Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Ossus Massacre │ SE Invasion of SJC held Jomark & Nespis VIII

Objective II: Regicide
Location: Ossus Temple Courtyard
Equipment: Armor | Lightsaber | Energy Bow | Bracelet

Holy chit. It was working. It was working, ha ha!

Focused on tickling Ginger, Starlin didn’t have a chance to resist the Force push. It knocked him backwards into a snow drift with a rather unmanly “guhf!” upon impact. He scrambled to his feet, swiping snow out of his hair and tucking his loosened antennapalps into place, before snapping, “‘Cause I’m not sure if I can trust you, carrot top. Sith have a reputation for being deceptive—you could be talking out your ass to get me out of the way while you install a bomb or a superweapon in our midst, and blow us all to kingdom come!”

He resumed the tickling, making his way toward Ginger through the snowstorm. “You can’t just give me your word. A Sith’s word doesn’t mean diddly-squat. So the longer you resist, the longer it takes me to come to their defense!”

Starlin had always thrived on humor, drawing strength in the Light from it. The sight of this poor Sith acolyte being subjected to Force tickling was one of the funniest things he’d seen in weeks. Starlin was a little sore from getting thrown across the courtyard, but it was nothing compared to the struggle not to laugh as he approached Ginger, ready to subdue him and get this over wi he heh heh HA HA HA HA.

“Oh no!” he squeaked out, standing before Thesh and clutching his sides as he broke down. “The tickle belt is broken!”

No laughing.
No laughing.
Force, no damn laughing!
He snickered though it sounded rather pained, and the relief he felt during the brief moments of respite when the other was thrust into the snow was palpable. He gasped for air, his ribs aching something fierce, and when the Jedi rose and resumed he shook his head and grit his teeth and resisted it with all his might. Forced the other from his form.
"Enough," he balked, as he squirmed in place, "Enough!"
It wasn't until that second time that he finally broke free from the influence of whatever the kriff it was the Jedi was doing, and as he did so he saw the Jedi in almost as much of a prone condition as he had been, only his humour was of his own devising.​
It took him a few moments to catch his breath. He took a step back from the Jedi during that time, keeping some distance between them. Not necessarily on the backfoot, but certainly not looking to lead a charge. Merely existing there as he had been for most of this time.​
"I'm not going to hurt the younglings," he said, as he wheezed for the last time and began to regain his composure, "Nor am I going to let anyone else. They're innocent, they didn't have a damn choice in being here. Phone it in if you don't trust me. I don't blame you for not trusting. But I won't have them on my conscience. I refuse. Fight me if you want, let the Jedi see how well you defended your temple and its inhabitants, but don't let me come between the lives of those kids."​
Another step back.​
"You have to understand, I can't just let you subdue me. I can't go quietly into the night. That isn't how this works."​
There was an intensity within his gaze as he spoke. His path was set at this point, there was no moving off it. There had been a time within the sands of Korriban when Quintus Varro had all but offered him a way out. But a way out to what? He knew nothing in this Galaxy. All he had was among the Sith. And honestly, deep down, he loved the work he did. That which was withdrawn from battlefields such as this. He would not give up the allure of the darkside, the mysteries held within it. But that didn't make him a monster.​
It did not make him a child-killer.​

Objective: Operation Blackout
Mission: Protect the Red Dragon and keep the holonet isolated
Allies: Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Errix Feh'room
Focus: Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Gir Quee Gir Quee Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.

"Lord Consul, sensors have picked up a ship powering up and headed towards the nearest moon. Civilian model according to scans but picking up speed quickly, Sir. Sending in a patrol to put it down."

Opening his eyes as he felt the sudden movement of the force he could feel the life there but no presence of the light. Without a Jedi onboard it was likely just a civilian ship attempting to escape a doomed planet, or at the very least avoid a fight. Activating comms to both his captains and the patrols he finally spoke aloud.

"Belay that order, and open communications with the ship." Waiting the moment until a light flashed indicating he was talking to the civilian vessel he started again. "Civilian ship, this is Lord Consul Arthos Vynea. You are entering an active warzone and for your own safety I invite you aboard my ship until you may safely depart. Power down your shields and weapons then proceed to docking bay three. So long as you act without hostility on my ship I promise no harm will come to you. If you refuse this order I must assume you have a military agenda and will have you marked as an enemy. Take this opportunity to find safe harbor in the storm."

Shutting off his comms it took less then a second for Captain Jinn to come back on comms, his voice shocked and displeased. "Lord Consul with all due respect that is likely an enemy ship escaping with VIPs. Allow the Navy to do it's job and put her down. Who knows what kind of valuable intel they could be escaping with possible!"

Reaching through the force he found the man and as he spoke he held a rather firm grip on the man's mind as he sunk him to his knees for all his crew to see. Captains, understand this one simple thing if you can. This is not a war for conquest and glory, but simple survival. These ships, the uniforms you wear, and the very food you eat all paid for by taxes, trade and production. Do you know what Korriban trades in? Produces? If trade is the life blood of an Empire we are a starved nation. Now be silent and allow me to deal with those tools. If they attempt to flee fine, fire. If not, they will dock undisturbed and their captain brought to me.

He missed the days of being a Sith when the cost was unknown and he hadn't a care in the world to how something would happen, he just made it so. He knew better now. Merchant fleets already tended to avoid Sith space, Arthos intended to change that tendency even if he had to break some Sith eggs to get it done.

Star Destroyers:
1x SD-9s "Khan" Class Sith Star Destroyer - Asha
(1x deployed, no losses)​
(2x deployed, no losses)​
Fury and Firestorm
(4 deployed, no losses)​
Thunder // Passion's Rise // Dragon // Gauntlet
Objective II: Regicide
Location: Ossus Temple Courtyard
Equipment: Armor | Lightsaber | Energy Bow | Bracelet

Starlin’s reward was the barest hint of a snicker from Ginger before the acolyte managed to break free. The cold air in Starlin’s labored lungs made him burst into a coughing fit; he recovered just long enough to remember how Ginger had looked doubled over, straining not to laugh, making a face like he was constipated, and promptly sent himself back into another fit of giggles. The Padawan was practically glowing in the dark, he was so infused with the Light from all this good cheer.

