Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Misty Mountains | Tingel Arm Coalition, Hurikane

See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Hurikane
Objective: Reclamation
Tag(s): Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

“The mission for a Warden of the Sky is a simple one. Keeping free, safe, and secure for those who travel it. I’m concerned that the war coreward will leave the overlooked rim even more so. Leaving behind a feast for the womp rats of the galaxy.” A’Runda said back to the Jedi. Liking the desperados of the rim to the vicious pack animals from his homeworld.

The tusken once more racked the bolt of his gun, removing and retrieving the spent shell swiftly. Switching on the safety before storing the shortened rifle into a sheath on his back along with his two other weapons, his double bladed lightsaber, and his old gaffi stick.

“A’Runda.” He said plainly in response to the Jedi’s introduction. Not wishing to express his “full” name, which was more of a title denoting his clan of origin. As to not let his reputation, good or bad, trace back to the clan that exiled him. Protecting them from carrying his guilt unknowingly.

“Lead the way, I would like to see what reclamation plays out. I’ve also never stepped foot into a Jedi temple before.”

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Fynch Fynch | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi | Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro | Marcus Voss Marcus Voss | Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles | Secenva Secenva | Benaiah Maquis


Oooooh, looks like you've got some competition!" Rara grinned, before pausing as the Mandalorian entered the room. "Ooooo!"

Without waiting for her boss's response, she rushed over to Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol and began bombarding the mando with technical questions about his armor. Everything from weight distribution to how he dealt with hygiene issues. She really was a kid in a candy store in that front. Simply put, she wanted to know everything, her tail swishing back and forth with eagerness for answers.

Shuklaar was certainly caught off guard at first, but as soon as he recovered from the initial shock enough to parse her queries he did indeed answer them. In some way she reminded him of Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel during their first meeting. Shuklaar went into detail about how the armor's CNT muscle fiber undersuit specifically helped with weight distribution with armor made by the company but also explained how cut, contour and attachment points traditionally kept the armor close to the body allowing for a more even weight distribution across the body.

He was about to consider how to broach the subject of hygiene when Nyles thankfully tried to raise him over comms, "Alor, we've got a situation. Incoming vessel, Imperial IFF. We can send him straight to haran on your word." Nyles had included in the transmission a full scan of the other vessel. The Morut had no doubt gone to at least partial alertness given that the ship's full array of active sensors and scanners, including its anti-stealth systems had been used to scan the vessel.

Seemed like the new arrival was a force sensitive. Given that he was broadcasting New Imperial Order IFFs, strange enough on its own, Shuklaar was entirely unsurprised to ascertain that the Gar Strill array had marked him as a dark side aligned force user. He was aware things could be somewhat more nuanced than that, but this did give him a notably better idea of who they were going to be dealing with. Sighing, he raised Ra'gar quickly, "Get ready, we might have trouble."

"Might? I'll take that as we abso-shabla-lutely will," fired back Ra'gar. Shuklaar held back a half-amused chuckle, settling for an amused snort instead.

"At ease, Miss Si," he stated calmly, his expression as calm as ever. "We can handle this individual should problems arrise, but I would like to hear them out. There is value in a former Imperial asset. If he wishes to fight, however, than entering this room alone is suicide. The moment he draws a weapon, do what must be done."

It seemed the Morut wasn't the only ship or individual to pick up the newcomer. Shuklaar glanced around the room, gauging everyone else's responses. The the Cathar Jetii businesswoman, Jonyna Si Jonyna Si had predictably yet still impressively been very quick to pick up on the newcomer's presence. On hearing what Fynch had said to her, he formulated his own response to Nyles, "Oro'nas. Our burc'ya want him alive, for now."

Of course, things could never be that easy. There was some commotion at the entrance, and immediately Shuklaar saw the targeting overlays from Ra'gar and his command squad on his HUD. He gave them the order over the battlenet to stand down. One by one, almost reluctantly, the targeting solutions vanished. He was almost surprised to see a Chiss enter the room, with an assassin droid as part of her detail no less. Not that he was in the slightest bit intimidated by what was very obviously a show of force.

"Well hello everyone, pleasure to meet you all. I take it you are...?" Kira moved to his side, her eyes shining yellow, almost as if in anticipation.

