Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Ossus Massacre │ SE Invasion of SJC held Jomark & Nespis VIII

Location: Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Ebony Torrent, somewhere in the Adega System
Objective: I Blackout
Allies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Enemies: Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Errix Feh'room

Gir watched as the Red Dragon and its consorts reacted to Wave One's hit and fade. Several fighters exploded out of the sheer density of the counter fire. Massive walls of flak were expected based on Katarn Squadron's attack - hence the hit and fade style of attack. The droid fighters and gunships didn't bother to chase the Tomb starfighters and instead kept moving at top speed away from that Sith formation and instead sped towards the Assessor's formation. As they did, hundreds more flashes of cronau radiation appeared as Wave 3 decanted into realspace to join Wave 1.

"Looks like the gamble failed," said Ariela.

Gir nodded in agreement, "If we had pulled more fighters away from their warships, it would have worked nicely as a flanking attack, but it can't be helped. It was ruined in a good way."

The appearance of GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. 's fleet had raised his spirits, as well as those of the crew around him. Perhaps more significantly, it appeared that the Sith forces all around them were on the defensive. The second wave of starbombers that had attacked Errix Feh'room 's fleet fell back - most of their ordnance was expended which severely limited their combat effectiveness, and their goal of relieving the Yurbian vessels had been achieved. And yet we are not in the clear yet...

The Midnight Darkest and Ebony Torrent violently lurched into realspace near Ossus on an approach vector towards the Yurbian craft. Gir grabbed ahold of a steel railing around the holo-tank as the ship's inertial compensators fought to suddenly cope with the premature reversion. Gravity well projectors...again. He sighed as a gunnery officer flagged him down.

"Sir, some of the enemy warships are at the extremes of some of our weapons range. They appear to be led by a Vindicator Cruiser."

An old ship, but a good one at that. Interesting. And a ship that would probably do fairly well against our fighters. He considered the tactical screen. Wave One was rushing down on the same cruiser and its formation, but also fairly close to the Red Iron currently on its return journey. None of the ships were in range or within the fire of all of his weapon systems though - oddly enough, it was mostly from his mass driver cannons and plasma energy torpedo launchers. Might as well, doubt it'll do anything though.

"Fire at will. We'll keep our gunners and the Sith busy," said the blonde man, turning his attention to the holo-tank, "recall all starbombers for rearming and refueling. Have Waves One and Three harass the Red Iron and any small craft near it, but only as a drive by. We will recover and rearm them again before heading out. Get me a line with the Yurbian captain and that new task force's commander. It's time to talk strategy."

"Aye sir."

A new voice called out to him.

"Incoming voice-only transmission, I think you should hear it sir," said his mon calamari communication's officer.

"Patch it through."

"Mayday, mayday. This is Captain Drake of the survey ship Constellation to any Concord vessel that can hear me. We are stranded here in Adega system. Long range communications are out. If you can keep the Sith occupied, I am willing to attempt a direct interface with the holonet relay in orbit."

Gir considered. We're not really losing anything here by helping him, are we? The man considered. We don't have many forces available to help out...but...

"Send a message telling Captain Drake that we accept. I think we've kept them fairly busy, but just to be on the safe side, let's hold off on launching our starbombers again for the moment and keep them on reserve. Recall some of the Peth Pinooks too, let's get them ready to provide some help for our newfound friend."

Even as the admiral talked, new sensor signatures might appear on the long-range sensors of some vessels as a massive Silver Jedi warship sailed through the edges of the system while still in hyperspace to Ossus.

Task Force Torrent (5 kilometers of ships)
Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Ebony Torrent
-6 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-12 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers (1 destroyed)
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Midnight Darkest
-12 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-6 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue One
-2 4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Two
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Three
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Red One
-2 squadrons of Peth Pinook-series Fighter Gigs
-1 squadron of T9 Phantasm-class Starfighters
-1 squadron of Sowa Stealth Recon Drones

Unknown Silver Jedi Forces (10 km+)
To be revealed

Summary of Actions
-@Atlas Drake contacted
-Wave 1 (composed of 12 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters and 4 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships) continue towards Yurbian ships (and by extension Erric's/Assessor's vessels) (2 squadrons of Droid Fighters and several gunships lost to flak)
-Wave 2 (composed of 18 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Bombers armed with Starfall Heavy Proton Rockets and StarCore Concussion Missiles) falls back to rearm/repair on carriers (1 squadron of bombers lost)
-Wave 3 emerge (composed of 18 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters) and join up with Wave 1
-Ebony Torrent and Midnight Darkest reemerge near Kainate Assessor's fleet - fire indiscriminately on Assessor's fleet from a long range
-Martan-seris Carrier Corvettes reemerge at a new point mid-system, prepare to jump again
-Unknown Silver Jedi Forces enter the Ossus system itself - still in hyperspace en route directly to Ossus
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective III.: Corruption
Location: Sith Eternal’s ship
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
As they progressed through the vents, Sakadi answered the Shadowcat's question about the Jedi. As for the Shadowcat, they didn't think for a moment that they could be trapped. Dis didn't want to cheat on her and didn't know anything about the war plans or who was where on the ship. They didn't come to the planet to fight anyway, but to look around. Like a tourist. And they hoped they could save some artefacts and mortals. They would have been happy then.

~ You are very similar to the Sith, I mean, most of them are looking for and researching the same. Sure, there are those who want power, but not all of them. ~

They explained enthusiastically, but without any negatives.

~ I am now learning Force Alchemy from the Sith and mainly theoretical knowledge for magic. I deal with archaeology, finding and restoring old objects and artefacts, creating new lovely life forms and making gifts. I have to learn from them that if I find something I know what it is, if it’s dangerous, it can’t hurt anyone. ~ narrated enthusiastically and carefree, while also conveying these feelings to Sakadi. ~ Because of these I'm not a bad Shadow, am I? ~ asked a little worried and conveyed these feelings as well. ~ But I'm also open to Jedi teachings, do you think I could learn a few things from you… from the Jedi too? ~ now they were enthusiastic and interested again.

Arriving at the elevator, the Shadowcat watched with interest as the Jedi neutralized the two soldiers. After the question, they looked up at the woman, conveying their gratitude to the woman before answering.

~ As long as I’m immaterial, not much can hurt me. I’m not invulnerable, but average weapons can’t hurt me. I can hide well. But if you want, I can take you to the bridge like a prisoner and use the body of one of the guards as a host until then. To get to the bridge safely. ~ offered the opportunity.

