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The Light of Ashla [SJO]

The Light of Ashla
Aldera City, Alderaan
Just outside the capital city, a group of members of the Silver Jedi Order began their trek to the Jedi Temple. They would be leaving the city landscape behind, and taking a short trek into the woods of Alderaan. It was a pleasant day, but despite the sun in the sky, there was still a bit of a chill in the air. Due to the diplomatic meetings between the Former Grandmaster and Queen Organa of the Free Worlds Coalition, the Silver Jedi had kindly been invited to tour the temple.

It was a nice break, considering the events of late.

For her own part, Valae Kitra was hoping that this excursion would help to lift spirits. "C'mon y'all, I think we're pretty close." She said with a smile, glancing over her shoulder at the group. Valae pulled her brown robes around her, closing them tightly in the front to ward off the cold. She had been told that the Temple was just outside the city, nestled in the woods -- she only hoped that it wouldn't be too far. Hiking just was not one of her favorite activities. But she had to admit, Aldera was beautiful. The city had been pristine, and the nature scene that surrounded it was like something out of a painting.

And to her relief, the outline of the temple became visible after a short time spent walking. Valae paused for a moment, hand on her hip, and simply admired the lovely structure that stood up ahead. Smiling, she continued on towards the grand entrance of the Temple. There, they would gather by the large doors, and wait to be escorted inside.

[member="Garith Organa"] (Feel free to bring more FWC people along)

Just a note -- My posting will be reduced. I will try my best to keep up, but please feel free to move along at your own pace. I will catch up!
Yuroic had decided to join this excursion to the Alderaan Jedi Temple due to the fact it allowed him to study the new SJO in action outside combat. He was curious to see how the newer members fared with a meeting such as this. He was dressed in his leathers and basic armour with his old cloak over it all as well. The tattered cloak blew in the gentle breeze lightly as Yuroic studied the woods of Alderaan, he thought they were sparse in comparison to the dense jungle world he escaped from recently and moved his hood to shade his eyes from the light. He wasn't use to such bright light for a long time that he often found it too bright and hurting his eyes.

It was taking time adjusting to life once more.

His lightsabers were equipped to his belt, having survived his exile as well. He noticed the outline of the Temple in front of them as he wandered up to Valae. The woman was one of the few from the SJO he remembered, she had been close with his Master, in fact, she was likely the only one he would feel comfortable talking with. So, is this just a tour of the Temple or are we going to gain some knowledge from the archives as well here? I wouldn't mind spending time in the archives here, better then watching over the new Padawans. Yuroic grunted in his deep voice to Valae as they walked forward.

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Danuae had gotten much better as at the time of the initial meeting of the Silver jedi and the FWC contingent, the lady was still recovering from hibernation sickness. She felt full again and a trek like this was definitely in order. Her staff would strike the ground as she made her walk with the group. Her white traditional thick robes a stark contrast to the dark greens and browns of the trees and foliage. The air was rich with life and the living force as she had to stop a minute and breath.

The air was fresh and alive. She could feel it. The trees were a comfort as it reminded her of Naboo a bit. The chill in the air bothered not this one as she made steady progress. Treks like this was of no matter to this particular Jedi as she was used to hoofing it on many expeditions. She would stick with any stragglers or flaggering padawans that might be tiring in the trek encouraging them. Placing a hand to give a bit of extra something. One can not expect everyone to be able to make a trek on foot like this.

Danuae had been a guest at the palace for a time and hadnt been to the temple as of yet. She heard about it and talked to Garith about it, her former Master on several occaisions. The feel of its centered presense though seemed to gently reach out to her as if to call her. The more protective types would encourage her to move forward as she assisted where she found need. Danuae had a youthful face perhaps only appearing to be 19 or so. She had a peace about her that spoke of maturity beyond that 19. Nothing had called to her yet as a purpose but the calling yet beckoned her to keep moving.

The calling as she put it was the gentle whisper in the force that spoke of needs and knowledge, of broken and repairing, of second chances and beyond redemption. All these threads came to her in varying states of feel. Alderaan has seen much during her hibernation but it seemed to have a fate to remain the center of that 'much'. Her place in it, she did not know as of yet. Danuae had no doubt it would come to her. The white robed lady wove her way through the paths with the rest in silence requiem, in peace and a tranquility.

