Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Misty Mountains | Tingel Arm Coalition, Hurikane

See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Hurikane
Objective: Reclamation
Tag(s): Shem Spinner Shem Spinner | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | Ankeen Kewon Ankeen Kewon

Holding his gun firmly, A'Runda's free hand moved to slide the bolt back, causing the empty shell to spiral out into the air. Grabbing it at the apex of it’s height to to slide back into one of his pockets to reuse for later before chambering another around into the shortened rifle.

He kept his eyes trained on what he could see of the upper levels in the temple. Ready to fire upon any others who sought to defend against the attackers. A’Runda wasn’t sure who was even assailing the temple. Maybe it was a rival pirate or swoop gang? A local security force? An angry militia? He’d make sure to find out later to assure that he wouldn’t need to train his sights on the enemies of his enemy.

A’Runda took note of the rapid air superiority the assailants gained over the defenders. Considering that they seemed mindful not to cause much damage to the temple it seemed clear that they were trying to at least capture the building for themselves. Through his scope he caught the glint of another defender. Looking closer they were armed with some sort of rocket launcher aimed up into the sky to target one of the starfighters above.

Once more the tusken took aim, compensated for bullet drop, wind speed and spread before letting off another round. Another yellow glowing slug zoomed through the air and struck it’s target just in time. A fraction of a second after the slug impacted the pirate a rocket was unleashed. Flying off into the sky randomly without hitting any of the starfighters above.
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As Shem moved on the hallway, he heard one of the Riflemen call out.

"Heavy ordinance!"

A rocket launcher? Shem whipped around, expecting to see a rocket flying towards them. Yet again, just as before, a shot was fired from the distant stranger, ripping through the pirate with the explosive rounds and sending them to the floor. Whoever this mysterious marksman was, they were certainly good at what they did. It certainly gave the troops a morale boost in any case. It was as though the forces of nature were on their side, bringing good wind upon their backs to push them forward with increased strength.

He could feel the force swirling around them. A fellow warrior of the light. Shem was sure of it.

"Keep pushing the objective!" Shem shouted. "We just need to push a little longer!"

They were just waiting on Balun now. They'd clear out the initial wave on the first floor, regroup, and move to clear out the lower levels. The momentum they needed to succeed was here now. All they needed to do was keep it up.

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Objective: Reclamation.
Allies: A'Runda A'Runda , Shem Spinner Shem Spinner & Ankeen Kewon Ankeen Kewon .​

Balun, a blur of orange brilliance, moved swiftly with both grace and agility. Blaster fire zipped past him as he sprinted towards the others who had already breached the Temple interior. Three spacers attempted to deter him from the eastern entrance, but their fire was deflected in four consecutive arcs. Balun reached the height of the steps, dropped low to his knees, and slid across the stone surface. He swung his lightsaber just shy off the ground, connecting at ankle height with the legs of one of his assailants.

He quickly turned back; his blade raised defensively as the remaining two pirates sought to press the attack. Two men on either side of him, poised with their rifles raised and barking orders for the Jedi to give himself up as he stood outnumbers two-to-one. His attention remained on the vibrations of the Force, waiting for the slightest hint of intent in his attackers. Behind them lay the third of the pirates, a female crying out in pain as her feet had been separated from her legs just seconds prior.

The Force called to him, Balun stepping sideways and angling his lightsaber horizontally just as the pirate to his right fired upon him. The bolt hit his blade, rebounded against the lightsaber and shot back to hit the second man on Balun's left side. He dropped like a brick, leaving Balun the chance to capitalise, reaching out with the Force to grip the torso of the remaining pirate and throwing him into the stone wall nearby. He fell to the ground and failed to move any further. Hopefully only rendered unconscious.

Pausing before joining the others, Balun looked at the first two spacers on the ground before him. One would never walk again, and the other had taken a bolt to their midsection yet cradled their wound, mind riddled in panic. "Sorry, but you could have left peacefully. This place belongs to the Jedi" he said to them, uncertain if they would make sense of his words in their current state of shock. Balun's left hand moved to one of the pouches at his waist and pulled two stims, soon tossing them towards the pair. "Use these, take your friends and get out of here" He told the one with the gut-shot. They were no threat and would be too slow to put up any further fight. They could still live if they took the opportunity.

