Directorate Officer
Location: Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Ebony Torrent, somewhere in the Adega System
Objective: I Blackout
GAL Ltd.
Ura Iolar
Okkeus Dainlei
Atlas Drake
Arthos Vynea
Tithon Antilles
Errix Feh'room
Gir watched as the Red Dragon and its consorts reacted to Wave One's hit and fade. Several fighters exploded out of the sheer density of the counter fire. Massive walls of flak were expected based on Katarn Squadron's attack - hence the hit and fade style of attack. The droid fighters and gunships didn't bother to chase the Tomb starfighters and instead kept moving at top speed away from that Sith formation and instead sped towards the Assessor's formation. As they did, hundreds more flashes of cronau radiation appeared as Wave 3 decanted into realspace to join Wave 1.
"Looks like the gamble failed," said Ariela.
Gir nodded in agreement, "If we had pulled more fighters away from their warships, it would have worked nicely as a flanking attack, but it can't be helped. It was ruined in a good way."
The appearance of
GAL Ltd.
's fleet had raised his spirits, as well as those of the crew around him. Perhaps more significantly, it appeared that the Sith forces all around them were on the defensive. The second wave of starbombers that had attacked Errix Feh'room 's fleet fell back - most of their ordnance was expended which severely limited their combat effectiveness, and their goal of relieving the Yurbian vessels had been achieved. And yet we are not in the clear yet...
The Midnight Darkest and Ebony Torrent violently lurched into realspace near Ossus on an approach vector towards the Yurbian craft. Gir grabbed ahold of a steel railing around the holo-tank as the ship's inertial compensators fought to suddenly cope with the premature reversion. Gravity well projectors...again. He sighed as a gunnery officer flagged him down.
"Sir, some of the enemy warships are at the extremes of some of our weapons range. They appear to be led by a Vindicator Cruiser."
An old ship, but a good one at that. Interesting. And a ship that would probably do fairly well against our fighters. He considered the tactical screen. Wave One was rushing down on the same cruiser and its formation, but also fairly close to the Red Iron currently on its return journey. None of the ships were in range or within the fire of all of his weapon systems though - oddly enough, it was mostly from his mass driver cannons and plasma energy torpedo launchers. Might as well, doubt it'll do anything though.
"Fire at will. We'll keep our gunners and the Sith busy," said the blonde man, turning his attention to the holo-tank, "recall all starbombers for rearming and refueling. Have Waves One and Three harass the Red Iron and any small craft near it, but only as a drive by. We will recover and rearm them again before heading out. Get me a line with the Yurbian captain and that new task force's commander. It's time to talk strategy."
"Aye sir."
A new voice called out to him.
"Incoming voice-only transmission, I think you should hear it sir," said his mon calamari communication's officer.
"Patch it through."
"Mayday, mayday. This is Captain Drake of the survey ship Constellation to any Concord vessel that can hear me. We are stranded here in Adega system. Long range communications are out. If you can keep the Sith occupied, I am willing to attempt a direct interface with the holonet relay in orbit."
Gir considered. We're not really losing anything here by helping him, are we? The man considered. We don't have many forces available to help out...but...
"Send a message telling Captain Drake that we accept. I think we've kept them fairly busy, but just to be on the safe side, let's hold off on launching our starbombers again for the moment and keep them on reserve. Recall some of the Peth Pinooks too, let's get them ready to provide some help for our newfound friend."
Even as the admiral talked, new sensor signatures might appear on the long-range sensors of some vessels as a massive Silver Jedi warship sailed through the edges of the system while still in hyperspace to Ossus.
Task Force Torrent (5 kilometers of ships)
Unknown Silver Jedi Forces (10 km+)
Summary of Actions
Objective: I Blackout


Gir watched as the Red Dragon and its consorts reacted to Wave One's hit and fade. Several fighters exploded out of the sheer density of the counter fire. Massive walls of flak were expected based on Katarn Squadron's attack - hence the hit and fade style of attack. The droid fighters and gunships didn't bother to chase the Tomb starfighters and instead kept moving at top speed away from that Sith formation and instead sped towards the Assessor's formation. As they did, hundreds more flashes of cronau radiation appeared as Wave 3 decanted into realspace to join Wave 1.
"Looks like the gamble failed," said Ariela.
Gir nodded in agreement, "If we had pulled more fighters away from their warships, it would have worked nicely as a flanking attack, but it can't be helped. It was ruined in a good way."
