Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Magnificent Probably More than Seven [Primeval Invasion of Mandalorian Wayland]

Objective: Defend the Base
Location: Fort Monroe; ~350 meters from Main Building, ~180 meters from Death Fence, ~50 meters from closest Bunker
Allies: [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"],

Gear: Olivia Dem'adas wore simple, light Beskar'gam.It was the standard for her clan's officers, naval crew, and operators. A simple Beskar armorweave was worked into a uniform, beskar and leather boots were applied to the feet, and thin plates of Beskar were added to key locations around the chest, arms, and legs. Over this, her dress uniform's jacket was worn. It was not the invulnerable class 8 armor that her vod wore into battle, but it was all she needed. She was armed with a Tenloss Model 9-type 11 sidearm and a beskad saber on either side of her waste.
Vehicle: Myrkava-C
NPC Template
Unit: Clan Dem'adas Marine Company, Myrkava Tanks
Strength: 250 Marines, 10 tanks
Objective: Defending Fort Monroe
Location: 110 Marines are defending main vehicle bay, all others loaded into Tanks and deployed along roads roughly in-line with bunkers
Controller: Olivia Dem'adas

Olivia sat within a semi-circle of display screens. Video feed from dozens of sources poured into her vehicle. The Vehicle Bay was emptying of the first wave of defenders while reserve units bunkered down to protect the area from hostile forces. Within the center of the vehicle bay, a Bral vehicle still sat immobile, protecting the outpost from the dangers of hostile force users. The shuttle hanger at the top of the fortress was being used as an over watch position by a unit of Mandalorian Protectors' marksmen. Behind her people, in the main courtyard of the outpost, a massive Mythosaur Mobile Fortress lumbered into position. To the left and right of her own position, Olivia saw the few dozen bunkers curving around the complex, each one 150 meters from the Death Fence and spread 70-75 meters from one another. From her position, she could see the men inside those bunkers as they moved the barrel of their heavy weapons back and forth in a sweeping motion as they scanned the treeline for the first wave of attackers.

On over a dozen other display screens, Olivia watched as each of her Tanks held still, engines idling and a light exhaust rising from the sides of the vehicles and mixing with the ambient air. Her marines were alert for the first signs of contact. From the training she had done with her Marines, she knew that each loader had prepared the main cannon's revolving ammo loader with four discarding Sabot Tungsten Rod Kinetic rounds, a single discarding Sabot Ionite Rod Kinetic round, an Armor Piercing round, two High Explosive rounds, and two High Explosive Fragmentation rounds. Anti-aircraft weapons fired overhead as the base engaged hostile landing craft, but no movement could yet be seen within or beyond the treeline. The dense jungle of Wayland was too thick to see what approached beyond the garden of mines and defenses and the 135 meter clearing that stood between the former and the latter.

Olivia was excited to see what her Marines could do with the new Myrkava tanks in actual combat. But she was bored, and not only by the quiet that came before the storm. Olivia liked to lead from the front. She was a woman of action. And while she loved the command tank's ability to coordinate a battlefield as effectively as it did, she hated not actually being the commander of the tank she sat within. Her eyes glanced to the two armored Mando'ad that sat in the rear of the vehicle, just waiting for something to do and incapable of aiding their vod... Just... waiting to be called upon. Feth they looked bored.

"Olivia to base." She said to the communicator in her helmet, which routed itself through the tank's much more powerful transmitter and then broadcast to her vod. "Do we know yet which side they are massing on?"

There were five roads that connected the base to the expansive jungles of wayland. One of those roads, the one that Olivia had chosen to defend personally, ran from Fort Monroe to the Mandal Hypernautics Phrik Mine. It was several kilometers away. Far enough away to be outside the immediate danger of assault, or it should be anyway. But was still close enough to be seen from the top of Fort Monroe. Each of the five roads spread out from the base like five spokes in a wheel. Inside the 800 meter clearing that stood between the base's Energy Fence and the treeline, those five roads twisted and curved into three winding roads. Each of those three roads in turn passed through force field gates in the energy fence and twisted into one long, curving road that made one nearly complete lap around the perimeter of the base before connecting with the building itself. It was an interesting design, but it left Olivia annoyed. Depending on where the enemy assaulted from, there was a 2/5ths chance that she'd be on the wrong side of the base.
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Primeval, [member="Bal'gul"] , [member="Lord Daemos"]
Gear: single phase lightsaber, dual phase lightsaber, light foil, skinning knife, E-11 blaster rifle, bandolier of grenades, night ops armor, Sith power gauntlets, comlink

The grenades that were tossed back were on such a short fuse that they exploded before they reached him, mainly thanks to him asking them then holding then a few seconds. The shrapnel and explosion missed him yet the kinetic force of the concussion slapped him in the back, propelling him into a staggered run up the tree.

As he neared Daemos he watched him cart wheel away from the trunk. So with a grin Muad kicked off the tree with the force, flipping backwards and landing with lightsaber ready. Then the mental assault hit him.

He was standing within three meters of Daemos as the Sith pulled on the force energy at his disposal for his mind assault. Having already tasted the energy at the man's disposal Muad automatically stretched out in the force to absorb the power as well. But his mind didn't do it for it was busy, the instinct had come from training and experience.

The powerful presence hit his mind trying to break in, but a curiosity instead. Muad's mind was wide open. Add the attack moved in Muad then through his defenses up attempting to ensnare the other man within for a moment. He spoke in his mind.

