Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Last Refuge - BotM Dominion of Oriam Mei


Departing "The Prophet" | Orbit of Oriam Mei
Hakon Fett Hakon Fett


The Ommin class shuttle departed the floating battlecruiser of the late Darth Caelitus, parting through the cerulean shield curtain into the black void. Silence permeated their surroundings, even as explosions and blaster fire leapt between embattled vessels, all was silent as the grave. A rare peace for a galaxy so lost in chaos and war. As the command shuttle approached the debris field and waking conflict, it’s hull blanketed into a camouflaged screen before vanishing entirely.

Heres watched behind the seats of his pilots, standing in the heart of the cockpit. Cold steel glared out into the expanse, emotionless and without empathy. Behind his death mask, twin orbs of burning ember peered through with a fixed gaze on the frigate approaching rapidly beyond the glasteel. Without a word, he turned away and began his trek towards the exit ramp, where Dawnist Zealots awaited his call.

As he entered, the ship closed in on the hull of the frigate, beginning boarding procedures. With a loud thud, the Sith Lord scowled and boomed his voice to fill the chamber as they prepared to cut their way inside and breach the vessel.

“Kill everyone onboard.”

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Equipment in bio.
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Garza Garza | Open.


The tattered scout ship of Ptolemis had finally descended onto the bleak surface of Oriam Ras, its amorphous frame heading directly for the hangar where a couple of other Maw ships already resided. In all other cases, he would have launched his investigation at a different mining station, one that remained untouched by others, but he made the exception when he read that the Taskmaster himself had been the one to crack open the case.

The black ship passed shadowed cliffs and swerved past shallow canyons, but the grey monotony of the airless landscape was ever-present. He felt right at home. As the Blasphemer steered the ship closer and closer to the oscillating force field, by now clad in his occultish robe, he reached over to the far side of the dashboard to put on his mask … no.

His face.

The Nycteris settles down next to Tu'teggacha's ship, blasting noise and air around the otherwise eerily still hangar. The Sith Lord routinely switches off non-critical on-board systems and finally kills the engine. As the overworked machinery stutters into dormancy, the ramp slides down from the belly of the ship. The long, ragged, ebon cloth embracing the Blasphemer's body precedes him, its almost liquid consistency caressing the sloping ramp as he exits his ship and walks out into the open. First he looks around, recognizing the troops gathering further up ahead around someone as of yet unknown to him. There, right in the middle of the silence and mystery, the Shadow Hand inhales the sublime tension of the seemingly vacant station… and immediately recognizes the notes of life deeper inside. 'Strange…' He thinks. One of his favorite expressions... Strange… Whatever is strange requires a second look. A key, an understanding to reveal the secret locked away within. Ptolemis lowers to one knee, and his gloved fingers touch the cold, metal floor.

Sweeping across the hangar, his consciousness detects a disturbance in the Force, but this disturbance does not coagulate into a clear, tangible answer yet. Further clues are needed. Either a trap, or an even greater mystery lies ahead. As he stands up, he catches a glimpse of the Taskmaster. Ptolemis makes his way over to him.

– Taskmaster. – His contorted voice echoes in the spacious hall as he nears the Ebruchi that transformed him. – I see our interests have brought us to the same crossroad once again. Tell me; have you met the locals yet?


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Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren


Breaking through the atmosphere, several shuttles weaved into the Maw invasion force. Marked on their flanks was the sigil of the Knights of Ren, overlaid with the skull and dragon markings of The Stranger's Fleet. The battle for Rim City was going swimmingly for the Mawites, though isolated pockets of resistance held, defending refugees as they fled out to open water and downward into the depths. While one of the shuttles broke off to join the main assault force into the city, the rest continued towards the open sea, tracking the defenders' blue-water naval ships as they raced towards an access tunnel.

Kybo Ren waited in the bay of his shuttle, flanked by his men. Many had followed him for years since Tarnooga, sea-dogs to the bone, but still many others were strangers to the sea, having only lived in the void, or worlds of peaks and sand. Kybo too had begun to feel unmoored from the sea, spending much too long in space. He had grown to love it too, in his own way, stalking the outer darkness, the humming silence of a starship's beating heart. But as he watched the holofeed of the shuttle's external area, as it descended towards the open water, firing on the fleeing ships, Kybo felt again the stirring in his heart and he knew: the sea would always be his true home.

"Lower the ramps!"

As the spaceship continued to descend, the landing ramps creaked open, hydraulics squealing and spewing forth steam. His helmet in his hands, the smell of the sea hit Kybo like a tough embrace. The sound of the churning ocean, and sight of the deep blue in turmoil...


The other pirates readied their weapons, sealing their suits and psyching themselves up. One of the shore detachments on the far side of the cargo bay were already beginning a war chant.

