Location: In orbit, approaching Cinnegar Streets
Objective: Aide brother in outnumbered fight
Allies: Nolan Detta, [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Kad Tor"] Mandalorians
Enemies: Luminara Rikanati,
Darth Vidar, Sith
Throughout the battle, Kable's duties as a Ralley Master had kept him in orbit at the command table. But once the call for back-up came over his private frequency reserved for his family, he excused himself from the bridge and rushed to the hanger where he fired up a light fighter. His jetpack wouldn't allow him to fit in the pilot seat, so he stowed it in the small cargo compartment screamed out of the hanger and throttled his way planet-side.
He plotted a course which would get him to his family the quickest, but that meant he had to punch right through the Force storm. Now normally, a smart person would try to go around the storm, but Kable, while he isn't dumb, is a Detta, and recklessness tends to be running trait in the family.
He open the private frequency to his family
<This is Kable, I'm coming>
He punched the throttle all the way forward and rocketed into the black clouds.
Once the ship hit the clouds, the sensors went haywire and the ship rocked violently. Kable wasn't sure if he was on course or not, but he remained a firm grasp on the yoke.
Kable wasn't sure if it was seconds or minutes, but everything stopped in an eerie calm. The good news was he punched through the storm, the bad news, his engines were destroyed and the ship began it's free fall.
Kable released the jettison lever to launch himself out of the wreckage. The pilots chair had a built in repulsors, so he should be able to make it to ground safely. But nothing happened!
He yanked on the lever again, and still he remained strapped to the wreckage as it plummeted to the surface.
He quickly began to release his restraints and manage to free himself from the chair. Then he did the only he could do. He jumped out of the ship..
He was free falling surrounded by debris. Well, this wasn't how he hoped everything would go. His thoughts began to turn to his family. Then he angrily shook his head. It wasn't his time yet, he wasn't about to give up yet.
Yes, the stubborn Detta seemed to think there was a way out of this predicament. But that was the Detta way!
He looked around at the falling debris, which now included himself, when a glint caught his eye. Light had reflected of a metal surface. A familier metal surface. It was his jetpack! He couldn't help but grin to himself. Clumsily he guided himself to the falling lifeline and grabbed the jetpack and hurriedly began to strap it on.
Unbeknownst to Kable, during the turmoil of the storm, he had somehow managed to stay on course, so his beloved family below could easily see the turmoil overhead. But at the moment, Kable was preoccupied with his jetpack.
The pack was finally strapped securely on his back, but he was just under 1000ft from impact.
He oriented himself so that his feet were pointed at the ground and activated the jets at full power. His decent slowed, slowly as the ground continued to rush up and meet him. Gradually his decent slowed to a survivable pace and his feet touched down on the surface.
Relief swept over him. He was just about to let out a triumphant whoop!, when he looked up and saw his wife standing right before him. Mandalorian armor had a knack for hiding ones facial expression. But her body language more than showed that Kable was in the dog house.
He shrugged, he was already in trouble, might as well enjoy what he could. He spoke through family shared frequency.
<Detta on Board>