You think you can break me? Control me? Push me to insanity? Destroy me? You are wrong. My mind was quoted and over written hundreds of times in my youth ... and they tried to break me and failed. Jedi masters have sought to control me, Ryiah, Manto, Durron, and many more. But I could not be caged. I've faced the Nightmare Land, horrific Sith rituals, Dread Masters, even the phobis devices could not drive me to be mental. Sith masters, Ice, Nemonus, Malice, and more tried to destroy my mind. But they all failed. I'm already mad. Here ... have a taste.

And with Daemos in his mind he unleashed the torrents of torture and pain and insanity that existed within his fractured psyche with a maniacal laugh.

But the force warned him of danger so he turned to face Bal'gul, but was almost to late. Seeing the attack Muad dropped to fall on his side, but the lazy swipe hit his though and scored through the armor cutting and burning the flesh behind.

Hitting the ground as the swipe followed through above he stabbed up through the sled attempting to impale the professor while using the siphoned energy to focus on the power source in the sled, overbearing the power cells so they would explode and possibly turn the tentacled being into a pile of goo.

Ruling on the ground his legs went over his head. Continueing through the roll his feet touched the ground and Muad staggered slightly from the pain, but he pulled the pain in, focusing his mind and body as he lunged at Daemos, a lunge at the Sith's head that at the last moment proved a feint, instead culminating in a quick slash to cut through the man's torso from sternum to groin in a speed attack that, if as successful as he hoped, would spoil Daemos' intestines upon the ground.
OBJECTIVE: Find Someone To Fight

ALLIES: Primeval
ENEMIES: Mandalorians
GEAR: Two lightclubs, two regular lightsabers, PAR-1 Bullpup Assault Rifle, Primeval Battle Armour
Sometimes coming to a party late wasn't exactly a bad thing. Sure, you end up missing a few things, but you don't have to bother with a flashy entrance. Plus you can skip the usual (and seemingly endless) introductions. Battles, of course, aren't quite parties. Well, that depends on who you ask, however most would agree. Did Azrael agree with the majority? Yes. That didn't mean he didn't enjoy fighting though. Oh, yes, the monstrous lizard, with his six arms and massive horns, did, in fact, love the rush, the thrill, of combat. Coming rushing into the jungle late to him was good in only one way: Plenty of combatants were already busy. He would likely be able to pick his opponent. Now he simply had to glance over the present warriors...
{OOC: I'm not the fastest poster. However I'll be doing my absolute best to reply within 2-3 hours of seeing your post. If you'd like to fight Azrael, please just tag me or pop me a PM/message. Should you wonder if I've received your message you can (probably) poke Anja/Anja's writer. He has my contact info and can double check. As long as he doesn't mind or isn't busy.}
Location: Jungle
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Primeval
Gear: Standard, basic Mandalorian stuff (armor, blaster pistol, disruptor pistol, vibroknife)

As [member="Muad Dib"] rushed for [member="Lord Daemos"], another being dressed in Mandalorian armor emerged from the jungle brush. The helmeted figure, Bestala Viszla, quickly surveyed the situation. She gripped a disruptor pistol in her right hand. She initially pointed the pistol at Daemos, yet quickly shifted it to [member="Bal'gul"] in order to cover for any counter attack.

<Vod!> yelled Bestala, a feminine voice echoing forth from behind her helmet.

Then, Bestala pulled a grenade from one of her utility belt pouches. She seemed ready to arm it. Yet as it stood, Muad was very close to Daemos and Bal’gul.

For the moment, Bestala waited to see if Muad’s strike had any effect on his enemies. It would be wasteful to use a grenade on a dead enemy.
Objective: B - 2 - PvP
Location: Jungle
Primeval, [member="Lord Daemos"]
Enemies: Mandalorians
Primary Targets: [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Bestala Vizsla"]

x1 Hoversled, x8 lightsabers

As slow-moving as Bal'gul might be on land, a whole octet of tentacles afforded him with a range of options unavailable to these pissant quadrupeds. No less than three emerald blades moved to intercept the nimrod's thrust in a chorus of parries. Bal'gul burbled a wet chuckle of disdain. Silly humanoid.

Th whine of his repulsorsled abruptly grew in pitch.

"Hm?" Six eyes glanced down at the sled. "Oh my."

While the nimrod might have been incredibly distracted by the bumpkin's antics, he did appear rather resourceful. Bal'gul only had a brief second to hop clear with a Force-propelled hop before the sled's power cell blew. It was by no means an awe-inspiring explosion. In fact, it was a little sad compared to the blazing infernos created mere moments before. Yet the detonation did tear a hole in the repulsorsled that sprayed Bal'gul's leaping, soft-tissued underside with sparks and slender shards of metal.

The sled collapsed onto the forest floor, as did Bal'gul.