Balun soon took off running again. Now into the Temple interior and hearing the fighting further on ahead, he knew exactly where to find Shem Spinner Shem Spinner , A'Runda A'Runda , and Ankeen Kewon Ankeen Kewon , no doubt together, trying to reclaim the Temple. "On your left!" Balun announced his arrival, shouting to his allies while taking up a defensive stance within the doorway as his announcement drew the attention of the other vagrants. He managed to parry away several blaster bolts before moving into the cover of one of the great pillars lining the vast hall's outskirts.


A New Beginning

Solace | Sorrow | Spite
Tags: Fynch Fynch | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles | Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi | Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro

Outcast... Coward... Traitor... It seems sleep was one thing that would forever allude Marcus. Alas, sleep was not a luxury he could afford. The sudden lurch of the freighter as it left hyperspace could only mean one thing, it was time. The Haven was a repurposed Imperial vessel, well repurposed, more like stolen, when Marcus had left his Black Cloak's behind. He hadn't quite had the chance to change the ships tags and transponder, but he would in good time. He couldn't exactly be caught with his pants down.

Ya' know, maybe wandering into rebel space lookin like an imperial aint the smartest move. Eh oh well. He didn't quite care as he adjusted his black mask over his face, pulling his hood over his head and donning his battered Imperial Knight's armour. Granted he had tried to tear off the old insignia that had been on it, but it served as a reminder, both of the masters he had once served, and of the reason he was here, answering the call of some makeshift liberators.

Finally with a bit more effort then it should have taken, three lightsabers flew to his waist and attached themselves upon his armour, nestled next to his trusty dagger. As the masked figure left his room, he was met by his household guard, remnants of his operatives who had left the Empire in his wake. They'd accompanied him on this mission to reflect the interests of the House of Voss, which was renowned for its business with the Exilium Authority and the corporations surrounding Alderaan. Frankly, the disgraced shadow could use all the allies he could get, and if that meant joining a wack coalition, he'd make the sacrifice.

Entering the cockpit he was greeted by his pilot, whom in mid transmission to the surface, failed to notice him. "Haven-9013 to control, we've come to answer the call, requesting coordinates for landing, how copy." With the pilot finally looking up from his post, he nodded in recognition and flipped a switch on the roof of his station. "Your hounds all ready to move m'lord, what would you wish of us humble servants?" He couldn't help but laugh at the sarcastic remark, Brosso was family after all. "Alright pal, how bout you keep your eyes on the planet, where ya know, we're currently barrelin into?" With one last chuckle, Marcus was off to the cargo hold to retrieve his very oversized and not at all hostile dog, maybe she'd even get a hunt.

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Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi 's words, and even those of Jonyna were lost on Vulpesen as another feminine voice took the entirety of his attention. At any other moment, he might have said something in support of the Commander's speech, some affirmation of strength, or a promise of support. As it was, he struggled to keep his face from burning up with an obvious blush as he turned to face Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro . The truth was, he couldn't recall a time when he had ever been so stone cold busted, even if he hadn't done anything wrong.

His previous meeting with her had been a rather lovely date beneath the stars. They had learned quite a bit about each other, their likes and desires, and she had been forthcoming about her occupation. He had not. Vulpesen had told her that he created weapons and had served as something of a soldier. He hadn't told her that he was the leader of the entire planet, a title which he now held with full authority at the current meeting. "Miss Fomys," He greeted, recovering his composure with an alacrity found through hard diplomatic training. "And absolute pleasure. Seems you've been moving up since I last saw you. That or you're more than a simple detective as I had believed." His smile was genuine, something perhaps hinted at by the way his tail swished and wagged behind him as he spoke to her. "I'm sorry, my life has been busy as of late, but of course that offer is still open. I'd be happy to make time for your visit."

Fynch Fynch
Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge


"Oooooh, looks like you've got some competition!" Rara grinned, before pausing as the Mandalorian entered the room. "Ooooo!"

