Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Natures of Padawans

Akodya Mune

There is no emotion, there is peace.

Akodya closed her eyes tightly and turned her attention to the breeze that gently tickled her face as it flew past her.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

Pressing her lips together as she let her muscles relax, her wrists resting lightly on her crossed legs.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

Her breaths grew slow and steady and focused on the feeling of her chest rise and fall with each smooth intake of air.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

The padawan struggled to center herself today. She thought going outside and finding somewhere quiet to meditate would help clear the constant buzzing her mind, but it was no use. She couldn't seem to leave this world behind like she usually did when she meditated, every time she was close a little sound would snap her back to reality. First it was a group of rowdy younglings. Then it was some distant crash which Akodya suspected was someone loosing there footing, and now it was the rustle of leaves in the near by trees. The girl let out a frustrated groan and undid herself from her knotted position and collapsed on her back and spread out.

She needed to do something, anything, or she grew restless. It was a waste of time just sitting here when it was clear that she would not be meditating at this present time. Maybe she could go read through the medical journals again? No, she had read them all. It was times like this she wished she was easily entertained. The truth of the matter was, she was itching to practice with her saber but no one was willing to train with her.

It wasn't so much that she was disliked, but even in the temple people had friends they liked to duel with. Padawans weren't the strange creatures a lot of people outside the order thought they were...they were still normal young people. They made friends. Akodya had never really paired off with any of her fellow apprentices. Even though she'd never admit it, the result of being alone had made her lonely.

Sighing to herself Akodya stood up and brushed herself off, blowing a loose strand of her dark hair from her eyes. Turning and making her way back into the temple, she frowned.

Maybe those journals weren't such a bad idea...
"Greetings." Said a voice, at first a certain @[member="Akodya Mune"] wouldn't see Olaf, she would need to look down and see the small goblin like padawan. A little bird had told him that Akodya had been lonely, and possibly in need of some saber practice. While he was not the former, he certainly needed the latter. Olaf tried to be as pacifist as he could be, but some situations, as he'd learned on Ithor, called for violence. He needed to be ready.

Looking up at his fellow padawan, his ears perked up as he prepared to ask a question. "Need practice with sabers, I do. Curious I was, if you would train with me?" He questioned the other padawan as he patiently awaited some sort of response from her.
Nala was exiting from the temple after having been in the library nearly all day. She'd been reading more into focus of the force given that she still had to handle the knock of knowing how to properly use it. She'd been trying for weeks and her tries tended to be hit-or-miss. She hoped there was more help within the books, being that they were written by the same people who properly knew how to use it, but all of them basically came back to the same words that even her master had told her. She felt like a bit of a fool for still not understand.

As she exited the temple she saw as she almost ran into @Akodya Mune ,backing up and saying "Oh my! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to almost..." she stopped herself when she looked back and almost stepped on @Olaf Freesa and said "Sorry! I am so sorry! Please, don't be mad. I can't deal with mad people. Well really I just don'"

Akodya Mune

Akodya turned sharply at the sound of a voice giving a small 'greetings'. The padawan's eyes flickered around her general surroundings in attempt to spot the source of the polite hello. Catching a splash of green in the corner of her eye, she looked down to see @[member="Olaf Freesa"] staring back up at her. She knew of the smaller padawan, but Akodya couldn't remember ever speaking with him before. Because of this, it made his question even more of a shock to her. Grateful, but Shocked. Akodya smiled down at him shyly and nodded in response.

"I'd love to, I've been needing a good duel." She said politely. Her back was straight as a ruler as she forced a formal tone in her voice. She had always thought it was better to keep everything formal and proper when talking with other Jedi, it helped to mask how anxious she really was around them. She was just about to ask where the green padawan where he would like to train when another figure that had come dashing out of the temple almost crashed into the pair. The kaminoan jedi backed up and almost stood on Olaf, the poor thing looked very flustered. If she remembered correctly, the girl's name was @[member="Nala Tu"], Another fellow padawan.

"Ah, It's okay, really," Akodya said to the fretting kaminoan. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asked with a glint of curiosity in her eyes.
"Okay it is." He said in a relaxed tone, looking up at @[member="Nala Tu"] as he stood beside @[member="Akodya Mune"]. He figured it would be important to know what caused his fellow padawan such strife, so he remained still, awaiting a response. On another note, he was thrilled, Akodya wanted to duel, a perfect opportunity to better himself in the art of saber work, and that was all the little green alien wanted, to become the best Jedi he could possibly be.
Nala sighed when @[member="Olaf Freesa"] gave his answer and said "Oh thank you." She then looked to @[member="Akodya Mune"] and answered "Oh, nowhere really. I've just been sitting in the library all day and needed to get out and do something else." She took a closer look at her and asked "Have we met before? I mean, maybe you juts have the kind of face. Or maybe I've just seen yo around the temple. That's probably it. I mean I see a lot of people but i still remember your face and..." she stopped herself and sighed before giving an awkward smile and saying "Sorry. I was rambling wasn't I?" She cleared her throat and said "Hello. I'm Nala Tu."

