Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Life of Corporate Executive Officer

Alli Wren

"I will do that then, and don't worry I won't say a word. Now can I help you with anything else? perhaps food or a something to remind you of your trip to Druckenwell. "
She smiled and drank some more of her drink and set the bottle by Daxtion. "Please have some more I insist. " She wondered why the jedi were being so secretive.
"Thank you. You have already been most kind. Yet I sense something is bothering you. Is there something I can help you with?" Daxton did not need to use the Force to know this as part of his training with Imperial Intelligence included studying subtle body language to determine target intent. "You can trust me to keep it in the strict confidence."

Alli Wren

"Well it seems strange that the republic is being so secretive. Some of my past clients it makes sense, But what does the Republic have to hide from contracting another company to build some more tanks. I mean I would understand if it was another faction but they are usually more upfront I feel, not that I have done business with the Republic before. " She smiled and looked at him, " I am sorry it is not my place to know, It is just my observations, We will have the tanks built to your specifications and such, Have no fear, I don't really care who buys from me, and as long as you don't care that I would offer my services to the sith as much as I do for you or the mandolorians or anyone else with some credits to their name, I see us having a profitable relation ship."
"Although we would prefer you not to deal with the Sith, we understand that is business. Don't ask, don't tell. However should the other factions do make arrangements with you and you decide to discretely share the information with us, we are prepared to be generous for the information. As for all this secrecy," Pausing to sip from his refilled glass, "The series of industrial sabotage and assassination attempts on our suppliers have placed a dent on their production levels. There is an growing deficit between the units we need in the field and those actually produced. We cannot tell our allies there is a shortfall in production, nor can we force the suppliers to produce more. Furthermore, our suppliers will not be happy when they learn the exclusive license we have with them has been outsourced due to the shortfall in their production line. Thus it is the feeling of the Jedi Masters that this little arrangement would be in the best interest of all. Everyone is happy and we hope to shield you and your company from Imperial scrutiny in your involvement in this project. You told me you encountered the Sith before, correct? Do you think they would be so forgiving if they find out about our arrangement?"

Alli Wren

"of course it makes sense, and I suppose it saves us from having to double or triple security. I can't guanentee that we will cooperate but if we find it in our interest we will inform you of other offers and I would hope that they would treat us as you should, a neutral party that will deal with anyone. I was going to inform you, that thanks to this deal we will be expanding our operations with a new and updated factory. " She Typed in a few commands to get the factory to begin setting up for the run, it was the least she could do. " That of course unless we get a more serious business offer from any one group that would provide enough work or incentive we only work for them we can't restrict ourselves as you understand. " She was glad to know the republic had a reason, it reassured her.
"But of course," Daxton replied putting his empty glass down, "Like we said before should it be in your interest to share this information with us discretely, I am sure we can make it worth your while. After all it wouldn't hurt the cause to know what possible trouble might be brewing. I have taken too much of your time as it is. I thank you again, on behalf of the Jedi Order and the Republic. May the force be with you."

Alli Wren

" Yes have a nice day" She said as he made his way out, she went back to work She had alot to work on. They needed to secure a few more resources and and make sure all their projects went on ok. It was a start of a new beggining for Baktoid Industries. She couldn't wait to finish this, and secure more work she thought about offering their factories to more factions and selling the info on who they are working for to the highes bidder.

Alli Wren

It had been a few days and Alli smiled as he watched over the reports from the factory it seemed that the production of the tanks had began, It couldn't happen fast enough. She looked out her window to the sight of a new factory being built. It also held a wing for their new R&D department. Baktoid Industries needed to come to table with some new products if they were to remain viable. She had a bright outlook on life for the first time since she had taken over, and she could maybe one day send droids to attack the republic. she smiled as she arranged a suprise. A very secret suprise, but one that could come in use one day. For now though she was content to sit in her office and look over their plans. She then sighed as she realized she had to go be talked to by her numerous underlings for the next few hours about plans and reports.

Alli Wren

All smiled as she realized she would have enough of the tanks to do the live fire test, So she prepared their testing facility which was mainly just a very healivly reinforeced warehouse. She had a durasteel bunker and had the tank ready, including a computer that ran it. It was great that production had no hitches. She had to go to great lengths to store the tanks in secret but they were not seen by anyone but the droids. She sent out a message to the Jedi Master " Jedi Master, We are prepared to show you the live fire demostration if you return to our facility. " She kept about her production though for at this rate they might be done by the time that the jedi arrived to see their test.
Once more concealing his features, Daxton arrived for the live fire demonstration, dressed in the Jedi robes. Members of the Sith Intelligence Corps had reported to him that security has been top notch, and nearly impossible to break which pleased Daxton greatly. For his plan to work, it would require that no one would be aware that these tanks existed.

Patiently waiting for her secretary to usher him inside, he asked politely for some tea.

Alli Wren

Alli didn't wait inside and joined the Jedi Master outside. " Shall we proceed to our lunch date, I don't see why you insisted on meeting me up here. " where she would lead them to the lift and it would take them to a tunnel under the building. " Now its safe again, The test is this way, and we are almost done with construction. Also as soon as the tanks are done we will commencing mind wipes on all the droids, so no one should ever know. But your here for the demonstration. " With that she would lead them through the tunnel. It was a large complex underground and a rare sight for someone not of the corporation.

