Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk

Twilight Raid
Royal city

The Republic had failed. Sworn into an alliance with Kashyyk, to protect and defend in times of need and they had failed. Mia watched from the ground as thick smoke rose from the embassy to obscure the rising sun, a bad taste in her mouth.

Ears listened intently to the chatter of the comms, information filtering in from the beach assault. Clan Raxis had betrayed them. A snort of derision escaped her, no surprises there then. Ra would give them what was due, in the mean time they had other things to do.

She let out a shrill whistle calling to the vornskr on the loose as she made her way to the embassy, catching up with [member="Aryn Spar"] and [member="Davon Karr"].

"They don't have the numbers." She spoke as she arrived, the vornskr pack on her heels. "The fighting force they have is nothing compared to what it used to be, they've spent so many lives fighting the sith and failing." She paused "I almost pity them."

She nodded as Davon moved away to sweep the upper canopy. "I'm going to find the Chieftains, see if I can talk some sense into them and end this before it becomes unnecessary slaughter."
The Admiralty
Location: The Western Forests, Outskirts.
Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: [member="Ava Lok"]
Enemies: [member="Bryn'jarr Astaris"]

Strike Teams
From the North: [member="Mia Monroe"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"], [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
From the West: Ronan Vizsla.
From Below: [member="Andy Rodarch"], [member="Kronos Oda"], [member="Aryn Spar"]

There was a weight to a beskad.

A good weight. Once, a long time ago, he had held a lightsaber in his hand and almost immediately discarded it. It was too light, too easy to cut someone's head off with just a flick of the wrist - it wasn't the act that troubled him, it was the ease of it. Killing shouldn't be easy, shouldn't be accomplished by just casually waving your arm in a pattern. There had to be grit, blood and sweat and tears, a muddy mess of gore mixed together with the common slip of the dirt.

Anything else and you were prone to forget.

Vizsla sidestepped to his right and turned around his axis, his beskad already in transit as it was pushed by his momentum. This brought him behind Astaris' defense, while the Jedi's beskad only glanced over his back. Beskad met hard, black beskar, it shaved off some of the material and messed with Ronan's balance.

Instead of his edge cutting straight through Astaris' robe, it was the back of the blade - just twisted at the last second because of the fumble - that would come crashing down his unprotected back.

In the meanwhile, Vizsla once again sidestepped to regain his footing and put some distance again between the padawan and him.


Well-Known Member
Location: Western Outskirts, Royal City of Kashyyyk
Objective: Defend Against the Onslaught of the Mandalorian Clans
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [] Galactic Repubic
Enemies: [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [] [member="Ava Lok"] [] Mandalorian Clans
Post: (4)

The unfamiliar weight of the beskad threw him off. It was much heavier than the lightsaber he was accustomed to. The balance wasn't bad, but his form was. His blade barely scraping the Mandalorian's armor he turned his body slightly. A jolt of fear struck him as he felt the shattering pain of the other man's beskad come slamming into his body, an exclamation of pain escaping his lips as he snarled. He couldn't afford to make that mistake again.

Bryn'jarr turned to face his foe. As the man created distance between them, Bryn raised the beskad in front of him. His mind focused, he reached out for the Force... and suddenly remembered the nutrient frame. Gathering all the anger he could, he lifted the beskad high exposing his torso and legs but doing so allowed him freedom to both attack and defend. He glared at the Mandalorian before him.

Taking a step forwards he brought the full weight of the beskad soaring downwards towards the man's shoulder.

Silence had settled on the immediate area around them, Bryn'jarr's heartbeat loud in his ears, his breathing deep. The pain of the recent blow reminding him just how mortal he really was.
The Admiralty
Location: The Western Forests, Outskirts.
Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: [member="Ava Lok"]
Enemies: [member="Bryn'jarr Astaris"]

Anger, it was all over the jetti's face as it contorted his expression into a feral state.

It and the adrenaline rushing through his veins was probably the only thing that kept him going for the long run - a part of him, the wiser part, the one that spoke of battles hard won and experience gained, knew that the best tactic here was to stall. Let the young pup run around, lash out with heavy heaves and strong down-cuts, until the beskad was so heavy he wouldn't be able to pull it up anymore. Ronan was trained, he had held a beskad since he was fourteen and before that was trained by swinging a heavy beskar bar around.

Firrereo... they were stronger than the usual suspects.

Vizsla stepped into the down swing, he was tall and only had to raise his blade - forty-five degrees, not quite horizontal - to stall the incoming edge of metal in its tracks. The sheer force of the Zabrak's momentum grounded to a halt, but not before its edge chipped away at his; some shards of shrapnel flying away and one of 'em cutting away at one of the exposed joints in between the Mandalorian's armor.

