Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Night is Dark...|| Enclave Dominion of Talay Hex



Objective: Escape and alert the Coalition of his situation
Location Kestri Jail/corridors
Enemy Tags: Enclave
Ally Tags: Kraken Coalition
Neutral: Sith
Special Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


Relief washed over his mind, Cass replied and she is on her way, he was hoping to hear her again, he will explain everything when he sees her. But he couldn't reply, as a Mando may be around and could hear him. But once he gets into a better position he'll call again. Cass is on her way, he wanted to hold her hand and kiss her on her nose.

A few times he had to duck into tight spaces to avoid detection, he had a few close calls already. Isidor held his breath as he wriggled out from his hiding place. He swore something else popped out of place. He'll be glad to get out of here, out into space. This place is like a giant maze, Mandalorians sure know how to make mousetraps. He frowned, he wasn't a mouse, but he sure as Chaos he felt like one. A mouse batted around by Beskar clad cats.

It took him a while and a lot of trial and error to find where weapons are kept, they were in lockboxes with names and numbers on them. Which will be a task as he had to use one hand for it. This will test his impulse control not to pocket anyone else's weaponry. He stared at a Lightsaber for a few minutes longer before pushing it aside. He had his brother's parasol, even after all this time, Isidor refused to surrender it back when ordered to do so. He allowed a laugh at that, he never saw Erion so peeved, but then again, he's always peeved by something.

A Lockbox stood out, it had his name, and they misspelt his name, well they had made a mess of the name Justeene. Right now, he isn't concerned too much by it. Fighting the urge to flop back onto the floor he pulled out his possessions one by one. He forgot about that gem he hid on him before the Tatooine mishap got him in this mess. He wanted to hit a Hutt shipment, so he did.

With that done, he slipped out and continued to search for an exit, praying that he doesn't run into any Mandalorians. He needed to get out of here. He won't be able to hold anyone off for long with the state he is in.

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Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Objective 1
Location: Mile outside Kestri Prison
Enemy Tags: Everyone but Enclave
Ally Tags: Enclave
Special Tag: Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal

Omen pointed a finger towards the prison as he faced Thonn from the doorway of his bar. <"That is the abominable snow wampa barreling down on us hard. I hope you're ready for it."> Putting a finger to his helmet, he paused to hear Kranak's reply before giving his own. <"Done, I'll even bring my emergency nuke just in case. Omen out."> While it was true that the bar had a mini nuclear reactor powering it (one of his pet projects), he wasn't going to bring its contents along. Still, the clone could give a little chuckle at the thought of the bug eyes any Maw comms specialist at hearing that statement. Maybe they would just leave and never return but no, that was definitely too much to hope for. All they could hope to do now is stop the damage before it spread.

He then turned into the bar and shouted into it as loud as he could to those insides. <"General Quarters! I need any personal to the prison now! This is not a drill!"> With that, vod started moving towards their gear and the door as he gestured for Thonn to follow him <"I got a special ride coming for us. Should only take a minute for it to get here. In the meantime, what's your loadout? Same as Panatha?"> While Thonn gave his answer, the flapping of wings could be heard coming through the canyon of buildings, and eventually a Hawk-bat with a saddle landed on the pub's brick wall. <"Found this guy wounded and alone, in pain with a blaster bolt through his wing after Coruscant. I help heal him up to full health and give him a warm place to sleep and he helps me get around the city. Thankfully for us, if you hold on, he can just fit two people in a pinch. Just don't hold too tight, I don't need to be questioning my sexuality right now.> The Clone slowly approached the flying reptile that he affectionately called "Flyboy", feeding it a line of sausages from one of his belts' mystery pouches. The creature slurped them all up before giving off an appreciative growl while the former ARC turned back to the probably by now probably very taken aback Thonn. <"Ready to go? We got bad guys to stop."> If the super commando wasn't, they might not get there in time before the rats escaped into the sewers and for Omen the naturalist, a speeder was not an option.
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Either the galactic standard for drinks had gone down in the past few years, or whatever they had on this floating rock was some of the weakest spirits she had ever had the unfortunate misfortune of trying for herself. Or maybe, it wasn't the drinks that weren't strong enough for Luna's taste. They always said it was hard to drink in bad company.

And neither of the woman that sat on her sides were all that talkative, or great company. Perhaps that soured the copper colored drink in her hand. Instead, Luna buried her eyes downward, boring holes into the table. The quicker this pitstop could fly over, and they could get back moving onto the capital planet of this new Enclave, the better. But there seemed to be little rush to get her there. There wasn't exactly a time crunch on letting a former member of a sith led empire give ideas toward how they did their military, even if Luna felt about as stifled here on this frozen rock as a gundark in a durosteel pin.

There was very little that could make this day interesting, and she was about two shots away from requesting to head back to her room for the night. And she had every mind about her to do so, at least until all the light's in the room suddenly shut off.

Rolling blackouts on an ice world were nothing new, yet one of the mandalorians leaped upward, acting as though the very moon was falling down upon the world. That might've been considered humorous, until Luna found a blaster being stuck directly into her face. Emerald eyes slowly made their way upward, meeting where the mask of her helmet covered her eyes. There was a dull hatred that burned deep within, though the redhead made no movement upward to bat the blaster away.

Instead, her gaze slowly turned to the right as a hearty hand was clapped down upon her shoulder, regarding the laughing woman with a raised eyebrow. Something might actually be happening, at least that was what she understood by the tone of the workers that spoke on the comms. That combined with the silence from command left an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Why something would be happening on this cold, tiny planet was beyond her…but it seemed like her sleep had left her out of the loop on a lot of things.

