Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Last Refuge - BotM Dominion of Oriam Mei


A shiver ran through Shahad'al'vumic as Moksh shrieked in his voice. It is one thing to hear the screams of a stranger. It is another to hear the shrieking of your own wretched voice, as a mute onlooker, detached from the body. The chill prickled along his spine, the claw-fingered phantom caress of fear.

His breath came faster, heartbeat quickening. He jammed a hand inside a pocket, fishing around for a vial until he found it. Dal pulled out the vial of spice, popped the cork, and poured the glittering narcotic out on the back of the gloved hand holding his lightsaber. He plugged one nostril and inhaled with the other. Spice scoured through his nose and up into his brain, the effects almost instant. Focus, clarity, and bright, shiny optimism flooded away the fear. Thoughts came and went with alacrity as Dal processed a world of emotion in a heartbeat.

"I'm going with Artas," he said. Confidence and charm.

Jogging after the red warrior, he caught up to him and they both continued sloshing their way to the bridge. They ran in silence. Nothing needed to be said between them. They had been fighting together side by side since they were children. Artas, despite being a muscle-bound meathead, knew him better than anyone else.

Except maybe one...

Together, they easily carved through the squid people who stood against them, batting away blaster bolts, crushing tracheas, and shattering minds until a trail of floating corpses littered their wake.

Dal found it all too easy. Which, of course, was when the ease ended.

"SITH!" boomed a garbled voice.

A figure emerged at the opposite end of the corridor, stepping through the ankle-deep water with ease. Tentacles sprouted from his orange-red face and a clawed mouth opened and closed in what Dal suspected might be a smile. The Quarren, for that was what he was, twirled some sort of stick in his hands and as he twirled it the stick unfolded, snapping out into a full-length polearm with a shimmering blade at the end.

"You Mawite scum are genocidal terrorists. The Matukai will stand by no longer. This ends here."

With that the Matukai came at them, twirling his polearm freakishly fast.

Dal grimaced. "We don't have time for this. Artas?"

Cambyses Cambyses | Artas Tel Alam | Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam | Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam | Venyxa Tel Alam
Artas Tel Alam Captain Love Captain Love Cambyses Cambyses Venyxa Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam

Artas and Dal to the secondary bridge. Iren and Moksh to the engine room. Venyxa with her.

Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

"I will be fine," Qora's electronic voice assured Nyx over the intercom, "the priority is the switch."

Maintaining a watchful eye on the three moving groups was not the issue. The issue remain in holding the ship's quickly unraveling security protocol together. Blast doors continued to shutter and lock, requiring manual overrides to leave the way open for the teams. Then there was the ever persistent issue of rising floodwaters throughout the ship. It would hinder their movement and their ability to fight off opponents. But more importantly, it would slow their progress to the switches.

"Four minutes until Waterfall Protocol," she chimed through the ship, releasing the locks on the blast doors for Moksh and Iren as they set foot into the central hall that would take them along the length of the cruiser to their destination.

Her attention shifted shortly to monitor Artas and Dal, an expletive bleep sounding from a nearby module as the Matukai appeared in their path. She was just about to shutter him from his quarry and provide them with an alternate route when the security turrets suddenly whirred to life in the bridge. As luck would have it, Qora's lower body temperature and digital reading did not register as a targettable intruder, so their aim fixed on the purple woman as she danced about. Unfortunately, still locked out of the Bridge security controls, there was nothing she could do but hope she wouldn't get caught in crossfire.

Back in the hallway with Dal and Artas, she perceived the threat of the Matukai and bristled at its words.

"You Mawite scum are genocidal terrorists."

A resounding surge of electronic buzz sounded over the intercom - could have just been static from the breakdown of the ship -

"The Matukai will stand by no longer."

An overhead light surged and burst into a shower of sparks.

"This ends he-" Qora slammed the blast door shut on the Matukai. His body gave a sickening squelch.

The blast door to Artas' right swished open.

"How rude. This way."
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Artas Tel Alam



Slam, squelch. And that was the end of the Matukai. Thanks, Qora, but sarcastically this time. A chance for distinction had been lost to the rising tide of expediency. Artas Tel Alam clenched fist and jaw said nothing, stalking away through the door Qora had opened and the rising waters, now up to his calves.