He didn't respond to the pain flashing, instead - now closer than ever before - the Mandalorian kicked and kicked hard. Aimed a bit lower than the Jedi's center, right towards the solar plexus.
Objective: Evacuate [member="Draco Vereen"], and help the wounded

The wookie that had landed her across the room was currently sedated, and when others were brought in they did not seem to fight as much when they saw the sleeping wookie. Good Rianna thought, score one for the medics. A sigh of relief, and a few bruises were worth it.

Rianna was giving a few orders when [member="Davon Karr"] sent a message they were ready for the EvacTransports, she nodded, "Send EvacTransports Ordo, Viszla, and Betna to the surface in addition to Skirata. I want medical teams on each ready one team needs to set up a RMSU. "They could begin securing the city. It would seem for the moment it was in the control of the Mandalorians.

It was then that word began filtering through the comms, there was a familiar figure among the Vod. The familiar armor recognized by many, Rianna smiled. She was proud of her riduur he knew when to join a fight and she knew how he had twisted over the changes they had both witnessed in the Republic.

[member="Ordo"] had joined the battle.

She couldn't help but feel a swell of pride.

"OK, let's get ready to go" Rianna was going to the surface to the Royal City she was going to examine Draco on the surface. If he could be moved at all, she'd see to it. He was after all through her Alderaan blood now her nephew.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Beach Assault
Location: Arriving at the outer city
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="3X744"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Zef Halo"]
Enemies: Republic
Objective: Mandalore Remembers vividly
Gear in bio

Again, there had been so much going on around Briika, the battle medic just tuned it out as she continued to aid those wounded in her area while making her way back to the front line where her beloved was. The Republic soldiers and their loyal Wookiee forces were being pushed back as the Clan Munin's Vanguard and Verd's Crusaders advanced towards the outer city limits of Kashircho, and the pockets of resistance were being taken care of.

As the siiver-armored baar'ur came up beside the Cuir Rekr, Briika smiled at the man whom had captured her heart once again. The Akaan was in his element here, leading and fighting. The rugged Concordian took his responsibility as one of the four wolves seriously. Bree just hoped she wasn't too much of a distraction. The Tor was very proud of the Munin as she rejoined him once again ready to move on ahead to hopefully make the final push.

[I can take care of myself, Vil'ika, but vor entye for worrying about me anyways. ] Bree said warmly over their encrypted private comlink. If he could see her face from behind the tinted T-visor, [member="Vilaz Munin"] would see she was smiling sweetly with the golden blonde's azure eyes twinkling at him in that moment.

[ I've just gotten word over the medical comm frequency that a medevac transport has been called to the Shukalar's location… Seems [member="Draco Vereen"] has been injured badly from early reports. [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] is en route from the medical frigate to evaluate and treat. ]

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: MC120 Independence-class Battlecruiser Dauntlass, Over Kashyyyk
Objective: Fleet
Allies: None Currently
Enemies: [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Likar Kejis"] [member="Aditya Mantis"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

Force Longbow

"Captain, New Contacts bearing three four seven." said one of the Riptides Tactical Officers from his station. Captain Forthma cursed as the new icons appeared on the screen followed by the pulse of fire from the two vessels on the aft shielding of her formation. The ships were both classified as battlecruiser by their mass shadows and were now giving force Longbow a sound beating on their aft flank.

"Cease fire on the destroyer formation and divert all power to shielding." said Forthma now reeling to figure out a way to combat this new threat. "That gravity well generator pulled them out on top of use maam, The are moving into slash our formation." said the tactical officer. It was obvious what the massive ship was doing. It was moving into use both flanks on the force and maximize its destructive power. It was a good plan and one Forthma could do little about. Her mind raced to come up with the best static move and save her besieged force.

"Send a laser burst to all ships, moe to formation delta seven at best speed. then open up on the big one." ordered Forthma. The communications officers programmed the laser burst message and fired it at all of the ship sin the formation. Each of the three Scythe cruisers broke formation utilizing their heavy shielding to absorb as much firepower as they could. Each fires ionic charge canisters, putting up a wall of ion energy to their flank facing the two larger vessels and the incoming fighter craft.

Force Longbow Summery
Force Longbow breaks formation,
All ships divert power to their shielding and fire ionic charge canisters at incoming attack craft.

Riptide - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 70%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Ocean View - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 90%
Shielding - 60%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Mako - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 95%
Shielding - 80%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Triad - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons
Hull - 80%
Shielding - 70%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%
Location: Forest ---> OUTER CITY
  • Mandalorian Crusaders ([member="Isley Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Goran"], [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Deneve Verd"])
  • Mandalorian Vanguard ([member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Bendak Orden"], [member="3X744"])
Enemies: The basilisk war droid; The damn wookie from grand theft auto kashyyyk.
Gear: Sig.

