Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - Of Caves and Conversations
Immediate Goals -
1: Have some lighthearted conversations with your estranged cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr
1.1: Have some difficult conversation with your soon-to-be even more estranged cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr
2: Mingle with the mighty.
2.1: Ascertain how much truth was there to Srina Talon Srina Talon and Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean 's affections for one another. (ACTIVE)
2.1: Investigate the red Twi'lek... (optional)

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr et. al.

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown


This was both the most unusual and yet most impactful conversation Trayze would have had so far - and it may especially be unusual to Srina's perspective. What was a cold rebuffment seemed to cause a broad smile to grow on the Kiffar's visage, eyes alit not with lustful challenge, but with the awe and hope a child might have gazing at the tinsel of Life Day presents. Indeed, despite himself, there was a sense of renewed hope that seemed to beam off of Trayze as she spoke of how she and Empyrean were not Emperor and Empress, but husband and wife, possessing one another, and brooking no additional parties.

And Trayze was overjoyed by that. "That is wonderful, Your Grace." he answered, with a sincerity that was reserved for relief around his closest confidants, and he knew this.

...He also realized that his big dumb grin could be wildly misinterpreted, so he definitely did not awkwardly shove that down to the pits of polite stoicism. Empress she may not be to Empyrean, but Empress she was still to Trayze - and he must act accordingly. "I ask these questions..." he restarted, after clearing his throat to hide giddiness that was no doubt unbecoming of a Sith - especially in the presence of royalty. "...Because trust is in short supply among Sith. To see that, let alone at the pinnacle of our Order is..."

Astounding? Elating? A hope that nearly bursts his heart after so much mind-numbing treachery among his so called peers?

"...Admirable. I seek to... emulate that." he added, realizing now the vast gulf between the two of them in nearly all aspects. "I... Understand that this is a personal matter, a-and I am not... not best acquainted with Your Grace..." he began to stammer, willing the fraying confidence back together to inquire. It would eat him alive if he didn't know. "But if it pleases you, and I have not been unfavorable in your sight, I would like to... learn and implement your successes in my own life..."

The die was cast, and Trayze could only hope that she would not think him an overly enthused fan, blinded by the pomp and circumstance of the Sith Imperial pageantry. Inner conflict resumed once more, between the decorum that was needed for a woman of her station, and the fiery emotions that propelled him forwards - but now the two seemed to stumble towards a goal, rather than fighting against one another.


Location: Dorvalla
Tag: Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar


Srina watched Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar closely, her golden eyes narrowing slightly as his exuberance unfolded before her. His smile, wide and sincere, struck her as peculiar in a setting dominated by cunning and restraint. She noted the shift in his demeanor—the stammering, the awkward attempts to compose himself—as though he realized too late the potential implications of his unguarded reaction.

"You cannot have Empyrean."

The statement was plain and more than a little deadpan, tinged, with a little frustration. Her elegant brow had pulled together while he spoke in circles, flowery, and with more adjectives than she knew what to do with. His statement that it was "wonderful" caused her eyes to settle on him differently. Was he mentally unhinged? Was this real life?

She had half a mind to call down the Corpse King there and then, if only, to hold his hand. Something was unsettling about this conversation that she couldn't quite put her finger on. If anything, the Lieutenant Inspector, could be quite pleased with himself for rattling her seemingly eternal and unshakable calm. Her teeth ground together whilst he continued but she was struck with a notion of analytical curiosity. Was he really this…Daft?
"A partnership rooted in mutual benefit is hardly something of legend…But this is what you aspire to?"

Her head tilted and she considered him with an expression that was more inquisitive than dismissive. Trust was…Rare. He wasn't wrong about that. Even rarer still was an expression of trust that did not serve a strategic purpose, but, Lt. Tesar couldn't be blamed for not realizing there was always something she had wanted from Empyrean. Him. Just…Him.

Not his power, his bank account, or his crown.

Just him.