In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Open Space over Ossus
LOCAL TIME: Sometime after 1300 hours
The Carrier "Liberation"
ORDERS: Keep the pressure on the Sith Fleet.
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
TARGETS: Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Errix Feh'room


"Go ahead, Tactical," Halpern responded, Liram was busy analyzing the fighter's attacks, losses, and overall effectiveness of the plan at the moment. This was normally something that Rojuh Pouil, the Flight Director and long-time wingmate and friend would be doing, but he was busy leading Alpha Wave. They were in the middle of drawing as much fire as possible and taking down enemy bombers and fighters. The Gale Class fighters and A-wings were suffering heavy losses, but they knew that this would happen going into the situation. It took a lot of guts, and not a lot of sanity to fly an A-wing like many of them do.

"Sir, the Sith Interdictor's gravity wells are disabling the Ebony Torrent and the Midnight Darkest, there is also another battlegroup moving into the theater lead by a Vindicator Class cruiser, Admiral Quee's forces are positioning to engage. Gundark 4 is reporting catastrophic systems failures. They are moving to their escape pods."

Halpern knew what Liram would say at this point, but tapped him on the shoulder anyway, he himself went on comms to contact Chief Gribbs down on the launch deck to get them ready for refueling and rearming of all of the surviving bombers and X-wings. The X-wings would be rearmed proton torpedoes to compensate for the bomber losses. The bombers of the Liberation would be loaded ion bombs and torpedoes, the corvette and cruiser bombers would be reloaded with traditional projectiles.

" Inform all gunnery stations. I want all turbolasers to begin targeting the Star Destroyers. Focus Fire on them. Helm, slowly begin to "close the net" and bring us in, minimal sublight power. Contact Gundark 4, before they leave, have them transfer power to the engines and auto direct it at maximum possible speed to the nearest Sith Interdictor for tactical ramming. That will draw some attention."

He did not want any of the crew of that failing Corvette to lose their lives needlessly, not even her Captain, but the ship was lost, and the move "should" either bring the ship's hull directly into one of the Sith's gravity wells or draw enough attention to allow for what he was about to tell Rojuh and Scott. Tapping his comm-link to their connected frequency,

" I want Alpha to keep the pressure up with high-speed weapons suppression... you know this... attack speed... double front shields... starburst exit patterns. Gale's can continue fighter suppression, and A-wings running on the Interdictor that Gundark is about to move on. Keep everyone you can off-balance so that Bravo can draw their fire and start focusing on turrets."

"You're changing our attack plan!" Scott really needs to learn how to think his comments through sometimes.

" I"m changing nothing, Lieutenant. They're adapting and so are we. Charlie wave still needs to be able to hit their targets and so do we. That is why you're rearming too."

"No more concussion missiles?"

" Proton torpedoes. You've used the A-wings payload long enough.



" Go..."

"Explosions detected on what looks to be the Sith Flagship... identifying as Red Dragon... they look to be explosive based, not from weapons fire."

Halpern looked up from his station. "We got people on there. Could be Special Forces."

" Size of the explosions?"

"Ever seen a supervillain on a holo-movie?"

Both Halpern and Angellus laughed.

" That's Omega Squad. Tactical, I want all other ships to continue fire on the other Star Destroyers. Put our heavy guns on the "Red Dragon", give our boys a chance. Commo, patch me through to the 'Ebony Torrent."

"Go ahead, sir."

" Sorry, we're late to the part, Admiral. Traffic was at a standstill. Just let me know where you need us."

The Liberation
5 Squadrons NC-1 X-Wing
4 Squadrons RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor (6 fighters lost)
4 Squadrons Telepath-III strategic bomber(1 lost)
2 Squadrons Gregale-class Heavy Fighter
3 Squadrons Apex Heavy Escort Fighter
2 Squadrons "Arch-Angel" Heavy Dropship/Gunship

Green 6”
4 Squadrons NC-1 X-Wing

Green 7”
4 Squadrons Telepath-III strategic bomber

Green 8”
4 Squadrons NC-1 X-Wing

Green 9”
4 Squadrons Telepath-III strategic bomber

Green 10”
4 Squadrons NC-1 X-Wing

Green 11”
4 Squadrons Telepath-III strategic bomber(1 lost)

Green 12”
4 Squadrons NC-1 X-Wing(1 lost)

Green 13”
4 Squadrons Gale Class Starfighter(1/2 squadron lost)

Green 14”
4 Squadrons Gale Class Starfighter

Green 15”
4 Squadrons Gale Class Starfighter

4 Squadrons Erakyte-Class Heavy Bomber(lost)

4 Squadrons Vortex-II Class Interceptor(1 squadron lost)

Gundark 3

Gundark 4”(going down)

  1. Voodoo 2 (Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 3 (Wi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 4 (Fi Squadron)NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 5 (Prac Squadron)NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 6 (Tic Squadron)NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 7 (Tac Squadron)[ RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  7. Voodoo 8 (Gator Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  8. Voodoo 9 (Cal Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  9. Voodoo 10 (Jok Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  10. Voodoo 11 (Kers Squadron)Telepath-III strategic bomber
  11. Voodoo 12 (Murr Squadron)Telepath-III strategic bomber
  12. Voodoo 13 (Que Squadron)Telepath-III strategic bomber
  13. Voodoo 14 (Joe Squadron)Telepath-III strategic bomber
  14. Voodoo 15 (Gatto Squadron)Gregale-class Heavy Fighter
  15. Voodoo 16 (Vulcano Squadron)Gregale-class Heavy Fighter
  16. Voodoo 17 (Larry Squadron)OSA-04 Apex Heavy Escort Fighter
  17. Voodoo 18 (Gunk Squadron)OSA-04 Apex Heavy Escort Fighter
  18. Voodoo 19 (Domo Squadron)OSA-04 Apex Heavy Escort Fighter
  19. Voodoo 20(Ferret Squadron)OSA-03 "Arch-Angel" Heavy Dropship/Gunship
  20. Voodoo 21 (Ferret II Squadron)OSA-03 "Arch-Angel" Heavy Dropship/Gunship

  1. Fleet slowly moving in.
  2. Carrier Corvettes, and Interdictors focusing fire on supporting Star Destroyers.
  3. "The Liberation" focusing fire on "The Red Dragon"
  4. GreGale Class fighters continue to hit Sith Fighters and Bombers while drawing fire, moving from Port to Starboard and back.
  5. A-wing Interceptors conducting high-speed fire suppression, firing on fighters, and frigate turrets at attack speed in high speed passes. Targeting is not as important as holding aggro.
  6. X-wings target frigate and cruiser turrets on attack-runs at Sith Interdictors, all to keep the fire off of Gundark 4.
  7. Bombers and gunships now focus their attention on Star Destroyers. Moving Port to Starboard and back.
  8. "The Liberation" launch bay will receive incoming X-wings and bombers. X-wings will receive Proton Torpedoes, Bombers will continue within payloads.
  9. "Gundark 4" is going down and automatically set for tactical ramming into Sith Interdictor.
  10. Interdiction fields will only be set if traps are sprung. If not and they move in, both "Dragnet" and "Magneto" will be at maximum firing distance, just like "Liberation".