Somewhere away from where the WINGED ASTROMECHS ARRIVE.

Somewhere away from the practice session.

Somewhere away from Draco's catarsis.

Somewhere quite closer to the Wookie that attempts to steal a ride.

A scoundrel had his cord removed from the basilisk war droid by a mischievous wookie. Unfortunately for the furball, the grav boots kicked in sending Zef towards the hijack droid and while missiles flew over his head that the droid and Zef evaded. That was not all, of course, the old man with his bones aching had his verpine shatter pistol in his hand and the onslaught of deadly pellets pierced the body of the wookie. Whether it died or not, Zef did not know as he finally arrived on top of the droid and RKO-ed the wookie out of the basilisk war droid.

Leaving the massive alien fall down into the forests beneath, the ex-smuggler darted and grabbed finally the reigns of the basilisk war droid. Somehow, it heeded.

<< These are the override codes. >> The Mandalorian slicer's voice was heard over the channel and furiously the scoundrel typed it down on the board computer which made the war droid restart.

Not the best thing to happen while in mid air. They began falling down. Yet, that was not what made Zef's blood run cold. It was the logo that appeared on the board computer that made him really, really afraid.

Into the branches both went while the logo remained the same. Branch by branch, they tore through the wood until finally. FINALLY.


It loaded.

Just ten yards before striking the ground, the engines roared of the droid and the basilisk was back in action. Now closer to the outer city the Mandalorians pushed forward while the droid once again went into a rampage to destroy the enemies of the Mandalorians.

"I've reached the outer city, Munin." The scoundrel said through the comm channels to Vilaz, letting him know that the Mandalorians along with Zef were reaching the checkpoint as planned.
Location: West Beach, Third Trench, with a herd of armored birds, now riding towards Ms Med-beq and "ZOMG HURDES!!!"
Objective: Beach Assault, we ride on sand, with our merry lit hearts and our happy band!
Friends: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Kano Oda"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Kade Kelborn"]
Targets: [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Dented Eukar'gam with funny boots
Grappling rope
Heavy Ripper
Jairi Edee (8 in a quiver on his back)
Jaian Bes'tratur
And now there's a Turkey!


It's the little funky Goran from Manda'Yaim,
(Go goran go Goran, gor Goran, go!)
He has little smithy on Null it seems,
(Go Goran, go Goran, go Goran go!)
But when he starts raiding instead of working
He rides through the smoke on a armored Turkey

Everyone says that the shriek-hawks scream
Has nothing on the Goran from Manda'Yaim
He ride reals lethal and he rides on a streak,
He terror of the entire Ka'shyyk beach!
It's the Funky Goran of Manda'yaim!

You see him on the road just seeking his glory,
(Go Goran, go Goran, go Goran go!)
He's spear drawn like a lance for a jousting story,
(Go Goran, go Goran, go Goran go!)
The snipers scream bout zombies 'stead of firing out,
So the Goran closes gaps with a roar and a shout!

So the war itself can't drown out the scream
Of the spear-wielding Goran from Manda'Yaim
His staff roars wildly and his spear all screech
He's the loudest friggin' Goran on the whole darn beach!
So put on your party hats and get ready to scream
Cause now we dance with the Goran from Manda'yaim

But what about the wookies, you ask with dersion
(Go Goran, go Goran, go Goran go!)
Well, I'm not gonna fight a bunch of civilians
(Go Goran, go Goran, go Goran go!)
Killing kids on the beach sems a little too evil
So I'll jsut jump with my Turkey like evil Knievel!

It's the little funky Goran from Manda'Yaim,
(Go goran go Goran, gor Goran, go!)
He has little smithy on Null it seems,
(Go Goran, go Goran, go Goran go!)
But when he starts raiding instead of working
He rides through the smoke on a armored Turkey

(OOC: So once again, just to clarify, I took turkey to cover distance and go hi-fi, while you rant about zombie movies in weird parlance, this disciplined smith feels it's now time to dance. I went with beach boys because to my credits, I have yet to find a wu-tang radio edit!!!)


Well-Known Member
Location: Kashyyyk, Royal Embassy, Command Center
Primary Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: Clan Betna | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] | The Galactic Republic
Post (6)

Buruk had emptied two more full charge cartridges into the giant slash spider before it had started to recoil. As seconds passed, the rest of his team seeing that the Republic soldiers were either too wounded to fight back or dead turned, unleashing an entirely new hell on the creature. In a matter of milliseconds the shattered carapace fell from the ceiling, legs twitching as its eyes clouded over. As the sounds of gunfire subsided an alarm had finally begun to chime, a singular red light flashing on the wall.


