Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The New Order | SO Life Day Celebration

Location: Jutrand
Objective: III - Wonderland
Tags: Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

"Ah A creation of Lord Carnifex, I apprentice under him. His teachings along with those of..."

Seela’s features lit up with awe, her eyes going wide as it registered. This being was a Sith Apprentice. She should have known from the ethereal, otherworldly tone of her features, but it still came as a revelation that was entirely unexpected. However, before the pilot could express her admiration and apologize for failing to address her by the proper title, the alabaster woman said something else that caused the Twi’lek’s features to go flat.

"...the Eternalist church have given me a healthy boon of education..."

Seela nearly threw up in her mouth. She hadn't heard that right, had she?!

“Excuse me, did you say the Eternalist Church?”



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Jutrand
Tag | Seela Leini Seela Leini

My, how interesting this day was so far. Her eyes got to watch as the woman went from sweet to sour within mere moments, why was that? Right.. Factionalism.

"Indeed a did, I somehow forgot about the factionalism that plagues the order. I care not to nitpick on which is better, the only thing I care for is learning. And we don't learn much if we keep our fragile minds chained down by beastly ignorance now do we?"

Despite the insulting look she got, Adeline kept a calm tone, almost too calm at that. Part of her wanted to threaten the woman for daring to glare at her in such a manner, order them to correct themself else their eyes would be collected and soul devoured.

"Why don't you relax a bit? Calm yourself, today isn't the day for pointless factionalism."

Adeline peered her own eyes right into the Twi'lek's, using her ability as a Sangnir to give Seela a numbing feeling within the confines of their skull. This effect was meant to relax prey, make them far more cooperative, or to help null primal responses.

Objective: 1
Post: 3

"Oh, I do. Lirka especially is a vicious one in the field of battle. Lord Alisteri will have his work cut out for him.", he said with a smile, reaching up to gently caress Carnifex's cheek affectionately, their eyes gazing at one another with a level of affection that was indeed rarely seen upon the face of someone like his master. His attention was soon drawn upon Arcturus Dinn, whom he'd grown acquainted with at that ill fated party aboard his yacht.

"Ahh, Arcturus! It's good to see you. And what lovely gifts you've brought me! They are most appreciated. I trust you and Lady Rhiannon are comfortable in your new castle on Eliad?", he inquired in his usual charming, honeyed tone of voice. "And indeed, we can discuss these plans more thoroughly when we are not surrounded by strangers.", he said with a soft, playful giggle. Rhiannon's abrupt arrival surprised him, however. "Oh! Speak of the devil. Lady Rhiannon! It's so good to see you made it after all!"

His attention was briefly drawn upon Darth Empyrean's speech, the contents of which were far less surprising. Stating his intent to become the new Emperor no less with thinly veiled insults about the former reign of his master. Yet Saryn maintained his pleasant expression and acted disinterested, instead lavishing his affections and attentions upon Carnifex further.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

The Dark Lord watched Arcturus carefully as he spoke with Darth Xyrah, His eyes a constant fixture within the lad's peripheral vision no matter where he looked. This concentration was pulled away, however, as the Corpse-Lord arose from his throne and moved to address the gathering. Now, Carnifex's attention was fully on Empyrean, carefully observing every facet of the Worm's appearance, movements, and mannerisms in speech.

Carnifex had mastered the ability to discern one's intentions through body language and micro-expressions, a great feat when engaging with those who could not masquerade their intentions with the Force or exceptional discipline. Empyrean was beyond Carnifex's ability to read so easily, but even in this moment the Dark Lord could see that this was what the Corpse-Lord had been waiting for all evening; the very sensation that had tipped Carnifex off earlier that something was going to happen.

He would watch carefully.

To say that Carnifex was surprised or that Empyrean's declaration was unexpected wouldn't be true, it was actually quite expected. Whispers of an alliance between the Eternalists and Tsis'kaar was also not an unknown factor, the Kainate had been intensely monitoring both for months, as well as peering through the turbulent sands of the future through the Force. What was unexpected, and utterly surprising, was the feeling that came unbidden in Carnifex's heart.

For a long time, the Dark Lord had shucked all emotion from Himself, becoming an unfeeling being of raw power. It had been decades since He had genuinely smiled, though He could mimic it easily enough because He remembered what a smile was once like. Laughter had all but fled from Him, and His mimicry of laughter was an easily identified facsimile; harsh and grating. So when Empyrean turned to look back at Carnifex, arrogant triumph plastered across every facet of his being.

Carnifex laughed.

What He laughed at, He Himself wasn't certain. Was it at Empyrean for such an audacious gambit? Was it at the cheering crowds, so easily primed to be receptive to the Corpse-Lord's declaration, even though Carnifex Himself would have done the exact same? Ask Him, and He would be incapable of providing an answer.

But He laughed, the sound echoing throughout the executive box and out into the stands beyond.