Objective 3
Location: Approaching bridge of The Red Dragon (Arriving in upcoming round.)
Writing with: Dis Dis
Tagging: Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion Quintus Varro Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Sakadi chose not to respond to the claims and explanations of the shadowcat. Yes, there were resemblances between Jedi and Sith. But far more that set them apart. Enough to justify wars and for them to not see eye to eye for millennia. "Our knowledge of the Force is directly rooted in our spiritual beliefs. I would consider it impossible to learn one without discarding the other." She calmly said with a shrug.

She thought for a moment after Dis further explained his abilities, and a beginnings of a plan to her. Chances were that the Sith on the bridge would see right through their attempt. And if that were the case, they would put one of the unconscious guards at risk… "It might be better for you to possess a guard on the bridge. If they don't fall for it, we will endanger the guard's life." It was difficult to come up with a plan without knowing what exactly to expect.

With a deep breath, the Jedi Master made her way to the elevator. She had no plan and no backup, relying solely on that which she trusted the most. The Force.

Her hand slid over the panel until she found the corresponding level. She pressed against the small panel and the elevator began to move upward, carrying the Jedi and the Shadow toward the eye of the storm.


Objective I: Blackout
Allies: Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea
Enemies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

"Ships entering back into range.", Vo offered Tithon.​
His gaze had momentarilly moved to the heads up display showing the explosions on the 'Red Dragon'. He considered what damage a single freighter could've done by getting past their line - and it seemed it was more than he thought. Whatever the case, the security on the ship was failing; whether that was due to incompetence or simply overwhelming odds he couldn't be sure, but he'd check in with them in a moment.​
"Lieutenant, sit rep on the approaching ships.", he said as the distant corvettes began to fire on the Belated. It's shields flared at the multi faceted assault, but the armament on them was barely above civilian grade. Against a Star Destroyer - they were more annoyance than anything else.​
"Carriers, almost all of them. A light corvette is currently approaching with an interception path for the Belated, but its heavily damaged.", she repeated to him. The ship itself was 50 meters, it wasn't going to cause much harm alone - but it would do more damage than the corvettes firing upon them.​
"Flagship appears to be attempting to fire upon the 'Red Dragon' - indiscriminately. 'Red Dragon' shields are holding - but may fail if the boarding party they deal with disables the power."​
Something Tithon hoped they wouldn't manage.​
"Focus appears to be on Squadron 1 and 2, taking heavy losses. The Frigates are currently unaffected by any serious damage - but Nuemidon is reporting a draw towards critical shields. Orders?"​
"Order the Carnation and Stygian pride to open up broadside cannons against the ramming ship. I don't want it getting near the Belated.", he motioned with a finger. The Assault Cruisers were purpose built anti-capital ships, and their guns were able to decimate far larger vessels than even them - their broadside cannons would be a simple fix against a damaged corvette with standard defenses and no crew.​
"Keep the Starfighters out as long as possible - they serve as excellent bait to keep their squadrons close. The Frigates are doing well in their picket role, leave them be.", he ordered again. The starships were heavily outnumbered, but that only worked in their favor as the frigates filled the air with a wall of flak and plasma that would destroy ships that attempted to fly through - a simple response, since the fleet was focused on escort. It would, however, leave the remaining starfighters to be destroyed - at least until the air would be clear enough for others to depart.​
"Bring the Belated's guns on their Corvettes. Nearest first, then work the way down. Insure these fighters don't have somewhere to dock by the end of this assault.", and so his will be done. The Belated was a monsterous star destroyer built with less defenses than most, but compensated fully with a powerful ship killing capital weaponry arsenal that matched Battlecruisers like the 'Red Dragon' - even if it didn't even closely match its size.​
For the opposing flagship, it would find that all the power of the 'Red Dragon' had been diverted to shields and engines - so while it would not be fired back upon, it would watch as the powerful shield generators of the ship would flare and calm with each concurrent strike of their weapons. Fires would burn beneath the shielding, but it was relatively superficial to the super structure - at least for the moment.​
Tithon glanced to the 'Red Dragon' on his tactical display, and noted how far it was from the drop point. Only a few more minutes - that's all it would take, and they'd be in position. He didn't pretend to understand Sith Rituals or the Force like the Worm Emperor - so he only had to hope that what they said was true. That this would truly be the thing that won them this planet; because he could feel it in his gut that their time was going to start running out.​
The moment Voss was informed of the fleet, reliefs ships would be spurred into action and they would be fighting more than just star fighters and escort carriers but a fully armed invasion force. Without the support of the remaining defense fleet on Korriban, they wouldn't stand a chance. He had told them to bring more, but the Dark Council knew the risks of an all or none invasion - that if they lost the fleet over Ossus, they wouldn't be able to hold back the overwhelmed Sith Empire or the Warlords, let alone a Silver counter strike.​
So all his bets were here and now, that the 'Red Dragon' made it - and the Worm Emperor was full of more than hot air. He exhaled heavily as he considered the ramifications of such, but let the thought die out as his eyes returned on the battle before him.​
Star Destroyers:
1x SD-9s "Khan" Class Sith Star Destroyer - Belated
8x SFi-3 "Tomb" Class Starfighter
(0 Deployed, 1 Destroyed)
3x GS-60 "Valkyrie" Class Heavy TIE Fighter
2x SC-07 "Lussk" Class Assault Cruiser
2x SFi-3 "Tomb" Class Starfighter
(0 Deployed, 2Destroyed)
Carnation & Stygian Pride
4x SF-13 "Legion" Class Star Frigate
12x SFi-3 "Tomb" Class Starfighter
(0 Deployed, 2 Destroyed)
Cauldron // Red Iron // Nuemidon // Velum


Protecting the Little Ones
Ossus Temple Courtyard
Tags: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
At Thirdas behest the herd of younglings set off, following the two strangers; one of whom was a Jedi, while the other remained a mystery. Loyalties didn't really matter to a child when their whole world was coming under fire and they had to flee for their lives. Still, they trusted Thirdas to know what was best for them, even though the man himself really had no clue whether it was safer to wait out the attack inside the temple or make a run for it. He'd chosen the latter.