Rage palpitated off of him, detectable through the Force. Socks compromised.

They encountered a few other marines and miscellaneous security personnel, who were subsequently dispatched with a level of mundane violence that did not merit description. And then there were the doors to the secondary bridge: sealed, of course. They had to spend sweet time gouging the thing with his lightsaber before an emergency disengage kicked in and the doors peeled.

Most of the crew had fled to escape pods so that they could meet death elsewhere. Only some nautolan vice-captain-or-whatever had remained, boldly firing a blaster pistol at Artas as he came through the door. He should have stood further back, or maybe he was as impatient to die as Artas was to kill him.

Artas closed the distance in a few strides and socked him directly in the face. Lightsaber was too good for him. Too quick. He felt bone fracture, the cartilage of the nautolan's nose shift painfully out of alignment. Soon to be the least of his problems. The officer yelped, flailed, lost hold of his sidearm. And by then Artas had him by the neck, wringing the life out of him.

Artas held firm amidst desperate thrashing. His hands glowed with a faint red tint as he took what little of worth the nautolan possessed and made it his own.

"Go flip the switch, Dal."



"Got it," Dal said working his way through the water toward a control panel as Artas squeezed the life out of the Nautolan vice-commander. "Their Basic is still giving me trouble, but I think... " Scanning the console, Dal managed to locate the switch. He held a hand out over it.

"Qora, standing by to deactivate the secondary-bridge, let us know when the others are in place."

He let his hand hover over the switch as he looked back at Artas. He did not have to sense the pureblood's emotions in the Force to know that rage leaked off him like heat from a caldera.

"There will be others, Artas. You saw the same records I did. This galaxy is full of orders who hunt Sith. Besides, if he had been worthy, Qora would not have killed him so easily." Dal smirked and gave the bigger Sith a wink.

Cambyses Cambyses | Artas Tel Alam | Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam | Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam | Venyxa Tel Alam


Time was limited, so combat had to be, too – but a mess?

Perhaps it was not Moksh's cleanest work, sure – He left warriors half-dead, like the Calamari with the seared hole in his head, collapsed against the hallway wall, gasping dumbly at the air like a goldfish left out of its tank, its big eyes searching Iren as he passed without intention or understanding – brain and body still functioning while never functioning again.

Or his nearby compatriot, muttering in shock about, "Why won't you shoot? Damn you…," as he levels his pistol in Moksh's direction from the ground, oblivious to the face that the only thing he was actually doing was pushing a dead hand with cauterized stump of his wrist; that he had already left his legs two feet behind him.

They were already incapacitated, and time, again, was of the essence – Why waste an additional stroke to kill them?

Contrary to perhaps popular belief, Violence was not fun for Moksh. It wasn't an art form, or a fetish, or his zen.

The break of static as a communicator sounded. The de-limbed Calamari's voice but coming from Moksh's mouth, "Target neutralized. You all are going to want to see this." The sound the boots of maneuvering forces was almost immediate.

It wasn't something he took pride in because he was good at, or a therapy by which he gave his darkness a release.

Moksh gave his lightsaber an underhanded lob as he exited onto the main thoroughfare of the Engineering deck, letting the deactivated hilt tumble through the air oh-so-slowly, guided by his Force Telekinesis, until it hung upside-down, the bright red blade extended with the trademark snap-hiss.

Like the Tazmanian Devil was the whirlwind, Moksh was Violence.

Of the five approaching soldiers, two of them actually whimpered as they saw him, literally trying to fall back onto their momentum to stop their advance. The blade was already coming, drawing across the group in crescent arc. With his left hand, already stained their blood, he gestured them all forward – a Force Wave drawing them into his saber's trajectory, bisecting them all at varying angles as they fell in one clean swipe.

Without it, there was nothing. Just a babbling weirdo that nobody seemed to understand.

The fingers on his left hand made a motion like a gunslinger twirling a revolver, using the Force to reel his lightsaber into its grip.

Iren spoke.

Moksh's head turned down the corridor from whence he came, searching for Iren's eyes within it. "Did you come to check-up on me, darling?" Again, with that unusual inflection on the second syllable.

Movement. Or the suggestion of it. Moksh's eyes fixated on a stack of Engineering paraphernalia, likely being used as cover and concealment for a coward. He advanced, lightsaber held out to the side, but not before letting out a whistle.

