Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Ossus Massacre │ SE Invasion of SJC held Jomark & Nespis VIII

Objective II: Regicide
Location: Ossus Temple Courtyard
Equipment: Armor | Lightsaber | Energy Bow | Bracelet

“Isn’t Thesh a letter of the alphabet? Did your parents have too many kids or something that they just started lettering you instead of naming you—?” Starlin was saying when Thirdas opened the door. Through the crack, Starlin glimpsed a pair of eyes that looked sorta familiar. Maybe a family resemblance?

At Thirdas’ question, he considered making up a story and passing Thesh off as a Jedi, but quickly decided against it. Lying wasn’t one of his strong suits, and among Force Users he was even worse at it. They could see right through him. Instead, his best bet was to be absolutely, completely truthful. Painfully honest, even.

“This here’s Thesh,” he began, putting his arm around the Sith acolyte’s shoulders as though they were old friends. “I found him wandering around the battlefield like a lost puppy, all alone. I stopped him, but rather than attacking me, we got to talking. He’s very upset about the younglings being in danger, so I said why’d you come and invade us if you don’t want innocents getting hurt? Anyway, we tussled briefly, I tickled him to get him to lighten up a little, and now we’re brothers for the day. Or at least as long as it takes to get the kids to safety. Then we’ve arranged for a duel at high noon or whatever, cause he has to be able to go home to his master and say ‘I tried’.”

Starlin looked at Thesh. “He says the Sith army isn’t attacking from the southern side. I believe him.”



Tags: (surface duel) Skorne (enemy) Soloman Priest Soloman Priest Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla Errix Feh'room (ally) @]Gir Quee Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Yula Perl Yula Perl GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Equipment: Lightsaber
Fleet: Sunrise (Yurbian Arquitens, shields damaged), Seagoer (Neebray-class cargo frigate: carrier conversion, shields damaged), 10x Deathseeds, 9x Y-TIEs, 4x YT-2000 freighters

Location: Ossus Surface

Ura looked at the Sith in front of her, the odd thought of this being bad passing through her mind again. Then he asked if she had internal conflict. She closed her eyes a little, speaking up calmly, though she kept her saber ignited. She didn't trust this one.

"Internal.... No." Then it came again.

Kind of....

No.... I'm not....

I'm not...? Why "I'm?"
She tried to hide her annoyance before finally opening her eyes, looking at Skorne as she moved slightly to be somewhere more open. As she did she kept her saber in a guarded stance, ready for any strike that would come. Then the Sith asked where Ura's allies were. She looked around, not sure how to answer before becoming more determined.

"They're out there stopping your allies from hurting people!"

That sound... good.... This time, she wasn't as mad at the voice existing.

Location: Space above Ossus

The scrappy fleet needed to hold out for a little longer. Nalos watched as the weapons opened up. Thankfully the two DP20s seemed to not take too well to the Lervon's brand of firepower, and neither did the Imp II. Still, that didn't stop three more DP20s from coming up, and 8 missiles.

"We can't keep this up. Is Seagoer launching those freighters yet?" The comms officer just nodded. As they did, the YT-2000s would finally leave the Seagoer's hanger, and show themselves to the Sith fleet there. Meanwhile, the strike craft were being chewed into while they also fought back, and a couple went down as they tried to get any edge they could. Nalos would soon sigh and send a transmission to Gir again.

"Ok.... It's going to be some time before I can use that one again."

  • YT-2000s launch.
  • The attack continues.



Location: Ossus Temple Objective I
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (both unless specified)

Grundark Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Irina Volkov Cato Demora Cato Demora Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Melydia Gold Melydia Gold Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Caedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Maja Fiore Nathaniel Wellchoestor

” Would the man stay defensive and at the edge waiting for him to make an error or would he use the opening move to start his own attack?”

The answer? Both!

Return with your shield, or on it.

The thing about Soresu is that a primary action in it no matter what you choose to do is to wait until the last possible moment, to wait until your opponent is fully committed to their attack and either counter or dodge. It took a lot of precognition, which required a good amount of focus, but it was very doable for a long period of time. Of course, that took focus away from the Aura of Calm he was emanating in an attempt to either confuse, slow, or calm “the herd”. Yes, Rancor were vicious animals and would soon eat you as look at you, but they were huge, and high on the food chain. It was in their blood, not to mention often they were used as tools and weapons, often abused so they lived fearful and mistrustful of everyone and everything around them, making them defensive. This did sadden the massive Jedi Master, as while he would never look to one as a pet like this guy did, they had a right to live to… unless of course, he didn’t have a choice himself, like with “Lucy”.

Stop making me feel like a jerk you Shebshole!

Just the opposite man, calm down. Anyway, as the greatsaber came down, Caltin ducked and rolled to his right, the blade singing his left shoulder. Through the Force, he punched at Grundark’s knee, the move was meant to bruise and even “charley-horse” the Sith’s left knee…

What the frell is that?

