Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Serrin eyed the Matron when she asked about the Feast, Zaylin had made her Host, and so she owed this Spider Lady not only a kind greeting but an anwer,
It is a pleasure to meet you Bogdana, Matron of Spider Clan. The feast is ready, though many are still dancing. We may take a seat and..”

Zaylin Zaylin then floated a cloud of Ichor into sky and it became a Great Archnid which erupted into great glowing sparkles like crystals that Lun Lun possesed in her skin. This was followed by a cheer for Spider Clan, which seemed to have an effect on Bogdana. Serrin was the Nicesister and Hostess, and her natural disposition was to do as Zaylin was doing, make people feel encouraged and loved. She had let her suspicion cloud her normal disposition, and that grieved her. Even if this Matron was up to no good, there was Zaylin, her dear friends Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani who possessed a keen sense of the magicks, and Lun Lun who was a Shifter with powers called Vo that she still wanted to know more about. In addition there was dozens of Sisters tending to things, and Asaaj’s Family, it would be difficult to attempt a coup d'état.

The first course is ready, lets be seated and enjoy it along with some conversation.”

She gestured with her hand which waa traced in black Dathomirian tats. They were roads that covered her body and converged into a circle at her heart. The Nicesister took a seat on an ebont chair with gold leaf traced along the fine wood curves and head rest, as well as the arms. Some grilled Burra was set out in slices, at each place setting was rings with a spike so that one could sample food without touching it with your fingers.

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Astrid pentoghast

Objective: celebrate the solstice
Tag: Bogdana Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Zaylin Zaylin Lun Lun Serrin Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Aranae Zephiri

Astrid had arrived late draped in red and black robes of dathomir she was sent here as a representative of her own clan near the equaitor of dathomir. Her clan watched over one of the few remaining groups of bull rancor on dathomir. She had rode in on her own bull rancor who was out of site for obvious reasons. As the witch walked into view she watched the offworlders dance and be part of the festivities it every fiber of her being not to incinerate them where they stood but she held her tongue and her power at bay.

Which was fortunate for all as Astrid didn't care for offworlders on dathomir soil especially during festivities she sensed something familiar about Lun Lun although it wasn't completely familiar at the moment. She didn't want to walk up to a stranger and try studying her on dathomir especially with actual nightsisters around Astrid would leave that for another time as she stared at the fire and the women dancing it was simpler here than with the sith conquering planets the plotting for power. She wished she could stay here forever but she had to leave the planet to keep it safe she had to play the galactic game although she knew it potentially put dathomir on the map for any would be dangers.


The Dark Matron took a seat at the table, and arched her heel on the arm, she looked at the feast that was slowly growing, then she felt it, that familiar chill, ahe turned and saw a Newcomer who areived with the stealth of a Spider Sister, though she was dresses in red and black, a fine dress, though in her countinance she detected a scorn, eyes like daggers focused on the Dancers. Did she object to the ritual or was it something else? An attempt to read her thoughts was comfirmation, a great shadow drew back her prob, and she knew it well. This was not the dark magick, no this was the power of the Dark Lords she had secretly been blending with her own magicks. In addition she felt the Spirit Ichor swirling arouhd the New Arrival which affirmed her suspicion that another was hybridizing tradition of the Night and the Sith. Which showed She was wise, for why deny yourself power?

Bogdana levitated a goblet to her hand, and took a sip. Her eyes fixated on this Sister. She wondered if she should reveal her own secret allegiance, ao as to strike up an interaction. Then again she may be a threat, here to assert herself over Dathomir as the Spider Matron hoped to do. Her Master had taught her, “there are no allies, there are no friends. Those who walk the dark path do so alone.” She undersrood the game, a Master spught to use an apprenrice as a pawn, an enforcer, a chess piece and replace them if necessary, the apprenrice’s aim was to exploit the Master’s weakness or turn a strength into one; it was a wrestling match for dominance, the Master if they won had a slave or slayed the apprentice and replaced them, if the apprentice won they became the Master. At least this was the tradition she had come to learn in her private training in the Outlands.

She then turned to Serrin

I understand you are head of the Night Brothers. Tell me, are they to serve all the clans or just you?

Her tongue was viperish, she purposefully was baiting her Hostess.

Astrid pentoghast Zaylin Zaylin


Sister of the Spider Witches

Objective: 1
Interacting directly: Aranae Zephiri

There were others here, lots of others, including a falleen even ( Zaylin Zaylin ) but with some surprise, another familiar face made itself known. Bogdana, the Matron of the Spiderclan. Niara smiled again. Even from this distance she recognized the disgust from Serrin and scowled at her a moment. And then to much of her surprise, Zaylin sent into the sky words of glory for the spider clan. Niara stared but had to laugh with a nod at Aranae Zephiri's reaction nodding, "Yes, it is." she agreed still a little shocked.

She'd follow Aranae into a dance, especially trying to help Aranae feel comfortable where they were. Yet her eyes were sharp for trouble, many witches were here. Many people she did not know. Among them yet more than Serrin and Zaylin, but Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani , and Astrid pentoghast both of whom were unfamiliar to her. And so she watched, trying to enjoy the moment but still just a bit worried about what might be brought tonight.