"RAIDERS OF THE STARS!" Kybo roared, confidently striding to the front of the ramp amidst the tossing and turning of the ship, turning to face his pirates, his back to the sea even as the ramp continued to yawn open. The cold wind ripped at him, sending his cloak fluttering amidst a spray of sea spray.

"Mark ye well this day, ye scalawags! Today ye killers of the void come down from ye lofty perches back to where we all began: the mother ocean, her roilin' and boilin' waters, here to shed blood and mingle with her salt. The Locker take ye of little heart, an' the treasure to the rest!"

The pirates roared in approval, weapons raised and shaking. He could see the blood rise in them, the instinctual thirst for struggle within the cruel grasp of the Sea Mother.

Kybo turned to face the ocean, now only a dozen feet from him. The shuttle was holding position above the sea-ships, their crew scrambling to turn their guns upward at the shuttles. Igniting his lightsaber, he cried out:

"Fall upon them, o, ye dealers of death! Bring the scourge of the stars to the waters of this world!" And he fell, his men tumbling after him, roaring for blood, cutting through the salted air to smash into the ship and the waters around.
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It took mere seconds for his mind to invade the group of Mon Calamari who still resisted. They barely put up a fight. Overworked, stressed, and terrified, their mental shields looked as thin as paper to Dal. He crumpled their wills, ransacked through their minds, and found their worst memories. The sort that came up unbidden before sleep. The sort that you tried to forget. He dragged those memories through their minds like a grand parade, adding to them with his own flourishes until they resembled the stuff of night terrors.

Those Mon Cal fell to the ground sobbing, minds shattered, locked in a catatonic prison of their own memories.

With none left standing against them, Dal rubbed away the sweat from his forehead with an elbow, then sniffed and rubbed his nose. It felt raw. He blinked away the pain and looked at Iren, thumbing the switch on his blade. The saber shrank to nothing.

“There’s your live ones, but if Qora doesn’t stop the waterfall protocol we won’t be.”

Cambyses Cambyses | Artas Tel Alam | Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam


Moksh wandered into the scene like a cat into a living room, toy in its mouth. His left arm soaked in gore, he held in its hand an organ from one of the Calamari off-screen – an organ likely of some import, based on the gratuitous amount of biomatter that covered him up to his shoulder.

Where he had been, what he'd been doing – It didn't really matter. It wouldn't offer any insight as to what he was doing now, or what he would be doing later. Why he was even here, at all.

Things happened without reason, this far from the center of the universe.

Midst the sobbing and the shrieking, Moksh approached one of the Mon Calamari, studying the terror and worry wrought across his face. "What horror do you imagine that I have not seen…darling?"

His speech hung on an exhale, stretched and unusual, like a banshee speaks on the wind. His affectionate epithet inflected oddly, overemphasizing the second syllable.

The Sith's fingertips delicately touching amphibian hands, drawing them away from squid-shaped skull.

"What is you have that you are so afraid to lose…that I do not have?," Moksh questioned, gazing deep into the Calamari's big fish eye like he might be able to see its nightmares inside its pupils. He saw only his reflection. "Do not drool on my boots," he said, unnecessarily, its delivery different from the rest.

The contracting of the iris. The microexpressions of its oceanic mouth. Was it like that time in the pits, and the trogodile awoke to a figure standing over its bed? But the reflection in his eye was a boy, and your reflection now is something else.

It knows you can kill it. It wants to kill you first.

In a burst of fight or flight, the Calamari took a swing at Moksh. Moksh, instead, simply moved through him. It wasn't a dodge, or a block, or a counter. It was just movement, like ducking a tree branch or stepping up a step.

It was like going to skip a stone, and rather than create ripples as the water displaced, the stone simply vanished. Like winding up to punch the wall and missing entirely. Moksh had effectively ignored the captive's final, desperate act.

The impotent efforts of a ghost. You were never really here, Calamari.

Unable to affect any change in his situation at all, the Calamari hugged itself as though it were trying to crush its own ribs, collapsing in on itself like a dead, bloated star.

Moksh, on the other hand, approached Artas and Qora, pulling his lightsaber from his belt with his right hand. Looking to the pair, he sucked at his cheek, checked out of everything except his private duel with the stubborn remnants of an ill-conceived meal that he himself had never eaten.


Venyxa Tel Alam

Dark eyes studied the strange makeup of the ship Venyxa and her compatriots -- the others called Tel Alam -- were attacking. She had advocated for a subtler approach, but what was subtlety to Captain Love Captain Love , particularly? So there they were. Making a mess. At least her way would have given dear Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam an intact ship and, once they had hosed down the fish guts, a clean one. More or less.

She knelt, adjusting the fasteners on her lightly armored boots. Her leggings, too, were imbued with an armor weave that would allow her to survive longer than without. The form-fitting tunic and lightweight blast weave was a good balance of protection and flexibility, such that if she needed to, Venyxa could user her lightsaber or blaster, each strapped to a separate thigh. She hoped it wouldn't come to that. Let the others, better suited to it, bloody their blades.

