Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Magnificent Probably More than Seven [Primeval Invasion of Mandalorian Wayland]

Objective: Defend the Base
Location: Fort Monroe; ~350 meters from Main Building, ~180 meters from Death Fence, ~50 meters from closest Bunker
Allies: [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Zathra Fett"],
[member="Gilamar Skirata"], [member="Rhodessa"],
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], [member="Zambrano the Hutt"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"], [member="Alkah'Kahtel"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="Cadan Tazi"],

Gear: Olivia Dem'adas wore simple, light Beskar'gam.It was the standard for her clan's officers, naval crew, and operators. A simple Beskar armorweave was worked into a uniform, beskar and leather boots were applied to the feet, and thin plates of Beskar were added to key locations around the chest, arms, and legs. Over this, her dress uniform's jacket was worn. It was not the invulnerable class 8 armor that her vod wore into battle, but it was all she needed. She was armed with a Tenloss Model 9-type 11 sidearm and a beskad saber on either side of her waste.
Vehicle: Myrkava-C
NPC Template
Unit: Clan Dem'adas Marine Company, Myrkava Tanks
Strength: 250 Marines, 15 tanks
Objective: Defending Fort Monroe
Location: 110 Marines are defending main vehicle bay, all others loaded into Tanks and deployed along roads roughly in-line with bunkers
Controller: Olivia Dem'adas

Far more enemy vehicles had survived the assault by her tanks that Olivia was happy about. She was about to order another volley when the sound of automatic weapons fire drew her attention from the battlefield as a whole, to her own squadron's situation. Glancing at a different set of viewscreens, Olivia saw the problem. Rockets were inbound. The four functional automatic weapons on her squadron opened fire automatically, the droid processor of each vehicle recognizing the threat and taking action. The first wave burst into a wide area of smoke, obscuring some of the vehicle's sensors. Thermal sensors saw threw it to the volley of rockets that followed. Automatic Weapons continued to bark out at the warheads as they rapidly approached the vehicle. Some of these burst in air, their deadly cargo of napalm spreading wide over the road between her squadron and the approaching enemy. <Feth.> Olivia thought as she realized what sort of rockets had been launched at her. A second later, the world outside her tank was covered in fire.

"Squad One," Olivia said to her own unit of three vehicles. "Pull back, get us out of this." She said as one by one, display screens at her CIC station began going blank as external sensors began failing.

"Yes mam." Responded the driver, already sliding back into her seat after helping reload the main weapon. Silently, Olivia cursed prioritizing the Myrkava's main cannon over mobility.

The vehicle lurched to the rear, powerful tracks pulling the heavy vehicle up the ramp and out of the pit of fire. The entire road in front of her vehicle was covered in sticky, burning gel. Each vehicle in her squadron, as best as Olivia could tell, was also covered of the kark. "Squadron Three." Olivia said, indicating the squadron of vehicles closest to her own. "We're falling back behind the perimeter fence. We'll need you to tag along and help us douse these flames."

"Squadron Three, Falling Back." Reported the squadron commander.

Olivia's view of the world outside her tank went black as the last of her display screens went black. <The Command Antenna's probably slag.> Olivia thought to herself as she pressed a few buttons and switched to monitoring the status of her own vehicle. Several of the external sensors and laser emission points had been slagged by the fire. And more were breaking by the second. A loud popping sound from the front of the vehicle told her that the overhead weapons were quickly reaching the point of failure. "Fire all 40mm grenades." Olivia said to the gunner. "I want the belt dry before those things cook off next to the hull."

"Unloading, mam." The gunner said. A moment later, a steady series of thumps sounded as close to 200 grenades were fired off in a matter of seconds.

"Son of a *****! Danger Close! Danger Close!" Came the voice of squadron three's commander over the theater-wide comm channel, loud and in a mild state of panic. Olivia, unable to see beyond the interior hull of her own, reversing vehicle, had no idea what could have caused the man to worry. "Status update." Olivia called out on the company-wide channel. "By the taung." The man started before gathering his senses. "Friendly fire!" He called out. "Everything's on fire. Everything!"

"All units, fall back behind perimeter fence. We'll rally and reassess." Olivia said to her company of Marines before switched frequencies, connecting to the base itself. "We're falling back behind the perimeter fence. Once we're clear, raise the shields."

"Fort Monroe to Marine Company, we copy. Get the frell out of there." A voice over the vehicle's comm said.

<Not a good sign.> Olivia thought to herself as the vehicle continued to trundle backwards as fast as it could. The occasional subtle bump telling Olivia that the driver was using the edge of the road to navigate in spite of her vision being obscured by the flames that still stuck to her vehicles and appeared to be getting thicker. Whatever was going on beyond those flames, it was apparently bad. Very, very bad.

"Fort Monroe to Marines. You're clear of the perimeter fence. Raising shields now." Called out the same voice over the radio. The vehicle slowed to a stop and Olivia turned her attention to the back hatch, trying to debate if they could safely pop the hatch and get out without spreading the napalm to the interior of the vehicle. In the end, she didn't have to make that decision. "Squadron Three, everybody out." Called out the squad commander of the other three vehicles on this stretch of road. A few moments later, Olivia could hear a series of loud pops come from outside her vehicle. External temperatures dropped sharply and the orange flames surrounding her vehicle were replaces with a thick smoke.