Okay, but, heh, he had to be serious now. This was a very serious situation. The lives of younglings were at stake.

“Alright, look,” Starlin said, clearing his throat. “Why don’t you come with me… and help me get the younglings out of here? That way I get to watch you and make sure you don’t get up to any funny business. And you get to walk away from all this with a crystal-clear conscience.” He shrugged. “Best I can offer. Nobody’s gonna mess with you if you’re with me and helping instead of harming.”

He wasn’t going to let Thesh wander around unchecked. He’d be much too trusting if he did that—something the Jedi had been accused of doing too often. Starlin might be an idiot, but he wasn’t stupid… yeah.


Errix Feh'room



OBJECTIVES: Knock out the Space Relay.
LOCATION: Aboard the Imperial II-class Frigate
TAGS: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

The enemy scrambled their starfighters, and Errix watched in silence as the display updated the enemy groups movements. His eyes searched, ultimately deciding the course as 2 DP20's were sent forward to assist in the bombers assault maneuver. They weren't nearly as fast as the starfighters, but they readily moved across the area and kept just above the break of the outermost atmosphere.

One or two from each pairing moving forward as they rocketed forward to meet the ugly starfighters coming forward to meet their assault.

The two forward DP20's opened fire with their point defense systems, guns pairing off to strike at the same target as best they were able. They were waiting for return fire, preparing their own missiles as they tried to overtake and provide cover for the sith bombers.

The Assessor watched the scanners closely, seeing a flare of engines in the distance as the path was projected to be for the moon of ossus. It was a small ship, incapable of being a threat. Waving a hand at a request to intercept the ship, the suggestion was brushed aside as he focused on his task at hand.

He dedicated one officer to keeping an eye on the junior officers position, having been tasked with grading for his potential at a commendation and possible promotion. Something the young officers own relatives had tried to undermine with their attempted bribes. He frowned as the engagement happening below caught his attention briefly.

Still entirely unsure of how best to assist those below while providing cover from whatever had left. He was beginning to think they had simply left the system while the confusion of battle had begun. Small signals had come from the surface of civilian vessels trying to make an escape. A hand covered his mouth as he pondered his choices.

"Have the gunners on the starboard side gather targeting data and fire on those attempting to break free of the interdiction." He ordered. "Move the DP20's to the rear of the Guardian and continue their patrol. Contact the groups and attemptto gain data on those attacking them"

-The bombers and Interceptors after Ura Iolar Ura Iolar 's formation have broken into two groups.
-2 DP20 frigates are supporting the sith tie group headed for Ura Iolar Ura Iolar 's formation.
-Assessor acquiring targets on the civilians attempting to leave the planet
-Assessor has moved DP20's to the rear of his formation.

*Edits made because I sincerely forgot I was in space. Apologies.
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... Help him?
The Jedi wanted Thesh to help him..?
The colour seemed to drain from the boy's already pale face, a sense of dread washing over him as he considered just how that might be perceived by his higher ups. Maliphant might understand his reasoning in private, though even that was a slim chance. The others, though? What he was doing might be considered treason to the majority. Helping the enemy.
And yet he had no real reason beside that to decline. He did, genuinely, wish to see the younglings come out of this in one piece. To be spared the darkness that lay heavy upon his own soul. To give them an actual chance at life. Rather than see it cut short.
He should have said no.
He should have walked away from this Jedi and found another target. Someone else to dance with. Someone to clash blades with.
Instead he let out a long sigh. He wasn't going to come out of this in one piece. If his Master, or the Emperor, found out about what he was considering doing he'd be done for. He knew that much. But all the same he nodded his head.
"Until the Younglings are gone from this place, I will not engage you. But once they are gone we must resume this timeless dance, you and I. I cannot let them think me weak, you must understand that. Surely you understand that?"
He ran a hand down his face, weary though he had done little to warrant such, and waited for the other to lead the way. It could have been a trap, he knew. For all Thesh was aware he was being led to his own slaughter. To a room full of Jedi who would strike him down for merely being who he was. For the experienced he'd had until this point. But good faith beget good faith.
Time would only tell.
Objective II: Regicide
Location: Ossus Temple Courtyard
Equipment: Armor | Lightsaber | Energy Bow | Bracelet

Really surprised that his tactics had actually worked, Starlin could only think to raise an eyebrow, as he had seen Professor Nimdok do on inexplicable occasions like this. But this was a good thing. A really good thing. Wow. Chit.

Cool beans.

“Yeah yeah, we fight later, oonga-boonga. Now let’s go save some children.”

Starlin led the way, keeping an eye on Ginger, who he was pretty sure wasn’t actually named Ginger. “The name’s Starlin Rand, by the way.” He expected the acolyte to tell him his name, but if he didn’t, oh well.

Since he was likely to pass Syd along the way, Starlin would call out to her, “He’s helping us now! Please don’t stab him!” while pointing to Thesh. To the acolyte he clarified, “She’s my master. Gotta follow me around and make sure I don’t lose any more limbs.”

They were in the midst of a full-blown blizzard at this point. Minimal visibility, maximum wind chill. “Brrrr, I can’t see chit,” Starlin muttered. Stretching out his hands, he slowed the fall of the flakes with the Force with ease, squinting through the snow. “... There.”

He walked forward, reaching the doors to the meditation chambers where Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield was hiding along with the younglings and the feeble. The doors were obviously locked, so Starlin went ahead and knocked.