Regardless of how she felt at being at the mercy of either of these mandos, this Raze was right. It'd be prudent to get the generator up as quickly as possible. "I'm in. Beats sitting here and drinking myself into a stupor." The former marshal slowly slid out of the booth, turning to look slightly down at the other Mandalorian of the group. Her voice turned to one of cold steel, dripping with a venom that had been born within her since she had come out of the ice. "If you ever pull a blaster on me again, you better be ready to pull the karking trigger. Otherwise, I will put your body in the ice."

Her back turned, leaving little room for a comeback or room for the conversation to continue, and faced Raze with a cross expression. Arms folded, Luna threw a chin toward the entrance to the cantina in a 'lets go' motion. "I assume you know where we need to go, Raze?"

Tags: | Lesha Priest | Raze Krayt Raze Krayt |



It was pandemonium.

Confusion rippled through the ranks of the Mandalorian guards like waves from a boulder dropped into placid water, the peaks of each wave crashing down upon them with each new terror. Few of them showed fear, Mandalorians did not show fear, but the rank stench of anxiety could be smelled even from the most stalwart warrior. But none were cowards, all spent their lives in the name of their Clans even if they were seized in fear's unwavering grip.

The soldiers of the Kainate stalked through the misty gloom like blood-stained wraiths, implacable reapers that showed no pity and received none in return. They had spent the entirety of their short artificial lives preparing for such a moment, flash-trained to obey orders without question and to fight with the instinct and reflexes of seasoned veterans. Tactical ingenuity made them a formidable opponent in the cramped quarters of the prison complex, teams of three operating in larger squadrons to sweep and clear each hall and room that stood in their path.

Moving ahead of them were the Sith, masked and armored they cut a grisly path of destruction wherever they tread. Demiurge was chief among them, his emerald lightsaber methodically dismantling Mandalorian warriors and plain-clothed clerks as they strayed into his reach. Blaster bolts were deflected with pinpoint accuracy, often ricocheting off of several reflective surfaces before embedding into a Mandalorian's body. Each strike was cleanly struck, severing limbs and bisecting bodies without flourish or panache.

This was a meticulously planned operation, not for the amusement of the Sith.

He constantly sought out his quarry, the blind and weaponless Lord of the Sith; Darth Maliphant. Others were searching for him as well, both friend and foe. Demiurge carried on his belt another lightsaber, one that he would gift to Maliphant once he had uncovered his location. He suspected that Maliphant was one of the many prisoners who had sprung free from their confinement in the confusion, which made locating him easier should he have managed to move beyond the well-fortified detention center.

"Lord Maliphant," called Demiurge through the Force, a risky venture if there were any rival Force Users among the Mandalorians.

"Come to me."


Location: Kestri Jail​

"There's a speeder outside programmed to take thou to safety."

"Captain, we can fight!"

"I quoth take the speeder. Art thou disobeying mine command?"

"No! Never, Captain. Thank--Thank you!"

A red woman in a black, leather outfit stood in the hallway with some unremarkable male in her taloned hold. Her green eyes turned from the retreating pair to the sole audience member in attendance. A smirk drew across her lips as she shoved the man back against the wall. Slowly his feet were lifted from the ground as he was lifted. Without a word, the woman pressed herself against him while her fangs plunged into the man's neck.

A choked cry accompanied the growing pallor then graying of the skin as the life was torn from his body. The feeble thrashing as he was held pinned to the wall in the air amusing, but ultimately worthless. After Lahmia had savored every drop, she cast the shrunken form aside with a sigh. A ruined shell no longer had any value and warranted no further thought. Their use had been utterly spent. Two of hers had been freed, and their life drained. All that remain--

Lahmia's head snapped to the side with her green eyes peering in the direction of Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene whether he was out in the open or around a corner. Her lips peeled back into a toothy grin. "What succulent mortal are thou? Be not afeard. I won't bite." If the man had witnessed her consumption of the other, he might not be liable to take her at her word; but that might only mean there would be a delightful chase soon to follow.

Tag: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Open​



Objective: Fight the Sith Infiltrators
Allies: Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal |
Enemies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Kimora Min Kimora Min | UX-0626 UX-0626 | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano

The lights were out. Tor Valum was under attack. The Sith were here.

The Sith were here.

Siv Dragr had been off world the day that Sith had attacked Mandalore, the day they had razed it to the ground. Since then, the Enclave had promised that never again would the Sith -- or anyone -- be given the chance to repeat their massacres. Kestri was supposed to be the secret world. They had been able to rebuild. Tor Valum was a shining beacon of hope for every forlorn son and daughter of Mandalore.

And now the Sith were here.

But Siv would not let them leave Kestri alive. And he was not alone.

"Dragr, over here," a voice called from out the dark, and Siv stopped his headlong rush to pause and see who it was. His armor's HUD adjusted for the lack of light, but he immediately recognized the grizzled old veteran. Jeren Ordo was his name, and his beskar'gam was well worn from countless battles and fights across the star. He'd traded in a crusader's cuirass for the mark of a Karjr, and now Jeren was a veteran hunter that many of the bright-eyed foundlings idolized after.