Olivia popped the rear hatch of her Myrkava and stepped out into a hellish world. Arcing high overhead, the outer defensive shield had finally been activated. It bathed the entire area in a red light. On the far side of the base, clear skies, a wide field, and an expansive treeline could be seen. As for the base itself, an earlier rocket attack had left much of the base's face covered in fire. The reinforced durasteel and duracrete of its construction was, apparently, holding up just fine. But flames were licking 50 meters into the sky in front of the closed vehicle bay doors. Olivia knew that those doors, and the two person-sized doors to either side of it were the only ground-level entrance into the base, and the only means for additional vehicles to exit the base. Intense flames stretched over the entire area. <Nobody's going in or out until those flames get dealt with.> Olivia thought to herself as she turned to look back at her vehicles. But as she turned to look out at the road her squadron had just come from, Olivia was shocked to see a nothing but flames. "What the feth is that?" Olivia asked no one in particular. Around her, twenty Clan Dem'adas Marines stared at the raging inferno in near silence. "Airstrike went bad." One of the marines reported. "Looks like a whole lot of flame-carpet warheads went off much closer than expected."

"And who the feth ordered that airstrike?" Olivia said as she turned towards the Marine. Movement behind the larger Mandalorian drew her attention and Olivia was silent for a moment. <How the feth?> She almost said out loud. "Hostiles in the courtyard." Olivia called out over the theater-wide channel. Beside her, twenty marines turned to face the light vehicle and handful of scattered infantry that had fled the fires for the same safety that Olivia had ordered her troops to fall back to. Behind her, Olivia heard the unmistakable sound of six heavy turrets rotating to face the new threat.

Turn on the Perimeter Shields!
Oh hey... why are there Primeval in my courtyard?
Objective: Defend the Base
Location: Fort Monroe;
Allies: [member="Olivia Dem'adas"][member="Arrbi Betna"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"][member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Gear: rail gun, Hyperion combat armour
Vehicle: Beskad Starfighter

Unit: Bes'uliike Traat'aliite
Strength: (12x Bes'uliik Starfighters)
Objective: Defending Fort Monroe
Location: In the Air sitting pretty compared to mud slings on the ground
Controller: Rhodessa

New Theme Tune
I wanted to use photon torpedos, they said use these it would be fun they said

She had pulled up, and looked behind not knowing that area that was targeted had contained mandalorian. She was sing with the whole squadron let them burn, let them burn, I didn't like them anyway. The squadron commander came over in a rather somber voice, and singing stopped. Guys we were given the wrong target positions, we splashed the enemy as well as our own troops. Her face stopped smiling, Oh feth! She thought to herself, as her ship rolled to make a new sweep of the ground. She saw a tank a blaze, and others thing that might be or not be mandalorians.

She then saw a few of the primeval troops left readying to attack the base, and angry voice in her head said Feth them! They must be reinforcements, she and her squadron began to line up on them, soon soon they would be in targeting range. Then it would be bye bye who ever they were!
Location: Wayland, Jungles
Objective B
Enemies: [member="Auswyn Nothrael"], Primeval
Allies: Mandalorians
...there was a certain dry satisfaction fluctuating through Garrus as he watched Auswyn crumple onto the ground in the fetal position. The Warrior imagined that his reaction would have been in much the same way had someone put a blast of durasteel pellets into his stomach though his empathy towards the woman was limited. Lowering the Shotgun Garrus had decided the fight was over, he wouldn't waste another shot on an enemy that was essentially incapacitated, however there was still one more order of business that needed closure. Without missing a step the Mandalorian slowly crossed the distance between himself and Auswyn while she was down in the fetal position... he came close she'd have been able to hear him tell her...
"Gut shots can be the worst."...his words would convey that he knew a thing or two about them..."A lot of the time they won't kill you outright but over the course of days your bowels can empty themselves into the rest of your body releasing urine and feces. Infection sets in, I'm sure you understand."...his shadow had started to stretch across her by then as he loomed overhead..."Anyways I need to run."...what came next would be a heavy boot unless Auswyn had some way to avoid it...

...planting on his right foot Garrus torqued his hips in the same direction and snapped his left leg across to deliver a hellacious boot to the side of Auswyn's head which, if it connected, he was almost sure would leave her in the black and unconscious. Then he would have searched her. crouching down to retrieve the helmet she'd been clutching onto as well as anything else of interest. Wait, what's this? An archaic hilt, a lightsaber, something of value and a memento of their encounter. The Mandalorian would have taken it for himself and clipped it onto his belt then he was back on his feet....

...replacing the helm he'd lost over his head Garrus would have wiped his face first to clear away some of the beads of sweat that remained, the memories of burning were still fresh in his mind but it seemed like a bad dream now instead of a nightmare, his chest rose heavily as he took a breath and then secured his helmet back into place. The Beskar'gam was complete again, the helm systems would reactivate giving Garrus a diagnostic overview of his armor, he spared Auswyn a final glance and then moved away into the jungle seeking the next battle...
OOC: Internet has been sketchy at most for the pastpast few days, back but still on mobile for the next few hours.

Objective: Star Wars: Maze Runner
Location: Mt. Tantiss
Allies: [member="Laguz Vald"] and Co.
Enemies: [member="Anija Ordo"] anc Co.

The croke was the last to fall down into the shaft using the force, as it was pra tically his only means of locomotion abd sight while he stood in an old black left boot that had been discarded on Crakull a few decades ago, as one can imagine, this is quite inadequate protection for a mollusk falling quite quickly towards the ground. What Ebenezer didn't bother to observe was the distance to the bottom of the shaft before jumping in, feet first.