Without waiting for her boss's response, she rushed over to Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol and began bombarding the mando with technical questions about his armor. Everything from weight distribution to how he dealt with hygiene issues. She really was a kid in a candy store in that front. Simply put, she wanted to know everything, her tail swishing back and forth with eagerness for answers.


TAG: Fynch Fynch Vulpesen Vulpesen Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Marcus Voss Marcus Voss

Jonyna couldn't help but roll her eyes at the Rara's excitement and Sass.

She didn't have a crush on Vulpes, she more wanted to punch him in the face. Partly because of his ego, partly for intruding on her business.

What did catch her attention more, was the sudden feeling of darkness. The arrival of Marcus Voss Marcus Voss put Jonyna on edge, and caused her to eye off in a random direction, turning and walking back to the airlock.

Whatever was coming, she was going to greet it. Ready to take on whatever it was. She wasn't going to let some Sith Lord show up to this meeting and slaughter everyone.

Once the Red Loth-Wolf hit the ground, the Lothal Riflemen charged out teeth barred and blasters raised, hammering into anything that moved that wasn't on their side. This was as close to justice for Lothal as these men had been able to get in a long time, it showed in the ferocity of their attack, the thoroughness. Ankeen couldn't help but indulge the same impulse, he opened up with the turrets on the landing platform to help clear the area, especially since he wouldn't be joining the ground assault inside the temple.

"Vrrpp, chirp-chirp!" Lucky chimed in from the comm/scan terminal.

"What do you mean we got incoming at Mark 5? They're all supposed to be down there!"
Ankeen manually checked the readings on his console and, sure enough, there were unidentified vessels closing in. He patched into the Coalition comms the second he noticed.

"I hope you folks clear out that temple real quick, because it looks like there's gonna be a lot to do up here real soon. We got bogeys."

Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell A'Runda A'Runda Shem Spinner Shem Spinner


TAGS: Open | Near Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Sabers: Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] | Sentry [Parrying Dagger] | Requiem [Light Foil] | Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] Twilight [Polearm] | Nightshade [Throwing Knives]

Crystals: Amplification | Serenity | Phantom Ghostfire | Frostheart | Entropite | Tiger's Fang | Mindshatter | Echos | Mestare

Melee: Knife

Guns & Bows: Fang | G.O.O. Gun
Thowing : GA- E.G.G.S. x3 |
Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 | G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 | , C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |, WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5

Equipped Gear:
Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Ring | Amulate | Brace -Left Arm | FFS- Utility Belt | Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask | ]

Other Items:
| Survival Kit | 5 Lbs bag of Thermite

Ships: Ashwing - Starfighter

Braze was keen on reclamation and had been paying close attention to the ebb and flow of the battle. Following Coruscant, he felt an insatiable need to prove himself. Although only 14, Braze felt the urgency of time slipping through his fingers like loose sand; He was already 14 and time was going by far too quickly. Even as only Half-Echani, the call to demonstrate his valor and prowess in combat was relentless.

His presence on the field of battle was made known as a small-statured figure emerged, garbed in blackened attire emblazoned with phoenix imagery and wreathed in blue flames. He joined the ground assault with purpose, as dual blades whirled and slashed through enemies with precision. Stray shots fired were deflected with an un canny ease.

A presence seemed to emanate out form him, like an aura that seemed to inspire.

With each step forward, Braze moved with the fluid grace of a seasoned warrior, his focus unwavering. The blue flames that adorned him sparked and blazed under his control, casting an eerie glow around him, and searing the any enemies that got too close. His movements were a blur. moving with speed precision agility and grace. As he fought, he could feel the rhythm of the battle, the push and pull of the forces at play. The desire to reclaim the Jedi Temple drove him forward, in a terrifying display of fiery retribution.

Despite his small stature, the ferocity and skill he brought to the fight was perhaps a little un-nerving. Each enemy that fell to his blades was a step closer to their goal. And despite his youth, Braze fought with the heart of a seasoned warrior, driven by the knowledge that there was still so much to see and do, and so little time to accomplish it all.


"Careful what you wish for," he said, raising his volume so he could be heard as he and Ra'gar Nihut'tyr stepped onto the bridge, the rest of his rammikade staying a few paces back. "Breshig War Forge and Strill Securities are fully prepared to have your back."

