Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Malachor Tournament: Knights

Participants: [member="CHANI"], [member="Krius Syonis"], [member="Darth Zacarän"], [member="Djonas Vile"], @Canal Tal'Verd, [member="D-Man"], @Anyone I missed​
Malachor V is a planet resonating with the dark side, with unstable gravity, and wreckage all around. The planet was attempt to be restored by the New Galaxy Rebuilding Plan coalition, but was soon abandoned due to the connotation of its rise, due to the common belief it was one of many hells in the galaxy. It was left a shattered world, but held a ground still capable of holding the vicious storm beasts.

Voracitos came here, and decided it was the perfect arena for the Champion-to-be. How he fat git came upon this idea would be elaborated later, as he was not sure yet himself of what he had experienced. But the whispering's were real, and they were clear to him that this needed doing. A crater was blasted into the planets side, and a crude ring was made around it, to contain the soon to be brawl. The huge Girth of Gluttony, and many other flagships that had been garnered in the participants on the planet's surface, hailing from the League's forces, the New Order, and maybe even skeptical orders as the One Sith or even the Horde's Sith Order. All came to the call of Malachor for one Hell of a fight.

All of them would fight each other to the last two persons, in a massive free-for-all, for his personal amusement. There would be bets taking place, and watchers. All of this hype in part thanks to the Cauldron Sister who helped to sponsor it. The two victors of each rank would then duel each other, for the right to ascend... but only the Duel of the Dark Lords mattered, as one of those two Champions-to-be would be the one to toss Voracitos aside and take the spot light as the Ear of the Entity.

That's what he told them of course, whether or not they are strong enough, can only be told in the arena.

Now the fight was in order, it was time for bloodshed! The fat man appeared on a thousand crude holoscreens all around, and the sounds he made reverberated through the whole thing due to the lack of people directly watching (having front row seats on hell wasn't very appealing unfortunately for Voracitos). There were a number of individuals in there.... he so desperately wanted to watch them all die, since if one survived, it would be his undoing, and a real burst of his entertainment bubble.

"No lengthy announcements needed..." His rumbling voice echoed throughout the stormy silent hell, with thousands of ships watching from above, including his own, which appeared as a small moon in comparison to the others. The all watching eye above. To make the announcement, he decided he would appear in a large spiritual form in the center to give them an idea of what real power was. His huge form not really touching anything looked at each as the next announcement built up. His spirit flared into a bloody red entity with teeth and crazy eyes, his smile seeming to cut through his face, as the word was screeched everywhere at once like a banshee.



Active Member
Krius Syonis, Darth Zacarän, Djonas Vile, @Canal Tal'Verd, D-Man, [member="Darth Voracitos"]

She felt the pull for quite some time, meditating on the growing shadow cast over her consciousness, what was this new found entity? The Kiffar asked herself over and over, piloting the Yt-Variant she used as transport, her hands pulled to the left and then the right and her finger slowly tapped coordinates as if the force guided her tentative actions, the stars stopped but streaked at the same time in a moment of pseudo movement. The engines kicked and vaulted her across the stars to a foreboding system, checking the navigational computer... Malachor V...

The surface was like an entire civilization was reduced to rubble and picked through so that only bits and pieces of a variety of scrap metals choked the land as far as her eyes could see. As if all the souls that died on Malachor V became part of the planet, tried to escape and left behind large jutting precipices of rock all around, it was a ghastly sight and Chani felt excited..wait- energized? What was this odd but perplexing, delicious feeling? The Dark Side.

A momentum came over her, leading to a ring of war, it permeated with dark anticipation, it was here that she felt drawn to, standing in that pit of despair she felt alive finally after a long time. Suddenly screens lit up about the place and explained a thing or two, the words registered but what she was truly paying attention to were the others...

and a giant 'thing' echoing the word, "KILL"
[member="CHANI"] | [member="Krius Syonis"] | [member="Darth Zacarän"] | @Canal Tal'Verd | [member="D-Man"] | [member="Darth Voracitos"]

So this is what it came to. Fighting in an arena against those who've been wrongly praised in order to get some recognition in the galaxy. Normally, all a member of the Vile bloodline had to do was walk into a bar, speak his or her name, then many would be in awe. But piracy was a fool's game to Djonas. The pirating and stealing was entertaining and adrenaline pumping, but there was nothing like wielding the Force as it should be: to create order in a galaxy full of chaos through strength.