"Oh no," he thought, "not again." Luckily enough, it was not too late to summon the power of plot the Force. Due to the combined weight of he and the boot, it was quite easy to slow down his descent and not instantly become a Greg goop and remnants of sinwwy legs. Making nary a sound he landed right after the dancing-one and the mercenary whose names he still refused to learn over the past themself, and just in time to see the shifter who would only use gender-neutral pronouns to refer to itself run off in the legs of some kind of beast. From the Kal Dor's quip he was able to make out "bomb." Having worked with the shifter for a few years now, Ebenezer still could not understand why it was put at the lead of a group when it worked best alone; well they all didti be quite honest perhaps a matter of seniority. Not matter, as a follower, it was Ebenezer's duty to follow the (glorious) leader. Again, being so light, it was not hard to launch himself down the flight of stairs that [member="Laguz Vald"] had taken upon itself to run down.

The inside of the compound had already begun to show signs of aging simply because of entropy. Rust had begin to oxidize on scattered metal equipment and supports. Supports that were amazingly standing up to the earthquake brought about by the fire of heavy weapons.

Cordelia deWinter

Dream a little Dream of me~​
Location: The Jungle.
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"]

You lie silent there before me.
Your tears may be nothing to me~

Now what is this?

Murmurs of whispers would be cast to the wind. The gentle coaxing sound of the Force flowing down into the ether, through the jungle, searching for a particular being.

Cordelia deWinter had a particular set of skills. One that would breach into the realm of dreams and nightmares; enhanced by the corruption of the mysticism of rituals of the Voss. The one who had perked her attention was thrumming with anguish, with demons that would pluck at the recesses of his mind, tempting to unlock doors to shadowy halls laden with guilt.

Delving into the the sea of the Force, the Lady would weave her web of spun dreamweaving silk, much like a spidersilk spider would start to bind and twine their prey. Her goal was to encourage him into a deeper slumber, to coax him to unconsciousness. To take him to another realm where the demons that lay behind his eyes are all too real -- where the manifestations of his nightmares would come to life.

Where a single voice would drift from the beyond, ushering him into that deep abyss.

Objective C
Location: Inside Mount Tanis
Allies:[member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: :[member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak "] | [member="Briika Detta"]
Gear: Personal Armour | Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

The sniper was right to take the stairs and so was the pink skin, the lift didn't look safe. Now, Jun Nez wasn't about safety, he was about results and he had a bad feeling about this, so he took the fastest way down and that was the lift. Opening up his comms to Laguz, he said "I'm taking the quick route, see you at the bottom.". He then jumped into the lift and it didn't budge. It must be disabled, he thought. He scanned his surroundings and soon found the locking mechanism, without much thought, he disabled it. Crick! Clak! Dunk! Swstttsssh! The lift went and soon it was barreling towards the ground with frightening speeds. Jun Nez enabled his magnetic boots and begun preparing for impact. His plan was, if succeeding in not dying on the way down, to use his scanner to determine when to jump off the lift and attach himself to the wall. Well, that was his plan, at least. What actually happened was a bit different.

The lift was plummeting downwards at a alarming rate, Jun Nez was sure to reach the bottom before Laguz and Token. When the lift was close to the point where he had detected the new power source and radiation he prepared himself to jump onto the wall and then use his magnetic boots and hands to descend. The time was now, he jumped, he flew and he landed, but what he didn't think of was the debris from the now smashed lift that was now flying towards him like bullets from a gun. He drew himself closer to the wall as to not get hit by as many, when suddenly a large piece that had flown past him, now flew towards him from above. Jun Nez registered it too late and was hit on the arm knocking his magnetism off and sending him towards the destroyed lift. His scanners where going amok as he fell and he saw his childhood repeat before his eyes. This was his moment of death, he was sure of it. At least he didn't' have to take the stairs he thought, as his body hit the floor. After that everything went red, then blue, then dark as he fell unconscious, the last thing he heard was a klaxxon going off in the distance. And the drums, how could he forget about the drums.

Due to his quick ascend I have agreed to wait an extra post before continuing towards the goal.
Location: Jungle
Objective: A i guess
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Cordelia deWinter"]​
The soothing sound of her voice sent me into slumper, once again I was at peace, I was comfortable, the taste of blood was replaced by the sweet taste of her lips on mine, the smell of burnt metal gone, now a subtle scent of her perfume, and the pain replaced with the gentle touch of her hands on my skin. "Mesh'ika," I opened my eyes. It was all just a horrible dream, brought on by the stress of Geonosis. I had missed her too long during that war, fought and was injured. I remembered spending a night in a bacta tank. Just a nightmare. Just my own worry. She was here, wrapped in my arms, safe. Her room was just as I remembered it, the first rays of dawn peeking through the shades of the windows, she was staring into my eyes with the soft yellow suns she had for eyes, worry across her face. "I, I'm sorry" my mind raced. "I had a bad dream is all." A quizzical expression danced across her features, as though she wanted to know about it. I rolled to face her, "It was nothing." I said, smiling, pulling her closer to me.

Her hand stretched out, stopping my advance. "Where were you when I needed you?" The question buzzed through my mind. What? What was she talking about. I was here now, everything was fine, we had just woken up, I had recovered from my battle on Geonosis, she was here, safe in my arms. "I am here now, and that is all that matters." I whispered, my anxiety rising, what was she talking about, what had I missed. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her throat opened, blood covering the bed, her body lifeless. I sprung from the bed, staring at the scene that was unfolding before me. Her voice echoed through my mind. "Where were you Viyi'ee?" Then she was gone. I was alone, on some distant world I could not recognize.

