Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Life of Corporate Executive Officer

Alli Wren

Alli smiled as she went through the files that she had gotten from the station while not paticularly valubel they might be to the right person, so she was glad she had gotten them. It had been interesting seeing the galaxies powers at each other's throats. She sat in her office glad to be back, Their office in Druckenwell was nice but she wished they could bo back to their office in Balmorra. She sighed as she was reminded of the state of her factories, old and falling apart, she needed to find a way to fund a revamp. It was her first goal to upgrade her existing operations to modern standards, and she needed to find a way to do that, They just barely stayed current as it was. Their buildings were not meant to do half of what they now did, built with older construction methods in mind, she cringed as she saw the expenses report come up on her screen, she needed to do something to turn things around, but what?
Daxton, disguised once more in the robes of a Jedi Master, nodded amicably to the secretary as she asked his name. "Please tell her that Jedi Master Quark Henderson is here, I requested for an appointment about a week ago." Despite the smile, the woman was still a little apprehensive of the pale white 'Jedi Master'.

In fact, anyone who knew Bane would be hard pressed to recognize him. He injected himself with a complex concoction that dimmed his natural crimson red skin to a pale white sheen. His normally orange eyes, were now golden in hue. It was a painful irritating procedure, but final in cloaking his identity. It would disappear again after two days but for now he seemed like a totally different Zabrak.

Alli Wren

Alli smiled as she got the communication from her secretary, and responded " Of course send him in" . She sat up and looked at the door as it opened, She wondered if it had anything to do with the jedi she had encountered on that horrible station. It was interesting how the galaxy was so large yet so small. She was in a suite that seemed to suit a woman of her postion just fine.
Alli hoped he was here on good terms and not bad ones. She thought of a myraid of ways that they could of misinterpreted the events on the station, and the fact that the sith had gotten whatever was in that room. It was most unfortunate as she had never see a sith before and it seemed they lived up to their reputation. So she awaited the Jedi with a calm and business like demenor.
Striding into the room, Daxton smiled and said, "May the Force be with you. Thank you for sparing me some time from your busy schedule. I am Jedi Master Quark Henderson." He said by way of introduction, waiting for her reply in kind.

Alli Wren

" Pleasure to meet you Jedi Master Quark, Now what is it I can help you with? " She wondered, looking over the man and his pale skin. Alli gestured to the seat in front of the the desk. The office was mostly empty, it had large glass windows on three sides. She smiled and looked back at him wondering if she should of done something as a proper gesture to a jedi master but figured it was to late now. " I hope you had not trouble on your way up."
"Fortunately no. Although at my age, an old war wound does ache sometimes." Walking towards the seat with a feint slight limp, Daxton sat down and got to business. "I represent a group of concerned Jedi Masters who feel that the Sith have too much of numerical advantage over our forces. It has come to our attention that your company could provide us with a certain service. You see several factories with Republic leanings have come under attack recently. Industrial sabotage, worker discontent, and occasional outbreak of fire. This has put a crimp our capability to fight the Sith and the other factions trying to seize power."

"Are you familiar with the Liberty-Class Heavy Assault Tank?" The Sith Empires spies were quick to report of this mass produced vehicle of Republic Arsenal. "Based on the schematics, this is usually crewed by humanoids, however if we replace the organics with droids we can save on space and double its strike range. I am here to inquire if your company is capable of producing such vehicles?"

Alli Wren

Alli nodded as the man spoke, it seemed to good to be true, an republic contract. She pulled up a file on her computer and then looked at the Jedi Mastor. " I am familiar with it in the extent that it is a newer tank of the Republic, however, we don't have permission to produce it, or the schematics, but if we were given permission to build them and a copy of the schemetics, I am sure we could handle it. Our factory that runs under the Baktoid Armor workshop can surely handle any size order you might have. And Baktoid Combat Automata could build the droids if you don't have something or someone else in mind, as we agree that organics often drag down such wonderful equipment. Of course this would come at a price, "
she still couldn't belive it the republic had come to her, and her company. It was amazing and with the money that such a contract would award they could surely revamp one of their factories. It seemed too good to be true, as the Republic always seemed picky with their contractors.
"Naturally. I am here to discuss how much would an initial run of 10,000 units cost us." Business was business after all, and his human female was no different, he was sure that she would be blinded by the idea of profits and would not question him later on.

