was crucial that they position the fleet in high orbit over Danuta to lend orbital support in bringing down that... thing; that monstrosity of a construct these abominations deigned to build on this world. Not on his watch. 'The Axe' had fallen upon the world of Danuta, and he would cleave through their fleet like a crabbing hammer upon steamed crustacean hide. Be that as it may, Aximand was both appreciative of the Empress's presence (and the ship she brought with her), yet chagrined that she yet again put herself in danger. Such was her prerogative, but he did not need her death upon his reputation. Hopefully she would be safe - otherwise the Axe himself would not hesitate to crash land himself upon the Bryn'adul flagship.

Hopefully, things wouldn't come to that. In the interim, his calloused eye watched as the fleet moved upon his orders in near-perfect unison. The Bryn'adul would have a choice to make - either devote considerable resources to try and intercept the swarm of fighters, bombers, and landers who approached the planet from the far side, or attempt to intercept the entire Imperial Fleet who approached en-mass at high orbit. Should they decide to do either, Aximand had a contingency to hopefully keep the tempo of the engagement in their favor. He would not play his hand too early yet - the dance had only just begun, and he was just getting started. Before too much time elapsed, the Commodore stepped over to the fleet-wide communicator, and said in his gritty, stalwart tone: "To all ship commanders and pilots - this is Commodore Aximand Sicarus. Today, we show the galaxy that the Empire stands Eternal, even in the face of this savage foe. Fight with all you have. For your homes, for the Empire, for the Empress!" A cry erupted within the bridge, to be echoed by many others across the fleet. Although Aximand was an image of confidence and stoicism, internally he hoped that the bravery within their hearts could see this through. Otherwise, they may not live to experience the alternative.


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The experimental Soldier

equipment: H.A.R.M mass production model, AWS's
forces: 2x scarecrows regiments, 1 Jackel detachment tag: open

Sometimes Nix forgets how much like his father he is months ago the Fething traitor shows up and joins the crusaders selling them guns and armor to use against the EE. While working on the rebranding of the EE branch version of the former hades corp members. Nix caught wind of the Coming invasion Not from other EE But from Ghost of all people.

"you know they think your dead right? it's best you just start over..."
Ghost craned his head to look at the grinning Nix being playful.
"We're going Nix if i gotta drag you there."
"Sometimes I think you forget who's in charge but yeah we will go."

With Ghost heading for the space battle in one of Hades corps boarding ships, Nix began breaking atmosphere with his troops to support EE and allies Ground forces with a couple of full force detachments of scarecrows and one jackle detachment to work as field commanders.

With the wind in his hair, he would give the order to all gunships to pound the dirt with shock and awe. smiling as about 100 or so smart rockets as the missles hammered enemy positions down below he knew the forces would be outnumbered by the enemy.

As they landed he would disembark alongside the other Tanks and APC's full of troops he would watch as the gunships would dust off after deploying the jackles before taking to the skies and providing air support. He would get on the coms as his forces began disembarking their APC's with the cover fire from the tank destroyers' main guns and the APC's autocannons. "All units Push up to give them no quarter let the gods sort em out."


She had walked the surface of Felucia. A planet mostly devoid of large influences like the galactic powers of the Eternal Empire, Confederacy of Independent Systems, or even the Silver Jedi. It had allowed her time to think. Had given her the breathing room to feel more than the instinctual hunger that had driven her among the Bryn'adul.

Had let her make a decision more than devouring the next victim of her anger and ceaseless gluttony.


There had been creatures inhabiting the planet that had challenged her presence in their domain. Creatures that had failed to remove her. Creatures that had not understood the nature of the being they sought out.

And that had been their undoing.

Now, the former jedi silently lingered on the edges of the battlefield that had been carved out on this planet. There was a finality to this engagement that hung in the air. A culmination of anger and resentment that sang as though a tangible string of notes along the force. She hid herself in the din of chaos, the force blanking out her presence among the powers present and those descending upon the planet.

She had arrived nearly a week prior, sensing a call that was never truly sent. Something had tugged at her to come out of hiding to examine the ending chords of some great thing. To bear witness to some great event that had yet been made clear to her.