Then He rose, still laughing, gently depositing Darth Xyrah back on his feet. He looked at the assembled Sith, still laughing, before turning away and moving towards the exit. Demiurge followed, a silent creature when often the opposite was true. Those that would be loyal to the Tyrant would follow as well, and not just in the executive box. To all true Kainates on Jutrand, an encrypted signal would go out through their connected communication system.

It was time to withdraw to Malsheem.

Rarely was this command ever used, but now it was being transmitted to all of them.

On Jutrand and beyond.


She watched her apprentice struggle, even as Empyrean stood and his guards cleared the path forward. Her mind touched many others as she snatched thoughts and emotions in the box and beyond. Most were as she expected, but the lack of reaction was as telling as anything. The Kainite were more prepared than they had perhaps anticipated. This was not bad, but it required a different touch.

All was prepared for.

The Dark Lady looked at Demiurge and gave him a knowing smile. It was not the victorious grin of Empyrean lording his newfound position. Rather, with her wrist she showed a glint of glass, a reference to days long past. They all knew that Empyrean's position had placed her knife at his back, just as it had been with Carnifex in the Empire before. Now, however, she had ambitions for the throne herself, an ambition she had neglected in previous positions. This made the situation all the more deceiving.

They all knew how they were perched on a knife's edge.

When Empyrean turned to the denizens of the box as the victor apparent, Ophidia did not bow. She only deigned herself a polite clap while the thunderous laughter of Carnifex dominated the proceeding. She touched the side of her face briefly, seemingly waving away an insect or perhaps wiping a tear, but as her arm passed her mouth she whispered a short phrase into the sleeve.

Across their space, on Jutrand and beyond, assassins moved on their targets. Rowdy independents, troublesome Eternalists and Kainites in dangerous positions, even some Tsis'kaar officials were given the black mark effective immediately. All according to plan, all to consolidate power in the right hands. She knew Carnifex and Demiurge would strike back, but the plan had to move along. This was a lynchpin of history, and she needed to see it through if her vision was to bear fruit.

She would win.

As her hand lowered, her eyes caught the red shine of a sabre activated in fear: Darth Diem, Omon Kaa, governor, independent, no doubt feeling exposed and under threat.

He was not wrong. She could have him executed, but the birth of an Empire was a time for generosity. Instead, she turned to the young knight and stared into his eyes with an unblinking stare. Somehow, her gaze was like the weight of a sun. The burning irises were like an eclipse, daring the foolish to stare to long and risk their sight. It was a quiet sort of power, but a potent one.

"Darth Diem."

She did not deign to say another word as her intent was clear: She was offering him a chance to extinguish his blade.


| J U T R A N D |
| Triumverate Box |

Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem | Darth Ecclesia Darth Ecclesia | Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | + Anyone else I missed sorry!!
Open Tag: Free, for anyone else that might want to interact.


"For now."

The soft words that carried to the ears of her beloved referred to their chosen fighters in the arena. It seemed that Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and Jaidha Yndrel were destined to clash with other partners—But the dark-haired Sith Knight still held her favor. Not for her loyalty to the Eternals but for the calm and collected way she presented herself. There was no yelling. No banter. No wasted breath. She was intensely aware of her surroundings, the cold, and it only seemed to fuel a need for precision. The engagement between Knight Yndrel and Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano almost made her miss the entrance of Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia . That was an achievement itself—Since usually, time stopped for the Triumverate.

Srina cast a ghostly smile toward Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano as he made his departure, an effort, to be truthful. The pallid Echani did not excel at social engagements despite the fact that the role of diplomat had often fallen to her in previous years. It wasn't her grasp of eloquence that often swayed the ears of others but the presence of undeniable truth. For all of her heinous habits, truly, mortal sins, the white rabbit did not lie. Period.

That was one of the reasons it was so difficult to maintain a clever game of omission from her husband.

She did not lie to Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . He merely had not asked; and she did not say.

Srina was curious as where Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner had run off to. She could feel the presence of her former assistant, Lunara Azure Lunara Azure , and was partially taken aback. She was the true aristocrat between them all. It was possible that she had come to visit with the wolf on such a grand occasion but that feel quite correct. A frown touched pale primrose lips, but it was soon placed to the side by the continued battles in the arena. This was what she had come to enjoy. Not, the pomp and circumstance of supplicants.

They were not here for her.

Merely, to gather the good graces of Empyrean. Any of them who had spent time in their presence had learned the secret to pleasing the vessel that contained the former Worm Emperor. Succeed, obey, or find themselves in the protective clutch of his wife. Once upon a moon, long ago, Srina had fought side by side with an entity known as Lirka Ka Lirka Ka . The slave trader that fought with Darth Strosius Darth Strosius was much changed…But there was a level of familiarity in the way they moved. Spoke.

Did Darth Strosius Darth Strosius know the savagery they had chosen to face?

