Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk

Location: Royal City > West Beach
Objective: Stop the inexplicable cannon fire from [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Allies: Arla Balor Ordo Rianna Ar'klim-Organa Mia Monroe Kronos Oda Isley Verd Wembley the Tuk'ata
Enemies: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Gear: Beskar'gam, Yoash Lightsaber, Blaster Carbine & grenades

Although nowhere near the beaches (Location: Royal City), Ginnie felt a tingling on the back of her neck. She hung in the tree branch where her sister [member="Arla Balor"] and she scanned waiting further instructions. The sensors on her HUD were scanning 360 and as the girl looked toward the far-off line of the beaches, her scanners alerted the trajectory of a rather large plasma bolt.

"But we're kilometres from the beach!" Some Republic soldier must have had an itching to hit the shortie in pink Beskar'gam. Realizing how sizeable [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]'s anti-tank bolt was, Ginnie leapt out of the tree and pushed her sister to the side. "Arla, DOWN!"

Ginnie fired her jet-pack and launched into the air. She vaulted over the fired shot and pushed both hands behind her flying body. The explosive bolt was meant to take out tanks, from the size of it... but anti-tank meant explosives and explosives meant fire.

Jessica Med-Beq had given a gigantic ball of kinetic energy to the pyromancing Force Knight teenaged Medal decorated Mandalorian Rally Master.

"What colour ink's your death wish written in, shabuir!?" Ginnie's deaf-toned voice boomed out of her buy'ce. Triangulating where the shot came from was relatively simple, figuring out which of the mass of zombies and Republic soldiers did it was less so. That was, until she saw Jessica holding the gun. One hand reached back, the other funnelling the explosive conflagration behind her.

Zombies mixing with Mando'ade, Republic soldiers with death wishes and big guns... Nope. Not happening. While Ginnie had been in the Royal City putting out fires, she'd been missing the main event.

Ginnie pulled her arm from above her head and an inferno of flame rocketed in a conical spray pattern directly at Jessica, her remaining troops and the zombies around her. Charred meat burst around the Republic soldier. Zombies and Wookies became torch-like kebobs roiling on the sand. "Hope you like your marshmallows burned through, 'cause you're charbroiling well done. Nobody tries to hurt my vod!"

Her free hand ignited her lightsaber, its' white-hot beam hacking diagonally at close range to Jessica (who could possibly also be on fire), and attempted to hack the anti-tank gun in two pieces, one which would most likely come apart with Jessica's amputated fingers still attached.

"There a particular reason you thought to pick a fight with a Rally Master who was farther away than Keldabe?!" She said, most likely to a corpse.


Sic Vis Pacem Parabellum
GEAR: In Bio
ALLIES: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"]
ENEMIES: None so far
OBJECTIVE: Do crazy Sithspit and rescue the damsel maybe.
POSITION: Onboard The Bloodhound in the skies over kashyyk.

The cargo bay door opened giving the old clone a glorious view of the battlefield below.. It was a beautiful sight Kashyyk, he'd been stationed here way back when and it still held a fondness to Devin.

"This should be a fethin riot!!"

He hollered out before sealing his helmet down, He'd been talking to Jack but he highly doubted the young admiral had heard him over the sound of the wind and blaster fire... The explosions below drawing a slight smile across the clones lips as he scanned the field below..

Finally he spotted her. His old friend Jessica had called for a pickup and was currently pinned down with a whole lot of wookies. Devins head shook and he pulled a high tensile cable from the waist of his armor and quickly clasped it onto the ship and without a second thought hurled himself out of the cargo door and into the air as Jack hovered the ship.