Now and then she would finger foliage on the path, lingering there with a smile as she cemented its identity in her mind for later. Those fingers itched for one of her herbals to write and draw of this beautiful foliage and trees. Such treasure she saw. The staff in her hand moved once more as she proceeded forward.

[member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Garith Organa"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
The chilly temperature did not bother her. Coming from a cold planet, it was something Kaiza was more than used to, actually finding the soft kiss quite refreshing. As the cool breeze playfully mocked her raven hair fully exposed to its vices, the yellow-skinned Mirialan drew a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh air. She enjoyed this change of pace, away from war and suffering. Even Jedi needed to get their mind off such things, get a taste of peace every once in a while. What better way to do that than paying a visit to nature, get in touch with the natural order of things and let go of galactic problems. Alderaan’s green forests proved to be a true feast for Kaiza’s emerald eyes. Motionless, she gazed far and wide, absorbing the beautiful, picturesque landscape.

Far, far away, white coloured tips of monumental mountains towered high above the green groves. Undoubtedly a paradise to many, no doubt. Despite the nature’s primal harshness, she could imagine herself in a place like this, wondering how hard it’d be to tame and cultivate a small field of land.

After a minute or two, the girl adjusted her Padawan braid and followed the group as they ventured forth, tip of her long cloak occasionally slithering against the tall, wet grass. Such simple things, yet only those who understood the power hidden within simplicity also understood true happiness. With that in mind, the Padawan immersed into the present – seemingly in the middle of nowhere, the temple came into view, its grand features once again hoping to remind everyone of Alderaan’s charm. Falling prey to the call, Kaiza found herself most impressed. She’d never get enough of discovering new places.

As her plain robed figure paced among the group, she grinned, head turning towards the knight who walked close to Master Kitra.

“I am sure all Padawans appreciate your efforts,” Kaiza offered a toothy smile, eyes almost radiating this infectuous happiness she always carried, “I am very grateful we have an experienced Knight like yourself to learn from.”

[member="Danuae Verdegrande"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Valae Kitra"]
Yuroic looked over at the young girl who piped up behind him. He studied her closely with his dark gaze, she was a foot shorter than he was, he held back what he truly wanted to say to her. It had been a long time since he had talked to people, he never felt quite comfortable with the idea since. I believe it is said eavesdropping is rude, young Padawan. He tried to said in a calm voice, he was not happy that a stranger walked in on his conversation with another Jedi, but he had to remember that these Padawans were new and excited.

Once he was like that. He had to try and remember that he had been forgetful and often interrupted. His Master even had to look after him when he got drunk before.

Should you not be with your Master? I am sure that they would be eager to discuss our importance here. He did not allow his emotions to pass from him, he did not want her to sense his annoyance with her. He was sure that her Master would correct her on any misstep that she took. It was not his place to criticise her. He then turned to Valae, Have you heard from Master Arisa? I was surprised by her disappearance, I haven't had the chance to catch up on events that transpired in my absence. This time he spoke in a softer voice as to avoid being overheard, the question being personal to him.

[member="Kaiza Pawaro"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]
Rhane Varless pattered along the path, sticking to the back of the group. One of the benefits of being to strikingly tall was having long legs, because of them Rhane didn't have to take as many strides and appeared lax and leisurely when walking along with other, short-legged, companions. He had tagged along to the meeting in hopes of it impressing the council, his Masterhood was imminent. But, second to this deep-seeded hopefulness, Rhane was seeking access to the ancient journal of the Jedi Council Member, Tyvokka. A tall and powerful Wookie, Tyvokka had a hidden talent for Precognition. Perhaps more than a ''hidden talent'' even, some reports say he rivaled or surpassed the Jedi Grandmaster, Yoda. Upon inquiring the librarian via Holonet, Rhane discovered the ancient text was housed there.

The wind whipped around the entire group, it seemed to bother some, but Rhane was tall and quite beefy so the winds had little to no effect on him. He pressed onwards toward the Temple, with the hope of obtaining forgotten knowledge.