Darth Ecclesia Darth Ecclesia reacted as expected. Flawlessly. Rather than carry on or press her luck the Sith Knight merely issued a smile that spoke everything and nothing at all. Srina valued that trait in others if only because it left them watchful rather than boastful. Intelligent. Long had the Dread Queen allowed herself to be referred to as an apprentice. So many things, she never bothered to correct within the Sith Order. It behooved her to be thought of as less, than. Lady instead of Darth. Wife over Warrior.

Fewer would think themselves to guard against her. Fewer still—Would know what to do when her hand was already in their chest. Wrapped around a still beating heart.

Perhaps, that ought to change. Perhaps not.

The Lady of Secrets was the next to arrive. Sophisticated and in the form of a creature. Srina had rather complicated opinion of Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . It went back to the slow destruction of someone she had once loved. It had been Her first foray into the very intricate and byzantine world of cold silent wars that suddenly spilled out into the open. The woman that sat with Darth Carnifex had been instrumental in the one of the many failings of the Galactic Alliance. She had been an excellent actress. Calm, as a Jedi. Beautiful as the night itself…But a snake, all the same. "…Taeli."

Srina could respect the craft at the bare minimum.

It was then that her husband began to untangle his fingers from her own. He would notice that she did not release him easily. Either out of protest or sentiment—It would not be clear. The reassurances that Empyrean gave her did not have the calming effect that the Dark Lord might have hoped. It was Maliphant that she searched for within the walking, moving, corpse. It was the remnants of his touch, wit, and mannerisms that kept her at his side. She did not know who it was that sought to hold on to such electrifying power with both hands.

Maliphant—Or Empyrean.

His presence rolled through the crows as if carried on a crashing wall of shadow. She saw many eyes dart forward, while others, in the arena, missed blows they should have landed or vice versa. It was so unfathomable and so very impossible to miss that even non-force sensitives would feel the hair on the back of their neck stand on end. Srina felt…faint. It was not due to the power that electrified the air but something she could not place. The scent of food in wintry air, mixed with blood, sweat, tears and chanting was enough to make the arena spin.

The speech was mostly lost on her while a watery sensation rose in the back of her throat. Instead of succumbing to it she schooled her expression into one of emptiness.


This declaration came too soon. Several months, too soon.

Not now.

Rather than follow her husband as he descended from the podium among thunderous chants and applause, she found herself watching Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex instead. She wouldn't be the only one, though, she may have been the only one with one foot on either side of the line. She could hear the fighting in the arena begin anew. The chants growing louder. @Arturus Dinn stood too close to the Butcher King for comfort—But the former Emperor was a creature of…Surprising, things.

Surprise, he did. He laughed and withdrew.


There was a visible shift in the crowd whilst members of the Kainate began to wordlessly split away from the crowd. An untrained eye may not have noted the abrupt changes in atmosphere. Afterall, the cheering was deafening. Srina more than noticed, however.

Empyrean and Ophidia, despite having no love, no respect for each other, had just publicly thrown down a gauntlet that could not be denied. Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia had already placed an ultimatum before Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem who seemed entirely befuddled by the turn of events. It would be best for him to lay down his weapon, but, Sith were not always known for acting with intelligence. The smile that her husband wore left her in stillness.

She knew that look.

Winning. He wanted to win. He always had—In this bleak, hostile, battle for the future of the Sith Order.

But, what had he won?
Bloodlust filled her eyes, her body began to boil with the relentless desire to annihilate Darth Strosius Darth Strosius the violent desires almost claimed her mind. But quickly she was taken out of it

Only to be hit with a torrent of lightning. Her head shot back and a roar came from her helmet, the suit began to melt, skin charred, but she did not relent. For as she suffered, she saw the grand display as a new emperor crowned himself, as they foolishly turned their back upon on the Kainate, some foolish attempt to strong arm Carnifex? She couldn’t help but laugh, a cackle that pierced through the roar.

“Backdrop for higher powers…”

She wheezed out the words, as the lightning arced between them a new surge of energy rushed through her, the electricity frying servos and shutting down systems, her blade clattered to the earth below. But she did not relent

Her hand lashed out, filled by spite: she shot out her claws, trying to get a grasp on the Sithling’s mask: partially to electrify it too, but mainly in an attempt to rip it off his face.

Jaidha Yndrel

Objectives: Blood Sport
Equipment: Lightsaber, Saber Shoto, Winter Outfit
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Engaging: Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano

Jaidha was good, very good, direct combat was one of her greatest skillsets as a Sith Knight, but she'd be lying if she said her diminutive opponent wasn't pushing her very close to her limits. She'd only managed to land one blow so far, it was a solid blow, but they'd been dancing like this for longer than Jaidha would have preferred. And to make matters worse, it was clear her Dun Moch had only hardened her opponent's focus, not shaken it, so she needed to end this quickly.