The reason being made clear as the tendrils cascading down her shoulder and back felt the shift around the planet. It was an uncomfortable buzz as her eyes drifted skyward. The dull amber color lifted to the clouds to see dark shapes and ominous clouds gathering.

There would be blood.

The surface of the planet salted and scarred with the oncoming duel that fate had drawn her here to bear witness to. The eternal dance of fear and anger against something that did not yield. Adapted their entire physiology to overcome these blockades in their path.

The urge to throw herself against those indomitable souls coming here to wash away the ever consuming beings. To remove the stain of their presence from the stars. But reason had won out. Instead she would burn in her memory the cries and shouts of both sides.

From her spot, she could see the large vehicle of destruction that the Bryn had erected upon the surface. Could see the battleground with ease as she curled her arms around her knees and sat in silence for the coming storm of bodies and feelings. The cloak was wrapped around her body, wings tucked tight to her body as her eyes scanned the surface.

“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”

Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon

Location: Boarding the Flag Ship
Objective: Sabotage and Destroy
Tags: ???


Sitting on the floor of the pod, legs crossed and eyes tightly shut, I mediated in these short minutes to center myself before the festivities kicked off. As a former Jedi, I would have thought twice before embarking on a mission that would cost the lives of so many, but I was no longer a Jedi and the lives that would have mattered where responsible for inflicting much tragedy on the galaxy. And each one of these Bryn deserved to be slaughtered, their caustic philosophies silenced, their culture set to flames, and everything about these monsters written out from the history texts, barely just a footnote nobody ever bothers to read. I knew it was not my way to hold such dark feelings for another species, but I have seen the destruction left in their wake. It's not my way to hate, too, so I needed to be very careful to allow such sinister emotions to seep in and plant the seeds of change in my soul. Thus, my current state of meditation.

The transport pod was pre-programmed to take me to a south-eastern landing spot, however the sounds of the flag ship's blaster bolts introducing themselves to other unlucky pods was unnerving. I didn't see the deaths, I felt them. Again, I needed to tread carefully with this emotions game, less I become the very entity I swore to defend the galaxy against. The pain of loss could be a very powerful motivator for revenge, but I was a loner among the other Wardens. I preferred it that way; no attachments, no friends, no lovers to mourn and grieve over. All around me, I felt the vibrations of the pod slowing down, drawing closer to the destination. With a deep breath I opened my eyes and stood up, adjusted my clothes, and headed toward the pod's only door.

With a heavy thud, forcing me to steel myself, the pod magnetically sealed itself to one of the flag ship's door and then both doors began to open. I wondered how we came across access codes to the enemy's flag ship? Did the Bryn have dissidents among their ranks, or did we employ spies? However we came into possession, I was grateful. I detest flying and couldn't imagine myself deeply engaged in a ship-to-ship space battle.

The moment both doors where fully opened, I rushed out onto the flag ship removing my hilt from my waist belt in the process. The corridor was currently empty, though I suspected that wouldn't last very long. If everything I heard about these Bryn held truth, they would not appreciate an outsider invading their flag ship uncontested.

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Grand Admiral Isla Draellix was aboard the Hand of Ashla watching out the protected viewport of her bridge. The sleek lines of the reflec coated warship glistened against the light from hyperspace. This was a brand new ship, still technically in development but ready for shake down. The Ashlans had spent a lot of credits to make this vessel a reality and it needed to prove its worth. It would arrive in defensive mode but and assess the situation.

Around her were the rest of her armada. The Avenging Saint fresh from an engagement on the borders of Bryn space was her other battlecruiser the two ships would make a formidable team, even if they weren't supported by an armada of smaller vessels.

Too many times had the Ashlans been accused of ignoring the Bryn threat, of being blinded by their hatred of the Sith, now, working with the Eternal Empire they intended to bring the Bryn'adul threat to its knees. Her ships bulged with both Ashlan Marines and a sizeable complement of Ultranaughts from the EE, the Bryn were feared in boarding to the deployment of heavy EE troops was deemed appropriate, even though it caused some tension amongst the marines.

"30 seconds admiral" came update from her Captain

The Ashlan ships dropped out of hyperspace in an arc with the Hand of Ashla in the centre, the heavy ships spread nearby and dotted with her frigates, the wardens formed pickets in front of the fleet. It was time to engage.