The appearance of

The Midnight Darkest and Ebony Torrent violently lurched into realspace near Ossus on an approach vector towards the Yurbian craft. Gir grabbed ahold of a steel railing around the holo-tank as the ship's inertial compensators fought to suddenly cope with the premature reversion. Gravity well projectors...again. He sighed as a gunnery officer flagged him down.
"Sir, some of the enemy warships are at the extremes of some of our weapons range. They appear to be led by a Vindicator Cruiser."
An old ship, but a good one at that. Interesting. And a ship that would probably do fairly well against our fighters. He considered the tactical screen. Wave One was rushing down on the same cruiser and its formation, but also fairly close to the Red Iron currently on its return journey. None of the ships were in range or within the fire of all of his weapon systems though - oddly enough, it was mostly from his mass driver cannons and plasma energy torpedo launchers. Might as well, doubt it'll do anything though.
"Fire at will. We'll keep our gunners and the Sith busy," said the blonde man, turning his attention to the holo-tank, "recall all starbombers for rearming and refueling. Have Waves One and Three harass the Red Iron and any small craft near it, but only as a drive by. We will recover and rearm them again before heading out. Get me a line with the Yurbian captain and that new task force's commander. It's time to talk strategy."
"Aye sir."
A new voice called out to him.
"Incoming voice-only transmission, I think you should hear it sir," said his mon calamari communication's officer.
"Patch it through."
"Mayday, mayday. This is Captain Drake of the survey ship Constellation to any Concord vessel that can hear me. We are stranded here in Adega system. Long range communications are out. If you can keep the Sith occupied, I am willing to attempt a direct interface with the holonet relay in orbit."
Gir considered. We're not really losing anything here by helping him, are we? The man considered. We don't have many forces available to help out...but...
"Send a message telling Captain Drake that we accept. I think we've kept them fairly busy, but just to be on the safe side, let's hold off on launching our starbombers again for the moment and keep them on reserve. Recall some of the Peth Pinooks too, let's get them ready to provide some help for our newfound friend."
Even as the admiral talked, new sensor signatures might appear on the long-range sensors of some vessels as a massive Silver Jedi warship sailed through the edges of the system while still in hyperspace to Ossus.
Task Force Torrent (5 kilometers of ships)
Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Ebony Torrent
-6 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-12 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers (1 destroyed)
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Midnight Darkest
-12 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-6 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue One
-24 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Two
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Three
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Red One
-2 squadrons of Peth Pinook-series Fighter Gigs
-1 squadron of T9 Phantasm-class Starfighters
-1 squadron of Sowa Stealth Recon Drones
-6 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-12 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers (1 destroyed)
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Midnight Darkest
-12 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-6 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue One
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Two
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Three
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Red One
-2 squadrons of Peth Pinook-series Fighter Gigs
-1 squadron of Sowa Stealth Recon Drones
Unknown Silver Jedi Forces (10 km+)
To be revealed
Summary of Actions
-@Atlas Drake contacted
-Wave 1 (composed of 12 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters and 4 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships) continue towards Yurbian ships (and by extension Erric's/Assessor's vessels) (2 squadrons of Droid Fighters and several gunships lost to flak)
-Wave 2 (composed of 18 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Bombers armed with Starfall Heavy Proton Rockets and StarCore Concussion Missiles) falls back to rearm/repair on carriers (1 squadron of bombers lost)
-Wave 3 emerge (composed of 18 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters) and join up with Wave 1
-Ebony Torrent and Midnight Darkest reemerge near Kainate Assessor's fleet - fire indiscriminately on Assessor's fleet from a long range
-Martan-seris Carrier Corvettes reemerge at a new point mid-system, prepare to jump again
-Unknown Silver Jedi Forces enter the Ossus system itself - still in hyperspace en route directly to Ossus
-Wave 1 (composed of 12 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters and 4 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships) continue towards Yurbian ships (and by extension Erric's/Assessor's vessels) (2 squadrons of Droid Fighters and several gunships lost to flak)
-Wave 2 (composed of 18 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Bombers armed with Starfall Heavy Proton Rockets and StarCore Concussion Missiles) falls back to rearm/repair on carriers (1 squadron of bombers lost)
-Wave 3 emerge (composed of 18 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters) and join up with Wave 1
-Ebony Torrent and Midnight Darkest reemerge near Kainate Assessor's fleet - fire indiscriminately on Assessor's fleet from a long range
-Martan-seris Carrier Corvettes reemerge at a new point mid-system, prepare to jump again
-Unknown Silver Jedi Forces enter the Ossus system itself - still in hyperspace en route directly to Ossus