A cramp, you knew that 800 years ago, now focus. The move may very well have cramped up the knee of the Sith but the soreness emanating from the “not as big as THAT guy” big guy’s hand was almost legendary. It was almost as if he wasn’t thinking of what was actually going to happen, bare-fisted punching an armored knee of a sentient that probably does not need the armor to begin with.

Oh… ha… ha…

Shaking it off, he kicked at the calf muscle before bringing his lightsaber up in a defensive position as he stood erect. Caltin’s move was not meant to be anything more than something that would level the playing field in a manner of speaking. Caltin threw another speeder at a weapon emplacement that was attacking a group of young Padawans, but his attention was still on the Sith in front of him.

I’m not going to get into an ideological debate with you, but you seem to be better than “that”...

He said, pointing at the troops he just threw a speeder at.

You’re a man of honor. I’m sure that there are better ways than this. Not out to change who you are… but this?

He glanced up at what was going on above.

I'm all for a battle with honor, so let us see who is the better, at least today, but this is not a battle of honor. There is something truly disgusting going on, no matter who it is aimed at.

Why did he say this? There was no purpose to this attack. No real direction, it was merely to push them back somewhere... the temple... the ships above? Reaching out through the Force he contacted everyone he could.

~"Get out of the Temple or down to the vaults. If you can hear me, get out of the Temple or down to the vaults!"~


He was right, of course. It was a letter. But then that was all he had been for quite some time, a letter and a string of numbers. Seen as less than human. He shrugged it off though all the same.
"Don't remember what they called me," he said, in defense of his parents. Certainly he had not been born Thesh. He'd tried in recent years to unearth his true identity, to figure out the name he'd been gifted at birth, but he'd been unsuccessful. Almost as though they hadn't cared to take his name when they branded him. He was one of a great many children taken that day, after all. Why would they waste their time?
He was pulled from his thoughts when Starlin Rand Starlin Rand wrapped a brotherly arm around his shoulder, his body tensed some from the unexpected touch but he didn't pull away right away. The lad was trying to make a point, and seeming hostile would not help in getting those younglings out of here.
"I get it, if you don't want to trust my word," he said to the one on the other side of that door. He had been unsure if he wanted to talk at all, but he knew that their reservations would be high. His would be, if the cards were reversed. "But I didn't come here to see innocents harmed. I would rather them not be here if the Temple gets further breached. I don't know how well your doors will hold, not with what they've brought."
They... How quick he was to scrub himself of the phrase we in that moment. Even if Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield didn't relent, even if he chose to bar the door and turn away their help, he would make sure he wasn't among those who came this way. He'd make sure he was elsewhere, likely predisposed with Starlin. He would not have their blood on his hands.
Not now.
Not ever.

"A cur's weakness, properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool," responded Carnifex, finally reaching up to draw back his hood to reveal his face. A new long jagged scar ran down from beyond his hairline down to his collarbone. The scar was covered by carbon fiber microsutures, evidence of the Sith Lord's attempts to bind his wounds and allow them to heal. Where the scar had been carved through his skin grew no hair, leaving an awkward gap in the hair on his scalp.
He rested both of his near his waist, interlocking his fingers. "It will be enlightening to see what comes of this ritual, and whether or not Vulcanus will become all that you claim he can be." Carnifex held no illusions about Vulcanus, the Graug was a beast lacking any shred of civility. It made him an effective weapon against the Sith's enemies, but he was just as equally dangerous to the Sith themselves if he went untempered. The chain had been an attempt to guide Vulcanus towards the Sith Empire's goals, but now the Lord of Embers had been unleashed.
"Right now the Jedi stumble headlong into this web you have woven, with only the faintest inkling of what awaits them." Carnifex could sense them down below, including the Jedi Auteme Auteme . Perhaps she would sense him as well, though he made no effort to either announce or conceal his presence.
"It will be their undoing."



"TIE patrol is breaking off," Atlas noticed through clenched teeth.

"I guess every once in a while the sun shines twice on a womp rat's tail."

Survey ships like the Trident-class were designed with command decks on their keel to assist with underwater operations. In space the solarium glasteel viewport provided some with a dizzying sense of vertigo. Nerit's dimensions slowly grew more and more monstrous as the Constellation built up velocity. Even with all power routed to engines outrunning starfighters had always been a faint hope. He wondered why they were just spared.

"One of the star destroyers is hailing, cap'n."

"Let's see it," he gestured at their battered old holoprojector.

"Civilian ship, this is Lord Consul Arthos Vynea. You are entering an active warzone and for your own safety I invite you aboard my ship until you may safely depart. Power down your shields and weapons then proceed to docking bay three. So long as you act without hostility on my ship I promise no harm will come to you. If you refuse this order I must assume you have a military agenda and will have you marked as an enemy. Take this opportunity to find safe harbor in the storm."


"Shut up Q," he growled, "Comlink."

An image flickered into life aboard the bridge of the Asha. He was human, or near-human at least. Dressed in a simple jacket and tunic. There was an old fashioned Glie-44 on his hip but otherwise the spacer bore no indication of any uniform or insignia. Scans of his countenance would reveal a sparse chaincode. Only that he originated somewhere in the Kathol Outback and was wanted by the Sith Empire.