In his time as an apprentice to [member="Darth Vulcanus"] , Malachor V was a planet he did not have the pleasure of visiting. The emanating aura of the dark side was so incredibly strong, Djonas could feel it melding with him. Whoever his opponents were to be, they wouldn't last long so long as he drew breath. Wearing his personalized black and gold suit of Templar Armor with Templar Crossbow clipped to the utility belt on the left side and dual bladed lightsaber on the right along with the government issue Templar Shield resting on his left wrist, Djonas was more than prepared to crack some skulls and break some wills.

As he walked into the arena, an orb of bright orange flame covered his hand. The roar of cheering and banter put Djonas in a state of ecstasy, but his focus was solely on the battle. As he moved to a position within the arena, the dark side drew to him like flies to poodoo. Then it came. The voice. It creeped into Djonas' ear. It made him grin. "Kill!"

"Who dies first..."
This is the one place where you should not put Canal in. Why? Well, that question is easy to answer: he hates with with a huge passion. In his mind he knew he could easily outmatch these karking contestants since he was dead to the force. These sith wouldn't know that because he never encountered them so he has at least the element of surprise with him whenever one of these demons tries to choke him or whatever that the force couldn't do to him.

But why was he here? Well' he hates sith so he wants to kill each and every one of them. But he was also here to demonstrate them what a warrior was. Not only that but back in the past the LC had a conflict with the New Order who separated most of the group and lost several good troopers. This was the third reason why he was here: to avenge his brothers and troops that were taken away just because of the sith. Just like the sith doesn't show mercy Canal would do the same and he would throw out all of his anger at them.

He never came upon Malachor V but he could tell right off the bat that this was a site for sith to practice the dark side of the force. And it was wasteland since there was nothing of civilization on the planet but there were sites of construction but looked like ruins due to the fact that they haven't been in use. To add to that, the gravity was unstable and you could jump in mid air for a couple of seconds.

He entered the arena in his black armor that was once his old dreadguard armor that was given to him while serving the CIS and a helmet with a red visor. Equipped with his Czerka assault rifle with all the attachments, a vibrobalde sword, a DC-17 pistol, two detonators, and two smoke grenades he was ready to send some with to the fiery depths of hell. Some of the people in the arena noticed him and cheered him cause he was in the tournament of the cauldron and gained a couple of fans and the media during his time there. But he wasn't here for fame. No, he was here to kill. He heard the voice of someone that seemed to be the person in charge of this. Hopefully he dies as well. He heard the word 'Kill' and took out his pistol with the safety off.

He mumbled a sentence to himself: "Which one of you bastards will die first?"



Well-Known Member
Time slowed, and a blurred figure charged across the field until he slid to a halt. The man looked all the part of a Mandalorian, but his body roared Dark Side. The moment he felt the Force was so Dark he paused to inhale it slowly. It would feel good to battle these people, to let loose the rage that had been boiling within him for weeks now.

His Beskar'gam shined dully against the light, and his lightsaber stood prominently against his belt. He could have come far more armed, knowing the way his Master worked, he likely could have smuggled in any number of things. But instead a test of his overall abilities is what he saw.

It had been to long since he used his feel speed and strength, to long since he reached out to grip the mind of another, to snap it like it was nothing and simply leave the body to rot.


"Yes my Master." Lord Daemos, for when next to his masters will that was whom he was undeniably, said as his saber flew to his grip. Activating the blade with a swift combo, he stood at the ready. Scanning swiftly through the crowd of opponents, Damien noticed an oddity - one was Force Dead.

"For Voracitos!" Daemos roared as he leapt towards [member="Canal Tal'Verda"], whom thought being dead to the living energy would benefit him. To bad he faced a man whose brute strength once left Noah Corek being choked to death by his own suit of armor - with no help from the Force.