His HUD readout displayed the temperature rising, and with good reason. Something or someone had started a fire and now that fire was threatening to engulf the entire outer wall of the room. It could have been a stray blaster bolt, a shattered sparking console... a flamethrower. It didn't really matter what it was but they needed to get out. Activating their jet packs in this close of an environment was asking for trouble so the way they'd entered the room was out of the question. He looked to the doors leading into the command center. Nope. The Republic forces had barricaded themselves inside, setting up defensive positions. He grunted as the flames now began to press inward. In a matter of moments the room had gone from habitable to inhospitable, large flames licking up the floor and walls. There was only one way out... and they'd have to risk caving in the entire structure to do so.

A voice over the comms took his attention away from the task at hand momentarily but he yelled to the rest of his squad. As he strained to hear the voice over the roaring inferno his men gathered around, nervously eyeing the ever advancing flames.

:: Is there anyone left in the Embassy? ::

He recognized the voice. Arla Balor, a woman he'd had the privilege of working with in the past. She was the clan Alor of Clan Ordo, and a fiery redhead if he recalled correctly. He grinned beneath his helmet. Keying up the mic on the same channel he responded, motioning for his men to prepare a breaching charge with a set of hand signals.

:: Fancy you being here Arla. I've got ten with me here, we're trapped in the command center. Heating up pretty quick. I've got an escape plan but tell anyone still near the embassy to bail, I can't say it's going to hold up much longer after our exit. Breaching in ten! ::

He cut comms, looking to where his men now stood nearly toe to toe with the flames. Sweat covered his body beneath the armor, he could only imagine the same could be said for all of his vod with him. He lifted a hand, five fingers held up. Thankfully, the breaching charges were shaped, the explosion only detonating in one direction, away from the planter.

Four fingers.

More hand signals with his free hand. His brothers and sister formed a tight circle, hands connected around the charge. Buruk joined them, linking only one of his hands as the other slowly retracted yet another finger.

Three fingers.

The charge would detonate sending a powerful explosion downwards, a severe concussive shock upwards. Had they not been in their armor it might have injured them but as any good Mandalorians, their armor was sturdy and would protect them.

Two fingers.

Tendrils of doubt began to fill Buruk's mind. Was this happening? It had seemed so simple when he'd come up with the plan, almost reactionary. It felt right but now that it was so close, he wondered if this would save them or condemn them.

One finger.

It was when that last finger hung in the air he dropped his hand do his side, completing the circle of intertwined hands.

With a forceful nod, the explosive charge detonated, the floor and structural foundation below its detonating face shattering and exploding into hundreds of splinters and hunks of wood. With the floor obliterated beneath their feet the circle of conjoined Mandalorians began to fall, a stomach wrenching distance to the forest floor if this plan failed. They hung in the air for but a moment, then falling rapidly as the disintegrated floor refused to hold their weight. They dropped a solid twenty feet before again, as if on cue the Mandalorians engaged their jetpacks in unison, the loud flash of light sending them rocketing back upwards. Their hands released and they split in each direction, avoiding flaming fragments of the building they'd just exited. As they all began to land in the upper branches of the trees, they checked in, each Mandalorian quietly signalling their status via three quick chirps on the radio.

As they all chimed in, he grinned, a sigh of relief audible as he keyed up his mic.

:: Alor Balor, we made it out. I wouldn't guess the embassy will be hanging around much longer. ::

Almost as if to reinforce his statement, a large chunk of wall started to lose it's shape, bowing outwards due to the heat inside. Too much longer and the structure would come down on itself, falling to the forest floor far below.


Well-Known Member
Location: Western Outskirts, Royal City of Kashyyyk
Objective: Defend Against the Onslaught of the Mandalorian Clans
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [] Galactic Repubic
Enemies: [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [] [member="Ava Lok"] [] Mandalorian Clans
Post: (5)

Without the Force to guide his strike, his hands shifted as the beskad clashed. His hands shook with the vibration, his fingers crying out with protest. He was unable to respond quick enough and the next thing he felt was a hard blow, knocking the wind from him as he was propelled backwards. His fingers slipped slightly, loosing their firm hold on the hilt of the heavy blade. He was barely able to recover, the only thing keeping him on his feet were his countless hours of training. With his connection to the Force severed, the only thing he could rely on now was his natural physical prowess and though that granted him something to work with, he was yet a padawan. As he raised the beskad once more, this time losing all semblance of control. He'd tried to suppress it, becoming something he wasn't... tried to fight the emotions as the Jedi had taught him but he couldn't do that any longer. He gave in.