Around him were a dozen or so other hunters, all of different skill levels. Some Siv knew, others he didn't. There were the ancient signets of proud clans -- Vizsla, Mereel, Rook, Wren -- and others that Siv didn't recognize, minor clans or the marks of foundlings. But they were all Mandalorian. "Sith troopers have hit the Karjr headquarters. Entire power grid is down but our comms are still up. The Akaan'alor is busy securing the Western Ridge and spaceport. I thought I'd rouse up some hunters to hit back at the Sith in the meantime. You in?"

Siv nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. Let's go."

And the Mandalorians rushed off in the night.

It did not take them long to navigate towards the Karjr headquarters. All of them spent a good time there, following up on leads, jostling for high-payout missions, or negotiating for equipment repairs and reimbursement. Without light, the city appeared featureless, but the massive box-like structure of the Karjr headquarters was unmistakable. And the drop pods that marred it on all sides were unmistakable too. The Ravine was the only open-air section of the city, and at this time of night without thermal shielding it was freezing cold. The Mandalorian's suits were working overtime to keep their bodies at a stable temperature.

But there was a sudden wash of cold that hit Siv as soon as he stepped out onto open ground that was unlike the chill of the night winds. It penetrated him deep to the bone, an amalgamation of forced fear and instinctual anticipation. A feeling he hadn't felt since Panatha.

But no, he thought. It would be impossible for Carnifex to be here, of all places. He shook the thought from as his head as he hurried along. "I'll take the back entrance over on west side," Siv called over the comms in hush tones to Jeren. "You and the others -- you can distract them by heading for the east."

"Sounds a plan. Wait for our signal before you make your move." Jeren's voice called back. Siv unsheathed his vibroknife as he crept through the night to the side of the building, before stopping at the entrance. It was small and under the level of the main floor, meant for supply carts coming from the spaceport. And for a Mandalorian who knew the lay of the building, it was a convenient back entrance. He crouched down next to the door, waiting for the signal.

A long winding note from a Mandalorian war horn echoed in the night.

Siv couldn't help but smile grimly as he slipped into the building. That would get their attention, all right. But they knew their part of the mission, and he now knew his. He would make sure that if anything, he would slip a knife between the ribs of Maliphant, what he should have done originally instead of capturing the scum. But he would make up for that mistake tonight, if anything.

Two red-cloaked Sith warriors whirled around as they heard Siv walk up behind them, reaching for melee weapons at their side. But Siv was faster. Wordlessly he dashed and plunged his dagger under the raised arm of the first one, through the armpit and deep into their ribs. The trooper fell and Siv crushed the dagger in with one foot as he dodged a clumsily-thrown punch and answered with several point-blank shots from his blaster, the disrupter-enhanced laser bolts tearing through the armor of the trooper. He retrieved his dagger from the first body, wiping the dark red blood from it on a gauntlet before continuing his way.

Doubtlessly the Sith had heard the commotion, but at this point Siv didn't much care.


Allies: Vren Rook Vren Rook Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Siv Dragr Siv Dragr
Enemy: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Kimora Min Kimora Min UX-0626 UX-0626 Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano

"Abominable Snow Wampa?! Kriff!" came Thonn's concerned response. It wasn't the first time he'd heard the word, but he didn't have a kriffing clue what it meant. Which hardly mattered; any monster with an adjective before its name was extra bad news, of this he was sure. He took a moment to collect his thoughts; Omen spoke of an emergency nuke, the suggestion of which really drove home the threat of the beast. Unaware that it was entirely fictitious, Thonn was steeled for battle with it.

"Kriff, blaster shots'd just tickle the thing."
Thonn uttered next as if he knew what he was dealing with (he didn't). He simply grasped whatever context clues were available. Omen sounded like he was speaking truth (he wasn't), and Thonn was quick to latch onto his feigned wisdom for his own security of mind. This thing must require some serious kriffing firepower if the emergency nuke was on the table (it wasn't).

He did a triple check his explosives and grenades, finding all in the same place he had packed them just a moment prior before he set off. The ability to set off explosions was a valuable one, doubly so against the creature Thonn imagined he was about to encounter. He had just about finished the gear check when Omen posed him a question:

<"I got a special ride coming for us. Should only take a minute for it to get here. In the meantime, what's your loadout? Same as Panatha?">
"Yeah, more or less, though I got some more explosives on hand. And more side-arms." Thonn replied, gesturing to a disruptor pistol strapped to his hop on the opposite side of the scattergun – which itself was sporting a new shell-holder with two above the weapon's breech. That Sith had certainly taught him a lesson when she ruined his cannon and good arm; he needed more guns.

<"Found this guy wounded and alone, in pain with a blaster bolt through his wing after Coruscant. I help heal him up to full health and give him a warm place to sleep and he helps me get around the city. Thankfully for us, if you hold on, he can just fit two people in a pinch. Just don't hold too tight, I don't need to be questioning my sexuality right now.>
"Yeah yeah, I got that outta the way when I was younger." Thonn responded, as unfazed and as blunt with personal details as ever.

<"Ready to go? We got bad guys to stop.">
"Never been more set - Let's go." He replied, getting onto the beast.