Fynch flashed a grin at these remarks. He knew the reputation of Breshig well. Most did, the Commander assumed. That was the kind of fire power the Tingel Arm needed. Perhaps they were all past the point of being careful now. He gave a simple nod of recognition before the tone of the room seemed to shift...

"Haven-9013 to control, we've come to answer the call, requesting coordinates for landing, how copy."

"Their tags?" Fynch asked.

"Imperial, but severely outdated," one of the crewmembers of the bridge relayed. "A trap?"

Fynch frowned, stroking at the beard on his chin. How unusual indeed. Older imperial codes would suggest the New Imperial Order, but such an order had not existed since the fall of the Brotherhood of the Maw. He was familiar with their brood, of course. They had chosen to attempt to occupy Lothal in the early days of his time as the Commander in Chief of the Protectorate. Had it not been for the aid of the Galactic Alliance, Lothal would have surely suffered it's fate much sooner. To that end it was hard to trust such an individual...

"At ease, Miss Si," he stated calmly, his expression as calm as ever. "We can handle this individual should problems arrise, but I would like to hear them out. There is value in a former Imperial asset. If he wishes to fight, however, than entering this room alone is suicide. The moment he draws a weapon, do what must be done."

He exchanged a glance between those gathered. These were no run of the mill executives. Fynch knew from reputation alone that the Valde of Veradune alone could likely handle an entire company. Perhaps that was simply the benefit of being ageless and powerful in the force. Regardless of that, he had no fear that anyone present was in true danger. They had the tools necessary to remove the Imperial tumor should it bare its fangs.

"Let him dock," he ordered. "Miss Kiles, you may feel free to ready a new invention."

Tʜᴇ Mᴀғɪᴏsᴀ


A feminine figure slinked confidently towards the bridge of the Freebird, her nexu-fur coat billowing behind her. A white HK-87, emblazoned with a golden scorpion-like sigil on its chest, flanked her side. As she approached, the security personnel stationed at the entrance immediately blocked her path, their stances firm and unwavering. They began to raise their blasters.

“Halt!, you don’t have auth—!” The officer began to say before the woman snapped a figure

Like a loyal dog, her droid moved forward with a mechanical determination, tossed the security to the side. Each officer landed hard thud against. Unconscious, but not dead.Unperturbed by the minor delay, the woman entered the bridge with an air of smug nonchalance.

”Apologies for being late,” she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. ”Seems your bouncers did know I was on the list.”

She paused, her piercing gaze sweeping across the room, taking in the varied group assembled before her. The visor of her tracking helm almost seemed to form the facsimile of an old cartwheel hat. She lifted it, allowing the room to see a partiality of her face. Blue skin, red-against-red eyes. Chiss.

”I am Pase’cen’vami. You may call me Secenva,” she announced, allowing a moment for the name to settle in. ”Leader of the Stingbearer Gang, out here in the Arm.”

Secenva stepped further into the room, her posture commanding and confident. Her red eyes gazed over at Fynch in particular. She had her sources. She knew who he was, at least the snippets of rumor her informants could dig up.

”And looks like we have The Boy Who Cried Lothwolf.” She spoke, a sly smile forming under her helm, ”If your little call to arms is going to work, you’ll need friends. Can we be friends, Commander Fynch?”

She outstretched her hand. There was something almost Faustian in her stance. There was the implication that her help and so-called “friendship” had a price tacked onto it.

”Like you, I have no love for Imperials or fascists.” She hummed, ”Whaddya say….?”



Well, this is bound to be fun. The cloaked figure stood at the airlock as the Haven docked with the Freebird. The fact that they hadn't been destroyed the moment they entered within range was a good sign, after all his tags were old enough to the point where it would warrant hesitation. Marcus's only loyalty in the Empire was to his Imperator, and with him long dead, there would be no need for conflict, nonetheless he was ready. He reached for Solace as the door opened, and he was greeted by armed guards, though whom they were originally from was lost on him.