I fell to my knees. Was this what the Corellians called Hell? Hot sand brushed across my armor and the sky swirled with with dark clouds, lightning striking through them, darkening the desert around me. No, this was not hell, or chaos, this was simply what life was like without her. There just wasn't a reason to go on anymore.
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandolorians [member="Conner Garon"]
Enemies: [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Gear: Link is in my sig for the rest of my gear. Just to clarify though my jetpack has been replaced with ysalamiri nutrient frame

Strider would inwardly sigh as the girl stood her ground against him. She was a creature of beauty and tenacity, such that Strider could tell from this limited encounter. He could tell she was a witch from her accent and foreign language that she uttered supposed threats and curses at him. The old man had always had a soft spot for the witches that would be more classified as a unhealthy romantic fascination with the female dominated culture. He was hoping the girl was of given up by now and left this engagement with her life still intact.

The semi retired mandalorian field marshal, a veteran of decades of violence, drew his home made machete. The thick blade was eleven inches of ugly mean being wielded by a butcher. There was no special quality to this simple but crude tool of the trade. If he had still position of his beskad, he would of used it but that weapon was long gone and who knew what Dredge had done with it after he left their duel with it impaled deep into his chest. If Strider was not wearing his beskar'gam and pilot jumpsuit underneath Perla would of been able to see the love mark the dark beast left upon him. A gruesome scar of more savage nature upon the right side of his neck was more prominent the the rest of his battle reminders. Strider would have to look at that scar every time he looked in the mirror, reminding him how close to death he was that day and all the vode he had lost because of blind and tainted anger such and individual wielded to wreck unnecessary havoc. If Strider had stripped naked here and now, his body would be a montage of scars, all evidence that the man was a warriors warrior that lived up to the Legends that have been foretold about him.

Strider would continue to move foreward at an even pace, not ready yet to act for the distance needed to be closed further. His right mandalorian crushgaunt held the machete's farbric hilt in a firm grip, while his EE-3 carbine was dropped ans sucked tight to his chest by his quick draw sling and harness that kept his main weapon from bouncing but always at the ready if needed. Once the hound of keldabe would be with in ten meters of Perla, she would instantly feel the force connection being severed by the Ysalamarir's invisible protection bubble. Strider was lead to believe that such severing was unsettling for such folk that relied heavily on the force for aid. His eyes would watch for the female's reaction, to see if she would keep the cold face or would she slightly crack an emotion, maybe a worry? It would of been a tell tale sign that she was such accustom to using the force that it was more of a crutch then a proper weapon and once removed of said crutch she would of been vulnerable. If Strider could not see such weakness in a reaction then he would have to left to believe that the woman before him was no stranger to hand to hand combat in the absence of wizardery.

Either-way, such would not stop the warriors advance. Once he was in range, Strider would thrust himself at the women in an explosive attack that contradicted the slow pace it took for him to get there. He knew the woman had a chain weapon with a lethal blade upon it. He knew he needed to close the distance fast and attack just as quickly to take inside dominance of this fight. Though such chain weapon's offensive capabilities were of ranged easily telegraphed so one could have enough time to react with an appropriate defense. In saying that, it doesn't mean that the weapon wasn't deadly in extreme close quarters and Strider was about to find out the woman's expertise with the chain an sickle the hard way.

Strider's charge was full bodied, he would come in, with his left arm up and ready to defend himself while at the same time chopping at the beatiful woman with his machete as if she was nothing more then meat and bone in need of proper butchering.
Objective: 2/B
Location: Jungle
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Primeval, [member="Bal'gul"] , [member="Damien Daemon"]
Gear: two lightsabers, light foil, night ops armour, E-11 blaster rifle, bandolier of explosives, skinning knife

Dropping to a knee he focused and pulled in on the force, strengthening his worn body. Rising, favoring his wounded left leg, he closed off his mind once again and deftly spun his lightsaber in his right hand while belting his left one onto his belt.

Turning he glanced to Bal'gul and noticed the creature approaching. Then he turned to where Daemos launched his grenades before beginning his leading attack. Muad gripped his blaster rifle and swung it around, aiming it up at the descending Daemos, and opened up full auto sending a wave of blaster bolts flashing up.

His right hand raised his lightsaber up in a block the massive dropping strike that shook his arm and body from the power behind the blow.

@Garus Garron
Objective: A

Location: Witnessing the beautiful atrocities of war...
Allies: Primeval, [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="[/FONT][/SIZE]Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Zathra Fett"], [member="Rhodessa"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Gear: Hover Throne, Dalek Hands, Vaapad Familiar, The Awe and Fear of the Meek and Vulnerable

Unit: Zambrano Terror Runners; A unit full of criminals, captives, and other slaves with the most basic armor, and dysfunctional vibroblades, each one rigged to run away from their Warlord Zambrano the Hutt into enemy lines no matter their level of exhaustion... and explode.

Strength: 25/150, 275 K.I.A.
Objective: A
Location: Dying somewhere within the tree line
Controller: Zambrano the Hutt

Upon the return of their heinous Warlord, the dogs in their cages pressed against the cages in palpable fear that the monster could puck out of the air and devour whole. He drew on their fear, their desperation, the disgust they felt towards him, the inexplicable urge to escape to no avail. These fresh instruments of terror, would be his latest amusement to pursue. Sending them to their deaths would draw the enemy fire away from more important targets, but if left unchecked, presented a troubling problem for the Mandalorians.... but it would appear, try as he might, the insane Sith Hutt Warlord could not match the absolute terror of the memories he was just sniffing out of the air.