Drawing his saber in a swift arc, he sought to cut off the mans legs. Then half way through, he altered the flow and brought it upwards.
The Last Son
I smiled brightly as I had my helmet in my hands. On my hip was a Lightsaber, as well as a battle hammer. A weapon to be used to smash bones and skulls. I looked around to the other contestants. and well, I could see that some of them were ready for a full on battle, while others were carrying simple items. I pulled on my gloves to tighten them around my hands, and put my helmet on my head. The red light came on with the HUD and I drew my Lightsaber.

I kept it in my hand waiting for the word. and well, once the single word was spoken, I activated my saber and took a few steps forward. Why should I waist my time looking for someone to fight, when I could just wait for them to come to me. if they didn't come to me, then I would save my energy. This entire fight was about who could outlast the other person.

the purple bladed Lightsaber hummed as I watched as a man ([member="D-Man"] ) decided to take on the non force user. Of course he would aim for him. Rich snob wanted to take him out quick. Eh, alright, I'll retract my statement.

My body became a blur as I came in with an uppercut of my own.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]


Well-Known Member
Spinning, Damien brought his saber to guard, with its blade downward, before swinging a swift kick towards his new opponents head. Then continuing his attack, he finished his spin to bring the blade downward towards Canal's face. Then, flipping backwards he placed his new target between himself and the other.

Of all the knights here, he was the oldest, the longest holding Knight that he knew of, and by default estimation, faster then the rest thanks to his Enhancements. Thus of course, he would seek to move swiftest and gain the upperhand. Despite his sense of superiority, he wasnt the only one to feel this way. When the man had attacked, his speed had gone so high, he blurred as well.

Lord Daemos could not have this. He was the speedy one. Taking in the scenario, he pondered for the barest of seconds, how had he moved so quick? Force usage? Natural ability? The latter was far more unlikely as his own abilities had been gained thanks to being better at the start - being Anzat he is faster and stronger than the average human on a 3:1 ratio - then combined with Czar Enhancements which added a secondary 3:1, resulting in a 6:1 speed.

Had to be the Force.

Spinning and dropping, in a sweeping kick, he hoped to drop the newcomer to his back. Meanwhile, Daemos reached out to the Darkside and began to draw in its power.

[member="Darth Zacarän"] [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
Oh, isn't this wonderful. Canal.was facing a man who looked like a Mandolorian due to the Newman's that he was wearing. In fact, Canal began to hate this man since all Mandolorian know that there can't be any Sith as a Mandolorian. Now, thankfully he had his HUD with him and since the man decided to yell out to everyone then it made clear where his position is. Now Canal had experience but those were simulators. Sure he has been in several battles which improves his skills and knowledge but barely engaged combat with a Sith.

Back in the past during the Tournament of the Cauldron his first match was with a Sith. That wasn't a perfect fight for him but at the end he won the match and proceeded to the next contestant.

He was thankful for that match cause it helped him in to know what a Sith was doing such as becoming invisible, creating doppelganger, and fake images that served to confuse their opponent. But right now those resources wouldn't help him cause it was clear what the Sith was trying to do: trying to kill Canl with nothing but a lightsaber and not using the force.

Now, if he used the force then Canal would receive some damage but since it was just a normal attack then he could easily dodge the attack. His HUD showed him that the man was aiming at him which gave Canal some time to react before he strikes. Now Canal didn't know what to do but there was something he did learned on Kamino: live to fight another day. He went backwards several meters away from the Sith and saw what he was trying to do: cut off on of his legs and cutting him right through the middle which would eventually kill him. But what the man was doing was just slicing the air. I wonder if you can cut the particles of the air with that saber.

Then another man interfered and was aiming at his attacker not him. He just stood there and watch them have their quarrel. If Canal was still there then his face would be sliced off. Once again he was just slicing through the air. He was behind the man who took Canal's position and in front of the other man was his attacker. He held up the pistol an aimed but not at the newcomer but at the man who tried to kill him. Then he saw the attacker move at incredible speed that was abnormal for a normal human being and guesses it was the force that helped him. His aim was for the newcomer who attacked by spinning and dropping for a kick and began drawing power from the force. Canal then took one of his detonators and threw it at the two. With his pistol he aimed and fired at the grenade so it could explode right there and then rather then waiting for it to detonate. It exploded and hoped it would blow up the two of them. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

@D-Man @Darth Zacarän


Well-Known Member
Sensing the incoming grenade, feet before it was within range, Damien halted his sweep kick, placed both hands equally distanced near his head and rubber band snapped himself upwards. As he moved, he aimed to kick the jaw of the nearby [member="Darth Zacarän"], but whether it succeeded or not, mattered little. The moment his feet touched ground, he kicked off backwards to soar clear through the air.