“Hey! I'm Padawan Starlin Rand. We can get the kids outta here. There’s an escape route out of the southern side of the Temple. The army’s not attacking from that side!”


Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden


The Inferno
Warrior's Skin
Objective: III
(The Real World)

The Vibes
Soulless eyes stared distantly into the swirling ooze that'd been expelled by the body moments ago. Gone was the sulfuric gaze that held so much anger and bloodlust - replaced now by a flat, oily black that held no semblance of sapient thought. Wherever The Worm's compound had taken Vulcanus' mind, it was far away from the hulking body that Carnifex had cobbled together for the Lord of Embers. There was nothing left of the Seventh Day Emperor behind the cold, dead gaze of those eyes - nothing except a raw power that cared not about its own preservation. Power that was bound only by a dark, primal urge to destroy.

Power that would rip itself asunder just to watch the world around it crumble - just as was the will of The Dark Master.

A howl started low in the body's gut, rising through its chest until it bellowed so loud that it pierced through bulkheads and blast doors. Darkness flooded out from its body as if some hidden gate had been blown open, releasing a hunger so ancient and primordial that it could not be rivaled by anything that was driven by more than the most base, evil desires. Rising from the ground like a beast born from a pit of bubbling malevolence, Black blood spurted forth as the body's grey scales peeled aside, cracked and fissured - the flesh beneath was torn to strings of bloody meat as unregulated power pulsed through every muscle and vein.

The power that existed within the being that was Vulcanus had become a storm bolstered by the vile concoction given to him by The Worm. The howl grew only louder as green flames materialized in the air, becoming coils of fire that wrapped tightly around both arms like sleeves before moving down to encase each claw in flame. Scale and hide began to burn away as the flames spread across the beast's entire body - becoming a shell of flames that enveloped Vulcanus' form until his body was little more than a burning silhouette of its former self. Pillars of fire burst from the creature's hands as it gave a final, beastial cry to the air.

Then it turned for the doorway. There was no Sith. No Jedi. No goal. The body knew only one thing. Hunger.

The doorway melted away as the body forced itself through, the bulkhead of the vessel turning to a molten slop that splashed to the firery feet of Vulcanus' body. The priests of The Sith Eternal bowed. They praised. They spoke in twisted Sith tongue. The body did not understand them. It could not understand. It could not care.

With dead black eyes it looked at the priests, its cold gaze drifting slowly towards the forms of The Worm and Quintus Varro. There was no more hate. No more sadistic desire. Only more food. Turning back to the priests the body took a short, sharp breath. The Worm sensed what was to come. The darkside shifted and in a blink the Worm and Quintus had vanished just as the body exhaled.

A blue flash of fire that lasted only a heartbeat. The priests vanished into puffs of dust that were quickly vented into space through glowing red breaches throughout the room. Fire suppressant poured from the ceiling, the escaping air turning the foaming substance into a vortex that released into the abyss through long, fiery gorges that had been vaporized from the floor and ceiling wherever the fire had touched. Vulcanus' body dug burning claws into the floor, pressing itself against the rush of escaping air - the fire of its form refusing to be snuffed even as the oxygen grew thinner.

The pillar smoked, but its surface was untouched. It hummed and began to glow a ghostly purple. Vulcanus' body howled once more...

The Vision

Vulcanus howled in agony, dropping to his knees and gripping his right elbow tight in hand. The beast looked down to his arm just as Sanem had finished his sentence. The scales and flesh of his arm flaked from the bone in strips of black flesh that drifted into the inky darkness surrounding them. Soon all that was left was a charred bone that itself quickly began to crumble into cinders.

Sanem chuckled "How convenient. Your body has already begun to unleash itself, soon it will have ripped itself apart so badly that your mind will have nothing to return to...again"

"What is this? What have you done to me!?"

Sanem scoffed as he leaned back in his throne, "
me? Fool. You are doing this to yourself" the Darth waved Vulcanus off dismissively, "you have come so far - farther than any of your kind before you. But in the moment of our final triumph you have failed us...

Sanem seemed to muse to himself, eyes taking a distracted glance upward before coming back down to face the glare of Vulcanus, "...but maybe you can be redeemed. Maybe you can be made to see-

Another howl of agony as Vulcanus' elbow vanished into fleeting ash, "Enough with your riddles! I'll kill you!"

Sanem sighed, defeated, then leaned forward once more, "
you still do not understand. You still do not accept the truth,. Can you not see it? The Graug are my contribution to a plan hundreds of years in the making - a piece of puzzle that has spanned generations since the final death of Darth Sidious. I thought it would be for nothing until you managed to ascend the throne." Sanem straightened, his face hardening with a new resolve, "I refuse to let your ineptitude despoil it at the very moment of our victory."

"Sidious. Carnifex...YOU. All weak, just as all the others who have seen their final death!" Vulcanus tried again to harness his power but managed only a bloody cough that spewed black, tar-like blood across his chin.

And yet you have already jeopardized yourself and my plans! You failed to face the Jedi Grandmaster on Korriban and live to tell about it. The mere presence of him sent your weak mind spiraling into madness until, in your arrogance, you sacrificed yourself on Atrisia in some pathetic gambit for godhood" Sanem scoffed once more and leaned back, "godhood. You cannot even grasp the weight of such a word. Ajunta Pall. Naga Sadow. Bane. Vitiate. Tulak Hord. Mortals whose power dwarfed the squabbling pests that saunter about this galaxy. Far more powerful than me, you or any number of Sith since the days of Krayt."

Anger rose like a great furnace within Vulcanus, but alongside it was utter confusion
. "You speak nonsense. I have risen to godhood - become the only Graug Sith and the most powerful Emperor they will see! I-

The beast was cut off by a silent finger raised in his direction by Sanem, "do you truly believe you are the first? No, child, you are far from. So many of your kind did I train, so many failed. Time and again they could use their powers to mindlessly destroy but little else...they could be controlled by only so much as one controls a serpent in a cage. No thought. No drive. No will.