Marcus adjusted his mask one last time as he clicked his tongue, and Kira jumped down to join him. He opted not to bring one of his ysalamir as he so often did, purely because the force might be on thing he had to his advantage, and he wasn't exactly set on trusting rebels. Behind him, the other caged beasts quieted down as he left the safety of his shuttle, followed by four of his guards. The soldiers in front of him opened their mouths in protest, but he walked right on past. His guards would stay with him, that was not negotiable.

Out of habit, the former intelligence officer scanned the ships defences. A fair amount of guards stood at the ready, and he had to admit they were in better shape then he imagined, but still, it would need work. Part of the reason he was here. He had to admit though, it was an impressive ship. Within a matter of minutes, him and his escort had reached the bridge, and without hesitation, with his hands clasped behind his back dangerously close to Solace, he marched onto the bridge.

The soldiers at the blast door parted ways with a look of disdain, though Marcus just laughed to himself, behind his mask. In front of him was a wild assortment of soldiers and businessmen, and in the center stood who he assumed was the man in charge. He took a moment to take in his surroundings, and the murderous glares from some, but it was of no matter to him. He noticed a figure in front of him already seeming to be in conversation, with what appeared to be a droid, but he again, paid it no heed.

"Well hello everyone, pleasure to meet you all. I take it you are...?" Kira moved to his side, her eyes shining yellow, almost as if in anticipation.

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”And looks like we have The Boy Who Cried Lothwolf.” She spoke, a sly smile forming under her helm, ”If your little call to arms is going to work, you’ll need friends. Can we be friends, Commander Fynch?”

"You're quite the negotiator," Fynch remarked, his expression remaining stoic. "Let's ease the 'friends' talk. I understand what it is that you've come for so there's no need to beat around the proverbial bush."

Credits. This was about money and ensuring that their criminal empire could remain in tact. Typically, Fynch had no respect for thugs of the sort, but he understood well enough that every individual had their purpose. They would likely be at odds in the future, but for now these things could be ignored so long as some common ground was established.

Boundaries would be required.

"There are things I will not ignore in my home," the Commander admitted. "Anything from the mines of Kessel are out of the question, and I have prior investment in the dismantling of Zygeria. I will, however, turn a blind eye to arms dealing, so long as they go towards anti-Imperial efforts. And their transports? Consider them fair game. There is plenty of Imperial riches that would make such a venture worth your time. I only ask that as our discussions continue you not throw any more of my men."

"Well hello everyone, pleasure to meet you all. I take it you are...?"

"Commander Fynch," he remarked, turning his eyes to the newcomer. "Your codes were New Imperial Order. I'm curious of your intentions here. I believe some amongst us are..." Fynch spared a glance to Jonyna, "...warry of your intentions. I, however, like Imperial assets. Stepping into this room is beyond the curve of self preservation. That interests me greatly. I suggest you make your pitch a good one."

It was proving to be a very productive first meeting indeed.

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TAG: Fynch Fynch Marcus Voss Marcus Voss

"At ease, Miss Si,"
Despite the order, Jonyna kept on hand in her coat, gripping the hilt of Lucy as she watched the man enter. There was always an air of pompousness to Imperials, and this one was no different. A sense they knew better.

The sight of a sith hound at his side only made Jonyna worry more, as she watched the man interact with Fynch. Her hand was on a hair trigger.

I believe some amongst us are..." Fynch spared a glance to Jonyna, "...warry of your intentions.
That was putting it lightly. She was ready to throw down on a moment's notice, placing herself intentionally between her and her young designer.



Tags: A'Runda A'Runda

Once more the tusken took aim, compensated for bullet drop, wind speed and spread before letting off another round. Another yellow glowing slug zoomed through the air and struck it’s target just in time.

"You're a good shot."

Jasper sat down next to the Tusken warrior, crossing his legs in a meditative stance. It felt good to be out here. The ghost of the Sentinel of Harmony was still heavy on Jasper's shoulders, but slowly it had been easing. It felt natural to be out in the field, an element of his Jedi duties that he had sorely missed. Now they were working to establish something new. The fresh-faced Jedi Master had seen this place in dreams. He needed to be here.

But he could trust his allies to lead the charge for a while. There was a new friend to fill in.