Not long after the Chiss crime lord, the much-awaited former Imperial entered the room. Of all things, he had with him a shabla Tukata. The man had practically stepped off a Dar'jetii recruiting poster. Given his own conflict with the NIO, his armor's Manda module immediately flagged him as hostile, loading its suite of counter force user techniques. "Watch him," he whispered over the comms in the privacy of his sealed buy'ce, "his hand twitches toward a weapon, end him." He got a series of acknowledgement signals from the others.



Tags: A'Runda A'Runda , Ankeen Kewon Ankeen Kewon

"Then this should be an enlightening experience for all of us," Jasper remarked.

Of course it wasn't long before he had radio chatter to distract him, something which Jasper immediately latched onto. His eyes narrowed as he listended to the voice on the other end...

"We've got a Gonzati-class and some fighters closing in from the east. I gotta peel out to shake the fighters but whatever you are doing in there, make it fast."

"Right then," he frowned. "It seems it's my turn to take some shots."

Jasper slowly took a device off his back, a weapon on loan from his padawan, Braze Braze . It was certainly the firepower he needed, given the strength he had seen the rifle output before. Braze was nothing if not a little engineer, perhaps more like Jasper to that end. Well, a little like Jasper. The Master made all sorts of rediculous things while he was a padawan, things intended to make up for his own weaknesses. This? It was down right absurd.

Absurd could be fun.

The Master slotted in the Ion Disruptor attachment, setting the gun up on a nearby rock to get the elevated viewpoint he needed to get his sights on the Gozanti. He took aim, cleared his mind, and fired off a very violent round. The ion round itself hit its target dead on, killing the right engine of the cruiser on impact. The shuttle immediately lost balance, the turbulent winds of Hurikane quickly moving in to finish the job. The pirate vessel twisted enough for it to take a dive, plummeting into the chasm below. A ploom of fire was soon to follow, blowing up from the depths.

The rifle recoiled drastically, throwing Jasper's shoulder back some. It was, thankfully, his mechanical shoulder, which took the energy of the blowback well enough. The Master felt his chest tighten, the raw power of the rifle taking the wind out of his lungs for a split second.

"Feth," he muttered before going onto his comms. "Gozanti is clear. Have at 'em."

Jasper sighed, setting the rifle down. He withdrew his droid, Pyf, from his pocket, instructing his little friend to keep an eye on the weapon. Then he was back to A'Runda.

"Lead the way," Jasper nodded. "I'll follow you."

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Braze finished his work on the front lines, clearing the Temple's entry with precision. As the battle sounds began to fade, he sensed his master, Jasper, and swiftly made his way towards him. The dark-armored figure moved with purpose through the battlefield, his small stature and agile build allowing him to navigate quickly.

Just as he was weaving through the chaos, Braze caught sight of the loud pew from the phantom lightsaber rifle Jasper had borrowed. He watched in awe as the shot hit its mark, bringing down a Gozanti-class cruiser in a spectacular display. The sight filled him with a sense of retribution.

Finally reaching Jasper's side, Braze padded up and exclaimed excitedly, "Master Jasper, that shot was incredible! I saw the cruiser go down!" He then turned and greeted A'Runda with a respectful nod, ready for the next steps in their mission. The Tingel Arm Coalition had struck fast and hard, ensuring the Temple was to be secured. Braze was eager to see what lay ahead.
See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Hurikane
Objective: Reclamation
Tag(s): Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Braze Braze

The Tusken watched as Jasper angled their oversized rifle. A weapon he’d never seen before. Just the appearance of it gave the impression of power and deviation. A’Runda watched as it down an entire ship with a single shot. The shock of it kicking up wind to push against the Tusken’s clothes and wrappings. He didn’t envy the Jedi using it. The recoil seemed terrible, and the weapon was far too large to be very tactical with. He’d stick with his own mini-cycler rifle.

He then listened as Jasper told him to lead the way. Just as he was about to do that some pale child scampered up to the pair. His red goggles scanned over their features as they nodded to the tusken. A’Runda presumed they were the master’s Padawan.

“Well let’s see how things are going inside the temple. I’m sure they’ve made quick work within its walls.” The Tusken said to the pair before starting to traverse down the ridge over to the temple.


Awaiting the mans response, Marcus took the chance to do a quick second take of the group before him. They were all an odd bunch, and he couldn't quite identify any of them, though due to the nature of his previous work, he hadn't met many. He kept his hands clasped behind his back, right next to Solace should he need it. His thoughts were hidden behind his mask, but he had no doubt his tenseness was evident as he spotted the Cathar, who appeared to be staring at him with a murderous glare.

