Isidor Justeene
Pirate Lord

Objective: Escape and alert the Coalition of his situation
Location Kestri outdoors
Enemy Tags: Enclave
Ally Tags: Kraken Coalition
Neutral: Sith

Special Tag:

Now his instinct told him that he should run, run from a bad situation but his mind wasn't as sharp as it should be, he was now aware that he is alone, well no one else was nearby to deflect attention from himself. Everything wasn't going well now, he had hoped to get to an easily accessible point and be removed from Buckethead central, alas that was not to be, he was stuck.
He shook his head, clearing a very obvious migraine that had begun to rage behind his eyes, it's the cold, his head is getting cold or the stress was getting to him without him realising. Would not be at all surprising, those lights have made sleeping difficult, more so than it had been already. He would give anything to be back with the Coalition and especially Cass. Which, steeled his resolve to stand his ground, after all, his people are not known to turn and run.
He used his good hand to hold his sword in a defensive position, ready to strike if needed. He could feel his shoulder blade grind against something, his collarbone? Doesn't matter, what matters now is he needs to escape, signal Cass, get on board and give her kisses. He loves her deeply and no one is going to stop him from leaving this ice ball. Funny basic or no funny basic.
<"Who are you calling a Tart?!"> Isidor spat, suddenly realising what exactly she had said, focusing on the singular word 'Tart'. Now able to decipher her speech, that was an insult, a fancy insult that he only just noticed. Gods he hurts all over, he's in a middle of a storm and he's getting into a fight with a Queen. As he fumed at this, his resolve hardened, he was going to stand and fight.

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