"You are not special, only different - different because you have made yourself so and yet this lesson escapes you still."

Pointing to Vulcanus' decaying arm, "your body and your power are little good to you without a mind to harness them - and your blind arrogance cripples what mind you have."

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Persona: Sorceress of Coruscant (See Bio)

The Sorceress smiled, extremely proud that Starlin Rand Starlin Rand had managed to convince Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn to cease combat, even as she summoned metal to block a number of blastershots directed at both her and Starlin.

If only Syd could have steered Laertia back from her path.

How had it gone so wrong? Laertia had showed such promise. But after the failure at Nar Kreeta, when she watched a whole society face summary execution simply for not being like the ones slaying them, her outrage at the Order still choosing to fight the Sith more had been the straw that broke her back. Their hypocrisy in willingly allying with tyrants while decrying any idea of an Alliance with other Tyrants simply because they were called Sith had completely disillusioned Laertia that the Order had any moral ground to stand on higher than hers. Syd should have seen it: Rebellion was inevitable from Laertia once she no longer respected someone or something. To her, (And for quite a while, admittedly, to Syd also) almost any means to force The GA Jedi's focus off the Sith and totally on the Bryn'adul was acceptable. The more the Jedi refused to fight The Bryn'adul in totality, the more Laertia's frustration grew. It was a death spiral. She couldn't give up because it would be tantamount to letting them win without any dissent, or just tacitly admitting they are right to focus on the Sith first. Laertia would never see it that way. And nether Syd nor the Witches within her were certain they could convince Laertia. Syd's doubts had only grown after Bastion, when Laertia had killed with abandon, or Ziost, where Laertia willingly attacked invading Jedi (After she learned of the war crimes they had committed on the surface, she stopped feeling any guilt for what she did there, citing all the people she had slain were likely there to do the same. Even Syd had found her lover's reasoning convenient.).

Syd still believed their bond had a destiny...a purpose...but this wasn't it. Maybe Laertia hadn't misinterpreted the evil that needed to be fought...but she, and by extension, Syd, had misinterpreted the means to fight it.

Syd had wanted to be a good Jedi...but her mistake at Dantooine left her masquerading as a completely different person now...and she didn't know the person she masqueraded as had an individual personality of their own.

It would be a shame to kill her, if it came to that. But the Witches would do it if Syd couldn't bring herself to.

The Sorceress whispered a spell that warped a metal Light Fixture into a neat bow around captured Sith warriors, careful to keep providing more metal barracades for any attackers to navigate, allowing the Sorceress to knock them out with precise shots from metal debris...

The Sorceress half hoped Laertia could be rehabilitated as she watched Arcturus and Starlin cooperate, but the weight of doom loomed over Io now...even The Sorceress couldn't ignore it...

Post: 3
Objective: Regicide hanging All by Myself
Equipment: Mind Crown | Purple MidNight Duster | Black Ancient Sith armor | Sith Mask | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Grenade Launcher | X10 Hypo-syringes | X4 Daggers | Liquid Delirium | A Variety Explosives | Pack of Death sticks | A man in a tuxido with a bomb collar around his neck.
Allies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Cato Demora Cato Demora | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Irina Volkov | Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Maja Fiore | Nathaniel Wellchoestor | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Caedyn Arenais
Special Tags: Open to anyone who wants to stop me.

The Ancient Orange Eyed Maniac struggled a bit to keep control of the two minds she had ensnared as the steroid freak spread his battle mind like a certain type of disease to his fellow Jedi. It made all the wrong places itch that you knew you should scratch. Tegan forced her focus it had to jump between the three people she was controlling.

The Echani boy stopped and stared at Caedyn Arenais his eyes flashing between there normal silver and the green from the magick infecting his mind. “He…ll…..No die… hel…..ahhhhh she is in my head I can’t fight it.” The Echani once again charged for the man but his steps where slow and staggered as he tried to fight against the mind control. “The things….in my head….” He said as he tried to step away from the Jedi knight. “Ssshee says. deserve this ah ahh all Jedi do an and sith too….” His breaths were labored as he tried to fight against the mind block. Tegan dropped the connection to the Echani boy and he fell to his knees disengaging the saber and dropping it into the snow at huis side. “Knock me out master Jedi I don’t want her in my head again. She showed me what death felt like and the end of everything. She wants the Jedi and sith in perpetual war she is not friend of either side.”

Tegan’s focus then shifted to the red head woman who was now wandering into the temple itself being usher along with other noncombatants to the vault. The redhead pushed the palm of her right hand up against the side of her head. The pounding torture going on in her skull. Tegan did not just control her victims minds she submitted them to torture. Some of it torture of the illusion of the mind, another part of the torture was real Tegan’s own memory and pain. The red head’s eyes flashed blue and green as battlemind help her fight against it’s affects. She was ushered down into the vaults as various healers asked how she was doing if everything was alright. “My head hurts.” The girl answered.

Tegan then switched her focus to the bomb collared man in a tuxedo he was not a Jedi and not affected by the battlemind but he was clearly scared as Tegan left his torture to the reality he was. He was in the middle of a battlefield he saw the carnage of sith and Jedi clashing. He saw rancor’s eating people and get sliced opened. Yet the voice in his head told him to keep marching forward towards the temple the same place the redheaded woman was. He could only imagine his cruel masters plan for him there.


Location: Outside the Temple
Allies: Sith Eternal
Enemies: Silver Jedi
Tags: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion

Behind the mask the grin reformed. The excitement for battle. Combat. Against a familiar foe, no less. There were few trials as challenging as fighting someone who knows how you fight. Alina had no choice but to spin away from the extended blade, halting her momentum as she waved her lightspear around as a danger to keep Mathieu back. Just a quick swipe to dissuade any blind following as she settled onto her feet again. The Knight took a low stance, her lightspear pointed at the ground in his general direction.