Her scans filled the space around the fleet as contacts began to fill out her holoprojector. Here, once again, the Ashlans would show their mettle.

"Commodore Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus , This is Admiral Draellix of the Grand Fleet of Ashla, ready to engage. Ashla protect us all"



A vestige of hope arises throughout the Bryn’adul Empire as a series of signals, records, and assorted data points to the hidden location of the Titan somewhere on the world of Danuta. Latching onto the possibility of locating their progenitor and of rescuing the Empire from a spiral of loss and defeat, the Ish’makra council has dispatched a truly gargantuan fleet to secure both Danuta and the surrounding worlds.

The highly terraformed world of Danuta has been shifted immensely from its once cold and dry climate. Now, covered in the noxious and heavy gas of Draemidus Prime, and speckled throughout with assorted vegetation and fauna from their homeworld, Danuta is yet another bastion in the arsenal of the galactic scourge.

The great fleet covers over the atmosphere in droves, the armed forces of the Draelvasier scour the countryside of Danuta in search for a clue of some kind as to the location of their father, and sitting upon their thrones, the Ish’makra Council watches the entirety of the operation from the safety and security of their flagship, the Conquester Ancient Architect.

None of them know that they have a fishhook pressed into their jowls, that they have been led into an improbable ambush by the forces of the Eternal Empire – that their enemy has been waiting for them all along.​


The Super-Construct on Danuta is massive in size and covers several dozen miles of terrain. Nevertheless, creeping infiltrators have been spotted attempting to circumvent the countless security systems in place. Exterminate these enemy agents before they have an opportunity to reach the Central Command Facility located deep underground.


An expedition predicated on lies and deception has been made to uncover supposed secrets about the whereabouts of the Titan. Throughout valleys, hills, caves, and disgusting swamps coated in mutilated and mutated foliage, the forces of the Bryn’adul and the Eternal Empire trade blows with one another. The military expedition must be completed... we must know the truth about whether the Titan can be found.


Space is not isolated from the conflict on the ground. Massive warships combat one another as darting fighter-craft and bombers deliver terrible payloads and deal death on a horrific scale. Ownership of the atmosphere means being able to dictate where fire-support missions can be delivered. Wipe these vermin from existence – boil their blood in space, and let them choke on the void.


The Ancient Architect is a Conquester of significance. Within the boundaries of its hybridized hull stand the Ish’makra Council, overseeing both the battle and the military expedition which brought them to Danuta. Their continued survival and protection are paramount to the survival of the Bryn’adul as a whole.


War and Slaughter often take myriad forms. Demonstrate your devotion to the Creeds of the Bryn’adul in this – the finest hour... the final battle.

Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu)
Overseer of Science Development, Knight Warden of the Shroud


Location: Superconductor
Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Tags: Naimes Ahn-Dross Naimes Ahn-Dross


Mikilanna didn't support the objective of destroying the research and terraforming departments, there was so much to be learned from the enemy's science division that could be replicated into components deadlier than what was created by their collective minds. However, she knew the Empress would never approve the use of the Brynadul's technology; even for the betterment of the Eternal Empire, thus she would collect whatever precious knowledge into those labs, secretly ushering them away. Her own personal agenda, as it seemed, would not be easy to accomplish with a full war raging around the massive structured Superconductor, as inside as well. The Sith Lord was every bit creative, and when she set her dark heart upon gathering what she most desired, it was unwise and foolish to stand in between; especially when science was involved. She had murdered in the past to collect scientific knowledge, and would do so now again.

Whilst the army of the Empire charged down the hill, supported by artillery covering fire, she simply strolled down allowing the soldiers to eat and swallow the blaster bolts from the enemy. The other Wardens, present, cried rallying calls and words of encouragement to the soldiers as they led them toward the Superconductor; a tactic both foolish and unnecessary as it was a soldier's job to die so those more prestigious in life could garner success. So much of the Warden's beliefs and morals were abstract, resulting in many differences between them and herself. In her opinion, she would send every soldier to a needful death in order for her to achieve glory. But soldiers, fodder or not, could from time to time prove their worth, as the case unfolding before her cybernetic eyes. A hole had been constructed on one of the walls of the Superconductor building, allowing for the Empire's army to infest it like a plague; though their attempts were being thwarted. There, in the opportunity presented before her, she would enter the building.