He brought up the rear as they bolted across the chaotic courtyard, making sure they didn't lose any kids to any would-be assailants. Armed only with a blaster and his trusty axe from home, he took what few potshots he could while on the run, firing on anyone getting too close. One of these Sith went in for a wide slash with his lightsaber, prompting Thirdas to get down and slide along the ground until his foot connected with that of the dark acolyte, sweeping his legs from under him to put him on his back. The Valkyri followed up by ramming his metallic fist through his helmet, splitting it open and breaking the acolyte's jaw. Lucky for him he was knocked unconscious before he could feel the pain.

Once back on his feet he maintained his vigil over the group, spotting Thesh picking a boy off the ground. Seeing that made his doubts about him disappear in an instant.

Another Sith attempted to secure an easy victory by cutting down one of the younglings, but all he got was an axe embedding itself into the back of his head, buried so deep it came out the front. As Thirdas pried it off him, his skull split apart entirely, spilling its gooey contents upon the courtyard.

"There," he called out to the rest of the group once they'd reached the southern entrance, using his axe to point.

"An evacuation shuttle! The pilot should be programmed to get them off this rock and somewhere safe!" A droid pilot, but it would have to do.

Turning to fire indiscriminately at a trio of pursuers brandishing their crimson sabers, however most of his shorts were either parried or inaccurate. It was a pretty crappy gun he'd just taken off some corpse. He eventually managed to shoot one of them in the shoulder, putting them out of action for a brief moment. The other two closed the distance quickly, forcing Thirdas to use his phrik-plated right arm to block their relentless saber assault, leaving him little room to counter with his melee.

Help arrived in the unlikely form of a series of small rocks and items being hurled their way, interrupting their attacks as they were forced to defend against incoming projectiles. He caught a glimpse at the six or so younglings that had banded together to help out, one of whom was Lee-Loo, using their limited skills in the Force. While one of the Sith was distracted, reaching out to stop the onslaught of tiny projectiles, Thirdas brought his axe down to sever the arm instead.

These were not the clean cuts of a lightsaber. Blood came pouring from the open wound as bones were broken and sinew torn asunder; the way his people fought against any who would destroy their world and what they hold dear.

This still left one other Sith attacker, and now the wounded one from earlier had rejoined the fight, having shaken off the blaster round to his shoulder.
Objective II: Regicide
Location: Ossus Temple Courtyard
Equipment: Armor | Lightsaber | Energy Bow | Bracelet

Absorbed in fighting off the Sith, Starlin turned at the sound of Thirdas’ voice to find the big guy pointing to the shuttle with an axe covered in blood and brain matter. Starlin barely reacted to it, already yelling at the kids to “go, go, go!” and standing by to guard them as the younglings boarded the escape craft.

The final Sith lunged from one side, while the wounded other came at Starlin from another angle. Starlin’s lightsaber flashed blue, spinning wildly as he blocked their attacks. He was totally unaware of the world beyond his immediate surroundings, totally focused on this defense.

A red lightsaber blade aimed for his neck, but bounced off his phrik armored shoulder instead. Starlin veered back, heat blooming in his throat. He spat fire at the Sith like a dragon, just as Syd had taught him. One was caught by the flames and fell to the ground screaming and rolling around in the snow. The other, blood leaking from his wounded shoulder, stabbed at Starlin’s side, missing a soft spot by mere millimeters. With a roar and a leap, the Padawan decapitated him.

Before the Sith’s head could crunch in the snow, Starlin whirled to see the last of the younglings disappearing inside the shuttle. The craft powered up and started to rise through the blizzard. Thesh had made the call to keep them from being attacked. There was nothing else to be done except hope that they made it through space to safety. The Padawan now turned to glance at the ginger acolyte.

“Now what? Are we still on?”

"You know I can't do that," he responded to Grundark Grundark 's personal statement to him over the comms. He cut himself off from the channel as soon as it was said, he didn't need the cragmoloid worrying about him when he had his own concerns to deal with. They both knew how it had to go in truth, he had slighted his own master and the plans of the Emperor and he had to return to Korriban with something to counter that.​
However small that something might have been.​
With Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield stalling from behind, they were able to reach the shuttle without any real harm coming to the younglings. He lowered the one from his arms back to the ground, gave him a quick hair-tousle to help ease them out of their panicked state, and watched as the boarding ramp disappeared and soon after the ship too.
Once he felt certain the younglings were safe he turned and surveyed the scene. Dead Sith lay around, the work of the Valkyri and Starlin Rand Starlin Rand - he was grateful in truth that he hadn't had to dispatch any of them himself. His hands could be clean of both Youngling and Acolyte blood.
But not Padawan, perhaps... They'd formed a truce but those terms were over now. He bowed his head toward Thirdas first, not yet responding to Starlin. "Thank you for your trust. Now I'm afraid Mr Rand and I have unfinished business to tend to. I request that you not try to intervene, there are many others in this Temple that could do with a good bludgeoning from your axe I assure you."
Eyes then flickered to Starlin and he realized rather glumly that he didn't rightly wish to fight the Padawan either. A heavy pit formed in his stomach as he looked at the boy who had for a time been a brother-in-arms. A sigh left his lips.
"Be a shame not to after such a build up, no?" he said, though his heart wasn't exactly in it. All the same he reached for the hilt of his lightsaber. He couldn't return to Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean with only treachery upon his tongue... But he wasn't sure he was willing to spill the blood of the one across from him either. Did it have to end that way? Did it have to be a fight to the death? Could they not simply dance the dance and make it look the part until all was said and done?
He couldn't exactly express any of these thoughts to the boy across from him.
He could only hope he felt similarly about the situation. Because if pushed, if it really came to life and death, Thesh knew he'd have no choice but to play a similar deadly game.