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
Douglas Starwind shivered a bit as the group of Jedi made their trek towards the Jedi Temple of Alderaan. While he wasn't exactly a newcomer, having been a Padawan for around four years now, he thought this trip would be a nice way to ease his nerves a bit after so much insanity had gone on recently as well as be a learning experience. He certainly hadn't expected the weather to be a bit on the... Colder side. He was not used to this kind of weather even with all of the experiences he had been through at this point. He pulled on his grayish Jedi robe a bit to wrap himself up more to keep himself a bit warmer.

He did have to admit that despite the cold weather, the actual sights of the planet were breathtaking... Almost literally for him due to the climate, but that was beside the point. Everything looked lush, green, and lively, although the mountains were less green in comparison and stuck out as a result.

He looked around at the others around him that were catching his attention... Faces that were not very familiar to him. He remained quiet barring a few shuddered breaths as he listened in. A young woman, who seemed to be a Padawan as well based on what this grumpy sounding Jedi Knight was saying, was expressing excitement over what was going on. He didn't actually know her name or anything, but the cheeriness was a welcoming sight to him.

Eventually, the group had started to approach the Jedi Temple itself. As expected from what he had seen of the Voss Temple that was now a sort of home to him, it was a marvelous, towering structure. He scratched his chin a bit, curiosity brewing over what would be inside this Temple compared to the Temple he was familiar with. Thus, the trek continued on, things quieted down a bit for a moment, and he himself continued to not say much.
The fact was, he was still very much upset over [member="Arisa Yune"] stepping down and leaving. That fact was written all over the Jedi Master's face as he would march behind the woman leading this little expedition. He had taken it in hopes that a tour of the Temple on Alderaan would lift his spirits. He had never been here before, after all... Actually, he had only ever been to Alderaan once. Though... The planet was beautiful.

It made him think he'd been to Alderaan places until now.

Granted, he still preferred his homeworld of Naboo, obviously. But with [member="Shmi Labooda"] there, could you really blame him? Either way, he would trail somewhere in the group, his hood in his robes up to shield him from the cold as he walked without a word. Just what could he say? He didn't really know the other Jedi here, and he wasn't as... Sociable, or easy to start a conversation, as he used to be. The last few years had quieted him, mellowed him down. He was having a harder time of it just talking to strangers than he once did.

It was a pain in the arse if you asked him.

If it were the old Josh, he might have thought about some of the Jedi here being cute at least. Including, but not limited to [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Danuae Verdegrande"], and [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] but those years had long left him. Almost a shame, perhaps he'd be more talkative. But as it was, he grieved in silence, and listened in on the chatter amongst the Jedi.

At least, he supposed, he had [member="Douglas Starwind"] to talk to if he got bored.
Falling in line towards the back of the group, Carria had no idea what to expect of the Temple and its supposed knowledge deep within. She had been graciously invited by some high ranking members of the order to attend the excursion briefly after her arrival. Without any other immediate desires pertaining to the Silver Jedi, she merely wished to follow along and gain her barrings in this small venture.

She walked rather slowly across rocks and the dirt paths below. Dressed in an olive green, tight fitting jump suit of sorts, she decided to brave the cold and merely focus on the beauty of the forest around her. She wore no cloak, and carried no weapon in her belt. Even the vibroblade the girl had held close for some time had seemingly disappeared from her arsenal now.

She would struggle to let go of her inner thoughts, pestering every move and choice on this venture. "Forget the past. For now, you are here. And it'll do you some good to make some new friends." she would tell herself. Looking around, it appeared as though every student or master was escaping at least some fears or tensions, in a sense. She was not alone in her worries. Being in Aldera, surrounded by the greenery and fresh air of the forest, there was no better place for one to feel whole and at one with the force.

[member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Douglas Starwind"] [member="Danuae Verdegrande"] [member="Rhane Varless"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]​

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Taygeta was on the planet Alderaan, finally. She had never been here before, but had heard of it's diversity of life and temperate climate. It was a veritable smorgasbord of specimens to index the genetics of for later study.

"This world... I feel it in the Force. The abundance of life." she said, looking around her.