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
@[member="Nala Tu"] @[member="Olaf Freesa"] @[member="Akodya Mune"]

One... two... three... Nico made a look in the mirror as she checked the robes to make sure they were in a proper position. There was much that could happen but in truth her nervous energy was becoming something of a trip. She hadn't expected this after leaving the empire and all that entailed or even before that being exiled from the mandalorians. Oh there was so much going on and she walked to the door checking the robes again. The credits had only gotten so far but there were things still left, still going around and now stepping out of the room it was all about looks. The other padawans were strange compared to ones in the empire.

Then there were sounds and other padawans gathered as she moved to stand there. Looking at the three of them, one a tall Kaminoian, one a race no one actually had a name for and the third one a woman. Slowly Nico listened as it sounded like they were going to have a duel or sparring match while she crossed her arms and smirked. This could be something quite fun to see and she spoke having practiced in the mirror several times so her words didn't have the deep voice. No as she spoke it was all about being proper and soft spoke. "Hello."

Akodya Mune

Akodya felt a bit awkward under the Kaminoan's gaze as she studied her face and babbled on. Akodya offered her a small smile back, as she pushed a stray hair behind her ear. She was looking forward to finally being able to do something productive and the idle chit chat was growing stale. Akodya's hazel eyes bounced from @[member="Olaf Freesa"] and @[member="Nala Tu"] and back again, waiting for someone to say something else. It was then after the kaminoan ceased her rambling she introduced herself. Akodya was right, her name was Nala. Akodya dipped her head in a small bow at both Olaf and Nala, a habit she had picked up years ago.

"Please to make your acquaintance. I'm Akodya, and this is Olaf." She said, gesturing to the goblin like padawan who stood with them. She wondered if Nala also wanted to join them for a little practice. It would be more of a challenge if there was more then one opponent. Akodya's mouth opened to ask, but she was cut of by a unfamiliar voice behind her.

Peering over her shoulder another person emerged. The human was must have been part of the order judging the way she was dressed, but she didn't recognize them. "Hello, could we help you with something?" She asked, not meaning for her words to come off as harshly as they did.
Olaf remained quite as the three females conversed. He figured it best to mind his own business while they talked, so he was silent and simply enjoyed being the short little alien he was. "Partake in a training duel, we all should." Olaf suggested, anxious to learn and better himself. He was surrounded by padwans, perhaps a Knight should be alerted to supervise, or perhaps not. He didn't honestly know. One thing that made him chuckle was just how tall the Kaminoian was compared to him, unlike some who took shortness as a burden, he merely used it as another opportunity to enjoy himself.

@[member="Akodya Mune"]
@[member="Nala Tu"]
@[member="Akodya Mune"]
Nala looked as @Nico Minuro Ike had come towards them. She gave a small wave before doing the same to Olaf. When he spoke of dueling she perked up and said "Are you all padawans too?" She then thumped her head and said "Silly me. Of course you are. Uh, not that I think you didn't look like knights at first." she shook it off and said "If you wouldn't mind me I'd be happy to join in." She looked back to Nico and asked "How about you?"

@[member="Olaf Freesa"]
@[member="Akodya Mune"]

(OOC: Sorry but I had to say that line Olaf, when he said "One thing that made him chuckle was just how tall the Kaminoian was compared to him, unlike some who took shortness as a burden, he merely used it as another opportunity to enjoy himself." For a sec I thought that meant he was taking a peak up her robes or something lol.)

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx walked in and sensed the tiny goblin, "Surely you haven't forgotten about me, friend," He bowed before the three women, "Greetings."

He shed his cloak, hanging it on a nearby chair. He could not see what was transpiring before him, but whatever it was, he wanted in. He'd only been in a few other duels, but he felt he was getting a grasp on the Soresu style. As always, he was always on defense, so it was fitting that he trained in a defensive style. Now, to get down to it...

@[member="Nala Tu"]
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]
@[member="Akodya Mune"]
@[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Akodya Mune

Akodya raised an eyebrow at the other padawan named @[member="Valx Raizod"] that had waltzed into their conversation. It got on her nervous how very laid back he appeared, discarding his robe carelessly. She was beginning to grow slightly frustrated at the lack of doing in the small group. She was eager to train and was growing more and more restless as the time passed.

"Hello." She said stiffly at the new arrival, her formal tone melting away and revealing her slight impatience. Crossing her arms she let out a small sigh and removed her hilt from her belt hidden under the many jedi robes she wore. With her head tilted slightly upward she dragged her gaze around the many padawans that now surrounded her once quiet place of meditation.