She needed to conserve her strength. Just in case.

The amethyst woman, eyes wide, finally straightened and followed after the group. After surveying the bizarre, alien architecture, she glanced at Qora. "This one?" she said incredulously. "But it's so... round. Nothing sleek. Nothing angular. Aerodynamics like a rollerskate -- the old ones, too, with the little rubber brakes on the front -- "

She fell silent when Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam came, subconsciously edging closer to Qora. After a thoughtful silence, she went on: "Still, I am prepared to help us not all drown. What do you need from me?" She was a skilled infiltrator, good at getting places she oughtn't, whether by lithe frame or disguise. She rather doubted she could trick any Mon Calamari, but -- well, never say never, she thought dryly. Hands on trim waist, she leaned forward.


Clearly, my opinion upon the matter messed with the Taskmaster. I had been warned of his... attitude in the past before being assigned with this battlegroup. However, this intention would not phase me. There was a mere moment of silence before the answer in agreement. Yet, there was movement from the individual after we had landed. Commanding breathmasks to be put on. The individual wanted to be in charge. It was self evident. My actions of requesting such was likely the account for the almost... sour tone the individual took in voicing the agreement. A roll of the eyes for ego, and moving on was all I could do.

Reaching to my sash-belt, The full facemask to protect the eyes, as well as have a sealed environment around my face was placed. the quick hiss of a vacuum to clear the air before the filtration system kicked in. The Troops required exited the vessel as we did. While weapons were not drawn, I was prepared for it. Holding it ready.

What became a unique surprise, was the shifting of command to me. A puzzled look upon my face was directed at him. Either this was a test of my skill, to see if I really was up to the tasks of being a Maw Warrior, or and I really hoped not, if shit were to go south, it would fall upon my head instead of this Taskmaster. I didn't have much time to respond to him when another individual, one clearly from the Church of the Maw showed up. Garbed in black and reeked of the Dark Force.

An introduction to the Taskmaster, former acquaintances? I didn't care at the moment. Instead preferring to move forward while they could jibber-jabber. I wanted this mission done. Not a meet and greet.

"If it pleases you Taskmaster, and Sith, I'll lead the Scouting party ahead, and you two can make sure we don't have any stragglers."

Reaching to my side, I withdrew the sword I carried. Shorter in length, perfect for close quarters, but also a blade long enough for piercing, or slashing. Holding it in my left hand, aloft to the side with a light grip. Right hand thrown up into the air where a sudden sphere of blue light was formed. with the utterance of a word.


Looking behind me, the troops followed in with the passing of the command to myself. As so bequeathed by the tentacle-face.
The fish marines really did a number on his band of goons. Investing into vices always seemed a far better bargain than investing some effort into training his crew in the art of war. Mandalorian-trained pirates? That'd be a sight to see, alas the art of vice seemed far too enticing. Besides, there was always new candidates of scum lining up for a quick buck on Point Nowhere, and if by any chance the shadowport ran dry? Tatooine had a fathomless ocean of depraved beings to hire.

Securing the main turbo lift reaching the bridge cost the Maiden dozens of its 'worthy' sons and daughters. And with each corpse littering the hall, credits beamed in Scrooge's eyes, and a near-silent "cha-ching" escaped his purple lips. Their lives matter little to his first mate -- Black Ice -- and even less to Lucci who scavenged like a vulture the bodies while they were still warm. Nothing goes to waste, he owed me money, that plasma torch looks newer than mine, those power cells can fit the Maiden's reactor, Bootstrap muttered rummaging through the dead.

Reinforced blast doors sealed shut separated the five pirates from the bridge. "Abe, get these doors open." Rohak ordered as he double-tapped a lying Mon Cal marine.

"Such shame, Master, to give these noble soldiers a quick, painless death. I must once more remind you that I am fluent in over six million forms of torture--"

"Just get the doors open." the Mandalorian murmured.

"Certainly, Master."

"Capt'n, I've received word from the Maiden that a Maw vessel has docked with this frigate." Scrooge reported, hand on his earpiece. Rohak's eyes turned to Black Ice.

"He's here for it." she sourly stated.

"Feth-- Abe, hurry with these doors!" he hissed at the droid. "We take control of this ship and we vent every damn deck of it." take a page from ol' Ali Hadrix.


Objective 2: Secure the Shipyards
Tags: Open
Links: Chosen | Weapons

The boarding pods slammed home, drilling deep into the shipyards above Oriam Mei. A few of the pods never made it, destroyed by anti air fire, or caught in the battery fire of various ships. But enough made it that it didn't matter. They slammed into the shipyards all across their sector, some entering into hangers, others opening up rooms, while others still exited into hallways. After a single moment of calm, the storm was unleashed as the doors opened and marauders and Chosen poured out.