Alli Wren

Alli typed away in her computer for a few minutes trying to figure out a ballpark guess on how much they would cost. She worked at it for a while and then looked back at the Jedi Master. "Well I have run the numbers, and with a 10% discount for such a large run it will be 500,000,000 Credits, with a 10,000,000 set up fee, as we have to set up the run and prepare the machinery to build your tank. I do hope that the price doesn't discourage you" She didn't know what the going rate for the tanks were but that is what she saw being accurate for the cost and hopefully the discount provided them with an incentive to use their factories in the future.
"Most excellent. You have given me the first good news of my day. However the Masters and I have some stipulations of our own before we seal this deal." He smiled benevolently as he began to outline his requirements.

"First, we would provide you with the schematics and plans for the vehicle. However you may not use these plans or any innovations based on these plans for another client. This arrangement is strictly between your company and the select members of the Jedi Masters who I represent. It is not our intention for this weapon to become available on the open market for third party groups to acquire."

"Second, we would require absolute secrecy. No one can know your company is working on this project for the Jedi, nor can there be any link between your company and this production run. We would require that these tanks appear to have come from original factory. As such, you may not use your brand on any of the parts. We do not wish that our enemies know of your contribution and target you and your company as a hostile threat."

"Third, we would require a live fire demonstration when at least 50% of the initial run is completed. Upon completion of the last unit, we reserve the right to order more units based on the previous arrangements we have agreed upon. When we take delivery, we will provide you with the location and schedule for the deployment of these units. Again we cannot begin to stress the need for security. You cannot share this information with anyone, not even other Jedi Masters. I will be your sole contact is that acceptable?"

Alli Wren

Alli nodded as he spoke, The Republic was going to be one of those clients. She had delt with secretive clients in the past and was willing to again.
" Of course, Jedi Master Quark, We at the Baktoid Industries have a policy of not asking questions of our clients, and will keep all details a secret as you wish. and will ensure that all goes smoothly. Any paticular requests for the life fire demonstration? and I look forward to the possiblity of doing business with you in the future."

She thought about anything else she might want to say, It was sad that she couldn't say anything about the contract but she had to respect her clients wishes. But that was how it worked some times. "How shall I let you know that we are ready for the Live fire Demonstration, as it should only take a few days after we are set up for the run to reach 50%. "
"Excellent. For the live fire demonstration, would it be possible for a demonstration against a hardened durasteel bunker? Our intelligence shows that opposition has been establishing defensive fortifications which we hope the vehicles can neutralize as a fast attack option. We want to gain the capability to punch through their defenses before they know what hits them."

When there were no more further questions he continued, "If you would be so kind, I can provide you with the account with which we can pay you the initial funds. When we sign the formal agreement, I will immediately transfer 30% of the full amount which includes your set up fee, along with the schematics and design specs. Another 30% will be transferred after the live fire demonstration and the remaining 40% upon delivery of the final product, agreed?"

The design schematics he was going to transfer was based on the information that the Sith spies had gathered, as well as the best efforts of their engineers to reverse engineer the design. In the end, it would probably be inferior to the original, but more importantly it would look like the original which was what Daxton intended.

Once these tanks were delivered, the Sith would further modify it and soon an entire armored corps of 'Republic' tanks would descend on neutral worlds and hit soft civilian targets, fueling the anger against the Republic. And if anyone was somehow able to trace it back to this factory, it would be revealed the Jedi were behind it all. Delicious and devious, if he should say so himself.

Alli Wren

Alli typed some numbers into her computer and sent a message to her secretary. It was important to ensure a speedy write up.
"Of course we will arrange it, and my secretary is writing up an agreement as we speak, would you perhaps like lunch or some refreshment while we wait? Please don't be afraid to ask anything, We can offer all but the rarest of delicacies."
She wondered why the Republic and Jedi were so secretive but it wasn't her place to ask. All they had t oconcern them selves with was the weapons, It wasn't Baktoid Industries job to worry about who ordered them or used them.
"Excellent. I am looking forward that this is a start of mutually beneficial arrangement for both our interests." Daxton replied, it further amused him that the funds that he was using to pay for this weapons were stolen from the very systems where these tanks were about to be deployed. And the best part was even the most talented slicer after going through thousands of shell companies, that the mother account belonged to a group called the Republic Jedi Guards. Daxton would love to see the look on the faces of the Jedi Masters when they would be called to explain that one.