Landing a nice 10 feet away, well out of range of the explosive, Daemos glared at his opponents as he continued to draw in energy from the Nexus the planet had become. After the initial concussion of the blast, Daemos once more launched into action towards the nearest of the two. Sweeping with his greatest speed and strength, he first brought the blade horizontally towards the Darth's midsection, then he brought it back around to seek a downward angle from the same direction.

During the last slice of the saber, Damien sought to stomp his foot towards his enemies calf, breaking it if contact was achieved, then drew the same legs knee upwards into a forward thrust. Both blows, driven by the mans legs, could crush concrete, already having proven to carry the man 10 feet through the air in the battle with no Force aid.

Ending his attack, Damien sought to throw a powerful neck snapping blow at his enemies face with his free fist.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
Djonas stood there and watched the three children squabble like rats. It's shavit like that that brought the last Sith Empire to such a screeching end. Entering battle without proper information on your opponent. From what Djonas could see, the one in such heavy armor preferred to use tech so it was clear to him that he wouldn't be much of a problem. Another valued speed over anything, making battle with him rather deadly. As for the other, he had somewhat the same idea as Djonas. Even if it was only for a few moments.

With a sinister smirk, Djonas released his Templar crossbow from it's holster and loaded a BANG quarrel magazine. He took aim of the three fighting, ensured the plasma coating mechanism was deactivated, and unleashed a flurry of quarrels at them. With each one being in such close quarters of each other

As his quarrels flew threw the air at a rather swift speed, Djonas would reload the crossbow and place it back in it's holster and watch the explosive rounds do it's job against the three. As he did, two ravaging storm beasts managed to make their way into the arena and creep up behind Djonas. Little did they know that their stench of the dark side maneuvered it's way into his nose. He breathed it in like a fresh flower bush. Quickly, he turned to face them down. There they stood, eyeing him. As the two beasts glared at Djonas, he was worming his way inside their head, gaining their friendship through the force. An ability he learned as a member of the Templar Order. With the storm beasts at his disposal, Djonas would utilize them to rip his opponents apart.

[member="D-Man"] | [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] | [member="Darth Zacarän"]


Active Member
Chani felt a bit sick, being on Malachor V for so long was starting to fill her with this odd sensation of drunkenness, the Darkside was like a barbiturate dosing each of the force users with a kind of hypnotic power, lulling minds into a sense of security and dominance. She knew this would happen to her soon, spotting a flush metal scrap half embedded in the pit's wall, Chani made her way to it, sat down and began to meditate, pulling as much of the force to her as she could manage. What she needed now was a balance or her survival instincts would not last, if she learned anything from being an Agent it is that patience and action are a tricky combination to juggle, on one side she could wait and miss a prime opportunity to ensure she did not perish here, on the other side rash action could demand too much of her attention and the darkside affect might overwhelm her into madness.

As the Kiffar sat she observed each gladiator just as one of them released a bolt from their crossbow, each had their strengths, some sported armor and expensive weapons, but one she could not sense and smiled as she figured out why, he was force dead. Deciding to do the same she meditated on the force, gradually shielding her abilities, her presence and then herself from being sensed, Force stealth encompassed her. Chani continued her meditation and grew stronger, more fluid, further connected and relaxed in the flow of force itself, comfortable in the nothingness between. Each of these gladiators had such battle prowess, Chani decided the force was what would be required to survive, weapons, armor and toys were insignificant compared to the power of the force, so she began to bide her connection, clearing her mind.