Balvo Rhine

Objective 2: A Undead In A Cocoon Tree!

Balvo stood watching the festivities from a distance, his red cape and cloak flowing. Night Mother Zaylin Zaylin had some Zabraks as guards, brothers in arms. The Lupine Zabrak saw the bone fire and shadows of the Dancers, all Witches most beautiful. Though he had not come to spy or pry, he had heard word of Sisters being taken by undead, and it was his duty to find them.

His helm turned as he headed into the Hills, the Marshlands was were a trail lead, however, other tracks lead into the thick forests. Most knew the Cocoon Woods, where gnarled oaks creaked and sacks of dead sisters and brothers were housed.

Beyond the Cacoon Woods was a forest untouched by the scorch and death. There the trees were full of life, and greenery, not vermillion bathing everything:


This was called Misty Falls Forest, at the base of great Water Fall were once a clan of Witches by the same name had dwelt. Balvo ran with great speed, his imbued sword slung on his back as his red cape trailed, he sniffed and followed the trail, when he came to the Misty Fall’s Woods itself. A fog made the place difficult to navigate, but for a Lupine the trail was warm, the Undead had passed by there, when he came upon a statue of a Woman, a water fall descending her hand. She was all that remained of a lost tribe. Balvo leaned down to get a wiff of some foot prints, when he was beset by Dathgoblin that thrashed with its claws. The Night Errant kicked the Undead and then unslung his great blade which he proceeded to severe the arm of the creature. Dathomirian customn claimed these were the dead brothers and sisters, but something was wrong, they were attacking Night Sisters, and now a Brother.

The Wereknight swung his blade, decspitating the Demon who’s eye burned green. Then there was howl and four more Dathgoblins came charging through the fog, Balvo swept his blade as a tail and met two heads, tossing them into a trunk. He then pummeled a third to the grouhd and sawed its neck wheb the fourh grabbed at his back, taking his free hand with blacl obsidian gauntlet that jad knuckle spikes he pounded the creature in the face repeatedly till it dropped to the ground.

The Dathomirian Lupine rose and leaned on his sword whwn he heard the cry of a Lady,

“Help! Anyone! Help!”

Hearing a Lady in distress he mads for the sound of the cry, who was a Woman in Black leather, her arms bound behind her back with cacoon cords, hed long flowing black curly hair like waves, and her her gray eyes examining the Were Warrior.

“Arn’t you going to cut me loose?”

Balvo drew closer and held up his great blade, when he smelled something, his visor in his helm tilting.

“Well come on! Hurry before more come!”

He took his blade and cut her bonds, she rose up and eyes him.

“I do not recall you at Dathinge. I am grateful nonetheless.”

Balvo replied in a very deep voice,

“No gratitude is necessary, I serve The Sisters.”

Lookomg around she then turned back to The Lupine in Disguise.

“Do you know these woods? I do not recognize them.”

The Night Errant nodded,

“We are in Misty Woods, near the Misty Falls.”

The Lady eyed him with her striking gray eyes.

“Was there not a clan here once?”

Balvo nodded,

“A great clan, long gone I am afraid.”

A horn blew which made which made The Were Warrior turn, gripping his weapon’s handle with both gauntlet clade hands. There was a stir in the trees and then arrows fell from on high, as if The Falls themselves weree drawing bows. Balvo and the Lady took shelter under a great tree, as the arrow rain fell.

“Are you sure that clan is gone?” She said rather sarcastically.

The Night Errant looked at her through his visor, his red eye gleaming. Perhaps The Misty Fall’s Clan was not gone afterall.
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Balvo Rhine


Objective 2: An Undead In Cocoon Tree

Location: Misty Falls

Balvo and the Lady waited for the rain of darts to end, they had to huddle close, close enough for the Lady to notice his brown ears coming out of his hood.

“Are those some decoration from your clan?”

She reached to touch them and he held up his gauntlet with an open palm to stop her hand with a soft touch, not force.

“No.. they have nothing to do with my clan.”

Her gray eyes swirled as she squinted, she could see his red eyes in the visor.

“Your eyes are not like any Zabrak I know, usually they are yellow..”

Balvo stepped back, he was uneasy at how observant she was being. He had a rule that he did not lie to Night Sisters if they made inquires, and he feared that she would press this matter further.

“I am not like other Night Brothers.. and I beseech you ask no further.”

The Lady looked at him,

“Fine, since you rescued me, I will drop it.”

As she said those words suddenly silver and turquoise robed figures dropped on them and knocked them both to the ground. One of them had long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes, she kicked Balvo in the face with her boot and he was out cold.

The Were Knight awoke in a dark place, his hands bound and the sound of rushing water. There was laterns all about, and the Blond turned to see him stirring.

“At last.. you are awake.”

Balvo saw the Dark Haired Lady standing beside her in similiar robes

“Mistusa says you gave her aid.”

The Lupine Zabrak nodded.

“We have tried to hide our return from the rest of Dathomir, alas we must travel into Misty Wood to hunt and demons that never were are now roaming our lands. What has changed is your presence..”

