Sarri gave a low growl of a chuckle, full of the ironic amusement that he was being asked to appraise 'the girls'. "Hah! A leetle weight will help zem. You're looking at zi wrong parts, monkey." He rewarded the man's ( @[member="Tiberius Rex"] ) input with the gentle 'clink' of currency handed over to the bartender, covering the bounty hunter's drink and then some. He was a firm believer in reinforcement, whether it's slaves or idle conversation. He decided to hit two birds and one stone, gesturing towards the curvacious girls to both explain it to the presumable owner of this establishment. (@[member="Count Morcus"] ). "Zeir lekkus are saggier zen a bantha's udder. Just skin, no fat, no muscle, no-zing. Weak lekkus, bound or unbound, means less sensation. Less sensation means less sensual, which means in zis line of work..."
The Twi'lek smirked at his little implication and gave a small shrug. "Ze girls here are 'well-trained'. Training iz not zi issue at all. Eating habits, are. As much as you feed those girls I doubt zey will eat enough to bulk up unless you provide a little 'incentive'." One of his own lekkus twitched-- the bartender seemed to have a loose tongue, as he heard the 's' word being discussed. "I'd suggest binding zem in a less 'productive' way, like a braid. The migraines and zi pressure will be more zan enough to convince zem to bulk up. Wearing zem braided for long enough, without eating to compensate for the atrophy, can cause any Twi'lek to shrivel up like a wilting flower. And if zey want to keep you happy, zey will eat properly. Trust me... you know zi difference between a malnourished Twi'lek and a well-fed one when you put zem on the stage, ze way zey carry zemselves, it--" The fact alone that he was so willing to disclose ways to break members of his own species was... unsettling at best. This was a man who thought of himself as being just as esteemed in the business world as an experienced pet breeder.
His lekku twitched again, resulting in a small sneer from the slaver. More talking. More looking. "--is far more aesthetic... and less-like someone who prattles and tattles." The Twi'lek momentarily disengaged himself to turn his head and look at @[member="Skorn Draclau"] before he casted venomous glare towards the bartender. He liked his reputation just fine, but his profession was all about dominance; either he gave permission to discuss himself or there was none at all. He sized Skorn up before he turned his head back to the other two, waiting on his drink with a more relaxed posture.