While Quintessa had speed, she was wounded, and Jaidha's undoubtedly was stronger. Perhaps not be much, she was somewhat petite herself, but having two feet on her opponent wasn't meaningless. She charged forward, taking quick but deliberate steps to close the distance between them. Once she was in range, she struck, scything primary lightsaber hard from right-to-left, aiming directly at her opponent's chest, just before stepping forward to swing her shorter shoto blade in the opposite direction, this time aimed lower. If the first strike didn't land, then the shoto most likely would.
Location: Colosseum - Jutrand
Objective: II - Blood Sport
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Jaidha Yndrel Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Darth Ecclesia Darth Ecclesia Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano Srina Talon Srina Talon Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem + Anyone in Colosseum

The events transpiring in the stands and beyond could no longer be ignored, in spite of the danger presented by her opponent. Quintessa spared only a brief, split-second glance to the executive box, but owing to her Reflex, it was all the tiny speedster needed to ascertain the gravity of the situation.

More importantly, it was time to leave.

Contingency Order 72 came in through her helmet’s integrated communications in harsh, guttural ghoul-speak. Quintessa’s features twisted in rage beneath the transparent mask of her helmet, but the better part of her knew that she had no hope of defeating Jaidha on her own. Perhaps she was just that badly outclassed, but the Asa’nyx also realized that with the exception of the blow to her chest, they had made little progress from where the fight had started. By contrast, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and Lirka Ka Lirka Ka had beaten each other to a pulp within almost the same timespan.

Nevertheless, Quintessa was well and truly beaten here. No matter how she spun it, retreat while she still had legs capable of running was her best and only option.

Rather than engage with her opponent's charge, Quintessa threw herself into a hard lateral cut with speed dazzling to the unenhanced eye, before channeling the reserves of her stamina to run a trio of circles around her opponent, kicking up snow and dust in her wake.

When the dust finally settled, the speedster was gone.

Final Post.
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"Oh! Speak of the devil. Lady Rhiannon! It's so good to see you made it after all!"

Rhi gave Xyrah a strained smile and a forced laugh. Was she a devil now? Or was it just a turn of phrase. "Just had a few housekeeping things to do," she said, though she doubted the weird little elf cared all that much about an explanation of her whereabouts.

There were more important things going on at the moment.

She watched Carnifex in particular like a hawk, ready to defend Arc in an instant if he made any sudden movements. Did she think she could match up against a Dark Lord? Nope. But she was damned if she didn't at least try to protect Arc from them.

Instead of attacking, however, Carni just laughed and walked away. He did this even as Ophidia ordered assassinations of Kainites and Eternalists and independents.

Rhiannon Dinn still hadn't taken a side. Technically she was under immense pressure to join the Eternalists. Darth Empyrean was soon to become her father-in-law, after all. It made sense.

Alas, Rhi was an independent sort of gal, and she was not fond of Empyrean or any of these other people in the slightest. Her relationship with Arc gave her some modicum of protection, preventing her from being killed outright, but it was not a question of if she would be in danger but when. How much longer could she go on without choosing a side?

Judging by the events of today, probably not very much longer.


Empyrean knew that this would not be entirely without violence, but he would not subject the Kainite to violence so openly - not yet. On a day like Life Day, as the people cheered on his declaration of peace, it would be counterintuitive to kill those that remained here. He would honor them that much, to consider what was about to happen, and if they would simply fall in line.​
For those in private, violence came swiftly as soon as his announcement had begun. Those enthralled by his announcement shot in the back, stabbed, sliced, thrown, or cut down across their fledging Empire. Those that had made the mistake of publicly being against the Eternals, the idea of an Empire, or were anarchists were first targetted, then the probably candidates one could use to leverage the Empire against Ophidia and Empyrean, then all others that could prove a liability to its formation. In a single speech, in a single hour, there would be thousands of deaths - most instigated by the experienced Tsis'kaar legions.​
For Empyrean, he walked simply back to his seat, still smiling at Carnifex's laugh and removal. It was clear that it was a strong reaction to being outmaneuvered in the Great Game, but it also spoke that he was not going to take this easily. He could only imagine that the first few months of this Empire would be made bloody by political machinations. It would be their primary focus then - settling the issue of expansion in the same breadth. He already had a long list of chores to complete for this transition...​
He found his seat once more, not allowing a glance to the others in the box. Instead, he looked forward to the arena, watching as many of the crowd began to move the exits. It would seem Carnifex had declared their removal - and they listened. A few spies in their masses would at least keep the Order informed of Carnifex's intentions.​
"It would seem some of our guests didn't enjoy my speech.", he mused.​
@Everyone in the box.​


Mix of all tree groups of Sith around him, started doing exactly nothing.
Kainites in the arena continue fighting, Eternalist's celebrated in the box along side Tsis'kaar.. there were no commando troopers jumping down from the gunships, or sounds of sabers igniting all around. Matter of fact his was the only one. But at this particular moment, his disbelief pulled his attention from that fact.