The Were Knight sighed,

“The Undead attacked Dathhinge, I pursued them after the kidnapped Sisters.”

The Misty Fall’s Matron drew closer.

“You seem strangly dressed for a Night chest, you conceal your chest and face.. what are you hiding brave sir?”

She reached for his helm which made him growl and she recoiled.

“Do not remove my helm..”

The Matron looked at this Lupine and saw the ears, she placed her hand on it and they flexed, proving they were ears not some game prize added to the helm.

“What are you?”

The Night Brother lowered his head.

“Years ago I came upon a beast not native to Dathomir, a Wolf like creature, it stood on two legs and fought me and bit my nape. I then found myself transformed, possessing features of the creature..”

The Matron stepped back, “A Lupine! You are danger to us all! Throw him from the falls!”

The grabbed the Were Warrior and pulled him to great mouth beneath the water fall pf clear and white reaching down to pool at the base. His Imbued Sword was slung around his back, for they feared it tainted. Mistusa approached him, having been chosen to push him off.

“I am sorry, you are an abomination.”

Balvo bowed his head.

“I know.. so what you must. I hold no ought.”

She looked at him and as she drew close and placed her hand on his torso to push him, she said under her breath.

“Hunch into a ball when you fall..”

He nodded as she pushed, he fell with great water towards the small pool that grew ever larger as his body draped in red cape approached, he pulled his legs up into his chest and tucked his head between them as she suggests when he hit the water with a great splash that shroomed up and then back down and created great ripples. There sinking to the bottom, the Beastly Knight was still, his arms floating outward and his legs too.
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Maw Thrax

As the Yellow Zabrak drove he burning blade into Rancor, Maw opened fire with his pistol, hailing bolts on its head. The result was between the fatal blow dealt by Nerare Nerare and his red rain The Terentaktek fell on its face with a whimper. The Leathered Clade Zabrak drew close to the creature inspecting if it was dead. He pressed his barrel against its head, and then he turned to the Zabrak brandishing the red saber.

I owe you thanks. You sure know how to handle that thing.

Hem motioned to the saber as he holstered his blaster and sat on felled trunk.

I wonder if you would help me once more? My Mother was taken by Undead, and I have been following them.”

He lit a match and a deathstick of orange immolated as he puffed some smoke from his mouth. Putting out the match he turned to Mighty Warrior,

If you help me, the weapon is yours.”

He puffed some smoke rings and then looked at The Terentaktek Slayer.

What say you?

Objective II: And A Undead In Cacoon Tree!
Nearby: Maw Thrax

And thus the beast fell, even something so powerful, could only withstand so much. Nerare examined the blade he now held, and the tarentatek. Quickly severing one of the beasts teeth as a trophy for himself. He grunted at the comment on the saber, "It isn't complicated. It is a sword with only edges." he explained bluntly, and almost sourly even.

He lifted his head as he heard that Maw's mother was taken. He wasn't familiar with this one, but if he was here on dathomir, and his mother was taken. That might mean one of the witches. And he still acted in their favor. He let out another slight snort about letting him keep the weapon,
"I considered keeping it anyway. Seem the more worthy of it. But yes, I'll help you find the mother. We need to figure out what's going on here that's disturbing the dead. What's your next lead?"

Nerare placed the lightsaber on his belt already, drying off the tooth against the vegetation and placing that also on his belt. Just for the memory. It wasn't like it was going to be very useful in comparison to his other weapons.

Enchanted spear
Common armor
A red lightsaber

Balvo Rhine


The Were Knight was drawn in a swirl of water causes by fall from above, his body without motion. Then he floated to the surface after a time, and then stirred, his gauntlet grabbed the edge of shoreline, and pulled himself up. Laying there he panted, and wrung his ears. He then voided water through his breath holes of his mask which fell on mossy ground. Looking up he saw the great fall, and wondered if any of those Misty Sisters saw him and woukd rain arrows down on him. His got his answer ehen a great spear landed just niehj of his head, he rose up and betab to dodge as more spears fell upon his path, arrows too, he was using his Lupine senses, his ears coukd hear the singjng shafts in the air till he reached a treeline, the branchses, and trunks offering some cover. He unung his great blade, which he held as his back leaned against a trunk. He heard the chant of the Waterfall Witches

“Eowa ya ya tunak shuwa!”

A Witch dropped from a tree with a curbed blade, Balvo parried with his long blade and began to sprint, he did not want to harm them. Another dropped and threw a javilan, which he defected by holding his blade across in diagonal, and rushed past her knocking her arm so that she fell. He went deeper into the Misty Woods and could hear the cries of the ladies after him, the poor Lupine Zabrak found himself now lost in the mist, when he heard a sound, something was approaching, the ground thundering, coming out of the fog wielding a mighty club was Giant Dathtroll that swung at his head, the Were Lnigjt evaded, dropping his head, the club smashed a branch clean off and made a minor crator in the trunk. Balvo turned quickly as the Monster recovered and swung his great sword witj both hands to slash at the side turning, the blade met its mark and tore open a wound of glowing green blood, the creature let out a shriek as it turned and grabbed Balvo and threw him. The Wolf Wsrrior held his handle tightly as he flew into branches and broke limbs off and fell on his back.