"Warden of the Sky?" Jasper asked. "You fit the type, I think. You've arrived at a good time. The Force is moving around this place in strange ways... This is an encounter of great signifigance."

He turned to the Tusken, offering a grin.

"Or maybe I've just hit my head one too many times."

See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Hurikane
Objective: Reclamation
Tag(s): Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Hearing himself being addressed, A'Runda perked up some and turned his head to look down at the sitting individual. His eyes narrowed some behind the red lens of his goggles. Normally his senses were pretty acute and could sense someone’s approach. But that sensitivity developed from years in the desert on Tatooine. Where any force signature was noteworthy. Perhaps his time away from his homeworld has dulled his senses some.

“You're correct, not a lot of outsiders are aware of the tradition.” Also not a lot of Warden’s used firearms and lightsabers. He wondered if the man had looked into his activities along the outerim.

“Agreed, I got the feeling there was… hm, how do you people say. More than meets the sight?” Basic was not A’Runda’s first language and his knowledge of it was largely through years of immersion in the language instead of any proper education. “I figured there was more here than bringing some pirates to justice.” The Tusken wasn’t someone who believed much in coincidences anymore. His own experiences and relationship with The Force afforded him such a mindset. Perhaps this blonde human has a similar outlook. Perhaps they were right, and he could work within a larger group once more. No longer chasing injustice across the stars just like the eldest chances the crimson younger bother back on Tatooine.


Objective: Fellowship - Join the Revolution
Location: Bridge of the Freebird
Outfit: Adapted New Aldera Inspector Uniform
Tags: Fynch Fynch | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles | Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Marcus Voss Marcus Voss | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Secenva Secenva | Benaiah Maquis

The young Cathar addressed Vulpesen, and started to say something about her boss and him. My ears perked up only to have another Cathar interrupt. The first’s boss I assumed. The elder Cathar first addressed Fynch and then turned to Vulpesen with a flirtation? I grumbled a bit under my breath, hoping that it would escape anyone’s notice, particularly Vulpesen himself. We had one date after all. Possessiveness was very premature on my part. And above that I needed to focus on being a good representation for New Alderaan, not get into a “catfight” over a guy. As my eyes went from the woman flirting, to the subject of both of our infatuation it seemed, there was a definite reaction by Velpesen. He seemed less than focused.

Finally he greeted me and I couldn’t help but blush a bit and smile. I only let it linger a moment before doing my best to focus on my job here. Who the hell thought that I was going to be a good representative for our cause? Oh yeah, my brother. Dumb bastard. Oh well. Too late to turn back now right. Time to focus… ”I was transferred out of the investigation bureau upon my return. My new post was not to my liking. I stepped down from official duties and stepped up my presence with N.A.A.M. Who knew that would see me as a diplomat or in your presence. The last a pleasant surprise. The first…still trying to figure things out. I’m sure it will allow me time for a visit though, so I am looking forward to making it happen sooner than later. But for now. We should probably focus on our jobs in this meeting,” I gave him a wink noticing his tail movements for sure, but not entirely sure what it meant, if anything.

Then the entrances started to happen in earnest. A young man who didn’t fully announce his presence. He seemed out of place like me. A Mandalorian offering the support of what sounded like companies of some sort, but I was not terribly familiar with the Mandalorian culture so the names he mentioned could really be anything. A message from an old Imperial vessel seemed to have the attendants on edge, but the meeting continued nonetheless. A helmeted female was the next to enter with a flourish of controlled violence. Her name made me think she was Chiss, but more importantly than that she announced herself as a gang leader. Though her presence suggested that we were on the same side, I still gave a slight growl. The trained reaction of a cop to someone brazenly announcing themselves as a criminal. It was going to be hard to break. I was a rebel now. Deemed a terrorist more than likely in the eyes of the Empire that ruled her home. I needed to get used to dealing with less savory allies.

I continued to keep close proximity to Vulpesen. Something told me that he had more experience in this type of thing than he let on. And maybe he’d prevent me from sticking my foot in my mouth when it came time for me to speak again. The next entry to the meeting came soon after the gangleader’s. He was a man in outdated Imperial garb. Things I had not seen in my lifetime, but saw in holos. His voice made me very certain that he was the one from the Imperial ship that had everyone getting defensive. It would be curious how this was handled. Technically until the moment that I departed New Alderaan for this meeting I had been an employee of the current Empire of this territory. If they were so upset by this one’s presence was I really welcome?