She wondered, also what the Jedi temple could offer her for further Jedi study and training opportunities with her master. Perhaps one could, as Jessica had suggested before, get her started on learning Form II lightsabre style. Her sabre was hung on a clasp at her belt, concealed beneath her white lab coat. She has yet to use it in combat and certainly hoped she never had to, but overtly knew she would eventually.
The large double doors a massive thirty two feet in height, each door spanned a width of sixteen feet. Carved upon the wooded doors was the moon Ashla hovering over the planet Tython. It must have taken the Alderaan crafters a great deal of time to craft such a wonder.

The doors, they began to groan as they opened out ward. As they opened warmth spilled out to those waiting. “Welcome to The Light of Ashla”, Garith called out to those who were here to visit. Behind him was a small group of Alderaani Jedi. As the Alderaan Prince welcomed the guests the Jedi had come out carrying Tea kittles and cups. Thos who were interested they were offering a warm drink to those who had braved the cold to visit their temple.

“The tea is Alderaani made here at the temple and is served with honey for those who are interested. Thank all of you for coming”, he was happy they had come. He was hoping they would. Garith wanted them to know they were welcome and the door of The Light of Ashla would always be open for them.

[member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Danuae Verdegrande"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Rhane Varless"] [member="Douglas Starwind"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Carria Tollom"] [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"]
Valae was pleased to see Knight Xeraic present, as a padawan he had studied under the former grandmaster. She was confident that he would do great things within the Silver Order. Another familiar presence was near; the calming aura of the healer Danuae was unmistakable. It was her hope to get to know her better, as she would make a welcome addition to the Silver Circle healers. But there would be time for conversations later. Among the group, Valae could also pick out Padawan Pawaro – she was glad to see her here. And as she continued to survey their party, there were other faces she recognized well, and some that were new to her.

The Silver Order was always growing and changing.

As the doors to the temple opened, she smiled a greeting to Garith Organa. They had met when the Queen’s delegation had ventured to Voss. The Jedi healer stepped forward and offered a bow.

“Thank you very much, Master Organa.” Valae said with a friendly nod, “We are glad to be here.”

Valae motioned for the others to join them for a warm sip of tea, should they like. She herself was quick to accept a cup, and she watched with anticipation as the amber-gold liquid was poured from the teapot. For a moment, she just delighted in the inviting aroma of the honey tea, and then took a small sip. The chill immediately began to wash away, and she let out a content sigh.

[member="Garith Organa"], [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"], [member="Carria Tollom"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Douglas Starwind"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Kaiza Pawaro"], [member="Danuae Verdegrande"]

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
The Mirialan’s cheerful expression vanished, replaced by a thoughtful, almost sad look that took over as she fell silent. It was the mention she should be with her master; none other than Grandmaster Yune, now missing. Not even the yellow-skinned Padawan knew of her whereabouts, and thus felt as if stabbed right in the heart, suddenly reminded how much she missed her teacher.

Despite knowing each other only for a short time, the two had bonded during the unexpected attack at Charros IV. War was torture for the young pacifist’s soul, even if she understood the necessity of defending herself and others. Harsh times like these accentuated how much young trainees needed a teacher, someone to guide them. By being separated from Yune, the yellow-skinned teenager felt lost, even if discipline and meditation prevented her from giving into despair.

But wallowing in the past would help nothing. A Jedi had to focus on the present and future. Averting her emerald gaze towards the path they walked on, Kaiza continued to pace with the group until they all came to a stop, path further denied by a massive door with beautiful wooden engravings. Given just enough time to study the depiction of what she assumed to be Ashla, Kaiza’s attention soon travelled past the gate as it opened for the visitors, greeting them with smiles, warmth, and tea.

“Thank you,” she gave a polite smile and accepted one of the cups, “It is an honour.”

And down her throat the tea went, banishing all cold and discomfort she might have felt earlier. It was surprisingly relaxing to let go of everything, even for a moment.

Finally at peace, dismissing all worry concerning the war and her teacher, the Padawan allowed herself to enjoy the tea, relishing its unique flavour.