"Alright, since we seemed to have a few extras now...shall we be split up into teams?" She asked.
(ooc: I thought she should continue since Nico seems to have gone offline.)
@[member="Nala Tu"]
@[member="Olaf Freesa"]
"Yes, let us split up." Olaf said, shaking his head in agreement with @[member="Akodya Mune"]. He turned on his heel and marching towards the training arena, grabbing a training shoto and igniting the small saber's blade, admiring the the blue blade that was emitted from the hilt of the smaller saber. Now he waited for an opponent to challenge him to a duel. Victory was not certain, nor expected, so he would simply put up as much of a fight as he could, and hope to come out on top. Looking back to @[member="Akodya Mune"], @[member="Nala Tu"], and @[member="Valx Raizod"], waving for them to come over and begin their training duel.

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx sensed the other padawan's impatience with him. She needed to calm down. After all, they were about to duel, so she could take out her anger on him.

"I'm sorry...was I interrupting," Valx asked politely, "I only wished to spar. And by the way, I am on Olaf's team."

At this point, he was ready to fight. He let out a sigh and stood propped up against a pillar, moving his tunic out of the way of his belt, revealing the tonfa hilt. He slowly removed it, clicking it on. The beam extended in a yellow hue, and though it was still only a training saber, it would be painful.

@[member="Olaf Freesa"]
@[member="Akodya Mune"]
@[member="Nala Tu"]
Nala followed @[member="Olaf Freesa"] to the training area. When they reached it she activated her blue blade and looked back between @[member="Akodya Mune"] and @[member="Valx Raizod"] . Clearly there was a tension between them, not only from the force but outwardly as well.

When Valx had already called a team member Nala stood next to Akodya and said "Perfect. Girls against boys. Always fun. Especially when it's not just down to everyone against the kaminoan." She gave an awkward giggle before asking Akodya "Um...which one do you want?"

Akodya Mune

Akodya studied @[member="Valx Raizod"] as he gave his apology, she looked at him for a a few moments in silence before giving him a nod as a sign of forgiveness. Akodya followed the trio down to the training grounds, lingering at the back of the group. When Valx clained Olaf as his team member she turned to @[member="Nala Tu"]. Smiling she nodded at the Kaminoan and drew her own blade, which illuminated a brilliant and vibrant green. "Time for a little girl power, isn't it Nala?" she chuckled, before she gave her an confused look. "Was there actually an incident when 'everyone against the kaminoan' was played?" She asked, concerned, before Nala asked her question.

Akodya slowly shifted her eyes towards the pair of males standing across the training fields. She didn't know who she was going to target. She didn't have much experience dueling either of them, in fact it was her first time. How was she to know how they fought? were they aggressive? defensive? Did they depend on the force or their sabers more? Her hazel gaze jumped from Valx to @[member="Olaf Freesa"], before turning back to Nala.

"You choose, I will back you up." She said, before moving into her beginning stance.
Nala nodded to @Akodya Mune before trying to decide on which one to test herself against. @[member="Olaf Freesa"] had a size advantage over Nala, being that he was far far smaller than her and that meant he had easy access to her legs. Then there was @[member="Valx Raizod"] who had an air of confidence about him. That made her just as worried since that meant he probably had better outcomes in a fight than she ever did. It was a tough choice but eventually she reached her decision.

She stood in front of Valx and raised her blade in front of her, in a defending pose, and said "Okay, bring it!"

No one knew but that took a lot for her to say with such confidence.

Valx Raizod

PkMn Trainer Red
Valx took out his second tonfa and ignited it, twisting the second handle so the blade end was going the length of his forearm. He stood cautiously, unwavering. These women were new to him, truth be told, he'd never "seen" them around the Temple before.

"Are you ready, @[member="Olaf Freesa"] ," Valx questioned, "I'll take @[member="Nala Tu"] you take the other."

Valx focused his senses on his "sight." He took several steps forward, raising his fists. This was usually not his normal attitude. But there was something about dueling that made the humble, pacifistic side of him shrink back into the deep corner of his brain. This was gonna be fun...
Olaf simply nodded, turning towards @[member="Akodya Mune"], she had been who he'd asked to train with anyway, so it was only right this way he supposed. Assuming a soresu stance he prepared for whatever the human female was about to let loose on him. He would counter it to the best of is abilities and leave the rest up to the force that guided him. As he always did. "Ready, I am." He replied to @[member="Valx Raizod"], nodding to the other pad wan to wish him good luck against @[member="Nala Tu"].
Tallia entered the training hall looking to meditate. She had been stressing over her new padawan, mainly because he was taller and older than her, and she didn't know anything about teaching. She needed to clear her mind, but she was surprised to find her padawan @[member="Valx Raizod"], a young human girl, a Kaminoan, and a funny looking green creature squaring off in the center of the arena. "So much for peace and quiet." She thought to herself. "At least this will give me a chance to see how Valx handles himself in a fight."

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