Iren's whistle.

The sithspawn came bounding out, leaping onto the crates and diving upon the calamari soldier ducked behind. He screamed and fell to the ground, trying to fight off that beast that maimed with claws and collected chunks of him in its jaws.

Moksh let his blade fall, dragging along the hull in a trail of sparks as he encroached upon and passed the carnage –

"Did you see beauty in all its splendor?"

-- and through the head of the pinned down coleoid, sizzling its jellied biology as it passed through his brain.

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Venyxa Tel Alam

Internal chronometer ticking down, the amethyst Sithling could feel their time slip, slip, slipping away like sands through an hourglass or like water through a kinked hose. She threw herself down behind a control panel and the turrets continued firing a moment before recognizing that they had lost their prey and were damaging the ship's infrastructure. So much for a nice, clean ship. Venyxa reached out in the Force, finding it illusive and slippery as always. She needed it, desperately needed it, and sometimes that helped --

With some difficulty, she wrenched the near turret from its casing. This didn't disable it, exactly, but it was no longer able to track her. The far turret was still tracking; she could hear its quiet whirs and whizzes as its sensor bulb circulated, looking for any tell-tale sign of her. She took her lightsaber, weighed it in one hand, then hurled it sidelong across the room. The sensor clicked as the machine tried to reconcile the sound and motion it had detected. Venyxa unstrapped her blaster pistol and flicked the safety off before leaning around the bank of computers and aiming three, four, five, six shots at the turret before it could sense what had gone wrong.

It wasn't fully defeated, but the metal had melted, rendering its tracking mechanism inoperative. Venyxa reached out in the Force, calling her lightsaber back to her. Either she could not bend the Force to her whim or her lightsaber wasn't listening; in any event the thing did not come flying back to her hands. Life, as it turned out, wasn't like the holos.

Venyxa kept her blaster in one hand and, spotting the emergency switch in the podium beyond the turrets, hurried to it. She used the butt of her blaster pistol to shatter the glass, then activated her communicator. "I'm at the switch," she informed the others. "Is this a three-two-one thing? Or a one-two-three thing? Is there a go? Or do we just go on one? Or three?" She tapped the sound uptake. "Is this thing on?"

Captain Love Captain Love | Artas Tel Alam | Qora Tel Alam Qora Tel Alam | Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam | Venyxa Tel Alam

"Well, what can I say, buddy." He murmured as he looked around the gore and damage Moksh had done. It really felt like Iren wasn't pulling his weight so much. Had he even used his lightstaff once today? Oh, right, to deflect a few blaster bolts. Had he use it to kill anyone though? Pretty sure that was a negative.

"I worry sometimes."

Iren crouched down among the gore and poked at a decapitated Mon Calamari still slightly twitching.

"Hm. Decompartmentalized nervous system. Still semi-functional depending on where you cut the brain. How fascinating." Well, it depended on what you mean with 'functional'. They couldn't do anything but twitch until the last vestiges of blood and oxygen was entirely gone from their system, but it was still fascinating.

The whistle got his attention though.

He watched nonplussed as the crab-hyena immediately leapt and did his brother's bidding without hesitation. It ought to have made him proud. The way it obeyed to what it believed was his voice.

"You know..." His hand raised up. " really ought to ask before you borrow my toys." And then he snapped his fingers together. The crab-hyena howled out once in pain as its head was crushed by an unforeseen force. Squealing and whining as it struggled against an enemy it couldn't fight. Then it dropped to its side and was silenced forever.

"Some beauty is overrated. Anyway, the engine room is over here, so let's find that damn lever and get this over with."

Without waiting on Moksh, he pushed through the door as he dusted his hands off. They felt dirty. He could still hear the squealing... but that would pass relatively soon.

It wasn't the first time Iren had to put down a wayward pet.

It wouldn't be the last either.

"We got the lever here," As the Sith stepped towards the left wall, among the wires and other crap. "Yes, this thing is on." Informing Venyxa dryly as he glanced over his shoulder to see if Moksh had followed along. "I'd say one, two, three and then go. But maybe 'mark' is better than go. Sounds a bit more professional. What do you guys think?"