What is going on!? They will just take it, without trying to kill Carnifex and Demiurge? If there was any opening, now would be the time, before he consolidates his armies and undoubtedly do SOMETHING. Sith Emperors weren't really known for their peaceful transition of power..

He thought in complete disbelief.

His gaze fell down on the Ex Emperor himself, next. And he was getting up, which made Omon again think Aaaah shiz, here it comes! But again, nothing.
The huge Force entity which was Carnifax, simply started to laugh.

Omon's head tilted a bit to the side, while watching this, insanely unique, moment in history. He knew though, that laugh, definitely didn't mean joyous chuckle. It was heavy with undertones of superiority, and overall regards to all this as a joke said on some high stage with many microphones.
There is no way he will just accept this. Or maybe he did? And the laugh is symbol of him finally being released by the constraints of the throne? It could definitely sound as that too.

Caught in all his thinking, Omon failed to realize that the Ex Emperor and his doppelganger actually going straight toward him. Or better said, he realized it when it was too late.

Shit, I'll die..

"Sir, wh.."
one of his commandos started to whisper, as the Butcher King stride closer and closer.

"Guns down.. and shut the frick up, now!" Omon cursed through a whisper at his men. While ex Emperor simply walked beside them, not even looking at their direction. His eyes glowing fiery red now, both from fear and excitement, Omon glanced at him, while lowering his head just slightly, and giving him the words of respect the second before he would disappear.

"My Lord.." it was but a smallest show of courtesy, given to an ancient and legendary being, who just lost its title. At least at the moment.

As the Kainates exited, he finally exhaled and relaxed a bit. Enough so to realize he was holding the frickin saber ignited this whole time! Ignited while Emperor strolled beside him! His fingers shudder for a second, just from a thought of having to fight such a being cus he forgot to turn the damn thing off. And as they were about to grip the handle firmly to kill the crimson.. voice in his head spoke.
"Darth Diem."

It was a piercing sound, as thou taking image inside his head. Or an image inside his irises, blinding him from within. He scuff in discomfort, as the blade made its usual sound while retracting in to the crystal.
His left hand grabbed the commando in front of him, for support.. as his inner voice spoke, knowing that the caster will heard him.

Apologize, lady Ophidia, it seems my strong yet still dull Force Sensitivity, made me a bit too nervous. Gratitude for the pull. he said with his most pleasing of inner voices, while shaking his head to get his barring back.
Moving slowly back toward the tables.

"Holster your weapons, nothing will occur here. Yet, at least." on his order, his Jaegissary obeyed, still walking in front of him, to escort him to an unoccupied table.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Jaidha Yndrel Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Darth Ecclesia Darth Ecclesia Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano Srina Talon Srina Talon Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano
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She nodded to the young knight as he prostrated himself.

"Some recognise the magnitude of an event before it is done, they sense the ripples of destiny."

She spoke, no longer in his mind, but with her own voice. It was dry and cold, but somehow carried well. It was hard to tell exactly whom she addressed, but the statement rang true. In a way, she spoke to Diem and to all who heard her. To Diem, she was giving a compliment on his ability to sense. To others, she was simply musing the mysteries of the Force. Divination was a powerful tool, and one that many dark lords used well to forge their empires.
Her gaze at Darth Diem softened, diminishing the pressure, but lost none of its sharpness.

"It is not a weakness to act upon the warnings of the Force, but true mastery means to control when and how."

A lesson to Diem, a warning to her peers. The consequences of what had occurred would not yet be seen. She, for one, was not so naive to think there would not be reprisal from the Kainite.

"Would you not think so, Darth Ecclestia?"

Her head turned to the young sith knight who had greeted her just prior to Empyrean's announcement, carrying the conversation to a whole new dimension. It was not often that the Dark Lady of the Tsis'kaar spoke so openly, and to some it would sound strange that she would so openly discuss the mysteries of the Force. Yet, to others, the mysteries told magnitudes.

"Foresight separates the Darth from the dead."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: xxx | xxx | xxx
TAG: Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure

The speech had not settled well with Gerwald. He knew what Empyrean wanted, but a political move like this… so blatant and open. He was not fully Sith in that regard, and he saw no need to make a move on the Kainites, unless he intended to wipe them out entirely. How was this any different from the posturing they had just witnessed on the Jewel of Panatha? To Gerwald it was not, and a reason he still kept a wary eye on Empyrean even if he was serving him momentarily.

“It seems my fight will have to wait,” he said to Lunara Azure Lunara Azure . Certainly she would understand.

Whatever good mood he had been in just moments before washed from his face. It was replaced with a stoic expression, one Gerwald reserved for those moments when it was required for him to be about whatever business he found himself in. Today it was to ensure that unnecessary blood was not spilled. The reaction of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex would determine whether they would fight today, or tomorrow.