"Oof," he winced, not at the impact, for he was largely boneless, but at the feeling of several slivers of metal embedded near the base of a tentacle. He deactivated one lightsaber and began to pull at the shards while slowly crawling away, which was also about the time two of his eyes noticed the second enemy presence. Ah! At last, one of the hubristic, loricated quadrupeds.
Objective: A - Destroy the generator
Location: Landed outside the base
Allies: The Primeval | @[member=Anja Aj'Rou] @[member=Keira Ticon] @[member=Boo Chiyo] @[member=The Dark Man] @[member=Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou]
Enemies: The Mandalorians
Gear: LL-Interchangeable Weapons System |
Advanced Agent Tactical Armour | BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol | 4 EMP Grenades | Vibroblade

NPC Unit: Primeval Golden Banner 5th
Unit:Primeval Golden Banner 5th
Strength: 120 troops + 20 MIFVs
Objective: The Siege of Fort Monroe
Location: Primeval landing zone, outside Fort Monroe
Controller: Mard Szaks

As the 20 MIFVs under his command rumbled into place, Mard considered the twists of fate that had put him in this position. He preferred to be at the bottom of the command chain, hanging rather loosely as the last link, not in the middle, stretched taut, as he was now. But apparently he had excelled. Somehow. Not that his position really mattered that much to him - he would serve the Primeval as well as he could, whether it be as a warrior, a cook, or a mule. Not that he enjoyed carrying out menial tasks - Gods no - but he felt a certain satisfaction in serving the Cause in whichever way he was needed. So he would give it his all again, as before.

A sudden arrest of movement also arrested his thoughts. His commlink crackled: "In position." "Good, we wait for the Host Lord's orders." He knew the plan for the day, but he also knew that that specific plan would see a multitude of very unplanned changes throughout the battle. At least they didn't "sir" him. He had always hated that.

Figuring he would be remiss not to use the last few moments out of direct contact with the enemy, Mard decided to step outside for a moment, and enjoy, or at least take in, the view. Fully in cover behind the massive body of the MIFV, he searched his pockets for the cigarettes he always had with him. Helmet in hand, he admired the area behind them, including the flashes of artillery fire, and smoked. The area in front of them he would have time to admire soon enough.

Donning his helmet, and getting back into the transport, he decided his soldiers may appreciate a short pep talk. So he would give them one. Tuning to the appropriate channel, he said: "We fight to spread the truth, soldiers. Let's kill these Mandos." Short meant short for him. He never saw the use in recrementitious loquacity.

Soon enough, the order to move out came, and with it, the MIFVs rumbled on to their destination.
Location: Kad'iva Light Cruiser
Objective: Enter the Fray
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Primeval
Mount: Bes'uliik

Commlink chatter peppered in, filtering to various profiles that swept across holographic screens. The pale blue and red shades reflecting off the metallic sheen of the salvager's helmet. The crimson visor peered back and forth towards the forces amassing from each side. Fort Monroe had a wealth of defense on their side, and the tracking satellite systems were pin-pointing the ships that had swept through the orbital defenses, snaking in to deliver the zealot troops. Another hot-bed of activity though had slid across the viewscreen - indicating the thick jungle marshes were being flooded with both vode and the aruetiise coming into glorious clashes of combat. Another alert concerned the Mand'alor while he overlooked the information that was separated and addressed by communications officers on the bridge.

:: A'lor, there's a signal pinging from the mountain, Marshal Anija has engaged with a squad to see to the disturbance. Fort Monroe is holding strong, the opposition is still kilometers from the initial death fence.::

:: Keep your focus on the fort, and patch in comms to my location, prep MASS for departure - and monitor the activity inside the mountain. The jungle needs my immediate attention. :: Azrael commanded before leaving the bridge and heading towards the hangar bay where he'd make his decent to Wayland proper and join his brothers and sisters in the war against those who would dare oppose their position in the Galaxy. This was a religious mission for them, and while most warriors were dangerous in their own right, those who believed in a cause were even more deadly - as they were not shaken by doubt. They could not be purchased, persuaded, or reasoned with. Holy or not, their devotion would only see genocide as a thriving reason to continue. The only way to deal with something of this nature was complete and total extinction - which coincidentally was exactly what Azrael had planned. A pause in the armory loaded the salvager up with a kit he'd put together special for just such an occasion - hauling the load to the mechanical monolithic monster that would be his primary vessel into the battle below.

:: We've moved into position A'lor, you're safe for drop.:: The message echoed in his helmet and was given a firm and resolute reply while he mounted the Bes'uliik and slid the weapons he'd carry on it's frame into place. With one hand upon the beat, his mag-seal plates activated and attached him against the mount. Space opened up beneath him, the rush of a vacuum sucking the air right passed him and out into the void. The red light flashed in rotation as the countdown commenced and Azrael felt the sudden sensation of nothing at all overpowering all other senses, while rider and mount departed from the light freighter and headed towards the planet at gravity's beckoning pull. A mere pin prick on the horizon line until the sub layers of atmosphere began to rush around him. Sound and fury met with the heat and radiant power of his comet like entrance. A sonic boom accompanied the entrance into the planet itself while the rush and feel of the fall only strengthened his resolve.


Thunder rocked the landscape, a mass exodus of native animals activated seconds before the crater like landing that sunk the war droid into the soil, letting out a massive shockwave akin to an explosion. Foot soldiers scattered from the debris as dirt and rubble lined the air, in falling rain. Cutting from such an impact, the droid rose up and let loose a roar of laser cannon fire that dug deep trenches into the ground, ripping apart the light artillery some of the Prime's infantry toted around. This however was just the landing spot, and not the destination - as Azrael quickly activated the thrusters, and the droid leapt into the air, and began tearing path at great speed towards the center of conflict he intended to engage within. Mand'alor rode for the jungle, and death would follow in his wake.

OOC: Azrael will be reaching the jungle next post and engaging. Currently not set on a target, but will consider offers. Feel free to PM me or find me on the OOC discussion board. I will be working tomorrow till the evening and then I'll be able to post again - throughout the weekend of Sunday and Monday when I am off. Thank you for your consideration.