His mood was already improving.
Cambyses Cambyses Captain Love Captain Love Artas Tel Alam Venyxa Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam

"Three minutes to Waterfall Protocol."

"Qora, standing by to deactivate the secondary-bridge, let us know when the others are in place."


Nyx was still choreographing her greatest dance routine yet in the bridge and Qora only wished she could actually witness what was going on. She was so very certain that it was a work of art, as the violet Tel Alam was a creature of beauty, style, and grace.

"I'm at the switch. Is this a three-two-one thing? Or a one-two-three thing? Is there a go? Or do we just go on one? Or three?"

"Is this thing on?"

The water in the ship was now inching closer to knee height. Qora's rigid figure remained unmoving before the command console, electric eyes unblinking as the lenses shifted and spun through internal processes. The black casing of nanites that formed the shell of her lightly armored bodice, however, had a rather negative opinion about this whole ... water thing. It consciously peeled itself away as the level continued to rise, leaving her feet and lower leg now under the surface in the body suit she wore beneath.

"Two minutes to Waterfall Protocol."

"We got the lever here,"

"Yes, this thing is on. I'd say one, two, three and then go. But maybe 'mark' is better than go. Sounds a bit more professional. What do you guys think?"

This would be a much more enjoyable moment if it wasn't for, you know, the whole imminent doom thing lingering in the background. Qora inwardly beamed at the effort of the team. She was going to make them a veritable feast to celebrate tonight when they got back.

"Standby teams to flip the switches count down on my mark."





The ship gave a shudder in response.

"Command Circuit Failsafe disengaged. Assuming control."

The lights along the ship blinkered off and then back on in succession.

The alarms went silent. The water slowed to a trickling stop. Drains within each level slowly began to empty the rivers back into the system.

"The ship is ours," Qora announced brightly, "Huzzah."

As the phrase goes, You are seconds away from seeing hell.

Steps, taken forward after the illuminating light cast upon the walls, opened up the place to howls, screams of pain, terror, and almost.... glee. Contorted beings that resembled those who were taken by the Nether, charged forth against us. All I could think, was of the Sith's single sentence towards myself and the Taskmaster.

Sure, they were alive, but it didn't seem like they were in control.

I took no time brining the sword out and ready, charging forward while my left hand reached to the sash once more to pull out the Ax. As soon as the first one came within arms reach, the ax-head came down with force. Cleaving through the neck and across. The sword acting more akin to its own, stabbed to a second individual. Once more, aiming for the neck. Feeling a stoppage before a break. Indicating the blade had hit bone, but just barely slipped between vertebrae to sever the spinal stem. I altered myself. The force flowing through me just enough to give me the speed necessary to yank the blade free, before being swarmed by another runner. The ax-beard used as a clamping tool. Pulling the arms away from my direction to the right, while the blade came from the left. Slicing hard into the mouth of the once near-human. I had missed the neck with it's lunge at me.

The turned-being bit at the blade to no effect. Yet, suddenly, it was ignited in a blue flame that scorched hotter than the fires of Netherworld. Traveling along his frame. Screams of pain were uttered as it fell to the ground writhing. The axhead already finding a home into another.

A sudden burst of energy erupted from behind. I could feel it before I could see the destruction it caused. Bodies turning to ash, and breaking apart as if from their very soul were now destroyed. It took out a number of them, however, there came a droid. Quadruped, with Maw fighters attempting to surround it. A smirk came across my face. I didn't learn how to fight creatures many times my size for nothing. I was not in hunting parties for my clan because I was weak. Nor did I become their Witcher for my lack of the Force.

Throwing my weapons into the belt, My hands came up. The signs and shapes they went through, showed sigils in the air before the very rocks they were mining, had come up from the ground, piercing through the metal floors, and anchoring the droid where it stood. prohibiting any forward movement.

"Mawite! Strike as one!"

Roaring out a command against the Machination, More sigils were thrown into the air before the nearby lights of the facility dimmed greatly. All gathering into one location in the ceiling before a surge of electricity bolted to the Guardian Droid. bright enough to illuminate the surrounding area. Showing me that Mawite fighters already passing it in an attempt to prevent further turned-beings from attacking behind it.

Even as we attempted to take it down, There was seemingly no end to the turned. What sent my blood to chill, was a roar. One not of a scream, or that of a creature, but one that pierced into my mind. This was no turning from some plague. This was not just people going rogue.