In a furious dash he charged forward, beskad aimed like lance. He held the hilt close to his body, the blade held before him. He drove the blade forward, propelled by his anger fueled body and mind. His singular goal was to run the Mandalorian through, his full body and mind dedicated to that purpose. As he closed to within striking distance he extended his arms forward, thrusting as his body continued to move forward. His shoulder lowered, his teeth grit, his let loose a carnal howl as he thrust forward with the beskad, aimed at the man's center.

Rekali the Hutt

Location: Survive Snipers.
Allies: [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Varien Moxla"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Captain August "][member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Alena Reckar"]
Equipment: Lightaxe, Custom-Fitted Rekali'gam, Totem of the Unfamiliar

Rekali the Hutt was not exactly a fast individual. Furthermore Rekali the Hutt's Lightaxe wasn't built for blaster deflection, he didn't even have any training in the matter. Not that it would have helped anyways, as the Silver Sanctum Scientist (who was really a republic sniper) was using a particle beam rifle. Nice boom and all that. So when the shot exploded about five meters up and four meters forward of Rekali the Hutt's position he was a bit elated, to say the least. One of the Shukalar's Ori'edee walkers had suffered enough damage to bring it's shields down, but the Shukalar had brought two, and the second one had advanced far enough along the beach that the gungan-based energy shield had enveloped Rekali the Hutt's position. He'd be adequately protected from any energy-based personal fire as long as he didn't advance, and as long as the walker held. Uncertainties as always, but adequate for now.

The wookiees with Jessica attempted to hit the two jet-packing mandalorians, and did manage to get a couple hits with their bowcaster, but the Rekali'gams Mandalorian Steel held. The limiting factor to their flight would more than likely be their fuel. Seeing their rockets had failed to take out the sniper they tossed a couple glop grenades at the sniper's nest, aiming to trap her at her location. From there they'd use their other wrist weapon, the classic flamethrower. The superheated glop would likely dissolve much quicker than the normal five minutes, but the molten adhesive would melt skin and cause paralyzing burns.

Meanwhile Rekali the Hutt took a breather, letting a member of Clan Balor apply a series of bacta patches unto his wound, his size naturally precluding a single patch. It would be an annoyance later as they started to flail off individually, but it would help until they moved to much in combat.
Beach Assault
Location: Outer City
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="3X744"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: Republic and Friends
Objective: Make Them Remember
Gear: Same gear

"I know you can, ner cyare. Just that this old man worries sometimes," Vilaz quipped to his beloved in that private, encrypted comm channel with a warm, soft, and sweet voice to her. The Munin knew that his significant other was a capable warrior that could take down any signs of hostility without breaking a sweat, but there was always that source of fear instilled within him of the thought that his beloved could be in danger and that Vilaz would lose her. Of course, he tried to drown it by thinking on the fact that they were veterans of war and have survived many battles in the past. Today, however, on Kashyyyk he intended to win and survive this battle with her. If they were to win, then the couple would be off to another world so that they could celebrate and enjoy each other's company with just them by themselves and no one else.

If Vilaz thought that he and his unit comprised of Vanguard and Crusaders alike would reach the checkpoint of the outer city first, then he was wrong. The Corellian Mandalorian, Zef Halo, seemed to be the first one to reach it after coming back from a wild rodeo he was having with his basilisk war droid. "Heard you loud and clear, Halo. Try to keep that beast under control before you hurt one of us," the Akaan said plainly and serious to the old Mandalorian.

After the march that the Akaan and the Warmaster went through after killing Republic Troopers and their Wookie allies, they finally arrived at the outer city of Kachiro. "No Republic survivors, brothers and sisters. Let them feel the pain and agony that Mandalore has felt and suffered!" His voice sounded like an angry and mighty wolf, commanding his pack to unleash unforgiving wraith and fury to their mortal enemies. Munin and Verd clansmens alike began to scatter throughout the outer city in groups, stalking and finding the minions that pledged all loyalty and allegiance to the Galactic Republic until they were relieved of duty. And by the powers vested in him by Ra, he would do a brutal manner that would picture out the fate and doom that was dawning on the Galactic Republic.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: MC120 Independence-class Battlecruiser Dauntlass, Over Kashyyyk
Objective: Fleet
Allies: None Currently
Enemies: [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Likar Kejis"] [member="Aditya Mantis"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

Force Fortress

Reshmar saw the two ships jump into the system near Force Longbow appear on the screen. The mass detectors rated them as battlecruisers then tagged one as one of the Alor class vessels Republic INtellegenace had reported on. Captain Forthma cut off her bombardment of the destroyers and went to dealing with the new threat she had now been put under. The loss of the support fire did not bode well for Fortress but Reshmar knew Captain Forthma had no other choice.