"Unknown vessel, this is Captain Atlas Drake speaking for the independent prospector Constellation. I can assure you Lord Consul I have no interest in taking any lives today. My crew and I reckoned until only a short time ago this was uncontested space. Now you don't look much like a pirate but I don't recognize your transponder code and I'm sure you can see why given all this recent commotion we're reluctant to board any strange star destroyers. How about a compromise?"

He knew that he was playing a dangerous game but his options were rapidly dwindling.

"Allow us to land on the forest moon. You can even send a detachment down the well to guard us if you like. We just want out of the crossfire."

Equipment: EVA Suit, Glie-44 Navy, Tehk'la Blade, Monocular
Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
Enemies: Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Errix Feh'room

  • Cut engines to half power.
  • Negotiate for safe passage.
Last edited:
if they're watching anyways

She did not, in fact, follow Captain Rarr. Funny how that happened -- even here, a place choked in darkness, even as she was surrounded by evil, the Force ebbed and flowed. She wandered without a care. Through sheer luck she encountered no resistance. The Sith battleship was large, and the distractions caused by the Jedi and soldiers were effective in drawing away the thralls of the Sith.

She forged deeper. The flow guided her; as though a little boat on a river she wove through the corridors, almost in a dance. There was always a heart to it. On Ziost she'd found Darth Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . The empty man, devoid of all things; of character, of feeling. The calm at the center of the storm. As she pushed onward here she felt something else.

Empty, yes, in part -- but consuming. Hateful. Hungry.

She breathed deep, approaching the entrance of the hangar. Behind the door was death and destruction; a raging fire, impossibly hot, ever-burning. Yet the flow pushed her.

She pushed the release on the door and stepped inside.

Objective 3
Location: Ventilation shaft, heading for the bridge
Writing with: Dis Dis

Her eyes widened as the shadows around her came to life, all drawing near to form a silhouette in front of her. The creature was feline, and looked much like the Loth-cats of Lothal. She stared for a moment, her head slightly tilted to the side as she studied the creature. It was unlike anything she had ever seen or sensed before.

Sakadi raised her hand, gesturing with two fingers as she sought out its presence in the Force. Despite how odd it was, she could finally sense the creature. And that meant she could commune through the Force with it.

"I see you now." Her disembodied voice was gentle and warm. "I suppose introduction are in order. My name is Sakadi. And to answer your question…" Concern washed over her features as she recalled the task at hand. "We cannot turn back. Thousands will die and millions will suffer if we do. Risking our lives and possibly becoming one with the Force are small prices to pay if we can prevent the massacre and suffering of all these people." Sakadi glanced at the path behind the shadowcat. "You tried to warn us. Warn me." Her gaze then shifted back to the shadowcat. "Please. If you value the lives of those on Ossus, guide me to the bridge. If we stand together, we can truly make a difference." It was a gamble, to put it bluntly. The shadow had conveyed its concern. It had to care, right? And well, if it was aboard this ship, it probably knew more about its many corridors, rooms and hallways than she did. If anyone could help her stop this massacre on Ossus, it was the being right on front of her.

Caedyn Arenais


Objective II: Defend the Ossus Jedi Temple
Inventory: Staff Lightsaber | Jedi robes
Allies: The Silver Jedi Concord
Opposition: Cato Demora Cato Demora


The first of the Charric blasts met the defense of the Jedi Knight's lightsaber, held firmly in both hands and yet still not having anticipated the use of special ammunition of that power, forcing Caedyn to stumble back as the shot avoided yet not without the kinetic force shaking him from his grounded stance.

The rest of the squad opened fire upon Caedyn, not all among them utilizing quite so powerful ammunition, yet the number of troops seeking to gun him down forced the Jedi to activate the second blade of his Staff Lightsaber, further enabling him to raise a significantly swift defense against ranged fire. However, a second charric blast was discharged from another of the two squads, they who had filed out tactically alongside their brethren. Their like didn't appear to set the standard among soldiers, leaving Caedyn to suspect he was dealing with veterans among the Sith.

Reaching out with the Force, he slowed the charric charge in its place using Force Stasis in order to move aside and allow the shot to pass him whilst having to continue his defense against the two squads. It was quickly becoming obvious that their numbers were too much, Caedyn being forced to put distance between himself and the Sith troops, once again summoning strength in the Force and bending at the knee, he soon launched himself back with an assisted jump, somersaulting through the air and allowing the Force to carry him farther than natural, to once more land within a safer distance to be able to read the oppositions line of fire and giving those few precious seconds to protect himself.

"Put down your weapons, surrender, and you will be treated with the respect of a prisoner of war!"
The Jedi Knight had heard far worse offers in his time, although the terms were still highly unacceptable. "You've come to bring violence upon a peaceful Temple and you would have me the prisoner of war?!" Caedyn countered, shouting across the great hall before reaching out with his left hand and unleashing a powerful surge of telekinetic force, a wall of energy that swept towards the two squads picking up any loose objects or debris on its way, threatening to have them all thrown back violently against the wall they'd come through.