D-Man | Canal Tal'Verda | Darth Zacarän | [member="Djonas Vile"]
Luckily for Canal he wasn't involved in any close quarter combat, yet. As he was leaving the two brawlers an arrow whizzed past him. He dived to take cover from the arrows until the volley was gone. He stood up and saw an arrow nearby him and had a thought. There was a Templar here because that order used crossbows and Canal knew this because he fought alonside the Templars. Then the arrow exploded sending Canal several meters back and began recovering from the explosion. A Bang arrow. He faced worst things in his life so the arrow didn't do that much damage to him since his armor was anti-ballistic and had too much material on it.

His HUD found the Templar and the clone began walking towards him. Once he was allies with Templars but now they were just enemies to him so he wouldn't regret killing or severely damage the man. He quickly put away his pistol and took out his Czerka assault rifle as if he was on Kamino doing exercise that required him to do things quixkly. The Templar wasn't the only one with BANG ammunition with him. He loaded a clip full of BANG slugs. Once inserted Canal didn't think but just aimed at him and fired twenty rounds of his assault. This would get his attention and Canal would have someone to play with. Though he still had his guard up in case the other contestants would wanted to try to kill him.

[member="Djonas Vile"] [member="CHANI"] [member="D-Man"] [member="Darth Zacarän"]
The Last Son
As My attack had somehow missed the man from behind, when all the odds for that strike were in my favor, he still could somehow turn on a dime, and send a kick to my head. because he had to move so much to clear that hit, I easily avoided it by backing up and letting the sole of his boot slide past my vision. However, The other man started to fight back, As the grenade was thrown to us, I took a single second to send it back. Almost like a letter that didn't have a stamp. Using the Force to throw it back at the Non forcie.

In that second the man sent another kick my direction, However, I could feel a twinge in my back. A form of Battle Precognition that allowed me to see slightly into the future to avoid or counter the moves against me. Too bad none of that would happen. I could see solid projectiles of a kind shot behind me, and the Thump thump of an arrow leaving. Only one weapon could make that kind of sound in the Galaxy. Quickly I leaned back, and with my left hand reaching out to the force, I pulled the man who sent a kick in my direction to be thrown at the projectiles rather than myself.

Pulling him over my head and body to completely avoid the kick, and to avoid the shots behind me. Seeing as how he would be barely on one foot, on a planet that had a lower gravitational pull on a person, it would not be that hard to yank him in the direction of the bolts. Sending him to a different opponent while I dealt with the Non forcie.

Flipping back up to face the man clad in armor and holding out a blaster pistol, I threw a force push at his feet to seen dirt and sand up into his vision. He would not have enough time to switch to a different mode in his obvious HUD to see me. And just enough time for me to rush him with my Lightsaber aiming to impale him through and through his chest.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"], [member="Djonas Vile"], [member="D-Man"]

((OOC: [member="CHANI"] as she will be leaving, Disregard her posts as we are still working on a reason for her "Death'forefit" as per her LOA, and for [member="D-Man"], please wrote at a slower post so I will not be left behind in a battle. It puts me in a Situation where I am forced to take two hits from not just you, but others as well. Thank you all)


Well-Known Member
The push did indeed yank him, and even thrust him off balance, but he never lost his real footing. Thus, when the time came, he dropped onto his back so as to let the arrows continue towards his opponent, flying clean over his form with no difficulty. Damien always bragged about 2 thousand years being a long time to live, and his true 5 made it even more. He had seen situations like this, and obviously lived to tell about em.

Using the muscles in his lower calves alongside a minor push off the ground, Damien was on the man the moment the explosive debris passed - whether it struck him or not - utilizing the smoke to hide his attack. Swift jab after jab, slice after slice, with his greatest speeds, capable of besting the hardest of warriors. Neck, chest, kidney, ankle kick, chop to the midsection. A continuous hailfire of earth rocking power, but then just when he seemed finished, Damien launched into a full on tackle, seeking to used his gained momentum to bring his opponent to the floor where it would be clean reign to power drive his face.

All the while drawing power into himself, by now his total reserves had nearly reached the tripling point. His eyes began to show a deep blood red, the veins inside his eyes a pulsing acidic yellow, and his body began to throb from the power. But he didnt stop. His influx continued, each second pushing his power further through the roof. Soon enough he would attack, and when he did, it would be a devastation in itself.