"SIr, attack craft are harassing out aft shielding. " said one of the defensive systems officers. Reshmar brought up a scanner display and then the molecular shield systems. The aft shielding was collecting power from enemy fire feeding the storage capacitors. The Ewar had to be hiding something out behind the massive ship.

"Tactical, Fire interceptor batteries aft arc full spread." said Reshmar as he considered his next move. "Helm, bring us to course three three one flanking speed weapon power to engines." ordered Reshmar. a moment later the guns of the massive ship stopped except for the aft interceptor batteries. They fires a spread of ionic charge canisters which ignited five hundred meters away from the ship rippling space with a massive ion storm. The massive ship lurched into movement then began its course change all awhile accelerating as it turned. Beside the massive ship the destroyer Monach lost the last of its shielding and took damage from the barrage now beating against its hull plating. The rear guard escort cruiser was also taking a beating on her shielding but managed to muster power to move with Dauntless as she changed course. Three of the four ships taking fire now moved away from the oncoming formation putting the four ships of the pirate king between them and the oncoming ships of the Mandalorian admiral.

"Damage Control report" asked Reshmar of his DC officers. The calamari swam to their consoles and looked over the report. "Sir shields are holding, Therma shields have been intramental in defending against the velocity cannons and out molecular shielding has kept out delphus systems running at 100 percent the entire time." said the mon calamari DC commander. Reshmar nodded then turned to another mon cala officer. "Tactical Report" the officer nodded then began giving his report. "Sir, Monarch is dead in space. Her hull is holding for now but she could not follow us when we moved. She will secomb soon. Barrington has minor damage and her shielding is failing." Reshmar nodded to his officers then began planning his next step thinking of the men and women now trapped aboard Monarch. He hoped the Commodore saved as many as he could.

fired ion charge canisters at fighters and bombers
changed course and moved away from approaching formation around the port flank of Aedan 1 formation.
Monarch was unable to follow and losing power. Shields are down.
damage to escorts and Barrington applied

Force Fortess
Dauntless - MC120 Independance-class Command Cruiser 3,000 meters
* 3 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 4 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons
* 3 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Monarch - Republic-class Star Destroyer
* 2 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 1 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 70%
Shielding - 0%
Weapons - 80%
Systems - 80%
Hanger - 75%

Barrington - Republic-class Star Destroyer
* 2 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 1 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 60%
Weapons - 90%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Tempest - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons

Hull - 90%
Shielding - 70%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Trafalgar - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 60%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%


Location: Space
Objective: Fleet
Allies: @Rach Vizsla
Enemies: [member="Reshmar"]

Fleet A:
Alor-class Dreadnought
Salvation-class Star Defender

Aedan watched as the ships in the force he was facing started to pull back before they fired something. He quickly stood up and made a swift gesture towards fighter control as calling out a series of orders. "HAVE THE FIGHTERS BREAK OFF ATTACK RUNS AND CIRCLE AROUND THAT ION FIELD! Have the Alor continue forward we are shielded from Ion so we can remove the field for them. Also have the Salvation circle around in an attempt to cut them off from their other force. The minute one of those ships in their other group turns its back it is done for especially with the leader I have there." A dark smirk crossed Aedans lips as his forces started to move the fighters breaking in four directions from the center in an attempt to get around the Ion field created by the enemy a large portion of them were able to succeed but a few weren't and they were left drifting while their pilots and astromechs attempted to restart the electronic hardware as quickly as possible. Snarling darkly Aedan licked his lips and made a gesture towards the fire control console. "Prepare the Tractor beam batteries. I want to target a few of their ships and keep them in close target the ships with long range weaponry. I want them to be gutted quickly. Aim for their bellies and just tear a hole in them. Once that is done we can all but consider them out of this fight." He watched as his started to move the Salvation-class taking the initiative to soar over the Alor and above the enemy fleet turning itself into position for a broadside. Smirking Aedan went back into battle meditation as the Alor closed with the enemy forces swiftly clearly they had expected their Ion field to stall him.