He was intentional in his movements as he walked out into the arena. This time the crowds did not cheer, as all eyes were focused on the governmental box that seemed to be fitting more Sith than it should have. Blue eyes squinted slightly as the wolf spied what was taking place. The chanting which came from the royal guard hit his ears like that of squawking birds waiting for the regurgitated food their mother would feed them in the nest.

This had been the play all along. Gerwald would not have been in the arena had he known. His duty was tied to the advancement of Empyrean’s will, and more importantly, to the wishes of Srina Talon Srina Talon . Before he ever would bend his knee to the Worm Emperor, his allegiance was to the Echani, Darth Omnia.

<< “The days ahead are sure to be ugly,” >> Gerwald projected to her mind. She would allow his thoughts or she would refuse them. Regardless, they were offered to her.

Carnifex left. His Kainites left with him.

Gerwald could only think that this was not good. His eyes darted to Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean to discover his reaction. Was he laughing it off, making light of it? What had he expected Carnifex to do? What did he expect from everyone else going forward?

He said he won, but had he?

The wolf knew war, and Empyrean had not won anything yet, he simply declared a war that he had set in motion through dark dealings and backroom agreements. Gerwald could appreciate the stealth of it all, but he questioned the wisdom. It was not his place as the weapon to do so, but there was one who might at least share his hesitancy and caution.

Eyes returned to Srina Talon. The look in them spoke everything she needed to hear from her wolf.

What battles would they be fighting in now? How much blood would they spill this time?​
Prophet of Bogan
Objective: Blood Sport
Equipment: Vibroblade, Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Jaidha Yndrel / Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano / Lirka Ka Lirka Ka / Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner / Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Engaging: Lirka Ka Lirka Ka

Before he could find a solid spot to slam his arm against the armored woman was quick to retaliate and throw herself right back at him even with lightning still setting the both of them alight with pain and sparks. Alisteri barely heard her sword drop to the ground as her claws dug into the metal of his mask and nearly scraped along his cheek in the process.

He'd grown rather attached to that mask, the idea of having to make another one did little to calm the fire of rage that was keeping him conscious for the moment. Dirty was certainly a way that he could play, if that was what she wanted.

All it took was one tug for his mask to be ripped off of the rest of the helmet keeping it in place, revealing the face of the masked man for a brief moment before he suddenly lunged forward and captured the handle of the dagger still buried in his opponent's neck. He tore the blade from her neck and turned his head to try and embed it into her helmet instead, hoping to find a weak spot near the eyes that he could pierce through.

A risky move, and one that would be easy to intercept, but it was better than trying to hit her with his injured arm again.


| J U T R A N D |
| Triumverate Box |

Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean + Whomever Else
Open Tag: Free, for anyone else that might want to interact.


The fight between Lirka Ka Lirka Ka and Darth Strosius Darth Strosius only intensified.

Srina could feel that her husband had taken his seat at her side, where he belonged, but she didn't tear her eyes away from the arena. The Kainate were already moving. Which meant that the Eternalists and the Tsis'kaar were also falling into place. They were all so concerned about defeating each other that the now-broken Triumverate had fallen into old patterns. Old belief structures—Old edifices that had long since crumbled beneath the weight of folly.

The fight for the Throne of the Sith was never-ending.

They would never be safe. Her children, would never be safe. The thought made the faint dizziness that she'd experienced throughout the speech rush back with a vengeance. It had taken her this long to realize that it was not sickness that pervaded her senses but fear. It was a foreign emotion. She brought it out in others, but more of than not, she acclimated to it and bore it as a strength. It was not paralyzing but uplifting. Silver eyes fluttered down. Oh.


Three heartbeats echoed in her body. Three. Two were reacting to stress whether or not she allowed it and it was causing her singular focus to waver. Shift. She did not see in her husband that which she should have known. He left his mind open to her. Always. It was simply a place she dared not treat as of late. Her state was getting more difficult to hide by the day. It was the sound of confusion rising from the crowd that drew her from pensive thoughts. There was no undue violence or aggression within the confines of Jutrand. No more, than what was expected with the celebration.

Perhaps by design.

Silver eyes swept the arena. Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano was gone in a spray of snow and ice. That left Jaidha Yndrel the winner by default. But, that was likely not the way she had wished to claim victory. This announcement was disruptive for all involved. Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia lay some prudent words before the newest Sith to come to the Order. Very, careful. It made the hair on the back of her neck stand up that the pale woman had any contact with them at all.

Empyrean had been the first one to liken her to a serpent. Did he not see?

Was the Butcher King also so blinded? Srina, did not know. She had little doubt that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex would take action when it suited him. When he thought, perhaps, that both of his opponents were at their weakest. The fall out was unavoidable. The eyes of Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner found her own and she felt a well of sickness rise once more. He had followed her.