Changing course, and adopted a mock care of leadership, she ran toward the hole rallying the troops around her. Unlike the other Wardens, who opted for positive reinforcement through vocal chants, she invaded the soldier's minds planting false, illusionary feelings of courage and bravery; pushing them toward early graves. Let them soak up the blunt of the enemy's violent attention, she only required a brief distraction to slip into the building.


Location: Superconstruct
Objective: Shadow Games (Enter the Superconstruct, find and exploit weaknesses. Kill them all.)
Tags: Thak Bri'Sot Thak Bri'Sot
4 Troops with her from the 115th-armored-infantry-company, mostly equipped with explosives and heavy weaponry. ST-149 with six more troops on standby for pickup.

The Major had chosen to go with a smaller crew as opposed to making use of her company, instead only taking a few troops with her. Naturally, it was an infiltration squad. However, from how she saw it, they were basically just carriers of the explosives that they'd end up finding somewhere important to use. They stayed low, aided by Salis's mastery over the force allowing them to have forewarnings on most enemies, and sometimes manipulate the environments around them to keep them from being noticed.

She had a bone to pick with the Byrn'Adul, she remembered the last time she fought them. She remembered what she took as a threat, the death of her husband. She retaliated naturally, with considerable force. Yet, it was irrelevent. Years later, he died. She couldn't help but remember the vision she saw, possibly the only thing she'd feared at the time. Whether or not it really was some kind of curse or vision, she didn't care. She had a fury to take out. It was a feeling she rarely felt, and the yellow glow of her eyes had remained from practically the moment she found out there was a chance to fight them.

They'd taken advantage of the Ultranaughts naturally, they had to find some way to actually get to it. When the fighting got started, Salis and her crew found what places they could to get closer and took them. Insuring they avoided getting caught as best as possible. They couldn't be absolutely certain they hadn't been seen, but that was a risk they'd had to take.

2 Model_Kylan-3
Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's Armor
-Several phrik throwing knives

Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The Warlord clenched and unclenched his fist, watching as the hide which wrapped around it bent and twisted around his own physiology. Raising his eyes to the offending target - the nearest wall - he promptly ran a less than strategic analysis of the makeup of the structure, deciding for himself whether or not he might be able to strike through it with a harsh enough blow.

The Ish'makra had made a terrible error in joining them so close to the frontlines. What had the council been thinking when they had dispatched so many of their forces away from their garrisons and expeditionary groups? Could the evidence that had been discovered on the whereabouts of the Titan truly be trusted? The hybrid did not believe that any sign would warrant such a tremendous show of force, but the council had been far more willing to erode the defenses of the Empire in search of the Draelvasier progenitor.

His worries had revealed themselves to be at least partially correct when his mind-stone began to transmit alarms of battle. It seemed that they had been ambushed by an unexpected foe. How had they managed to circumvent the reconnaissance of the superstructure present on Danuta? The hybrid had been prepared to issue a command to retreat from the ground in order to better plot out their retaliation when the orders had come from the Ish'makra to continue the expedition at all costs.

Two minutes later, they lost the opportunity to withdraw with the arrival of the enemy fleet. Under the hybrid's feet, he could feel the assorted ballistae of the Ancient Architect firing on whatever drew even remotely near. Throughout the warship, the assorted warriors of the Bryn'adul rushed to gather whatever armaments they needed in order to repel invaders. The Warlord himself needed no such rearmament - he was always prepared for the outbreak of violence - a talent that he had learned over years of sudden and spontaneous ambush and assailment.

He was not, however, omnipotent. It was why the voice which burned its way into his head; the telepathic intrusion of a witch he had fought on two separate occasions, caught him off-guard. The hybrid looked back at the members of the Ish'makra, the dozen or so Draelvasier and Allied Races who had taken control of the Bryn'adul Empire since the loss of the Titan... saw the Seers near them who whispered into their ears with occult prognostication.