Commander Fynch handled the last two arrivals pretty well from my estimation. He set ground rules for what criminal activity would be acceptable in his rebellion. No slaves and no spice. The first was pretty universal. Technically slavery was against the law in the Empire of the Lost. If you had enough power you just called it something else. Spice was something that no government in ages had been able to stop. I wondered how actively Fynch would combat the flow of the vile substances into the TAC. Seemed like there were bigger fish to fry, but I did admire his stance. The Imperial was questioned with suspicion and curiosity. The old Empire didn’t all fold into the Empire of the Lost. There were other remnants, and there were some that saw the errors of their ways. Perhaps this one was one of those.

”So…How will this Coalition work exactly Commander?” I asked hoping that business would keep me focused on my job as well as keep varying interests from building rivalries inside a group that had not even galvanized yet. ”The New Alderaan Anti-Imperial Movement has several benefactors that can help with certain assets and perform subtle missions. But we can’t promise manpower for an outright rebellion.”


Tags: A'Runda A'Runda

“I figured there was more here than bringing some pirates to justice.”

"You could say that," Jasper remarked. "This is a reclamation. We're turning this place into the staging ground for a movement. I'm sure a man of your profession would be interested in the idea of a free rim."

It made perfect sense. He was a warden of the sky. If there was any one man who stood in stark opposition to the imperial they were standing before him here. Jasper stood, laying a hand on his sheathed lightsaber. The blade was different now, warm with the heat of the newy empowered crystal within. The electrum shone with a polish indicitave of somethin brand new, the fresh mark of his elevation to the rank of Master.

Ironic to leave the council after the promotion.

"Jasper Kai'el," he greeted. "I'm gonna head in there and wrap this up. Care to join me?"

There was work to do after all."

Taking Fomys' advice, Vulpesen turned his attention to the newer arrivals, the Valde's tail stilling to a few small flicks. Criminals and Imperials. Certainly an interesting company for the commander to keep, or even let aboard his ship. Still, he wasn't one to judge. Once upon a time, even the Valde had been a hidden asset within the sith. He knew first hand the advantageous that such a past allegiance could bring to their cause.

His eyes glanced between Jonyna and Fomys before he cleared his throat and spoke up for the imperial to hear. "You've certainly taken a bold stance. Particularly as you don't come unarmed." His voice was neutral, kept conversational, even as his golden eyes flicked between the imperial's body guards. His own guards, a squad from Trident company in their dress uniforms stood along the walls and shifted their stance. Their weapons weren't levelled yet, but there was certainly an aura of preparation in anticipation for Voss' words.

Meanwhile, while he waited for Voss's response, and the commander's answer to Fomys' question, Vulpesen leaned over to the New Alderaanian, his voice kept low to avoid others' earshot. "I might have neglected to mention that I lead a bit more than an arms manufacturer. Though, I'm happy to see you've been moving up and away from the empire." He'd chosen not to comment on each growl and glance she gave, though his sensitive hearing and years of experience in awareness made him keenly availed to each one. Merely, he held a small lopsided grin as he quietly conversed.

Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro Fynch Fynch Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Secenva Secenva
Ankeen watched the scopes as the light cruiser descended toward the temple, a small pack of ugly fighters in tow. It looked like they hadn't quite caught everyone in the initial sweep of the temple, they would have company soon. He fired the Loth-Wolf's engines and began to pull away from the east entrance, he was a fat and easy target sitting on the landing pad like this.

"We've got a Gonzati-class and some fighters closing in from the east. I gotta peel out to shake the fighters but whatever you are doing in there, make it fast."
It wasn't often the air support needed ground support, but in this case Ankeen was willing to buck convention if it meant not getting shot to pieces. He remembered they had one other fighter at least in the air but he hadn't seen it since he landed. In either case, he pivoted to face the enemy and took off away from the temple to draw the escort away.

Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Shem Spinner Shem Spinner A'Runda A'Runda Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

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