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Omen stared blankly at the soldier for a minute before just chuckling and shaking his head. <"It was a metaphor... It's a prison break though some of those Sith might as well be Wampas."> Nodding in approval at Thonn's new gear, he quickly loaded his carbine and slung the duffle bag that held the "nuke" over his shoulder. <"Looks like we are all set. Let's see what Wampa meat tastes like.">

Omen raised one eyebrow as he rubbed under flyboy's chin before mounting up in front of the other warrior. Was he shaken at Thonn's reveal yes but was he surprised, no. Everyone had to have some secrets after all. Still, it wasn't something he needed to see in his nightmares. <"Remind me never to try uplift the mood around you ever again."> Mounting up in front of Thonn, the beast quickly fell off the wall and into the air, cutting through the air at a marvelous speed. At this rate, they maybe would even get there before the Sith managed to break through the wall.

Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal


Ally: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Neutral Toward All Else

It was always Mandalorians.

When it came to matters of state the silvery Echani always managed to keep a level of decorum that none could falter. She was even-handed, cold, but firm. She did not lie. She did not sugar coat the truth so as to unnecessarily spare feelings; nor did she pull punches. And yet—It was always a Mandalorian presence, oft ignorant, that drove her toward breaking her own rules. She accepted the fact that her Master was Mandalorian. That for the longest time her former nation had shielded hundreds of them from the horrors that the rest of the galaxy had to offer.

And yet—here she was. Humble beginnings aside—It had already come to this. They struck at the heart of her without knowing. Without realizing. How could they know? They had been but a gleam, but a shimmer in the sands of time when her homeworld had been orbitally bombarded by the Mandalorian Empire. They had slept soundly while their predecessors fell into ruin. Enslaved, beaten, or frightened to the point of being paralyzed…Because their own people, their own nation, had brought the beginning of the end down on their own heads. The members of the Enclave were not the same.

And yet, once again, they clamored for her heart.

They would not have it.

The young Talon did not hold any love for the Sith Doctrine. Often, she scoffed at the inherent flaws. The darkness that ran in her veins, pure as the driven snow, was present because it was the most effective tool. The Light was too easily eroded. Too easily seduced, blotted out, when the night deemed its opposite too insipid to survive. She did not hold any malice toward the Enclave, either. She had not come for their people, their homes, or even to distract them from their purpose. She had come to Kestri for one reason. One singular reason—That held sway over all else.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean .

He had been missing from her side for far too long. His loss was a wound. Festering. The Enclave would return him—Through free will or force it mattered not. She had no loyalty to uphold. No nation to please. Purely, that which suited her. Her legendary wrath had not yet woken, though, that all depended on the state Maliphant was in when she found him. The pale woman could feel the Sith Lord, now. A candle that flickered in and out through the ether. So close, yet not close enough.

<<Ni am símen…>>
*I am here

There was the slimmest chance he could hear her, regardless, the ring on her finger. She had tried more than once over the last few solar rotations. Three days. Three—She had been made to wait. If he had been capable of reaching out to her with more than a fething beacon he would have. Still. She would press ahead, ever onward, toward that barrier of null that lay across the expanse of ice and cold until she too succumbed to its detriments. The reptile creatures that the Mandalorians were so fond of were to be expected. Thankfully—She had been a warrior long before the Force had come to her. A Daughter of Eshan, a soldier, and a veritable nightmare long before she had ever taken the mantle of the Dread Queen.

The white witch moved through the snow and ice as if she had been born of it. In some ways—she had. Silent as the dawn she didn't flinch from the biting winds that nipped at her armor nor did she falter when the gale sought to throw her off course. Behind her trudged a squadron of Magnaguard. She preferred machines, to people. Their eerie red eyes filled the night, though, they had their orders. They would not seek to harm those that didn't pose a tactical threat.

"…Only that which stands in your way. Take only what is required."

They all registered the brutal stillness of her frostbitten tones. They knew, with programmed orders and whirling servos, to obey her above all. They were adaptable and artificially intelligent enough to see a trap or a ruse coming a mile away. They were more efficient than organic; trustworthy. They'd sat in stasis on stealth ships long enough. A moment to them, was a year to her. A month without Maliphant, without being able to feel him, to know, that he lived and breathed was an eternity.

The Magnaguard flooded forward with the sound of metal shifting. They would distract anything in her path while two remained on either flank. The beginnings of insanity had already descended, it seemed, and she merely needed to follow the threads as they unraveled. His presence grew stronger now. Bolder—Blazing, with every step. The sound of a horn blaring through the evening announced that the evenings' events had begun in earnest. The inhabitants of Kestri would no doubt fight back.

A missive from Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex slid through her mind and her response to the former Sith Emperor would be swift. He ran the risk of alerting the Enclave—Certainly. He also ran the risk of crossing her. She was not the same woman that had sat across from him, so long ago, negotiating a treaty among their nations. Her Force-driven words would fall against his cranium, rolling against his mind like a wave, with a chill far more potent than that of the weather. A lesser being would have crumbled. Certainly, they would have also misunderstood. Felt threatened.

No. Carnifex would know better.

It was simply a fact.

<<He is mine. He—Will come to me.>>

Or - She to him. That was the way of it. Her slender form was cloaked in dark armor that served her purposes well. It would not suffer the same issues that other armor would, purely, because it did not rely on the Force to function. White hair pulled free from her hood and tangled in the wind while her visage faded from view behind a wall of winter. She could feel him growing closer. Though, her movements were measured. The Echani knew better than to rush.

Srina would have what belonged to her. There was no doubt in her mind; nor any part of her being. She would have Maliphant back by the time the sun rose or the inhabitants of Kestri ought pray that it never rise at all. She never acted without thought. Without plan, or contingency. Magnaguard were not all she had in her arsenal. Some items, more lethal than most.