"A bit farer this time, mm?" Her modulated voice rang out from the inhuman mask. Taunting as always. There were more changes to their fight than just the fact she was in armor, however. Open warfare was being waged around them. People were dying every second, from both sides. "Can you feel them? Your allies. Your friends. They're dying. I can feel them. The little lights being snuffed out one by one." She could feel them. More than that, she was already twisting them to her favor. Devouring those already barely clinging to life. Empowering herself with more and more Anima.

"What will you do, little Jedi? How long until you loose someone close to you while you're dealing with a past fling?" Alina was probing. Looking for cracks in the Jedi's demeanor. Finding ways to unnerve him. Unsettle him. Anything that would give her an edge to take him down.

Objective 3
Location: Ventilation shaft, heading for the bridge
Writing with: Dis Dis

The ventilation shaft was dark and cramped, but it sufficed for the supple Sephi. All she needed was to find a near-empty corridor far away from the ensuing battle. From there, she could circumvent the Sith forces and sneak onto the bridge. At least, that was the plan.

After reaching the first corner in the network of tunnels she heard the voice again, asking her why she didn't heed the warning. Sakadi paused for a moment. Could she convey a message to 'it'? Not telepathically, but maybe… Sakadi reached under her cloak and unclipped a small device from her utility belt. The noise of battle was too loud to make her translator's words comprehensible. But maybe, just maybe, her invisible companion spoke galactic basic.

Her fingers tapped lightly on several of the small keys. A projection shot up from the device almost immediately after. The holographic image displayed a sentence in light-blue. "I cannot sense you. Could you show yourself?" It was a straightforward question, for she couldn't waste too much time typing. She just needed to be able to sense the being, and then she could continue telepathically. But was this - assuming the being could see her and read - enough to set it in motion?
Though he had made his bed, and would have to sleep with the consequences he knew would come from it, he couldn't help but wince some as the Padawan called out to his Master and all but put a beacon over Thesh's head. He understood why of course, had to make sure that no others interfered, but the boy could only hope that no other had bothered to hear it.
They'd find out eventually, of course, come to know that the younglings had been hurried away, and that one among the Sith had to have been the cause, to know the best way out, but did it have to be right now?
He reckoned, since the outcome would be the same, it hardly even mattered. So he huffed as they made their way through the blizzard, as the Padawan gave his name. Starlin. It would be rude not to reciprocate, but it felt weird. Melydia Gold Melydia Gold had once reminded him of the weight behind a name, of the power such held, did he really want this Jedi to have such?
"Thesh," he said, in response, "My name is Thesh."
He had changed such of course, claimed the name Arcturus for himself, but he'd never really come to terms with its usage. Too many long years spent as Thesh the slave boy. It was difficult to drop that. Perhaps in his own way that was how he kept the power of his name sacred. His chosen name.
Soon enough they were upon the chamber wherein those who could not, and should not, fight were present. Thesh hung back some, so as not to spook any inside. So as to make it abundantly clear that he wasn't forcing the hand of the Padawan. He turned some, peering through the blizzard to ensure that no one had followed them here. To ensure that the way out to safety would remain clear and exactly that: safe.
Now all they had to do was wait for the man on the other side to open the door. If, indeed, he would.


Tags: (surface duel) Skorne (enemy) Soloman Priest Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Jorii Vizsla Errix Feh'room (ally) Gir Quee Gir Quee Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Kyra Perl Yula Perl GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Equipment: Lightsaber
Fleet: Sunrise (Yurbian Arquitens), Seagoer (Neebray-class cargo frigate: carrier conversion) 1x Deathseed squadron, 11x Y-TIEs 4x YT-2000 freighters

Location: Ossus Surface

Ura was ready to walk in when a hiss caught her attention. The hiss of a lightsaber. She turned, look into the “eyes” of a masked Sith. His altered voice caught the Lervon, but soon her own odd voice spoke up in her mind.


I know! It was... the voice wasn’t her, right? No.... No it had to be. Right now she had to be more worried about the fuzzy looking Sith. Wait? Why was he fuzzy? Was he hiding his Force somehow? The Lervon would shove these concerns to the side as the green fingers of her right hand seemed to disappear as a lightsaber emitter took their place, and a cyan blade ignited.

“Depends on what you consider a fine day, Sith.” Ura stayed calm, but she could feel something in her be almost fearful. It was... she couldn’t explain it. She just had to focus on her opponent. What he would see in the Force though, was something odd. Something... faint? New? Some that are least wasn’t Ura.

Location: Space above Ossus

The Deathseeds would soon clash with the Sith fighters, pilots taking every advantage they could. Deathseed were small and agile, and had some good firepower to boot. Though the DP20 would be a problem.

With that though, the Sunrise would turn, firing her turbolasers into the corvettes and firing off a concussion missile into one of them. At the same time, the Seagoer would turn her particle cannons on the missile ships too, and the Y-TIEs attempted to break and fire Bolt torpedoes into the missile ships. The old looking Yurbian frigate has plans too.

Aboard Sunrise, Nalos would soon start to look at the enemy fleet with her own eyes before hearing the comms officer call out.

“Ma’am, we have a transmission fromanother Concord vessel. Ebony Torrent. They’re asking if we need assistance.”

“Patch them though, now, and get the cannon ready.” The Captain would then hit a button, opening the comms. “This is Captain Nalos. Thanks for managing to get something in the way of comms up. We’re in a bit of a bind here, but I still haven’t shown my idiots array.”

It was then that electricity arced between the forward mandibles before a bolt of lightning shot out from the Sunrise, aimed square at the Imp II.

  • Deathseeds fight the Sith interceptors.
  • Y-TIEs, the Seagoer, and the Sunrise target the DP20s with heavier weapons.
  • Sunrise turns and fires her arc cannon at the Imp II.

