Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Pit | DE Dominion of Yinchorr


He failed to take possession of Hazon’s sword with the leather grip yanked away from him and a kick planting into his face. The right hemisphere of his face was bruised, the bones of his nose fractured with blood dripping out endlessly, and even a cut above his eyebrow.

It would seem all was lost for the Kage Warrior.

But there was still hope for him. The vibroknife sheathed at his side. It would not compensate in swordplay, but there was a trick he would use. It was risky and would cost him everything if it failed.

The knife was unsheathed and then, as he had trained to hone all aspects of his skills, he threw it at Hazon. His hope was the blade to penetrate Hazon’s armor and have it impale his trachea.
Dice Rolls
1. 9
2. 14
3. 17
4. 7
5. 9

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