Falling through the air was almost a transcendent moment for Devin, His mind cleared and his focus centered upon his target below. Jessica's rocket blasted forth from her position mere seconds before Devin landed just in front of her and quickly began clasping hooks onto her from various ports on his armor..... just as he clasped the last hook onto her however the strange spear hurled at Jessica by [member="Funky Balor"] Peirced through a weakened spot in the back of his armor and embedding itself near his kidneys as he smashed a button on his chest, Quickly jerking both Devin and [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] into the air, the blast from [member="Ginnie Ordo"] 's flamer scorching Devin's armor as they rose. The motivators in his armor quickly drawing them back up and into the cargo bay......
Location: The West Beach, on the ground, slowly swinging, while my own beach slowly burns......
Objective: Beach Assault, bending steel, into ballads.....while my Tratur slowly sings......
Friends: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Kano Oda"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Kade Kelborn"]
Targets: [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Dented Eukar'gam with funny boots
Grappling rope
Heavy Ripper
Jairi Edee (6 in a quiver on his back, two embedded in the gun nest)
Jaian Bes'tratur
The ghost of Turkey Day past. You jerks.


Arf, arf
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Uh, yo'don't get it twisted
This new beach, is mine
Motherfether, it's not a little game
Kark what you heard

It's what you hearin'
It's what you hearin'
It's what you hearin'
It's what you hearin'

Vod gonna give it to ya
Kark waitin' for you to get it on your own
Vod gonna deliver to ya
Knock knock, open up the door, it's real
With the non-stop, hot fire and mando steel

Go hard gettin' busy with it, but I got such a good heart
That I'll make an other fether wonder if he did it
Damn right and I'll do it again
'Cuz I am right so I gots to win

Break bread wit the enemy
But no matter how many cats I break bread with
I'll break who you sendin' me
You damn Pubbies never wanted nothin' but your life saved
Man and that's on a light day

I'm gettin' down, down, like a schutta said 'freeze'
But won't be the one endin' up on his knees
Oh please
If the only thing you cats did was came out to play
Stay out my way

First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL
Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya

First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL
Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya

Ain't never got nothin' past me
But every time I turn around
Cats got their guns out firin' something at me
I can duck it, cause you don't aim it
Firing anti-tank at infantry damn it!

Hit it wit full strength, I'm a tough karker
So I face the world like it's Grak in the fight pits
You against me, me against you
Choke on it, hell make it darker
What you gon' do?

My helmet blown open by your pot shot,
Only mand you know with this staff,
The karker that you know always spits hot
I've been doing this for nineteen years
Pubbies wanna fight me? Fight your tears

I put in work and it's all for the ade
But these Pubbies need to stop bein' haughty
They don't know who we be
Lookin', but they don't know who they see, schutta

First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL
Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya

First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL
Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya

Aiiyo where my mandos at?
I know I got them down in the game
Give em war and they give 'em back
Talk too much for too long
Don't give up you're too strong

Love to the wild wild hundreds
Shout out to the Vod that done it
And it ain't even about the dough
It's about gettin' down for what you stand for yo', for real

First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL
Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya

First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL
Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya

First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL
Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya
Vod gonna give it to ya
He gonna give it to ya

(OOC: I'mm duck under your shot but it bought you time, so go ahead and run from your army's crimes, playa. I don't need a trophy to call it a win, but I hope you had fun while we begin. I admit that I might've missed a lien or two, for that an apology to me to you, slayer. But at least I found some radio-clean rap, cause I didn't want to fudge the rating just to rhyme some...errrr, Poodoo!)
Location: West Beach -> Republican ship
Objective: Defend the West Beach at all costs
Allies: GR [member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Kara Runo"] [member="Kista Fel"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"] [member="DV8-420"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Varien Moxla"] [member="Anaki Sann"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
Equipment: bowcaster (primary), SI-74 anti-tank rifle (secondary), dented WESTAR Skirmisher armor

As [member="DV8-420"] jerked Jessica away from the fire, using a magnetic hook attached to a high-tensile cable, Jessica sees [member="Ginnie Ordo"] deflect her own shot back at the nest where the whole plan of posing as Republican zombies began, that is, where she lied dead, in an attempt to scare off the Mandalorian forces in the city. But while [member="Funky Balor"] may have carried the day, today, Jessica looked over the viewport to see what damage the Wookiee zombies have been inflicted since she was virtually the only one Republican left standing in the beaches. The zombies, while rampaging through Mandalorians, are not technically Republican even though they are Republicans in all but name; however the zombies were somehow declared expendable probaby because they would pose a public health threat. And the Republic supplied One-Eyed Jack with an IM-6 medical droid, which was ideal for when you need to tend to patients in a cramped area. But Jessica realized Ginnie caused more dents in the armor, which, if properly repaired and repainted "clone-white" and pauldron colors as appropriate, could make her pass for a real Republican sniper.