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Aien Mueller), Castiel(Zev Tantor)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Tauren Saryl), Samael(Tomas Isaacs),
Michael (Laroyce Bromin)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Ewan Isaacs), Bartleby(Dem Oniqua)
ORDERS: Change of plans
OVERWATCH: “Seraphim”
Tag: Quintus Varro Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor Darth Vulcanus Darth Vulcanus Aspect of Passion Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Auteme Auteme Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

Slowly they made their way down the halls, meticulously checking and clearing rooms and corners. They avoided patrols of "First Legion", no fear would be sensed or felt in the Special Forces Team, they were not programmed that way at all, but they were not stupid. Those black-clad individuals were not simply cannon fodder, the way each of them carried themselves was clear that they were Special Forces as well. That meant that the Omegas had to be in stealth mode right down to hand signals. When you can get Gabriel to not squeal as he was setting a charge, you were clearly a worthy foe. Speaking of setting charges, the demo tech was laying them wherever he could find spaces that they did not stick out. No, he was not wasting explosives, but they had to "re-imagine" their orders and that meant that there was more of a need to have fallback plans and those charges were a part of those plans.



The closed fist in the air meant "stop" in hand signals, so as the team set a perimeter, Bartleby showed the datapad link-up he had with the heartbeat sensors. There were a huge mass two halls away from them, and this was clearly on the way to their destination. Battlegroup Fourteen was their proverbial roadblock and it did not matter what skills these troops had, they had an overwhelming size in numbers and while Omega Squad was carrying a lot of firepower, they would not get much further judging by just how many seemed to be in that chokepoint alone, let alone anywhere else. The team was not going to get to the Engines, at least not this way, so it came time for some improvisation.

Gabriel, you still have enough to take out the magnetic field in the launch bay?

Granted the ship was in atmo, but the resulting sudden loss of pressure should still destabilize the ship. Not to mention force out anything and anyone in there. It may be a "last stand" maneuver, even to some extent a "false flag" as they would be drawing forces towards them, but it was the life they signed up for and the life they were leading. Sauriel was psychopathic at this point, Bartleby has been functionally suicidal since the loss of his husband(saving two Jedi), and well... Gabriel? He's just plain nuts, to begin with. The rest of the team knew what they were getting into and were more than ready to meet their maker if that is what this was.

More than enough.

We're going to have to fight our way in there.

Not necessarily if there are access tubes, which there usually are for that area.

Then we should split up, especially if they know about that too.

Not bad, "rookie".

That's actually a good idea. Spread their attention.

Let's not put our kill shots in one site, okay? We'll cross these bridges when we get to them. For now, set a charge at this corner, and let's backtrack and find a quiet path towards the launch bay, not the one we landed in.

Boom baby.

My line...

This was clearly turning bad. There was something big about to go down and the ultimate price might have to be paid to stop it. Bartleby, normally someone who played by the rules to the letter and would get permission first, did not bother to ask and sent a text message on his datapad to Team Paladin's "Reese", a friendly rival of his.


Don't know if your little cake-job has afforded you the intel of seeing just how many 
troops are on this ship and just what type they are, but something huge is about to 
go down. If you have an objective, fulfill it and get off the ship. We're gonna go launch 
ourselves into a real job and blowing something important.


The wording may not show it, but he had great respect for Reese, Rawr, Rarr, and the rest of Paladin, all of Omega did, but a little funny ribbing never hurt anyone. The coded speak should tell his counterpart where they were going, and not give much away if it was intercepted.

... yeah, we scare them.


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Location: Ossus Temple
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (both unless specified)
Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Grundark Grundark (focus) │ Irina Volkov Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Melydia Gold Melydia Gold Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia MataanCaedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin RandMaja FioreNathaniel Wellchoestor Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

Just great, he killed the man's pet. What's next? Chief Wiggum saying he "had 3 days until retirement"?

Okay, 1. I didn't want to kill the animal but I didn't have much choice. 2. Not everyone gets that Simpson's reference. 3. Who in the Kark are "The Simpsons", and why am I referencing them?

Not important right now. Either way, this monster was looking for a fight, only he did not look like the typical nutjobs that Caltin was used to. This one was clearly a warrior.

If I had a choice, I would not have, but I will do what I need to do to protect my people. That being said, I am truly regretful of it. Regardless of what happens here.

He actually meant it. Caltin, for all of his eccentricities and desire to fight, was an animal lover. He did not regret what he did, because the beast would kill many, but Caltin knew that its actions were controlled. There was nothing else he could do. The salute was interesting. The others were moving by, but there was nothing he could do about them right now. The big man in front of him required his attention because he didn't get it, he could do a lot more damage, and better to do it to Caltin than anyone else.

You damn sadist!

You know what I mean. Reaching out through the Force, it was becoming more and more clear as to what was going on. This was not an attack in the main sense of the word, it was a holding pattern. Why was the question? Reaching out through the Force, Caltin tried to touch the minds of the Jedi still inside the castle.

~I can't stop everyone, but I slowed some of them down. Going to need some more help out here.~

Focusing his attention on the warrior in front of him, the "not as big as THAT guy" big guy lost focus on the Jedi that was being controlled by the mind web by the "Alchemist" who wants the galaxy to think she is a witch or goddess, or whatever. This young Knight sucker-punched him and brought his weapon to bear on the massive Jedi Master. Blocking the attack, Caltin pushed him through the Force backward several feet and reached out, projecting an aura of calm, he did not want to hurt the young Knight who was little to no threat to him. He wanted to project the words of the code into his mind and thoughts of peaceful actions as well as Caltin's own mental images of him acting with younglings. The purpose was to calm him and maybe spark some kind of mental acuity to battle his control.

I am not your enemy, Yoni Bucket. I am your friend. You are not what this control is trying to make you.