Fire, a sea of engulfing fire, had opened up beyond the tree lines, setting the horizon on fire with its deadly fury. From here, the cacophony of detonating mines, and crumbling concrete, along with the screams of a betrayed hundreds. The Mandalorians, had created opportunity for Primeval, in a place where there had once been none. They decimated their own people as a sacrifice to desolate the Primeval forces... and though desolated they had... the fight was far from over. In fact, they could very well have just set themselves up to die.

The Hutts mood-changing eyes changed to a hue that matched the brilliant orange of the horizon perfectly... captivated by the sheer beauty of its horror. At that moment, the Terror Runners were released... but despite their fear of him... their Master was not following... he simply stared. He was held hostage by something so beautiful his eyes could not see the resounding destruction of his own troops.... though he hardly cared for their amusement any more. By the time the star fighters locked into the Terror Runners position, desolating them by the droves due to their lack of Anti-air resistance, Zambrano was far and behind them, while fire consumed the forest in a raging inferno.

Terror Runners exited the tree lines and charged head long into the death ensuring flames... becoming the depraved soldiers being downed by the sympathetic Mandalorians... putting them out of their misery in an explosive flash of light. They would all die in moments, it was a surety. The Directory monitoring them however... knew that two more charges, could be the breaking point for the fort. They had a plan for the Napalm, they surely no one else could have expected. This force though... was expendable in the most delicious of manners. They did not know why the Warlord did not chase them, but it did not seem to affect their willingness to throw themselves into the hands of death.

A new deployment was in wait for when the current assault wave was depleted... but a surprise was being prepared as the raging inferno broke loose and destroyed hundreds of lives.
Location: Wayland, Jungles
Objective B
Enemies: [member="Bal'gul"] (Primary), [member="Damien Daemon"] (Secondary)
Allies: [member="Muad Dib"]
Equipment: Heavy Beskar'gam, Terentatek Body Glove, Vornskr Mark 8 Shotgun, Beskad (Links to pertinent equipment in bio) the onset of the invasion [member="Conner Garon"] had radioed Garrus and informed hi mthat their enemy had a Rancor with them so it was only natural that he seek out his nephew now that he'd finished with the woman he'd initially targeted and begun to trek away. The Jungle was dense, the sounds of the different battles emanating all around him, causing Garrus to activate the ultraviolet optics in his helm which would allow him to track friends and foes via their own unique signatures while the friend/foe designator in his hud tagged individuals appropriately. Well the first thing he found wasn't a Rancor...

...up ahead Garrus saw it as he pressed through the jungle. A mass of writhing tentacles locomoting itself awkwardly across the ground. Beyond that his hud identified two other figures which were tagged as friend and foe respectively. The Mass itself, Bal'gul, was marked as unknown initially however the Warrior hadn't stayed in one piece this long by taking chances and the alien creature wasn't native to this planet as far as he knew so his next course of action was relatively a no brainer...

Pew, pew, pew.

...raising his left arm Garrus activated the Micro Grenade Launcher that had been integrate into his Beskar'gam, took aim and tensed his arm before firing off one shot, a second and then a third all in quick succession. A Micro Grenade Launcher usually holds a total of four grenades and three now minus the one he'd launched previously meant he needed to reload now. No matter that was three hard and heavy fragmentation grenades that would riddle the jungle ahead of him and around the writhing mass. Aside from the first shot which was aimed fairly well recoil of the grenade launcher likely meant the other two would be in the general vicinity but not dead on but this wasn't a consideration Garrus took to heart when he thought about the sheer amount of shrapnel that would rip through the area...

...with regards to Maud Dib and Lord Daemos....well the grenades would probably be hard to miss when they exploded but seeing as how the main target had been Bal'gul they likely didn't have a whole lot to worry about...
Objective: B
Location: The jungle
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"]
Gear: Chain-sickle, Primeval Advanced Agent Tactical Armor, Lightsaber

Perla had not participated in the same kind of sweeping battles as the aged Mandalorian, that was true. But she had her witnessed her share of combat from a young age. She was raised in the Great Canyon Clan on Dathomir, hunting animals with the tribe, helping to skin and tan them. She had thrown her own bevii'ragir, purchased on the black market, through the mouth of a giant, male bull rancor, the day she tamed Xana on the plains of her home-planet. Was she more experienced in combat? Certainly not. But the spellweaver was not a stranger to it either.

Her opponent held a large, carving knife, his rifle now lowered but still close at hand. He approached her with even steps which caused her to swing the chain-sickle faster. They could both hear the flexible whip whooshing above her. At this point, the only magic that the Ysalamarir's protection bubble negated was the wind spell she had conjured, so Perla did notice the abrupt yank on her Force powers as if someone had pulled a cord and they were suddenly gone. But like a predator, she was now concentrating too much on her moving prey to be affected.