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Aien Mueller), Castiel(Zev Tantor)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Tauren Saryl), Samael(Tomas Isaacs),
Michael (Laroyce Bromin)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Ewan Isaacs), Bartleby(Dem Oniqua)
ORDERS: Set Baradium Charges over Magnetic Field Generator
OVERWATCH: “Seraphim”
Tag: Darth Sephi Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles

It was Tol Amn all over again, they were getting he was losing his team over some opp. These damn Sith were killing everyone and they had the gall to tell him that what he was doing was folly? Sauriel was fed up and if he used up all of his slugs, he would go to his wrist blasters and a sub-machine gun. These black-clad troopers were good, marking good, but so were they. He was going down here, along with Samael and Michael, but Sauriel would go down killing every damn one of these suckers he could. He was down to 5 magazines when he holed up in this spot, 2 left and this Sith will just not SHUT UP!

Kriff you motherkarker!

Wrist blaster, and sniper rifle firing, the sniper was aiming for one individual and that was the loud-mouthed Sith. Sauriel may not have a clear line of sight, but he could hear the guy and that meant he could hit him. Maybe he could shoot some of these suckers as well. That was Michael and Samael's cues to open up on any and all First Legion they could. When the mini-guns ran out they had their assault rifles. They were ending here, and they knew it, but they were going to take as many with them as they could, and would indeed buy the others as much time as possible.

The others were in the access path leading out over the main hangar. Gabriel had one last charge left when they were ambushed by some First Legion troopers firing upwards and got in some lucky shots. Gabriel was killed immediately, but the charge was set. Bartleby was falling apart both mentally and physically, both his and Azrael's wounds were bad, Bartleby's were terminal. The last act of the tech was to stretch out and hand the detonator to the team leader, he was in bad shape, but alive. The problem is, the blood loss took his consciousness for a while.

He would wake when found, just in time to hit the detonator and set off the five baradium charges, at bulkheads over the main launch bay, the primary supports, and most of all, the magnetic field generator. The one that keeps the void, or atmo out, and the crew in.

... yeah, we scare them.


Objective II: Regicide
Location: Ossus Temple Courtyard
Equipment: Armor | Lightsaber | Energy Bow | Bracelet

Starlin looked around, briefly surveying their environment. A landing pad was as good a place as any for a scrap, he guessed.

“Thanks man,” he said to Thirdas. “For believing in fire-crotch and I.”

Incidentally, Thesh’s ginger hair had turned more of a brownish hue, soaked as it was from all the snowflakes hitting it and then melting. He didn’t look happy standing there holding his lightsaber, cold and wet and miserable, and his words about satisfying the build-up seemed half-hearted at best. Like they were about to perform in a stupid show that had been promoted like hell, but which they both knew was going to end with a lethal pyrotechnic mishap for one of them.

“Y’know, for a Sith, you’re not too terrible,” he remarked. “On an evilness scale from one to ten, you’re about a two and a half. I have seen some crazy chit in my day, but teaming up with a Sith to protect younglings has been an unexpected delight. I really would rather not have to duel you, as cool as it would be.”

He racked his brain for an alternative to fighting, something that would end this in a less dangerous way. Fortunately for Thesh, none of his ideas involved Force tickling this time. Arm wrestling? Eh. A dance off? Nah, Starlin would eviscerate this redhead stick-in-the-mud in about five seconds, wouldn’t be fair. Uh…

“Feth it, I got nothing,” Starlin admitted, raising his saber. “Ok I fight. But you still gotta strike first, gigglebox.” He snickered to himself, remembering how Thesh had looked being tickled.


Objective: Regicide
Focus: Caltin Vanagor
Allies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Cato Demora Cato Demora Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Irina Volkov Melydia Gold Melydia Gold Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Caedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Maja Fiore Nathaniel Wellchoestor

It got all tangled quickly as he came charging in his weapon making contact with his opponents blocking saber, but the second attack never came. He'd expected telekinesis from the outstretched hand a brutal blast of power to stop him in his tracks or worse send him flying backwards. Instead his opponents mouth opened to speak before being interupted by a flash of light from behind him.

As fast as the attack and counter attack came there was one more issue, a charging Cragmoloid who thought he was about to try to resist a telekinesis blast. Though sheer might and momentum he'd thought to charge through the power Jedi's counter, and that type of momentum didn't stop itself. With a great leap and roll he launched himself over his opponents as a ton of elephantine weight passed over Caltin's head. Rolling up as he hit the ground the Cragmoloid, and landed rather heavily on his already cramped leg.

With a groan he picked himself back up trumpeting loudly at the Sith around him. "You dare to take of my trial! You will not dishonor me!" Turning back with a slight limp he moved back to his opponent he took a long breath and lifted his blade back up to attack again letting a quick stab go out before trying to angle the blade the greatsaber to continue to keep pace with his fast opponent. "Forgive the dishonor on my name, they will bother us no more." He spoke through gritted teeth now as the pain became stronger and fueled him towards madness.

Objective: Defend the Red Dragon and holonet relay
Focus: Atlas Drake Atlas Drake GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Allies: Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Errix Feh'room
Enemies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

"Lord Consul, events on the Red Dragon are deteriorating. I highly recommend you began keeping an open communication line with with Admiral Antilles in the event of an AI failure."

The message came in clear, but it gave the Sith Lord pause. How had a single transport been able to do so much damage to a ship such as the Red Dragon? It could have stood it's own ground against both Star Destroyers on the field, and yet a single transport had brought such havoc the AI warned of failures? He'd paid no mind when the transport and forced it's way aboard and yet now he was forced to wonder who a stealth transport just happened to be loaded and manned with such a deadly crew they brought the Emperor's own ship into such danger?

Hitting a secondary channel he activated comms to his own Adjudicators across the fleet.
"Adjudicators this is Lord Consul Arthos. I want all reports of suspicious activities sent to me now. Order squads of our troops at the ready and await further orders." Perhaps this gut feeling was wrong but something about the entire thing was starting to bother him. Better to be prepared either way.

As he cut that channel another opened up again, it seemed his quiet moments of meditation was done as the Captain of the Asha came onto holo again his eyes trained on the results of the firing arc at an interface below. "Lord Consul, we have begun firing on the carriers position, and the captain of the Red Dragon reports they are nearing the drop location." Blinking as he heard something from off holo he brought his eyes back to Arthos with a look that bordered on judgement. "Lord Consul, the civilian ship you ordered to land on the forest moon has come around the other side of the moon at high speeds. Their trajectory will lead them to the relay itself, your orders?"