Persona: Sorceress of Coruscant

The Sorceress, as she fended off more soldiers attempting to breach the temple, kept in mind where Starlin Rand Starlin Rand was with Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn , proud like every other Witch hiding in Syd (including ones Starlin had yet to meet) of the Boy miraculously turning a crap situation slightly more hopeful.

She erected barriers and barracades more than lethal implements. The only reason she hadn't held back when helping Starlin clear out a local chapter of the Cult of The Brain Demon was because those Witches were THAT dangerous. You just had to kill them before they killed you. If you couldn't do that, you ran. You ran as fast as your legs could bear the strain and beyond that if you had to.

The Sorceress hissed magnetism spells to anchor approaching soldiers to one spot due to the metal in the armor being suspended in place. She was less brutal than Syd would have been, only knocking them out on contact. Syd's nature was to burn. The nature of The Sorceress was to weld and fuse and magnetize.

Her spinning blue blades sliced off limbs but didn't claim lives as she held off approaching troops trying to breach the inner sanctum where the younglings were being protected. Soldiers and Sith alike were knocked out by metal spheres. It was like if Ian Mckellen had more than three ball bearings and was getting XP and possibly loot drops for every foe defeated.

The Sorceress, as the fire intensified, was forced to use a combination of metal armors her magics warped into a gigantic shield as well as her ringed blades to block the incoming fire, the shield being especially useful for blocking charrics. Her mind willed the metal of her giant shield forward, slamming just hard enough to knock her attackers out, and she quickly went down another passage to find and back up Caedyn Arenais , her spinning, Dark Blue Blades sliced through weapons, chunks of metal slamming into soldiers and knocking them cold. As she neither looked nor felt like the fiery headed woman that had fought at The Black Knight's side at Dantooine, the elderly looking Force Spawn was extremely unlikely to set off alarm bells as she continued attacking the people trying to kill Caedyn, who was no slouch at battling them himself.

The Sorceress never stopped moving, even as a few lucky shots grazed her, spilling green, mercury like blood on the floor, the metal from the fallen soldiers armor ripping itself off and fusing to her body, becoming flesh to repair the wounds.

At least Arenais, had more help, Even for an experienced Knight, facing this many enemies could border on life being set to the bullchit difficulty. No one should fight alone in such a pitched battle.

She was just hoping that if Starlin came out he wouldn't blow the whole bit by calling her 'Syd' in front of some Jedi. In this guise, she had made up the name Nora Ferrite. She had made to sure to emphasize this to Starlin if she was to continue training him in secret. This was easily done, with all the Witches hiding in her body influencing her to do so.

The Sorceress wondered if Starlin was aware just how much Syd loved The Black Knight. It was the main reason Syd had not come back to the order fully: She had yet to figure out a way to save Laertia from herself.

(Cutaway of J. Jonah Jameson laughing uncontrollably)

If all the Witches were honest, they sort of liked her also. But they couldn't ignore the devolving situation. The Sorceress wished Syd would have been more successful in convincing Laertia to come to Ossus and defend it, but Laertia didn't trust or respect a vast majority of Jedi anymore, even if she did maintain a soft spot for Starlin as he had stopped Syd from falling to the Dark Side. That was another tragedy between those two...their lives paralleled the other in disturbing ways that even the Black Knight couldn't help but be bothered by, yet now they were really on opposite sides.

The Sorceress continued to back up Arenais as well as hold off Sith reinforcements trying to overwhelm them both, flinging metal spheres into chest and head hard enough to knock cold, but not kill.

Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield


Objective II: Regicide
Allies: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Grundark GrundarkIrina Volkov Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia MataanCaedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin RandMaja FioreNathaniel Wellchoestor
As the Jedi backflipped, he would notice through the small permutations of the Force seemed to react to his movements instantly - comparable to the premeditation of the Jedi Masters, yet they held no presence in the Force. Rather, it was their blind built in ability, products of manufactured strength and training brought to bear in the form of a Jedi Hunter that knew no equal; and they would not relent. As soon as Cato had seen the Jedi retreat - he spoke quickly.​
"Inferos, now!", he said through the death trooper vocoder, encrypting his words. Not that it would matter, it would become obvious as soon as two of the others pulled the disruptor shotguns from their back mounts what was about to happen.​
As the two on opposite sides shouldered the weapons and began to fire at the place where Caedyn had landed - Cato and Reaper twisted their charric blasters onto the Jedi tasked with guarding this place who had finally reacted to the situation. Special firing patterns, magnified by the two riflemen, added onto the brutal effectiveness of the Chiss weaponry made short work of two Jedi who got a touch too close to the First Legion soldiers; leaving them limp on the ground in smoldering corpses.​
The sensation of pain and death would begin to seep into the internal calmness of the Temple, slowly corrupting the Zen so many had become accustomed to within its depths. Cato's words would reach out again - this time to more than the Caedyn before him;​
"The Emperor has decreed peace be upon you - you only have to put down your arms!", he said as his blaster bolt slapped into the chin of an oncoming Jedi.​
"Don't die a hero.", he said as sweat formed beneath the temperature-controlled underlay of his S-6 armor. He wasn't scared of being overwhelmed, nor did he actually feel fear after his augmentations - but the Jedi were packed inside better than intel reported. No doubt the assault outside was taking its toll, but he felt something more.​
They were protecting something. Children, artifacts, politicians - it didn't matter. If the Jedi had something to protect, they would fight to the last - it was their 'selfless' way. His thoughts were broken as a whirling storm of a Knight came in - throwing steel balls at walls, grabbing metal and fusing it to their skin, and forcing a furrow of the brow of the super soldier.​
"Reaper!", he called out in the Vocoder, but it was redundant. The other First Legionaire had already seen what was coming, lowered himself, and moved in for the tackle on the woman. There were outnumbered, but they weren't outskilled - something that reassured Cato as Reaper pulled one of his C-11's out, looking to drive it beneath one of the plates of armor and activate it. A solid rush of air, a thud sounding like a steel beam into dirt, and the knife would have ejected a massive repulsort lift directly into the flesh it had stabbed - creating a cavity of nothing in its wake.​