Suddenly he sprinted at her and when he was close enough, with a bellow, she swung the chain-sickle at him, attempting to knock the machete from his hands. The barbed chain would either wrap around him, entangling him, which would mean she would need to accept a wicked slice from a large blade, which he tried to disengage or her attack would be successful and the knife would go flying from his hand and out onto the jungle floor.
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandolorians [member="Conner Garon"]
Enemies: [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Gear: Link is in my sig for the rest of my gear. Just to clarify though my jetpack has been replaced with ysalamiri nutrient frame

So... She was a warrioress that was not handidarted by the absents of Magic. This was all that the old man got through a quick glance perception check of her reaction to the ysalamarir's anti force bubble. This told Strider that she new what she was doing and the chain weapon wasn't just for show. To add emphisis on her skill, the witch lashed out with said weapon as the Mandalorian bull rushed her with his meat cleaver. Like all chain weapons, they were flexible and intention of attack was easily telegraphed for the weapon itself had to be manipulated with build up of momentum to make the attack affective.

The barbed chain with the nasty blade at the end was manipulated in a such a fashion that it proved Strider's hypothesis of her expertise. She was fast and effiecient that made her that much more deadlier in his eyes. The old man on any other good day would of had dodged the attack by side stepping to either side, but this day his mobility was hampered by his previous leg injury. All he could do was extend his left arm up to take the brunt of the attack, as the chain struck true while the blade twisted around with deadly intent. The tip of the blade smacked Strider's helmet and slightly knocking the warrior off balance and off his intended charge. The barbs of the chain would dig deep into the mando's cybernetic arm for the parts that were not protected by beskar plates. If this was true flesh and bone, the warrior would of been in real trouble sides from being locked and tangled by the witch's weapon.

Regaining balance, his vision only slightly impaired by a huge scaring scratch across his visor, the hound would continue his attack without hesitation. His left arm was wrapped in deadly barbed chain and using such to his advantage Strider would yank with all his strength to pull the girl towards him and off balance her to his incoming attack. The mandalorian would once again strike out at his opponent with the machete, aimed at cleaving into the girl with brute force and in tandem with the yank of the chain. Perla had a vicious tiger at the end or her fishing hook, was she prepared to handle the beast at hand?
Location: Mandalorian base
Objective: A
Allies: Anyone on the Mandalorian side
Enemies: Anyone on the Primeevil side

Solan looked out over the world before him from where he stood in the mandalorian base. His primary goal to keep the shield generator secured and make sure that none get close enough to it to cause too much damage to it that they would lose the main defense against the Primeevil assault. He knew not how many had made their way through the shielding so far but it would not matter until they reached the base itself. This would be relatively easy to do to be honest, the Primeevil had already lost so many getting through the shield that him and his men would be fresh and without any fatigue. Granted he could have stopped them before but now they had the benefit of fortifications that the area near the shielding itself did not.

He was curios who had come to assault the base, thinking on it while his soldiers got into position. Medical soldiers remained back with the ones outfitted with rockets. Heavy Gunners, Snipers and Anti Tank troops took up postion in heavy cover and overlooking positions so to remove enemy troops with easy. Shock Troopers and The Riflemen took up position on the ground. It was all rather nice to overlook as he did, all avenues of attack would be covered by his troops and himself, all it took now was them breaking through if they could. Oh how he was going to have fun. And just as he thought that his body came to sit down and he closed his eyes. He would wait for now, someone would have to get close to them soon.

His ears picked up the sound of [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]' men hitting the invading forces towards the outer courtyard of the base and worse so the sound of the napalm strike failing and his head turned to look above him as the sounds of pain were cut off. He did not understand to tell the truth though what it could have happened that the napalm somehow got through the shielding that the generator provided or worse yet how in the seven hells that the pilots missed such a large target. Incompetence that he was sure the Mandalorians would reprimand ad if they didn't they should. None the less though his men largely were unphased as they were deep enough in the base none were harmed by the mistake. Their job was to protect the generator, and they would once Olivia's defense failed, should it even do so.

They would need to clear up these flames though. "All Riflemen, with me. We need to get these flames under control right now." He knew it would not be a simple thing, holding napalm grenades and employing them often. But he had a step up than most did against napalm itself, able to control it to a degree and stop it from causing too much damage.

Unit: Shadow Legion

Strength: Two Hundred of the Shadow Legionnaires.
Objective: Awaiting Solan's Orders, holding position at the Mandalorian outpost.
Location: The Mandalorian Base
Controller: Solan Charr
Objective: A - Fakin' it, man. Fakin' it as only a noob can...
Location: Courtyard of Fort Monroe
Allies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"]
Enemies: [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Zathra Fett"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Gear: Ghost Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Vibroknucklers, Lightsaber, Primeval Light Armor

Strength: 84 42 troops + 14 5 MIFVs
Objective: The Seige of Fort Monroe
Location: Primeval landing zone, outside Fort Monroe
Controller: [member="Boo Chiyo"]

The Pantoran child soldier watched as half of the armored infantry was consumed by the minefield.

The approach was treacherous. In the fog of war -- explosions, flames, screams, and smoke -- the boy lost sight of Mard or the Host Lord. Adhering to the command of his Prophet, the boy continued pressing the infantry on ahead. He might well have been driving over the soldiers of the other units. The electronic interference and the smoke from the many fire spread across the field obfuscated the battle. The mass driver turret was firing blind.

The sound of starfighters overhead caught the boy's ear from within the armored vehicle, only a moment before the sound of explosions sent a new cascade of flames across the widowing field.

Vehicles were on fire.

Bunkers were on fire.

Soldiers were on fire.

The smoke became pervasive, obscuring all else around the MIFV. The heat began to climb, the boy's compromised suit no longer shielded against the environment. Clutching at the tear in his arm, the child gritted his teeth as he gave the order to drive on. The armored light vehicle went rolling out from the smoke, the only vehicle to have survived the cremation that had consumed the remained of his unit.