[member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Garith Organa"] [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] [member="Carria Tollom"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Douglas Starwind"] [member="Rhane Varless"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Danuae Verdegrande"]
Yuroic sensed that the young Padawan's emotions of unease. He raised his hand and placed it on the girl's shoulder. His Master had been Arisa and he was hurt by the woman's disappearance, he didn't know who to talk to or seek out help about Jairdain. Showing some sympathy to the Padawan, Yuroic spoke in a softer tone. I guess that Arisa took you under her wing as well? She trained a great deal of Padawans while Grand Master, myself as one of them. It is tough but if you like, I can take over your training. You shouldn't be without a Master.

He watched as others went and drank the overly sweet sounding tea. Yuroic was not one for tea or anything that sweet. Instead, he ventured indoors and gazed around the building, interested in what the new academy had install. Once inside, Yuroic removed his hood, allowing his features to be seen by the others.

[member="Kaiza Pawaro"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] | [member="Carria Tollom"] | [member="Rhane Varless"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"]

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
When the group of Jedi had finally arrived at the Temple itself, Doug took a breath of relief. The sights were nice on the planet, but he appreciated getting out of the colder weather for a little while. Through his darting eyes, he had briefly made out Josh DragonsFlame, his Master. Like Doug himself, he too seemed to be rather quiet and not feeling very social at the moment. It did make Doug feel a bit better to see a familiar face among this group, though. His neutral, shivering expression gave way to a small smile.

Doug had taken note of the details upon the giant double doors of the temple before they began to creek and open up. The group were then greeted rather warmly by the group of Jedi who likely called this temple their own home of sorts. Doug had caught the name of the leading man when Master Kitra spoke... Master Organa. Noted.

The group were offered cups of tea shortly afterwards and while Doug wasn't the biggest fan of tea, he didn't want to seem impolite to the kind gesture so he took one of the cups when offered "Thanks..." He said politely with a nod as he then began to sip the tea. The tea was warm so it actually felt kinda nice to drink it after all the roaming. He stood around quietly sipping on the tea, occasionally making a weird expression as he did, while he waited before they would continue on their little tour.

[member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Garith Organa"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] [member="Carria Tollom"] [member="Rhane Varless"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Danuae Verdegrande"]
Danuae climbed the steps more or less in the last group. Why she hadnt been asked to this temple till now she was not sure. It didn't matter as hood of her white robes came down revealing the young lady beneath the austere traditional atire. She bowed low and with great reverence.

“Master Organa. “ She said by way of greeting.

The Healer long ago learned the trick of not letting the cold nor the heat affect her. Her quest to find her saber crystal on Ilum taught her that trick and more. That crystal lay in her saber this day. The simple elegant long silver tube that was really quite a bit simple compared to other sabers. It was almost really noticed as plain as it was.

Her head turned and she gave a full bow to Master Kitra. “Master Kitra.” The seeming girl would say formally. Danuae looks ever bit 19 or 20 but her actions do not reflect this. A kind smile was provided to Master Kitra's companions, the other knights and padawans with her.

The white robed Jedi entered into the temple proper. Before she would have tea she needed to see something. She moved forward as she her hands flattened parallel to the ground as she walked in before she stopped and bowed to the temple itself and promptly sat on the ground cross legged, put those hands flat against the stone and closed her eyes. A low vibrational hum and a white light ebb in and around her as she felt the temple herself.

Upon awakening from her hibernation, Garith Organa may find his former Padawan a bit stranger now then when he last saw her. Master Organa himself was also different. Though Danuae did not go to the void, her journey in hibernation was quite a bit different. This one's connection to the force could be considered on the unique side.

[member="Garith Organa"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] [member="Carria Tollom"] [member="Rhane Varless"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Douglas Starwind"]
As he walks to lag behind the other with his thought seem torn between what bit of news he had gathered since his return regarding the state of things. Where in it seem there been quite a change in leadership seem yet again and that as best he could press there seem been no word or news as to where one his friend he'd met in the Archives was. Which if anything troubled him so know at best from the first-hand experience how it was to be in such a predicament. Having been noted been lost once himself and no sooner declared dead sometime after that if it were not for the unexpected meet with Master Coci he couldn't help but feel worried about his friend.