ACTIONS: ALor-class moving into range and targeting the three Scythe-class Battle cruisers with Tractor beams before unloading into them with everything but the Vulcan Mass Drivers which target the pods causing the Ion Field.
Salvation-class flies over the Ion field before firing broadside targeting the Escort Triad with all weapons (Only half have the angle to fire)
Fighters and bombers sweep around the field losing a single squadron to the Ion fields effects as they were to close to the center of the formation.
Bombers and gunships target the Triad with the Salvation while fighters engage the 2 enemy squadrons.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Defend the West Beach at all costs
Allies: GR [member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Kara Runo"] [member="Kista Fel"] [member="Jack Raxis"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Varien Moxla"] [member="Anaki Sann"]
Equipment: 2 grenades, bowcaster (primary), SI-74 anti-tank rifle (secondary), WESTAR Skirmisher armor

Ouch! [member="Funky Balor"] was now turning back to engage Jessica and her rag-tag band of zombies, mostly Wookiee since there were only three non-Wookiees left. She could rather easily impersonate a Wookiee and not just because she could fire a SI-74 in something other than ambush, so long as she wore an eugkar'kandar (regardless of whether there was any eukgar in it). Her rant about "zombie movies in a weird parlance" gave her just about enough time for the SI-74 to reload so to shoot at Funky with the eleventh SI-74 shot. But at this point, hit Funky and you'll likely hit [member="Rekali the Hutt"]'s surroundings as well as the walkers' shields, of which she brought down one. She wasn't the least surprised if the Mandalorian Rekali'gams held, but one of the wookiee zombies took a grenade out of Jessica's belt, throwing it at the direction of the remaining walker. But by now she was stuck in the detonation of a glop grenade.

"Let's hope that the silicar will help me here" she whispered over comms with Wookiees being the only ones to hear it by now.

While her Skirmisher armor would be layered in siliicar, making her resist the molten glop, the Wookiees in that particular trench screamed as their hide burned to a crisp, after the enemy engaged their flamethrowers, some of which even lost their bowcasters in the process, but more Wookiee zombies would rise in their place in other nests. Well, they aren't actually zombies but the enemy believed that molten glop would work as they would on zombies. Meanwhile, yet another band of Wookiee zombies (that's how Jessica referred to the warriors) displaced a puff of smoke as they charged through the sand. They descended down the bluff and into the beach, and hopefully the cooling system of the SI-74 hasn't been damaged to the point of rendering the weapon unusable while still engulfed in flames. Maybe, once set aflame, she could be left alone for a few minutes, after which time she would be left for dead and behave as a zombie until the battle for the beaches end. She was about to be panicked but she was paralyzed to the point of not being able to scream. She went from being in a position of being able to terrorize multiple Mandalorian veterans, including a member of the Alor'e Council, to being pinned down, in just a few seconds.

"Vowaaaark!" a Wookiee told her, hopefully distracting the remaining Mandos around the trench.
Allies: [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Reshmar"]

Fleet Group 3,200 Meters
Sovereign Sovereign-class Star Destroyer
Roche-class Light Corvette
Roche-class Light Corvette
Roche-class Light Corvette
Hecr-class Sentry Fighters (5)
To Vhin-class Electronic Warfare Fighters (5)
Ra'gr-class Superiority Starfighters (36)

Dominance Guardian-class Shield Carrier
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Hecr-class Sentry Fighters (5)
To Vhin-class Electronic Warfare Fighters (5)
MKII Cabur-class Starfighters (10)
XS-115 "Naast" Missile Boats (6)
Ra'gr-class Superiority Starfighters (36)

Jaded Jahaatir-class Electronic Warfare Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Tengaanalir-class Patrol Craft (4)
Cabur-class Patrol Ships (12)

Devil's Eyes Warden-class Sentinel Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Tengaanalir-class Patrol Craft (2)

Witch Sight Ulur'uur-class Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters

Likar Group 2,200 Meters

The enemy ships began moving away from the fleet groups and Tet frowned. "All ahead full. Pull low on the plane of combat and swing us wide. Between their artillery and main line. Fire overdrives." The Star Destroyers punched the gas while maneuvering to skirt the ion field. "Sovereign, all batteries into the Monarch. Nad'alyr and her escorts all batteries into the Barrignton."

"Yes sir. Ra'grs reporting cap drains are damaged, shields hurt." The big ships began moving, fire power barking out from both Star Destroyers into the enemy craft while they moved. The Sovereign fired a steady stream into the Monarch as they pushed towards the edges of the Ionic field behind the Star Destroyer. The Nad'alyr cycled its guns and began firing at the Barrington after they had dipped low enough on the galactic plane. Behind them the support ships moved between the two star destroyers, staying just out of standard weapon range.

Interdiction fields followed behind the fleet group, protecting the rear from surprise attack and fighters emerged from the ion cloud not much after the Mon Cal ships. "Pull to defensive positions. We will hold in reserve until you are needed in atmosphere." The Fighter Tactical Operator said through the comms as the groups of Ra'gr began returning for recycling around the Star Destroyers and the plethora of defense guns on the Destroyers.

"Looks like you need to focus fire and remove some support from that Mon Cal monster." Rach said over the private channel.

"Yes. One should be coming down shortly. Whittling away the other Destroyer." Tet responded softly.

