Darth Vulcanus
Better than other-other space Kaiden
The platform vanished in a blur of speed, the warlord's entire world eclipsed in darkness for only the briefest of moments before he felt the crash. As if he'd circled whatever twisted globe he now inhabited, Vulcanus had disappeared into the inky black only to find himself flying back towards it from the opposite direction. Bones splintered and tendons snapped as he slammed into the platform, body tumbling past Hord and Sanem before falling from the edge once again. Just as before he seemed to plummet for only a brief moment before slamming back into the platform, this time falling straight down into the center of the arena.
Vulcanus groaned. The beast could feel spears of bone piercing through his skin. Slowly he looked up, his blurry vision barely able to make out the immaterial blobs of Sanem and Hord standing above him. The beast slurred nonsensical Graug speak at the two of them, shards of teeth falling from his mouth alongside the freefall of black blood. Hord laughed and his hand twitched once more. Vulcanus found himself thrown to his feet. The beast stumbled backwards and nearly fell over, just managing not to fall back flat as he looked himself over.
"If you are so powerful and so all knowing" Sanem scolded, "then heal your shattered body. Resurrect yourself as The Lord of Hate has, prove yourself the god you so claim to be."
Vulcanus slurred something unintelligible once more, steam rising from his wounds as the skin cauterized itself - leaving ribs jutting through his hide and bones shattered in his arm. Sanem scoffed, "pathetic. A single attack from the Lord of Hate has ruined your body and all you can manage is to stunt the bleeding. You are nothing but a God of Delusion, a worm in the shadow of greater Sith.
"Every defeat you suffer is not a lesson learned or a weakness conquered - it is a cancer eating away whatever power you could attain. You do not conquer defeat, you hide away in the shadows of yourself in hopes that it will never again show its head."
Enough. Vulcanus' loose jaw dangled from his skull as he swung wide at Sanem. There was a crack, a hiss and then a cylinder of red light. The beast roared in agony as Hord's saber passed through his arm and sent it spiraling into the darkness - leaving only a smoking nub behind. The saber flashed through the air, came back down and then Vulcanus' leg was replaced by smoking remains as well. The Graug warlord plummeted to the ground, catching himself on single knee and hand as the pain poured from him in deep, roaring groans.
Sanem leered over the beast with glowing eyes, "even your victories haunt you don't they. You can't stand to it, the loss of your eye. Oh and this moment" the apparition drank in the raw emotions, "yes the Jedi that took your arm and leg...one of them was merely a padawaan...so pathetic you are."
There were no words said between them, but Sanem could feel the beast's mind banishing the thoughts. "No!" Sanem commanded, "stew in your pathetic loss. In your weakness. Time again your enemies elude you. Defeat you. You waste your mind and this is why they will always defeat you. You have studied the tomes and learned nothing. Watched the holocrons and learned nothing. Accept your defeat. Accept your loss. Accept what you are, Vulcanus, and let the Darkside free you"
"Break your chains..."
Vulcanus whimpered beneath the two Master Sith, finding a reflection in this pain that he had never once experienced in his life. He could see it all so vividly. The battle with Teferi on Korriban. The defeat of his hordes by The Republic. The madness and confusion as his mind broke after the fall of The Empire. The battle with the Jedi in the Unknown regions where he lost his arm and leg. The Atrisian ritual and the twenty year prison he was held in the netherworld...his resurrection and the chain The Shaper had placed on him.
All of it defeat after defeat. Why? He was Graug...he was destined to rule-
"Destiny is a lie, a tool of control by The Force. A Sith seeks not to fulfill a prophecy, a Sith seeks to divert it - to change the course of time in anyway we choose. If the lightside is a river than the darkside is the dam. Countless beings in this galaxy submit themselves to 'destiny' and the Jedi themselves submit themselves to prophecy. The Force will do anything it can to ensure its prophecies and destiny's are fulfilled. Sith like Vader? Maul? They were slaves to prophecy and destiny just as you have been."
Vulcanus' good eye went wide, his mind spinning with the possibility. Why did it make sense? The Jedi spoke always of destiny. Prophecy...yet he himself never questioned it from The Empire, from his own people...Sanem himself had just told him the truth of his visions. It was control. Sedation of his will.
"The Force wants you to call yourself a God. To repeat your mistakes" Sanem spoke in a voice like that of a shadow, "it is your destiny to live like a god and die like a mortal"
Hord's lightsaber rose high in the air, the crimson light cast upon Vulcanus' head as it was aimed, "your body has almost destroyed itself. The battle outside comes to a close. Will you take the discarded bones of the Sith before you and pave your path to greatness...or will The Force's destiny kill you once more?"
The blade fell. Time slowed. The world had changed. Vulcanus had been weak. He had been defeated time and again and never once did he reflect on it, never once did it make him stronger. Ages of Sith history had been at his finger tips and he had forsaken it. Vulcanus looked up the falling crimson blade and realized something...
...Everything was clear now. Sanem did not control this place. Hord did not control this place. The apparition had said so himself, this was his own mind. Sanem had done what The Force had done to him for his entire life - Sanem had placed himself into Vulcanus' own mind and convinced him that his truth was paramount.
Vulcanus' working arm shot upward and snatched Hord's arm in mid-air, the beast balancing himself on knee. This was his mind...Hord's power was here with him now and there was nothing to stop him from using it. No force. No destiny. No Sanem. Hord's arm snapped under The Graug's grip and the Lord of Hate howled...his power surged...but it was not his arm that healed.
This apparition was a conjuring of his own mind, a phantom created by it and the concoction he had been given. It held the secrets that The Worm had wished him to learn. Suddenly, tendons grew out from Vulcanus' smoking nubs until soon they were joined by bones that grew back into place out from his thigh and muscles that wrapped themselves around growing tissue. Before their eyes Vulcanus fed on Hord's own hate and healed his body - just like the ancient lord of old had so many thousands of years ago.
Sanem smirked. Hord pulled away.
Then Vulcanus summoned a fire in his gut and unleashed it onto the ancient Hord - vaporizing the spirit until only he and Sanem reamined...