Arthos stared for a moment at the look upon his Captain's face as he bore into the man's eyes with mild annoyance. It was enough though to remind him of his place as he looked away for a moment and it was gone when his eyes returned. "Send two wings of fighters towards the relay itself, and open a channel to the ship again for me. Deploy replacements and continue their patrols. They are either very brave, or cowards hoping to flee. Let us find out which."

Waiting a moment until the light indicated his message was being heard aboard the Constellation the Sith Lord spoke softly but clearly. "Captain Drake, I thought we had reached an understanding, but perhaps I was wrong. If this is an effort to flee change your trajectory and continue on, I have more pressing matters then an understandable fear of a civilian captain caught in the middle of war. However if you are indeed bent on interfering, Captain, you know I must hold you among our enemies, and will be forced to fire upon you. This is not my wish, but you are a free man and I will respect a free man's decision not to wear chains. Choose wisely though, Captain, few Sith would give you such a second chance."

  • Firing long range weaponry on Liram Angellus' carrier with hellbore and spinal photon cannon​
  • Two wings of fighters sent towards relay​

Star Destroyers:
1x SD-9s "Khan" Class Sith Star Destroyer- Asha
(2x deployed, no losses)​
(2x deployed, no losses)​
Fury and Firestorm
(6 deployed, no losses)​
Thunder // Passion's Rise // Dragon // Gauntlet

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden


The Inferno
Warrior's Skin
Objective: III
(The Real World)

Peace was a lie - a fact that Vulcanus would have attested to even outside of his current state. Peace was stagnation. Peace was weakness. Nature knew no peace. Beasts knew no peace and without a higher mind this fact was even more relevant for Vulcanus now. The body watched as the flames collided with the intangible borealis that the Jedi had conjured, tongues of fire lashing out in all directions while the vortex itself veered sharply the right. The cyclone spiraled through the room, causing coolant and water pipes to burst as the water inside instantly evaporated and the steam forced itself from the metal casing.

As the Jedi spoke in language the body could no longer understand, the cyclone smashed into the far wall before spinning out of existence and leaving behind only a magma red pattern emblazoned onto the bulkhead. The beast gurgled deep in its chest, clicking its fangs together as its fire wreathed form lowered itself into a pouncing position. If the Jedi was observant she may see the vapor-like streams of ash slipping through beast's flaming shell and feel the pain as Vulcanus' body was slowly destroyed beneath the crushing weight of its own power.

But then came the threads. Like shimmering blue lines the Jedi called upon the force to ensnare the beast. It thrashed against them, yet its arms and claws became entangled. So it fought harder - claws slashing and tearing away the ethereal threads. But like water the threads did not simply snap or cut - they formed around his claws and limbs as they moved through them. Suddenly fire spurt from the creatures maw as it tried to burn away the attack. Black flames incinerated strands of the force, which themselves reformed and moved to ensnare it again.

The struggle seemed endless until there was sharp screech of metal. A cracked formed down the center of the glowing spot in the wall.

The air shot from the room once more as the bulkhead gave way - durasteel boxes and exposed pipes ripped into space as the breach shrieked and tore until it was the size of a small speeder. Monstrous claws dug into the metal plating. A snap as the plating came loose and sent the flaming beast barreling straight towards Autume and eventually the breach itself.

The body howled. The obelisk hummed. Ray shield generators spun to life and the collision course was set.

(The Shadow Realm Jimbo)
Another agonized roar shook this realm of shadows as Vulcanus' torso began to fade to flakes of ashes that caught on an intangible wind, carried on an immaterial current until they disappeared against the endless dark that surrounded the platform. The beast tried to harness the anger, use the pain...but it was as if he had lost a part of himself in this wretched place. There was no force to call upon. No darkness to aid him. There was only suffering. The Seventh Day Emperor looked up from the ground and set his glowing eyes upon Sanem. The old scholar still stood beside the shadowy imitation of Tulak Hord, not shadowy. Not any longer that is.

What had once been a ill-defined blob of darkness had become a solid thing of matter. Metal plates clung tight to a hidden body, their surfaces covered in gouges and scars of war and yet still sparkled against the light that seemed to emanate from nowhere in this place. A saber hung from Hord's side and the only inky black that remained on this being was within the deep, empty gaze of his helm.

"Your masters have told you to rise, dog. Do well to obey" muffled behind the vocalizer of the helm, Hord's voice was deep and commanding - yet it was still more droid than it was man. Even so, each word spoken carried a darkness with it that sent a shrill of fear through Vulcanus' every cell. The fear quickly turned to anger and itself quickly to hatred.

"I do not obey corpses" Vulcanus spat as he struggled to his full height only so that he may ready himself for combat,

"No, you obey only the half-concocted thoughts that primitive, backwards brain of yours produces" Tulak taunted, "even an animal can learn from a beating. You are so much less than that it seems - you cannot even learn when the lesson is spelled out to you in child's prose."

"Enough!" Vulcanus charged across the distance that separated him from Hord, claws splayed out and muscles tense. Hord became a stone overlooking a mountain as the beat closed in with razor tipped fingers. The Lord of Embers slashed, metal howled and blood splattered. Hord's head fell to the side, blood spurting from a gaping wound as the skull dangled by strands of torn meat. The body clattered to the ground. Vulcanus exhaled and looked to Sanem.

"You die next!" The beast raised a clawed hand. Sanem didn't flinch...Vulcanus didn't even attempt to register what this meant until he heard a strange wheezing from the ground. He stopped in mid attack and turned his gaze back to the fallen corpse only to find something that made his eyes grow wide, "Impossible!"

Blood spurt from the neck of Hord's body as his lungs produced what equated to a laugh. The body no longer laid on the ground but instead was standing tall at his side, strands of meat reattaching to the neck and pulling the head back into place until it was as if no damage had been done at all...and the hatred Vulcanus felt flowing forth from Hord was like nothing he had felt before.

"My turn" was all the beast heard before Hord's fingers flinched and he was sent flying into the darkness with impossible speed.