Auswyn Nothrael

Location: Wayland; Jungles
Objective: B
Allies: The Primeval | No-one in particular...
Enemies: Mandalorians | [member="Garrus Garon"]
Gear: Two well-blooded daggers, one lightsaber.

She didn't see it coming, but who would have in her state? Even with clarity of mind, a grenade fired into the vicinity would simply be moving too fast to be spotted until it was entirely too late, unless you were expecting it. This was knowledge the chestnut-haired, brain-fogged woman never had. Mandalorians were a huge gap in what she knew, and she hadn't had enough clear function in her brain to consider that, perhaps, she should have tried to find a few things out before arriving here. When asked if she would be coming along, nothing had broken through except any words directly related to bloodshed, murder. Those were things she felt keenly, in this state.

She didn't see it coming, but life was funny because another fact of her mental state was the effect on her awareness of her surroundings. She wasn't staring at her feet, so she didn't see the rock that hooked her left foot and sent her stumbling several steps and crashing to the ground in a spectacular jumble of limbs just as the grenade began its flight. This was a shock, and she was stunned for a moment, a tiny spike washing through her system that cleared a small portion of the fog. A very small portion, but every little bit counts! She sat up as the grenade flew overhead, and pulled herself to her feet in time for the grenade to make impact when it clipped a tree and bloomed in every direction as she turned in reaction to the noise, instinctively curling into herself in an instant as the information of countless fragments coming for her was traded off from her eyes to her brain. It was the best she could do, fleshed protection of face, neck, organs, back by way of stance and an increasing fetal position. The cost of being unarmoured would be racked up in other ways.

The fall granted her scrapes, and bruises would form. Detritus clung to her clothes, her hair, dirt smudged below where detritus had been wiped clean from the streak of her tumble. These were beneath her notice, whether being ripped into by the physical intent of a frag grenade or not. The majority of the flak was taken by the left side of her body as she fell to the ground again, on instinctual purpose this time - shoulder, forearm, fingers at the back of her neck, knee, and so on. The crown of her head took a fair slicing before she thudded to the floor of the jungle again, the pain building up, teeth biting back only part of a scream that was terribly feral - a scream that devolved into tear streaked laughter as she tried somewhat vainly to cope with the neuron fire that spread across her body, as other, additional points of contact from the shrapnel were catalogued and added to the stack of hurt bearing down on her.

A few more moments making friends with the earth, ear pressed to the ground as it had landed there. Another moment before she began to uncurl. She could hear the heavy, thudding, efficient footsteps, and tried pushing herself upright enough to see, only to find that her left arm wasn't all that keen on functioning at peak. It was sluggish at best, the pain firing back at her brain nigh-insurmountable. Forget that arm for now, rely on the other one, and the view of what came for her was granted, and it was coming at her, relentless.

How long has it been since there's been a helmeted one?

At any rate, she was wide awake, now.

Does he wear it all the time?

Very wide awake, yes. She began to make her best attempt at rising to her feet, as Garrus the Grenade Giver closed in on her much smaller and circumstantially disadvantaged self. Her head craned back as much as was needed to track his face as he came closer, her best pain-avoidant smirk curving her lips.

"You're overdressed..."
Objective C
Location: Nearing the top of Mount Tantiss [MAP]
Allies: [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"]

So… they didn't really have a map. But they had eyes! That's a good tradeoff, right?

No? Well, okay. There were also the ship's scanners, which was good, because even with xir borrowed eyesight, Laguz couldn't see jack poodoo. Quite annoying, really.

Xe fidgeted, frowning a little as xe failed miserably at discerning the nature of most readings. There were only two types of readings xe was good at, and those were entirely unapplicable in the current situation. Bother.

The sniper clapped xir hand on the pilot's shoulder, muttering a few quiet orders to the soldier before slipping back to join the rest of their strike team — perhaps too generous a word, but it would have to do — the features of xir face reflecting none of the turmoil going on behind those red eyes.

"Alright, people," the shifter spoke, drawing the attention of the motley crew, "we don't actually know where the entrance is." Honesty, while not exactly in Laguz's nature, was sometimes indeed the best policy. There was no shame in xir voice, however, no frustration bleeding through into xir tone; too many decades spent on subterfuge and deceit had left their mark.

"Luckily for us, we've got a competent pilot flying this bird," the sniper continued after a momentary pause, rubbing a small patch of itchy skin under xir nose as xe pointed over xir shoulder at the cabin. Adre Li Coel wasn't quite as devout as his brother — probably because that had ended rather badly for his older sibling — but his skill with a ship was equal, if not greater than the late Isri's.

"So brace yourselves, folks," the shifter grinned slightly at those words, xir mouth full of needle-like teeth as xe wrapped xemself bodily around one of the handles. "The landing's gonna be rough."
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]C[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Following [member="Laguz Vald"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Gear:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Sexy good looks, [/SIZE]Sonomax Sonic Pistol, purple lightsaber, jungle variant of Armor

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Token hadn’t really been ready for anything in years! She didn’t know what was going on since the whole rapture incident. She survived, though, and … oh… no… That… that couldn’t happen, right?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]No… no no no.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Was her hero going to be here? She hoped not. She thought she remembered that the man… Falcon, it was like a bird but not that bird (that being a hawk, God’s gunslinger, say thank ya), was a Mando. Hopefully he wasn’t here… She didn’t want to harm him. Really Token didn’t want to harm anyone. But she didn’t want her friends harmed. Sure, she didn’t really know these people, but they were all brought to the Primeval for a reason, right?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Some for a reason, some for a season, as they saying goes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]They were on the ship, of course. But what if they crashed into Falcon?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]WHAT IF?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]“So, like… how are we going to get in?” Was it helmet and seatbelt time?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Yes. Yes it was. Token quickly fixed her mane of blonde hair and tucked her head into the helmet. And buckled up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]And cried a little. She was a siren, if she cried too loud, it'd not be good. But once they land? She can definitely stun people around the landing site.[/SIZE]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Location: B, Jungles
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Gear: Annihilator, Signature

(Sorry this took a bit, I fell asleep!)