Alli was proud of what her company had. She was just hopeful she was being secret enough. She was always worried. " Hopefully we have done a good job of keeping our current batch secure. I have had most of the complex empty as it seems as if we are temporarily closed for refits to our employee's. Which is true. "
"Good to hear. No problems I hope?" Daxton smiled benevolently as he followed her to the demonstration area. All was proceeding as planned, once shipped, he would have Kaine retrofit them with a virus so that if any data was recovered it would seem as if the attack command originated from the Republic High command. Glorious indeed. He considered sending half of the initial units to Naboo. By the time, these tanks were destroyed, the Capital would be in ruins and people screaming for Republic blood. So delicious indeed.

Alli Wren

"no problems gladly" She said as the reached a large warehouse, which the viewing area they now stood in was protected by numerous forcefields and such. She smiled as the 100 tank column sat in formation all seeming harmless for now... She pulled up her phone. " Please acquire target Tanks one through 100" With that the tanks seemed to come to life as power seemed to flow through them and they aimed their sights at the large durasteel bunker. It was good to see that they responded so quickly. She held the phone near Daxton's mouth. " Just say 'Fire at will' and you will see your tanks in action." She said as she looked out to the tanks.
"Fire at will." Awaiting in eagerness for the demonstration to take place, Daxton leaned forward, unconsciously giving a slight feral smile to the destruction about to be unleashed.

Alli Wren

Alli smiled as she withdrew her hand, and watched the test unfold. The massive structure made as strong as a bunker could be, was hit by 100 beam weapons, and 100 concussion grenades. It was entirely over kill but the building was a smoking heap in no time. She also cringed as she noted the floor was damaged, and the wall had only clung to survival, glad that she had invested in reinforced testing areas, she was going to have to repair them but she felt that the test was sufficent. " We should have the rest done in a couple days maybe even tomarrow, I am just curious where and how you want them delivered. " She said looking at him with a intrigue, wondering what he thought of the display. She thought the droid brains she had outfitted the tanks with worked well, and had no hitches in the various testing she had done. She knew that sadly the deal was almost done. The tanks had proved easy to make, and the only hard part was wiring the droids minds in. She had made them able to work with or without men, and in the case of destruction she doubted if anyone would know the droid was there, thats how revolutionary her droid parts were, and she hoped they didn't discover how anti tamper they were. If they tried to hack her software or hardware, their tanks would be useless. and you wouldn't know a droid was there, as it looked like standard hardware, the parts were so ingrained that they could easily escape notice. Of course they would follow instruction from only their owner, and do the same to anyone trying to reverse engineer it. She smiled, as someone would have to be very familiar with Baktoid Industries to have any luck at the task.
"Once the initial run is complete, we would pick them up here. We would provide the transportation and final delivery to our end users. Now I would like to inspect the area at ground zero as well as scrap samples from the destroyed bunker." Daxton said with confidence. "How secure is the comlink between the command module and the droid receivers? We would ill afford it if the Sith are able to hack into the network and seize control of these weapons."
She led him to the remains of the bunker, past the tanks, She admired them, they were beautiful works of engineering. She then spoke. " We will give you a certain number of command modules, be it however many you want, the only way to give them orders is through these. Any other attempt at command will be ignored, and depending on the danger of the attempt, they might fry them selves. It supports voice printing, your own security additions and encryption to any number of security keys. If they have physical acces to the command module, and try anything it will either A defend it self or fry its own internals, making them useless. You of course can modify it to self destruct as well. We made it so you can handle the protection of the acutal command module, as we can't be held responsible for improper handling of them. We are selves suggest some sort of ship above the planet with the command modules inside it. " She looked around the rubble, it was farily effective she had to say.

Alli Wren

She led him to the remains of the bunker, past the tanks, She admired them, they were beautiful works of engineering. She then spoke. " We will give you a certain number of command modules, be it however many you want, the only way to give them orders is through these. Any other attempt at command will be ignored, and depending on the danger of the attempt, they might fry them selves. It supports voice printing, your own security additions and encryption to any number of security keys. If they have physical acces to the command module, and try anything it will either A defend it self or fry its own internals, making them useless. You of course can modify it to self destruct as well. We made it so you can handle the protection of the acutal command module, as we can't be held responsible for improper handling of them. We are selves suggest some sort of ship above the planet with the command modules inside it. " She looked around the rubble, it was farily effective she had to say.
Picking up a piece of scrap from what used to be the bunker plating, Daxton could not help but admire the destructive potential these weapons represented. "Excellent. This is everything we hoped for. I can tell you that the other Masters will be most pleased. And you say there is nothing short of using the command module can interfere with their programming? Excellent. When will the initial project run be complete?"
" If your ship is here on the marrow, druckenwell time, then we will be done. " She said with a smile, she wondered if all of these tanks would make a difference in the galaxy, she figured they would as this was the repubic after all. " If you have any problems with our droid tech, let me know right away, I will have technicians at your side right away. But, You can also have men drive these tanks if nothing else works, so that they are no different than regular tanks if you need them to be. "

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