Post: 5
Objective: Regicide I'm the Boss
Equipment: Mind Crown | Purple MidNight Duster | Black Ancient Sith armor | Sith Mask | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Grenade Launcher | X10 Hypo-syringes | X4 Daggers | Liquid Delirium | A Variety Explosives | Pack of Death sticks | A man in a tuxido with a bomb collar around his neck.
Allies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Cato Demora Cato Demora | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Irina Volkov | Melydia Gold Melydia Gold | Grundark Grundark
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Maja Fiore | Nathaniel Wellchoestor | Caltin Vanagor | Caedyn Arenais
Special Tags: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves

She was now standing up fully but almost fell back to the ground in a fit of laughter, it was hard to take this Jedi seriously. He called her a young sith, Tegan was neither young nor a sith. To call her Sith was akin to calling the Jedi guardians of peace it just wasn’t factually correct. Sure the Jedi wanted peace but their very existence had brought more war on this Galaxy then those small pockets of history they were gone from due to purges and such. That wasn’t some testament to times being better in those pockets of time or some argument that Jedi were the true villains. No, it was just a fact the Jedi’s very existence brought strife and war against the Galaxy, there would always be an enemy to arise for them to fight. The Jedi themselves were to blind and stupid to ever notice that true balance and peace could only ever be achieved if they when they were gone. Which is exactly why Tegan wanted them to exist they were an important part of the chaos and ultimate destruction of this reality.

“I have not been a sith for a very a long time Jidai. I don’t think they would appreciate you counting me among their ranks either.” Considering she had betrayed one of the many sith empires that had existed, it was so long ago and there had been many at this point she didn’t even remember anymore which one she had betrayed. Still, she was a sith Traitor now and forever, that did not mean they wouldn’t use her services when their objectives aligned it just meant she had to be watched close and never trusted with the darker secrets.

“As for Zoist, I don’t know what happened there I haven’t been there in nearly eight hundred years. Use to have friends there but they are long dead I think.” Her left leg began to move in a circular pattern along the ground drawing yet another symbol next to the one that had cast protection upon herself. This one was a spell of power to up her core weather she was prepping to strike or preparing for the jedi to strike was still not clear as she made no attempt to go after Vexander Graves Vexander Graves . In the way she had drawn her three ruins they were all connected though.

“It’s possible they are going to crash a ship into the planet, I was just told I was supposed to hold you all here?” Under her mask she was smirking as she finished drawing the symbol and he began to circle her Tegan moved going into a forward role. She rolled to the Web rune stopping there she whispered the words. “Ob zaz mah.” The green aura of the of Dathomiri magic shot through the web granting EVERY SITH and ALLIE on the battlefield strength (rune spell of power), speed (rune spell of power), and Protection (rune spell of protection). “I told you I am no sith. I am more terrifying!” For the first time in a very long time Tegan detached one of her four sabers from her belt god how she missed her saber bracers perhaps she would have to build herself a set once more. Snap hiss as a red blade extended from the cylinder.
Last edited:

Ossus Temple, Southern Entrance
The difficulty lay in getting close enough to the Sith for hand-to-hand combat. Those lightsabers made that rather impossible. Using his phrik-made arm to his advantage, he allowed his attacker an otherwise crippling blow then brushed his arm to the side, forcing the blade of the lightsaber away from him. The Sith was left exposed, allowing for Thirdas to send a cybernetic kick to the dark-clad warrior's kneecap, shattering it and forcing him to his knees while the Valkyri held him by his sword arm.

Now came his friend to the rescue, who had been shot in the shoulder earlier. Thirdas however simply put the kneeling acolyte's arm between him and the descending saber, severing it at the elbow and leaving the poor guy crying in pain on the ground. Thirdas tossed the severed arm aside but kept the red lightsaber, finishing off the guy on the floor with a stomp to his neck, crushing it under his heel. The screams went silent.

Now armed with one of their own weapons, Thirdas had not been trained in the Jedi arts like the rest of his family. He knew swords and axes, heavy and cumbersome. This thin hilt barely registered in the palm of his hand, and the blade itself was completely weightless. Realising it was futile to try and match a trained Sith in lightsaber combat, Thirdas merely shrugged and threw the activated saber at the remaining attacker. He was caught so off-guard that by the time he'd easily deflected the blow he hadn't anticipated a massive Valkyri throwing himself at him, knocking him to the ground.

With one quick blow of his trusty axe he struck him in the side of the neck, almost chopping his entire head off. Blood gushed from the severed jugular, and the battle was over. For now.

Casting a glance over his shoulder, he had just enough time to catch Lee-Loo, the small Togrutan girl, board the vessel that would take her and the other younglings to safety. She waved her timid wave just as the door came down, putting a tiny viewport between the two. Thirdas stood, panting after the intense battle, and offered her a sloppy salute with bloody fingers, decorating his own forehead with sanguine markings in the process. The escape craft took off.

Joining the pair who had seen to the younglings embarking the shuttle, he offered each a nod of his head as way of thanks. He was then surprised to find that the two seemed set on turning on one another in the wake of such a grand feat of cooperation.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up," he got in between Starlin Rand Starlin Rand and Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn as they readied themselves to do combat.

"After all that, you guys are just gonna get back to stabbing each other? What, are you dense?"

Recognising Thesh as the one more intent on going through with the duel, he turned to him.

"Is there nothing Starlin can give you to take to your master as proof of your victory that doesn't include actually killing him?"
LOCATION | Ossus Communications Hub | Hall
ALLIES | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
ENEMIES | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest | Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla

“Ew.” Yula wrinkled her nose at Soloman's reply. “Don’t say that; we’re not in bed.” A brief thought at just what the Mando looked like underneath the bucket flitted through her mind. As quickly as it came, it was pushed out by a familiar, incessant presence. Kyra.

“No, YOU calm down!” She snapped without turning around, unaware that her sister’s communication was through their shared bond, not…spoken aloud.

A few beats passed as Yula absorbed their situation. The relief of knowing that Kyra was okay put her mind at ease, but her posture continued to remain rigid, yielding to their captors.

Something rang in her mind about trash.

Oh my god, shut up, Kyra.

“Uhh…waitaminute.” Her brows arched suddenly. “You guy got in, but you can’t find your way out? Even with your fancy Mando…” One hand, still raised, waggled up and down “…bucket?” She sucked her teeth and winced. “Listen, the power’s out. A lot of these doors won’t open. And since our comms are conveniently down, I wouldn’t know about troop positions. Given what’s going on out there-“ She pointed to the ceiling as the whistle of a projectile screamed through the air, before the rumble of an explosion rocked the hall. “-who knows which parts of this building are still intact.”

A moment passed as she let her words sink in, not just for everyone else, but for herself as well.

“So take this droid, and get out.”

She pointed to Emily who was currently cowering behind her boots. “Oh, can it.” Yula grumbled as the droid squealed and bleeped in protest, no doubt unhappy at the prospect of leaving her mechanic and accompanying a pair of mechanized strangers through a war zone. You’ll be fine.Emily had been “accidentally” destroyed by Zak Amroth enough times for there to be backup copies. Her consciousness, should it suffer, had been reproduced a dozen times onto a dozen chips, which could be inserted into a dozen shell bodies.