It took the Empress several moments to realize what they were truly talking about and even longer still to wrap her mind around it. Echani were trained to think, act, not feel. Reserving emotion could cause them to make costly mistakes on the battlefield and Srina had been one of the most feared. She had an uncanny ability to turn anything else, off, to shut it all out. Only the kill mattered. Victory.

"…As long as you do not covet my husband…I have no reason to kill you…"

The response was delivered with utter seriousness, though, there was the distinct possibility that she was just poor at making light of a conversation. She wasn't entirely certain he could reference her marriage as a success considering her better half was dead, but she was content with it. There were things that she missed. His eyes…Before the Enclave stole them. The ability to sleep through the night in his arms because, above all, it was safe, to close her eyes.

There were no wars to fight, then.

No dagger in her back.

If she tried to embrace Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean now…The miasma he had in his core might kill her. She cleared her throat when she realized she was thinking too much about what had been. Srina had come to accept their romance of the mind and felt privileged to have as much of him as she did. Many widows were simply that.


Empyrean had never left her alone, not truly, not ever.

"Unless your bride is a corpse…I do not think you can replicate my situation.", she allowed a brief moment of silence before delivering a soft, chilly assessment. "If you're asking for my opinion…"

"You must first understand the nature of what you desire....Do you seek the companionship of another? Or are you seeking the illusion of certainty in a world where none exists?"

From being taken advantage of to potentially starting a war by insulting the wrong daughter of some prominent noble house, there was more, than just whimsy to consider. Her words, though clinical, carried the weight of experience and caution that was as much for his benefit as it reflected her own guarded nature. He seemed foolish…Enamored by the idea of love itself. A fool, in love with love. Srina couldn't begin to fathom what might bring this question to the forefront of his mind on a day like this.

What she had was inevitable.

It was a bond that transcended the fleeting passions and fragile alliances that so often characterized interpersonal Sith relationships. It was not a union of convenience but one of complete and total understanding. Her marriage was not marked by the fevered ardor of youthful infatuation, but by a deep-seated respect, an unspoken accord, that required no affirmation. He was her anchor, the celestial body of which, as a satellite, she orbited. There was no envy. It was just…

"In the end, it's rather simple.", her eyes shifted back toward the crowd again, still listening, but always paying close attention to her surroundings. "When you meet a person and find that you cannot breathe when they are not near…Never let them go."
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Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - Of Caves and Conversations
Immediate Goals -
1: Have some lighthearted conversations with your estranged cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr
1.1: Have some difficult conversation with your soon-to-be even more estranged cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr
2: Mingle with the mighty.
2.1: Try not to die to Srina Talon Srina Talon (She somehow thinks that you're into Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean ???)
2.2: Investigate the red Twi'lek... (optional)

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr et. al.

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown


Srina's declaration was worrying, unnecessary, and just plain... perplexing. The Kiffar Acolyte had little opportunity to relish the befuddlement he had inflicted upon the Dread Empress, for she in kind confounded him. His face twisted quizzically, not in offense, but sheer confusion - he had only mentioned her husband once in this conversation, and this was their first conversation? Was there some cultural faux-pas he was unaware of? Was Empyrean, to put it crassly, a "sleeper build"?

Something to ponder later - this conversation hadn't exactly been planned, or rehearsed with the decorum it probably should have, hence the two stumbling towards the point both of them were making. For now, he emphatically nodded when she asked if a partnership based on trust was what he wanted - and deception recoiled from him like chill before a fire. Despite the biting sarcasm that filmed under him - Seriously, has she met a Sith? Or was she too busy knitting jumpers for the kids to notice? he thought to himself - until he tasted the bittersweetness from her again. The holding of one another that was lost, the love that persevered despite what was taken.

Don't smile dumbly don't be romantic she can smell fear and she can
certainly smell you being a dumbass.