[member="Darth Zacarän"]
[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

The word echoed and screeched inside his mind, bouncing off mental walls and coming from all directions. The order and the aura coming off of this place fueled his insanity. The world suddenly became yellow tinted in his sight, just for a second as he observed the battlefield. Horror delighted in the sensation of the dark side all around him, pouring into him. As a matukai, Horror did not waste the force throwing objects around like the sith and jedi did, he used it to power himself. He sighed contentedly as he felt his muscles grow slightly under his armor and the power of the dark side pulse through his veins. His eyes, covered in shadow, seemed to the world to be ominous yellow dots peering out of the darkness of the eye sockets in the black and yellow durasteel skull that is his helmet. From his high point to a far edge of the arena, they locked onto a certain soldier swapping firearms. The perfect target.

With a stroke of his immensely powerful wings, Horror was active. With the rich flow of the force enhancing his already inhuman speed to greater levels he made his way to Canal in virtually an instant. The trooper, as he was aiming, would have to close one eye to aim properly and avoid double vision, leaving his right side blindsided and he would take advantage of that. This vulnerable side is where Horror will land, unseen, and immediately use his downward landing motion to reach and pull the rifle down with him, pointing it towards the ground the moment before it is fired. This would be the first step of a complicated and flashy close combat disarm and secure technique had it not been for one thing: the explosive rounds there were going to be fired into the floor and very near the both of them. Horror would survive with more than a few scratches, gashes and various other minor to medium marks of injury thanks to his armor and healing factor, but he didn't know about Canal
Blasters. Such barbaric weapons. Djonas made up his mind to take out the non force user before anyone else. His presence in the tournament was a blight that needed to be purged.

As the rest of the contestants began to converge on him, Djonas took this opportunity to join the beat down on him. With two storm beasts at his command, Djonas would be one fearful combatant. The sight of the blaster rifle in the hands of Canal alerted a storm beast. As Canal fired, Djonas commanded a storm beast to project a deafening sonic wave towards the origin of the shots. The wave was powerful enough to prematurely detonate before reaching Djonas.

The smoke quickly dissipated. Once his vision was unhindered, Djonas unleashed his enthralled beasts on the armored man, [member='Canal Tal'verda']. With his powers strengthened by the endless fount of dark side strength empowering Djonas, it'd be nigh impossible to sever the connection between him and the storm beasts. His will was their command. They would emit destructive sonic waves at the Djonas' opponents as they ran at them with incredible speed and, once in melee range, they would attempt to rip them apart, limb by limb with their immense strength.

Djonas watched with glee as his thralls lept into battle for him. The feeling of power over another was almost orgasmic.

[member="Horror"] | [member="Darth Zacarän"] | [member="D-Man"]
((OOC: Horror, I'm going to ignore that I fired at the ground cause Djonas already posted that the beast took the hit. I'll still mention that you pulled down my rifle))

Good. Canal wanted people to think that he was a threat. Good.

True, his right side was unprotected because he was aiming but his HUD was his eye in the sky. He clearly saw Horror coming at him and once he landed right next to him and grabbed his rifle Canal gave him a quick punch to the face. Boy, his reflexes were good. After the punch, Canal put his hands on the rifle and with his strength he pulled it the other direction so he could throw off his new attacked. If the punch was successful then it would dizzy Horror which would make his senses dull for that moment.

Then on his HUD he noticed two beast coming his way. He looked at the direction were the beast were coming from and saw the Templar was still OK and was using the animals for his benefit. The beast were running at great speed and were emitting sonic waves as well. The sonic waves hit him and was thrown back a couple of feet from his original location and gave him a couple of bruises. He got up and looked at the animals who were still coming at him and closing in the distance. The commando ran towards them, took out his sword and prepared himself for the melee he would be facing. Then as they were close the clone slid in between one of the beasts legs and slashed at its foot eventually wounding it. The animal yelled as the sword made contact with it and tripped because of the pain. As Canal was behind the beasts the other one, who wasn't injured was still pursuing him and close enough for melee. He got his pistol and before he could fire he was picked up by the storm beast. It tried to rip apart the warrior with its other hand but was unsuccessful as Canal slashed at its hand and cut off several fingers from it. Like its partner it screamed in pain and let go of Canal so he could clutch at it because of the pain. Though, this did not stopped it from attacking. The other beast, who was limping, was still trying to kill Canal but was put down as the clone shot at it at the chest multiple times with his DC-17 pistol and Gabe its last roar. The other one came at Canal and attempted to bite off his head but failed as Canal sticker his sword all the way into its mouth and died.

