Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Perfect Storm

Orion shifted his feet as he moved to the side of her, avoiding another bolt that singed the ground. He was saving his energy for future strikes. The Queen seemed to be focusing on deep thoughts, her need to harness such power came as no surprise to him. Instead, he was encouraging as she fixed herself and tried to fire off another rod of lightning through the air. This time she would succeed.​
He watched closely as she loosened her shoulders and gathered enough power to seep through her fingers. She stiffened slightly, a sign that came with any first timer before letting go of the hate she felt. Like a burst of wind, the dark influence within her struck him. His eyes widened, the lush green jewels studying her as the Queen let loose.​
The small tendril of heat that escaped her nimble finger excited him, the bolt attacking the stone pillar from afar with ease. it was a success, but she had much more to learn.​
"Excellent, now try dispersing all of what you just felt, into every finger. One bolt won't last long on a competent opponent, in case you didn't know."
Orion smiled, his sarcasm hinting at her lowly advancement in such an art. It took him months to create what he had, still even now it was sometimes taxing for him. He was no master, but he could bend such forces to his will when it mattered. The Queen of Commenor would have to do the same, if and only if, she had the will to do it.​
The rain continued its onslaught on the valley, but even with the chill in his bones he continued to protect her, his arm laggardly hanging high as the storm brewed above.​

[member="Lady Kay"]​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked as [member="Orion Darkstar"] commented on the fact that she let loose Force lightning through a mere finger. In truth she was quite shocked that she had managed to do it in the first place. But she took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she returned her focus to her Master. The things that he had done to her while he held her in captivity were deplorable. He kept her in a perpetual weakened state, giving her no ability to protect herself, and only to prove that she was worthless. But she wasn't worthless...The amount of people that rallied to her cause was proof of that.

She glared at the stone pillar, picturing her Master standing there and let her anger and hate build through the Force like fire within. Once it became overwhelming, she let it all out through her fingertips. The arc of electricity exploded out of her, hitting the pillar and wrapping itself around it as it attacked the stone surface. It soon ended and Kay found herself to be quite spent by it. Her breaths were heavy as she lowered her hand.

"I did it....I....I did it " Now the cold was starting to set in more, the chill reaching to her bones. "Thank you.."
Like a blast of pure anger, [member="Lady Kay"] had succeed in her first steps to a unrivaled power. The wash of emotion that radiated from her was palpable, almost living in the air as the rain began to let up. The storm subsided with a low growl, but the darkness it provided lingered above. The sudden chill that struck Orion surprised him. The temperature must have fallen speedily as he took interest in the Queen of Commoner. In such a small amount of time, Orion could tell why others were willing to risk their lives for such a gifted world.

What was more exceptional was its leader, the Queen, she was a vigilant woman. A leader residing on a neutral trade route had to be. Except, Orion was no dummy, the Kay before him was a changed person. Her emotions were too strong to not ask.

"That hate, I'm curious what rose you to the occasion. I've seen students before you fail far more than you. I'd even gauge your talent far beyond my own at the moment. Not that I couldn't handle the situation if it presented itself, respectfully speaking of course. So what or who gave you such anger?"

Had he known the things she'd gone through he would have asked at a later time. She had been scared, but being scared seemed far less concerning than a lost sith, in the ranks of the order. He needed a new guide to lead him to his goals.

The Queen of Commenor was not it. In fact, she was more than that. Her vengeful heart would lead her to the core of what a sith could achieve and with an entire planet on her side, anything was possible.

"The power you just used can be draining, to attain proficiency with it you must acclimate yourself to who you are. It's what we hide deep within that allows us to use the elements of destruction against our enemies."

Orion cracked his knuckles as he arms fell to his side, sure that another bolt would aim for them. Taking a deep breath he tucked his hands into his long, black cloak. The warmth of the pockets embraced his pale, wet hands. Soaked and cold he looked the queen over, she needed to get dry. Hypothermia was now an issue, for both of them.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay rubbed her arms and then tucked her hands in by her armpits to get them warm again. "I have a transport waiting at the edge of the valley. We can head back to the Palace to warm up."

For the moment as she began walking, she ignored [member="Orion Darkstar"] 's questions on where her anger came from and who it was directed at. It was dangerous to speak of it to too many epople. Yet since her return she's hardly talked to anyone about anything personal. Kay just worked at dealing with it all by herself. She was the only person that she could rely on, afterall.

Partway through the valley, she decided to break the silence. "My anger comes from my Master. Though I don't expect to be coddled, he didn't treat me well. He abandoned me, among other things." That was only part of it of course.
Everyone had them, at least in some form or way. Orion had a multitude of skeletons in his own closet. It wasn't odd to have a unhealthy hate for a master that twisted a stable woman into a ice cold Queen. Such was the way of the sith, the darkside was a fickle mistress, one that forced many of its practitioners to sacrifice and devote themselves to the cause.​
The Queen of Commenor was already making sacrifices on her own. The seed had been planted and Orion's own judgement brought him a spectacle among spectacles. Under a perfect storm he unlocked the flawless storm inside another, better yet, a Queen.​
"I have a transport waiting at the edge of the valley. We can head back to the Palace to warm up."
The chilling cold was exceptionally deadly at this point, The low grumble of the clouds overhead still taunted for another round of of lightning that would color the sky vibrant. Her offer was enticing, but imposing on royalty was rude. However, the weather wasn't going to let up and body lightly shook from the sustained chill in his bones.​
"It seems like I'll be taking that offer." Orion said, shifting his eyes over to the edge of the valley.​
"My anger comes from my Master. Though I don't expect to be coddled, he didn't treat me well. He abandoned me, among other things."
"I see...even with your title you have to earn the respect of my fellow sith. It's never-ending. The constant struggle to adapt and please such a unnatural gift from the force. Your hate will guide you well, but known that it can also become your crutch. For me, I allowed my father to keep me from surpassing his great legacy, forced to live in his shadow. I was no sith then, but now..." Orion clenched his teeth just thinking about it.​
"I will leave him behind, in this galaxy not even blood should keep you chained down. In your regard, I'd say be careful thinking Commenor is all you have...the darkside can provide even those like you with far more."
Orion looked at her with a light smile. His pale face showed kindness and truth. Orion's words were simply that, the truth. Jedi had come to think all sith lost their ability to show such acts, but once again they too, were wrong.​
"Shall we to your transport?"
[member="Lady Kay"]​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Did she even want the respect of the other Sith? What did it even matter? It wasn't as though she was a part of any of their plans. Perhaps her Master had something in mind when he took her, but that was all gone now. Commenor was not important in the grand scheme of things and neither was she. Instead of seeing that as a bad thing, she took it as giving her freedom from being someone's puppet.

To [member="Orion Darkstar"] 's comment on there being more for her than Commenor, she shrugged her shoulders a bit. "Perhaps there is more for me. Perhaps I'll leave Commenor to a successor in time. But for now I'm happy with what I have. It's better to work in the shadows than in the spotlight. It gives me the freedom to extend my reach under everyone's noses." And extending that reach, she has.

To his request on heading to her transport she obliged. "Yes lets." Kay took the lead, her eyes ocassionally drifting to the sky, ever watchful for stray bolts. "I'll have a fire drawn up and a proper meal prepared. It's the least that I could do."

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