Balvo groaned.

The Dathtroll started charging, swinging its club with both hands over its head for a killing blow, to which Balvo rose up and held his long blade likeca spear to make the migjty monster fall on it like a stake. The Creature poured glowing blood on him, as its great club made it teeter on its back, its body weight pulling it backward. Balvo plucked his blade out and jabbed, digging the edge into the belly and torso as the Troll cried out, and then it went silent.

Taking his blade put of Undead flesh, he saw now he was surrounded by the Misty Sisters with bows drawn. The Matron approached with her great axe and eyes him and the beast.

“You survived the fall, and felled this Beast.. Mistusa informed me you freed her of her bonds after slaying others. Why do you help us? Why do you help the forest we guard?”

Balvo uttered through his helm mouthpiece,

“I choose to.”

The Blond Matron approached,

“Mistusa owes you a life debt and by creed you are to be pledged to her.”

The Lupin tilted his head,


She smirked,

“Bonded, joined together as life mates. Our custom is if a male is worthy, and saves a Sister, he is to be hers and only hers.”

The Were Knight shifted, almost stumbling.

“Uh.. I yhought I was an abomination, surly that circumvents your creed..”

The Matron drew closer,

“Ordinarily yes, we should gut you here and pin you to a tree. However, you survived the Misty Baptism which is a sign, saved Mistusa, and
The Mist Matron reserves the right to give a special exemption. I grant it. Now you shall come back to our hideout not as prisoner, instead as a guest.”

With a clap of her hands, the bows of all the Sisters were relaxed and lowered. Mistusa approached and smiled. They then headed for Hideout, this time Balvo was bot bound.

Location: Dathomir
Objective: Celebrate Solstice
Tags: Serrin Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill Lun Lun Aranae Zephiri Zaylin Zaylin Bogdana


"Good... then I shall proceed." kissed Lun Lun on the cheek before beginning to dance again around her, speaking in dathomiri as she did. Lun would feel the briefest sting of cold as just the bare tip of the blad touches her skin every so often while Asaaj danced. These seemingly random cuts would indicare where her personal ley lines were and if she were to be tattooed, that is where they would be. The smallest drops of blood would cascade through the air and where they touches the fire, green sparks would appear.

Asaaj had to control her blood last as she danced, the vampiric side of her smelled blood and had she been some novice she might lose control. As the dance slowed she pulled the blade up between them in the air. The Devaronian woman's skin would be raw from dozen small lashes, none deep enough to be of a risk to her safety. Asaaj ran her index finger across the edge of the blade and felt her own blood mingling with that of Lun's before flicking it the accumulated globules into the fire. She put her finger in her mouth to clean it off. Her gums ached where her incisors tried to extend, but she maintained control.

She handed Lun the knife. "This is yours, keep it safe. We have made a pact that you will begin initiation into the nightsisters, nothing is certain from here on out, and many who have taken this step have not lived beyond the next." she smiled sweetly and kissed the same place on her cheek that she had before the dancing started. "Sister she added quietly on this occasion. She looked over at Serrin who was also occupied with other witches. Tonight was a good night for her culture, it was the most optimistic she had felt since her flight from Ubelixa.

All around her, Twilight Sisters were reaching the apex of their dance and Asaaj could not miss this moment, so unless Lun did something to stop her, she would return to her solstice dance.


Objective: 1
Nearby: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani
Total tags: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Serrin Astrid pentoghast Zaylin Zaylin Bogdana

Lun smiled back at her at the kiss still a little unsure about the situation itself, yet sure she wanted to be here, sure she wanted to participate and be one of them. She let out a slight hiss of pain at the cuts, holding her fists tight but otherwise trying not to move. The cuts were fast, and mostly, not really that painful. She felt worse just when moving the crystals in her eyes. But still, pain was pain. At least she knew they'd heal.

letting out a relaxed breath as the cutting finally stopped, she looked to Asaaj as she mingled their blood and sent it into the fire, letting out a green burst to her interest. She couldn't say surprise, afterall, when those strange crystals glowed from her and she could fill a room with a green smoke, it seemed the color had a direct significance to her. But still, she understood this was something more. She turned back to Asaaj from the fire, carefully taking the knife that was used to cut into her and looking between it and Asaaj, managing a smile before she started speaking though it grew more genuine afterwards.

She'd nod, "Sister." she repeated gleaming in response, despite the cuts, she'd try to wrap Asaaj in a brief hug, "Thank you." she'd say fully genuinely, then adding in a more joking manner, "I'm sure I'll be fine, I'm really quite hardy." she'd say regardless of if she got the hug or not giving her a grin and flicking her wings slightly, before letting go and then looking over towards Serrin and giving her a bright smile.

Today was indeed a good day for the new nightsister.

