@Meta @Whom Imperial Armies May Concern
Ten-Thousand Graug ere quickly cut down to nine and fro nine to eight and so on before the wave of brutes even reached close combat range. Without the proper reinforcements, the Graug were cut down to about five thousand warriors which was but a fraction of their starting strength. Those five thousand warriors, however, now ravaged the jungle and entered combat with what clones Meta had under his command. As the beasts charged, mortar fire rained into their ranks and blew chunks of hide and bone high into the air. Even as the massive army came into range of the clones, the weapons of the Republic tore into them with ease and cut that five thousand down to four.
Now, however, the Graug began to use their barbaric looking weapons against the Republic forces. The brutes swung their blades and cut deep into the armor of their opponents, chopping them into small pieces even after they had fallen. Some Graug even took up the dismembered limbs of fallen clones and held them high into the air in sign of victory. The gunships of the Republic did their best to thin the Graug lines, but the brutes would not stop charging and they soon blanketed the entire area around Meta's forces. Said Jedi Padawan was charging through the Graug lines for the Priests who acted as the generals of the Graug army, they were nimble and much thinner specimens than the average Graug. As Meta charged, the Generals raised large double bladed vibrostaffs and prepared to enter life or death combat with the Jedi.
As the battle of Republic and Graug raged on, beasts of a different kind broke the horizon. Rain pelted their steel hides and their long legs dug their equally large feet into the mud beneath them. Each time the monster lifted a leg a horrible grinding roar shook the jungle and announced the arrival of doom upon the Jedi slime who dared defy the Emperor. The Graug beasts were being beaten back and their fearsome organic artillery was no match for the technologically superior ships of the Republic and so the Emperor's Fist had to come even the odds. The sound of the metallic monsters was followed by the menacing shape of the eight
AT-TT walkers emerging from behind the Hill where the Graug attack had initiated. Scattered far below the massive war machines were squadrons of
AT-FS's. The shook the ground as they marched ever forward, their laser cannons firing off into the forest and taking shots at the Gunships.
As the walkers came over the hill, the rest of the Imperial forces soon followed. Imperial shuttles and gunships flew high overhead, their destination being the Jedi Ruins. On the ground, the most loyal of the Emperor's men marched forward with their blasters aimed to kill the Republicans. Anyone who knew the history of the Sith would recognize the distinct blue stripes that ran down the center of the legions armor, the remnants of the 501st had arrived. Some of the men road on the many
HART tanks that came soaring over the hills while others marched beside
MACAU hover tanks. Krag (as mentioned in his first post) was heading up the first wave of the attack while other Imperials mobilized their forces. The planets own defense force was not even prepared for the Jedi invasion and very little knew of the attack before Krag arrived with his Graug army. Now, however, the Graug had held off the Republic long enough for the Empire's planet side men to mobilize for the killing blow.
The Graug army may be wiped out today, but their deaths would be the cost paid for victory. The Graug continued to to push toward Meta's forces and the Jedi Ruins, their bloodlust and rage still overtaking them. Many of the foolish brutes ran right into the gunfire of their Imperial counterparts, but it mattered little. With the Graug acting as the vanguard for the advancing 501st, very little could stop the Sith warmachine now.
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"You talk as if you have a place in this galaxy, Jedi weakling. All who challenge me will burn in the fires of my hatred, including you and all your Jedi friends. Your every breath insults me and your every move is but a BLIGHT!" with the shouting of his last word, Krag began to breath in deeply whilst using the force to take flames around him deep into his gut. The natural flames, whilst inside Krag's ashy body, were amplified and powered by his own force strength before he exhaled a deep and powerful roar.
The exhale sent a massive cloud of force flames across the battlefield and towards the Jedi Master, the ball of flames being several meters in radius. This, by far, was the most powerful fire based attack Krag had ever unleashed. The fires would turn rocks to charcoal and trees to nothing but sticks of ash in the ground.