It needn't be a bloody night. Not by her hand. All this new generation of Mandalorians needed to do was avoid becoming her enemy. Return, what they had stolen. It was simple. If they chose the path of violence, however, she would respond in kind. If they chose poorly?

So be it.

Starfire Protocol
Ring of Aspiration
Mothers Wrath
Cryo Dart
Big Iron
Holdin' Aces
Magnaguard [Deploying, though, mostly looking to distract versus cause harm.]
B3 [Not Yet Deployed]
Small Unmarked Vial/Tank: Only, the following inscription, "Mine is the face of blood and fire."

The blaster fired wildly around the corner before he ducked back where it was safe. Trailing him by near inches were multiple blaster rounds that would've put the Sith Lord out of comission once and for all; but through luck, reaction speed, or blind force of will - he managed to yet live. That was saying something, considering how far he'd been pushed by these Beskar heads. They were smart - they knew better than to close the distance with him, instead keeping the pressure on him from afar.​
No doubt there were other teams coming from another hallway to flank him soon enough. He knew that to be the case, because it's what he'd done - and he was no tactical genius when it came to command.​
He groaned slightly as he shot a few more blind bolts into the distance - unsure how close they came to hitting their targets. He still could not see - but he could feel, and it seemed to grow less and less by the minute. In the distance, he felt the calling voices of Srina Talon Srina Talon and Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex - both bastions of safety, both able to allow him a chance to recover. He knew which of the two he'd prefer to see in the moment - but the thought crossed his mind that Srina may not take too kindly to his antics this time around.​
The memory of her sticking her hand in his stomach wound on Atrisia burned bright in his mind, making the scar that yet remained pulse.​
His internal monologue, however, was interrupted as he sensed that dreaded flanking team near him. He had seconds, and not many before they would be on him - and this time he doubted they'd try and take him alive again. He felt through the force, closest to him for a way out - and the only one that seemed to appear was a small service hatch nearby. He grunted as he dropped the rifle and sprinted towards it - finding it with his heel as he slammed into it with all his strength.​
It groaned under its own weight - likely one of the automated doors now impossible to move without power. He backed up, built momentum, and struck again - forcing it to groan under the pressure.​
"Over here! I see him!", he heard - and he could feel the sweat beginning to build on his skin.​
He moved to kick it once more, and it finally opened - limp on its hinge as he slid into it. His hands instantly pushed it back shut - held it there as multiple blaster bolts slammed on the other side. Another second, and he'd of been toast.​
For a second, he let a heavy breath fill and exit his lungs as the others tried to open the hatch as he had - but it was already too late. A small forgotten wrench was now wedged in its hinge; and it was more unlikely to open now than it ever was, even with power. With his flank secure, for the moment, Maliphant got his bearings - and began to crawl.​
Through claustrophobic tunnels with miles of wiring and pipes. It'd seem his lover would have to wait a few more minutes for him to arrive.​


Allies: Vren Rook Vren Rook Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Siv Dragr Siv Dragr
Enemy: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Kimora Min Kimora Min UX-0626 UX-0626 Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano

"Oh. Uh, well I learned a new one today I guess." Thonn responded. Battle smart as he was, socially smart he sure wasn't. But he had to admit, when he finally stopped to actually think about the situation for a moment, a snow wampa sure didn't make sense. Sith though? Thonn was even more ready to believe they were responsible for the current chaos. Probably. Y'know what? Who it was didn't really matter; eager for the opportunity to shoot a Sith, Thonn was happy to shoot anything that was causing trouble. Actually getting to battle was always the most important part, as far as the heavy gunner was concerned; other details could always be figured out on the ground.
<"Looks like we are all set. Let's see what Wampa meat tastes like.">
"Yeah let's blast those s- "wampas."

Getting on top of the beast, Omen's awkward pause wasn't lost on him. Thonn wasn't exactly a stranger to those sort of reactions. He never really had one of those filters that's supposed to go between his brain and his mouth, and he'd spent his life so far looking for the karking thing.

"Kriff, you raised the topic." Thonn responded, concealing belated embarrassment beneath a defensive reply.

"I mean...yeah, lets go."



Objective: Fight the Sith Infiltrators
Allies: Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen
Enemies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Kimora Min Kimora Min | UX-0626 UX-0626 | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano

It took several minutes, but at last Siv found the room he was looking for: the intelligence den where the Enclave's tracking fobs were made. Tracking fobs were an extremely useful technology, but you had to be lucky to get one. To properly function, a complete scan of a target's biometrics had to be located in a database to integrate with the fob, else you were left high and dry. Unless a target had a past run-in with the law and was on the biorecords of a law enforcement agency issuing the bounty, or they were escaped merchandise -- a situation found in the Sith Empire that Siv had refused to aid, despite the lucrative payouts -- tracking fobs were worthless.

But Darth Maliphant had been in the Enclave's hands for a long enough time that they had to have a fob to be made. And sure enough, as Siv threw aside different devices, he found the one that he was looking for, with the Sith's name labeled in Mando'a along the side. "All Karjr hunters in the area," he shouted over an open Mandalorian comms channel, "Darth Maliphant has escaped confinement. His tracking fob's positional data is being uploaded to a secure network -- do not let him escape." He didn't have so much time as to speak before the door burst open with several screaming Sith troopers, but Siv slid to the side to dodge the rush of blaster bolts and cleanly finished them with his own well-placed shots. Stowing the fob to a belt, it began to emit periodic beeps as he set out from the room, intent on his mission.