"Phew... that was bravery under fire! You saved me in the nick of time, Devin"

"State the nature of your medical emergency"

"IM-6, I have burns across multiple articulations"

But she let loose her screams of pain now that she knew the Mandos couldn't hear her scream... the Mandos think they have killed Jessica but she survived, albeit with burns. Lower back, knees being the worst, and also she would probably need to spend some time in a bacta tank on Umbara or something like that. She was a Mando magnet after [member="Myles Savar"] got his evac, as well as a rally point around which zombies would gather, and Wookiees to a lesser extent, and, because of the injuries sustained as a result of molten glop, she had no choice but to use the slower-firing weapon: less of a strain on her body. The main reason why she fired at Ginnie, from nearly maximum range, was to lure the Mandalorians in the outer city out of the city proper, and leaving them vulnerable to the Wookiee zombies. She might have endeared many in the Republic, by now it's painfully clear that she made no friends among the Mandalorian military structure.

"Good things have an end, I guess. Although I've terrified quite a few Mandos today, my injuries are many"

"Stay calm, don't move, you're going to make your injuries worse" IM-6 told Jessica.
Location: Beach
Objective: Shake her fist
Allies: Mando'ade [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Kronos Oda"]
Enemies: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="DV8-420"]
Gear: Same.

Ginnie watched the coward [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] get airlifted out and shook her buy'ce. She pointed her blaster carbine and fired at [member="DV8-420"] and the Republic ship, hoping if not to bring it down, to hit the woman's singed armour and punch through.

The Republic Embassy was ash. The Royal City was under Mando'ade control. Resistance had been minimal at best, overwhelmed and defeated. Mando'ade still resided in the City, the temporary loss of one teenaged girl wasn't going to turn any tide Jessica thought up.

"Hut'uun!" Two sorts of people lived till old age: the diligently brave and the coward. Ginnie clanged her crushgaunts together.

"What a mook." Such a nuisance wasn't worth another glance. What did warrant another glance was the sudden case of zombie which had broken out.

Ginnie lifted her crushgaunt and began walking through the beach cremating zombies, saving her fellow Mando'ade from the remaining bits of resistance.


Sic Vis Pacem Parabellum
GEAR: In Bio
ALLIES: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] and One eyed Jack
MISSION: Survive rescuing Jessica
ENEMIES: Why must it be you? [member="Funky Balor"]

The cargo bay doors closed as crimson began to seep from Devin's armor from around the spear that had skewered him like a fething kabab.

"Jack!! Get us the kark out of here before I die you old space trash!"

Came the scream from Devin as he lay still on his side and slowly pulled off his helmet, Spitting blood onto the deckplate as he did so. With a groan of pain the clone slowly stood, His stance wavering a bit as he reached around and pulled the spear from his left flank finally allowing the medical nanites in his under weave to begin repairing the wound.
Kachirho Beach (West Bank; Contested Territory)

Objective: Regroup CSAF and Republic forces on the West Bank
Characters: Alena Reckar, Lord Commander of the Civilian Security Assistance Force
Enemies: Mandalorian Clans
Targets: [member=Ra Vizsla], [member=Draco Vereen], [member=Funky Balor], [member=Rekali the Hutt], [member=Aver Brand], [member=Caspian Rekali], [member=Isley Verd], [member=Kano Oda]