“Go on-“ She nudged the droid with her foot purposefully. “She’s got the map that led us here. I literally spent most of my time locked in a closet, then crawling through a vent. I’m not exactly your best bet for a navigator.”
The boy still faltered.
Even when Starlin Rand Starlin Rand could not come up with a good enough reason himself for them not to fight, he couldn't bring himself to actually ignite the blade. It hung loosely in his grasp, he twirled it around some idly, and then slowly inched his thumb toward the ignition switch.
That was when Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield spoke up.
The towering man stood between the two of them as he spoke his peace. He was right of course, the whole thing was quite stupid. If not for the raging battlefield around them there'd be no conflict between the two, heck the trio. In other circumstances they might have been friends.
Muscles in Thesh's jaw seemed to tense and release several times over as he pondered the path forward. Was there anything? And in the middle of such chaos, did there need to be anything? Grundark Grundark had told him to leave the fighting behind, that it wasn't in him, and that was true. Thesh was a scholar, a sorcerer, he wasn't a warrior. He never wanted to be a warrior.
"He's right," he said, shaking his head and loosening away the frown which had worked its way upon his lips, "This is stupid. I don't want to fight you. You say you want me to strike first? Then I refuse. I'm going to wait for you to strike first. And if that never happens, then so be it." He shrugged his shoulders, as though that was all that he'd ever needed to hear.
"We're in a stalemate, you and I. Far as I care we can remain that way in perpetuity."
A firm nod of the head concluded his words, before he shook his damp mane free of some of the moisture and turned his head back toward the Temple. Then he looked between the two Jedi.
"I won't blame you if you want to go and join the fighting elsewhere." Thesh though... Maybe he'd find another way to make himself useful. Or maybe he'd just find his way back to his ship, as the mighty cragmoloid had suggested.
Objective II: Regicide
Location: Ossus Temple Courtyard
Equipment: Armor | Lightsaber | Energy Bow | Bracelet

Starlin picked up on the fact Thesh was idling even before Thirdas got between them. Yeah, no, this wasn’t going to work. There was simply no real reason for the two of them to fight.

With a sigh, Starlin turned off his saber, relaxing his stance. “Striking first isn’t the Jedi way,” he said. “But if you think I’m going to just let you scamper off to cause trouble elsewhere…”

Then again, what exactly could Thesh do at this point? He just saved a bunch of kids from his own forces. Thirdas had asked if there was anything Starlin could offer as proof that Thesh had fought, but Thesh hadn’t bothered to address that comment.

“If you’re gonna get reamed by your master when you go back unless you kill me, that's chitty. You don't deserve that for what you did here...”

He trailed off, looking down at his lightsaber. Much was said about the elegant weapon of the Jedi and the Sith, the beloved laser sword. He’d made this one himself with the help of his master, just as he had purified the synthetic crystal within it. But at the end of the day, it was just a weapon. A tool. Not his life. More symbolic than anything else. He could always make a new one. Maybe a better, cooler lightsaber, using that Ghostfire crystal he found in that weapons cache on Kashyyyk. Ooooh...

“Here.” He held out the deactivated hilt to Thesh. “Would this be enough ‘proof’ that you fought me?”

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor

The Dark Side was so thick now it was difficult to breathe, difficult to concentrate. How were Jedi supposed to fight such an oppressive force? How- The heat snapped her from her thoughts. Instinct took over as she reached out to the Force, leaping out of the path of the Fire, landing a few meters away. She didn't hear what the Sith had to say, her blood was pumping so hard that it felt like all she could hear was the thumping of her heart in her ears. Aaran was already attacking.

Thalia swallowed hard and looked at her sword hand, her grip tightening as her resolve built. There were heavy, dark clouds over the Ocean of the Force but the storm would not swallow her as she guided her craft along with the waves of Ossus. She let out a slow, shaky breath as the Jedi and Sith clashed and jumped into the fray, circling the pair, looking for a chance to lash out as Aaran laid into the Sith.

Darth Sephi



Objective III: Corruption​
Allies: Sith Eternal
Enemies: Aien Mueller │ Omega

Shots rang out in Sephi's direction, and confident as he always was he let them slam into his chest with a slight grunt - the burning hole exposing charred muscle fibers a tinge of meat laden smoke wafting from it. He glanced down at it with a frown - as though he hadn't expected it despite reinforcing his artificial body in the precise moment before it hit. His gaze back up was one more of fire than anything else.​
"Then so be it - face your death with as much foolish pride as you like.", he said as his lightsaber flurried through the air - lowering himself to jump directly to their position.​
"I'll make sure to take one of you alive - and make sure their death is slow.", Sephi said with a wild grin as he let his clawed feet lift him high into the air - rushing upwards to their position with the Force enabling his hyper fast movement. Yet as he reached halfway through the planned jump - he felt the air suddenly change in temperature.​
The bombs Aien's team had set went off - and as Sephi glanced over to them, he grimaced. A wave of heat followed by the shockwave interrupted his jump and threw him against the wall; slamming him into the durasteel as the ray shielding faltered and failed. The vaccumn that formed was immediate and powerful - dragging him across the floor with gusto. Claws dug deep into durasteel as he tried to save himself, but the open hanger came closer with each second until finally one of his claws had gained traction, digging deep into the durasteel as he glanced back.​
Emergency doors meant to slam shut in the situation of ray shield failure had begun their process - but had snagged against the broken rail system they had caused. The rest of the ship would be safe with redundant airlocks throughout each room of the ship - but the hanger was not so simple. Most of the First Legion had already activated their maglock boots, but a few too close to the explosions had suffered the same fate as Sephi. Only they hadn't been able to save themselves from being jettisoned.​
As the air in the hanger lowered to nearly zero in a matter of seconds, Sephi could watch as the others slowly floated out into space - and while their suits were capable of EVA, they didn't have mechanisms to guide them without a surface to lock onto. Those men would slowly suffocate over the next 24 hours - even with their hibernation built in, they might only last a few days. Assuming nobody found them, it wasn't a good way to go.​
Sephi held his breath with the reinforcement of the Force itself as he dragged himself back to his feet. Some were still shooting, others were calling through their radios to let coordination officers know the situation. The Sith could feel his own anger rising however, and would make sure nobody left this hanger alive.​


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