Where station defenders were, brutal combat was engaged immediately. Blaster bolts flew and slugs slammed home, both equally tearing through flesh and metal alike. Others still closed the distance, using various melee weapons to cut into the shipyards defenders. But even then, the marauders didn't target engineers, unless they fought back. They had clear orders to leave them alive, along with any other useful individuals that could be turned into slaves for the Maw.

Zachariel's own pod opened into a hallway, and when he and his Chosen stepped out, they were greeted with nothing. Standing in this long, empty hallway, Zachariel looked around before expanding his senses. Aside from taking engineers and the like capitive, the Bloodsworn were also going to take over important parts of this shipyard, so that it couldn't be destroyed out of spite. Turning left, he marched forward, deeper into the complex. Weapons at his side, he followed his senses to where he felt the ebb and flow of battle be controlled. There he would find the control center, there he would slaughter its defenders and leave this shipyard open to capture.

Turning a corner, he looked further down the hall towards a security rushing towards them. Grinning beneath his helm, he let out a bellow as he leaped into their midst, weapons flashing.
"For the Dark Three!"



"Plague..." Dal swore as he felt the collapse of an anguished mind, its load bearing stones so weighted with the crushing gravity of paralyzing fear that this extra tonnage of despair, forced upon it by Moskh, proved more than the mind could bear.

A wordless scream as the Calamari, unable to mobilize force against the oppression without, chose to collapse everything within. Better a nothingness than this nightmare. Better absence than anguish. Better not to be than to be so shattered.

Grabbing a utility knife from his belt, the Calamari stabbed himself in the neck. Once. Twice. Three times. Again and again and again, until the blood finally came out in a gushing tide that rolled out as the sobbing, screaming Calamari sank to the deck. Lifeless eyes stared up at Dal. Dal stared back.

Did the Calamari find peace in the void?

Can I?

Dal rubbed his nose and sniffed, then looked away from the savage sight of self-destruction, a physical manifestation of the mental chasm into which he tossed this episode of pointless violence to focus on other things to numb the pain of existence... Red eyes flicked to Nyx, lingering for a moment as an old familiar pang stung through him, then they fastened on Moksh.

"Drool on my boots. Ha. Hardly what I sound like, Moksh."

Cambyses Cambyses | Artas Tel Alam | Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam | Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam | Venyxa Tel Alam


Dal's eyes would lock into Moksh's, the Rattataki having already been staring. He blinked.

And then he shrieked, buckling in the middle, falling to the floor and thrashing around. A spot-on recreation of the private hells of the Calamari brought on by Dal's intrusions, Moksh thoroughly convincing of his existential terror, going for that Oscar.

But it wasn't any particular Calamari's voice that was screaming for release. Instead, it was Dal's – that humiliating, higher-pitched version of yourself you hear sometimes when your phone service is weird, or when their microphone's too sensitive. The way you sound to everyone, all the time, of which you're oblivious for the vast majority of your life thanks to the acoustics of your own skull.

Suddenly, he stopped and hopped back to his feet, one organ in one hand, a lightsaber in the other – his face blank, staring at Dal. He sucked at his cheek as if in a private duel with the stubborn remnants of an ill-conceived meal that never existed.

If Artas' gaze passed over the scene, Moksh's posture would shift – standing up straight, sticking his chest out, taking up more space.

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Location: Oriam Ras, Primary Mining Facility
Tags: Garza Garza | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis


As the Taskmaster scuttled out of the shuttle, carefully keeping to the rear of the group, another Mawite craft set down beside the first. A single figure, cloaked in ragged, fluttering darkness, was the only one to emerge from this particular lander. Tu'teggacha knew the figure well, both by sight and by the coldness he radiated in the Force. It was Darth Ptolemis, the Shadow Hand of Mori. This particular Sith's ascent to power had been swift and dramatic in the wake of Solipsis's death, for he was the chosen instrument of the new Dark Voice, and thus a figure of great influence in the Brotherhood.

"My lord," the Ebruchi acknowledged, offering Ptolemis a low bow - though it was somewhat hard to tell, given his hunched frame. "As yet, we have encountered no resistance. The station does not seem to have reacted to our presence at all... or to the hails of the rest of the system's outposts as they collapsed before our might." The implication was clear - something strange was happening here, something well outside the expected order of battle. Tu'teggacha would have liked to give the Sith a more informative rundown of the situation, but that was impossible. He had too little information himself.

The warrior-witch spoke up then, making herself known. "If it pleases you Taskmaster, and Sith, I'll lead the Scouting party ahead, and you two can make sure we don't have any stragglers." It did indeed please the Taskmaster, greatly so, because it meant that Tyra and the troops he had lent her would continue to stand between him and whatever potential danger lurked inside this eerily quiet outpost. "By all means," he replied, bobbling his tentacled head in acknowledgement. With a word the witch conjured light, the blue orb interacting strangely with the yellow warning claxons and casting green shadows over the floor.