Appearance: light purple/red skin/short fur. Horns. Green eyes and markings. Wings.
Additional notes:
Imbued with nightsister force crystals/tainted nightsister crystals. These may cause unease or abnormal feelings (given present company, unlikely here)
For those that can sense it, Lun has two presences. They may sense that one seems to lack a mind/will of its own.
Katitik Hive Personal Shield generator
1Holdout Blaster
Ritual dagger used to make cuts where her ley lines may be for nightsisters.


Balvo Rhine

Objective 2: An Undead In A Cocoon Tree!

Balvo was lead back into the Cave at the top of the Misty Falls, there bonefires were made as Sisters began to congregate and prepare a feast. The Were Knight took his place right next to Mistusa and a couple of Sisters, she combed her hair back and smiled, then she leaned towards him,

“You are in for axlot of caremony. I can try to presuade The Matron to forgo the nuptials.”

The Shivastanten Zabrak said undee hus breath,

“Postpone it for the morrow and then tonight I will slip away. I have a quest..”

She smiled and finished his words, “to save more damsels? Ha on Dathomir we are use to not needing men for anything, welp except The One thing.. children.”

Balvo nodded,
“I serve all Sisters of the Night, my training was at their hands. Some have been taken by a horde of Undead. It is my duty to help, even if it means my dying breath.”

Mistusa snirked and leaned toward his wolf ear,
“Are all Night Brothers like you? We do nor encounter many due to our Falls being on opposite where Mines and Night Brother Clans live.”

The Were Knight considered how to answer.

“Like me? No. I am cursed, and when the Moons of Dathomir all go green, I shall be a great threat.”

Mistusa took her fingers and placed beneath his mouth piece.

“You bear your burden without self pity, you spend your time as knight errant.”

Balvo nodded,

“I have to atone for what I do when the Moon is full.”

At that the music began to play stringed instruments and the Sisters began to sing in Dathomiri as they circled the different fires:

The Sisters took wood in hand and lit them as they passed around the fires in serpentine dance, Mistusa leapt up and offered her hand to Balvo and was taken into figure eighf of movement, his gauntlet holding tight to hers, as all the Misty Sisters sang.

All through the night music played, fires flickered, and feasting. When many fell asleep, Balvo leaned up and heades for the great fall, where he looked down to the black dot of pool. Perhaps it would be less of a risk to stay and marry the Witch. It was then he felt a tap, he turned and Mistusa smiled holding a very long white rope.

“This time use this.”

The Were Knight took the line and Mistusa kissed his metal cheek.

“I hope you find the other lost sisters.”

Balvo took the rope and bowed his head, he then stepped back and fell. Mistusa looked over the edge and saw him repelling down, her gray eyes sparkled as she watched The Were Knight descend.

The Lupin landed near the pool, and looked back up at her. He waved and then pressed on into the Misty Woods, following a trail of troll prints into the dark, when he came to a mouth of a cave. The Knight Wolf took his Great Sword in hand as he came to a tunnel and saw glowing green light.

Entering in he saw a strange scene, eggs poised on rock mounds:


He sniffed them and one cracked opened, inside something stirred, and then leapt out with a scorpion tail which he caught with his gauntlet, the creatures eyes burned green and it had syche like pinchers that tried to claw at him. He threw it down and smashed the creature with his metal boot, when a voice spoke,

“I see you have met my work.. welcome to my Sanctuary.”

Four Night Sisters were held on tables, all were unconcious.

A figure emerged from green smoke in a mask:


“Brave Knight.. come to save your Sisters.. how undathomirian. Are you not a slave? The Witches being your rulers.”

Balvo gripped his Great Sword tightly as he drew near, some Undead hung from cacoons on the walls. It was an elaborate necrosystem, which made The Were Knight pause.

“I serve the Sisters willingly. What is this sorcery? Why have the Undead turned on their people?”

The Phantom moved towards The Wolf Warrior, he hovered over the floor as he drew close.

“This is but a first fruits of my Master. A New Dathomir..”

The Shivastanten eyed the Phantom, and shook his head.

“A New Dathomir?”

The Phantom cackled.

“Yes.. The planet is vergence of Magick, one that will serve my Master’s interests.”

The Knight turned,

“And who is your Master?”

The Phantom cackled some more.

“My Master is the inevitable... Too long have children played with crystal swords and magic, playing gods in a galaxy collapsing, and now the time has come.. for the end..”

Balvo heard more coccon eggs opening.

“The future is not for the living brave knight.. it is for the dead.”

The Scorpion Mutants leapt form all sides as Balvo swept his blade tp cut them down, they bled luminescent green and began to pop out as the Phantom motioned his fingers.

“Join us Knight of Valor! Be free of the shackles of life!”

The walls of scarlet webs like kelp stirred as Undead warriors stirred, their eyes burning bright green as they broke free and charged at The Were Knight. He cut them down, one he lopped the head off as the Puppet Master called more.

“There is no end to Shadow of Death my friend.. when you jabe exhausted your strength.. you will be one of us.”

Balvo fought with every ounce of his stamina, he tried to get to four Nightsisters who were glowing with Ichor light. The Phantom standing in middle of them.