"Commander Fynch," he remarked, turning his eyes to the newcomer. "Your codes were New Imperial Order. I'm curious of your intentions here. I believe some amongst us are..." Fynch spared a glance to Jonyna, "...warry of your intentions. I, however, like Imperial assets. Stepping into this room is beyond the curve of self preservation. That interests me greatly. I suggest you make your pitch a good one."

"Ah that they are. The Imperial Order as I knew it is no longer, hence why you don't find me with the scum that scourges the galaxy." Glancing back to the Cathar, "my intentions will remain somewhat pure, so long as our interests align, and as long as our interests align, I have much to offer." There was something off putting about the woman before him, but he couldn't place it. He chuckled to himself though as he noticed she had put herself in front of another woman, a younger one, glad I could spark some worry. Her hand being positioned on the hilt of what he assumed was a lightsaber didn't concern him much, though his hand steadily creeped closer to Solace.

Before he continued, he muttered to Kira in ur-Kittât, granted with a botched accent, "Buti ant serjek" (Stay on guard). Annoyingly enough it was the only language the damn dog understood, so hours later of studying, he could at least formulate a somewhat comprehensible statement. "I come on behalf of House Voss of Alderaan, Lords of Kalder City, and its associated businesses and alliances." Clearing his throat he turned his gaze to the mandalorian muttering to what he assumed as an aid, the Cathar and the Mandalorian go first he decided if it ever came to blows. It took him a moment to realize this would be a very difficult situation to escape from, he had four guards and a sith beast, but he doubted even that would do any good.

"We have little friends in the Galactic Alliance, and less in the Empire, so we propose a partnership. The House of Voss shall pledge its support to your cause, and in return, for the time being that is, we wish to establish an operating base here on Hurikane." Taking in one final look of the crowd, the Knight of Tygeria turned back to Commander Fynch, just praying someone would pounce.



Objective: Fellowship - Join the Revolution
Location: Bridge of the Freebird
Outfit: Adapted New Aldera Inspector Uniform
Tags: Fynch Fynch | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles | Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Marcus Voss Marcus Voss | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Secenva Secenva | Benaiah Maquis

Having Vulpesen skew his attention elsewhere was painful. If this was a job I was comfortable with, that came natural to me, I’m sure I would have welcomed attention. Perhaps been a bit flirty. But if this job didn’t go well where would I be? As Vulpesen addressed the, maybe Imperial? I was distracted despite my best efforts. If this didn’t go well as far as representing the N.A.A.M. perhaps the chance run in with my Zinder date would fasttrack us getting to know each other. And then…who knows…

There was a bit of chatter that would make me feel unsafe in a lot of situations, but I guessed that after placing an open message to the galaxy, the Commander had to figure more than a couple wackjobs might show up to see what he had worth taking. Surely the man was ready for a threat or two. And though it appeared I didn’t know all there was to know about Vulpesen, I did know that he could use the Force, a Jedi. And that his people tended to die in battle before natural causes took them. With Vulpesen close by I wasn’t worried about the possible Imperial interloper.

It was not Vulpesen that the man from House Voss addressed, but Fynch. That seemed to be the proper way of it. After hearing him denounce the Empire I wasn’t listening as intently except when I heard mention of Alderaan. Not New Alderaan. My family hadn’t known the old planet in many generations. Trying to find a connection with House Voss was likely impossible. So I was more than happy when Vulpesen took the opportunity to state that he was more than he had told her on our date. I gave a pleasant smile and gently grasped his arm. ”I knew you were more than a simple arms dealer,” I said with a giggle. I didn’t know he was some sort of leader of his people. But that fact made little difference to me.

”You represent your people, and now I represent mine. In what promises to be an honorable attempt to banish oppression from this corner of the galaxy,” I continued with a bit of a playful purr to my tone. ”I can’t tell you how happy I am to be out of the grip of the Empire. I’m even more happy the change has brought me to your side.”