Osam did not agree with the Council on everything - but they were vital to the survival of the Empire. Striding out from their midst, the hybrid settled himself in front of the sole entrance to their chamber, shutting the doorway behind him... gazing down an empty hallway and waiting for the arrival of his opponent with carbine in hand.

"Take command of the nearest fleet-ships. Have the Shamans stir the Spiderlings." He commanded, and the Kraemonen worm stitched into his armor replied with a stir of its many limbs, transmitting his commands out to the respective parties.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus
(19,134 Meters)

Name - Type - Status
Great Maw - Conquester - Undamaged
Chieftain's Heir - Conquester - Undamaged
Barbaric Despoiler - Butcherer - Undamaged
Quareller - Butcherer - Undamaged
Sraeljoarsk - Phedrak Carrier - Undamaged - 8/8 Squads of Fighters | 4/4 Squadsof Bombers | 3 Squads of Interceptors | 3 Squads of Striker Shards
Terror - Thruka Ravager - Undamaged
Brawler - Thruka Ravager - Undamaged
Thunder - Thruka Ravager - Undamaged
Wail - Thruka Ravager - Undamaged
Kraemonen Support Craft (x6) - Undamaged

The Kraemonen worm-mind finished its stirring, its strange unvoice whispering into the heads of the assorted officers that could be reached, or more specifically, into their mindstones. The fleet in its entirety was a huge organism to manage for any one individual, but portions of it could be stirred into motion and conflict with relative ease. Here, the nameless hivemind that lived within the Flesh Vessel performed this vital task, grasping onto the proverbial puppeteer reins of those warships closest to the flagship.

A few of the warships were familiar to the worm-mind. They had served under the Warlord during the ill-fated battle of Circumtore, surviving throughout that terrible campaign. Among them were the Ravagers Terror and Brawler and the exceptionally capable Sraeljoarsk which had served as the secondary flagship for Osam during that conflict.

The worm stirred them. The Kraemonen Support Craft maneuvered themselves to sit behind the primary warships, casting their shielding properties by means of their built-in Quilxyn. The Conquesters in the meanwhile sighted their targets and let loose small salvos by means of their ballistae, allowing the very long-range guns to do their best in scourging the hostile fleets before they had drawn too close, especially those that belonged to the Eternal Empire, since it seemed likely that they were orchestrating the entire offensive and were only receiving support from their Ashlan contemporaries.

Summary of Actions
  • Not using the full 40 km of fleet at a time, since it's possible someone else on our side may want to fleet and controlling that much is a nightmare.
  • Kraemonen Support Craft provide shielding to all large warships (non Thruka)
  • Great Maw and Chieftain's Heir use their long-range ballistae to open fire on the Eternal Empire fleet from afar, hoping to score some skirmishing blows. Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus
Objective 2: Beasts in the trap
: viermen
Barad cloaking Device, Barad Impact Grenade x6, Ravager Marksmen Rifle, Barad Glaive, Barad Kurigasami X5, Barad Kukri X4, Barad Special Operations Armour.
Barad advanced blaster X4

Location: Valley high-tops
Current Objective:

Gal'Zhoren gazed out across the vast valleys around him with an almost predator- like determination. If there were any truth to the rumours about the Titan's whereabouts the call could not be ignored. That did not mean, however, they would not check periodically for any potential threats. After all, the force, as of late, had consisted of a persistent hum through his ears. It had reached the stage where Gal'Zhoren had thought it to be a rather tiresome nuisance- but still, a nuisance he could not ignore either.
In retrospect, after the humiliation of Nar Kreeta, the enemies of the Bryn'Adul had became more voracious In their defiance. It would come as no surprise to him had a small enemy force had followed them to the caves seeking retribution.

'The jedi' he thought aloud suddenly. The instinct to spit at the mere mention of the putrid cowards rising like a particularly unpleasant mass of bile in his throat. Gal'Zhoren resisted the temptation. If he were to be found it certainly wouldn't be due to his own recklessness.
'It started with the Jedi' he continued, allowing the dreadful thought to play out.
'Then it was the soldiers and pirates'.
He found himself wondering what matter of enemy dared to oppose them thus time.

He didn't have to wait long.