The Wolf Warrior charged at the Phantom who held out his hand and bolt of peridot lightning struck him and sent him flying next to more Necropion eggs. They began to shake, and open, which made The Were Knight sweept his blade intp clister of ehys making them explode in glowing green waters. He then stood once more ready to charge the Phantom.

“You have spirit Knight, though it is all in vain. Why do you resist the coming age? Have you mortals not grown weary as stewards? Or is the impluse insanity? That you never learn from gravity!”

He sent more bolts flying like arching gnarled tree branches of energy that landed where Balvo had been, the Wolf Warrior could hear the electric current and anticipated the lightning strikes.

When he came close to Phantom it made a great scythe of Ichor. He swung it with both hands, Balvo blocked with his imbuded blade cussing sparks to fly all about. The Puppet Master had more minions assail which clawed at Balvo’s back, he growled, revealing his nature. The Phantom eyed him,

“That sounded like an animal!”

The Phantom kicked him with his metal boot down the steps. Necropions crawled all over Balvo, digging their stingers in as he growled and tried to get up.

“Give yourself to death..” said The Phantom.

The Wolf Warrior saw the Four Sisters who were helpless, being drained and used in some ritual that gave this Necromancer power.


The Were Knight began to smash the Necropions with his haintlets and took up his sword as many held to his back pinching him. He thrusted which the Puppet Master parried.

“You cannot save them.. you cannot save yourself.”

Nerare Nerare Maw Thrax


Serrin took a sip of Ichor wine and heard the question from Bogdana.

The Nightbrothers will serve all of Dathomir.”

Her eye flickered with green flame at the notion that Serrin would do something deceptive. She had never been the type, her heart always gentle and full of compassion. She knew the Solistice would stir things, that clans who did not interact often would find offenses, that was the cost of being a coven, having rites that may offend another coven or be starkly opposite. The Nardithi Coven had not even answered the invite, not sent a representative. Serrin knew there would need to be greater diplomacy with them since their answer was “No.”

While Zaylin Zaylin held the title of Night Mother, Serrin was the Night Bearer ans she bore a lot of stress and concern for her Sisters. She desperately wanted to protect Dathomir from what they encountered on Venom, she had even heard whispers that his hand was already here on Dath, moving in the shadows. These worries almost consumed her when she looked over to Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani marking Lun Lun . Serrin was so happy for Lun, seeing her smile, the Nicesister returned one and raised a glass to her. The first steps were exciting, to begin the Journey of the Night. She very much wished to be there, dancing beside her friends, than talking with this vicious Matron of Spider Clan.

Above the Third Moon of Dath was almost filled with splendid peridot glow. Soon the Solsiticr Four would all be lit and the Night Wish would be granted. That was probably why Bogdana had come, she seemed like one only seeking an advantage in all things. Serrin was rather embarrassed how much ire she felt inside for this Matron. Ao ahe tried instead to focus on Asaaj and Lun by the fire, and listen for if Mother Zaylin had any words to add. The Night Mother radiated a care that made Serrin feel more at ease. She was not good at concealing her feelings, and so she decided to put yhe cards on the table.

So it obvious Matron, you wield the power of the Sith. I know this because I fought one on Bith. How do you reconcile our Magicks with their power? Especially the bad blood between us, it being a Sith Lord that ordered the genocide of our ancestors.”

Serrin was not holding back, she was exposing this Dark Matron,

You question my motives training the Nightbrothers, when we should ask about yours. How can we be sure you will not act in the interest of the Dark Lords, and betray Dathomir?

The Night Bearer was calling The Matron out in front of The Night Mother, and among other Sisters seated. Serrin’s behavior was perhaps a shock, she was The Nicesister, not instigator, but she had to address the Bantha in the room. The goal was to unite the Clans for the tribulation to come, but if a Clan was a danger, a threat, then that had to be tended to first or they risk fighting on two fronts at once.


Sister of the Spider Witches

Objective: 1
Interacting directly: Serrin
Near: Bogdana Serrin Zaylin Zaylin

Niara had relaxed somewhat to enjoy the dance, but her attentiveness did still carry along the words of Serrin to her. In particular, those supposedly of Bogdona taking teachings of sith. Followed by what Niara could only take as blatant accusation that the Spider Clan was going to betray them. She stopped her dancing gritting her teeth and began to walk towards the group. She'd never really been the type to hide anything unless she was hiding in shadows already, and so her anger was very much clear as she stalked into the group.

Niara cemented herself into dathomir, speaking not in basic but Dathomirian, just to clarify her position on the matter, [Dathomiri: "How dare you."] she scoffed, ["Oh yes, let's question motives shall we? Your mother there certainly seems to want unity, or at the very least she puts a display for it."] the felecatian began gesturing to Zaylin Zaylin with a slight nod of her head following it, ["And, oh what a shock, someone would rather point for fingers of betrayal at us. That's how it is is it? Yes do invite them, just make sure to accuse them when they get here right?! How very good at uniting you are, I'm sure that's why you were put in charge of that troupe of men isn't it, so you'd have plenty of access to the next generation. So you and your ilk can be sure you stay in charge and can throw the weaker ones at us hoping they may tire us out so you can try and swoop in to finish off the spider clan because you're too much of a coward to do it in person, yeah?"]