He pushed through one dark hallway lit only by dim emergency lighting, and another, swiftly dropping the few Sith troopers he met along the way, and reassuring and directing the Mandalorians still in the building. Recapturing Darth Maliphant was their priority; Kestri would be handled by the Si'kayha.

And as he rounded the corner, the figure he saw standing before him made him stop with pure shock.


An indescribable rage filled him. Carnifex had taken away the two Siv had adopted as brothers. Carnifex had evaded the justice due for him on Panatha. And now he was here. He dared to even show his face here.

Siv wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

"Darth Carnifex, or should I say Darth Coward? Gonna run this time?" Siv challenged as he raised his knife, sliding into a fighter's stance from where he stood several paces away from the Dark Lord, ready to strike.



Demiurge had been waiting patiently, the corpses of several Mandalorian warriors strewn about at his feet. He had cut his search for Darth Maliphant short when he had heard Srina Talon Srina Talon 's words echo through the Force, amusement his chief reaction. He had no reason to impede the Lady Talon's search for her coveted beau, spite was a domain commanded by his other half; Carnifex. Demiurge was more demure by comparison, although he himself was no stranger to bold action as demonstrated by his continued antagonization of Jedi such as Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Valery Noble Valery Noble .

Besides, he would have plenty to occupy himself with soon enough. He could smell them coming, that familiar stink so commonly associated with Mandalorians. He knew which one would spin around that corner before he had actually come into view, such were the mysteries of the Dark Side.

"Darth Carnifex, or should I say Darth Coward? Gonna run this time?"

The Dark Lord turned towards Dragr as he brandished his knife, intent on finishing what he started on Panatha. Demiurge reached up and unlatched the mask and goggles that had protected him from the war gas the troopers had deployed during the initial insertion strike. Throwing them aside, the Dark Lord pulled back his hood to reveal his face. They were similar to the Carnifex that Dragr knew, but the differences were apparent to distinguish them apart.

"Siv Dragr, I've been waiting for you. Come to avenge your fallen brethren? You'll find your vengeance just out of reach, but you're no stranger to such disappointment. My other half escaped you on Panatha, and even now Lord Maliphant is about to slip through your fingers." Unlike Carnifex, Demiurge's tone of voice was flavored with mocking cadences. This being was so far removed from the emotionless brutality of the Dark Lord that Dragr knew and hated, for he could still feel the grand spectrum of emotion.

"Failure, the grand legacy of the Mandalorians."

Sharp abrupt movement preceded the billowing of the Dark Lord's cloak, six shikkars flying out from deep within the cloak towards the Mandalorian warrior. Each dagger's blade was made out of glossy obsidian, intentionally made brittle so that when it struck a hard surface or was wrenched while embedded in someone's flesh it would break. Against Mandalorian armor, the daggers proved no danger.

However, as they were broken through whatever means, the magic imbued within them activated. Much like modern glop grenades, a stick foam-like substance erupted forth from each broken dagger to encompass an area roughly the size of a square meter. When exposed to oxygen, the foam hardened like ferrocrete after settling; trapping whatever was caught in its sticky embrace.

"We will see how far you will go for vengeance," proclaimed Demiurge before turning heel and sprinting with unnatural speed down one of the adjacent corridors.


Lesha Priest




TAG: Raze Krayt Raze Krayt | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Open

The night was just getting better every second.


While Lish listened to Raze getting a sitrep, the Alor'ad kept her hybrid on the redhead. Manda knew why they had to bring her here. She may have some skills, but after the reports came in from Panatha, Lesha trusted the Confederates and their ilk even less than before - even those that used to be Confederate.

"So, up for a walk in the freezing cold? Worse that could happen is a ground assault. No point going for the generator if you have mass drivers in orbit."
"I'm in. Beats sitting here and drinking myself into a stupor."
Lesha merely grunted a confirmation and stepped back slightly to allow the aruettii to rise to her feet.
"If you ever pull a blaster on me again, you better be ready to pull the karking trigger. Otherwise, I will put your body in the ice."
The T-visor glinted in the flood lights as it met Luna's gaze head on, despite being shorter.
"Go ahead, shabuir. Let's see how well you fare." came the cold reply through the vocabulator. The helmet then motioned for her to walk. "Let's get moving." She had a bad feeling about the situation.

Sure enough, the comms erupted with chatter as the duo moved outside into the storm, shielded against most of it by the buildings still surrounding them.
"Shit. The Sith have found us. We need to get the power up ASAP." she said as she picked up the pace toward the power station. They get the power up, the better they can control things on the icy rock.

Before the Sith can get away with much.

Lish pulled her other pistol. flicking it to sonic setting just for good measure as they neared the station complex.
"Raze, your guys find the fault yet?" she asked as she scanned the area.

The easier this job was, the quicker they can corral Sith for execution.





Tags: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene

"So in we go then." Cass said as the cloaked Midnight Kyber slipped through the outer cordon and close to the planet. She began scanning life forms at the coordinates, it was hard to narrow down with all the interference but she had a few leads. "Put me on to GemSteene channel, I want to get a message to him. Izzie, it's your guardian angel, I am currently about 300 miles above your head, I can't work out which of these blips is you, please respond, or if you can't, do something Izzieish to get my attention." She hoped he would have the foresight to switch to their personal channel and be able to receive the message. He should be able to reply as he knew Dex had it running all kinds of encryption, the sort a pair of in love pirates my enjoy for their long distance private time. But if someone overheard him.

