The former Dreadguard was a bit caught off guard when a representative of the Black Sun had called, especially with them offering assistance. He drew in a breath, readying to speak as his datapad rang. He gave it a short once over, brow furrowing. "Thanks ner'vod." He mouthed, taking a moment to collect himself before speaking.
It's a pleasure Cypher. All I did was walk out the door, they all followed, and I'm a bit fond for giving the lost a place to be safe." He fought the urge to track the call. Instinct urged his fingers to press the necessary commands, then again, the Sun likely had the call encrypted anyway.
"And your hunch was on the ball. Looks like they uploaded bounties for the Concord, specifically for me." The former Marshal chuckled, completely at ease. "Really not much. Seventy-five big ones for my cohorts. A hundred for me. I don't recall the Confederacy being so poor when we left."
Until the boys in Sigma drained half the military funding. Good lads
"I'll be honest, I'm a bit wary of Black Sun. My people just want their personal freedoms. I only lead in a military engagement. I'll have to pull a vote together, then, perhaps, we could exchange a few merc jobs and do some decent trade."
He paused at Cypher's last remark, and turned to stare at the locker that housed his old Katarn kit. He would have to thank HK later. Likely with an oil bath or...something...droidy.
"We just wander right now. No enemies besides the Confederacy, and our flotilla is rather well armed. Though, if things get a bit heated, it'd be nice to have another bolt hole waiting to receive us. As I said, I have to bring it up with everyone. Democracy and all that: we're really trying."
@[member="HK-36"] @[member="Cypher"]