"You'll find no sympathy for your New Imperial Order here," Fynch remarked. "Those of your brood attempted to lay military claim to my home before their fall. If you come in search of that status quo, you will not encounter any desire for such a thing in this room. We will recieve the aid of your people, but that is all. Planetary independance is the primary objective. My suggestion is that you be sure to remember that. I also advise you ensure that the actions of House Voss do not put Alderaan in hot water. King Alicio Organa Alicio Organa is a member of the Galactic Alliance Senate. Sponsorship should be discrete. I don't care if the Galactic Alliance is an unsatisfactory ally for you. Your house stands in their space. This is a headache I wish to avoid if possible."

Lest he incur the wrath of their senate's bureaucracy.

Fynch turned his head to Miss Marnarro, a much softer expression coming to his face. She was young, and very clearly an rising star amongst those of New Alderaan who sought to be free of the shackles of the Empire. He wondered what such a woman would achieve, should she be given the means to grow.

"Your people need not stress over military support," he remarked with full honesty. "Volunteers may come should they choose, but no such thing shall be called upon. I only ask that your N.A.A.M. is ready to fight when the time comes. War is not something to be danced around. Rest assured, the fight to free New Alderaan will come. You have my word that when we are able, the Tingel Arm Coalition will stand alongside and ward off your oppressors. A free rim is a collective effort. For that we all will stand with a united goal. In the meantime, provide what you believe is reasonable, Miss Marnarro."

The Commander sighed, turning back to Voss. A base of opperations?

"I frankly would be a fool to give you free reign over a base," the large man answered bluntly. "We can provide space for your assets, but such resources will be under heavy surveylance. If this is a fight you wish to put your neck into, you must first earn my trust."

Fynch took a moment to glance about the room. He knew that those with him were waiting for this former Imperial to draw his blade and start swinging. They certainly couldn't turn a blind eye to the threat before them, even if it did have value.

Caution was necessary.


"Master Jasper, that shot was incredible! I saw the cruiser go down!"

"Oh, thanks kid," Jasper responded, turning to his pupil with a half wave and a grin. "Thanks for lettin' me use your thing. Pyf's gonna keep an eye on it while we clean up the rest of these pirates."

The Master gestured for the young Echani to follow, tailing behind the Tusken warrior as they approached the temple proper. Within the TAC forces stood strong, Shem Spinner Shem Spinner holding the front of their line. They were making progress, but the pirates were firm in their resolve, keeping up the stalemate. Jasper drew his blade from its scabard, illuminating the narrow corridor with a vibrant blue light. His lightsaber was far more powerful than it had been in the past, the crystal within now enhanced to great strength. Whisps of plasma swirled around it, making the lightsaber appear as if on fire.

"Took you long enough, Master," Shem remarked with a smirk. "Held out for you all."

The Rishii glanced back at A'Runda.

"Oh," he noted. "You found my mysterious stranger."

"Good work, Knight Spinner," Jasper addressed, stepping out ahead of the pack to begin deflecting some of the incomming blaster fire. "Lets wrap things up here. We've got bigger fish to fry."

Using the Force, Jasper called a nearby object to him. It looked to be a sheet metal panel, likely from now damaged reinforcements that the pirated had tried to construct. Holding it out in front of him like a shield, the young Master raised his blade and charged forward, beginning the push to completely drive them out.


Objective: Reclamation.
Allies: A'Runda A'Runda , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Braze Braze , Shem Spinner Shem Spinner & Ankeen Kewon Ankeen Kewon .


"I hope you folks clear out that temple real quick, because it looks like there's gonna be a lot to do up here real soon. We got bogeys. We've got a Gonzati-class and some fighters closing in from the east. I gotta peel out to shake the fighters but whatever you are doing in there, make it fast."

Balun heard the news of reinforcements, however continued to push forward in a bid to immobilize any further threat left within the room. Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el and the others would see to the downing of the Cruiser, yet the Temple consisted of two layers. An upper floor and a lower floor, all with numerous faculties of their own. It was difficult to tell what, if any, of them were still operable, yet the young man, with a brave heart, opted to leave the group to determine whether there were other pirates hiding from the fight that had come to their doorstep.

His first stop would be the Hangar, a priority in the case that these thieves were likely to make for a quick exit, knowing Force Users were clearing them out. Fortunately, the Hangar was on the ground floor and one of the larger areas built to maintain and store small to medium-sized craft. It wouldn't be long before Balun found it, sprinting down one of the Temple corridors and skidding on his feet into the open mouth of the massive hangar.

