Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Library


"You can get me to the Malsheem. That's enough for me."

And away from here, considering the only reason the Sith here didn't just immediately arrest him was because of Teresa. Did he trust the Sith lady? No. No he did not. Did he trust Braze, though?

Yes. Yes he did.

"Let's go, then."

Braze Braze | Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Factory Judge


She could hear the latch click and even felt the added weight to her back from braze securing himself. Then as Teresa began to stand, the Valkyrie swept the other the teen into her arms. "Hold tight," she said with amusement. The Blackened Valkyrie began to bend the force to her will the world around her seem a bit slower, to the other two it was a light shimmer of power. Without a second to spare Teresa began to sprint forwards, both wings beating creating lift.

As they came reached the top step descending downwards was She jumped high into the air catching the wind. The three where climbing fast making the red-sandstone building become smaller. "Braze, does this one always say so little? Is he broken or something?" Her tone once more carried the playful teasing. "Komi, is excited to see you again too, though she cannot play long. The girl has many duties and responsibilities to attend at the moment. I do have need of you later however."

"It work's out given this one said he wants to go to Malsheem. I have the right person to tour him around."

The journey up to the Drapane that loomed over the library took a while and a lot of effort of her part. They would eventually land back in the blackened Valkyries personal hanger. There was not all that much inside other than the freighter and maintenance tools. However by the door there was a small gathering of retainers One being Komi herself. Teresa let the one in her arms down in a fashion that was not so smooth but on his feet no less. "You can get down too now Braze."


TAGS: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Aris Noble Aris Noble


Braze gasped as she took off at breakneck speeds. He hunkered down, grasping tightly and hugging close, curling up instinctively as he feared falling. In this moment of not being in control, his mental shields slipped, forgotten. His fear rippled through the Force for the briefest of moments, raw and unguarded.​
"Braze, does this one always say so little? Is he broken or something?" Her tone once more carried the playful teasing. "Komi, is excited to see you again too, though she cannot play long. The girl has many duties and responsibilities to attend at the moment. I do have need of you later however."
"It work's out given this one said he wants to go to Malsheem. I have the right person to tour him around."​

Her words were... oddly comforting and helped Braze relax and calm down.

He glanced at Aris being carried like a princess... huh... Princess Aris. It had a nice ring to it. Perhaps this would be the name he would dub the taller lad. The thought of such drew a brighter emotion from Braze as he stifled a giggle at the thought. "I don't think Aris knows how to be playful," Braze admitted lightly, unsure if the stoic warrior could let loose with how stuffy and uptight he always had to be, with how controlled everything had to be... or else. Aris was like a living legend in the sheer amount of strength and endurance he had, and Braze just couldn't fathom what it was like to be him. Aris was someone that was placed on a pedestal within Braze's mind, in one way or another. Braze could understand how Jedi and Sith were almost like gods amongst non-Force users, but to Braze, Aris was a godling amongst the godlings.

"Princess Aris has been locked away in a tower far from the joys of being raised a youngling in the creche, I think," Braze trailed off, uncertain of what Aris's childhood was like aside from practically being raised by a droid, as far as he could understand. He didn't think Aris was one for talking about histories or really opening up. Most of their experiences had revolved around sparring with his would-be rival or surviving Sith that sought to kill them.

"Komi?" Braze perked up, happy to hear her name, wondering what all she'd been up to or how much she might have changed. It had been nearly a year since he'd seen her last.

"Need?" He echoed Teresa again, feeling very much like a parrot. Perhaps she had designs for Braze—he wasn't sure. He knew she was a new mother now and figured she might have her hands full, but he decided to ask, "What do you need me for?"

Then, almost as an afterthought, his tone softened. "And Galatea… how's she doing? I bet she's already causing you trouble, huh?" There was a warm affection in his voice as he asked about Teresa's daughter, his nerves easing for a moment with the more personal question.

Once they landed, Teresa let Aris down in a not-so-smooth fashion, but on his feet, no less. Braze released his grip and hopped down lightly. "Thanks for the ride," he added playfully, though a bit of his earlier nervousness still lingered.​


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