Trayze Tesar
Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - Of Caves and Conversations
Immediate Goals -
1: Have some lighthearted conversations with your estranged cousin,
Darth Malum of House Marr
1.1: Have some difficult conversation with your soon-to-be even more estranged cousin,
Darth Malum of House Marr
2: Chin-wag with the Queen of Witches (COMPLETE - Long Term Objectives have been updated...)
2: Mingle with the mighty.
2.1: Investigate the red Twi'lek... (optional)
Darth Malum of House Marr
et. al.
OPFOR - Enemy Unknown
Srina Talon
The message was clear, she did not expect him to survive - but for Trayze, as she made her dramatic exit, the Queen of Witches would be visited by him. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, or next week, but if there was one person who could help him untangle the mystery of the immortal soul - it would be the Witches of Dathomir.
Them, and the bloody Empress-Consort of Jutrand, who decided to grace the halls with her presence.
It was not unexpected, Darth Malum wanted as many movers and shakers in the Sith Empire in one place - but what was expected was that arguably the greatest had arrived. Who next? One of Carnifex's lieutenants would also be seen at the buffet table? While Trayze had arrived to show his solidarity to Malum's movement, he had his own ambitions, and they wouldn't squander an opportunity such as this.
Emboldened by the fact that he hadn't been turned into anything... unnatural after boldly addressing the Queen of the Dathomiri, Trayze decided to make his way over to the silver haired Mistress of the Eternalists. The Force, fortune, Bogan, or whoever was in charge of the fates appeared to be granting him the opportunity to speak, or ascertain something he had sensed at a Life Day event almost a lifetime ago.
He wanted to be true, needed it, because in a Galaxy as chaotic as this, as wretched as things have become, he needed to know that love could be true - whether or not the Empress shared his romantic sentiments would be a questioned answered at a much later date.
Srina Talon
would find Trayze in her shadow, before bowing and addressing her. "Your Imperial Majesty, you honor us with your presence. How are you?"
Immediate Goals -
1: Have some lighthearted conversations with your estranged cousin,

1.1: Have some difficult conversation with your soon-to-be even more estranged cousin,

2: Mingle with the mighty.
2.1: Investigate the red Twi'lek... (optional)

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown

The message was clear, she did not expect him to survive - but for Trayze, as she made her dramatic exit, the Queen of Witches would be visited by him. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, or next week, but if there was one person who could help him untangle the mystery of the immortal soul - it would be the Witches of Dathomir.
Them, and the bloody Empress-Consort of Jutrand, who decided to grace the halls with her presence.
It was not unexpected, Darth Malum wanted as many movers and shakers in the Sith Empire in one place - but what was expected was that arguably the greatest had arrived. Who next? One of Carnifex's lieutenants would also be seen at the buffet table? While Trayze had arrived to show his solidarity to Malum's movement, he had his own ambitions, and they wouldn't squander an opportunity such as this.
Emboldened by the fact that he hadn't been turned into anything... unnatural after boldly addressing the Queen of the Dathomiri, Trayze decided to make his way over to the silver haired Mistress of the Eternalists. The Force, fortune, Bogan, or whoever was in charge of the fates appeared to be granting him the opportunity to speak, or ascertain something he had sensed at a Life Day event almost a lifetime ago.
He wanted to be true, needed it, because in a Galaxy as chaotic as this, as wretched as things have become, he needed to know that love could be true - whether or not the Empress shared his romantic sentiments would be a questioned answered at a much later date.