"keep scanning, if any of those dots decides to blow something up or loot a tableware store I want to know." she was trying to keep up her sense of humour despite her stress. It was the only way they could ensure to get the job done. Lights lit up on the dash as three of the Stealth fighters launched out from their hangar. Cass suited up and slid down the ladder to the hangar herself where Pix was waiting with the last fighter. The Kyber's command system floated in front of her has she walked. All of the telemetry would be transferred straight to her, so the moment Isidor was found, he could be scooped up.

She felt the hairs on the back of her neck tingling with anticipation. Things had been easy so far, but it could easily go badly. She toyed with the jewelry that she had purchased on their holiday together that now felt so long ago. They needed to back to that idyllic rest spot on the beach as soon as they could.


Location: Cantina > Power Station, Tor Valum, Kestri​

Raze flicked a few credits toward the bar as she made straight for the door. The other two women seemed interested in getting in one another's face in that moment. "Come on already. You don't actually think this isn't an attack, do you?" The red woman didn't slow her roll as she called back to the pair. Leave it to people that didn't understand infrastructure to think this was just a blip. Electric grids didn't just go down. They went down hard, and they came up with just as much trouble; so people like Raze built things so they didn't go down in the first place. So, far as Raze was concerned someone had deliberately pulled the plug, which meant they needed a good thumpin'.

"We're headed to the Main Power Station." Luna had asked where they were headed, and Raze gave her a straightforward response. Wasn't like that was classified information. If Luna was in on it -- unlikely -- then she already knew. If she wasn't then it didn't matter because the lights were already out. If either or both of them looked like they were going to start breast-measuring, Raze would happily threaten to thump both of them to get them on the move.

As they started on their way, Lish paid attention to all the chatter and made an important announcement. Raze grunted. So, it was an attack as she'd expected. With that, they picked up the pace which would do wonders in staving off a little of the cold. A little of it. At least they hadn't gone to the cantina wearing shorts and slippers! Worse thing would be the chill and snow stabbing in the eyes. Well, Lish didn't have that problem apparently.

Bright eyes slid over toward Lish as the woman wanted an update when the commlink on her arm demanded attention. Raze jabbed the button and turned her palm up so a holo-projection could form even as they kept moving.

"Raze, think we found the sabotage. Should be able to get generators back on in--osi'kyr!" The man's face lurched out of frame just as a blaster bolt flew toward the camera. The channel didn't snap off, but the recorded had toppled over and onto the floor on one side. More blaster fire followed as a few armored Sith troops came into frame down the stairs.

"Sithspit. Did they not secure the area first? Damn Sith must have been distracted earlier." Raze scowled as she looked over at Lish and then Luna. "Looks like we're going to need to kick some ass when we arrive, and get the power up at the same time. I can make sure the power gets online if you keep those nity'irlmata off me." Didn't really matter how they did it, so long as they did. And fast. Her people knew how to survive even in a warzone, but they weren't the best of the best of the best type of soldiers; they wouldn't hold out for hours slaughtering an army on their own or some such kark.



Raze Krayt Raze Krayt | Lesha Priest | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik



Or, at least he should feel cold. Red eyes stared blankly at the falling snow above, slowly blinking. The subtle glow had grown brighter since they'd turned from flesh to cybernetics, giving an eerie feeling to the half Chiss walking through the freshly fallen snow. Barefoot he left obvious tracks. Why had he come out here? He was in a hospital gown, but.. When was he in a hospital? The blank spots in his memory didn't help. He took another step forward.

Only to hear blaster fire. He was no longer outside in the snow. Reality had blipped around him. No sky, no falling snowflakes. Underground? Power facility. Shouting. His red eyes squinted as he tried to make sense of things just as a trooper in unfamiliar armor rounded the corner. The blaster raised towards the Hybrid, but he was faster. Instinct and muscle memory, ingrained from years of training kicked in as he leapt forward. Faster than the Sith trooper could react. He took the gun, broke through armor with a swift elbow to the taller figures gut, then unloaded a shot through the troopers visor.

An attack. That made sense. These were enemies, then? He lifted his gaze, staring through the maze that laid before him. More troopers voices filled in, along with shouts of Mando'a. He understood them.


Blaster in hand the Hunter stalked forward. His cybernetics made no sound as he moved through the shadows. Whatever he was doing here, he was going to help fight. If only because he couldn't think of what else to do.


Objective: Escape and alert the Coalition of his situation
Location Kestri outdoors
Enemy Tags: Enclave
Ally Tags: Kraken Coalition
Neutral: Sith
Tag: Lahmia deWinter Lahmia deWinter | Open
Special Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


Finally, he made it out, the dead ends blocked his quick determination to get out. Surprisingly no Bucketheads noticed him. He should be grateful that he's avoided confrontation. He'll just be glad to get off this planet. He had arrived out in the open and into a snowstorm, much better than being stuck in the maze of corridors. Even worse than being stuck in a cell with just nothingness to keep him company.

He almost ran into several storage cupboards, where he was tempted to take a few items from it, these included a pan and brush, a bottle of clothes detergent and stationary and datapads.

The signal to the secret channel where sweet nothings can be transmitted secretly was clear enough to be heard clearly. It crackled to life, and he pressed the button and his beloved Cass's voice filled his ear. There was very little here for him to be able to show his trademark calling card. So he broke the radio silence, glad to speak again.