"And the Cruisers?"

"There is an Alor behind them opening up all barrels into them. They won't last long under that kind of barrage."

Summery of Action
Dropped beneath and to the outside of the Ion Field while in pursuit with all vessels
Sovereign all batteries into Monarch (Ewar Included)
Nadalyr, Nynirs all batteries into the Barrington (Ewar Included)
Guardian and Escorts Following
Fighters returning to Defense Positions
Location: East Beach → West Beach
Objective: Conquer
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"] | The Republic
Gear: In profile

The battlefield was a mixture of smoke and fire, littered with dead bodies and broken, destroyed debris of vehicles and crashed fighters. The defenders of the beach fought bravely, valiantly but ultimately the combined force of the mandalorian clans were simply too overwhelming for them. The forces of Clan Rekali under Caspian continued to fight tooth and nail against broken, retreating defenders scattered across once strong defensive lines.

The Young Warlock climbed back atop his massive Basilisk War Droid tossing out blasts of flame and deadly spells with one hand, while he controlled the beast with the other. After steadily marching on the field towards the artillery unleashing hell upon the beaches finally the forces including Clan Rekali reached their position. The witches tossed spells and fired heavy weaponry, while heavy vehicles and war droids let loose with their missiles and canons sending the artillery pieces up in a blaze of smoke and fire.

From his position over the battlefield Caspian observed the fight as mandalorians continued pushing onward, he accessed the command channel to the Rekali forces "All forces mount up the defenses are broken, we will begin our push to the Outer City."
Location: Outer City
Objective: Mop up
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="3X744"], MC, MV
Enemies: The Republic
Gear: In Bio

As their force finally emerged upon the outer city, it was quite clear that the Republic's defeat had already been more or less secured. If any semblance of order was to be kept within the ranks of the Mandalorians, it was soon lost in the zealous joy of those who had finally emerged on their prize. After Munin's announcement, Marcus watched several of his comrades rocket off towards the heavens to rain death upon the Republic troopers that attempted to escape their ceaseless advance. It was hopeless, and they were cut down as soon as they began their retreat back to whatever headquarters still had the audacity to ask the ultimate sacrifice of them. It was odd really, why their soldiers kept fighting. With the recent scandals in their government and their most precious ideals being thrown to the wind, he wondered why any man would lay down his life for such a failed state. Perhaps they were mercenaries? That certainly wouldn't surprise him, after all, the Republic had long been engaged with the One Sith who had dealt them blow after blow in the core worlds, their pools of men would soon run dry if they hadn't already.

Calling to his men, Marcus began his own rushing advance down a street littered with the crumpled, furred corpses of Wookie combatants. It was a scene of utter devastation and chaos, one unlike any he had seen before. The skies were dotted with fighters and cruisers in the far off atmosphere, and in his pause, he began to wonder what would become of this world after they were finished. Mandalore had made his plans clear, that was sure enough, but after they had shown the Republic off to their next pitiful rock of resistance, he could only imagine what might become of the Civilian population that had, more than likely, run off to hide in the forests? It would likely be a slog to fully occupy the planet, and one he would be all too happy not to be a part of.

Soon, Marcus' mind snapped back to the situation at hand as a team of Republic troopers came into view. They were scrambling desperately to put together a heavy E-WEB blaster turret, though they would soon find that it was all for not as he and his band of new bloods stripped them of life and sent them into the dirt. His finger came away from the trigger only when he was sure that their smoking corpses truly were that. It was hardly a challenge anymore. Soon, they would reach the inner city, and then the last hopes that the Republic could possibly hold would be extinguished along with their presence on this planet.

"Come on! This isn't over yet!"
The Admiralty
Location: The Western Forests, Outskirts.
Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: [member="Ava Lok"]
Enemies: [member="Bryn'jarr Astaris"]

Good metal, good beskar, it stayed intact even after that last display of strength between them.

He’d have to thank the smith for that later, but for now there was a jetti to kill.

Ronan didn’t wait for the padawan’s fury to reach its peak. No, the Mandalorian was already on the move when Astaris started for his run -- the moment the jetti tried to thrust forward with his beskar Vizsla was already there, his crushgaunt slapped the beskad to the side and stepped into the guard.

There was a slight miscalculation - the beskad’s pointy end was redirected, yes, but he had withheld too much strength out of the blue and instead of flying completely free, it send a gash through his beskar plate, then the armor weave in between the plate.

Burning pain.

Vizsla grunted and grabbed for Astaris’ neck -- abusing his momentum and sudden loss of balance -- then he'd try to headbutt the young zabrak. His beskar helmet would slam into Astaris’ head over and over again.

Until he was down.

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