It didn't matter if the warriors got far ahead of him now, or foes came from behind.

Ptolemis was beside the Ebruchi, so he was well-protected.

That turned out to be important almost immediately. As Tyra and her warriors approached the hangar doors, the bulkheads suddenly cycled open... and the mystery of where exactly the station's crew had gone was at least partly solved. Out of the doors poured dozens of sentients, all clad in mining station uniforms, rushing forward in a jerky, unnatural sprint. Their faces were contorted, and blood ran freely from their eyes, ears, and noses. Some wheezed or flapped their lips in nonsensical approximations of words. Others just screamed, a cacophony of howling loud enough to wake the dead, a symphony of madness.

They outnumbered the Mawites easily three to one...

... and they were prepared to bite and claw their way through the intruders.

Anything to sate the screaming of the disintegrating neurons in their ravaged brains.
Cambyses Cambyses Captain Love Captain Love Artas Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam Venyxa Tel Alam

Connecting... connecting... connecting...

Alarms continued to blare around the team as the whole entire dubious family met at the junction of halls. The tapestry of personalities was as colorful as any masterful artifact in a museum, except theirs was a hint on the saturated side.

Connection established.

Commencing Protocol LDV 1242.

While the final squelching sounds of life expressed from the gaping mouths of the fish about them, Waterfall Protocol carried its shrill tone throughout the ship. The hammering of locking section doors echoed throughout, adding a crescendo to the caustic screeching solo of Moksh writhing on the floor. In her distant thoughts, Qora could still hear them all, but it was white noise playing on a TV while mommy slaved away in the kitchen preparing a five-course meal for the entire fam.

Just the sort of noise she liked to hear. The thriving love-hate affair of her brothers and sister in arms. Grounding her in the- ohhh what have we heeerreee....

Circuit bridges. At opposite ends of the ship. An ingenius way to keep a hacker out of the primary functions, including putting a stop to the Waterfall Protocol.

They had five minutes. That seemed like enough time.

"Your attention please..." Qora's digital voice sounded over the intercom, her physical body still stiffly standing at the terminal, engaged into the ship's beating electronic bloodstream, "I am blocked from primary ship functions by three circuit failsafe switches. One is in the bridge. Another in the secondary bridge one level down, and a third in the engine room. Find them ... they should be red and behind a locked safety plate. They must be turned off in tandem or we're all going to find out how we die in Waterfall Protocol."

A brief pause.

"We have four minutes and 43 seconds."
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Objective: 1
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw
Tags: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | OPEN

Soon, the bloodshed began as various tribes of the Maw brought death to Oriam Mei. The Despoiler touched down on the outskirts of a coastal city along with a couple other craft under the Mawsworn banner. Barely a legion, but still enough to attack and do damage. The dark armored visage of Thaurond departed with his tribe of soldiers. His brothers-in-arms, as he viewed them. He had trained them or fought by their side in prior engagements. Each was dressed in menacing armor of their own making, yet were all unified with one image emblazoned on each: a great, draconic eye wreathed in fire. The personal emblem of Thaurond. The Kalzerian turned to his men, flaming visor staring intently as he did.

"My Mawsworn!" His vox boomed with a snarl, "Once more we find ourselves on the field of war! And again, we prepare ourselves to fight for the glory of the Maw! Some of you will not survive this battle..."

The soldiers of the Mawsworn listened as their leader spoke. The were arming themselves, and teeth gnashing. They were like viscous hounds that once trod the battlefields of old, ready to gore the enemy and eat of their carrion. Thaurond knew that he trained them well as warriors.

"Yet, if the Force wills this day as your death, die gloriously in battle!" He declared, removing his lightsaber from his belt, "Bring death to the surface as our kin bloody the waters! Show these cretins what true horror is!"

He ignited his blade, a burning orange expulsion shaped like an ancient vibrosword. Many of his tribe reciprocated, igniting their own lightsabers or raising their weapons. The Black Hand lead them into a fearsome march to the village. Very soon, those offshore would begin to hear the screams of the victims and howls of the warriors as Thaurond's tribe brought mayhem to the city.


Artas Tel Alam



Water sloshed in from vents Artas had assumed were for air. They were going to flood the ship. There could be no greater moral failing conceivable to Artas. To drown or vent your opponent without looking them in the eye - that was the height of cowardice.

If his socks got wet he would kill every last one of these fuckers.

Moksh was screaming at Dal-pitch. Artas suspected was less about the flood protocol and more about Moksh's personality being derived from leftover mental illnesses he had picked out of a landfill somewhere. Artas watched him and frowned when Moksh straightened to match his gait. He looked away and listened when Qora relayed their mission over the intercom.

"Figure out who's going to the engines," Artas intoned, "I'm going to the other bridge."