Niara's speech at her was filled with lasting frustration and an anger that carried heavily into her body language and pointed fingers at Serrin. "Ohhh, sith lord was it that order that? Who was that for again? Who specifically? See when I hear tales of that battle it wasn't spiders that were first targeted and got that ball rolling. And since we're on the tale of sith, what are you doing off fighting sith lords anyway? Bring any back to start that whole issue over again did you? Maybe you'd like to blame that on us when they come for the trouble you cause them?"

The woman clenched her fist and grit her teeth, eye twitching slightly before she managed to force herself to shut up. She was breathing heavy like she was already in a fight, and the hair along her back stood more stiffly. She looked down a moment and gave an apologetic look to Bogdana for interrupting but otherwise mostly held her ground. She wasn't used to getting into any real arguments with witches, maybe a disrespectful male. But that was hardly an argument. And for witches outside her clan, she didn't often interact with most of those.



The Matron was aghast when Serrin mentioned her secret, that she was learning the dark side from a Master. For the first time her devlish smirk faded away, this Night Bearwr bot only detected her dark power, she had tilted with one. Bogdana has to assess how to proceed, deny and it would confirm The accusation of betrayal, should she admit to it, then all would know she was mixing teachings, which was blasphemous to most clans and would open her tp scrutiny.

To The Spider Matron’s relief Niara Niara approached and leveled her own venomous suspicions and assumptions which made her smile. This allowed Bogdana the opportunity to say nothing, to confirm nothing. Serrin would be distracted with responding to Niara’s word wrath.

To help this along she called to the Darkness to create more strife and tension, to cloak the entire discussion in its spirit. Her eyes burning vermillion red.


Serrin was taken aback when Felacian ( Niara Niara ) came to table and hurled accusations at her. The Night Bearer was rather uneasy about this, she had never met this Felacian, and she appeared capable of tending her asunder with little effort.

The Nicesister felt a swirl of the Sith power, baiting her to stand up and challenge this Accuser, when she calmed herself with some breaths. She remebered how EVE_0001 EVE_0001 had nearly killed her when she gave into anger on the Bith planet.

Opening her eyes, she began to reply to each statement,

You were not invited to be demeaned. I merely sense a power in your Matron that I have felt before. Even in myself..” She took a breath, “the power of the Dark Ones is seductive, if your Matron has given in to it, I cannot pass judgement having done so briefly.” She turned to look at Bogdana and bowed her head in contrition, “I apologize, I worry for our survival, having seen what the Sith can do, how they can tempt you to use anger to destroy you.. I.. should not have snapped back at you.

The Nicesister was wounded by the words that she might bring reprisals of the Sith upon them. It made her face grave.

You are right about the danger I may have caused Dathomir by fighting a Sith. That it could lead to a repeat of history..”
Serrin felt a tear roll down her cheek, her heart heaving. Serrin worried that he continued presence on Dathomir would bring woe to her world, she felt like Asajj Ventress, who returning to her Sisterhood lived with guilt that her revenge against her former Sith Master brought about the Dathomirian Genocide. Was Serrin repesting a ripple? Was she to doom her sisters? If it were so, she then eould cut herself off from the Covebn and flee to dark reaches to save her kin.

Looking up at Niara, her eyes watering, which she whiped away.
I assure you that there is no designs to wipe out your Clan. We nee your fire, your shadowcraft and spinning of webs, your skilled assasins to stop what is coming..”

She had not wanted to spoil the festivites, but looking to @Xaylin she decided to say it.

There is an enemy.. not far from our world, strong in Magic and with plans that pose a great threat to us all. This is why I have been training The Night Brothers.. to prepare for his coming.

She looked with golden eyes at Felacatian, bowing her head, and standing up,

Pardon me, I need to congratulate a friend who is dancing.

The Nicesister walked around the table and stood beside Niara.

Your spirit is strong, never lose that. We will all need to be as brave as you in the end.

Her words were ominious, Serrin had hope, that they could stop Sfant Scurgere, however, her heart was shrouded in sorrow. Not even the Solstice jubilance could bury her fear which Felacatian had articulated.

The Night Bearer approached the Bonfire of Twilight and looked at Lun who was hugging Asaaj. They were the Nightateers, having shared experiences and sisterly affection. Serrin walked around the fire to Asaaj and Lun and reached out her arms around them. In that moment she banished her anxieties and was there to congratulate Lun, and thank Asaaj for making their friend feel so accepted. This was new era on Dathomir, when Nightsister like Jedi and Sith was open to all species and races.

Astrid pentoghast

Location: dathomir
Obj: solstice
Tag: @Asaaj En Kelsanwa Serrin Zaylin Zaylin Bogdana Zaylin Zaylin

Astrid walked over to Lun Lun examining her looking over the young shape-shifter walking around her not saying anything yet as her nightsister robes clung to her form as her disdain was almost palpable as her darkside aura was on full display. She felt no need to hide it on dathomir around those who would call themselves nightsisters the sorceress wasn't pleased with all the non zabrak females becoming nightsisters and gaining access to nightsister majick.