A wave of relief washed over Balun as the hangar bay door collapsed, sealing off any potential escape route for the Pirates. The absence of active power left the hangar in darkness, but the comforting glow of his lightsaber provided enough illumination to reveal the trapped starfighters.

His boots echoed quietly as he walked across the durasteel surface, his eyes scanning from left to right as he held his lightsaber high to illuminate the path before him. Though he could sense no signs of life in the Hangar, something else seemed to catch his attention—subtle but still on the edge of his mind. He could swear that he wasn't alone.

"Wwhrrrrl" Something made an odd noise coming from the nearby Starfighter. It had been quiet, but Balun was sure he had heard it. It had sounded like a droid of some kind, binary if he had ever heard it.

"Hey, come on out here. I'm not one of them, I'm not going to hurt you..." Balun spoke up, trying to reassure whatever had been hiding in the Hangar might actually take his word for it and present itself.

At first, there was nothing. No response. Balun frowned. Had he been mistaken?

"I promise, I'm one of the good guys. I was trained by the New Jedi Order," Balun called out once more, and this time, he was met with a louder whistle, followed by the sound of something metal rolling his way. A BB Model Astromech would come towards the young rogue, a blue and white little droid that still acted uncertain yet approached closely enough for his lightsaber to reveal its shape.

The little droid gave a series of beeps and chirps, questioning the validity of Balun's claim by enquiring who had trained him.

"I didn't become an Apprentice until after I left, but Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Valery Noble Valery Noble were head of the Jedi Council at the time" Balun admitted.

The droid appeared to know the names, something in its memory banks recalling the first of the two, and it soon whistled further. "Veiere? Nah, I never heard of them. Why?" Balun asked, moving lower to one knee as he spoke with the droid.

"He was your owner? Where's he at now?".

The droid gave a bleak whistle, almost as if sounding out its sorrow.

"Oh....-Sorry," Balun said, the former owner having been killed by a Sith Lord. "Well...-Look, it's dangerous here. Why don't you come with me for now? We can figure out what to do after these pirates have been taken care of.".
As Ankeen was pulling away from the temple, he saw a bright flash and a sudden, thunderous crash behind him. It sounded like some kind of anti-air cannon went off, but he didn't know that either side had something like that in play.

"Vrrp, Veep!" Lucky practically screeched from the control console.

"What do you mean the cruiser's gone?! It can't just-" Ankeen looked back and, sure enough, the cruiser was plummeting into the jungle trailing smoke and fire. What in the Galaxy could have done something like that?

"I don't know who just shot down that Gonzati, but thanks. I'll finish my nuna shoot and swing back around for air support."
Ankeen called over the Coalition frequency before turning to his trusty tin copilot. "Man the cannons Lucky!"

The droid chirped affirmatively before scooting to the weapon's console. Perhaps a gunship wasn't as fast or as agile as the four fighters closing in, but it did have one major advantage: five turret emplacements. He focused on flying, keeping out of the line of fire as Lucky laid down a salvo of laser fire behind the Red Loth-Wolf, picking the fighters off one by one.

A'Runda A'Runda , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Braze Braze , Shem Spinner Shem Spinner , Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Braze smiled at A'Runda A'Runda . "My, you are the most eloquently spoken Tusken I've ever seen," he chirped happily. "Also the first one I haven't seen in the desert sands." He padded after his master. "What's the funny stick for, mister?" Braze asked, looking at the gaffi stick A'Runda A'Runda carried.

" Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell went further in, but we cleared the entrance," he chirped at Jasper as they neared the temple before heading inside.

See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Hurikane
Objective: Reclamation
Tag(s): Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Braze Braze

Looking down at the pale boy addressing him, A’Runda listened to what they had to say. A slight smirk crept onto his hidden face. “I wouldn’t have taken you for someone who was very familiar with Sand People such as myself. You’ve visited my home land before?” A’Runda replied before raising a brow over their comment on his “funny stick”.

“Hmm, not familiar enough I suppose. It’s my gaderffii stick. The traditional war club that everyone has where I’m from. Each one is handcrafted, and as unique as the individual who made it. Much like that… your sun sword.” A’Runda replied, pointing down at Braze’s lightsaber hilt. The tusken warclubs held a similar degree of significance in his culture, much like the garbs he wore signifying him as an adult male. He also had a rather long lightsaber hilt carried on his back as well. Along with his club and short rifle.