He was not about to sit here and debate who to send where. They were Sith. These were fish people. Weak and mundane. Plans were unnecessary. Tactics a waste. If everybody wanted to huddle up for counsel before taking action, they could all put on Jedi robes and start talking about their feelings while they were at it.

Artas was already impatiently trudging away through the water. Ankle deep. Crystal clear. Sparkling, shimmering, splendid, perfectly recycled. Such a waste, and it wouldn't even work.

Blast doors parted at his approach as if to flee. Thanks, Qora.

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Equipment in bio.
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Garza Garza | Open.


The enigmatic Sith stood now in the circle of Tu'teggacha and the woman in warpaint. First, Ptolemis observed the woman, his red mask barely moving as he eyed her eerily, top to bottom; but as the Ebruchi began to speak, his gaze slowly tore off from her and transferred over to the viscous features of the Taskmaster. Ptolemis listened, as always, without interrupting.
"My lord," the Ebruchi acknowledged, offering Ptolemis a low bow - though it was somewhat hard to tell, given his hunched frame. "As yet, we have encountered no resistance. The station does not seem to have reacted to our presence at all... or to the hails of the rest of the system's outposts as they collapsed before our might."

The Blasphemer nodded in response to the respectful bow. In truth, he never wished for idolization, reverence or emphasized expressions of respect like many a Sith, but he came to learn his new position in the shadowy New Sith Order meant that he was now significantly closer to the fire that was the Brotherhood leadership. The Order wielded fear and respect like any other weapon, and thus the organization's reputation now imprinted its marks upon him as well; he had to accept. Not that Tu'teggacha idolized Ptolemis... No. The Ebruchi was far more cunning than to fully place faith in him, or anyone but himself. Ptolemis knew his own power and for him it was its own reward; violent and pure. It alone epitomized both the beginning and end of his ambitions. Next, the witch spoke, assuming responsibility of the troops.
"If it pleases you Taskmaster, and Sith, I'll lead the Scouting party ahead, and you two can make sure we don't have any stragglers."

Drawing sword and weaving incandescence, she headed off, the Taskmaster's space-raiders amassing behind her. – There are living beings here. Waiting. – The cryptic observation is all the Sith could offer in return as the bulkheads around the hangar suddenly screeched wide and crazed miners with bloodied orifices collapsed out of the newly formed openings. Some even poured out from vents in the ceiling, falling one by one to the floor only to suffer open fractures and still crawl toward Tyra and her warriors, the Taskmaster and the Shadow Hand. The slew of lunatic, demented workers that were able to stand charged at them, knocking over crates, falling over railings, plowing through glass panels with brutal, murderous intent glistening in their blood-shot eyes, wielding whatever they could grasp.

Darth Ptolemis takes a step away from the Taskmaster, and turns toward the closest row of incoming attackers, but instead of drawing his saber, he draws upon something far, far more destructive. He stands completely still. With each passing moment, they get closer. Dangerously close. Yet in the next moment, his eyes flash a bright orange, and following a deep sonic boom, all through his cone of vision a devastating wave of atomizing hatred bores a wide tunnel through the influx of frenzied workers. Their moist pockets of remains plop on the floor unceremoniously. The Force power comes and goes in a matter of a single second.

But right as the flaming orange fury behind his mask dies down, with many more of the maniacs still running at them, his gaze snaps to the great blastdoor that leads further into the station. It slams open and reveals a large, quadrupedal loading droid with white, glowing eyes. Barely fitting through the gate, each step it takes toward the group of Tyra's marauders shakes the ground beneath them.



Mines Of Madness

Scar Hounds/New Sith Order

Location: Oriam Ras, Primary Mining Facility
Objective: Investigate
Equipment: Dread Blade, Basic Blaster, Basic Armour
Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Garza Garza


Runt and his warband had been sent ahead to scout the mines earlier, and had been supposed to report to Tu'teggacha and Ptolemis when they arrived. Sent early by the machinations of Runt's new master, Maestus Maestus , though none knew of that. Perhaps to discover what lay in these depths before the others, or to test Runt.

However, their ambition and rush to be the first had caused... problems. Namely, the insane, half-dead horde of miners driven into a frenzy that now surrounded Runt's small force in the bowels of the mining station.

"Get off!" Runt yelled, pushing yet another miner off him with his Blade, slicing the miner's belly open. The rest of the warband were shouting back and forth, trying to coordinate a retreat through the pitch-black that had descended on them when the emergency lights went out. The muzzle flash of guns and the dull glow of Dread Blades were the only illumination left, and Runt got to his feet, trying to re-orient himself.

He instinctually opened himself to the Force, and grasped at it in his mind, willing it to direct him. A strong pull to hs left, and he spotted the edges of the corridor they had come from illuminated by the gunfire of one of the warriors.