But then again in the midst of it, all the passing words were spoken between one the Knights and padawan as he passed them sort brought him back to the present. As the small band of Jedi paused seem having reached their intended destination that he looks up and note from up ahead. That the seem massive doors of what appeared to be a temple up ahead were swung open and by the entrance their host from the Alderaan nobility stood. With the offer of greeting as well warm refreshment for them.
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] & Co.​
It was then after come home and take a break from his official duty to look after his ailing mother as well take care of few family House matter with his twin sister. When word came to pass that Jedi guest from one the orders were said to arrive that he was called upon to assist with. To which head off him along with some of the representatives set off to accompany the then Royal representative of house Organ to the meeting place.

Which was it seem one of the Old Jedi Temple where once they arrive standing behind Garith. Showing and keep to his duty as ambassador to the queen he then stays on the sideline standing ready if so he was called upon to assist in the proceeding in any way. Though from his vantage point he couldn't help keep a silent watch over their guest with a bit of curiosity as well caution. for as much he'd knew of Jedi and force user as such were from old tales their old nana would tell them late at night during their brief exile.
After braving the cold, the group would come to the doors of the temple. They would be greeted by [member="Garith Organa"] and the Jedi Master would slowly begin to step forward, coming to rest just a little bit behind [member="Valae Kitra"] as he would stare forward, his eyes staring into what almost seemed like the soul of Master Organa. His expression remained stoic for that moment... His apprehension about all of this was clear, but it was something to be expected given Master DragonsFlame's history. He knew by now not to trust the Jedi nor the Sith, completely, if he didn't have to. That was nothing against the kind denizens of the Temple here, of course, he was just cautious. Fool him once, shame on you. Fool him twice...

Either way, he did indeed appreciate the offer to come in and visit and be social and just get to know one another and exchange pleasantries. With all of the battles recently, all of the land grabs on a planetary scale, all of these invasions, it was a nice change of pace. Hopefully they could forgive him for being just a little bit apprehensive about a sudden offer to come en-masse. These things never seemed to work out, by his experience... But he would be happy if it did.

His expression remained stoic even as the tea was offered. He would gratefully accept a cup... It smelled heavenly, he had to admit. Of course, not long after it was accepted, he would close his eyes, keeping a firm grip on the handle. This was habit, nothing more. A product of the times. Seeming to be satisfied with what he found, he would take a sip. The chill melted away within moments as the honey-like flavor would seep through his very being. Finally, a small smile crossed his lips.

And there was the Josh that the Masters had come to know.
The dynamics of activity was splendidly wonderful. This interaction between the two groups did bring warmth to the prince’s soul. Happiness did show plainly upon his noble vestige. However there was still that undercurrent of woe that still was upon his heart. His heart was still on the mend. He was a warrior of light and seen much. The prince had seen too much with the 18 years he spent within the void. He had never lost faith though.

First introductions, the prince welcome them and the response given was grateful. Garith moved to verbally cue the extent of hospitality wished to be given.
“Master Kitra”, the prince mentioned [member="Valae Kitra"] by title. The he looked over to his former student. “Knight Verdegrande”, the prince was formal as the formal situation required. Though he pointed her out here to let her know he acknowledged she was here and he was pleased to see her.

“Again, thank you all for coming”, the prince, with a warm smile greeted the group once again.

“I know our temple appears to be more of a castle then a temple. It is our home though and all who seek the wisdom of Ashla are welcome here. The only requirement is the desire to seek her guidance and to respect all those here seeking her guidance. You’re always welcome here. Feel free to roam around and take a look. Count @Andulf Nicholas Tarann “, Garith motioned to the Alderaani noble, “he is free to answer question, show you around or even just socialize. There is a possibility you might find one or two people recovering here. This temple is a place for enlightenment. It is not uncommon to see those here seeking guidance here and recovering. Some may have been touched by Bogon and is seeking guidance from Ashla. So please be respectful who are trying to heal here. If you need any assistance here please do not hesitate coming to me. I will be more than happy to assist.”

[member="Valae Kitra"][member="Yuroic Xeraic"][member="Danuae Verdegrande"][member="Kaiza Pawaro"][member="Douglas Starwind"][member="Ronin Wendigo"][member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"][member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

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