Kiran moved through the jungle as fast as he possibly could. His boots crunched against the ground, his feet lifted into the air, and his armor smacked against branch after branch. He moved as fast as he could push himself, trampling on everything that he couldn't simply jump over. It seemed that the eltron had found his fire, and as he cleared branch after branch his grip on the annihilator tightened.

His HUD flashed.

Lips thinned, mouth twisted into a smile, and he realized what he saw. It took him only a split second to identify the target, a flick of his wrist, a small twist of his hand down onto his belt. Kiran pulled out a smoke grenade, a weapon not used by many.

His blaster raised, pointing directly at the Mandalorian woman.

There was no speech, no threat, no silly dance before the storm. There was only two warriors, one catching the other by surprise. He hoped this kill would be quick, he hoped that she wouldn't see it coming, not for her sake, but for his own. He squeezed the trigger of his Annihilator, sending three heavy plasma bolts towards the woman, at the same time he tossed the smoke grenade, a trail of dark blue already following after it.
Objective C
Location: Nearing the top of Mount Tantiss [MAP]
Allies:[member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: :[member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak "] | [member="Briika Detta"]
Gear: Personal Armour | Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

Jun Nez was deep in thought and on the brim of explosion from waiting. "How long would this bracked flight take." he thought to himself. As soon as he had thought it the creature with the sniper stood up and addressed the crew. Get ready? He was ready, he had been ready since they entered the atmosphere. Buckle in, hold his weapon. The human looked worried, what was there to be worried about? I thought we expected little resistance, this /was/ a stealth ship, wasn't it? He thought. This thought didn't last long, it was going to be a hard landing indeed, he could sense it.
"Dum da dum, dum da dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum." The drums had picked up speed, the war had begun. Jun Nez smiled under his mask and said with his distorted voice: "Can't you hear the drums of war, we have destiny on our side. There's nothing to be worried about." he then laughed.

He was losing his cool, he wanted to act. Now.
Location: Wayland; Harvester Mining Site - Mount Tantiss Ruins
Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]
Allies: [member="Nandiach_Ankah"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="A'den Shereshoy"]
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]


It didn't take long for Anija to reach the mining site.... if she'd have taken a speeder, it would have taken much longer. She slowed as she reached the outskirts of the mining site, and gently lowered the bes'uliik to the ground not far from where the Ani'jarkiv was parked. Anyone nearby would feel the heatwash from her repulsors as the craft lowered to the ground, the stygium cloak disengaging as it did so.

As she jumped lightly to the ground from the bes'uliik's upper fuselage, she whispered a few instructions to ANNE. As her feet touched the ground, the bes'uliik flickered and vanished again. She hoped it hadn't startled the others of her team too badly. "Olarom, vode..." she said quietly, taking a moment to reach out and grip arms with each in turn. "Vor'e for coming. I wanted to come check out the mine because sensors picked up movement...." She frowned and let her eyes fall closed for a moment as she reached out with the Force.

Anyone with Force ability could sense her now... as she could them. Nearby, she sensed a great many lifeforms. Mostly jungle wildlife. But among that... were several she didn't recognize. Instinctively, she reached for her ripper. "Whoever it is.. they are close. Spread out... and keep your weapons ready." Suiting words to action, Anija turned and moved quickly towards where the Harvester Mining Platform rested, it's massive legs extended and braced against the forest floor.

The thing had been there for close to six years now, and if one looked closely, they would see that some vines and other undergrowth and begun to attach itself, growing up the massive legs. As they moved closer, leaves and underbrush rustling underfoot, they would begin to hear the low hum of the Harvester's reactors. They drew to a stop just shy of the outer edge of the Harvester's legs. Shimmering between the legs, and extending down towards the ground was the shimmering barrier of a Modified HAS Military Shield. It was designed to keep out environmental hazards, but also unauthorized personnel.

Pausing, she looked up, the shimmering surface of the HAS shield was mere feet in front of them. As they waited, and scanned the area, Anija began searching through her stored codes list. For feth's sake, she was the Head Engineer for Mandal Hypernautics. She better have the deactivation codes for the Harvester shields. Otherwise they were fethed. Anticipation and a rush of adrenaline coursed through her. Whoever it was that was coming towards the mountain from the other side, they were still coming, and quickly. She couldn't tell where exactly, but she could sense at least the general direction.

A frown crossed her face, and she continued looking through her files. It seemed like a small eternity as with ANNE's help she sifted through her extensive list of codes, both for the Mandalorians and for Mandal Hypernautics. Eventually, ANNE fount it. Buried in a file [member="Captain Larraq"] had sent months ago. That would teach her to look at the messages he sent. Shaking her head at herself, She chewed on her bottom lip and carefully put in the codes, transmitting them.