Once again—People were following her to their deaths.

The voice of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean drew her back to the present and silver eyes were uncharacteristically cold in their assessment. This was not yet a cause for all-out civil war between Sith factions but it was more than possible that it could snowball into a new breaking. Everything they'd fought for…Everything they'd survived by sheer force of will. Only, Maliphant hadn't survived.

"…What could have possibly given you that idea?", Srina questioned, waspish, before her face smoothed over into perfect glass. The anger that had been lit was not his fault. Not entirely. She was frustrated with the implication. With feeling as if everything had been lifted from her hands, set atop its head, and allowed to spin without any sense of direction or consequence. How the Sith as a collective couldn't see their own folly was beyond her. She knew both Empyrean—And Carnifex. In the moment…They were both fools.

Srina…Srina could not bear it. Not this time. She could not bear the death of another nation.

"Forgive my tone, Emperor. I am feeling unwell and require air. Your people need to see you."

Never mind the fact that they were sitting outside. She needed to get out of the Triumverate box. Now. The wintry woman stood up from her seat with all the grace of a swan unfolding. Everything she did was deliberate and unhurried until she got to the gate...Though she left her cloak behind. Several guards moved to accompany her and she barked the sharpest "Stay" they would have heard in a lifetime. So cold—That the occasional bitter wind was nothing in comparison. She found a path, past the festival, that led to a secluded wooded area.

There were training dummies. Benches, and small warming huts.

Good enough.

Objective I: Supplication
Location: Triumvirate box
Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Srina Talon Srina Talon Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

It hadn’t been all that long after Clova had finished her supplications to the Tsis’Kaar mistress when Darth Empyrean moved onto a platform that extended its way into the arena and addressed everyone. From the speech he gave, she was certain that his words were not simply directed towards everyone in the vicinity, but towards all corners of the Sith Order’s domain. She wouldn’t be surprised if his message travelled through the entire galaxy. As the Emperor’s speech ended and the cheers started, Clova found herself clapping along with many others to offer her support of the Dead God. While the sith knight was technically factionless at the moment, she found herself in a dilemma. The Tsis’Kaar and the Eternalists both held her interest and she was definitely keen in joining each of them, but none had the quite the pull that contained the special attraction for her yet.

Perhaps, she was simply waiting for an elusive invitation that may never ever come. Afterall, who was she that such an invitation would be extended to her? The announcement of a new empire was great news for her. It sounded like there would be room for potential expansion in mind, and with that came plenty of opportunities for her to develop and grow her power and influence, both of which she dearly craved.

She found herself taken aback as a lightsaber was ignited in front of Sith Lords in the box. Staring at the Sith in question, she recognised him as a fellow knight. Darth Diem. This one was a governor, and she had expected one with accolades such as his to exercise better restraint. Despite her thoughts she understood what he must have felt. Afterall, the popular saying is true. The more you own, the more you are afraid to lose. Clova, herself is no stranger to being ruled by her emotions, always these days extra effort has been expended to ensure that she controls them when in the company of her betters. It would seem that she was not alone in her thoughts of restraint. The Dark Lady spoke again, this time addressing her by name and title.

“Yes, Mistress. Mastery of restraint in the force is the path to greatness. The force speaks. We listen.” Although Darth Ophidia wasn’t her master, Clova had elected to use the word mistress as a term of respect for the Sith, whose position was even more elevated than before.

"Our new home is wonderful" he assured Saryn, with a soft inclination of his head, "It will prove a fine place to raise the twins. I shan't keep you from the festivities, Your Majesty, feel free to send for me when your schedule allows it, and we'll hammer out the details on the golem."
Rhiannon's sudden appearance coincided with his Father's speech, and all at once Arcturus wondered if he hadn't surrounded himself with newly formed enemies. Stood before Carnifex as he was, it was a precarious spot for the Emperor's son, and Rhiannon's opening words didn't help matters.
"No weapons" he instructed, tone more commanding than it would usually be. He wasn't speaking to his betrothed in that moment, but his student. Arcturus took one step back from the thrones, and waited to see what would happen. What an odd position he'd found himself in, his Master turned Father turned Emperor on one side of the scale, and the Queen he'd so recently pledged himself to on the other.
Certainly he wouldn't draw his weapons unless given a real cause to. And it would seem as though none would arise. Carnifex broke into laughter, and soon he and his followers were exiting the box. Arcturus watched them go, though he noticed that the Butcher King was not the only one looking to leave.
"Wait here" he said softly to Rhiannon, "Or, well... Mingle. I need a moment alone." Arcturus kissed her forehead tenderly, hoping to do away with any worries she might have that he was displeased to see her, and then he followed after Srina Talon Srina Talon as she ventured outside. He allowed for some space to be between them, affording her some privacy and a chance to tell him to go away should she will it.
It only occurred to him then that he'd never actually met her. Seen her across the room, but something had always come up before they could so much as say a single word to one another. All the same he felt concern spiking through him at her hasty retreat, and his usual caution and tempered thoughts fell momentarily to the wayside.
"Mother..?" The word slipped out before he could wonder on its appropriateness. Was that something he could call her? Did she want him as a son, as Maliphant had, or was Arcturus just something she had to put up with in the name of love? "L-Lady Talon" he tried to correct, though frankly something about that felt wrong to him.
"Are you okay?"
"Some recognise the magnitude of an event before it is done, they sense the ripples of destiny."
"It is not a weakness to act upon the warnings of the Force, but true mastery means to control when and how."