The battle had dissolved into an amalgam of Mandalorian and Republic forces. Neither side could be easily distinguished any longer as the ranks mingled so deeply with one another entire armies disappeared. On the beaches Alena's MAT-TE's were the only remaining force that could be readily separated from the savage invaders, aside from the Gorax itself. The Mandalorian shield walls splintered and dissipated as the battle devolved into a series of skirmishes that pitched back and forth as each side encountered pockets of resistance to one another.
Alena's tanks separated themselves from the rest of the battle as they divided into three groups and created an opening for the Mandalorian forces attempting to push through to Kochirho City. Republic troops and CSAF Commandos followed suit until the remaining Mandalorian forces were encircled by the tenacious Wookiees of the forest and their Republic defenders. Despite their fighting spirit and the beskar they relied on to protect themselves, the Republic's positioning provided them with a distinct edge. The beskar-clad Gorax found itself the target of CSAF's entire mechanized force as MAT-TE's along the forest's edge poured a relentless barrage of armor-piercing sabot rounds into its body. The beast would have to turn constantly just to disperse the force of the attack. CSAF Gunship craft made the gargantuan beast a priority as well, performing ceaseless attack runs of missile fire. Several of the gunships repeated the tactics they had successfully employed against Vereen's shield walkers, landing Commandos on the Gorax's armor between allied attacks that proceeded to plant and detonate explosives within the armor's weak points. For the longest time, the Gorax was enveloped in smoke and flame as it endured one slight heaped upon another.

"Commander!" A voice called to Alena from behind as she was observing the battle on the beaches pitching back in their favor. "What?" She barked, turning to face the source of the call. Baker Company's Commander, Captain Gar Umolt, trotted to her side. "We've got the Mandalorian forces in the forest surrounded, though they're pushing into the city. I'm not sure how long our forces can hold them off, and we've only managed to evacuate three-quarters of the civilians."
Alena clicked her tongue thoughtfully; it wasn't the best news. "How long until the rest are evacuated?" Captain Umolt shook his head, "Twenty, thirty minutes maybe. The city is small, but it has a dense population. Wookiee leadership reports the Mandalorians have taken to using non-lethal means against those civilians they can distinguish. Unfortunately, since many Wookiees fight without battle raiment, many civilians have been killed. Their bodies litter the forest canopy and the city's walkways." Alena gritted her teeth in anger. Never before had she encountered such a misguided adversary. Umolt continued. "There's more. It appears they've begun leaving pamphlets too, some bizarre sort of propaganda, with the bodies of those they incapacitate."
Alena wanted to laugh, but now was not the time. "That'll do them no good. The Wookiees saw them as enemies the moment they invaded Republic territory, there's no changing that perception now. Their homes are in ruins, their planet marred by the fires of this war. Whatever the Mando'ade hope to gain from this, they'll leave empty-handed."
The Captain nodded, "I agree, but that doesn't help us solve the problem of the evacuees." Alena looked to the massive Gorax, it's armor being butchered by a revolving door of assaults. She'd be glad to see the beast dead. "We're pushing into the forest as quickly as we can. Have our forces enact a guided retreat to the far end of the city. That ought to buy us some time." Captain Umolt nodded, "Will do, Commander."
Alena turned and reached out to a passing MAT-TE, pulling herself up onto its armor as the vehicle bore into the depths of the forest. They would reach the fighting soon, and join in the attack on the besieged Mandalorians that had foolishly invaded these lands.
Objective: Deal with [member="Draco Vereen"] and his need for a band aid
Location: Somewhere near the beach
Non Combatant

Rianna arched a brow, "Auntie? umhmm hit your head hard this time huh" Rianna sat Draco up her concern still that he had fallen so far and taken the brunt of it.

"well I can attempt to repair you here, which is possible but in your diminished condition it will take more than once. So I give you the choice, healing here, or return to the frigate where I have other resources that can help" She was glad that he seemed ok, just depleted between energy and force.

But she knew one thing in dealing with her own riduur, warriors did not want to leave the battlefield they preferred to stay until they could stand no more, say no more, or left their weapons.

She waited while Draco decided. She as the medical officer could order him but he wasn't wounded in the traditional way, and he wasn't unconscious.

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