A small, metallic- like hum began some way of into the labyrinthine passages that made up the valleys. A sound he likely would never have heard had the force not be screaming for danger.

Gal'Zhoren dropped to the ground instantly. The enemy was far closer than he had expected. He would not run however. Not yet at least. He would catch a glimpse at his would be enemy's face first- then make sure that Gal'Zhoren's would be the last face they saw.
Objective: Shadowgames
Location: Superconstruct:
Equipment: Beskar'gam; Terentatek Body Glove; Longtooth; 'Kath Hound' Shotgun; 'Charging Rhyno' Slugthrower; Assorted Grenades
Opponents: Ladybug Ladybug

An explosion rocked the Superconstruct indicating the wall had been breached. From where Naimes was, traveling through the corridors reports came over the comms that soldiers belonging to the Eternal Empire had started flooding a breach in the Construct. Tenebrim linked to the Mandalorian reported that they held fast and were in the midst of pushing the soldiers back. It was all proceeding well, the Tenebrim fighting alongside Draelvasier augmented the Bryn'adul forces ensuring that the attackers were pushed back.

All that until reports cut through the comms causing Naimes to pause, chatter at first and then more coherent support which the Mandalorian tapped into...

"Report? What do you mean the attackers are breaching? Hold them and cut off their advance when they funnel into the corridors. Tighten the defense." perplexed him, the reports of other Tenebrim relayed that the Eternal Empire was surging into the breach in the Superconstruct, throwing themselves into the line of fire and being cut down. That many bodies and some woudl slip through though which is why Naimes had called for the Tenebrim to withdraw and create kill boxes for the enemy to funnel into. The Draelvasier might not respond to the Mandalorian but the other Tenebrim did, slowly moving backwards and allowing the Draelvasier to hold the outer perimeter while they tightened up the corridor defense to exterminate anyone that slipped through. It still didn't sit right with Naimes though.

Blaster fire was heard in the distance accompanied by the roars of the Bryn. Explosions indicating small munitions were being used also became evident. Comms chatter was still lively, reporting more soldiers throwing themselves in waves at the defenders.

Naimes paused, hesitating in his advance. He'd come around a corner where several Tenebrim were engaging attackers who had pushed past the Draelvasier. He could hear the soldiers of the Eternal Empire as they charged into a volley of blaster fire and shook his head...

"Something is in their minds." wasn't uncommon for the Jedi or the Sith to use mind altering tricks either. Lifting his left arm Naimes activated the datapad integrated into his armor and brought up nearby systems. In this specific section of the Superconstruct it appeared as though Research and Terraforming Facilities were the closest. It seemed doubtful that this was a coincidence. The Mandalorian relayed commands the Tenebrim with him...

"Push the enemy back here then regroup in Sectors 367, 413 and 127 to assist the Draelvasier in pressing the enemy back away from the breach."

...he'd given them his orders then he moved away in the direction of the closest Research Bay, maybe it was nothing or maybe not...

Steve the Ultranaught


OOC: I am fairly new to this website and I haven’t participated in a real pvp before this, so feel free to correct me if I do something wrong.

IC: UC-4158 looked out across the valley, looking for any sign of life. Other than himself, he saw nothing, which wasn’t unexpected, but it was still eerie how lifeless this place was. His orders were to scout out the surrounding terrain for any Bryn’adûl scouts that had wandered too close to their trap. UC-4158 took a swig of water from his canteen, and when he put it down, he heard the familiar whirring sound of his superior’s arm cannon charging up. He also noticed a flash of movement in a nearby cave. “Looks like those Bryners have sent a scout. Oh well, nothing I can’t deal with.” he thought to himself. UC-4158 activated his commlink and sent a transmission to Viermen (his commanding officer). “Baron Viermen. I have spotted movement in the cave approximately 100 meters to the right across the valley. I strongly suspect it is a hostile scout. Permission to use my KC-M2 Portable Missile Launcher?” As he waited for a response, UC-4158 began loading the launcher, as they tended to take a long time to load. He was well hidden behind a rock outcropping, but he was only mostly sure that he hadn’t been seen.