Objective III: Corruption
Allies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex // Quintus Varro
Enemies: Jedi Scum

"What was, will be.", the Worm offered back.​
In the distance, the Worm could feel how close the Jedi had come to Vulcanus's prison - the precipice of carnage, such a focal point in the Force everyone on the bridge could sense just how deep it went. Darth Apademak stirred at it, a soft groan emintating from his locked jaw as he seemed to tense, readying himself for a fight that was not yet for him.​
"The Force works on their behalf - slowly at first, giving hints as to what we are doing. It is only a matter of time before it gives them the full picture; before we wrench another world from its endless coil. With it, a thousand Jedi shall fall - to the Dark Side, or to a crimson blade I care not; but I will give each the option to sense the depths of which the Dark Side has to offer.", the Worm finished.​
"When the deed is done, come to Ossus. Witness the beauty of Transformation, and understand first hand what it is I have planned for the Galaxy, Darth Carnifex. Perhaps you shall be the torch bringer that carries on my flame - you need only accept the new truth."​


Darth Sephi



Objective III: Corruption​
Allies: Sith Eternal

Enemies: Aien Mueller │ Omega

Sephi seethed as he walked down the hallway - his clawed feet digging heavy marks into the alchemized steel floor with every step, a gruesome bit of carnage in his wake that the construction droids would not doubt have to fix in time. The only reason they weren't deployed yet, was because the onboard threat had not been dealt with - and apparently hand managed to escape the lockdown.​
Though, only temporarily.​
"How many fething explosives can ten guys carry?!", he said with a quick slam of his fist into the door panel. It opened at his aggressive knock before Typhojem called him back on his holocommunicator. The blueish tint of the Adas hologram spoke candidly;​
"Darth Sephi.", it said with a nod.​
"Out with it."​
"Network security droids have relayed sensor data to my central processor - they have gone three directions at once. I, however, have come to different conclusion.", the AI offered.​
"So you know where they've gone?"​
"With certainty.", it offered back.​
"While the sensor data all appear tampered with, none of them truly match the probability algorithms I have run from their last known location. False positives excluded, and we have found they are very likely moving towards the hanger - though we are yet unsure as to why.", Typhojem said with a shake of its holographic head.​
"Doesn't matter. Allow them to enter the hanger, then seal it - prepare Legionaires to surround it from the upper and lower levels. And make sure they don't show themselves until I get there.", he said with a wicked smile tinged with clenched teeth.​
"Oh, and one more thing, Darth Sephi!"​
"What now?!"​
"There are only six of them."​

Location: Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Ebony Torrent, somewhere in the Adega System
Objective: I Blackout
Allies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Enemies: Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Errix Feh'room

Captain Nalo's disembodied voice floated through his mike headset, "Ok.... It's going to be some time before I can use that one again."

Gir nodded in appreciation. Never underestimate the unknown. An impressive shot, but one that seems to have attracted some more attention. He glanced at the holo-tank as he watched more Sith starships appear to orient to pursue the Yurbian craft. In many respects, that was expected. The scrappy little ships appeared to be the last vestiges of resistance in the space around Ossus. He glanced at his chrono. Right

Hundreds of minute flashes of Cronau radiation erupted around the Sunrise and Seagoer. What had once been a clean and elegant formation of starbombers flooded into the area in disorganized pairs - apparently the presence of the interdictor's gravity wells was close enough to cause some minor disruptions in their nav safety cut-outs. But the Cyclone II Starbombers began their work immediately. With general purpose launchers filled with Starfall Heavy Proton Rockets and their bomb bays filled with Starcore-class Concussion Missiles, the swarm of bombers was equally equipped to take on either the DP20 Gunships or the Sith Bombers harassing the Yurbian vessels. Bright ion exhaust trails immediately to fill the area as the Silver Jedi Concord bombers began to simply unload their ordnance with abandon on whatever target was closest and convenient. Gir knew that it wasn't exactly an efficient use of ordnance - some targets would probably get some overkill, but he guessed that it would at least unexpectedly blunt the Sith attack. He tagged his com.