"Back this way!" he yelled, slicing through the miners in his way. The warriors could make out Runt's direction by the movement of his blade and followed suit. For their part, the Scar Hounds were surprisingly disciplined. No one dropped their gun to run away, no one shot another to get ahead. They all knew they would live or die as one here. Runt could not claim credit for it, but he did appreciate that no one tried to shoot him in the back even as he sliced through the skull of two miners.

The warband trundeled back, the hallways now slightly better illuminated by marker lights they had set on the corridors earlier. They came to a junction.

"Hang right!" Runt instinctively yelled from the back of the column, feeling the Force press into him again. Maestus' lesson had not gone unremembered.

Which was a good thing, as the warband barreled into an almost solid wall of crazed creatures that took up the corridor. They were mad with hunger and rage, their bodies piled up and pressed together in a compact wall of flesh, bones breaking under the sheer weight of the group, and still on the wall seemed to inch forward towards the warband, forcing them back into the running horde of miners.

"We're cut off!" one of the Hounds shouted.

Runt charged to the front of the group, his blade attempting to cut through the mass of miners.

"Keep the runners at the back away! I'll make a way through!"

But it was no use. The blade was not a lightsaber; even if it were, the density of twisted bodies was too much to cut through without receiving bites and strikes from the arms reaching out from the grasping wall. Runt chanced a glance back and saw the other path out of the junction had collapsed somehow. In sheer desperation, Runt turned back to the wall and hacked away at it. He could feel the Dread Blade almost blunt from the repeated strikes.

But it was not enough. Indignant panic filled Runt.

I won't die here. I can't die here. You won't make me die here!

An arm grabbed his blade arm and Runt reacted, feeling again the Force surge through his limbs, and he grabbed hold of it, twisting and willing it forward.

His other hand swung forward at the wall and a blast of air smashed into the wall. A hole appeared in the mass of flesh, some of its component bodies flung back by the impact of the Force Push. Feeling hope, Runt wrenched away and did it again, channeling another Force Push, and another, the compressive force shattering and breaking bones, organs and meat as the monstrous press of flesh was flung apart by the Force. The constituent cultists were completely shattered by the press of bodies and the Pushes, their discarded bodies and limbs twisted and discarded like refuse, bent at unholy geometries.

"We're through!" the Hounds rushed after Runt, firing backward at the miners still chasing them. After a few minutes of running combat that felt like hours, the warband made it to the last blast door before the shuttle hangar. But blocking the hallway leading to the blast door was a gigantic droid. Its sensors rotated rearwards to the warband. Makeshift guns fired before the Hounds could react, gunning down several of the Hounds and some of the miners that had come to close into the arc of fire.

Runt and the Hounds found what cover they could, but they could only hope the droid would leave or find another way out. None of their weapons would be able to directly harm it, especially in the tight confines.

"We need to take out its guns! They're not shielded!"

"How? We can't pick 'em off accurately under these conditions!" One of the others cried out, covering the rear of the Hounds by shooting at the miners that still came down the hallway they had come through, albeit now in smaller numbers.

"Who had the ion blaster?"

"Me, but we've only got a few shots left."

"Make it count, we'll cover you!" Runt ordered, and the Hounds peeked over their makeshift cover and firing. Two more went down as the Hounds with the broken ion rifle aimed and fired, taking out the blasters welded onto the machine.

Runt was about to order they double back and lose the droid in the tunnels before escaping, when a sudden shockwave in the Force rippled through him.

Darth Ptolemis takes a step away from the Taskmaster, and turns toward the closest row of incoming attackers, but instead of drawing his saber, he draws upon something far, far more destructive. He stands completely still. With each passing moment, they get closer. Dangerously close. Yet in the next moment, his eyes flash a bright orange, and following a deep sonic boom, all through his cone of vision a devastating wave of atomizing hatred bores a wide tunnel through the influx of frenzied workers. Their moist pockets of remains plop on the floor unceremoniously. The Force power comes and goes in a matter of a single second.

The surge in the Force stunned Runt and he fell over from cover, having to be dragged back into cover by one of his men. The pure, raw power had been felt by all here, but Runt was completely shaken by it. He could feel the psychic after-effects of a true Sith, the wake of his power imprinting into his mind. Runt moaned in pain, trying to force his mind to re-pattern back into itself, overriding the primal roar of Ptolemis that lingered.

When Runt re-oriented his mind, recovering from the shock, he looked back in the direction they had come from: the miners that had been chasing them were dead.

"Where are the runners?"

"None left here," one of the Hounds replied from her place behind a stack of boxes.

Well, that's one less threat...

But right as the flaming orange fury behind his mask dies down, with many more of the maniacs still running at them, his gaze snaps to the great blastdoor that leads further into the station. It slams open and reveals a large, quadrupedal loading droid with white, glowing eyes. Barely fitting through the gate, each step it takes toward the group of Tyra's marauders shakes the ground beneath them.
With the Hounds forced into cover and hiding, the droid turned back to the blast door, remotely opening it and stepping through. Runt ordered the remnants of his warband to stay low and tail the droid at a distance. As they reached the blast door, they could see the hangar, crawling with miners attacking other Mawites.