Once they arrived at the temple he listened then to the avian fellow. Referring to the tusken as their “mysterious stranger.” Without skipping a beat Jasper ignited their saber, ready to continue the assault within the temple. His blade had a brilliant sky blue color. A’Runda grabbed his own saber hilt. Before also igniting one of the ends of the dual bladed weapon. A deep crimson blade crackled to life. Giving off a distinct howl as red sparks and arcs danced around its length. Characteristics caused by the rough and under-polished krayt dragon pearl within the hilt. Flicking the weapon around his body with both hands to block and redirect incoming bolts. A’Runda didn’t hesitate to follow closely behind Jasper and storm the temple’s halls.

"Balun Vale went further in, but we cleared the entrance,"

Jasper gave a nod of acknowledgement as he pressed the line forwards, keeping shelter behind the makeshift shield he had fashioned himself. A'Runda was quick to join him, igniting a red blade and charging in behind him. The Master figured he had better make the opening that everyone was looking for.

As he got right up on their front line, Jasper hurled the peace of sheet metal into the nearest band of pirates, sending three to the ground. With a quick flurry of the blade around him, the blaster rifles of five more were vivisected and reduced to spare parts. He was quick to capitalize on the opening he had made, pulling a man towards him with the force and skull bashing him, the Master's forehead reinforced by soft to solid to be stronger.

"Come on!" Jasper called back to his allies. "We're on a tight schedual today!"

The window to wrap things up was now.


“I wouldn’t have taken you for someone who was very familiar with Sand People such as myself. You’ve visited my home land before?” A’Runda replied before raising a brow over their comment on his “funny stick”.

“Hmm, not familiar enough I suppose. It’s my gaderffii stick. The traditional war club that everyone has where I’m from. Each one is handcrafted, and as unique as the individual who made it. Much like that… your sun sword.”

"Yes... a few times,"
Braze responded, his voice a soft chirp that belied the turmoil swirling within him. "It's a harsh environment that builds strong people," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of forced cheerfulness as he ignited his blades. Each breath was labored, hinting at the effort it took to keep pushing his physical limits. Braze was grappling with his new reality—his connection to the Force was not what it once had been, and adjusting to this change was a struggle that gnawed at him deeply.

Internally, he felt fractured, carrying scars that went beyond the physical, scars he couldn't quite explain to his peers. The thought of competing with someone like Aris Noble Aris Noble again in this condition was daunting; he shuddered involuntarily at the prospect, knowing deep down he wasn't the same formidable force he used to be. The virus had debilitated him significantly, leaving only shadows of his former capabilities.

With each motion of his saber, which now whirred to life with a sound that seemed too loud in his ears, Braze masked his insecurities with a show of bravado. He pushed himself to the limits, following Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el closely and guarding his flank.

It was an unexpected turn of events to find the Droid. The Hangar, seemingly devoid of any immediate threat, prompted Balun and Chip to venture deeper into the Temple's structure. The halls, now a shadow of their former glory, bore the weight of time and neglect. It was a stark contrast to the grandeur it must have once possessed during the Jedi's reign.

For Balun, it felt like walking among the history of the Order, which he had chosen to leave only shy of two years ago. He wondered if they had the same strict routine, rules and expectations as the Order on Coruscant had. He kept his lightsaber active, the orange blaze lighting the way for the pair as he held it high above his head, conscious that other squatters were waiting. They wouldn't have been able to ignore the commotion once the fighting had started, and if Balun was in their position, he'd probably try to ambush his assailants, using whatever means necessary.

"Stay close to me", Balun encouraged the droid, rolling alongside him. A soft whirl was all that came as a response from the spherical droid as they moved quietly and cautiously. His thoughts moved to that of his Master, Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire , wondering what the old man would make of the situation. There'd been several fights that Balun had wound up getting involved with since he was first apprenticed by the grizzled old war veteran.

Julius didn't resemble the Jedi that Balun had known while growing up, yet he could never be sure if the old man would have approved of his actions to this day. They didn't see one another often. In fact, he had last seen Julius on Corellia, and time had passed so much faster than he'd have liked, what with the invasion of Coruscant and everything; Balun wondered if the old man knew what he was up to. If he was worried? No, they weren't that close. It was silly to think someone would be worried about him.

'Stay focused, Bal'. He had to remind himself. Now wasn't the time to be letting his feelings get the better of him.

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