This was something.... more.

Location: Oriam Ras, Primary Mining Facility
Tags: Garza Garza | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis | The Grunt The Grunt


The Taskmaster's glassy black eyes went wide as the horde of maddened miners surged toward the Mawites. At last he understood what it felt like to receive a charge by the infamous Moon Children, who had terrorized so many battlefields throughout the Unknown Regions and beyond... except that the Moon Children had been designed to be mad, speed-cloned beings whose brains had deliberately been left only half-developed, while these poor wretches had been dragged down to that half-sentient state by the ravages of some unknown environmental contaminant. It was a far more horrific fate.

Oddly, the Ebruchi's first thought was simple disappointment.

The Brotherhood was going to have to bring in external labor to replace the madmen.

Then the horde was upon them, swarming from above and ahead, clambering over each other in their mad rush to inflict violence. They were hardly cohesive, their frenzied, disjointed motions proving that no single will guided them. Some even broke off to fight each other, biting and clawing and slamming one another against the bulkheads. But something about the Brotherhood intruders had drawn them, given them some semblance of focus. Engine vibrations as they'd entered? A rush of fresh atmosphere from the shuttle? The sound of voices in a place that had been left all but silent? Who could say.

There was no time for deliberation anyway. That could come later, if the Mawites survived. Thankfully, they had powerful tools with which to fight back. Ptolemis lashed out first, and without even touching the lightsaber at his belt. Instead a fatal light burst from his eyes, a terrifying flash of power that ruptured contaminated flesh like over-microwaved sausage. Wet, steaming chunks of dead miner rained down over the hangar... and the madmen charged through that rain, frenzied faces painted crimson by the remains of their coworkers. And that was to say nothing of the hulking droid emerging behind them.

The addition of that last opponent might have been the end of them, trapped as they were in such a confined space. Tu'teggacha could not imagine why the towering loadlifter had joined the battle; it was a labor droid, not a military model, though the distinction wouldn't matter much to anyone its colossal arms squashed into paste. Perhaps its pre-programmed loyalty to the contaminated workers prompted it to join them when it saw them attack intruders. It certainly seemed to have had some defensive programming, for as the startled Taskmaster watched, makeshift guns unfolded from its chassis.

Thankfully, as the towering machine stomped into the fray, so too did Mawite reinforcements. Tu'teggacha had not been expecting any other Brotherhood personnel here; they must have entered through the mines, finding a different route than direct entry through the hangars. Regardless, he was glad to see them, for The Grunt The Grunt and his warriors evened the odds a little. Attacking from behind the frenzied miners, they began to hack a path through their ranks, trying to join up with the little ring of warriors around Ptolemis and the Taskmaster. If they could combine forces, they might just survive.

At the same time, Tyra led her warriors by example, cleaving through contaminated flesh with sword and axe and sorcerous blue flame. Seeing the droid tromping into the fray, the witch-warrior used her magic even further, tracing strange patterns with her hands. Glowing runes sliced through the floor like blades at her command, rising up as if from the core of Oriam Ras itself. They formed a sort of cage, or perhaps a series of fetters, and the droid suddenly strained as its forward motion was halted. And then, with a few more runes traced in midair, the flow of power through the mining facility suddenly changed.

Yellow warning klaxons and overhead lights flickered...

... and then concentrated into a great bolt of lightning that struck from above.

The modified labor droid glowed like a tiny sun as an overwhelming electrical charge passed through it, frying its systems and burning out its wiring. It collapsed an instant later, smoke pouring from every opening, its heavy limbs splayed out around it like a squashed insect. All around it, however, the tide of madmen flowed unabated. Despite the piles of dead, the utter carnage that the Mawites had unleashed upon these poor, twisted victims of tainted air, they just kept coming. A thousand personnel had crewed this mining station, and something was drawing them all here, in fits and spurts and little crowds.

Their numbers were beginning to tell. Several Mawite warriors were already down, throats ripped out or heads crushed or holes blown through them by the droid's brief but dramatic hail of blasterfire, and many others nursed a variety of wounds. Each and every open cut filled the Taskmaster with fear, for he still did not know how this madness was spread. Could it infect an open cut, or was it exclusively airborne? And yet despite his fear, he also felt a certain morbid fascination... and a dark enthusiasm. Whatever had caused this here could cause it again. It could cause it in the middle of a battlefield.