She wasn't sure if the Harvester still had a human crew. She'd not sensed one, at any rate. But, regardless.. if the codes were accurate, the shield would deactivate to let them pass through and beneath the Harvester's massive form. As they waited for the codes to transmit and be processed by the Harvester's computers, Anija scanned the area again with the Force. The other group - whoever they were - were much closer now. As if they were moving very quickly. Adrenaline coursed through her again, and a hint of something else. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was a vague sense of... something about to happen, and it related to whoever that other group was.

For now though, she waited a bit impatiently for the codes to process. It was taking fething forever. Maybe because they hadn't been used in over six years? It was a guess. And probably a fairly accurate one at that. The mining platform itself seemed to be idling at the moment, and for that Anija was grateful. They didn't have the gigantic mining laser to contend with. At least for now... Shaking her head again, Anija looked up just as the shield between the Harvester's legs flickered and vanished.
Objective: A - Destroy the shield generator
Location: On the approach to Fort Monroe
Allies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Mard Szaks"]
Enemies: [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Arrbi Betna"]
Gear: Ghost Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Vibroknucklers, Lightsaber, Primeval Light Armor

Strength: 120 troops + 20 MIFVs
Objective: The Seige of Fort Monroe
Location: Primeval landing zone, outside Fort Monroe
Controller: Bannerman Mesoth [NPC]

The young Pantoran brought the rifle up into a steady position as he knelt atop the MIFV armored vehicle, tucking the butt of the Ghost into his right shoulder. His left hand free, the boy touched the side of his helmet. Inside, the transparisteel visor was illuminated with a heads-up display. Ocular zooming focused on the landscape ahead, binocular vision scanning the path ahead which would open into an exposed road. Their path to the target.

"Chiyo, I want your soldiers on support -- keep us moving."

A second tap of his hand against the helmet, and the visual enhancement vanished. Turning his head, the boy looked over in surprise at hearing his name.

The Host Lord knew his name.

The experience was akin to having heard his name fall from the lips of GOD immortal. The child-soldier's hair stood on end in that moment, electrified by the sudden conflict of humility and pride. Who am I, Host Lord? Is it I, Host Lord? Send me, Host Lord. Nodding, finally, the boy turned his attention back to the path ahead. A series of hand signals split the battalion of foot soldiers into a march through the trees, where they could take up supported firing positions along the treeline.

The Pantoran's MIFV took point, with the youth again switching to ocular imaging to scan ahead as the trees began to thin out. "There are shielded gateways along the path," the boy announced back through the commlink.

"Eta Squadron, focus your mass-drivers on that gate." The voice of Bannerman Mesoth, in the command vehicle further to the rear of their formation. "Bravo and Delta Squadron, COILs at the ready to bring down incoming artillery."

Bringing his left hand under, the boy supported the barrel of the sniper rifle and ratcheted back the power coupling to bring the weapon off safety and ready to fire. The sound of the turret beside him winding up for a kinetic discharge was a low rumble that began to build in intensity. As the first vehicle emerged into view, its mass-driver sent a high velocity projectile headed toward the first gate.

"Alpha Squadron, I want napalm rockets on these coordinates," Bannerman Mesoth commanded through the link. In one corner of his HUD, the boy could see target coordinates gathered during the aerial assault on the planet that had delivered the vehicles to the surface. Each of Alpha Squadron's five MIFVs was capable of firing 18 rockets, meaning that a rain of ninety incidiary warheads would be headed to the area designated as the target hangar. "Target, maximum firepower."

The sound of the rockets firing sent a loud whistle screaming through the air, and a tremor through the ground.

The Primeval were ringing the doorbell.

- Emerging from the treeline
- 1 MIFV squadron (5 MIFVs) targeting first shield gate with mass-driver turrets
- 2 MIFV squadrons (10 MIFVs) on anti-missile defense
- 1 MIFV squadron (5 MIFVs) firing napalm rockets at Fort Monroe hangar (5 launchers x 18 rockets/launcher = 90 napalm rockets)
Objective: B (Timber!)
Location: In the jungle
Allies: [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Conner Garon"]
Gear: Chain-sickle, Primeval Advanced Agent Tactical Armor, Lightsaber, Battle Rancor

At the thermal detonator explosion, Xana was blown off of her huge, clawed feet. Feeling the movement from the blast, Perla jumped off of her back and using the Force, grabbed for the nearest tree branch. The Dathomir witch scrambled up the large, thick trunked jungle tree, also Force enhancing her speed and strength in the climb. Although as an experienced hunter, she was more than capable of climbing it on her own.

She watched below as Xana hit the ground with a thud and rolled over in agony. She mentally called out to the beast to soothe it as she could see the bull rancor was badly damaged from the blast. Chunks of her reptilian flesh hung from a bone in her leg and she had burns all over her lower body. Xana roared again with anger, pain and confusion, and Perla could almost feel the bellow in her body. Get up, girl, she thought. Get up and attack!

But for now, the huge creature was struggling. She was still alive but rolled over on her side to tend to her wounds, making a beastly moaning sound which pained the Dathomir exile to hear. She cursed and spit at the Mando in Paecian, and he would know by her frantic, angry tone, that they were obscenities.