After the papers were signed, he would take her up on her offer. "I have read that humans celebrate the culmination of business deals with an beverage called champagne, would you consider that appropriate?"

Alli Wren

She was glad that her secretary hadn't taken long and smiled as they both signed the papers.
(I can change anything here that I got wrong )
This Agreement between Baktoid Industries and Jedi Master Quark Henderson is for the production and sale of 10,000 Liberty-Class Heavy Assault Tanks, for a total of 510 million credits.
With the underlying conditions
1. The schematics, plans and any innovations based of them for the Liberty-Class Heavy Assult Tank will may not be used for another Client or be revealed to the general public for Mass producition.
2. Complete secrecy on this transaction including no Baktoid Industries brand on any of the parts and must include the brand of AlderaanMotors and any other identifiying features usually placed on the tanks.
3. After 50% of the tanks are complete, A Live Fire Demostration will be provided against a durasteel bunker, and upon the completion of the final unit Jedi Master Quark Henderson reserves the right to order more units based on these arrangements.
4. Payment will be via an immediate transfer of 30% of the full amount and then another 30% after the live fire demonstration and the remaining 40% upon delivery.

Alli put her signiture on the datapad and handed it to him as she ordered a bottle of their finest champagne. " Yes we often do, and I see this occasion as a perfect occasion to do so. " As he signed it a droid would bring a bottle and two glasses, and set them on her desk. Alli then proceeded to open the bottle and pour the two glasses. " Its not everyday that we recieve such a large contract, I am glad that I could be of service, and of course this deal will between you and I, for any including my employee's this deal never happened and our lines never ran said product. "
"Good. A toast then. To the start of a beautiful and profitable partnership." Raising his glass in toast, he sealed the deal, a secret smile on his lips as he pondered what havoc he could unleash with these new toys once they came online.

Alli Wren

Alli rose her glass in toast and smiled, She would begin the construction of a new factory entirely soon and "close" her other factory. That would let her keep up and start new R & D. " Yes indeed, and don't forget us if you ever need anything else done in such a matter, Baktoid Industries can help you with anything from droids to star ships. She was glad that her few actually organic employee's knew how to keep a secret. But it was true that most of her company was ran by droids. She took a ship of the drink and looked to the Jedi. " Are you perhaps friends with Jedi Master Ben Watts?" She tried to start some small talk, remembering the name from the station of the man who fought the sith.
"Ah so you have met my old friend? Its been ages since we have seen each other. Did you know we used to be Padawan together? He was always getting into trouble. Ah but I am boring you, with the ancient history. Tell me where did you see my old friend? I hope he wasn't too charming. I am told females find him 'mysterious' and 'alluring', although for the life of me I don't know why." Sipping his drink he listened with amusement for her reply.

Alli Wren

All laughed, "Its good to know your a friend of his, I ran across him at that derlict station that appeared recently, He was fighting off Sith and I wanted to thank him, he probably saved my life. He was the only one who wasn't trying to kill me I felt, and I wanted thank him in person or at least get the message to him. "
She smiled and looked to the man as she took a drink of her champagn. She thought of the name, it was one of the few things she had gathered from her encounter in the hallway.
" Did he get off okay, I have been assuming so but one doesn't really know I suppose. "
"Really? That does sound like Jedi Master Watts. Charging gung ho into the front of battle." Finishing his drink, Daxton said, "Given his luck, I am sure he made it out fine. Alas, I can no longer be as active. My old war wounds have turned me more into a impediment than an asset on the battlefield. But still, we do what we can to aid the Force."

"However, if you won't mind, perhaps I might make a small suggestion. Send him a holo. You do not know how little mail we Jedi receive that isn't 'work related', I am sure he would like that. But if you do, don't tell him I suggested it. He would say I am pressuring people to send him fan mail again."

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