Each of her next points were well heard, and well saturated in Trayze's mind, and he agreed silently, bowing genuinely at the Empress' words. "I intend to." he answered firstly. "My intent, Your Grace, is to give as I have been given to - there are many who give themselves and are not rewarded. I desire not to be like them, nor be blind to all that has been given to me." he paused, and decided "kark it". "If you forgive me for speaking plainly, I seek to know when I know I have someone. The having, the holding, and hoping -" the blush rose in his face, he wasn't comfortable being sappy around anyone besides his kin, though there wasn't as much bashfulness as before. After all, how can one be embarrassed by who they truly were?

"Maybe it won't last forever, nothing does, but I would like to be true to one, and one to be true to me. You two have been the only one who haven't acted as conqueror or conquered in your relationship. As such, you two are a case I'd like to learn from, and when I do find someone who I cannot breathe without, not kark it up."

And then the grave diagnosis arose in the Enchani Empress' mind: aphasiac chilvary-ophilia, a terminal case of one. Whether by the efficacy of propagandized media, one role model or another, or the innate weave of his heart, Trayze Tesar was head over heels in love with a love that was not yet to be - and perhaps never could be due to the nature of the Sith.

"Your willingness to support the ban on the N&Z Corporation speaks volumes about your commitment to our partnership and assures me that the Federation's resources will not be wasted in bringing your fiefdom to new heights." The Neimoidian expressed with a gentle motion.

Being reluctant to allocate resources to an ally deemed unreliable, fearing that such an investment would be squandered on trivial disputes with other fiefdoms within the Sith Empire, rather than contributing to the establishment of a robust economic foundation where the Trade Federation could profit.

He cast a sidelong glance at Elara, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "And as for you, dear Viper, charm and wit are indeed potent tools in diplomacy. But let us hope that our dealings remain less… colorful than your repartees. We have much work to do, and the stakes are high."

Lodd straightened, his demeanor shifting to one of grave sincerity as the terms of their agreement neared completion. Although he appreciated the girl's presence during their conversation, as previously noted, the nature of business demanded a level of seriousness; otherwise, competitors would perceive one as a mere jest.

In the commerce-driven society of the Neimoidians, such a perception was intolerable, particularly for someone in the position of the Trade Monarch. "You shall be receiving an encrypted mechno-chair from the Trade Federation, so that we may stay in touch with each other. It will also allow us to solve any potential complications within the Sith perhaps the noses of the Dark Councilors." Lodd spoke in a subdued voice, careful to ensure that no onlookers could overhear their intention to maintain communication through a secure channel rather than utilizing the Sith Holonet terminals.

He harbored significant distrust towards the Dark Councilors, believing they would not ignore the emergence of the asteroid field as a significant rising power and would want to squash any overt ambition on the part of Governor Vax with or without public knowledge of the Federation's support.

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Location: Underground Ballroom - Dorvalla
Attire: White Outfit
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber - Purple Blade │ Phase III “Force Avenger” Energy ShieldFAE/U-01 "Serenity" Anti-Signal Field System
Tag: Pacificus Pacificus

Ellissanthia’s features hardened as Pacificus spoke, his tone equal parts patronizing and reprimanding. Her eyes widened then, exposing the whites as the Ualaq’s words registered within her awareness. In the process, realization washed over the Undine as the silent questions that had lingered within her mind were finally answered. Pacificus—the Ashla-sworn heretic Sith (an insult to even think of him as a Sith to begin with)—perceived her as little more than an animal.

A cherished pet.

Her eye twitched, but the Undine maintained control even as her lips curled involuntarily.

“Well, it was absolutely lovely to meet you, Pacificus Metellos!” Ellissanthia spilled out in a sickly-sweet tone, offering her hand in a wave as she did. “And...I do so hope that the Heart of Ashla does not find you overshadowed by the Sith of this Order.” She added.

With that, the Undine offered the “Sith” a shallow bow before turning to leave, a powerful nausea rising in her stomach as she did.

Thread Exit.

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