Omon's eyes closed for a brief moment, as the words echoed inside his head. His saber handle spin on his palm before got hooked on to his belt.
He was pleased she understood him well. Understood his drive, no matter how unsophisticated yet. His eyes opened, now color of dim yellow.

Thank you for the lesson. And the kind words, as far as I heard them. he spoke back to her through his mind still.

While slowly taking his place back at one the tables, he could not but find himself intrigued bu the Rattataki female. This event alone shown that she is yet again prevailed, and yet still avoided the potential full wrath of the Butcher King, if he ever comes.
Forever behind the scenes, behind the ones who are in the spotlight. Omon definitely saw her position as a best possible one for a powerful Sith.
For there is a strong shield in front of you, and yet that shield is always positioned in a way that his straps could find their way in to your arms.
New Emperor being the said shield in this scenario.

However reality is rarely so simple, which he had to acknowledge. And yet, his opinion on that matter is firm.

The Tsis'kaar are definitely at the best possible position in this whole mess.

Thought pass through his mind, while he lifted his hand to order a drink. Despite saying to himself he wont indulge in it, he did not anticipate this much excitement. It would actually sued him.

And both Malum and Alisteri were part of it..

His fingers brushed his Sith spurs on his cheek, as he was thinking. One was his friend, and other was a knight he had some admiration toward.
Perhaps the time has come for him to choose a faction. His father was an agent of Tsis'kaar after all.

Thought of this fact made him slam the table, more with just a gesture then an actual force. It produced no sound, or attention. It was just his inner turmoil. As he also recalled that his mother was of the Eternal's.
Memories of their division because of that, started to pour in to his mind like an avalanche. Division which they then tried to embody in him. Fighting over who will their son follow.. the mothers ideology or the fathers.
They did gave him many gifts from both of their point views, but in the end he chose to follow his own. Which was probably the reason why, he Force Pulled their shuttle in to that landing strip, killing them. Giving them peace in death, which they could not find in life.

And now, yet again.. Sith are going toward new division, toward potential new civil war! And all over machinations of beings who lived for too long, and were not able to let their power go. His eyes again started to glow red. His gaze just shortly following the New Emperor as he was taking the seat at the throne.

He understood his need to take the position of power, and ultimate title of the Emperor. That is the Sith way. What Omon could not understand, is why did they let Carnifex live? Or why did Carnifex not summon his powers, and kill Empyrean and Ophidia? If anything, this was very selfish of them all.
Only way it wouldn't be, is if the Butcher King simply goes along with this change. And that is a pipe dream.
So instead of Sith unity, with as little of them as there are... there will be yet more death. But not of these 3, of course. They will leave dying to the poor suckers who follow them. And on and on it goes.

That drink couldn't arrive any sooner. Omon grabbed the whiskey from the tray, drink it all, then ordered another one. Placing his elbow on the table, and leaning his head on to the fist. Blankly staring forward, lost in his thoughts.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Jaidha Yndrel Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Darth Ecclesia Darth Ecclesia Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano Srina Talon Srina Talon Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano

Jaidha Yndrel

Objectives: Blood Sport
Equipment: Lightsaber, Saber Shoto, Winter Outfit
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

As Jaidha lunged for her opponent, Quintessa disappeared in a blur of speed that bordered on blinding, leaving Jaidha to stand amidst the swirl of leftover snow. With her opponent no longer on the field, the adrenaline and hate that had fueled Jaidha's performance came crashing down, hard, and she nearly dropped to her knees with it. That was, without a doubt, the fastest she had ever moved in a fight before, and now that her fighting reflexes had cooled for the moment, the energy that kept her strained body standing had all but disappeared.

"Well...well fought..." She muttered into the wind as she worked to gain control of her racing heart and steady her shaking limbs. This was on place to breakdown, physically or otherwise, the Sith in this arena were lethal and collapsing from exertion was not befitting a Yndrel. And unfortunately, she knew at least two other people were stalking around the arena without a sparring partner, one of whom was her old associate(?) Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . She'd lost track of him in the fury of the duel, but now began to scan the field for him now that she wasn't in immediate danger.

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