"Captain Nalos, some help has arrived, but I doubt that it'll be enough to take on all of those ships. I'm sending you rendezvous coordinates to withdraw to, if you so desire. I hope to see you there."

A raucous of noise drew his attention to the another holo-tank as Wave One began their assault near the Red Dragon. Almost countless swarms of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters surged into hyperspace accompanied by a much fewer number of heavily armed Firedrake-class Gunships almost on top of the Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles 's formation. Their decant into realspace was even more disjointed, leading to a chaotic and ragged clouds of fighters diving into the formation of Sith warships. Yet the small craft didn't attempt to attack the capital ships, instead the starfighters and gunships fired their guns at any small craft targets of opportunity or fired Starcore-class Concussion Missiles at relatively close Tomb-class Fighters before immediately starting to jet away from the entire formation - a classic hit-and-fade attack. In order to better evade the inevitable point defenses revealed by Katarn Squadron's fateful attack, all of the vessels activated the boost function of their engine, all while the gunships used their sensor jammers to flood the immediate area around them with noise to thwart solid sensor locks. Gunships continued to fire parthian shots with their guns and missiles as the formation began to leave the vicinity of the Red Dragon and moved towards the rear of the Assessor's formation and the beleagured Yurbian frigates.

"Launch Wave Three," ordered the admiral.

"Are you sure about this?" quizzed Ariela.

The man briefly hesitated, "It's always a gamble. But I'm feeling lucky."

"It's the reinforcements that you think are coming. You do know that we have no idea what they are?"

The man nodded, "But we can't simply do nothing here as well. We can be the back-up for Ossus, and they can be the back-up for us."

He scanned the room for a certain mon calamari officer, but he could not find Perit. He toggled his comlink to the channel he shared with his mon calamari confidant.

"Perit, it's time to split the fleet. We'll jump as soon as the third wave has fully departed. I trust you know where to take us."

A gravelly voice answered him, "It feels too exciting...I'm not sure if it is the right course of action, but where the stream flows, we shall go as the old saying goes. The Force be with us..."

Hundreds of small craft jumped into hyperspace. A few minutes later, the Carrier Corvettes jumped away, followed seconds later by the two mammoth Deshet-class Heavy Carriers. Even as the heavy carriers advanced, more Silver Jedi forces had begun to trickle into the system.

Task Force Torrent (5 kilometers of ships)
Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Ebony Torrent
-6 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-12 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Deshet-class Heavy Carrier Midnight Darkest
-12 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters
-6 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Star Bombers
-2 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships (space superiority loadout)
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue One
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Two
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Blue Three
-4 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters
Martan-series Carrier Corvette Red One
-2 squadrons of Peth Pinook-series Fighter Gigs
-1 squadron of T9 Phantasm-class Starfighters
-1 squadron of Sowa Stealth Recon Drones

Unknown Silver Jedi Forces (10 km+)
To be revealed

Summary of Actions
-Wave 1 (composed of 12 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters and 4 squadrons of Firedrake-class Gunships) execute hit and fade attack on fighters defending Tithon Antillies Capital ships
-Wave 2 (composed of 18 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Bombers armed with Starfall Heavy Proton Rockets and StarCore Concussion Missiles) move to attack Errix Feh'room 3 DP20s and Sith Bombers currently attacking Ura Iolar Ura Iolar 's formation
-Wave 3 small craft enter hyperspace
-Ebony Torrent and Midnight Darkest jump into hyperspace
-Martan-seris Carrier Corvettes jump into hyperspace


Objective I: Blackout
Allies: Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea
Enemies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

"Admiral -" Vo offered with abandon.​
"Ships dropping out of hyperspace directly over formation!", she called as the crew began a low rumble among their ranks. Tithon adjusted in his seat as he glanced over the real time displays.​
Amplified by the math of extremely powerful AI aboard the 'Red Dragon', each of picket frigates thrived in the environment. While their missiles were less effective, the sheer number of squadrons deployed against them made every shot ring true to some degree; if only at unmanned aircraft, the effect would stay the same. His fleet was built was this - to hold the line and stop carriers from truly engaging the 'Red Dragon' without impunity.​
It seemed his opponent wanted to lose fighters today.​
"Have the squadrons deployed lead the droid fighters into kill zones created by point defense. If we lose some, it'll be worth it - but focus on the gunships."​
As the focus came on the squadrons themselves, his plan would be put into action - peppering fields with walls of flak that made it nearly impossible to fly through; but once more with the assistance of the X-02, preplanned assistance was rendered unto those few ships with an avenue through the destruction on probability alone. There was, however, more than a few that would be faced with no chance of escape from friendly fire - simply a by product of the stratagem, a good death for a zealot.​
For those missiles that did make it through, they would find the Frigate's no less armored then their protective charges. Each was more bulwark than frigate, tanking the missiles with their shields flaring; making all the current losses in the squadrons. Still, For the time being, Tithon was hesitant to deploy more targets for the opposition in hiding - waiting for them to come closer.​
Or even yet, convince them there is yet another trick up his sleeve. The more they focus on him, the less they focus on the Dragon.​
Star Destroyers:
1x SD-9s "Khan" Class Sith Star Destroyer - Belated
8x SFi-3 "Tomb" Class Starfighter
(0 Deployed, 1 Destroyed)
3x GS-60 "Valkyrie" Class Heavy TIE Fighter
2x SC-07 "Lussk" Class Assault Cruiser
2x SFi-3 "Tomb" Class Starfighter
(1 Deployed, 1 Destroyed)
Carnation & Stygian Pride
4x SF-13 "Legion" Class Star Frigate
12x SFi-3 "Tomb" Class Starfighter
(3 Deployed, 1 Destroyed)
Cauldron // Red Iron // Nuemidon // Velum