The treads bit into the turf of the courtyard, another MIFV now in view as the boy's vehicle sped into the courtyard. To his astonishment, it looked as though the Host Lord herself clung to the burning vehicle.

"To the Host Lord!" the boy shouted, as the MIFV pulled up to run alongside Mard's damaged vehicle and give some additional cover to the Prophet.

- 1 MIFV remaining
- 5 soldiers remaining (in vehicle)
Location: Wayland Jungles, Objective B ( Rumble in the Jungles ) - ( Switching to Objective A)
Allies: Mandalorians Nolan Detta ?
Enemies: Primeval ? Vheissu Ireles
Objective: Head to the forward outpost. Run!

Dark-Devil Helm ( Head )
CEAS-Final Cybernetic Armor Suit ( Armor)
Mk.I Convergence Rifle ( in hands)
Bone Crusher ( Back )
Convergence Pistol Sidearm ( holstered on side)
Ray Shield Grenade x3
Bandoliers of Ammo

Combat was mostly the same. Same taste, smell sense...Sense? But this whole invasion felt off from the start. It seemed familiar to Kezeroth, infact this feeling stopped him in his tracks physically. His Charge came to a harsh sliding stop. Looking around his enviorment the Gen'dai held his head in confusion. Someone he knew was here in the chaos of battle, his very flesh and instinct knew who this was but Kezeroth still remained in denial. With a quick movement Kezeroth gazed at vod [member="Nolan Detta"] and Primeval fanatic [member="Vheissu Ireles"]. From afar it looked as if something was bothering the brute from engaging or assisting and this was true.

Roaring at them both with frustration Kezeroth roared in the jungle letting the sound carry with the strength of the Force. Crouching down the brute once again gathered his energy and leaped high in the air, making excellent use of the Force. Once high enough the sound of a jet pack igniting echoed and carried him through the air. Soaring in the sky headed toward the outpost the Gen'dai grunted this sensation was going to drive him crazy if he didn't find the source.

(( Actions: Heading to Objective A cuz of reasons.))
Location: Fort Monroe
Allies: [member=Arrbi Betna] [member=Olivia Dem'adas] [member=Zathra Fett] [member=Gilamar Skirata]
Enemies: [member=Anja Aj'Rou] [member=Flannigan McNash] [member=Keira Ticon] [member=Cadan Tazi] [member=Zambrano the Hutt] [member=Boo Chiyo]
Objective: Repel
Gear: first post, fourth page
-Mythosaur Walker
-4 Reedemer Tanks
-50 Infantry (was 64; half were in bunkers and half were in guard towers)

It seemed that the Mandalorians that they were having the upper hand at the base, eliminating their adversaries without having a single dent in their forces. Of course, there were Mandalorian casualties which didn't surprise the Rally Master at all knowing on the field of battle there would be death and wounds on both sides. It would be a miracle for any side of a skirmish to not have any casualties. But right now the Primeval were gaining and gaining casualties, not at a constant rate, but at an exponential growth that was more than the Mando'ade. A potential to decrease the morale of the Primeval unless their leader was a harsh dictator and didn't share any truth with its people. But the fact that they would win or lose was something that could not be hidden no matter what means were approached.

Such confidence was boiling in the ranks of Vilaz's unit when they were massacring a huge quantity hostile forces. Load, unload, reload, repeat was what his Warriors were processing in their minds. They were laughing at all the lives they took away and wished them that they may find a rotten hell. Harsh, yes, but those who wished ill for the Mando'ade would receive the same gift.

But in the skies a force of their own began to perish Primeval Troopers as well as their own. Friendly fire was a worse mistake on any Mandalorian. It would guarantee anyone a one way ticket to seeing the Mand'alor and have their own Court Marshall. Men and women from the Redneck's forces were lost in the bunkers. There were survivors, but the napalm had claim many. The Rally Master and other vode began negatively commenting on the pilots that had dropped the napalm on their own. No matter what they had said it was done and nothing could be done to change it. The only thing they could do was focus on the battle at hand and repel their foes out of Wayland.

Infidels found themselves within the Fort which was a motivation for the Mandalorians to work more effectively. “I want the Mythosaur to continue firin' on the Prime if there are any left as well as the survivors in the bunkers. Those up on the turrets protecting the shield generator fire on anything that ain't us," the Warrior ordered who then began to head towards the location of the shield generator to protect it with some of his fellow Vode who were also securing the generator.

Mythosaur is still firing cannons at any Prime forces(Boo Chiyo)
Tanks are still chilling
Infantry in bunkers are firing at Prime forces too
Infantry in guard towers are protecting are defending the generator
Objective: A

Location: Witnessing the beautiful atrocities of war...
Allies: Primeval, [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="[/FONT][/SIZE]Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Zathra Fett"], [member="Rhodessa"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Gear: Hover Throne, Dalek Hands, Vaapad Familiar, The Awe and Fear of the Meek and Vulnerable

Unit: Zambrano Terror Runners; A unit full of criminals, captives, and other slaves with the most basic armor, and dysfunctional vibroblades, each one rigged to run away from their Warlord Zambrano the Hutt into enemy lines no matter their level of exhaustion... and explode.

Being equipped with CryoBan Grenade bandoliers before being released for this wave.