Now the Templar had nothing to protect himself with and Canal, once again aimed at him with his assault rifle and fire the last remaining BANG slugs that were in the clip and took cover by using one of the corpses of the manipulated beasts.

[member="Djonas Vile"] [member="Horror"]
The Last Son
it seems that I will not be taking part of the beat down on the Non-forceuser.

I would be more focused on the man in front of me. He landed on top of me As we were too close for a longer lightsaber to be used to its preferred expectancy, His stabs went wild and around me. We were literally rolling in the dirt with weapons around us. however, as he came in for another stab, I swung my open arm up between us, and all that was left of the lightsaber was the hit as it would be shorted out with the Cortosis weave bracers that I wore.

He was a mad man, resorting to multiple hits rather than precision. I had taken a few knees to the ribs and other strikes to my chest, but with the armor that I wore, most of the blows would only leave me with alot of bruising. it could have been worse, but the Cortosis-weave armor that I wore protected me only slighly from the hammer like blows that he delivered. I allowed my saber to turn off so I could use my hands, and sending an elbow to the man's stomach followed by a punch to his face.

As he wore armor on his head, and I did not, I used a force barrier to protect my hand. During those punches and hits, Ihad moved my saber to be at the crok of his armpit, and with a flip of my finger, I activated the blade to go through his shoulder and possibly sever his arm. He was gathering power, so if he was still attacking me, he could only do so little when he was getting hits on him, including a possible lightsaber to the side.



Well-Known Member
While the man was rolling with his opponent, both fighting for supremacy, Damien continued the flurry of blows, each precise and accurate thanks to his body used to moving at such speeds. Hurling his saber to the side, he now focused sheerly on ground fighting tactics. Some how, the tackle had left his opponent unbroken, and his kicks having not dented his armor, despite done so to Durasteel by simply closing his hand around it. Thus he wouldnt cease or slow.

Yes having to lift and roll his shoulder to the side to avoid the saber, and taking minor blows to a Beskar suit of armor, did hinder his draw on the Darkside it was still a powerful pull. Continuos and filling, the man began to thrum along with the planet itself. The gigantic sphere ever more the beacon of his strength.

The second his body righted, and he was on top, Damien launched into the air. Soaring a few feet away, he waited until he touched down to quickly mentally take in the points of pain along his body. Along his torso were a few minor dents, bruising beneath, all signs of his opponents adept prowess. He figured his enemies fared worse after their tussle among the sands. Launching once more into close quarters, Damien brought a swift right blow towards his enemies face while simultaneously seeking to punch at his chest.

To finish, his leg once more swept out to kick at his opponents ankles. Now during a combo, avoiding such would easily result in his falling.

[member="Darth Zacarän"]
[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

(OOC: No harm, no foul)

What was to be a swift maneuver undertaken by the mercenary to ultimately kill his prey was interrupted by a very unexpected strike to the head. Alongside the functional HUD Horror figured he must've had, the clone also posessed a degree of battle-honed reflexes not seen in your average clone. Horror took note of that as he activated the tactical vision in his own HUD and watched the yellow and orange skeleton that was Calico. Having recovered from the strike rather quickly thanks to the protective layer of thermal gel inside the helmet, he brung his hand to his disruptor rifle and waited until after the clone was completely done slaughtering animals and shooting at the templar knight.

He may seem like the most patient guy in the world right now, waiting like that. Truth was, he was seething with rage. He was was going to wait until Calico was done so there would be no split in attention. Horror aimed at his back with his disruptor rifle and shot a bright yellow beam of pure destruction that, upon touching him, would revert him to dust in mere seconds. The clone had the nerve and audacity to turn his back on Horror. And he will pay for it.

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