<"Cass! Cass, hello, I am glad to hear your voice. I am near the exit, it's hard to make out what else is here."> He replies, relief evident in his tone.

This was short-lived when he felt eyes on him, that odd feeling that you are being watched. Isidor had felt eyes on him for a while now, but he was busy to notice. He noticed a woman looking at him. He tilted his head in a silent, question, what is she looking at? Every instinct is telling him to run the other way as he knew he was in no shape to fight. But he still would if he had to. He stole a brief look up at the sky, wondering where Cass was. But the dismal skies blocked it and he couldn't keep his head in the same position for long.

He paused to decipher what the woman said, he was not good at variations of basic. But he got the gist. At least he hoped he did.

<"Isidor, Pirate Lord, Escapee, and pilferer of valuables."> He replied, now on guard, he hasn't met her before so he needs to be wary.

Last edited:

Location: Kestri Jail​

Lahmia stood there for a moment as she stared at Isidor. A quiet, breathy laughed escaped her. Soon another, louder chuckle danced in its wake. "Pirate Lord? And what are thou a Lord of, exactly? Pilfering?" Her right hand lifted as though to absently brushed locks of black hair out of her face. "Ah, yet it wounds mine soul to hark everyone bid their selves a Lord of this or Master of that. Myself should regard there is nought left to rule in this galaxy would I listened to every self-aggrandizing tart I laid mine eyes upon."

With a soft huff, Lahmia planted her hands atop her hips with a toothy grin. "Say thou are a Lord of Pilfering. Seems that would make thee competition. And if there's something a Pirate Queen does not like 'tis competition. Why should'st thou 'scape then?"

Slowly her left hand lifted for a visual inspection of her nails while Lahmia awaited the man's response. Be it the man should strike or run, either were fine by her estimation. Nothing better than a good hunt. There were so many pests infesting the galaxy that a proper hunt was made difficult -- the overwhelming majority were dreadfully weak but in great number even a mighty warrior could be brought down. She worried about losing her predatory edge in such a petulant galaxy.

As for Isidor himself, well it was just convenience that made him a target. Lahmia didn't want to dart back to her ship after collecting her own crew from the holding cells. Not when there was time enough to play. Perhaps the man could convince her to another action, but at that moment she wanted nothing more than to torment and slay him -- because she could. He did look a somewhat decent prey to hunt, after all. Not like the masses that crept over so many worlds.




Objective: Defend Tor Valum
Allies: Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Mandalorians
Enemies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Srina Talon Srina Talon | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Kimora Min Kimora Min | UX-0626 UX-0626 | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano | Sith

Romul stood above the assembled army before him. Some wore the distinctive blue beskar of the Si'kayha supercommandos, and others wore their own motley assortment of beskar. Warriors of all clans stood before him, while he towered over them on a hastily-erected pile of scrap that served as makeshift pedestal. Against them, Romul Saxon's golden-yellow and crimson-red armor stood as a beacon, instantly recognizable.

"These Sith have come on our doorstep and discovered our secret through trickery and deception. But their wickedness shall not go unpunished. Today, we shall make Tor Valum their grave!" He roared, and the army roared back. They were ringed by hoards of Cernr-type Battle Droids who stood in an offensive ring, ready to be deployed. With the power off, they were running on their individual droid minds instead of the collective network overseen by ARTUS, the Enclave's artificial superintelligence that had been knocked offline when Tor Valum's power was out. It may have crippled the Mandalorian's most defensive tool, but to attack a city of Mandalorians was never a good idea.

Why? Because that city was full of Mandalorians.

They were well aware of everything unfolding. The instant the attack had began, Garrius Saxon had secured the West Ridge, Tor Valum's residential sector, and were holding it securely. The home of thousands of Mandalorians and Foundlings, West Ridge's security was the Enclave's first priority. Fortunately the attack seemed to be concentrated on the Karjr Headquarters in the Ravine district, but there were rumors of a silver-haired Echani with Confederate droids stalking the streets, though orders had been not to engage. If the reports were true, and a Confederacy Exarch was on Kestri. . . the Confederacy was no longer a threat, but its Exarchs were known for their prowess in battle and skill with the Dark Side. Killing Darth Maliphant and Srina Talon would be no easy task.

"Krayt," Romul spoke, "take you and your soldiers to the Karjr headquarters and establish a perimeter. Let no Sith make it offworld alive; assign droids to man the offline point-defense cannons if you have to. Bralor, you and your soldiers sweep the lower levels of the Spaceport and the Industrial Works to ensure there are no Sith cells in hiding. The rest with me shall turn back this tide. Droids are at all of your disposal, and whatever ships you can get to fly."

As he finished, Mandalorian dropships appeared out of the dark, navigating the pitch-black skyline with searchlights. Descending to a hover behind Romul, he and the contingent of Mandalorians boarded them before they lifted into the night, carrying them to whereever they needed to be. The interior lighting was dark, with red combat-ready panels as the only source of light inside.

Suddenly, Romul's comm beeped.

"All Karjr hunters in the area," he shouted over an open Mandalorian comms channel, "Darth Maliphant has escaped confinement. His tracking fob's positional data is being uploaded to a secure network -- do not let him escape."

Romul smiled viciously under his helmet. "We have our target. Pilot," he called over the noise of the dropship's engines. "A pair of coordinates are being transmitted to you. You and the squadron follow them, and prepare to deploy on my command."

Vegeance and Blood was coming.


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