From where she clung to her tree branch, Perla began using the Force to push the base of the jungle trees surrounding the weathered Mandalorian, especially the weakened ones. He would hear a cracking sound and then another and another and suddenly, as though they were felled by a lumberjack, large trees began to fall directly in his vicinity. He wasn't the most agile warrior from what she could tell, so her goal was to trap him under the fallen tree trunks until she could assess the damage to Xana.
Location: Base--->Jungle
Objective: Repel
Allies: Vode
Enemies: Primeval
NPCs: They are exactly alike to Draco's NPCs in his first post.
Objective: Defend at all costs
Location: Fort Monroe
Controller: Vilaz Munin

The alarms alerted every Mandalorian within space and the earth itself of Wayland. Whether it was a drill or not they were on their feet and stood ready with their arms ready for action. But today that wasn't a drill to test the senses of the Mandalorians as well as their timing. Today was an actual attack by a force who challenged the magnitude of their strength in orbit in the Muunilist System. A serious mistake on their part, but they made a more serious mistake coming deep within Mandalorian territory. Any world right next door to Mandalore would be highly secured with remarkable defenses. And Wayland was one of those worlds that could provide a key tactical advantage for anyone who wanted to build a storm and unleash it on the Mandalorian capital.

The Rally Master being at the central command center of Wayland coordinating attacks and defenses for Wayland, and movements for units heard the alarms and rushed toward the armory. It wasn't a standard armory having the same exact weapons for soldiers to use such as militaries of the Republic or the One Sith. These kinds of armory held personal defenses and weapons for the Mandalorians. Several personal arms of the Redneck was his unique crossbow, Orar'bev, two dual WESTAR 34 pistols, a Fett-Kal knife, two thermal detonators, crushgaunts, a flashbang, and a repulsorpack. And of course his personal beskar'gam and his Vornskr pet. After he had retired for his equipment he ran to exit out of the base and enter the outside.

Surely, enough he could see smoke rising to the air from far distances and enemy vessels orbiting in the skies. Warriors marching to meet their enemies to dodge bullets and retaliate with their own projectiles.

"Oya, vod, " a fellow Mandalorian approached to the Redneck, " We're at your command. " Indeed Vilaz had the power to command numbers and make them do their bidding, however, his place was not here fortifying and keeping invaders outside of Fort Monroe. "To hell that I'm ordering you what to do, vod. You're in charge, the Warrior replied back to his fellow brother and was then asked to where he was going.

"Hunting, what else would I be doing," giving his answer to the question of the Mandalorian before whistling his Vornskr to follow his lead to the dangers of the jungle.

-Two WESTAR 34s
-Two thermal detonators
-One flashbang
-One Vornskr
(Don't know how to link due to phone posting, however, you can search them or ask me for the links of these articles)

Objective: Objective B
Location: Places
Allies: Not that tree
Enemies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], trees everywhere

Of course he expected her to retaliate with telekinesis, not much had changed after their fight on Fondor, but still the audacity of her attack was surprising. Still, he actively fought against her pincer attack on his body, but even though his power was worthy and reckoning he still found himself sliding towards one of the nearby trees, no doubt she sought to pulp him against the bark like some brute with a club. No wonder she was on the side of the Mandalorians, but his disdain would not help him in this moment. However; he learned several things from her defense against his barrage of lightning, things he probed during his unbridled assault on her person with his hatred. So he wrapped a protective cocoon of Force energy around himself as he allowed his body to be flung into the nearby tree with bonecrushing force, although thanks to his barrier he could take an indefinite session of punishment and not be killed instantly. That didn't mean hitting the tree at the same velocity as a speeder crashing into a solid surface didn't hurt like an absolute queen, because it did, but he had more important matters than pain to attend to.

He reached out with his will through the Force towards Siobhan's mind, a very similar tactic he used on her at Fondor, but rather than go full-out with a mentalist assault he only spiked her mind with a quick smattering of power in an attempt to momentarily confuse and maybe disorient her. Then he went to work on the real prize, his will becoming telekinetic as he immersed himself deeply in the founts of the dark side and drew upon his masterful knowledge of Mechu Deru. There were bionics in her body, he could sense the distinct absence of flesh when he unleashed his white-hot hatred upon her in waves of crackling electricity, her efforts so keen on keeping it away from her body for reasons other than the charring of her flesh. So with calculated, but manic, precision he began to exert his will upon the augments within her body, attempting to pull things loose, cause things to malfunction, short-circuit, explode, catch on fire, something or other to divide her attention to such a degree she might just abandon her attack and give him the reprieve he needed to mount a suitable counter.

In the meantime his body would be thrown against the tree in repeated fashion, but the bubble would hold for as long as it could. Perhaps it was unbecoming of a former Emperor to allow himself to be thrown around so carelessly, but to be fair countering telekinetic superpowers was never his strong suit, and the only advantage he had over someone like Mikhail Shorn was that he could scramble his mind should they ever had come to blow, but Shorn was dead and rumors of a child were yet unproven.

However; the crazy sexist woman wasn't.



Knight of the Obsidian Order
Location: Jungle
Objective: 2, Mother Nature is a beeyotch.
Allies: [member="Perla Pirjo"]
Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"]
Primarily engaging with: Strider Jr. [member="Conner Garon"]


A Mandalorian with blast bugs? That was the thought that burst to the front of Jemmila's mind as she saw the projectile biots hurling towards her. In order to save herself from a blown-off limb, the Hapan needed to break her hold on the tree. It toppled to the ground as she broke the telekinetic tether. Panic flooded her bloodstream. Jem dearly hoped that it didn't land on a friendly. Using the rest of her energy, she channeled the wind right out of the sky and surrounded herself in it. Pushing her arms out in front of her, she blew back as if hit with a gust of wind. It was enough for her to avoid getting blown into pieces, but her defense was not without its pain. A cry escaped her lips, as Jem smashed right into the muddy jungle floor, and she lay there for a moment, gasping for air. The dirt nearby shot into the air from the blast bugs' impact, and Jemmila rolled even further away from the rocky explosion.