"Bring me one alive!" the Ebruchi shouted.

He needed a specimen for study, no matter how many lives it cost.





Equipment in bio.
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Garza Garza The Grunt The Grunt | Open.


The Blasphemer's robe fluttered and flashes of light danced across his reflective mask as ear-splitting cracks of lightning whipped forth again and again from his extended arm and fingertips; he pointed at a group of madmen, and so an electric net formed between the tightly packed group, explosively popping their eyes and ligaments. Next, he gestured as if summoning hell itself, fingers and elbow bent, shocking a row of attackers stiff. From behind, he sensed others closing in, so he spun on his heel and pushed the mindless miners away amid sounds of cracking bones and hurtling equipment.

A full-blown battle was underway, and the present Mawites performed like the seasoned raiders they were. The witch Garza Garza that led the scouting party commanded the elements itself; sprouting boulders to lock the giant droid in place, bringing down piercing lightning through its chassis, while an unexpected vanguard force led by an armored The Grunt The Grunt emerged from the depths of the extended outpost, leading a group of seasoned and infamous scavenger-marauders from the Scar Hounds tribe, cutting a much useful swath through the sudden influx of enemies. Even without a clear-cut commander, everyone in the hangar worked together expertly. The Sith Lord felt the bloodlust tint the souls of each Brotherhood warrior. Yet the miners kept pouring like filth through the gutter.

As Ptolemis continued his symphony of destruction, waving gently in the air yet producing all the more carnage with each electric arc drawn across the air, the practical mind of the Taskmaster rightly recognized that they could not stay and slaughter the attackers endlessly.
"Bring me one alive!" the Ebruchi shouted.

Without a word or second wasted, the Shadow Hand snaps his arm at a specimen and through the power of the Dark Side, drags him violently through the air, toward the extended ramp of Tu'teggacha's own ship. With a muffled thud, the crazed attacker crashes into the cargo compartment. Bind him! I'll keep the way clear. – With frightful urgency in his voice he orders two nearby warriors back to the Taskmaster's ship as he begins walking behind them, repelling any foes that would swarm them.

After each step, the Blasphemer begins feeling more and more signatures trickling up from the depths… Would this mean the loss of this station after all? Or could they hold the line until the end? For now, he focuses on containing the specimen. The Taskmaster is right. Science holds the key here, for the Force remains silent about the origin of this mysterious situation on Oriam Ras.



Mines Of Madness

Scar Hounds/New Sith Order

Location: Oriam Ras, Primary Mining Facility
Objective: Investigate
Equipment: Dread Blade, Basic Blaster, Basic Armour
Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Garza Garza


Yellow warning klaxons and overhead lights flickered...

... and then concentrated into a great bolt of lightning that struck from above.

The modified labor droid glowed like a tiny sun as an overwhelming electrical charge passed through it, frying its systems and burning out its wiring. It collapsed an instant later, smoke pouring from every opening, its heavy limbs splayed out around it like a squashed insect.
Runt's warband took cover from the explosion as the droid exploded, sending flame and debris every which way, striking at the miners. But even so they came on and on, and the group that had been ordered to stay back had to follow Runt into the circle of Mawites.

"Bring me one alive!" the Ebruchi shouted.

Bind him! I'll keep the way clear. –

Runt signalled to his warriors to follow. They aided Ptolemis in fending off the miners, horrific monsters all, and they soon cleared a path for Ptolemis' men to bring one of the miners to the ship.

"My lords, I do not wish to overstep my boundaries, but I believe we may get more answers dissecting these-" Runt stopped for a moment, parrying and then killing a miner that got too close. "-creatures far away from here than trying to cut through this sea of meat!" Runt parried another blow, and this time cut the arms off the attacking miner.

"Hogsbreath, take out its legs!" One of the marauder-aspirants beside Runt reacted quickly and shot the legs out from under the miner. As it fell to the floor, limbless, Runt struck it in the head with his knee. It fell unconscious as it slumped to the ground.

"We got another one, bring it aboard too!" Runt hauled the body up and dodged the clawing arms of the oncoming horde as he made for the transports.

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