The fact that this happened without Grundark attacking surprised Caltin, he was ready for it, but he was surprised. As Bucket staggered to his feet and began to grasp his temples, Caltin turned back to his would-be opponent and nodded. He offered a right-handed fist into a left-handed cupped hand and a respectful head nod. Yes, he was showing respect to this one.

You could have attacked me, and you didn't. I respect that. May the better, win.

His next move was simple. He dropped into a Soresu defensive stance.

I'm a Jedi, I don't hit first. I will hit back though.


Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective III.: Corruption
Location: Sith Eternal’s ship
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
If Dis had a lung and was able to sigh loudly, they would have done it. Had already seen mortals used to do so in situations like this. But since they couldn’t do much else yet, they couldn’t really do anything but follow the woman and keep trying to stop her. Because of this, like a real cat, they walked there by the woman's feet, only with the difference that they could not be felt or seen.

Eventually, they stopped at one of the corners, where the woman, after all, chose not the telepathic conversation but another method. From this, the Shadowcat thought the woman was really incapable of communicating telepathically. Instead, she took out a communicator with which she asked a sentence. Dis tilted their head to the side; it was an interesting solution, why didn't she speak in words? Maybe she can't talk?

After all, they decided to show themselves; walked a few metres forward, sat down, and became visible there, but remained intangible. They then appeared visibly, in bobcat size, with shadows around them and large white eyes. Dis was still sharpening their ears and their tail was moving with interest as they stretched their neck up and forward to see better, but for now the Shadowcat hadn't gotten any closer than a distance of about three to four metres.

~ Even now, you may not be able to perceive me, it is not so easy to notice us. But now you see me. Don’t get mad at me please, but without a host I can only communicate telepathically, not verbally. ~



Equipment: The Cyan Blade | Jedi Jumpsuit |
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Maja Fiore | Nathaniel Wellchoestor | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Caedyn Arenais | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
To Engage: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall


Wind blew in the battlefield, leaves began to rise from the ground from the regenerated vegetation that have had the chance to regenerate itself in this former barren world. Now, as new flora began to show up... the Sith came over to just invade and bring their chaos to this place. The Silver Jedi and their allies wouldn't allow it.

The same gust of wind that had the leave began to rage on just where @Tegan was... it was somehow unnatural and in just a couple of seconds, anyone around would notice that this was not a simple manifestiation of nature but instead something was causing it... to cause disarray in the assailant currently trying to control three people at the same time... it was a way to release her hold on them.

In the blink of an eye... a bearded man materialized in front of the girl, a man dressed in a simple wear and not robes, but if her eyes were quick enough, she would noticed the lightsaber in his hip. The Jedi Master in front of her had come out of nowhere using his Cloaking and Concealment techniques empowered by the Force, an advanced level of Force power that was his mastery... but now, he was right there with a clean smile noticible under his facial hair.

"I am not late am I?" The man didn't even take a second more and instead released a powerful Force Push in her direction that would be the cherry of the cake... he released his second stronger Power just throw her concentration of with this dramatic entrance and this powerful burst of intangible energy coming her way, a burst that even knocked back the Primarch of the Drae, he would just make her lose the foothold she had on the Jedi and that would allow them to regroup.

The Jedi had spent quite a long time to reach the place, it was hard to pass through the battle above undetected and just land his X-02 X-Wing safely and then sneak around the whole place... but he was used to it as a Jedi Shadow... and he was now here to defend this place against the Sith and particularly, this individual.

Taking a deep breath, the man then stood in a straight position and extended both of his hands to convey a single sentence: this is it, she is not going anywhere from this point. Reaching out to the Force, his right hand pulled the lightsaber and yanked out of his belt straight to his palm and at that instant, a cyan blade of energy came to life shedding it's light to him and those around the place... oh boy, how much did he love drama.

"You are better off surrendering right here and right now... we will overwhelm you quite soon" The corellian hoped that by this point, the rest of the Jedi around would be ready to stand with him against this enemy.


Darth Ananta


Objective II
Lightsaber, Armor
Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Cato Demora Cato Demora Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Grundark Grundark Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Melydia Gold Melydia Gold | Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Vulpesen Vulpesen Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Caedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Maja Fiore Nathaniel Wellchoestor Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

In the current state of galactic affairs allegiances often held tighter than morality, and to see Irina among so many contrasting orthodoxies of Sith might have understandably lent to a belief that she had some sort of allegiance to being a Sith over, say, the Empire or any individual organization so long as they persisted - an understandable mistake, but a mistake all the same. The Sith, as an order or an organization, could crumble down to the ground and the result would have been the same if the Jedi or all the governments across the stars had folded at once - anarchy was her raison d'etre, after all.

She wasn't above using one group to take out another, though - as several in the Sith Empire had come to discover when her machinations had been uncovered in the past. She'd found herself with the Sith Eternal almost purely by chance. For the brunt of the initial push towards the Jedi temple Irina had remained far from prying eyes, trailing from the rear, not quite willing to put herself in personal risk for her temporary allies just yet. As the two sides converged upon each other, and the chaos of battle slowly started to ramp up, the silver-haired Sith slowly slipped away from her allies' ranks.

The temple was well within her sights, she needed to simply slip through the gaps created by Sith and Jedi alike.

Perhaps she'd be discovered by someone of interest on the way in.