"You have yet to go through the trial off worlder and yet I sense dathomir on you explain" she asked coldly looking at lun she New most nightsister clans where open to offworlders but her clan remained closed off. She had noticed the other two with lun but lun had grabbed her attention at the moment.

Objective: 1
Nearby: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Astrid pentoghast Serrin
Total tags: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Serrin Astrid pentoghast Zaylin Zaylin Bogdana

Another wonderfully bright smile as Serrin came for a hug as well, squeezing her in her arms despite the cuts still there.

Lun hesitated as Astrid walked over and began examining her, the question a lot more blunt perhaps compared to how Serrin and Asaaj had been so far. "Uh...crystals." she answered hesitantly, "It's...a story, kind of. I guess the short version is, I was kidnapped and changed into some other...thing. And now," she gestured to the glowing green patterns that formed just beneath her skin, "I'm just full of these."

She looked around a bit uncertainly, "For a lot of people they seem to cause problems but then I met these two." she smiled again nodding her horned head to Serrin and Asaaj, "I can't say I ever could have predicted how all these things could have turned out, but things could have been so much worse. Now, I'd say it's pretty good."

Appearance: light purple/red skin/short fur. Horns. Green eyes and markings. Wings.
Additional notes:
Imbued with nightsister force crystals/tainted nightsister crystals. These may cause unease or abnormal feelings (given present company, unlikely here)
For those that can sense it, Lun has two presences. They may sense that one seems to lack a mind/will of its own.
Katitik Hive Personal Shield generator
1Holdout Blaster
Ritual dagger used to make cuts where her ley lines may be for nightsisters.


Location: Dathomir
Outfit: Witch Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber and Nightsister energy bow
Objective: 1
Tags: Open

A night solstice on Dathomir had enticed the Jedi Witch to return her ancestors home world. She hadn't spent time during a celebration on Dathomir, more focused on learning her skills, the culture, people and building her connection with the Magicks of Dathomir. Which was making progress and her skills were growing more powerful as she understand the ways that her great grandmother and her ancestors used their powers to help those on Dathomir. There was a balance with it, like anything in life, and Dreidi was seeking that balance. To control herself and her powers to ensure she was able to help others and do good. Not just as a Jedi, but as a Witch as well.

Though others preferred the darkness, the dark emotions and the powers those bring. It wasn't her place to judge, and she didn't, they made a choice and she accepted that. As long as they accepted hers and did not confront her. She did not hide her Jedi weapon, though she dressed in traditional Dathomir attire for the celebration. Her arms were covered in tattoos and she kept her piercings in her pointed ears.

Looking around the festivities, there were many styles of witches and all held differing beliefs. She was curious where she would stand. Whether she would be accepted or not. Memories of her previous attempts to mingle with the witches were prominent in her mind, sometimes it went well, other times she was rejected for attempting to live two different lives in unison.

Hopefully she would experience the former once again.



After embracing her Sisters Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani and Lun Lun , the Night Bearer felt something she had never felt before. Unlike the shadow over Bogdana and swirling around Astrid pentoghast, there was Light. Serrin had never met a Jedi before, despite her travels with Lilastre. She placed a kiss on Lun’s cheek and patted Asaaj’s back shoulder blade as she made her way towards Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic with a look of awe. The legends that surrounded the Jedi were tales she heard as a child. There was some prejudices against them from Nightsisters, for they had been enemies, but one could not claim any Jedi lead a genocide like General Grevious under a Sith Lord. The Nicesister drew closee in her red dress, her tiara of Zabrak horns swaying as she came close to this Lady Jedi, who’s lightsaber confirmed she was indeed one of Guardians of Peace. Whole yes Dark Ones, called Soth carried them, she did not possess that chilling presence EVE_0001 EVE_0001 had on Bith. And yet she detected something else, magic? A Jedi Witch?! Could it be?! Dayhomir had drawn all types, Sith Sisters, Spider Sisters, Shifter Sister, Falleen Mother, Vampiric Sister, but not a Jedi! Not till now.

Serrin drew near to Dreidi Xeraic and gave a curtsy as she lifted her train on both sides, the vermillion see through cloth and thicker red underneath flowing like a canopy as she raised the ends and bowed.

Welcome! I welcome you to The Solstice.

The Night Bearer laid down her train and smiled as her golden eyes fixed on this Lady with very becoming Dathomirian features of pale skin, and silver white locks. She almost Sephi pointed ears and was adorned in reds of Night, which made Serrin wonder if she was Nightsister!

You must pardon if I stare, I have never met a Jedi and your attire makes me intrigued, are you a Nightsister?

The concept seemed an oxymoron, how could one be devoted to The Magicks and The Force? How could one be a Guardian of Peace and a Witch casting spells? For The Nicesister, the contradictions were not an issue. What mattered to Serrin was the heart. She preferred no burning stakes, and instead building bridges. If Nightsisters were to survive they must open the fold to all manner of witches. She had just had a lesson from Niara Niara in how even she through fear and prejudice could threaten everything they were trying to build.
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