Jem raised her gaze to the battlefield and her mouth fell open. There were two Mandalorian soldiers running around, not one as she had originally presumed. There was a deafening clunk as the earth underneath her shook as the warrior woman's rancor fell. It raised her head to the sky and howled, and Jemmila had to wrench her gaze away from its torture. Seeing the animal in pain began to shake her confidence. She thought of Master Ireles. How he would chide her for her weakness. No, she was stronger than this.

Jemmila rose to her feet, shakily, and swiveled her head around, looking for the soldier who had fired on her. The little karker was high up in the sky, floating around like a wayward balloon. She turned to the surrounding trees and began to animate the jungle vines close to him. Undulating towards him, they would begin to reach out. Like spindly arms they would try to grab him and pull him into their tangled embrance. Looking up at him, with her arms weaving in patterns much like the leafy tendrils, she growled out a taunt.

"Come here, boy. Let me give you a hug."
Location: Wayland, Jungles
Objective B
Enemies: [member="Auswyn Nothrael"], Primeval
Allies: Mandalorians
Equipment: Everything I listed in my first post
...the sound of Garrus as he crashed ahead, charging through the jungle, was easily heard as he continued a relentless advance of his opponent however as he came closer to her his advance started to slow considerably. By the time Garrus was close enough to see her clearly his pace had transformed from a charge to a brisk walk as he saw the woman, wounded, trying to rise to her feet. In the background he heard Connor coming over his comms as well, informing him that he was engaging another enemy, however Garrus considered this secondary to the woman that was now hardlined in front of him. Looking at her from beneath the cover of his helm her words registered, as did the smirk settling across her features but Garrus said nothing only came forward as though he were driven by purpose...

...the Vornskr Scattergun was shouldered, over his right shoulder, as he came closer to Auswyn giving him a free hand. Well two free hands when you considered the Micro Grenade Launcher was mounted over the left forearm of his armor. Then the Mandalorian would reach out for her. Bringing his right arm forward Garrus would reach for Auswyn's throat so that he could clap a heavy hand around it, squeeze and then lift her onto her feet as though she were light as a feather. Naturally the motion would reveal just how physically apt the Warrior was seeing as how he would be able to lift Auswyn as though she actually were a feather. Underneath the Heavy Beskar'gam the man was lined with corded muscle and scar tissue from the wounds he'd taken in battle and the rigorous routines he performed that had made him stronger all his life. Augmenting even that was a genetic disposition towards raw physical strength, he was nothing if not built for a physical kind of war...

...Garrus wasn't a fool though. The Warrior's attention was divided between his surroundings and the women. As he reached out to take her by the neck he was looking, waiting, expecting that hse would lash out or attack him in some way. Preparing for combat. It was irrelevant as to whether or not it would ever come. Once Garrus had reached to take her by the neck and lift her up off her feet she'd be able to hear his retort...
"You're underdressed."...the fingers of his gauntlet would slowly squeeze, cutting off air and making it impossible to breath as they sought to apple pressure directly to her windpipe. Then he would have thrown if she hadn't mounted a defense...

...nothing fancy just an extension of his right arm and a release that should have seen Auswyn flung away from him. The Warrior stood there afterwards, prompting her once...
"Get up and fight if you can."...if the battle was done he would move on, if she was all but incapacitated there were others who required his attention...
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: Primeval [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Conner Load-out
Viccae Assault Rifle

Conner dumped the empty organic coral of canister of blast bugs down to the ground as he slowly began his descent to the ground, he watched as the woman began to animate the jungle vines through the force and have them try to ensnare him. As the grew closer to him Conner did nothing as he continued lowering to the ground, even as they began to inch closer and closer to him beneath his helmet was an unamused and cold expression as if he simply didn't care that the vines would ensnare and potentially rip him apart. Was he up to something? The sith wouldn't know and as she wouldn't be able to get a read on him even through the force.

As the vines got around seven meters to the man and they simply fell limp and became a standard vine while the area outside the force repelling bubble was still under the woman's control. Once crossing a certain point in the air they just ceased to be stiff and under the woman's control. Casually reaching to his belt Conner grabbed another canister of blast bugs and loaded it into the gun as his feet calmly hit the jungle floor.

The man's visor shifted from a solid black to clear to show a set of cold dead eyes staring at the woman with nothing in them but hate and a desire to kill every single person like her, the same people who killed his mother and took her from him. People like her who created what he was today, it was an ironic form of penance really. So with those cold and hollow eyes Conner spoke to the woman in his lifeless voice.

"I'm only going to say this once. You have two options, put down your weapons and surrender. Or don't and I kill you." He said as he raised up his rifle at the woman.

He stood a good ten meters away from her, which was three meters where the neutral force bubble around him began. All he had to do was step three meters closer to her and she'd be powerless, a simple vanilla human that Conner could easily beat in a close quarters combat session with his Beskad.

Once his point was made with his eyes and tone Conner's visor blacked over again and his body language shifted over to a defensive posture with his rifle at the ready and capable of blowing this lady to hell. It was something that he really wanted her to see first hand, the rivers of blood, eternal torment, general loss of hope, things that she deserved.

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