O B J E C T I V E | III, Corruption.
L O C A T I O N | Red Dragon.
T A G S | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo , Thalia Senn Thalia Senn ,
Thal Mantis Thal Mantis , Aien Mueller
T H E M E |
V O I C E |
G E A R | Armor
Lightsaber | Ring
Choker |

More lights began to flash on the panel, of many colors and many shapes. Each carried out a new issue to deal with, but despite all this trouble, Rufus kept himself as placid as a pond. His head wiggled to the left and right, contemplating on the appropriate response for each of those concerns as the ship whacked its way in the sky to reach for the objective in the map, the outburst point, the endgame.
“Explosions confirmed on sector seven!”, one of the operators howled from his seat without moving, calling out for their attention. Praji gestured with his hand so that Pellaeon would keep his focus on the way ahead, as he glided his feet closer to the one informing him of that.
Regiment Villengard to the area immediately! Dispatch the firefighter response teams!”, a moment of silence took place as Rufus considered the best course to be taken and deal with this matter swiftly. “And establish a connection with lord Diabolico.”
“At once, my lord!”, the operator replied.

Diabolico...”, Rufus began to speak in a calm tone of voice, his mouth closer to the comlink as he did. While not so far away, Diabolico raised his arm, gnarling bitterly as he realized who was the one bothering him as he guarded his Mistress’s resting ground. “Explosions confirmed on sector seven. The ship has been breached, I repeat the ship has been breached!”, and much as it was expected of this, Rufus noticed as Diabolico began to snarl his answer at him, much like the angry reptile he always had been.
Dank farrik!”, he blasted out loud, “Send me the information, and notify my squadron.”, with that said, Diabolico turned off his comlink. He immediately grabbed over the handle of his trident and opened his mobile shield as he prepared to leave, giving one last curious stare at the dark sphere his Mistress awaited without saying a word. Slowly, his long neck turned to face at the other three that were left behind to take his watch, as he snarled his way out of the room, closing two turadium twos behind him.

As silence fell between the remaining companions inside the area,
Belias took upon himself the effort of cutting through that silence with his amused words, genuinely enjoying the situation that unfolded before his eyes.
Well, that was amusing.”, his words were mostly spoken to no one but himself, still, Gentiana complied with her head, agreeing with his jest. Her programming was much more different than his conditioning had been, but still carried the same basic principles; protect our master at all costs. Something that he would surely do even if not obliged to do it so, but today he felt different, perhaps it was due to the plentiful presence of so many powerful force sensitives in a single place, enhancing his own ability to have an insight of what was to come, to the blurry tide of ongoings not bound by the chains of fate to happen, but still moving, ever-changing its course. “I wonder what comes next...”, his lips whispered, gently opening his eyes as the doors opened and humanoid figures made themselves welcomed to that area.

"I don’t suppose you're willing to let us just walk on by to the reactors are you?" He asked, brow quirking under his hood. Head tilting to the side as he addressed the various figures that were surrounding the sealed meditation chamber. "Set the ship to blow. You skedaddle. Your boss goes poof. We all win."
The young boy barely cared about holding out his laughter, instead, he allowed it to burgeon, as a youthful, joyous, and bountiful laughter while he strolled his way, circling the sphere closer to the newcomers. His hand immediately seized the handle of his weapon that lied in the belt on his waist, while his lips muttered words bathed with devotion and sympathy.
“Or we kill you lot, and hang your heads on a wall as our trophies.”, he said between giggles, igniting both blades of his weapon, raising it high in front of his body already taking the proper stance for dueling. At the other side of the sphere,
Ecliptor quickly drew his sword and raised his shield, howling with his mechanical voice at the Jedi
“Surrender now and be graced with a swift death... Fail to comply and suffer!”, pale hot steam was released by his mouth as if tossed, perhaps the machine believed this to be quite the menacing trait of himself showing off to his opponents, Belias wasn’t sure. However, both of them froze in place, as the sphere very slowly opened itself, with nothing but blazing hot golden smoke coming out of that place.

The air suddenly became very heavy. It almost certainly seemed like it became fresh mist from the foggiest swamp in all the galaxy, but from its inside as it slowly opened, her voice came carrying the sheer power of her will, bringing fear and discontent to the hearts of those who oppose her. Aura of Uneasiness the Sith called it, but Lunafreya saw only as expressing her superiority, her absolute arrogance as the perfect being to those lesser than hers, by applying all of her malice and spite to take hold over her voice.
“How presumptuous of you, boy... Back away!”, her lips ordered, and the two servants under her control did not waste a moment before obeying her orders. Stepping aside and giving more than enough for the sphere to open itself upwards, giving it time for the smoke to clear off, revealing her tall body, cloaked in the iniquitous living shape of her armor. Inside her mind, the words were being chanted, naturally done by her bidding and soaked with intent over her magick, even as her lips spoke something else entirely. “I will deal with these Jedi scums myself.”, on her right hand safely held by her long sharp talons was her staff, and as she rose the left arm with her palm open, Lunafreya kept her main finger directed at the newcomers, "Foolish human babies... Do you not know Death when you see it?”, with cunning and malice, more was spoken in that beautiful ancient language of her kind than they would have heard, catching only its last command with their consciousness rather than using their ears. “Sleeping flame, I summon thee... To your form return, make the night as bright as day, and burn, my lover, burn...”, her left hand swirled towards the pale stone on top of her staff, as the armor gouged a small sparkling flame to its surface, being held by the power inside as Lunafreya turned the staff in their direction, howling in the night. Fira!”

Faster than a serpent's lockjaw, both of her hands grasped the metallic extension of her staff, as a spurt of golden flames took shape, pouring as a dragon’s breath against them. Blazing and terrible, so hot and so bright that it melted the metallic layers of the ground it touched as it ravaged its way towards the newcomers, with its Mistress hurling the weapon right to left, distributing its fiery kiss to a wide direction as she would force them away from her. Raising one of those avian-shaped feet of hers away from the sphere, walking her way out, preparing for the brawl that would take place, as her head flirted elegantly to the left snapping her own neck.
"I bear a charmed life, Jedi, one that will not yield by a filthy human!", her words gashed through the fiery air like a knife would to butter. They carried her vows of vengeance, the utmost arrogance that was slowly groomed throughout the centuries inside her immoral heart, they spoke one thing for certain; there was to be no surrender.
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