"Take out the droid for real this time! Keep it distracted while the others in the hangar lay on the heavy firepower! You two with the chain-blades, follow me!" The warband fanned out behind the droid, taking cover behind the cargo boxes in the hangar and opening fire. Meanwhile, Runt and two of the Hounds charged ahead past the droid and into the fray of miners, trying to cut their way through to the surrounded Sith.


Moksh looked down at his hand at the unknown Calamari organ dripping its similarly unknown fluids onto the ground, then back to the others – taking in one last appraisal of their appraisal.

They had not seen it. They did not care.

Iren had his experiments. Dal had his abuse. Venyxa, her lies. Artas – muscles. Qora, her iLife, 360-degree, surround sound persona, coursing through the veins of the Internet of Things.

Moksh thought that maybe this was a thing, but apparently, it was no thing, at all. He dropped it against the hull. Whether or not it made a plop did not really matter, because it was already gone.

...Hardly what I sound like..

He severed his stare from the group with what felt like an audible pop, disengaging to pursue the subtle language of the ship's design, telling him where to go.

Precedent as to his general competence would cue the others that he was most likely headed to the engine room, per Artas' suggestion.

He disappeared from view to the sound of a heavy door swinging open and the clink of armored boots against ladder rungs.

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Captain Love Captain Love | Artas Tel Alam | Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam | Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam | Venyxa Tel Alam

There was a reason why Iren was so uncharacteristically silent while the others went through a cycle of development.

He was developing his own little thing in the background.

As Moksh and Del play acted, Qora hacked, Artas brooded and Venyxa schemed, Iren was anything but helpful. Instead he had crouched down next to one of the live Mon Calamari and was busy inspecting the 'goods' so to speak. "Ah, four gills on each side." He muttered to himself, pushing the unconscious head to the side and checked the breathing holes for good measure. "Perfect for breathing in cool water, but perhaps..." He poked into the gills with his finger tips and explored it through the Force. "Mm, yes, not comfortable, encouragement to stay in the air. Interesting for a fish..."

"We have four minutes and 43 seconds."

That got his attention.

He looked over his shoulder and realized that both Moksh and Artas were already gone.

"Four minutes? That's nowhere near enough time to graft a set of gills onto all of you..." Which meant that his particular set of skills were less than useful here. "Sister, please make sure that these Mon Calamari don't kill themselves while I am gone? I really do need them alive." He sighed and rose up while addressing Qora.

She was really the only one you could count on being responsible when it came to it.

"I will go to the engine rooms. Make sure Moksh doesn't hurt himself." He considered going after Artas, but if if he had to listen to one more speech on the merits of Honor, he'd probably detach his ears and replace them with something else. "If anyone wants to accompany us, feel free." Then he saluted the remaining siblings and whistled for the crab-hyena to follow him.

It didn't take much to follow Moksh, mostly because that man left a mess if there ever was any.

Scattered limbs, some catatonic fish.

The usual.

"Moksh, buddy, hope you doing okay there." As he plopped down the ladder chute and ended up on the same floor as his brother. The younger sibling had always been a touch eccentric. But that didn't mean Iren didn't care about him. It just meant he didn't think to offer him any organic grafting services on the weekend.

His head was instable enough as it was without a secondary brain attached to him.

Venyxa Tel Alam

"I," Venyxa declared loftily, as if there were any other choice in the matter, "will find the switch in the bridge. And here I was hoping not to have to use this, but -- bridge is likely as not to have defenses..." This last regrettable observation was made as she drew her lightsaber from its spot hanging at her thigh.

She gave one last look over her shoulder at the retreating figures of her brethren and then turned her attention to Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam . "Will you be all right here, by yourself?" Nyx asked solicitously. She wanted to put a hand on Qora's shoulder, but she gathered the gesture would be lost on her, so she merely stood close.

With everything settled, the young Sith set about scouring the bridge for the safety switch. "Safety switch," she muttered to herself. "Safety switch. Safety switch. I don't read -- fucking fishtalk or whatever this is," Nyx said irritably, squinting at the labels as if it would turn it into Basic. After a moment, she used her lightsaber to burn through the bolts holding the plate together and peeled the plate off. Not a switch, but a button...

Her eyes cut left.

Her eyes cut right.

She pushed the button.

A pair of turrets popped out of the ceiling, already whirling up as they searched for targets. The blasterfire followed, peppering Nyx's position with bolts. Her blue blade flashed to light, batting them away with some effort. No doubt Iren would have been more graceful, or even Dal, but it was Nyx getting the lasers just now. She deflected., but with both turrets rapidly firing at once, she couldn't calculate how to deflect back and was concentrating on keeping herself alive.


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