Gal'Zhoren Gal'Zhoren



Objective: Shoot Them Down from the Sky

Location: Elements of the Reclamation Fleet, 20th Heavy Assault Line - Commodore Aximand Sicarus commanding

Equipment: Callides-class Heavy Carrier, Commodore Uniform, Nelvaanian Longsword (Sheathed), Sidearm (Reference character sheet)

Tags Osam Osam Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

I miscalculated my initial deployment of fighter craft by alot. As the previously noted intent was to deploy 1/3rd of the squadrons available, the totals were edited from 300 fighters down to 150, and from 80 bombers down to 46.

I’m sorry for the miscalculation, but it has been corrected. I have displayed my squadron counts below for further clarity to avoid further miscues.

  • I3-A Lancers Fighters
    • Deployed = 156/468
    • Destroyed = 0
  • RX-4 Hornet Bombers
    • Deployed = 48/144
    • Destroyed = 0
  • INT-1A Mk.I Haxor Interceptors
    • Deployed = 0/104
    • Destroyed = 0

  • ENS Retribution - Commodore Sicarus (Secondary Flagship - 4km)

  • ENS Nova

  • ENS Errant

  • ENS Revenant

  • ENS Huntress

  • ENS Oberon

  • ENS Balisov

  • ENS Calidan

  • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100% | Squadrons 100% | Support Craft 100%

  • ENS Q’dara

  • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100% | Squadrons 100% | Support Craft 100%

  • ENS Crucible

  • ENS Magnate

  • ENS Palisade

  • ENS Shield of Salvation

  • ENS Manticore

  • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

  • ENS Vulture

  • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

  • ENS Malice

  • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

  • ENS Fangorn

  • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

  • ENS Rogal

  • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

”Sir, several signatures are appearing on our sensors exiting lightspeed.” The tactical officer on deck reported abruptly, pausing to take stock of the developing situation. He looked up from his monitor and added: ”Ships from the Ashlan Crusade sir, a battlefleet by the looks of it.”

The communications officer spoke up - a rather hairy man of southern Nelvaan descent to be sure. If it wasn’t his copious amounts of masculine facial hair, then it was definitely his accent that gave it away. ”<Vee are receiving transmisstion from arriving fleet, sir.”>

It’s the “R’s”, definitely the “R’s”. Aximand decided internally. He paused a moment, as if refocusing on the situation at hand. His expression remained stoney, but internally he chided himself for the brief lapse of focus. ”Put it through Lieutenant.” With a nod, Lieutenant Dobrev flicked a switch and the voice of Admiral Draelix flooded the bridge’s speakers. With a smirk, the Commodore flicked a switch on his console and replied: ”Your presence is noted, Admiral - and I’ll add; most welcome.” While pleasant enough, Aximand always did have the odd ability to maintain an air of authority - even when speaking to superiors or foreign dignitaries. He was nothing if not consistent.

He glanced over at the comms officer, mouthing to ensure their frequency was on a secure channel. Upon receiving confirmation, the Commodore continued: ”I believe we have the Bryn’adul fleet caught unawares Admiral. We are moving to an anchorage in high-orbit so as to provide fire support to our forces planetside. My ships are engaging at long range for now. Thus far, it appears their fleet is out of position and at half strength. I suggest you capitalize on it from the opposing flank so that we can make the most of this window.”

It was shortly after completing his statement that the Demeton cruisers took the brunt of the introductory shots from the Bryn’adul Conquestors given their screening position, namely the Huntress and the Revenant. Their power systems engaged in an effort to bolster their ability to regenerate, which resulted in a slight strain at the outset of the engagement. Nothing to worry about as of yet, but that did mean the Eternal Fleet would need to act quickly in response. Upon Commodore Sicarus’ orders, the cruisers promptly returned fire with their combined arsenal of (16) Troika Rail Drivers to unleash a torrent of fire at the pair of Conquestors. At Aximand’s behest, Commander Praxxis input firing solutions for the quartet of cruisers, focusing their fire on the Great Maw exclusively. Their shots would ring out at the same moment as the Bryn’adul shots would ring out, and as the volleys were exchanged, Aximand shot a glance over at the gunnery station to his right. His words were crisp and rigid as he inquired: ”Do we have a firing solution on those two Conquestors?”