Objective: Regicide
Focuse: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Allies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Cato Demora Cato Demora Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Irina Volkov Melydia Gold Melydia Gold Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Caedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Maja Fiore Nathaniel Wellchoestor

He was surprised as he saw the blade touch on some flesh, but was pleased by the show of bravery as the man rolled inwards. As he completed his swing the Cragmoloid used his momentum to to bring his knee up into the rushing body not realizing he was making the hard target more available. With a resounding crunch he felt the impact directly on his knee as the two powerful objects met each other. Pain radiated up his leg, but the bone held.

He took that pain in though as he grinned the force embedding in his hide as he howled in joy. Yes, this was a worthy opponent who's power could match his own. Even as the Jedi stood his focus was still well stabilized over multiple aspects of combat as he threw the speeder. Grundark felt he had him on natural strength, but he knew he was no where nearly well as trained with the force. Good, a lesson to be learned.

He was much less prepared for the argument thrown at him though. "Better then them? My herd? Men and women who've grown up with a life time of war in which there is no right or wrong. Empires and republics that have shattered the stars in ideological warfare, and the need to force their way of life. Is your herd any different? I can feel it in you the hunt for glorious combat, to prove yourself against another with honor. Do they tell you how evil it is to feel that? How wrong you are for being you? Perhaps the Sith are wrong, I've never claimed to be a good one and I fear the great madness, but is taking a man's soul any better? Better a man be free to do good or evil of their choice then told there is one road and all else is evil."

Listening to his mental shout the Cragmoloid couldn't help but laugh as he stepped back for a moment. "You think we're here to slaughter you? You think the south has been left unassailed for no reason? Go have the young and old run that way there will be nothing that stops them. We are here to free you, nothing more."

Inhaling a great he trumpeted forward a force bellow at his opponent before charging back in. As he closed the distance he tossed his saber to the side and grinned swinging in towards the man's head. "Come, show me just how strong you really are." Even as he ran forward though he could feel the ebbing of pain in his leg. Damn human hit hard.
Last edited:
She Left Behind A Legacy

Objective II: Regicide
Inventory: Gear in sig
Allies: The Silver Jedi Concord, Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Opposition: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Meld talk = Color

She saw the surge of Coren's blast beckon forth and crash against the form of the Rancor, but before she could realize her vision--


She felt the surge of the Force blast just near her like a mild detonation and sent rubble erupting off her body, as she was launched a few feet from her spot, colliding with the ground and sliding an extra foot across the surface of the marbled duracrete. Hair sprawled over her form, she dug her forearm into the tile and propped herself up -- she'd taken worst hits; some back to back.

She whipped her hair back, and climb to her feet. Glaring for the person to direct her frustration at, she shot over at the sound of her name.

"Another girl always a good thin--wait! You're not--" He cut her off, and her eyes went to the staff he was tapping. It didn't take finely tuned senses to get whiff of the energy that thing was giving off.

"He's got a staff...I've got it."

"No?" She retorted "Well I do hope that by the end of this you've had a change in perception." Her head tilted forward, and she brandished a smirk. And she could still feel the waves of energy light and dark permeating the area, fighting for dominance.

"Nice Knickknack you've got there, what's it do?" She nodded towards the staff.

"So are you guys like...the Junior Sith Empire or?"
Objective: Communication Blackout
Mission: Defend the Red Dragon
Allies: all tagged below
Enemies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Ura Iolar Ura Iolar GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.

He was not displeased as the holo image of one Atlas Drake Atlas Drake showed up before Arthos. He was less then pleased though at the answer, and yet it was difficult to simply say no, the whole obey or die routine was all too expected. Only one Sith Emperor in recent memory had worked at the economics of his Empire and Caulder Dune Caulder Dune had brought order and prosperity to the Sith Empire. The Iridonian had no reason to believe the Worm Emperor or any of his challengers would do the same, but if the Consuls could handle that for them perhaps they had a future as a whole.

"Captain Drake, more men would simply lead to more attention to your crew I believe. Very well, land and wait out this battle and perhaps you can join in on the prosperity that will follow in it's wake. Do not approach any Sith warships and you have my word you will not be fired upon. May chains never bind you."