Strength: 150/150, 300 K.I.A.
Wave: 3
Objective: A
Location: On the cusp of being released somewhere in the forest that isn't burning.
Controller: Zambrano the Hutt

CryoBan Grenades. Originally designed to be emergency fire suppressants with a blast radius of 3 meters, thus covering a 6 meter wide circle with frozen carbonite. The Directory had sent down the pre-crew to strap dozens and dozens of slaves with bandoliers filled with nothing but CryoBan Grenades taken from the Primeval Staging Points Armory. It was a standard device, of which anyone could have access to, and it was currently being used in excessive quantities to do exactly one thing: fight fire.

Zambrano the Hutt of course, still slightly fixated on the majestic flames, knew nothing of this... and merely knew how to heel as he approaching the new Terror Runner staging point, which was a separate location from the last place his unit was. The remaining dozen of that unit ran into the flames to perish uneventfully. Dying as the rest of the reinforcement unit had.

The monster's stomach rumbled, and his eyes fell out of their orange hue, and began to darken, his hands began to snap uncontrollably... and as his head raised, it became apparent to the technicians that they needed to finish RIGHT NOW. The prep crew began to leave the cages behind and as the most lept at a cage, now outfitted properly for their new task, the prep crew began remote controlling the units cages to orientate them in the general direction of where they wanted them to die. The slaves inside screamed as they pressed their backs into the cage bars.

Suddenly, they were released, and Zambrano had caught one already, slicing through its back with acidic slime that was dripping from his limbs. His other hand had claimed part of an arm, but the slave he had wounded kept on running anyway, running and screaming. His Vaapad joined him the hunt, nipping at the slaves heels as all the other runners began to escape past the Hutt, sprinting headlong through the forest towards the burning minefield to escape the horror that was chasing after them.

Soon, a wave of exploding slaves will bathe the flames in Carbonite.

Hulle Itera

The sinners blood must be spilt...
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: Hanger bay[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: Olivia Dem'adas[/SIZE], Arrbi Betna, Draco Vereen, Zathra Fett, Gilamar Skirata
[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: [member="Boo Chiyo"] Anja Aj'Rou[/SIZE], Keira Ticon, The Dark Man, Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou, Mard Szaks, Cordelia deWinter
[SIZE=10.5pt]Gear: ACP array gun, armor, (Clan skin for now) and axe/pick thing, (Like the one wielded by Kad Ha'rangir) [/SIZE]

NPC Template
Unit: Protector Infantry

Strength: Actual strength 200 to 400, I'm using ten
Objective: They are with me, holding the hanger bay
Location: Hanger bay behind makeshift barricades.
Controller: Me

[SIZE=9pt]-and thus, after many years of battle, Kad Ha'rangir cast his brother gods from the Manda and became its sole ruler. What he had done was pleasing unto himself, for he had earned his throne. Deeming that his children on the mortal plane would fight, as he had, for a place at his side and a place in the manda. For he would only accept the greatest warriors for the battle at the end of times, when his brothers would rise again from their dark pits and seek to take what was rightfully Kad Ha'rangir's. Grant me, o Destroyer God, a place among your host, so that I might fight and die for you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]That prayer had always comforted Hulle, in his dark moments. He wasn't Mando'ade by birth, and sometimes he lacked the strength and resolve to do what must be done. But Kad Ha'rangir stood beside him in the battle lines, neither raising blade or shield in his defense, but telling him to continue. When he fell, he would hear him say, "Get Up," when an enemy left himself open, he would hear him say, "Strike." But now, as Hulle stood in the Fort's hanger, Kad'Ha'rangir was silent. It wasn't the first time, his lord did not want him, his servant, becoming dependent. This was something he must do himself; face the Heretics for the glory of Kad Ha'rangir. [/SIZE]

Beside him stood Ten of his his vode, bracing themselves against barricades for when the enemy would break through the outer defenses. Their makeshift emplacement itself was placed quite far into the hanger, but still within a straight view of the mouth. All of them were armed with Hyperion Squad Automatic weapons save one, who manned a stationary gun, a devestating weapon, but its placement left the Mando'ade operating it more exposed then his vode. If the battle called for it, Hulle would lead them out of the hanger bay into the fray. But until then they would hold and wait for the enemy to come to them.

Hulle himself was standing in-front of the barricade, holding in one hand his massive axe and in the other his prayer beads, which he fingered nervously. His ACP Array gun was slung over his shoulder so when the enemy reached them he'd be able to grab it quickly. Kad Ha'rangir gave to him the honor of command, and he could not save all his vode, he would ensure they have glorious deaths.
Location: Wayland; Jungles
Objective: B
Allies: Mando's
Enemies: [member="Kiran Vess"]
Ana had been holding the rage, pain and anguish that she had felt for decades now. She had been taught by Azrael not to go out and stab all Graug in the face due to the past. He had taught her to be civil not some animal. She could feel that rage creeping out now and it was only serving to make her stronger.

As his blaster flew out of his hand Ana growled in frustration. She had almost had it or less at lest in her mind she did and now it was gone. It was alright as she had a laser built into her armor along with a knife. The same knife she was told not to stab people in the face with but wanted to very much so.

Ana winced in pain as his knife connected with her right shoulder blade. She bite her lip in order to keep herself from screaming in pain. Pain was a sign of weakness and that a big no no. Groaning in pain her hands went to grab for that knife while she called upon the help of the plants around her once more to go after the man's feet while she wrestled with him going for that knife even if it meant cutting up her hands in the process. Ana needed to disarm him.

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