The gunnery officer nodded and offered a dutiful: ”Aye sir. The Conquestors are the closest to us at the moment. We have secured target locks.”

”Relay the firing solution to the rest of the fleet, and open fire immediately. I want those two Conquestors disabled before the rest of their fleet wakes up from their karking afternoon nap.” Aximand interjected in short order. Unabashed, the gunnery officer saluted crisply and relayed his orders to his staff at their consoles. Aximand quickly turned to his tactical officer again, adding briskly: ”I want the Adjudicators to follow our target. Instruct the Demetons to focus on the Great Maw, along with the Breaching cruisers.”

Moments passed by as his orders were carried out. The Retribution’s massive ‘Desolator Barbette’ emplacements thrummed to life as the carrier entered the edge of both its and the Conquestors’ engagement range - 20 batteries positioned on its starboard side launching a massive volley in sync with the full complement of the Adjudicator-II’s long ranged arsenal; namely, the combined (16) Troika Mass Drivers, (16) Desolator Barbette batteries, (4) Phalanx Cruise Missile tubes and (12) Banshee Cruise Missiles. All of this targeted the Chieftain’s Heir while the Demetons prepared to launch their second volley of shots in sync with the breaching cruiser’s long ranged missile batteries. As all the ships loosed their counter volley, they resumed their burn to the anchorage at high orbit, nearly arriving at their destination in due course.

Aximand let out a contented sigh. He had not engaged the Bryn’adul before, and did not feel as though he had the measure of their combat strength as of yet. But if their Conquestors were the full measure of their ranged capabilities thus far, he felt confident in his fleet’s abilities to neutralize them soon. Given his fleet’s balanced mix of long, medium, and short range armaments, he felt content to exchange volleys at this range given the effects of their first barrage.

Meanwhile, the first wave of fighter craft launched alongside the transports zoomed forward, breaching the upper atmosphere en route to lend support to the ground troops. Soon, they would push through and be able to make their way onward to their objectives.

  • Demeton Cruisers Huntress & Revenant take moderate damage from Conquestor opening salvos, and immediately counter given the previous order to have their mass drivers ready.
  • The Retribution relays targeting solutions to the remainder of the fleet on the (2) Conquestors
  • With targeting solutions acquired, the majority of the fleet’s long range armaments focus on the Conquestors. The armaments for all the cruiser-based weapons fire into the Great Maw, and the Star Destroyers/Heavy Carrier fire upon the Chieftain.
  • The first wave of starfighters, bombers, and transports breach the upper atmosphere and begin to push through to the planet.


Last edited:

location boarding torpido
tags open
equipment: harm mass production armor, FS-18-X01 Omega Phase Assault Rifle with top-mounted flamethrower. thermal detinator and vibro knife

How many times had he died now Ghost wondered to himself as the point defense guns on from the enemy flagship peppered the pod containing him and 4 other biodroids. This was probably their first and last mission but that didn't matter to him. to give ones life for the Eternal Empire was all that mattered they would be remembered for they sacrifice were as Ghost is just a number he had far more to give. He mused to himself as outside the hall half of the pods their ship fired were blown to spacedust by the point defense systems. He should thank Ingrid after all She taught him or rather his past self that all that should matter is the Empire. He was weak back then focusing on love compassion and meanial things of such lacking conviction. He knew now that all he was needed for was to be a soldier and that he is good for. Some would say Hes a monster now casting away his humanity for these ideals ghost chuckled to himself. as his squad seemed on edge around him there's no need for humanity there's no need for anything really all that matters is that he does his job.

As the pod slammed into the haul burrowing deep into it the doors opened to gunfire as his forces began to disembark blaster fire and slugs flew between their forces as a shot caught one of the biodroids in the jaw sending him crumpling to the ground his helmet breached and his usefulness fading

"ghost h-help" the biodroids pleading voice agrivated Ghost peeling him away from his glorious combat.
"can you still fight?" the biodroid took in a breath "n-no I'm dieing man!"
"then your usefulness has run out." ghost turned his gun on the wounded biodroid and mercy killed him without hesitation before keying his coms. "This is ghost My troops have breached the aft area of the ship requesting rally point with any nearby troops."

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