Signaling off he turned his attention to the matter of the rear interdictor fleet, and it's troubles. All capital ship weapons to the rear and prepare from a strike from the rear. Contact Errix Feh'room and find out the condition of the rear fleet. They were all a bit too spread out for his liking with the need to protect the Red Dragon. If not for the Obelisk on board this would have all been far easier, but then this invasion wasn't sustainable without it. After all while it might look like a fight at the moment if the power of the Concord truly fell upon them they would be overwhelmed in short order.

If that hadn't been enough to draw the Sith Lord's attention from the prospector the arrival of the first wave of attack ships at Admiral Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles rear was enough for him to completely forget the small vessel. Deploy additional fighters and move to back up the Admiral's section if attacks continue. Yet even as the fighters took off the drones began to pull back and move away from the larger vessels. Was it just a ploy to draw the fighters? Call back our fighters and prepare for an enemy attack to the rear.

Closing his eyes the Sith Lord went back to his meditations as he focused on the fighters and sharpening their senses and reaction time. It was only the difference of seconds, but from what he'd been told seconds were all that mattered in a dogfight. This drawn out fight though made him wonder over the various jumps they'd seen so far. With all the small pieces something could have already slipped through and if they did none of this would matter. "Admiral, what is the status of the obelisk? I can feel the ticking of seconds through the Force and time is not on our side."

Star Destroyers:
1x SD-9s "Khan" Class Sith Star Destroyer - Asha
(2x deployed, no losses)​
(2x deployed, no losses)​
Fury and Firestorm
(4 deployed, no losses)​
Thunder // Passion's Rise // Dragon // Gauntlet


Post: 02​
Equipment: Lightsaber

Taiia walked through the freshly fallen snow into the center of the Ysanna camp, there she sat down near the fire with many of the tribe's people, several members of the Silver Jedi as well as her fellow confederate Maja Fiore. The redhead took a sip of the hot cafe in her hand as she looked around. The visit to Ossus had been a busy few days, from meeting with the Silvers and exploring some of the older ruins that dotted the surface of the planet to a brief tour of the temple itself. Not to diminish the other activities but the highlight so far was meeting the Ysanna.​
Taiia waited as Maja spoke to the Ysanna, in the following moments the camp was a flurry activity followed by Maja bolting out of the camp at a sprint, the redhead simply grinned and followed suit. Taiia drew her lightsaber and decoupled the staff taking a hilt into each hand she called over to Maja.​
“When we get there, we hit their rear guard and break through their lines. Cause as much havoc as we can safely then get to the temple.” It was a simple enough plan, subtlety was not the objective here rather drawing as much attention to their arrival as possible and giving the Silvers time to regroup.​
The Knight and Obsidian Lord had not been gone long but through the force had already covered considerable ground, Taiia however came to a stop when she heard the heavy beat of footfalls in the snow followed by the shrill cry of the Kirruk. A small smile formed on her lips as the thundering sounds slowed and several Ysanna warriors crested a hill on their Kirruk mounts leading two extra in tow. “Maja, looks like we will be going in style”
Taiia walked toward one of the Warriors who simply pointed at one of the mounts and nodded, he didn’t bother speaking because he knew Taiia didn’t understand as well but he looked to Maja so she could translate. “We will join you. We would be poor hosts if you fought for our home while we ran. Come, as fast as you are the Kirruk is faster.”
Taiia walked up to one of the beasts and placed a hand gently on its broad head, they were not terribly intelligent but in a way could be gentle, she had always formed easy connections with all manner of beasts and here it was no different. The Kirruk lowered its head and Taiia climbed upon its back looking to Maja, as soon as she was situated they would be off and the battle would begin.​

Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective III.: Corruption
Location: Sith Eternal’s ship
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
As Dis heard the woman's telepathic voice in their mind, the Shadowcat conveyed joy and happiness to Sakadi. They were glad the woman was able to answer, and her “voice” was kind and warm. And they already knew her name.

~ Dis of Greystone, or Dis the Shadowcat. ~

They introduced themselves as a Greystone co-worker, so that name was also accurate and the other Shadowcat was the one they chose. They hoped the name Dis would not be a negative, since it was in ur-Kittât and meant a cat. But that didn't make Dis a Darksider! They were neutral and still very student. At the woman's words, tilted their head to the side and looked at Sakadi.

~ Didn’t you think that when you attacked the planet the last time? When millions of the other party suffered from the Light side and you killed thousands? ~ they stated; there was no resentment in their voice, only some incomprehension and curiosity, they also conveyed these feelings. The Shadowcat was mostly like a child.

Human behaviour was still a mystery to them and therefore may have seemed childish or naive. With dead things like artefacts, relics they prospered much better, or with animals. Dis thought about the question for a few moments.

~ But then you don't hurt them either, I don't like war. If you can solve this so that no one dies and it is good for everyone, I will help. I don't want anyone to die… ~ they sent sincerely and conveyed sincerity to Sakadi.


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